Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1897)
F>e was tickled LOCAL NEWS. ? I* We are still waiting to hear from per. G. S. Wright, dentist. because lie had his tooth extracted sons to whom bills for subscription have without sufleriug any pain, although New fancy silks at Apperson’s. been sent. Again we say, if there is any he bad entered my office expecting Jones Howell was up from Portland on reason why you should not or cannot pay I to endure the untold agonies usually at present, kindly call at the otlice or Wednesday. incident to the dental chair We See Dr. Nelson about seamless gold write us in regard to the matter. can do the same for you. All opera crowns and plate work tions are carefully, gently and thor G. S. Wright, dentist. Walter Macy of Newberg visited bis oughly done. Artificial teeth should Typewriter supplies at C. Griesen’s. brother W' T. a few days this week. be so perfectly adapted to the mouth Cheat seed for sale by C. A. Wallace. Bettman A Warren receive fresh cheese aud so perfect in fit and appearance Eastern oysters in any style kept daily from Tillamook every few days. that the wearer herself might lie able to forget them. I guarantee my Big cut in woolen underwear at the at White’s restaurant. You can get perfect satisfaction in pho plates to be as nearly perfect as the Racket store. 48-2 best material, educated skill and the The whistle of the new down train will tos at the Excelsior Studio. peculiarities of each case will per More Christmas goods than ever at the be a good alarm for people to get up by. mit. Skillful operations, minimum Racket store. 48-3 The evening Tribune of Portland will pain and reasonable charges are the The best 25-cent meal in the city is ot- become a morning paper next Monday. basic elements of my practice. ainable at T. A. White’s restaurant- Miss Nellie Gardner visited friends in Cleanliness and asepsis rigidly Big cut in prices at R. Jacobson A Forest Grove from Saturday till Monday. practiced. I invite you to call for Co. ’son account of preparation for re J. P. Irvine A Son will sell you sugar examination of your teeth. I am H moval into new building. by the sack at Portland prices with always pleased to talk about dentis Rev. Joseph Hoberg and wife celebrat freight added. try. ed their forty-seventh marriage anniver Robert Merchant, a nephew of D. M. LEROY LEWIS, D. D. S. sary last Friday. Caldwell, has been visiting him from Se McMinnville, Ore. The new display window at the Excel attle the past week. sior Photo Studio ie the finest the city Leave your order at the Racket store PHYSICIANS has ever seen. It is certainly up to date. for a suit of tailor-made clothes. They The Corvallis ladies play billiards and guarantee a fit and satisfaction or uo sale. £ALBREATH A GOUCHER, ten-pins, and the young men go about Miss Helen Calbreath visited in For singing, “Where iB my wandering ma to Physicians est Grove the past week, the guest of Mrs. night?” and Surgeons. R. Large. Attorney Irvine, of McCain, Irvine A For Sale—A good horse, phaeton and Vinton, is in Salem thiB week arguing (Office over Braly's Bank.) harness, cheap. Inquire at this office. M c M innvills - - ■ O regon . Will take good milch cow in exchange. a couple of eases before the supreme Come early and get the first choice, court. Jo. Prentis has secured a place with as goods are moving very fast. E. C. Walker and E. C. Apperson aie J H. COOK, n. D. Mr. Matthias in the meat-market and is summoned to Portland next week, the learning to be a caterer. He is in first- former as a grand juror and the latter as Physician class hands. a trial juror in the United States court. and Surgeon. Sauer kiout. Prof. Lafollette of Lafayette has leased Sauced pig’s feet. Rooms 9 and 10, Union Block, rooms in the St. Nicholas building and Coast honey. O regon . McMinnville, Oct. 22, 1897. is preparing to open a commercial schoo', M c M innville , B ettman & W arren . about the first of the month, we under Miss Ina Cooper goes to Independence stand. +1 MEAT MARKETS this week for a brief visit, and will after A dispatch sent out from Dayton Bays wards go to The Dalles to remain with says there are several cases of scarlet j^ATTHIES & BOOTH, her aunt for an indefinite jieriod. OHF.GON COAI. FIFED*. every resident of the Willamette valley, fever in the country south of that place. Successors to Harding & West, largest and all will watch eagerly for the re J. P. Irvine A Son have the ¿'¥j Caution is being used to prevent the Proprietors of stock of groceries ever carried in the spread of the disease. 1 The Find At Scott’s mil» la Im. > sults of the continued prospecting by the ■nenaely Hlch. I company having the work in hand.— county, and now is the time to lay in CITY MARKET. M The Vesperian Dramatic club open the your winter supply at bed rock prices. Several weeks ago the Statesman re- ! Statesman. season on the 19th inst. with “The Man I Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds Ed Baker left Wednesday for San from Maine.” Admission 25 cents, chil ported the find of coal at Scott’s Mills, The big, hearty, healthy man is a con South side Third St. between B and C. Francisco, to accept a position with the dren under 12 years 15 cents. Reserved where a company composed of local busi ness men was prospecting for the riches ' tinual irritation to his dyspeptic friend. 