The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, November 05, 1897, Image 2

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    Yamhill County Reporter
Van Wyck Will B« the Next Mayor of
New York.
Reorganization Csmmtttso
I uiou l*a«*illc.
I Havana, Nov. 3.—On the arrival of
Omaha, Nov. 3.—The Union Pacific
New York, Nov. 4.—Tammany’s vic­
General Blanco, the new captain-gen-
tory in the first municipal election in
road proper, including buildings and
...OREGON. Greater
M c M innville
eral, the streets ami the vessels in ttie
New York is a sweeping one.
sidering the Matter.
Conference Delegates,
j harbors were gaily decorated.
Seth Low was successful to the extent
this morning sold to the organization
wharves were crowded with people,
I of |>olling an aggregate vote in excess
committee for $53,528.532.76.
and the troof* and volunteers lined the
| of the 140,000 pledged by the signa­
amount does not include the sinking
tures of the petition upon which he be­ IT COULD BE EASILY BUILT fund in the hands of the government, WHAT WILL ENGLAND DO NOW thoroughfares from the landing stage
to the palace. When Marsha) Blanco
came the candidate of an independent
and taking it to bo $4,036,400, the
1 arrived at the palace he was met by
amount stated in the government dec­
ting Collection of Current Event«
At the outset, they offered to join Llue Will Follow Old Surveyed Route, ree covering the sale of the road, the Roiala, Japan anil th. United Stat«. the civil and military authorities and
I by commissioners representing the Va-
In CundenNod Form From
hands with the Republican party organ­
total paid for the property is $57,564,-
via Ashcroft sud Queanell«—
Believe a Mflans Ila. Been Found
| rious political parties, and then pro­
Both Continent*.
ization in a concerted effort to exclude
The Lakme Arrives.
to I’rezerve th« Hords.
ceeded to the hall of conferences,
and the road went to the reorganiza­
The monthly statement of the public Tammany from power in the greater
Vancouver, B. C., Nov. 2.—Charles tion committee without any opposition.
Washington, Nov. 1.—In reliable where, in accordance with the ritual
debt shows at the close of business Oc­ city to come into being January 1, 1898,
Hosmer, general manager of the Pacific
The sale of the road was in itself one quarters it is stated that the conference and ceremonies customary on such oc­
tober 80, debt, less cash in trersury, with a population the second in magni­
the moat tame and uninteresting [>er- between Russia, Japan and the United casions, he took the oath of fidelity to
amounting to $1,020,563,901, an in-
The offer was declined, on the ground garding telegraphic communication formanoes possible to imagine. It was States, now proceeding here in refer­ Spain.
orease for the month of $8,441,188.
Marsha) Blanco has issued the fol
that in such a movement the Repalc with the Klondike, that he understood advertised to take place in front of the ence to sealing in the Behring sea and
A section of scaffolding around the
lican organization would participate the Dominion government had this Union Pacific freiglithouse, at 11 the North Pacific, has advanced to an lowing proclamation to the inhabitant
Wabash building in St. Louis, recently
only coincidentally with the other party mutter nnder consideration. There are o’clock, and it was just one minute imjiortant stage, and that a projiosition of Cuba:
partially destroyed by fire, gave way,
"I am again among you in good will
to the compact, and the citizens’ union, no insurmountable difficulties in the after that time when Master in Chan­ has been reduced to writing, which, if
«tarrying eight workmen into a mass of
on the other hand, refused to recall its way, either in the construction or in cery Cornish, who was to act as anc- accepted, will bring about a complete and a sincere desire to serve the gen­
debris. Two were fatally injured and
the maintenance of a telegraph line via tioneer, took his place in front of the change in the sealing question. The eral welfare and to establish a lasting
nomination of Mr. Low.
four seriously hurt.
On the city ticket with Judge Van Ashcroft and Quesnelle, which was the Ninth-Btreet entrance.
proposition is said to be acceptable to peace. I shall follow broad policy in
During a fire at Hornot’s dyeing and Wyck, Bird S. Cider is elected con­ route adopted in 1866 for connecting
For over an hour a crowd had been the United States. It is understood to my endeavor to restore fraternity amoug
acouring establishment in Philadelphia, troller and Randolph Guggenheim pres
Asia and America via the Behring sea. gathering to witness the sale, and it be acceptable similarly to the Russian all of Cuba’s inhabitants. I am sincere
Pa., a large can of benzine exploded. ident of tiie municipal council.
