Whatever may be the operation cf the new Cl'llHEXT NOTE AND COMMENT. (Dingley) tariff, the restoration of confidence brought about by its passage put into operation Maryland has given a repul■ ' an millions of dollars which had heretofore been majority in three successive elec­ r. H. BAHNHAHT, Editor Ac Propr I lying idle, and that gave employment to hun­ Pal pita tion — Weak - Uncon dreds of thousands of hands. * * •—Reporter. tions. The solid south is broken be­ J. G. ECK31AN, Asociale Editor. scious at Times —Sleepless- Let us inquire into the truthfulness of the yond mending. Asthma —Kidney Troubles above unwarranted statement by examining China app<’als to the czar for pro­ the last official report of Comptroller Eckels. Subscription $1.00 Per Year. Fifteen of Chicago’s national banks show d - tection from German aggression. A Recovery Would Seem Like a Miracle posits amounting to >140,000,000 and loans and combination between Russia and Yet Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cured discounts aggregating only >32,000,000, au excess China would include more than a “I had been in very poor health for of deposits of >58,000,000. A year ago these same ADVERTISING RATES. several years, and two Bummers I was so third of the earth's inhabitants. . J banks had deposits of only >¿7,000,000, while Reading notices in local columns io cent m per weak I was obliged to lie in bed 3 months line for first week and a cents per line tbeieaftvr i their Ioans and discounts were |«jt»,OuO,OOO, leav- Some of the papers argue tlr.it the Display advertisements, annual rate on'- iwh ; j Ing un excess oi only >21,000,000. It will be at a time. 1 was al! run down, had per month 91; each additional inch 5U Cents p * t plainly seen that there is, at this time, >37,006,’ populist party is dead because it I month. Unconscious Spells Obituary and marriage notices n<»t exceedP-g : 000 more money in hiding in these few banks counts for little in the election re lasting for an hour at a time, 10 lines published free, if furnished in tin.'- to ' than there was a year ago. Thus it is seen that be current news. Additional mailer lu Cent* ¡*r the statement of The Reporter is not supported turns of the year. The populists re- doctors thought the trouble came from line. by the facts. It is nothing but a pleasure to us, join that they have converted the my heart. 1 used to say that if I could in the fulfillment of our duty to the people, to- democratic party and that answers only be up around, I should be so thank­ be so often called to correct statements, mads ful, and that it would seem like a miracle FRIDAY, DEC. 3, 1897, through either vicious falsehood,or inexcusable their purpose. if J should be well. The neighbors all ignorance of the facts.—North Yamhill Record. President Eliot of Harvard, talk­ know of the poor health 1 bad been in, Yamhill ¿County Reporter Eat Good Things in Winter and grow fat. Pure food is obtainable if you seek it. We have mt st any­ thing you like, and probably so nethat you don’t. But you can buy want you want and reject the rest. Now there’s !> k I/ v L c wOil D11CKS« « Some people wouldn’t be without them. others wouldn’t be outside’eui. Mfinlp Qumo Everybody like» It. We keep It in bulk und can». «JJ.yl4.IJ7 Also excellent Paragon Honey Syrup. IV th fine for ttapjaeks, whether uiade of Buckwheat, Com, Flour, or by Aunt Jemima. Appetizing Chow Chow. The editor of the Record is a very ing about football says: "Everybody and how much hotter I am now. I bad tasted. Known to be pure und wholesome. smart man. He very plainly says so cannot play football. It is only the! asthma for many years, aud some nights WllpiSfjnP The new mush product, Leading the van. Everybody Could Not Sleep himself, and doubtless if the eye of strong and well-built man who can | VT »vaiiiiv« buys it because It's good. It must be good. Competition ! Comptroller Eckles should fall upon expect to play the game with any de- ! my breathing was attended with so much makes it so. difficulty. Sometimes I would have to the foregoing bright comment, he gree of success. Therefore 1 do not sit bolt upright in bed. As my general would summon the Record man to a faver football for everybody. It is, health grew poorer, my asthma grew clerkship—either that or he would of course, h valuable exercise to worse. I had kidney and other troubles - Tillamook Cheese. enjoy a hearty laugh. those who, as I say, are able to and seemed to be generally ‘out of sorts.’ I heard so much of Hood’s Sarsaparilla : The statement made by The Re­ play it.” Big Alealy Potatoes. that 1 decided to try it, and I experienced porter is one of fact, patent to every Best Moca and Java Coffee on Earth. A trial convinces. The government has just giv- great benefit from it. 1 have recom­ intelligent and fair-minded person. '■ en an order for 50 ten-inch disap- I mended it to many people, and I cannot The figures given by the Record sim­ say too much in praise of Hood’s Sarsa­ : We are making a special run on our Queens- pearing guns and 10 twelve-inch parilla. I have not been in bed for over ply illustrate and corroborate it. ware to clear the space for the approaching holiday = mortars, and has enjoined haste. a year on account of illness.” M bs . S. They show that the deposits in these trade. Have you investigated the prices? This may be taken as an indication W atson , 432 S. Columbia St., Warsaw, Ind. banks have increased $53,000,000, that the president does not purpose over 60 per cent in the past year, Yours to please, that the country shall be caught and their loans and discounts $166,- nappingin ease that Spain proves 000,000. A vital mistake is made in Is the best — in fact the One True Blood Puri­ intractable on the Cuban question. fier. Sold by all druggists. Get only Hood’s. I considering the excess of deposits as Within the past twenty years, ac­ Hnnd’s Pille îuJe llver ln,; Msy ,0 money in hiding, whereas, it is mon­ cording to Mulhall, the population of ilOOU S i 1I1S take, easy to operate. 25c. ey that has been brought out of hid­ ing by the increased volume of busi­ the United States has risen from 45, Elcenses In Marry. ness being transacted .throughout 000,000 to 71,000,000 souls an i ii- Nov. 26tli—W. P. Fraser, of Lafayette, the country. People engaged in bus­ crease of 78 per cent, In the same 37, and A. L. Martin, 27, of McMinn­ iness do not deposit their money in time the value of our exports has ville. $ stockings or iron chests, but place it risen 175 per cent—that is, three Nov. 29th—Henry C. l’attv, of Amity, in banks, where it is kept in active times as fast as the population. And 29, and Marian Sully, 28, of McMinnville- circulation by the system of checks still the democratic party howls that Will carry the celebrated Gotzian Boots and Shoes for Don’t fail to attend Kay & Todd’s auc­ and drafts. It sometimes occurs dur­ the markets of the world are closed tion sales. winter wear. Goodyear Rubbers and Boots, Mackin- fcj toshes and Umbrellas. ing periods of stringency that the to us because of the protective tariff. circulation of the country becomes To Cure a Cold in One II»)’ congested at the financial centers, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. notably New York, and certain re­ All druggists refund the money if it fails serve banks show large excess of de­ to cure. 25c. For sale by Rogers Bros. posits that are virtually idle money, Heal E»ta«e Tr»n»ten. but there is acorrespondingdecrease Week ending Dec. 1. in the aggregate of bank deposits. Alanson Savage to W W McDonald That such is not the case at the pres­ 380.42 a pt Jas Green d 1 ct 3 r 3$ perch. ent time is demonstrated by the Jens Hansen to J P Johnson et ux Canton Clipper Plows November report of the comptroller 6J4 a pt J as Morris dlct3 r 2 T he Rev. Thomas Boyd of Port­ just received. This report shows Chas Smith to Mary E Smith 50 a No matter Superior Drills and Seeders how much of land in his Thanksgiving sermon that on December 17th, 1896, the t5 r 3......................... a business wo­ man a woman made some allusions to the rotten­ 3661 national banks had individual Chas Smith et ux to S C Ford 90.05 Right Lap Cultivator and Seed may be, when ness of the city government, and in deposits aggregating $1.639,688,397. a pt D B Matheny d 1 c t 5 r 3 the little love­ er god makes up the course of his remarks said: “It October 5th, 1897, only 3610 banks Emil Jensen to Ola C Mortenson his mind to Mitchell Wagons is not a question of gold standard or were carrying deposits amounting to 88.26 a I C Cowger d 1 c t 2 r 3 . . shoot, there is no protection silver standard, but a question as to $1,853,349,128, an increase of $213,- Ola C Mortenson to Emil Jensen against his arrow. Yet t man; many a young woman 1000 whose affections are L.. 60.26 a pt Cowger die __ 1, engaged, ________ hesi- ___ already whether we have a population of 16 660,735. The loans and discounts on tates to assume the obligations of wifehood gamblers and harlots and one honest the same dates were respectively: Emil Jensen to Lyman A Brisbine and motherhood, because she feels unfitted A 16-inch Plow for $14. 