1 American Tobacco Co. It is understood seats on sale at Rogers Bros. supposed to be contained in the bowels ' Constipation is the root of nine-tentbe he will eventually take the road as sales BARBERS The Reporter job office is the best of the sickness of men, and of a large man. equipped with fast presses and up-to-date of the earth underlying the town. Yes- ' proportion of the sickness of women. It yy H. LOGAN, terday the man who did the work and 1 You can get SHIRT WAISTS at Eva type in the Willamette valley. It has can lie cured easily, naturally and quick Martin’s cheaper than you can buy the always led in artistic workmanship, and made the find, G. A. Bennett, was a ' ly. Nature is continually working as goods and make them. They give good carries the finest line of stationery in the visitor in Salem and confirmed the re hard as she can to throw off impurities, ports previously sent o.ut, that a big and to force out. poisonous refuse matter. THE CROWNING GLORY satisfaction. city. I am located opposite Burns «fc Daniels ami aim vein of coal was found, and that the 1 to give all customers good treatment for little That display of fancy dress goods in When there is an impediment, Dr. The steamer Grey Eagle accomplished money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat of a woman’s head should not be Apperson’s window this week is one of her first trip of the season to this port coal was of a quality that would be a Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets set the wheels ronage solicited. allowed to lessen through lack of valuable addition to the output of Ore the best ever seen in town, Any person Monday morning, the 15th. She brought working again without any trouble. They attentiouor lack of proper means gon ’ s products. with an eye for pretty colors will say so. assist nature in a gentle, healthful, effi J up and took away very little freight. HARNESS for preserving and beautifying it. Mr. Bennett has probably made the cient way. There is nothing violent Free lecture at college chapel Friday This was probably owing to their being gl.SIA WRIGHT, night, Nov. 19, at 7:30 p, in. by A. L. no definite announcement in advance of deepest two-inch hole in the ground about their action, and yet it is just as Our Quinine Hair Tonic that was ever made in Oregon—370 feet certain as if it were twice as violent. ‘ Black. Subject, “The Liar; Who He is, her coming. Manufactures ana Deals in being the total depth attained by him supplies the means. It is the and What will Become of Him.” Laugh Teachers credentials have been issued in his prospecting at Scott’s Mills. When “You do not become a slave to their best preparation we ever knew HARNESS, able and instructive. by School Superintendent Prentiss, as he had sunk the drill 160 feet this pros use.” They are different and better than for giving health to the hair. any other pill for the cure of constipa Grand Thanksgiving dance at Camp the result of the examination held last pector struck a splendid quality of iron SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, Healthy hair means freedom from bell's hall Nov. 25th. There will be a week: State diploma, Chas, Deach; ore, being thirty-five feet deep, and tion, headache and kindred derange dandruff, a clean scalp, absence- ».ndbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they ments. Almost all druggists understand of harshness and brittleness and cau be bought anywhere else in the Willamette prize of a 15-pound turkey for the best state certificate, Miss Frances Mann; first ninety-one feet below the iron ore, hav this, and are conscientious enough to tell Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are waltzer of the old folks, also a prize for grade, Lou D. Merchant, Julia Ottinger; retention of natural color. Qui ing gone through a slate formation for pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. nine Hair Tonic gives all these. second grade, Cora Comer, J. B. Dodson, that distance, he struck a vein of coal you so. The druggist who tries to sell the youngest. Tickets 75c. you a substitute is not a safe man from It is the best, not only because E. W. Moon. yy J. STRONG, One of those big suppers for which the four feet nine inches in thickness and whom to buy medicine. Send 21 cents we make it and make it well, . Owing to a break in the main from the of a quality to leave no doubt of the suc ladies of the Degree of Honor are famous but because it contains ingredi in one-cent stamps to World’s Dispen Healer in and Manufacturer of was served Friday night, the occasion be waterworks where it crosses Cozine creek cess of the venture. He is still contin ents which the best physicians sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., ing the initiation of a candidate. The on a log, the city has been without water uing his work being now 370 feet down, aud specialists use for the pur HARNESS, two days, with a prospect of the same and expects to find another vein of coal and receive Dr. Pierce’s 1008 page “Com membership is growing fast. pose and recommend. mon Sense Medical Adviser, ” profusely COLLARS, Frank Weed, who has been employed condition prevailing for sometime if high —in fact, is sure of striking one—about illustrated. SADDLES, Price SO cents per Bottle. WHIPS, with a threshing crew in eastern Wash water continues, as the pipe is sub 100 feet further down. Under the vein BRIDLES, Rogers Bros.’ Pharmacy. merged in the flood from eight to ten found the formation is sand rock and, ington, returned home Tuesday evening. SPURS, Etc. Rubber boots and shoes at the Grange McMIanvUle, Ongea. , feet. although the formation, according to All work guaranteed as represented. Repairing He says after Thanksgiving he will go to store At low prices. 48-2 of all kinds promptly done. First door west ol At the Dayton city election held last geologists, is not favorable to the find Oregon City to take the position of night McMinnville Nutlonal Bunk. Eresh Tillamook cheese at Bettman A A GOLD WATCH Tuesday’ J. T. Watson waselected mayor; ing of coal, Mr. Bennett is satisfied of engine man at the woolen mills. Beware of Warren’s. J. W. Fishburn, recorder; O. M. Harris, his ultimate success in the work, be For $9.83 W. F. Dielschneider this week added a LIVERYMEN. Buy your meat barrels at the Grange handsome new wallcase to the furnish treasurer; A. P. Morse, marshal; 8. R. yond what he has found already. High grade, full Jeweled Misleading 48-2 American movement. Mr. Bennett stated to a representative store. ÇITY STABLES, ing of his jewelry store, for the display of [ Baxter, I. Nichols and Tl’°U'as Hall, Boss, ll-karat gold filled Why go to Klondike to make money case. silverware, etc. His establishment is , j counci|inen. No licence to liquor saloons of the Statesman last night that J. B. T. Equal iu appearance t«s> which has lieen the popular doctrine for a Tuhill of this city had examined the Third St . between E and F. when you can make it at home by buy quite up tq date and lie is progressive gold. Advertisements solid Beautifully engraved. number of years, carried by a good ma coal and made the statement that it ing your groceries of J. P. Irvine A. Sea ? and bound to keep up. Warranted to wear for 2tL Wilson & Henderson, Props. jority. would make first-class coke. years. Mrs. M. E. K. Edwards will fill the Messrs, Taylor A Heath of the Me The choral union held its first rehearsaj ‘■We have found a first-class bitumin pulpit in the C. P. church Sunday morn about Minnville tile factory report a good sea Everything first-class. Horses boarded by Wednesday evening under the direction ous coal,” said Mr. Bennett last night, day, week or month. Commercial travelers son’s business. Mr. Heath who is a pot of Mr. Lownsdale of Lafayette, who faced “though it is contrary to geologists. We ing. The Christian Endeavor will ren- conveyed to all }H»intsat most reasonable rates. Wholesale Jeweler». ter by trade, is at present working on a New York and Chicago Give us a call. the driving storm and faithfully kept hie will develop the strike and do tjjo^ det a good program in the evening. Watcbes. line of flowerpots and vases, which will II. W. Sitton, formerly of this city, and promise to be present. Twenty-four prospecting. I think t,^ formation be a new output from the factory. Mrs. Kate D. Dempsey, formerly of Port DRAYMEN members were in attendance, and some found is of tbq carboniferous age. It is J. T. Cooper, formerly of Wheatland, pretty choruses from Buck’s “Don Ma OU can no more buy a watch land, were married at the home of the such as described for $9.82 is running a racket store in Philomath nio” were rehearsed. Mr. Lownsdale is a a peculiar formation. Back of Scott’s groom on Butter creek, 20 miles from g E. COULTER. than you can a gold dollar for and doing well. In writing to renew his thorough and painstaking instructor, Mills, in the mountains, coal is found, Pendleton, on the 11th inst. McHINNVlLLE seventy cents. The advertise subscription, like all the others who «nd will prepare the union for a concert having been thrown up by volcanic ao- The danger of a drought during No. tion, while a couple of mile# below the ments are misleading and the wander away, he cannot refrain from early in 1898 that will be a credit to the vember is doubtless past, still the rainfall Truck and Dray Co. saving advertisers are schemers. They town, at Marquam, we would have to a good word of old Yamhill. participants and a treat for the public. try to make you lielieve that go down 2,000 feet to strike the same is a good deal below the November of I Goods of all descriptions moved, •"^careftil D. A. Smith and Lee Wright returned last year. That was a record breaker, they will give you better value Lihdlitig guaranteed. Collections will be made Mr, Martin of the Oregon Fire Relief Strata. Monthly* Hauling of allkinds done cheap. fcr your money than your home Monday from their hunt in the Calapooia Association has samples of Oregon grown the precipitation amounting to 20.47 in “We will go on with the work and de jewelers will, but in reality mountains with Newt. Rowlaud, They flax fiber, that were sent him by Mrs. velop the find as fast as possible, and ches. Four inches of snow fell, two in they give you less. Your get succeeded in bringing down a coqple of Governor Lord. They were grown in the rains will not stop us. We have the ches on each the 17th and 20th, and the WOOD WORKER. ting something for nothing can deer