This route passes through the present was only with great difficulty that Cor­ delegates now here, but, in view of the in my intention to inaugurate a new
Thirteen firemen were seriously burned.
The executive branch of tnecity gov­ Klondike country. A line connecting nish was able to get sufficient room to restrictions placed upon them by their government policy, the object of which
It is feared some of them may lose ernment is Tammany-Democratic. It Quesnelle, the northernmost point in enable him to work. He finally jammed credentials, it has been thought desir­ will lie to secure and preserve peace.
ttieir eyesight. The loss by fire was is a double-headed body, one branch be­ British Columbia reached by tele­ himself back into the corner of the able to cable St. Petersburg for final in­
"I hope you will all salute and em­
ing the municipal council, consisting of graph, and Dawson City, if decided doorway and prepared for business. structions.
brace the Spanish flag, throwing aside
The Sparta stage was held up by two the president and 28 members; and the upon within the next few months, could The crowd was packed bo closely around I
The greatest secrecy is preserved in al) prejudices and discarding alliance
■Kinked men three miles from Baker other the board of aidermen, compris­ be put in o[>eration by this time next the doorway and up in front of the all official quarters as to the nature of with those who are staining the coun­
City, Or.
The highwaymen had a ing 650 members. The precise num- J year. Stations could be established building that members of the reorgan­ the proposition, and it is not officially try with blood.
lantern, which frightened the horsea, her of Democrats chosen cannot be every 40 miles, and they would be ization committee, men who came out admitted that any proposition has been
“Clemency awaits all who observe
used in connection with the mounted to buy the road, were unable to see any­ fmade. From equally reliable sources, the laws, but however regretable it
and the coach was capsized. The driver stated at the present writing.
Mr. thing or hear a word of what was going it is understood that the proposition may be, I shall rigorously fight those
grabbed the mail sack and reached Ba­
There appears to be a strong proba­ police and other departments.
ker City safely.
bility that the Democrats have won a J Hosmer leaves for Victoria this even­ on. They were compelled to stand back has a far reaching scope, and provides who obstinately or ungratefully con­
Attorney-General Fitzgerald, of Cal­ majority of the county and borough | ing, and will proceed thence to San in the hallway, from which one of the for the material limitation or entire tinue to carry on war.”
members occasionally poked out his suspension of pelagic sealing on tho
The following proclamation has been
ifornia, submitted a motion to the su­ offices along with the municipal places. Francisco.
face just to see that all was well.
high seas. Such a decisive step, if issued by Marshal Blanco to the armed
The vote of Van Wyck in New York |
preme court at Washington, to dismiss
The Slow Lakme.
Cornish carried under his arm a agreed to by Russia, Jap in and the forces of the island:
•r affirm in the case of W. II. T. Dur- county is approximately the same as |
Tacoma, Nov. 2.—The steam schoon­
He untied the strings United States, would not, it is under­
"I desire to express my admiration
rmit. The case involves the proceed­ was cast for Bryan in 1896, which was , er Lakme, Captain Anderson, arrived large portfolio.
ings against Durrant for murder. Tho 185,624. General Tracy, Republican, [ here lust night direct from St. Michael« and drew forth a number of papers. stood, involve a concerted move to for you who in two years of hard cam­
polled approximately 55,000, against and Dutch harbor.
wane was taken under advisement.
She left St. Selecting one of these he replaced ttie I menace the claims of Great Britain and paigning have always bravely fought
Canada to the right to pelagic sealing the infamous revolution. This I soon
Tlio people of Canton turned out in McKinley’s vote of 156,359 in New I Michaels October 14, three davs before others, and, holding it out, said:
"Gentlemen, I am here to sell cer­ on the high seas, but would rather be expect to suppress through your heioic
largo numbers to welcome President York county; while Low, citizens’ i the steamer Portland, whioh arrived
McKinley upon his arrival home. He union, polled approximately 77,000, ' cn the Sound last week, and therefore tain railroad properties in pursuance of a proposition expressive of the conclu­ efforts, and with the concurrence of the
was escorted to his residence by ti e I and George, Jefferson Democrat, 12,- brings no advices as late as those a decree of the United States circuit sions of the three most interested pow­ whole country, which will unhesitat­
brought by the Portland. Tne Lakme courL I will now read a description ers that, in the interests of hnmanitv ingly Bide with us to fight the victims
Canton troop, where he was waited 000.
