The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, November 26, 1897, Image 1

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    » VOL. XXVII.
Entered at the Poatofflce in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
One Dollar if paid in advance. Single numbers five cent«.
NO. 49.
Positively Going Out of Business !
Goods jVt JVuctioiT Prices Regardless of Cost !
Since deciding to go out of business we have sold about one-half of our stock, aud wish to dispose
[ of the balance by January 1st. In order to do this we will sell at Auction prices, regardless of cost,
no reasonable offer being refused. We will also have
> <
Auction Sales Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons
and Evenings!
Until further notice, commencing Saturday, November 27. We are positively going out of business,
and are bound to sell out quickly, if a slaughter in prices will do it. Our assortment of Men’s, Boys’
and Children’s Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods is yet complete. Come early and get
honest goods at your own price.
Rev. Turner tilled his regular appoint-
1 ment in the Presbyterian church Sunday.
Mrs. Hubbard and two children of Mc-
| Coy are visitors in Whiteson this week.
. IL Holmes [commenced hauling his
! onions to fill his contract with the Day­
ton dryer last Tuesday.
There is a rumor that Uncle Dick
Phillips has bought the narrow gauge
warehouse, east of town.
Will Forrest has finished weather
boarding his house, and says it can
storm now if it wants to.
Uncle Dick Phillips was in town last
Monday looking uncommonlj’ pleasant
and happy, the reason why was, that he
Cotorod States of 64 97fod¡c¡nat he sold the hops from thirty-five acres
for 14 cents a pound.
There are fifty-three scholars in our
public school. Miss Percival is certainly
entitled to great credit for managing
this young army of children to the entire
PHRENOLOGICAL CHART satisfaction of the district.
J. E. Jansen has been operating a saw­
between here and Dayton for the
Lithograph Manikins of the Body and of the Head, in layers
past 18 months. The late high water,
to dissect showing all organs in their
however, injured the mill so badly that
proper positions and colors.
it had to be laid up until spring for re­
pairs. In the meantime lie has moved to
1157 Pages.
Size 6 1-4 x 91-4 inches.
town to get the benefit of the public
Weight, 5 1 -4 lbs. Thickness 33-4 inches.
school for his children.
Preserve Health.
Save Doctor’s Bills.
Promote Happiness and Comfort.
Nineteen pages of Alphabetical Index. An Index of Symptoms, eo you can tell
Colnmbut School Notes.
what ails you. Complete list of Medicines, telling what each is good for,
Wanted:—parents to visit the school.
and how much of each to take for a dose.. The Prescriptions are
Several pupils were absent last week
all written in Plain English, eo you can copy them and
get them filled without going to a doctor. It
on account of the stormy weather.
eaves its cost in one case of La Grippe.
We hear that Professor is talking of a
spelling school, in which each school in
the county may participate.
The literary society question is again
Jftnry 97? oCj/man, j4. 97?., 97? 9).
under agitation. We hope there will be
Prof, of Physiology and Nervous Diseases in Rush Medical College, Chicago. some action taken concerning the mat­
ter. We had a good society last winter,
97?., 97?. 97.
and why can’t we have a still better
Surgeon in Chief, Emergency and German Hospitals, Chicago.
one this winter.
W Z7. ¿, Jf. 97? . 97?. 9).
Jennie Snyder and I^one Petersen
Secretary Chicago Polyclinic and Surgeon Proctor Memorial Free Hospital, were callers during the past week. We
are always glad to see our former school­
J9 Wobstor
Jt. 97?. 97?. 9).
mates, and wish they would come oftener.
Specialist in Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, London, Eng­
From most every student you hear
this remark : “I wonder how many de­
The book contains about 200 pages on Diseases of Women and Children.
This department is illustrated in a snppplemental pamphlet of 32 pages, placed in merit marks Professor has against me.”
We are suspended for five days you
a pocket made inside the cover of the book.
know, when we receive twenty-five
May Reynolds is alisent from school
Silk Cloth, Gold and Plain Stamping. Marbled Edges ...............................
>4-75 this week on account of sickness.
Mattie Patty is spending her Thanks­
The Reporter one year and a copy of this magnificent giving
holialays with Miss Josa Hoffetat-
ter of North Yambill.
work for S3.1
Among our visitors Wednesday we no­
ticed : Rev. Hunsaker, Messrs. Scott,
Derby, Weed; Mesdames Nelson, Derby,
Carlin, Coulter, Davidson, Eccleston,
Hatch, Heath,
Klyves, Thompson,
Wright; Misses Thornton, Schenk,
Walker and Hendershot.
There is a called meeting oi the liter­
ary society Friday evening.
Cook School Notea.
The weather of the past week has been
rather hard on some pupils.
It is understood that some of the
pupilH are going to visit relatives during
I_>on’t ask Harry Woodrum what is the
matter with his eyes.
Supt. Prentiss paid us a visit Monday
last. He remarked that he had never
seen spelling taught in such a good way
as in the 7th and 8th grades.