1 a and 112 rods pt Cowger d 1 c for them by some physical weakness or pure youth.” Doubtless the good par Dec. 17th, 1896, $1,883,407,457; Oct. disease. C D Hoskins et ux to C E New­ so.i intended to administer his rebuke 5th, 1897, $2,051,009,438—an increase house 12-100 a pt S Heater d 1 c The special ailments to which the femi­ nine organism is liable, not only unfit a wo­ in non-partisan doses, but the great of $167,601,981. National banks are Air-Tight Heaters, $3.50 and up. man for happy wifehood and motherhood, t 3 r . ............................................ but incapacitate her for any sphere of action. humbug, Pennoyer, who presides not permitted to loan over 85 per J 1’ Beeler to Alice R Beeler lots 3 No woman can discharge tne daily duties of over the destinies of the municipali­ cent of their deposits, and very few and 4 blk 1 Morgan's add to any position with comfort or satisfaction Have you seen the Newest Thing who is constantly weighed down by head­ ty and is something of a silver crank, if any aim to reach that limit, though Sheridan....................................... aches. backaches and dragging, weakening in Stove Mats? We have them. wrote one of his characteristic let­ the increase of loans and discounts J P Beeler to Alice R Beeler 231 a drains. Troubles of this nature are not by any pt C Richardson d 1 c. ters to the parson and had it pub­ in the past ten months has borne means a necessity of womanhood. They are positively and completely cured by Dr. lished in the newspapers. In it he nearly that ratio to the increase of Fred Matthies et ux to J R Booth Pierce ’s Favorite Prescription. It imparts la int in lot 2 and n hf Its 5 and said: “History is repeating itself. In deposits. genuine health and strength to the womanly 6 blk 3 orig town McM .............. • organs. It was devised for this one purpose the time of Elijah there were 450 - ------- O. O. HODSON by an eminent specialist in this particular B F Fuller et ux to Rowland Smith prophets in Israel, and everj’ one field of practice. T he fifteen republican majority in pt Its 7 and 8 blk 21 Newby’s add " For several years I suffered with prolapsus of was a prophet of Baal. Now, nearly the Ohio legislature on joint ballot 275 the uterus,” writes Miss A I.ee Schuster, of Box to McM ..................................... la. Rodney. Jefferson Co.. Miss. "Our family a'l the professed ministers of God which the revised count reveals W G Davis et ux to B F Sparks physician treated tue for kidney trouble, and ev­ erything else but the right thing. I grew worse are worshippers of the gold stan­ shows that the Buckeye state did l(,5l._. a pt G W Roberts d 1 e t 4 and worse. My body was emaciated, hands aud All kinds of Fine, kinds of batches, Clocks D. A. SMITH’S All and dard, and their efforts to effect a re­ well in the recent canvass. It was r 4..................................... 4000 teet clammy and cold, stomach weak, with great palpitation ol the heart. I dreaded lor night to Jewelry for sale at Difficult and —NEW— ligious and moral regeneration of the in the contest for the legislature that Union lodge No 43 F and A M to come foi 1 would suffer with nausea all night and hard times prices. old Watches re­ so I continued until some kind unknown friend B F Sparks lot 190 Masonic cem­ people, while they are laboring at McLean put in his most skillful sent me your book with a marked page. I began your ‘Favorite Prescription,' contraiy to paired and made 4 taking the same time for their moral degra­ work. Every republican was confi­ etery ........................................... my family's wishes, and I began to improve right to run as good away I have taken three bottles ana now I am dation and physical slavery, will be dent that his party would have a Baptist college to Anna Matthies very nearly well and am very happy, and thank­ as new at 1 ful to you •’ next door to postoffice . as impotent as were the prayer# of long lead on governor, but no repub­ pt lot 22 college add to McM Huai's prophets to bring down the lican supposed that the majority in fire of heaven to consume the bul­ the legislature would bo as great as fr^ locks which they had laid upon the it is now known to be. Taking into altar.” The mayor of Portland makes the account the rascality in many an important admission that was shapes which the republicans had to stoutly denied by the Brvanites dur combat, and keeping in mind the ing the last November campaign, tendency of the party vote in that viz., thut about nine-tenths of the state to shrink in the year immedi­ miuistersof the gospel in the north­ ately succeeding a presidential elec­ ern states, and with them the bulk tion in which the republicans were of the Christian people, ure upholders victorious, the victory of 1897 is seen In addition to these Corsets, just received direct from New York new Dress of republicanism und the gold stun to be one of the most notable in dard. The people of Oregon have Ohio's history.