In Kings connty, which includes the j left Dutch harbor October 21. She of the property to be sold, and when I and the preservation of the seal herd» of hallucinations, who aspire only to
•pou by the Commercial Travelers’ As­
sociation and a large delegation of city of Brooklyn, the Bryan vote was ' brought no gold, passengers or freight. have finished reading I will be prepared of their respective governments, all na­ what must bring complete destruction,
tions, including Great Britain and her and which offers as the only compensa­
workmen from Dueber Heights, most 76,882, while Van Wyck’s will be al- j Mate Carlson, of the Lakme, confirm« to receive bids.”
Here followed the notice of the sale, colony, Canada, should unite with tion treason to the history of their race
«f thorn from the Dueber watch works. most the same; against McKinley’s ' the report that the river steamers have
vote of 109,135, General Tracy polls
which was very long.
Ho began the Russia, the United States and Japan
There is intense excitement at Co­ approximately 35,000,while Low’s vote . gone to their winter quarters on the reading of the notice, and, as he said, in such effective prevention of pelagic or the sale of their country to for­
velo, Cal., the metrofiolis of the Round is approximately 65,000.
“Let there be war, therefore, on the
"No snow was on the ground in the did not read it so that many people sealing on the high seas as will put an
valley region, over the arrest of most
Close to his left stood end to it, and thereby secure the pre­ stnblK.rn enemies of the Spanish peo­
(n these two counties the straight immediate vicinity of St. Michaels could hear.
•f the merchants and saloon-men of
Republican vote shows a falling off of j when we left,’’ says the mate, “but the Lawyer Greer with a copy of the notice servation of the seals.
ple and protection for those who ask
Mie place on charges of selling liquor
The deliberations of the conference the clemency of Spain; and let thio
nearly 175,000, or in exces1 of the weather was getting colder. Disagree­ in his hand, and he followed the read­
to Indians, and there is reason to fear total vote for Low, while the Tammany
able northeasterly gales swept over the ing of the master in chancery very leading up to the proposition were war, which dishonors us and is mak­
that blood will flow before the matter
The reading of the notice productive of numerous inteiesting and ing us penniless, be vigorously prose­
’rote equals, if it does not slightly ex- place, and during tho 13 days we were closely.
sun be transferred to the district court
important features.
:eed, that cast for Bryan.
there discharging cargo we were com- j took an even 40 minutes.
at San Francisco. Indian police aro
Cornish then drew forth a small doc­
But little had been known of the'
The polling came within about 50,- pelled to put to sea several times as far
There is no reference to autonomy in
guarding the jail, in whioh several 000 of the entire registration, which,
as Egg island, 15 miles distant, to seek ument, and withont announcing its Russian regulations until the confer­ either proclamation, and both have
white men are conliued, being unable
considering the weather conditions un­ shelter behind the island or stand away nature, began to read. It was a pro­ ence met. Under them a neutral zone produced a bad effect among all sym­
to furnish bail.
test from Receiver Trumbull, of the of 35 miles was established surrounding pathizers with the insurrection.
der which the election proceeded, was from the inhospitable shore.”
Great excitement has been caused in all that could be expected.
Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf road, the Russian islands, within which
Marshal Blanco when formally as­
Caracas by the discovery of a plot to
Dogg For Yukoners.
against the sale without the other Un­ Great Britain agreed to suspend pelagic suming his new functions at the palace
Whatever might have been the result
start a revolution in Venezuela in order had Henry George survived the cam­
Seattle, Nov. 2.—There arrived here ion Pacific properties of the Cheyenne sealing. While this was of material said to the deputations of the conserva­
to prevent the meeting of congress. paign, the election, from the earliest last night from Chicago over the North­ & Northern road, and the line that is advantage to Russia, yet it was felt tive, autonomists and reformist parties
Five hundred arrests have been made. returns, showed that the substitution ern Pacific lailroad 220 dogs, whiih claimed by both the Denver & Gulf and that any pro]xrsition for the entire sus-
that in order to obtain peace through
The largest cargo of wheat ever load­ of the son for the father as the mayor­ are to be used in hauling provisions the Union Pacific. After reading this ; pension of pelagic sealing, even, be- the new policy it would be necessary
| yond 85 miles, would have to be recon­ for all political parties to unite. He
notice Cornish Baid:
ed in a vessel on Puget sound was alty candidate of the Thomas Jefferson into the Yukon gold fields.
placed on the steamer Glenfarg in Ta- Democracy had proved a failure from
"I am now ready to receive bids for ciled with the modus vivenli. It was made no overtures of autonomy, nor
coma, whioh cleared for St. Vincent. any but the sentimental point of view. THE COMMAND TRANSFERRED. the railroad property, the description felt that this coulfl be done, as the did he express any preference for any
of which I have just read.”
modus was riot a continuing agreement, of the Cuban political parties.
