The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, December 03, 1897, Image 1

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Entered at the Poetoffirein McMinnville»
as Second-class» matter.
H. Holuies shipped his first earload of
onions to Dayton last Monday.
G. F. Smith has closed out his stock of
confectiouery and quit the business.
The weather clerk has certainly l>een
absent for the last month and left some
greenhorn in charge.
A carload of fine blooded stock, sheep
and hogs, passed through here the other
day enroute from North Dakota to Sher­
D. A. Brown, an old resident of White-
son, has moved to Mr. A. Albecker’s to
keep house for him and work on the farm
this winter.
W. G, Robbins took the early train for
Portland last Monday. He will probably
remain several days looking after the
•interests of the Vitae Medicine Co.
Married at the residence of the bride’s
parents, Oct. 25th,by Arthur Mcl’hillips,
justice of the peace, Mr. F. M. Glover
and Jennie N. Mills, both of Yamhill
The piledriver crew came up from
Newberg last Monday and remained over
night, leaving Tuesday morning for
Dallas. In loading at Newberg, a man
got his foot caught under a heavy tim­
ber, completely crushing it.
In Uislrict No. S.
Miss Lizzie Hartman came home to
vpeml Thanksgiving with her parents.
Ralph Shelly of Tillamook is visiting
friends and relatives in this neighbor­
A deer was seen last week in this dis­
trict by Mr. Wheeler and also by Claude
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler are very proud
of their new son, who made his arrival
on the loth of Nov.
Mrs. Quinn received word that her son
Mark is lying dangerously low with ty­
phoid fever in a San Francisco hospital.
The young folks of No. 8 surprised Jess
Henderson on the evening of the 2titli, it
being his 21st birthday. All report
having a splendid time.
Our teacher Mr. Campbell finding it
too far to come from his home at North
Yamhill is “batching it” part of the time
at the old Henderson house.
T. D. Henderson has been confined to
ids bed the past few days with neuralgia
and stomach trouble, but we understand
be is improving some at present.
A small band of sheep belonging to J.
N. Wisecarver has mysteriously disap­
peared from his field, and no trace has
been found of them up to the present
Dwight Carlin has a novel way of de­
livering Thanksgiving turkeys.
team broke loose and started on their
own account, Dwight following in the
rear and delivering the turkeys to his
customers, as though nothing had hap­
foluiubui School Solei.
There were several new scholars Mon­
Prof, was writing down demerits pretty
fast, Wednesday.
Several changes in seats in a certain
grade the other day.
We noticed Directors Hunsaker and
Nelson at school Monday.
Our football team hasn’t won any
games yet. What’s the matter, boys?
Miss Pike was visiting at the high
school Wednesday, the guest of the
Mieses Baxter.
Elsie and Maud Hobbs entertained in
their pleasant way, a number of their
friends Saturday evening.
Prof. Reynolds announced to the high
school u few days ago, that school would
continue in session until 4 o’clock, after
this month.
The high school began reading their
3rd month compositions Wednesday
morning. They show a remarkable de­
gree of development in this line of work.
The Progress Literary society was re­
organized last Friday evening with the
following officers for the coming term :
Colon Eberhard, president; Mabel Neal,
vice-president; Louisa Maloney, secre­
tary; Dell Warren, treasurer; Glen
Henderson, marshal. All members of
the Sth, 9th and 10th grades are eligible
to membership. The society allows only
members to attend. The indications are
that the society will be a better one than
last yeat’s.
Dedicution oi the
Mr. and Mrs. A. Craft of Mount Tabor
ate turkey'with H. D. Fox on Thursday.
Mr. O. Mortenson and wife from Sher­
man county are greeting old friends in
the valley.
Last week C. G. Christenson and fam­
ily of Wheatland visited among their rel­
atives in and near town.
Mr. Walter Chance and wife and Miss
Belle Chance of Albany were guests of C.
E. Smith a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Frizzell gave a de­
lightful whist party on Thanksgiving
night to a dozen couples. Dainty re­
freshments were served at the close of
the game.
The concert given on Thanksgiving
night by the ladies of the M. E. church
was a decided success. Oysters were
served at the close of the program, and
altogether over twenty dollars were
Thanksgiving services were held in the
Baptist and M. E. churches and were
well attended. In the afternoon a game
of football by home teams was witnessed
bj' a large crowd.
tl. E. t'lmrcli.
The dedication of the new and beautiful
Methodist Episcopal church of McMinn­
ville will take place on December 19th,
the third Sabbath of this month. A pre­
liminary or preparatory service of one
week will liegin in the new church Dec.
12th, with preaching at 11 o’clock a. m.,
and a similar service at 7:30 p. in. of the
same day. Dr. W. H. Iliff of Portlaud is
expected to preach morning and evening
of the first Sabbath, which will be Dec.
12th. On Monday evening, the 13th, a
different preacher will officiate, and so on
with a different preacher for each even­
ing of the week until Sabbath, the 19th,
which will be the day of dedication. Dr.
Walter of Portland Centenary M. E.
church will preach one evening during
the week and Rev. J. T. Abbett another
evening. A completed program will be
furnished next week.
D. T. S ummerville .
Card ot Thanks.