but found the season too late and the vicinity of Salem, where quite ex best show in the world for an iron plant cold snap that bnrsted the water pipe» all be measured by the likelihood |7D HOFF, rainy for the most effective work with a tensive experiments have been made at that point—plenty of lime rock for about town extended from th» 26th to of vour giving it. REMEM this season under encouragement of the fluxing in the vicinity of Scott’s Mills 29th inclusive, the rea/laig of the ther BER THIS WHEN YOU WOOD WORKER gun. Figuring on the vote polled in Yamhill woman’s association of which Mrs. Lord a big bed of iron ore, the richest in Ore mometer on t’je respective days being READ OFFERS TO SELL Will repair your Buggies and Wagons, manufac county last November, and counting is the head. The results are very satis gon, coke and coal, all that is necessary 18,16, ’,4 and 14 above. WATCHESCHEAP, made by ture Office Furniture. Book cases, Wardrobes, people aa a distance. Brackets. Whatnots and all kinds of woodwork. population at 4‘2 persons to the voter, factory, several tons of the fiber having for pig iron. The three-year-ol<l boy of.I. A. John I will sell you a good watch as the county has a population of 16,398. been got in shape for market. Experts “The most peculiar part of the find Two Doors East of City Stables. cheap as anybody who intends Figuring on the vote of the previous who have inspected samples of the pro is that we have sunk our prospect hole son, of Lynn Center, III., is subject to to stay by their guarantee. June in the same way, and a gain is duct pronounce it equal to the best Irish within twenty feet of a live mountain attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson save he is satisfied that the timely use of Cham BANKING shown from June to November of 1,179. grown flax, which Is considered the 'best stream and have gone down nearly 400 W m . F. D ielschneider , berlain’s Congh Remedy, during a feet and we have not found a drop of Do you know, that Eleia Wright carries in the world. severe attack, saved his little boy’s life. NO 3867 Jeweler and. Optician. a full line of lubricating oils for machin Contractor A. D. Simpson, the first of water thus far, and have been com He is in the drug business, a member ery? Owners of valuable harvesting and the present week, turner! over to the pelled to pour water all the time, to be of the firin of Johnson Bros, of that, place; Two doors below P. O. other machinery cannot afford to exper building committee of the M. E. church enabled to sink the drill,” and they handle a great many patent Mr. Bennett is satisfied that fortunes iment with poor oils. He carries the best the handsome edifice for public worship medicines for throat and lung diseases. on the market and they are warranted he had bound himself to construct, and will lie made by the company he repre He ha<l all these to, choose from, and «'all nn<l Hettle. not to gnm. tf i it is now in the hands of the painters. sents, and that it is only a question of ” skilled physicana ready to respond to liis —McMinnville, Oregon.— Having Bold our Block of groceries to time until Scott ’ s Mills will be a man McMinnville camp, No. 28, Woodmen The building ought to be a source of «til, but selected this remedy for use in Messrs. Dreeser A Hendrick and retired Paid up Capital, $»10,000 ufacturing town, as a result th« .aw pride to Mr. Simpson as long as he lives, of the World, elected officers for the en bis own family at a time when Lis child's Surplus 9IO.OOO. suing year on Monday evening, as fol as it surely is to the public, whether be materials to be had at a minimum cost. life was in danger, because be knew it to from the bneiness, it becomes necessary- to make prompt settlement with our for D. I. Cook, of the Oregon Land Co., Transacts a General Banking Buxinen. lows: W. T. Macy, consul commander; made any money out of it or not. He be superior to any other, and famous the was one of the few persons with whom of this city, who is interested in the com country over for its cure ol croup. Mr. mer customers. The books and account» A. M. Brnmback, advisor-lieutenant; J. Office Honrs 9 a. m to 4 p. m. will remain for the present at the grocery A. Todd, banker; E. W. Wallace, clerk ; a return of better times seemed to work’ pany represented by Mr Bennett, jq Johnson says that it ia the beat selling store, where all fiersons indebted are re jubilant over the discovery, as wei| be a hardship, as lie was obliged to meet an cough medicine they handle, and that it W. J. Wisecarver, escort, T. M. Lynch, Lfct LAUÜHUN, President. quested to call and make prompt settle may be. gives splendid satisfaction in all cases. ' J. L. ROOERS, t ice-President. watchman ; R. A. Harris, sentry; 8. Sim advance in wages to workmen not figured ment. M illsap A Son. Sold by 8. Howortb A Co, The find is ope ojt great importance to E. C. APPËRSON, Cashier. in bidding for the job. mons, member of board of managers. ; . .- • I W. S. LINK, Assistant Cashier. Grand Removal Sale! Big Cut in prices' / #45,000 WORTH Consisting of Dry Goo<is9 Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, Ladies’ & Children’s «Jack ets and Capes, Millinery, etc., Must be disposed of within 60 Days. R. Jacobson & Go. BARBER -National Bank