fie was tickled LOCAL NEWS. G. S. Wright, dentist. Fresh Tillamook cheese at Bettman A Warren’s. Eastern oysters in any 6tvle kept daily at White’s restaurant. You can get perfect satisfaction in pho­ tos at the Excelsior Studio. Mrs. E. 8. Warren goes to I’ortland this week to select milinerv for the holi­ and so perfect in til and appearance days. / that the wearer herself might be able Money to loan on improved farm prop to forget them. I guarantee my erty. Address Box 72, Lafayette, Or. 3-4 plates to be as nearly perfect as the best material, educated skill and the Mr. Griesen haB repainted the front peculiarities of each case will per­ of his book and music store in the pre­ mit. Skillful operations, minimum vailing fashionable color, brown. pain and reasonable charges are the The best 25-cent meal in the city is ob- basic elements of my practice. ainable at T. A. White’s restsurant- Cleanliness and asepsis rigidly Mr. ami Mrs. Ed. Holt of Newberg practiced. I invite you to call for were the guests of W. T. Macy on Sun­ examination of your teeth. I am day. always pleased to talk about dentis­ Kay & Todd are now ready for the fall try. trade with a complete line in all de­ LEROY LEWIS, D. D. S. partments. McMinnville, Ore. Mrs. Will Kratz of Portland visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dielschneider, this week. Big cut in prices at B. Jacobson & ÇALBREATH & GOUCHER, Co.’son account of preparation for re­ moval into new building. Physicians Mrs. E, D. Fellows and daughter Mrs. and Surgeons Harry Howard of Portland, were visiting (Office over Braly’s Bank.) in the city this week. Why go to Klondike to make money M c M innvili . b - - • O regon . when you can make it at home by buy­ ing your groceries of J. P. Irvine & Son? J H. COOK, fl. D. Rev. E. E. Thompson will go to Seattle Physician next Monday to assist Rev. Powell in a and Surgeon revival effort in his church. Three leaders :Kimbal) pianos and or­ Rooms 9 aud 10, Union Block, gans , New Home and Wheeler & Wilson O regon . sewing machines; for sale at C, Grie­ M c M innville , sen’s. 44w3 Miss Hattie Rice, the new instructor MEAT MARKETS in music at Pacific collega, visited her jy^ATTHIES & BOOTH, brother, John Rice, of this city, over Sunday. Successors to Harding A West, Proprietors of To whom it may concern • No one but members admitted to rooms of commer­ CITY MARKET. cial club. By order of board of managers. Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds E. C. IValker, Sec. The injuries sustained by Ed Close in South side Third 8t. between B and C. falling on a revolving wood saw at “ST Lafayette last Thursday were not of a BARBERS. permanent nature, and he is rapidly re­ covering. CHARPA GAUNT. Washington couldn’t tell a lie. Like Mark Twain, we can but we won’t Don’t fail to see the new goods arriving We are located opposite Bums & Daniels and aim every few days at the Racket store. 46-2 to give all customers good treatment for little money. Bath rooms in connection. Your pat­ Rev. Gilman Parker of Portland, gen­ ronage solicited. eral missionary of the Baptist Home Missionary society, will preach in the HARNESS Baptist church next Sabbath morning and evening. gl.SIA WRIGHT, J. P. Irvine & Son have the largest Manufactures and Deals in stock of groceries ever carried in the HARNESS, county, and now is the time to lay in your winter supply at bed rock prices. SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, Milt Peery of Dayton brought in on uidbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette Wednesday a fine specimen head of a Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are mule deer shot by himself jq, the Cas­ pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them. cades, and will have it mounted by Mr. Ayres. He says it had two inches of fat yy J. STRONG, on its rump, Dealer in and Manufacturer of Tha choral union has agreed on Mr. Lownsdale of Lafayette as their musical HARNESS, director for the winter, on a very liberal COLLARS, proposition made by him. Aocording to SADDLES, the constitution the union will hold two WHIPS, BRIDLES, concerts yearly. More good singers are SPURS, Etc. Practice is ex­ All work guaranteed as represented. Repairing desired as members. of all kinds promptly done. First door west ot pected to begin by the 17th inst. McMinnville National Bank. The large barn on the farm occupied by Chas. Oatman near the river south of LIVERYMEN town, was destroyed by fire about two o’clock Sunday morning. Five horses, Ç1TY STABLES, two cows, and a lot of grain and hay were burned, upon which there was no Third St., between E and F. insurance. The fire was discovered by Wilson & Henderson, Props Mr. Oatman too late to rescue much property, but in his attempt to do so his Everything first-class. Horses boarded by face and hands were badly burned. His