We desire, through these columns, to
express our sincere thanks for the many
kind acts, the tender sympathy and the
assistance given us in the bereavement
caused by the death of our dear wife and
How to Prevent Pneumonia
J ohn K ingery ,
At this time of year a cold is very easi­
M r . and M rs . J. E. N oll .
ly contracted, and if left to run its course
Cook School Noir«.
without the aid of some reliable cough
medicine is liable to result in that, dread
The Thanksgiving donations were sent
disease, pneumonia. We know of no to the Portland Hospital.
better remedy to cure a cough or cold
Willie Eberhard visited with relatives
Chan Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We near Butteville during thanksgiving va­
have used it quite extensively and it has cation.
always given entire satisfaction.—Olagah,
The written review for the third month
Ind. Ter., Chief.
comes again next week.
This is the only remedy that is known
Several prizes will be given to the
to be a certain preventive of pneumonia. pupils who write the best original compo­
Among many thousands who have used sition within the month of February. A
it for colds and la grippe, we have never committee will judge of the merits of the
yet learned of a single case having re­ production and make the award.
sulted in pneumonia. Persons who have
weak lungs or have reason to fear an at­ Don’t be persuaded into buying lini­
tack of pneumonia, should keep the rem­ ments without reputation or merit—
edy at hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizes Chamberlain’s Pain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by a test
for sale by S. Howorth & Co.
of many years. Such letters as the fol­
Why suffer with coughs, colds and la- lowing, from L. G. Bagley, llueneme,
grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine Cal,, are constantly being received:
The R eporter and Weekly Oregonian will cure you in one day. Does not pro­ “The best remedy for pain I have ever
one year for $2, strictly in advance.
duce the ringing in the head like sul­ used is Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and I
phate of quinine. Put up in tablets con­ say so after having used it in my family
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure for several years.” It cures rheumatism,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents. For lame back, sprains and swellings. For
sale by S. Howorth & Co.
sale by Rogers Bros.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents.
NO. 50.
Au Alu«kai> Letter.
C. W. Watts of Albany, who is well
known to many persons here, writes
irom Skaguay under date of Nov, 24th.
We copy from the Herald of the 39th :
A letter received yesterday by Mrs. C.
W. Watts from her husband at Juneau,
Alaska, states that he reached that place
safely and had made a trip to Skaguay,
100 miles distant, and had returned to
Juneau. The ice had so encroached up­
on the northern waters that the vessel
waB unable to reach Dyea.
Mr. Watts writes that he may return
home by Christmas, but will return in
February with the intention of going into
the mines. He says a rich Btrike has
been made only a few miles distant from
In his letter he says:
This forenoon 27 miners came in di­
rect from Dawson City. They were 57
days coming out. They brought 100
pounds of gold dust and nuggets and ex­
change, no one knows how much. But
one gentleman here saw as much as
$250,000. They ran out of sugar and rice
and once, reaching a place where some
was stored, they paid for each at the rate
of one dollar a tea cup. One of these
men was the noted “Swift Water Bill,”
the man who won much notoriety re­
cently by playing so recklessly at faro. A
day or so before leaving there he lost
$2000 shooting crape. He would allow
no one there to wear diamonds, but
bought them all up. He is covered with
them—beauties, too. Just before leav­
ing there two men on his claim in 14
hours digging took out 512 ounces of gold
amounting to $8192. On the boat com­
ing down from Skaguay to Juneau he
and another miner amused themselves
pitching $20 nuggets at a crack in the
carpet, showing off of course, but he said
“what of it, I have got more money than
I know how to spend.” lie returns in
With this party also came the mana­
ger of the company that is putting in the
telegraph line from Skaguay to DawBon
City. They have 70 tons of wire along
the line and will have it running by
March 1st. Then Dawson City, counting
exchanges, will be in four days commu­
nication with Skaguay instead of 50 at
present. It will be built without a
With the above crowd came Mr. Mc­
Gee, the millionaire from California. He
is 60 years old, yet he came out 700 miles
stout and well.
The steamer Seattle sails at once so I
must close. I just send you this as an
instance of perhaps one in 1000 where
the man struck it. Flour is $3 a lb and
other things in proportion at Dawson
City, yet no one will starve.
Probate Court.
Estate of Chas. Handley. Fifth semi­
annual account approved.
When wear begins to exceed repair in
your body you are going to fall sick. The
signs of it are loss of flesh, paleness,
weakness, nervousness, etc. The repair
needed is food. You think you eat
enough and vet you feel that you wear
out more tissue, energy, nerve-force,
than your food makes for you. The dif­
ficulty is that you do not digest enough.
And this is so serious it is worth sitting
down seriously to think abo it. If you
can’t digest what you eat, take a few
doses of Shaker Digestive Cordial. The
effect of it will be to increase your flesh
and make you feel stronger. You won’t
fall sick. Proof that it is in control of
your repair apparatus. It is easy enough
to test this for yourself. Take a few bot­
tles of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Sold
by druggists at 10 cents to $1.00 per bot­
For Infants and Children.
Th» fio-
Positively Going Out of Business !
Goods JVt JViiction Prices Regardless of Cost !
Since deciding to go out of business we have sold about one-half of our stock, aud wish to dispose
of the balance by January ist. In order to do this we will sell at Auction prices, regardless of cost,
no reasonable offer being refused. We will also have
Auction Sales Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons
and Evenings!
Until further notice, commencing Saturday, November 27. We are positively going out of business,
and are bound to sell out quickly, if a slaughter in prices will do it. Our assortment of Men’s, Boys’
and Children’s Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods is yet complete. Come early and get
honest goods at your own price.