The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, November 12, 1897, Image 1

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Entered at the Htwtoffice in McMinnville
as Second-class matter.
Have an immense stock of furniture. They
have to keep a big stock, because they have a large
territory to supply. Prices on everything in our
store are surprisingly cheap just now. If you
want proof of this, come in and price the goods.
It has looked like it waa going to rain
real hard several times this week.
David Waddel, Bon of A. M. Waddel,
returned from east of the mountains a
few days ago. He reports plenty of work
and good wages in that country.
H. Holmes has sold 3000 sacks of his
onions at |1.OO a sack, delivered at this
place. Two thousand sacks go to the
Dayton dryer for the benefit of the Klon­
dike country.
Who says Whiteson isn’t on the rustle?
This time it is another fine boy, born to
the wife of Ben Gates, Nov. 6th. If
Spain intends to whip the United States
she had better hurry a little bit up.
The services at the Presbyterian church
came to a close last Sunday evening.
There was good attendance and good be­
havior throughout the meetings, The
visible result was three additions, while
serious impressions may bring a more
abundant harvest in the future.
The oldest resident of Whiteson does
not remember ever hearing anything like
the blood-curdling football yell given by
the McMinnville team Saturday morning
as they passed through this place. We
verily believe that a Comanche si wash
would choke to death if she tried to imi­
tate it. If they made that kind of a
noise in Monmouth it’s no wonder the
boys up there were nervous and got beat.
foil. 111 bn« School Mote«.
Month!}’ reviews are in order this
Bun McCamish entered school this
Directors Irvine and Hunsaker were
visitors Tuesday morning.
We have heard several suggestions of
our pupils corresponding with pupils of
other schools. We believe it would be’ a
good idea for in that way we would know
what other schools were doing and we
would have a broader view of school life
l ook School Note«.
y rs
Written review began Monday last.
Messrs. Tyler, Hoff and Wisecarver are
new students of the 7th grade.
When school began there were only 116
pupils but now there are 180 on the rolls.
Rev. Thompson visited the primary
room last week, and helped the little
ones out with an address.
Thanksgiving comes in two weeks from
this last Thursday.
The pupils will
Canton Clipper Plows
be allowed this day and the day fol lo w-
ing. Each pupil should try and donate
Superior Drills and Seeders
a small sum to the needy.
Right Lap Cultivator and Seed
Miss Helen Kelleher’s lecture given
Monday night is seldom excelled.
The beautiful views of the Sacramento
Mitchell Wagons
seemed to be most liked by all, and our
schools are benefited with $16.50 for the
It is understood that some 10 or f2
A 16-lnch Plow for $14.
pupils come to the gate of our school bj’
Highschool Noles.
8 o’clock in the morning. This is un­
adopted black and red as necessary. Any person that does not
Air-Tight Heaters, $3.50 and up.
our colors.
have over a mile to walk can start at 8:30
and reach the school in plenty of time.
Have you seen the Newest Thing
day in Lafayette.
in Stove Mats? We have them.
“The worst cold I ever had in my life
Will Newell and Lee Wisecarver en­
cured by Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­
tered school this week.
edy,” writes W. H. Norton, of Sutter
The high school yell is now heard Creek, Cal. “This cold left me wtth a
echoing through the hall.
cough and I was expectorating all the
Several of our girls went to the college time. The Remedy cured me, and I
gymnasium to see the girls play basket" want all of my friends when troubled
ball Monday afternoon. Now they say with a cough or cold to use it, for it will
their only wish is that we might have a do them good.” Sold by S. Howorth &
All kinds of Fine,
We now have a football team which is
and Jewelry for sale at
Guild Valley Item«.
as follows : Paul Cooper, manager; Allie
Difficult and
hard times prices.
as well as money, is a scarce
old Watches re­
Williams, captain; Lester Neal, John
McCann, Firmen Nash, Addison Newell, commodity in these parts.
paired and made
Angus McCullab, the rustling bachelor,
to run as good
Will Newell, Otis Neal, Lee Wisecarver,
as new at
Dell Warren, ,Fred Weed, Henry Lady has been enlarging his band of sheep.
and James Potter.