day, week or month. Commercial travelers conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. theory of the fire is that of tramps in the Give us a call. hay, the one usually resorted to when nothing definite is known of the origin. DRAYMEN The loss was a heavy one for Mr. Oatman. Teach the hens to lay. The Oregon g E. COULTER. Agriculturist says : About $10,000 have McfllNNVILLE gone east from Portland within the past month to pay for eggs It is probable Truck and Dray Co. that $25,000 will not cover the whole Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful cost of eastern eggs imported into Oregon handling guaranteed. Collections will be made and Washington during the month of monthly. Hauling of all kind« done cheap. October It is unfortunate that we are sending away so much money that ought WOOD WORKER to be distributed at home. It is not be­ cause of a lack of hens in this country pD HOFF, that we are importing so many eggs. " WOOD WORKER There are hens enough, but we have not learned how to induce them to lay a 'suf­ will repair your Buggies and Wagons manufac­ ficient number of eggs at this season for ture Office Furniture, Book cases. Wardrobes, Brackets, Whatnots and all kinds of wood work. home use.” The grocery firm of Millsap A Son have Two Doors East of City Stables. sold their business to B. F. Dresser of Portland and Miles Hendrick of Amity. BANKING The new firm, which will be known as Dresser & Hendrick, took possession the NO 3867 first day of the month, Monday. Mr. Hendrick is l«st known to the local pub­ lic, having done business for several years in the county. The senior mem­ ber was formerly well known in Port­ land business circles. He is engaged this week moving his family to McMinn­ ville and will occupy the fSno^^eo dwell­ Surplus >10,000. ing npar the depot. Messrs. Millsap & ■tahMCts a General Banking Business. Son make no announcement as to their future. pffice Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. because he had his tooth extracted without suffering any pain, although he had entered my office expecting to endure the untold agonies usually incident to the dental chair. We can do the same for you. All opera­ tions are carefully, gently and thor­ oughly done. Artificial teeth should be so perfectly adapted to the mouth BARBERS. G. 6, Wright, dentist. Typewriter supplies at C. Grissen's. W. C. Clow has removed to Portland. G. E. Detmering of Eugene was in the city yesterday. Fred and Ira Nelson arrived from Ida­ ho on Tuesday. F. 8. Harding has sold his residence property to Mrs. Caley, late of Heppner. Rev. R. W. King is assisting Rev. Mc- Killop in a series of meetings at Albany. Chas. W. Root, aged 30, and Ada R. Jewell, 27, were licensed to marry on the 1st inst. Rev. Wm. Gay of Lafayette is reported quite ill. Dr. Calbreath is attending him. E. C. Goodman has moved from North Y’amhill to the Dickinson farm north of Lafayette. Howard Hibbs and Lillis Chilcott of thia city were married in Portland Wed­ nesday. J. N. Mills has gone to Maury, Wash., where he has a paying position in a shingle mill. Wm. Ball is in very poor health and will take a course of medical treatment in a Portland hospital. Dr. Svenson-Barton of North Yamhill has sold his practice to Dr. Pruden, and it is understood will move to Portland. James McCain and J. E. Magers are in Salem this week. A case in the supreme court engages their attention. Dr. Littlefield and L. M. Parker were up from Newberg on Saturday to witness the game of football at the college. Cotswold bucks for sale from $3 up. Also some good ewes to let on shares. G eo . O wens . Reed, the fence man, has erected a big paint tank, in which he paints a whole bunch of his superior fencing at one dip, Leave your order at the Racket store for a suit of tailor-made clothes. They guarantee a fit and satisfaction or no sale. An Umpqua sportsman turned loose five pair of wild turkeys on the head­ waters of the Umpqua river the other day. Professor Reynolds' plan for promoting the cause of better spelling is a good one, and the suggestion should be followed up by action. H. G. Guild of this city attended the burial of his father, H. A. Guild, in East Portland, on Wednesday of lsat week, Deceased was 73 years old. E. N. Ford writes from Southern Ore­ gon to relatives here the gratifying in­ formation that the change to that cli­ mate is improving his health. Mrs. E. S. Warren will commence a special sale of trimmed hats on Sat­ urday, Nov. 6th. Hrs. Warren carries only first-class goods. The Woodmen will have a special meeting Saturday evening, at which the attendance qf all members is desired. A. M. Mecklen, general organizer, will be present. E. Rose of San Francisco, who is said to be standard authority, says California will need most of the potatoes grown in Oregon this year. They will also