Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1897)
Yamhill County Reporter r. H. BARNHART, Editor Ac Propr. J. G. ECKJIAN, Associate Editar. Subscription $1.00 Per Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Reading notice* * in local column * 10 cent * per line for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter. Display advertisements, annual rates, one inch per month SI; each additional inch 50 cents per month. Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding 10 lines published free, if furnished in time to be current new *. Additional matter 10 cent * per line. FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1897. Two relief expeditions from Nor way will patrol the Spitzbergen seas to look for Andree. A cruise after a missing balloon is something new in marine navigation. G eorgia is proposing to abolish football foolishness by foolish pro hibitory legislation. A law to pro hibit people taking the itch or whoop ing cough would be as effective. T he republican strength in the south continues to grow year by year and congress by congress. The 56th congress will have the largest southern republican representation in history. The Cleveland football team was mobbed and considerably battered by a gang of loafers at Oberlin, O. It was a great outrage, of course—not because serious injuries were inflict ed, but because they were not inflict ed according to the rules of the game. T he more the November election returns are studied the more satis factory they appear. 140,000 ma jority in Pennsylvania; 28,000 in Ohio, 31,000 in Iowa, and gains suf flcient in the Kansas local elections to insure a republican clean-up in the next state election, are good enough for an off year. And then there is a clean victory in the demo cratic stronghold of Maryland, in suring a republican to succeed Gor man in the senate. THE SENATE. The republicans have carried Mary land. electing a majority of the legis lature. This result was largely brought about by the determination of the intelligent democrats of the state to get rid of Gorman and his bossism. His term in the United States senate ends on March 4, 1899, and the republican victory in his state means the certainty that Maryland will send a republican senator to succeed him. New York will also send a republican to the senate in stead of Murphy. This makes 45 republican seats certain out of a membership of 90 That body now stands 43 straight republicans, 4G democrats, populists and silver republicans, with one vacant seat from Oregon. But Sen ator Kyle of South Dakota, while nominally a populist, was re-elected by republican votes, and can be counted on to vote with the republi cans if his aid shall be needed on any party question, with the possible ex ception of some measure touching the currency. Thirty states will elect senators for the term beginning March 4, 1899, of which twelve have been con sidered doubtful. Maryland was one of these, and her seat is now certainly republican. Of the states now rep resented by republican senators there is no danger of loss except in the cases of Washington and Colorado; while the republicans will elect a senator to the seat now occupied by Murphy, and they stand a chance to win in New Jersey, West Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin and California, all now represented by democrats. So it is pretty certain that the re publicans will have a clear working majority in the senate after March 4, 1899, and will be able to control legis lation exclusively for the last two years of McKinley’s term. Yamhill Improvement Attain. Public interest in the subject of the improvement of the Yamhill is far from showing abatement, but seems rather to increase with every new assurance of the success of the enterprise. Apparently there is nothing in the way of its speedy T he friends of silver are becoming accomplishment, the withdrawal of the fewer and fewer. Senator Stewart protests from Lafayette citizens having has told the people that they may as removed every reasonable pretext for well fall in Line and get their share of further delay. prosperity, as it is useless to talk In the issue of The Rei»orter of Oct. silver now; ex-Governor Altgeld has 2Uth was published a letter of Brig. dropped silver, and is said to be or General John M. Wilson, chief of the ganizing a paper-money party, and engineering department, in which an er ex-Governor Boies has denounced roneous statement occurred that may have created misapprehension in the the 16-to-l proposition as suicidal, in minds of some. Gen. Wilson said : “In view of the great discrepancy be the meantime nothing has been really tween the coinage ratio and the com lost by the delay ; the funds available for mercial ratios of silver. Many other the work are so small that it is hardly democrats, being greenback iiatists probable that any contractor, even if at heart, have advocated free silver awarded the contract would commence as simply a stepping stone to true work uutil a further appropriation was fiatism, and now that free silver is itnule.” This was an error, as most per becoming so unpopular they are sons familiar with the matter were aware, and as further shown by a more