Tho cargo consisted of 170,430 busli- In fact the George candidacy had made
<fo of wheat, valued nt $140,000.
There was a moment’s silence, and but was from year to year depending
but a beggarly showing, scarcely 5 per Blanco in Charge of Cuba, Weyler on
His Way Ilonin.
for iis existence on the annual readop­
then General Fitzgerald said:
The Ottoman government has notified cent of the vote in New York, counted
“I bid $39,883,281.87 in the name of tion by the British parliament.
the powers that it objects to the appoint­ up to 8 o’clock, having been cast for the
Havana, Nov. 2.—The Spanish cruis­
Owing to Japan’s view of the sub­ A Creek Murderer Eike the Kero of •
ment of Colonel Schaeffer, an officer in son of the author of "Progress anil er Alfonso XIII, with Marshal Blanco, Louis Fitzgerald and A. W. Kreich,
ject the opinion of the seal expeits was
IHiue Novel.
die army of Luxemburg, as provisional Poverty.’’
the new governor-general of Cuba, on purchasing trustees.”
There was another pause and Cornish laid before the Japanese delegates.
eamtnissioner of the powers for tho
board, was sighted off Havana this I
Chelsea, I. T., Nov. 3.—Today John
Uncertain in Ohio and Maryland.
This opinion was to the effect that,
island of Crete. The German govern­
Watka, the Creek Indian who shot
Cincinnati, Nov. 4.—Elections oc­ morning at 5:30. At 7 o’clock the
while the Japanese seal possessions
"Are there any more bids?’”
ment supports the objection of Turkey. curred yesterday in 10 states, and in steamer entered the harbor, and Lieu­
Jonas Deer, another member of his
own tribe, was legally executed for the
The Spanish government signed con­ only two of them is the result in doubt. tenant-General Weyler, tl.e Marquis
time, yet that by adequate protection
tracts last week with an important In Ohio, both sides claim the victory, Ahumada, Admiral Navarro and other
“I will receive bids for the sale of
firin of British shipbuilders, by which though the Republicans have probably high military and naval officers went
The men were rivals for the hand of
the bonds the description of which I would be restorer! and a large Beal prop­ the same girl, and fought at a dance at
it acquires some cruisers fitted with elected the state officers, including in a special steamer to meet General
quick-tire guns, which the firm had Governor Bushnell.
which she was present, to decide who
There is also Blanco. After a long and cordial con­
pears to have been convincing to the
General Fitzgerald replied:
should gain her. Watka killed Deer
•early completed for another govern­ reason to believe that they will have a ference, Lieutenant-General Weyler
“I bid in behalf df Louis Fitzgerald
ment, whose consent, presumably, Spain majority of two or three in the legisla­ yielded up his command to his succes­
and afterwards married the Indian
and A.W. Kreich, purchasing trustees, only call d the final proposition to Ja­ maiden.
has secured by this arrangement.
ture, which will mean the return of sor.
At 10:30 Marshal Blanco landed.
Several days prior to the trial prepa­
The steamship Milwaukee sailed from Mark Hanna to the United States sen­
Cornish opened his month to say able recommendation. The conferees
The Maryland returns are still According to tho official accounts, he "Are there any more bids?” when a being thus agreed, it only remained to rations for bis wife’s future welfare
New Orleans for Liverpool with the ate.
were completed, and the pang of part­
largest cargo of cotton, if not the largest incomplete, but such figures as are at was “enthusiastically greeted” by the voice from the crowd called loudly:
hear from the respective governments
ing over. Watka set out alone to the
general cargo, ever floated.
It oon- hand indicate that United States Sena­ populace, who shouted, "Long live
public execution grounds. In due time
In Blanco. ”
«uued of 23,850 bales of cotton; 30,200 tor Gorman will succeed himself.
Lieutenant-General Weyler and Mar­
arrived—the crowd was in waiting..
bushels of grain; 38,850 pieces of Massachusetts, Wolcott is elected gov­
I cannot hear them,” and General taken until Wednesday, by which it is
The prisoner assumed his position on1
staves; 2,300 oars; her entire cargo be­ ernor by about 90,000 plurality, even shal Blanco exchanged farewells on Cowan,
ing equal to 26,000 bales of cotton.