be in demand elsewhere, Do you know, that Elsia Wright carries a full line of lubricating oils for machin­ ery? Owners of valuable harvesting and other machinery cannot afford to exper­ iment with poor oils. He carries the best on the market and they are warranted not to gum. tf Dr. Calbreath lias returned from his trip to southern Oregon, whither he went to inspect some mining property owned by himself and others. Results must have been satisfactory, as Dr Goucher and Frank Wisecarver have gone down to put in a hydraulic plant to work the mines. We understand there are some very profitable mines in the immediate vicinity. The Sunday school at McCabe chapel has had for its superintendent during the past five years, Miss Alberta Cone. Last Sunday the school, in recognition of her long and faithful service, presented her with a testimonial in the form of a beau­ tiful opal ring. A neat and appropriate presentation speech was made on behalf of the school by Mrs. Mary Judd, and the event was a pleasant incident in the so­ cial life of the little rural community. Grand Removal Sale! Big Cut in Prices! #45,000 WORTH Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, Ladies9 & Children’s Jack­ ets and Capes, Millinery, etc., Must be disposed of within 60 Days. Come early and get the first choice, as goods are moving very fast. R. Jacobson & Co. McMinnville, Oct. 22, 1897. Robluaoii'Keene. The residence of George W. Keene near this place on Thursday evening last, was the scene of a very pretty wedding cere­ mony, the contracting parties being Hartley Robinson and Mr. Keene's only daughter, Phoebe, Rev. Elmer E.Thomp­ son officiating. The parlor was vary neatly decorated with flowers and drap­ ery. Beneath a bell of rosea and canopy of drapery intertwined with ivy the bride and groom, neatly attired, pledged tbeir devotion one to the other for life, After the ceremony the guests were invited into the dining room where all the good things tu be wished for awaited the merry group, who were hilarious, not with wine but good will and good appe­ tites. Many useful and handsome presents were given the young people to remind them of their start on the raging billows of matrimony, shunned by few and tried by many. Among the guests present were Mr and Mrs, John Redmond, Mrs. Thos. Brown, Mrs. J. S. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. McKoskey, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Handley, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse High, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Kegg, Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Thomp­ son, Misses Lillian, Mabel and Amy Brown, Pearl, Mary and Nellie Robin­ son, La Versa, Nora and Arlie Keen and Hattie Wright and Messrs. Thos. and Chas. Brown, George, Roe and Brice Robinson, Claude Sparks, Bird and Ear­ nest Handley, Aden Keen and Melvin Lynch. A business man is not the most patient creature in the world. He cannot wait to hear any long-drawn-out story of the cause of his ailment. He does’t care two straws about a fine spun theory of how he should treat himself. He may be pre­ disposed to scrofula or consumption. “That,” he will tell you “has nothing to do with the case." He wants to be well. If he can be cured, write out a prescrip­ tion and send in your bill. So, here’s the first part of the proposition. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is a microbe hunter and killer. Many per­ sons of scrofulous blood, encourage the breaking out of unsightly sores, to pre­ vent the disease going to the lungs. There is no need of this state of dread and discomfort. Purify the blood. It can be done. “Golden Medical Dis­ covery" will cure 98 per cent, of all con­ sumptive cases, also of all other lingering Linn county is excited over what is be­ bronchial, throat and lung diseases. lieved to be a rich gold find. The quartz Ed Tyler and son returned from Gray’s assays $737.16 per ton in gold. The crop­ pings were accidently found by a survey­ harbor Wednesday. See Dr. Nelson about seamless gold ing party about a year ago, and the assay has just lately been returned. The land crowns and plate work. is owned by six of Salem's citizens, one Bettman A Warren receive tresh cheese of whom is Senator Gesner, and they from Tillamook every few days. have their claims staked, and say there J. P. Irvine 4 Son will sell yon sugar is a mountain of it, enough to keep a by the sack at Portland prices with crusher going for a thousand years. freight added. Will the Willamette valley yet prove a E. Cooper Brooks, aged 36, and Mag­ Klondike? There is kpowu la toe gold gie C. Ryan, aged 24, were licensed tobe in YamtiUs bUi» aieo. married on the 3d inst. A local poet and philosopher passes us Kay & Todd have the cheapest line ot the following: “These times are not such underwear ever brought into the