A Daughter Saved. WONDERFUL RECOVERY OF MISS HATTIE KING LOCAL NEWS. ,1. II. Nelson, dentist. I. E. Kogers made a business trip to l'ortluiul 011 Tuesday. The K kvobteh and Weekly Oregonian one year for $2, strictly in advance. The party who took a package m:nked Stricken to the Bed and upon the Verge of Insanity- She Finds a Remedy when Hope with a certain man's name, and contain had Almost Fled- The Best Physicians Failed to do Anything for Her. ingiisiiitof clothes and an uiiderthiri From the Ithacan, Ithaca, N. Y. from Kav ux; or six boxes for $2.50 (they are never sold in hulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. F. DIELSCHNEIDER ----- DEALER IN J. O. Kogers has withdrawn from the Yamhill Abstract Co., but is still in the abstract business. As he was connected with the recorder’s office for so long and is therefore well acquainted with the records of the county, he is in the lead when it comes him a cal]. Art Photografs The editor of the Salem Independent says: •“One of the waves of prosperity strnck us the other day and nearly pul­ verized us. A fellow paid us 50 cents on subscription, anti on our way home we found a nickel on the streets. The next morning the old cat had nine kittens. We are strictly in it.” of the World An Album of rare Photographs of the Wonders of the Universe. lbs. The World’s Storehouse has given up its choicest historic Treasures for this Book. From the Subjects at Large We Name a Few: N ew Y ork C ity Fast River Docks. New North River Bridge, Vanderbilt Residences. B oston . Commonwealth Avenue. Boston Common, Eauenil Hall. S cenes in the R ockies and Y ei . low - stone P ark . C ai ifornia Mirror Lake. Summit Rock. Big Trees, Yosemite Valley, lack Observa lory, Stanford University, Chinatown, etc. M exico : Cathedrals, Bull Fighters, etc. S outh A merica statues, < athedrah and cemeteries H awaii : Palaces. Groves, etc. I ndia (¡rent Buddha, Tai Mahal, Temple of MW un. ? HCatwlartl el tin« I 1,1 Office. Hi' I * Supteme El <’otiti. *11 the state Su |Hvieine< mru. anti et neat B ’y al1 *l:v Ni llOOllMMiks. âc ' ri ^'V«rin1y I H 1 vimnvtKlftl 'l i’T ‘'•il'erliHrii.i.'llt.rt r l Ç M ’'“iMKkiS. . tl.-»'.' I I--Nt a«v.'..le‘i ( I 't - H nlutoat wuhotM u mibct in Die h- ii«ch.»l.l, 3»,a • » < IL.» (t h hei. s.'l>«'lar, jM.. ’enttl lumi, and «eli iti uc .• tor. , THE BEST FOR PR ACTIVAI. USE. ; 1 JJ to find the word wanted ' !! . eMy ,o ■•certain the rrtmanclation I It la easy to trace the arrow th of a word It ta easy to learn v. hat a word means. ' Tin - x Ht r.iìil ! "«ostar sinter national iHcttonary in it mm earn» t form ia absolute nuUNtrity < n everythin»! Drfrwuns ’ •o our lanenitr* in the v.ny <>f orthoRrapliy. ort c. MKHKfAM CO.. tllMubrro. ( .VprlarfftcUd, Maaa., r.S.4. < SEE i ^9 00 D rops ] The football game at Forest Grove Sat­ urday resulted in a victory for the Mc­ Minnville college team by a score of 12 to 4. A carload of people went from th s place, in a car decorated with bunting and flowers. The crowd at the game was not large, being mostly from Mc­ Minnville. By chartering a car the round trip fare was brought down to $1. The team has engaged the services of Kussel Coleman, a Salem young man who is a crack footballjst, as coach, and expect to be put in shape to smash any team in the valley. Z. J. Imus of Dundee has experimented with a new industry for Yamhill county— t hat of sorghum making. He brought to this office on Monday an excellent sample of his work. He raised cane enough to make 65 gallons of sorghum. The cane was of the old black variety, and grew loan average of eight feet tall. The sorghum is very similar to that pro­ duced in the east, with the exception that jt is sweeter. Mr. I inns’experiment is the firsf of the kind we have heard of in this count)’ THAT THE CASTO RIA I ÁVecc!. ' !?PreparationforAs­ i; ToodandReöuta- liiig lite Stomachs and Bowels of FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE sistili tii IN FAN XS C H1LÙH ÉN Promotes Digcstion.Cheerful- nessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. N ot N arcotic . WRAPPER Huy*of Old DrSM^VELPSTCBER Pumpkin Seed" Alx.Sama * Podidie Stilts - druse Seed * Pppcrmint - JJi Carbonate Soda * fformSeed - Clarified Sugar . Winteryf t^n Flavor. OF EVEEY BOTTLE OF IA A perfect Remedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Feverish­ ness and Loss of S leep . Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. JJ D’O sés -iJ5 Ci: L J EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ¿Sí Castoria is put np in ons-slza bottles only. It is not Bold in bulk. Don't alloy anyono to sell yon anything elso on tha plea or pioiniso that it is “just as good” and “will answer every pur­ pose." that you get C-A-3-T-0-R-I-A. Tho fio- iinll* ripiatuM cf c’s,7 wrapper. BORN SEPTEMBER 18, Brings Catarrh Though the disagreeable effects of Ca­ tarrh are felt all the year round, cold and disagreeable weather aggravates the disease and it is during the winter sea­ son that its severest form is felt. Each succeeding year seems to intensify the disease, so that it gradually fastens its hold upon the sufferer with a grasp that becomes firmer each season. Catarrh often appears as only a cold at first, and is hardly noticed. But gradu­ ally the cold returns, and it is more difficult to cure.and stays longer than for­ merly. These symptoms cannot be mis­ taken ; they mark the first appearance of a disease that will develop in severity and stubbornness, and which it is impossible to cure with the local treatment of sprays, washes, aud similar applications. Being a disease of the blood, only a blood remedy can have the slightest effect upon it. S.S.S. (Swift’sSpecific) is the only cure for Catarrh, because it is the only blood remedy which goes to the seat of all obstinate and deep-seated cases, and forces out the disease. Mr. T. A. Williams, a leading mer­ chant of Spartanburg, S. C., writes: 1841. For More Than Fifty-Six Years it has Never Failed in its Weekly Visits to the Homes of Farmers and Villagers Throughout the United States. i IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi­ ness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive sto­ ries of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved methods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farm­ ers and villagers, and for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. It is the New York Weekly Tribune, and we furnish it with The Reporter Í YEAR for $1.20. CASH IN ADVANCE. Address al I orders to THE REPORTER Write your name and address on a postal c>ir p. iu. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 :30 p. ni. E E. T hompson . Pastor. Services in the Christian church : Preacli- ingeverv Lord's day at 11 a ni. and 7:30 p 111 Young people’s meeting at 6:30 p. ni. Sunday School at 9:45 a. 111. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 :3Op nt. F. A. P owell , Pastor. S t . J ames Ertscdpcr C hurch —Lay-Ser­ vices every Sunday at |1 o'clock a. in. S t . J ames C atholic —First st., between G and H. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Ves­ pers 7:30. Services once a month. T. B rioby , Pastor. W. C T. U.—Meets on every Fri­ day at 3 p. m. in reading room, Union block A nna B. H enderson , Pres. E da Mti.i». Sec y VI ?» The Shasta Route OF THE leave . arrive . “For four years I had nasal catarrh, Portland.......... 6:00 P M | Sail Francisco . 7:45 A M and though the case was a mild one at San Francisco.i- uo P M I Portlund............. 9:30 AM first.it waa not long until I noticed that it Above trains Atop at ail stations between Port­ was gradually growing worse. Of course land and Salem. Turner. Marion. Jefferson, I was under treatment of first-class phy­ Albany, Tangent. Shedd.*, Halsey, Harrisburg. sicians, but their remedies were applied Junction City. Eugene. Cottage Grove, Drain, laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets move Oakland and all stations from Roseburg to Ash­ locally, and thedisease seemed to txt get­ land inclusive. The Doceiuber magazine number of the bowels gently, relieves the cough, ting a firmer hold on me all the while. Hose burg Vlnil llaily. “After spending so much money for cures the feverish condition ami head­ The Outlook will lie its annual book num­ LEAVE: ARRIVE: treatment which proved to be all in ber. The Outlook was, it is believed, Portland .......... s :io A M | Roseburg... ache, making it the best ami quickest .5 20 P M yain, I was urged to try S.S.S. This rem ­ Roseburg ... 7 '»AM | Portland ......... 4.30 PM remedy for coughs, colds and lagrippe. the first of the weekly papers to form the edy proved to be the right one, for it got at DINING CARS OH OGDEN ROUTE. Cures in one day. “No cure, no pay.” custom of printing each year a s^iecial the disease, and a few bottles cured me PULL TVY tsts ■::= supply Price 25 ceuts. For sale by Kogers Bros. number fully illustrated and containing perfectly. The cure was a permanent not only descriptions and reviews of the one, aud I have not had a touch of the SLEEPERS disease for many years. Swift’s Specific important holiday liooks, but also literary is the only remedy that will have the SECOND CLASs‘s°LEEPING CARS, The woolen mills at Oregon City have articles of special interest at this season slighest effect upon Catarrh.” rec«gi(ly put on 15 more weavers and also This vear a group of articles on Artistic Sufferers from Catarrh should get a Attached to all Through Trains. addition»! machinery, made necessary Book-Making will form a prominent fea­ start on the disease before the cold West Side Division. weather aggravates it. Those who have by the increased demand for their goods. BETWEEN PORTLAND a ND CORVALLIS ture of the number. Mr. Theodore De- been relying upon local treatment will SECRET ORDERS. Mail Train Daily, (Except Snnday.) Vjnne, the head of the famous firm of find winter weather is all that is K nowles C hapter No. 12. O. E. S —Meets at Masonic hall the 2d and 4th Monday evening ' \ M I V ”Tlie worst cold I ever had iu e