A. L. Umphlette and wife intend
Jeaielry Store * * *
One Dollar if paid In advance, Single numbers five cents.
spending the winter with her parents,
J. O. and R. B. Guild.
The first month of our school closed
last Monday with declamations, dia­
logues, good feeling, etc.
Several of our farmers who have been
holding their wheat have concluded to
sell and renew their subscription to The
Yambill Reporter.
A few friends met at the resilience of
J. 0. Guild last Sundaj’ to assist him in
celebrating the anniversary of his 57th
birthday in the way of dispatching a
dinner. May you live for 57 years
come, Jim.
Heal Fatale Transfers.
Week ending Nov. 10th :
J W Henry sheriff to T B Stone,
lots 11 and 12 blk 3 Bibee’s add
to Sheridan..................................
U S to Sarah Williams et al 322.62
a t 3 and 4 r 4...............................
U S to H C Hill et ux 643.90 a t 3
r 3.................................................. Pat
U S to Francis Large 288.92 a t 3
and 4 r 3................ . ...................
U S to Mary Morgan 160.24 a eec
32 t3 r 3........................................ Pat
State of Oregon to Edw Best 80 a
sec 10 t 2 r 4 ......... ..................
Wm Wadhams et ux to Chas E
Ladd 400 a sec 361 3 and 4 r 6..
Wallace McCamant to Jno F F
Brewster 592.08 a t 2 r 4. ....... 11,671
Wm Holl to Pauline M Holl lots 11
and 12 blk 2 Whiteson, also lots
1 and 2 blk 1 College 2d add to
C F Nixon et al to W M Kirkpat­
rick 30 a eec 15 t 3 r 2............ . .
Amos F Fields et ux to A A Bred-
berg lot F Cozine’s 3d add to Me 309
Jas Madson to S J Madson 13.54 a
t3 r 2...........................................
Nettie Edson to Jas Edson 89.38 a
t3 r 4...........................................
C A Keeney et ux to Miriam Tur­
ner 12.50 a t 2 r 3.......................
last, with three carriers, who travel orf
horseback and have each about 25 miles
of road to cover. About 135 farm houses
are daily supplied with mail, besides
three state institutions.
Prebate Court.
Estate of Michael Aylward. Final ac­
count allowed, administrator discharged
and bondsmen exonerated.
Estate of I. C. Robinson. Inventory
approved. First semi-annual account
approved. Report of sale of part of per­
sonal property approved.
Estate of Jas. L. Steward. Inventory
approved. Personal property exempt
from execution set off to widow as prayed
for in her petition, and widow allowed
$15 per month for eight months, Per­
sonal property ordered sold as prayed for
in petition.
LiceiiNeN to Marry.
Nov. 6—Edward Mefford, 32, and El­
len Brannon, 30, of Dayton.
Nov. 6—Wm. Noble, 24, and Myrtie
Wood, 19, of West Chehalem. Married
atW.T. Vinton’s residence, Nov. 6th,
The law authorizing rural mail deliv­ by Rev. Joseph Hoberg.
ery was passed by congress in 1893, and
up to date the system haB been intro­
duced at one postoffice in each of thirty
states, in all of which it is proving a
marked success. The little town of
For Infanti and Children.
Turner in Marion county was chosen as
the place for the experiment to be made Th. tu-
il all.
in Oregon. The delivery was inaugurat­ (IfUtON
ed at this place on the 16th of October
it 1
V f ,S) ■*
The Greatest Opportunity Ever Offered to Buy Good Honest
Goods at Your Own Price !
We are positively going out of business, and wish to close out our entire stock by January ist. In
order to do this we are selling at a great sacrifice REGARDLESS OF COST, many of the goods be
ing sold at much less than we paid for them We consider this better policy than to dally along at
a big expense trying to get cost out of the goods. Come early while the assortment is good . At the
rate they are going they will not last until Christmas. Our store has been crowded for the last two
We are ready to sell our Stock
and fixtures at a bargain at
We wish to settle up all ac­
counts, so would kindly ask all
who may owe us to come in and
settle at once and not wait to
be solicited personally.