Democratic Boston showing up well in board the Alfonso XIII. The steamer pushed his wav through the crowd Petersburg and Tokio will have taken bended knees, with arms tied behind
Moi.t emit sailed at 1 P. M. She was
and a blindfold over his eyes. The
Boys eelobrating Hallowe’en at Fort his favor. Pennsylvania will have a escorted outside the harbor by numer- with great difficulty. The sale stopped final action on the proposition.
rifle was placed in the hands of a keen
Brunch, Ind., started a lire which de­
for a moment as General Cowan strug­
marksman: there was a sharp crack,
I G. McCau- ous tugs laden with friends of the de- gled to the Bide of Cornish. He was
stroyed Odd Fellows’ hall, tho Foil urer, and a Republican, L.
and the white spot marked over the
The only parting general and the officers of his shown the amount of the bids and
Branch Tinies office, six business houses ley, for auditor-general, .
staff. An immense crowd witnessed
mid several dwellings.
Total loss, state office contested for in Kentucky, the departure fiom the wharves, Ac- made a note of them. Cornish again Whitman County «lodge Snys a Gelding heart was discolored with the spurting
blood caused by the deadly bullet.
I* Not a Horne.
$350,000. In the course of the fire 30 clerk of the court of appeals, goes to S. cording to the official account, the “peo- said:
Late this summer Watka went to
pounds of dynamite exploded, causing J. Shackleford, a Democrat.
pie cheered for Weyler, the pacificator.
much damage to surrounding property. elects L. M. Shaw, Republican, gov- General Weyler’s escort on the Mont­
There was not a sound, and the mas­ Herbert, a lioree thief, desperado and Kansas City with a baseball team of
bis fellow reds and played a game at
ernor, by about 17,000.
ln Nebraska,
ter continued:
alleged murderer, wanted in Wyoming one of the parks. He had ample oppor­
Much aurpirso ami ill feeling has
tho fusion ticket was successful by from serrat consisted of 600 sick soldiers.
“As there are no more bids I declare for killing a peddler, was cleared today
been occasioned in official circles in 10,000 to 20,000.
the property of which I have just read of the horse-stealing charge on a re­ tunity to escape, but returned to the
Madrid by the statement in the ac-
a description sold to Louis Fitzgerald markable ruling by Judge McDonald, territory of his own accord that his sen­
•ounts of the demonstration in Havana
tence might be carried out.
and Alvin W. Kreich, purchasing the eccentric judge of Whitman county
•n Friday, which preceded General
Plea of a Man With Both of Ilia Lrgi
trustees, they having made the highest superior court.
The evidence was
Wayler's embarkation, that he had de­ Nuppli«** %re to Be Sent in by Rein«
Cut Off.
and the only bid. ”
abundant and conclusive that Herbert
clared while addressing the deputation
deer Exprenn.
Spokane, Nov. 2.—Late Thursday
stole the horse, but his attorney moved Oi, tuberrnlln Will Be Distributed
that he had been recalled in obedience
Chicago, Nov. 4.—Tho threatening night the attention of a night brake-
to the wishes of the reliels and the de- famine in the Yukon valley will be re­ man on a west-bound freight train sale. Tne members of the committee for a dismissal of the case on the
had nothing to say after the transaction ground that the complaint said
ands of the United States.
San Francisco, Nov. 2.—It is pro­
lieved. Dr. Sheldon Jackson, en route was arttacted near Sprague by piercing was over.
"horse,” while the animal was it geld­ posed by the Cooper medical college and
It is understood that the diet of the from the Klondike to Washington, said cries for help. Lying close to the
ing. Ihe judge dicided that a gelding persons who are convinced of the effic­
A Pioneer's Bones.
Greater Republic of Central America that the recent order of Secretary Alger track was the upper portion of a tnan,
Dubuque, la., Nov. 3.—The bones of was not a horse, and the case was dis­ acy .of Dr. Hirschfelder’soxytubersulin
teas refused to agreo with Secretary to Colonel Randall, in command of the still conscious, though both legs were
missed. Herbert is still,held for other in th« treatment of consumption to
Sherman in support of the arguments military reservation at St. Michaels, cut clean from his body. What was Julian Dubuque, with those of two In­
manufacture the compound for free dis-
put forward in support of the appoint­ directing him to use reindeer for haul­ left of the man was able to yell lustily
trbution. No definite plans have been
ment of Captain William L. Merry, of ing food to the miners will relieve enough in spite of the fearful agony he by the builders of a monument upon
Burled Under a Mang of Rock.