city; measly times as some would like to make $1.50 undersuit lor $1.00. ’em; though whether good or whether A letter from I*oug McDonald, dated bad depends on how you take ’em If agents mean to sit and chpw the v>d of i San Francisco, Nov. 1st, notes the safe sad reflection, and blame their .luck (or I arrival of himself and family after a very lack <4 pluck,) upon the last election; pleasant sea voyage. They were to sail and stew and grumble, whine and fret, for San Diego yesterday. Here are some of the bargains in win­ because wealth don't come to 'em, and wait lor things to do thepieelves instead ter waists at EVA MARTIN’S: Plaid Mrs. E. S. Warren will on Saturday, of help to do ’em —They’ll find the sun flannelette with white collar, 75cts; all L£i LAUGHLIN, President. I Nov. 6th. open a new line of winder don'4 shine for men who have no eye to wool flannel with white collar, $1.35; ’ 7 l . ROGERS. Vice-President. millinery novelties, also ladies' ready light it; and ill-luck always grabs the braided henrietta with white collar, ’ E. C. APPERSON, Cashier. $1.90. I lout who hai no spunk to fight it.’’ W, S, LINK, Assistant Cashier, made suits and ladies' wraps. « __________________ SHOULD SEE THE----------------------------- New Deere Sulky and Gang Plows. They throw out of the ground eight inches with one finger and throw in with a touch of the heel. For sale at MANNING BROS.’ Kay A Todd buy from first-class houses I Indigestive poisons are the bane of the Not $1.09 worth of auction or bankrupt dyspeptic s life. When sick, see if your sickness is caused by indigestive poisons. stock in the store. 40tf For Sale—A good horse, phaeton and If so, take Shaker Digestive Cordial. harness, cheap. Inquire at this office. * 1 This is the only certain way of being per­ Will take good milch cow in exchange. , manently cured, because it is the only way that gets rid of the poisons. You The new display window at the Excel- ‘ sior Photo Studio is the finest the city - know that fermented food is poisonous. You know that poison is unhealthy. has ever seen. It is certainly up to date. ! Shaker Digestive Cordial clears the stom­ Are yon going to paint your house? I ach of fermenting food, and purifies the Consult Elsia Wright about paints and blood and system of indigestive poisons. oils. He will give you the best mateiial It cures indigestion and the diseases that at least cost. tf I come of it. Headache, dizziness, nausea, Notwithstanding the raise in clothing by stomach-ache, weakness, flatulence,con­ the tariff bill Kay & Todd are selling their stipation, loss of appetite, irritability, etc. $12 suits for $10; their $15 suits for $12; These are a few of the symptoms, caused by indigestive poisons, cured by Shaker their $10 suits for $8.50. O. II. Adams has just gathered the Digestive Cordial. At druggists, price 10 second crop of Bartlett pears this season cents to $1.00 per bottle. from a tree in his yard, and is justly proud of the state which does such phe­ nomenal things. The football team of Newberg defeated the McMinnvilles in the game last Sat­ urday, The game was hotly contested. We quote the College Review, which ought to be good authority : “In the first half Newberg got a touch-down and suc­ cessfully kicked in goal. The ball then passed to McMinnville, who lost it by kicking out of bounds. The rest of this half was so hard fought that time was called without further gain for either. In the second hall the McMinnville boys showed their lack of rigid, endurance­ making, physical training. They put up a heroic resistance, but were not equal to the well-coached, well-trained, tbree- year-old veteran Newbergs. In this half the visiting team scored 12, making a to­ tal of 18 to 0 in favor of Newberg. There were a few accidents but nothing serious. A split hand, a broken finger, a bloody nose and a few minor bruises is the sum.” Young blood about town was nnnsnaf- ly active Halloween night, not to say malicious in some instances, notably the damaging of the privet hedge about Dr. Wright’s residence, toy throwing large rocks therein. It is strange that the harmless habit originating with the Ger­ mans of insisting that if their neighbors’ cabbage wasn’t pulled by October 31st they would pull it for them and pile it at their doors, should degenerate into pranks punishable by law if the perpe­ trators could be known. lessons of moderation need to be inculcated on this. Halloween habit. Haw t® Ca re Bilious Colic*. I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach caused by bilious­ ness and had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured mo. I have since recommended it to a great many people. Mas. F. B ctlbr , Fairhaven, Conn. Persons who are sub­ ject to bilious colic can ward off the at­ tack by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by 8. Howortb A Co.