gradually dropping it. recent letter from die same source. The following lias been handed us by A. J. I The Boston Herald calls at A'pperson, received through a corre-' tention to the important fact that epondent in Washington : the stock of gold now in the United “I beg to acknowledge the receipt of ■ States is the largest ever held here. your letter of the let instant regarding On November 1, according to the the matter of the improvement of Will treasury estimate, the amount of amette and Yamhill rivers. While the gold, coin aud bullion in the country act of June 3, 1896, provided only HO. was 1712,660,417. The Herald points 000, the act of June 4, 1897, appropriated out that this broke the record, an additional snm of $160,600, or the full the largest previous showing at the amount estimated to complete the work, anj no further congressional action is beginning of a month being that of necessary. Mention of this latter ap November 1, 1888, which was 1711,- propriation was inadvertently omitted 705.050. This is an encouraging cir from my letter of the ofh ultimo. Since cumstance. In the treasury, as the date of that letter 1 have accordingly well as elsewhere, the stock of gold recommended to the secretary of war is risiug. The treasury fund has that he authorize the preparation of the gone above the 1154,000,000 mark, detailed plans and specifications for the and the drift is steadily upward. work, with a view to entering into a con These are facts which should be kept tinuous contract for the construction of before the country. They are bull the lock and dam. If this recommenda tion receives approval there will be no factors of great consequence. further delay in commencing the work or pushing it rapidly to completion. T hat great business improvement Very respectfully, bas come to the country since last J ohn M. W ilson , July is »»needed by all intelligent ob Brig. Geo,, Ubw.f of Engineers, U. 8. servers; and that this is largely due Army.” It should be stated in connection with to the passage of the Dingley tariff must also be conceded. Whatever the foregoing that of the total $200,000 I may be the operation * of the new tar appropriated for the improvement of the iff, the restoration of confidence Willamette and Yamhill rivers, the snm brought about bv its pussag * put in of $69,000, the full amount jot the esti mated cost was specifically set aside for to operation millions of dollars the locks. which had theretofore been lying idle, That file recommendation of General and that gave era ploy incut to hun Wilacn ¿net with the approval of the war dreds of thousands <*f hands. It llepartmetH ami that the “plans” are caused the oauotry undergo a again under way ie shown by the follow change such as had newer liefore ing : “H illsboro , Or., Nov. U>, 1897. been witnessed by uiauvof the pres ent generation, idle factories and fur 4 J- ArcKKsoN, Esq., My Dear Friend:—Have just received naces to start into new life, aud the hum of industry to sound from state * letter frrwa L'jtpl. Fisk in which he to state. The new tariff is likely to states “we are finishing up the Yamhill warrant the confidence placed in it, fuck plans on instruction from the chief * This looks like a go” as its revenues are satisfactorily in of angineeis.' and 1 sincerely hope it will be. Shall do creasing month by month, aud it everything p<a^bU tp push it along 1 will be but u short time when the know this new *.will interest you. treasury will have a monthly sur Truly and sincerely yours, plus instead of a deficit, as has been Taos. H. Tosui’i.” the case for the last four years. It is altogether probable, therefore, that within two or thne months at farthest' the work will be placed under contract. The carrying out of an enterprise involv ing the ex]»enditnre of so large a sum of money will naturally stimulate the tide of local prosperity. It will make a de mand for men ami teams, which in turn ■ will have to be fed and cared for, but this is rather ol small consequence com pared to the great and lasting lienefit to! the whole of Yamhill county by opening I a permanent waterway for the commerce of the people. There is a fact in connection with the' building of the locks at Lafayette that I perhaps many are not aware of. We state it on the authority of Hon. James | McCain, who is perhaps as familiar with ■ the Yamhill above McMinnville as any lierson that could be named. He claims that any improvement of the river that will create a boating stage to this point I the year round will make it navigable to a point southwest of Amity, probably about opposite Briedwell’s station. Be this as it may, the city of McMinnville { will be satisfied with her position on ttie ' banks of the classic stream, even at the expense of annihilating the distinction now enjoyed during the wet season, of being the “head” of navigation. Bushnell’s plurality is one of the largest ever given a governor in Oljio. Hayes was elected governor three times, and his pluralities were 2983, 7518 and 5544. Bushnell’s plurality is about 28,000. Bingley on Prosperity Congressman Dingley, in his ad- dress in Boston on the 11th, said: “A great many people in this country are wiser than they were five years ago. Some, who study maxims rather than markets, deny that there has been any restoration of confidence or any revival of busi ness. Others, who are not entirely blind to facts, admit the improve ment but insist that it comes in spite of protection, from what they term ‘natural causes.’ Still others, like Bryan, contend that the improve ment is only temporary because of a short crop of wheat abroad and that business will presently grow worse and worse unless we have 16- to-l free silver on our hook. I leave our free-trade friends to reconcile their antagonistic explanations of the failure of their theories, simply remarking that the common sense of the people concludes that the re peated coincidence between the pro tective policy and prosperity and be tween the overthrow of that policy and adversity has established the re lation of cause and effect.” Mrs. J. I’. Irvine went to Inde pendence yesterday to attend the funeral of Dr. T. J. Lee, who was an old friend of the family. Dr. Lee was a member of the legislature from Polk county, being one of the four democratic members of the honse. Mrs. Jessie Gray is visiting friends in the city. Mr. Gray hasservedhis time with the army at Vancouver, and they will shortly remove to Santa Barbara. You take the local paper for the local news and you get it in The Re porter. To Care a Cold in * I»u Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist * refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. For sale bv Rogers Bros. Bitten by a Spider Blood Poisoned and Body Covered by Sores <1 Eat Good Things in Winter >• i Other Remedies Failed but Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cured. Whatever the nature of the poison or humor in the blood, Hood's Sarsa parilla, as the one true blood purifier, effects a cure. Read this letter: and grow fat. Pure food is obtainable if you seek it. We have most any thing you like, and probably some that you don’t. But you can buy what you want and reject the rest. Now there’s :i s “Eight year * ago my little adopted daughter, then two years old, was bitten ou the back by a spider. We felt almost sure Bite would die. She suffered terrible agony, and we doctored her by every means we could think of without a cure. She was covered with sores from head to foot. Then her ears discharged, and blindness was the next thing. We were not able to continue pay iug doctor’s bills. One day a lady asked me why I did not try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. She eaid, : i Cod Bricks. ■ t M a nta Qvl-lin Evervbodvlike, it. We keep it in bulk and cans. /VlcipiL Oj rup Al«>.x<elleiit Inragon Honey .-yrnp. Both flits for tiapjacs-, whether made of Buckwheat, Corn, Flour, or by Aunt Jemima. Appetizing Chow Chow, Knowu to be pure and wholesome. tasted ▼ V llvdllllV * makes it so. When you buy a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla you may rely upon a cure. We acted upon this suggestion, and began giving her Hood’s Sarsaparilla. The little girl is now cured and she is getting plump, sleeps well and has a good appetite, and she can see to put Hood’s Rainy Day Puz zle together and even thread a fine needle. A great many people aud a number ol phy sicians know about this case and they know that our little girl is like another child. She is now taking hertenth bottle ol Hood’s Sarsaparilla." M rs . M attie V. S teiner , 716 Milton Av., San Diego, Cal. The new mush product, beading the van. Everybody buy- it because it's good. It must be good. Competition Tillamook Cheese. Big Mealy Potatoes. Best Moca and Java Coffee on Earth. ■ j j « : A trial convinces. -• We are making a special run on our Queens- ware to clear the space for the approaching holiday trade. Have you investigated the prices? Wallace & Walker Be easy to take, easy to buy, << I . « I llOOtl S HlllS easy to operate. 25c. Go to the opera house on the 19th inst. to see “The Man from Maine.” Mrs. Annie Henderson and sons left yesterday morning for Watsonville, Calif The strawberry season is in full blast at Watsonville, a late California exchange mentioning the shipment of two carloads from that point. w -J In New York short while ago a baby was bom in jail. Its mother was be ing tried for murder. Every heart gives a throb of sympathy at thought of the blight upon the poor little baby’s life. But a baby need not be bora in jail to be unfortu nate. Any baby which is not welcomed into this world with loving hearts and ready hands is unfortunate. Any mother who is physically weak and incapable of bestow ing a healthy constitution upon her baby may darken its future with weakness and disease. A prospective mother ought to insure her baby’s welfare by every means that Nature and science afford to keep her physical powers up to the very highest point. Every expectant mother ought to know ami avail herself of the strengthening and re enforcing properties of Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription. It gives health and endurance to the delicate organs concerned in motherhood. Taken early during the period of expectancy, it makes the coming of baby perfectly safe and comparatively easy. It makes the mother strong and cheerful, and gives health and natural