Following is the program rendered
Wednesday afternoon: song, America;
reading, president’s proclamation, Ber­
tha Wood; recitation, Nellie Turner;
recitation, Evaleen Calhreath ; reading,
origin of Thanksgiving, Prof. Littlefield;
song, ‘‘Dip, Boys, Dip the Oar”; reci­
Leone Rummel; recitation,
Freddie Iierkoeky; recitation, Mies
Mann; song; recitation, Marie Irvine;
recitation, Theodore Weed; recitation,
Rue Goucher. Remarks were made by
Directors Nelson and Irvine. After ren­
dering the program a collection was
taken up, amounting to $2.33 in cash,
and a large sum of donations for the poor.
Among the visitors we noticed Mrs. Han­
sen, Mr. Laughery, Mrs. Daniels, Mrs.
Savage, Mr. Irvine, Mrs. Galientine,
Mrs. Wallace, Mr. Nelson, Mrs. Wert,
Mrs. J. P. Ifvine, Miss Huldah Gran-
strom and Miss Dotha Daniels.
Wednesday, November 17th, 1897, the
Hopewell church was the scene of one of
the prettiest weddings that ever occurred
in this neighborhood. The contracting
parties were Myrtle A. Stephens, oldest
daughter of Mr. Smith Stephens, and
Frank Campbell, second eon of Mr. John
Campbell, thus uniting two of the most
prominent families of the county.
The church was beautifully decorated,
and as the wedding inarch was played
the bride, elegantly attired in creme eat-
in trimmed in rich lace and pearl garni­
ture, passed slowly up the aisle on the
arm of her Bister. The groom, accom­
panied by his brother met them at the
altar and there beneath a bell of white
chrysanthemums and canopy of ivy,
Rev. W. Bast pronounced the words
that made them man and wife.
A reception was given at the home
and the young couple immediately left
on a tour.
Heal Estate Trantlert.
Dismal Weather Prophecies.
There is a chap by the name of Prof.
Lawrence Dunn who makes a business of
forecasting the weather. Here is his
grist for December:
1st to 5th—Warm period; high temper­
ature; about 50 Olympia, 61 Portland,
54 Boise City, 50 Salt Lake, 65 San Fran­
cisco, 75 San Diego; occasional rains.
4th to 7th—Storm period; severe rain
in California; rain or enow north.
6th to 9th—Cold period ; low tempera­
tures ; about 31 Olympia, 34 Portland,
15 Boise Citv, 12 Salt laike. 42 San Fran­
cisco, 42 San Diego. Freezing to killing
frost north, and frosts to southern por­
tions of California.
9th to 11th—Local rains California and
rain or snow north.
10th to 14th—Warmer, occasional local
rain» north.
13 to 16th—Storm wave; rain south,
rain or snow north.
15th to 18th—Cold; freezing north,
frost south.
18th to 22d—Wann period; high tem­
perature, about 52 Olympia, 55 Portland,
50 Boise City, 46 Salt Iaike, 64 San Fran­
cisco, 70 San Diego; occasional local
21Bt to 24th—Storm period ; severe
rain south, rain or snow north.
23d to 28th—Cold period ; low tempera­
tures, about 20Olvinpia, 20 Portland, 2
below Boise City, 2 below Salt laike, 37
San Francisco, 35 San Diego.
freezing north, and freezing to heavy
frosts in California.
28th to 31st—Warmer occasional rain
i or snow and month goes out cooler.
The month will lie warmer than the
average over the whole coast states, ex­
cept about normal in Utah. An excess
of precipitation is indicated for Washing­
ton and Oregon, a deficiency in Idaho
and Calilornia. and about average in
Utah. The greatest excess is indicated
for Washington and Oregon.
Week ending Nov. 23.
J R Lewis et ux to E Rowley pt lot
19 Oaks Fruit farm...................... $ 217
Harry E Cook to L R Watt lots 2,
3 A 6 blk 9 Watt’s add to Amity 225
L R Watt et ux to Robt Greer same
L J Maddock to Annie Mathews pt
lot 22 1st college add to McM ... 900
Jos Phillips to Wm Fades and M J
Nance 1160 sq ft in 8. Sheridan
J W Hutchcroft to Wm Geldard 2
tracts in Carlton.........................
R M Wade et ux to R M Wade A
Co. lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 blk 2 Row­
Why suffer with coughs, colds and la-
land’s add to McM....................... 9975
| grippe when laxative Bromo Quinine
S Forehand et ux to Marion Ben-
ecker lot 8 blk 76 Dundee..........
65 will cure you in one day. Does not .pro­
duce the ringing in the head like sul­
Albert Walling et ux to W Z Force
parcel in Amity
150 phate of quinine. Put tip in tablets con­
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure
for ancase of catarrh that cannot be J R Wilson et ux to School Diet.
No. 74 1 a t 2 r 2...........................
25 or money refunded. Price 25 cents. For
cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
sale by Rogers Bros.
F. J. C heney & Co., Props. Toledo, O. Hans Peterson to E A Soper tract
W’e, the undersigned, have known F.
in secs 19 A 201 3 r 2................... 1000
J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and
Harry Watkins is reported seriously
believe him {»erfectly honorable in all
under the weather the past few days.
business transactions and financially able
Residents of Fairlawn addition note
to carry out any obligation made by their the disappearance of a landmark in the
old pigeon-house that has stood the
West A Truax,Wholesale Druggists,To­
storms of many years and went down in
ledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole­ the recent spell of weather.
sale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio.
For Infants and Children. .
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood nnd mu­
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c
per bottle Bold by all druggists. Tes-,
timonials sent free.