—fllobe -Democrat. Goods, Trimmings and Linings, Hosiery, Underwear, Mackintoshes, Umbrellas uotions of their own us to who are Etc. T he final analysis of the vote in the local prophets of Baal aud who From Chicago—New Capes and Jackets. Kansas shows conclusively that it I a< is old Baal himself. returned to the republican fold once From Michigan—Twenty Dozen of the Famous Kalamazoo Pants. The more after a long spell of devious T hi report of Hon Benton Killin manufacturer's written guarantee is in the pocket of every pair, and it’s well wandering. In 1886 the state elected of Portland, U. S. cotnmisatoner, known that Apperson makes everything good just as he advertises it. He never a democratic governor, but at the who was sent to Alaska to investi­ overcharges or allows any misrepresentations of goods he sells. next presidential election gave the gate the agricultural resources of phenomenal republican -majority oi the coast region and ascertain wheth­ 82,000. She is getting lea'y to A WORD ON CORSETS. er it was udvisable to establish an eclipse that record in 1900. Though From Portland—New supplies of Groceries and agricultural experiment station, has You will find at our Corset De­ defeated last year by a plurality of other goods every week. been published. It is adverse to partment a representative line of 13,166, the Kausas republicans this such a project. The investigation the justly celebrated appears to have been thorough and fall carried the state by a plurality ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS. intelligently pursued, aud the report of over 9000. Thirty-three countie have changed from a fusion to a re- It would be folly for us to attempt abounds in interesting facts concern­ fiublican majority, and the repub- to put in print all that might be ing that part of I’ncie Sain's domain. Ican gains are general, footing up To close out some lines of our present Hat and said in favor of these goods. The conclusion reached from reading Shoe stock. On these special lines we will abso­ the report is that fishing, lumbering over 22,000. One trial will convince any lady lutely cut prices in twain. This cut is not on all and mining are the great native re­ that they possess merits not found hats or shoes we have in stock, but only on special sources, which will in time support in the ordinary stock corset. I Styled Durability^ Fit lines. We aim to give bargains in all lines. a hardy civilization of considerable Prices ranging from $L00 up­ All that their nunc implies. magnitude, from whom the nation wards. will draw seamen for the merchant Restore full, regular aetlon ■ ■ ■ the bowels, do not Irri- all marine and navy, but agriculture of Ute or Inflame, but leave HIS will be a matter of subsidiary inter­ all the Sellcete dlgeetw» or ■ ■ ■ ■ eenism la perfect roaZlttoa Try them * .ruts. est. F T ips rH oaly U I Move A Uw, Lewelk Mi»« Ol’R good populist friend of Tilla­ mook, P. W. Todd, sends us two sil­ ver certificates of the denomination of one dollar, with the joking remark that “this is populist money, and you may not be able to use it out there.” Prince, you are entirely “off iu the claim that this is populist money. If it were, there is no ques­ tion but your apprehension would be well grounded. These certificates state on their face that “There has been deposited in the treasury of the United States one silver dol­ lar, payable to the bearer on de­ mand.” They are not money at all, but we can use them out here in this neck of woods, because the na­ tional faith is behind the 412} grains of silver they represent, which the government lias stamped as a silver dollar and paid out to its dependents, employes and creditors as good mon­ ey. True populist money is fiat money. We have never seen any, but from what we are able to gather from populist orators and writers, t would be simply a piece of paper printed across the face “This is a dollar by authority of law,” and then there might be printed on the back a statement of penalties for refusing tofgive a bushel of wheat in ex­ change or accept it in payment for a bushel of wheat already owed. That kind of money would make the American eagle come [down off his I J 3 HOOd’S barilla Wallace & Walker | Che JVew Shoe Store^^- g Jemelry Store * * * Apperson is Aluiays on Top 1 Opening Up New Goods ROYAL W orcester CORSETS SPECIAL DRIVE Hood’s A. J. ÄPPERS0N, McMinnville $