vigor to the child. It is the only medicine of its kind devised for weak and delicate women by an edu cated, experienced physician. For nearly 30 years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. His thousand-page illustrated book, ‘‘The People’s Common Sense Medical Ad viser ” contains advice and suggestions which every woman ought to read. A pa per bound copy will be sent absolutely free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buflfolp, N. Y. Cloth bound for 31 stamps. A sure and permanent cure for constipa tion id Dr Pierce’s Pellets One “ Pallet4’ is a gentle laxative, two a mild cathartic. Ube New Shoe Store Will carry the celebrated Gotzian Boots and Shoes for winter wear. Goodyear Rubbers and Boots, Mackin- toshes and Umbrellas. . Hood’s Should be in every family ■ ■ ■ medicine chest and every ■ I ■ traveller’s grip. They are III Sfc invaluable when the stomach ■ ■ ■ ■ Is out of order; cure headache, biliousness, and all liver troubles. Mild aud efficient. 25 ceuts. oi H ( i.i Biinb eist . lVTOTK'E is hereby given that the undersigne t has been by the county court of Yamhill county, Oregon, duly appointed administrator with the will annexed oi the estate of Arminia Higgins, deceased. Now therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and requested to present the.same duly verified to the undersigned, at the McMinnville National bank tn McMinnville, Yamhill Coun ty, Oregon, within six month * from the date hereof. Dated this the 15th day of November, A. D. 1897. LEE LAUGHLIN, Administrator with the will annexed of Ar minia Higgins, deceased. R.L. CONNER, Attorney for said estate. 48 5 We have special arrangements with the following leading publications, At a school in Dudley the inspector whereby we are able to offer them in was examining the second class in connection with our own at exceedingly geography, says the San Francjsco low rqtes, as follows: The R epórter Argonaut. Pointing to the North $nd Sea, he said : “ Now, boys, why Weekly Inter Ocean............................................ 11.35 St. LouisGlobe-Democrat, semi-weekly......... 1.75 New York Weekly Tribune................... ...... SI.25 •Rural Northwest, Portland, semi-monthly... 1.25 *The Rural Northwest is the brightest, the most practical and useful publication on the coast for farmers, dairymen and fruit growers. How to Cure Bilious Colic. I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach caused by bilious ness and had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured me. I have since recommended'it to a great many people. M rs . F. B utler , Fairhaven, Conn. Persons who are sub ject to bilious colic can ward off tlie at tack by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by Howortfi jx Cc. does not the water of this sea run over the land when so many rivers are always running into it?” All the boys in the class seemed puzzled for some time, but at last one little boy put out his hand as a signal that he knew. “ What do you think, my boy?” said the inspector. “Cos the fishes drinkin’ it.” was the reply. E.XF.IT TBIX’N NOTICE TO CREDI TO KN. ■VTOTICE is hereby given, that the under- signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of Yamhill County, State of Ore gon, executrix of the estate of James L. Stew ard, late of this county, deceased, and has qual ified as such executrix. Therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to me at the office of Ramsey A; Fenton, at McMinnville, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated November 4th, 1897. ELZ1NA STEWARD.. Executrix. Opening Up New Goods. ROYAL W orcester corsets In addition to these Corsets, just received direct from New York new Dress Goods, Trimmings and Linings, Hosiery, Underwear, Mackintoshes, Umbrellas; Etc. From Chicago—New Capes and Jackets. From Michigan—Twenty Dozen of the Famous Kalamazoo Pants. The manufacturer’s written guarantee is in the pocket of every pair, and it’s well known that Apperson makes everything good just as he advertises it. He never overcharges or allows any misrepresentations of goods he sells. A WORD ON CORSETS. You will find at our Corset De partment a representative line oi the justly celebrated ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS. Style,Durability 7 Fit. It would be folly for us to attempt to put tn print all that might be said in favor of these goods. One trial will convince any lady that they possess merits not found in the ordinary stock corset. Prices ranging from $1.00 up wards. ■ From Portland—New supplies of Groceries and other goods every week. SPECIAL DRIVE To close out some lines of our present Hat and Shoe stock. On these special lines we will abso lutely cut prices in twain. This cut is not on all hats or shoes we have in stock, but only on special lines. We aim to give bargains in all lines. A. J. APPERS0N, McMinnville - ~ g $ ,, $ , $ A BAI I NINTH ATOM’S NOTICE. Apperson is Alcuays on Top 1 All that their name implies. ; i : Yours to please, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Best — the One True Blood Purifier. sure to get Hood’s and only Hood’s. - : ; Some people wouldn’t be without them. Others wouldn’t be outside 'em. -- ¿-a