decided upon, but it is thought that tho
San Francisco, as minister of the Uni­ much suffering.
must have been suffering, and his first his grave, have been deposited in a
stone sarcophagus within tne monu­
Dr. Jackson has in the herd 200 words to the brakeman were:
ted States to Nicaragua, Costa Rica and
Murphy and Dunn, employed on the best chanels of distribution will be the
“For God’s sake, give me a cigar ment. Dubuque was the first white extra crew oi Great Northern laborers, health departments of the cities and
It is claimed in Managua bead of reindeer trained to harness.
settler west of the Mississippi river,
public hospitals. Dr. Hirschfelder has
that this step was taken to force the He also lias two Laps and several Esqui­ ettel”
were killed yesterday morning, one
given his sanction to the movement,
United States, if possible, to fully maux exjierts in driving deer, whom he
The relief asked for was furnisher!, an<l was known to the Indians as Little mile east of Katka.
He and, with assistance, the man was ro Cloud.
recognise the diet, although it is can turn over to Colonel Randall.
The men had been drilling rock on a and will reserve no proprietary rights.
The Durrant Case.
claimed that that body may be over­ further states that the present exigency moved to the hospital.
mountain side for riprapping purposes Dr. Reilly, of the Chicago health de­
The dead body of another man was
turned any day by a successful revolu­ emphasizes the urgent need of procur­
Washington, Nov. 3.—Attorney-Gen­ along Kixitenai river, when rock over­ partment, has written to Dr. Hirsch­
tion in Nicaragua, Costa Rica or Sal­ ing trained reindeer in large numbers; found a little further on. It was that eral Fitzgerald, of California, today head began to fall. They sought shel­ felder, stating that he hopes soon to be
vador, or by tho withdrawal from it of that the mines of Alaska are so pecul­ of a rather well-dressed person, and ap­ submitted a motion to dismiss or affirm ter under an adjacent cliff, and were able to use the consumption cure for
any of tlwr presidents governing the iarly situated that they cannot be sup­ pearances indicated that it had been in the case of W. H. T. Durrant. The buried undef a fearful mass of rock. It the benefit of .he poor of this city.
state ho represents.
The reply of the plied with a continuous adequate food dragged along the tracks for some dis case involves the proceedings against took the rest of the crew 12 hours to
Switzerland has just decided to make
diet will probably bo forwarded to tho supply until reindeer transportation is tance in an easte-ly direction. He was Durrant for murder.
The case was get the bodies ouL Dunn was formerly insurance against accident and sickness
probably struck and dragged along by taken under advisement.
United States state department.
compulsory on all citizens.
a civil engineer.
the freigliL The name of the dead
Il is expected that a treaty or con­
Warehouse Fire in London.
MlrhlgMn Town Burning.
Big Oil Deal Closed.
Twenty Feet of Snow.
man was Thomas Kelly.
vention between tho United States,
London, Nov. 3—The extensive ware­
Petonkey, Mich., Nov. 4.—Petoskey
Pa., Nov. 3.—The South
Russia and Japan will be formally
Denver, Colo., Nov. 1.—The Rock
houses and stables of Carter, Pearson
is fighting the worst tire in its history.
Concerning Union I.Abel..
Pennsylvania Oil Company has closed»
signed and executed at the state de­
& Co., limited, the well-known car­
At 4 o’clock thia morning Coonable’s
deal for the purchase of the oil prop­
Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 1.—Judge Ha
partment during the present week,
steam laundry was discovered in flames, zelrigg delivered an opinion in the riers, railroad agents, forwarding and yesterday morning, and the one that erty of the Devonian, Emery and Manoa
carrying out the pro|>oaition before the
and is completely destroyed.
Behring sea conference for a suspension dwellings are burning, and a large court of appeals, in which the court don, were destroyed by fire today.
here at noon today, as two sections of oil oompanies in the Bradford fields.
holda that labor unions have property
of pelagic sealing. The present under­
train. They were delayed near The deal includes 20,000 acres of land
block of mills and factories seem cer­
Atlanta, Nov. 8.—The Georgia cot­ Limon Junction, where the trainmen and 450 producing wells. The oon-
standing is that the sighing of this tain to go in spite of the efforts of the right in their labels and other devices
designing the fruits of their labor, and ton-oil mill was completely destroyed say, six miles of track were covered sideration was $1,400,000 in cash.
document will occur within tho next tiremen.
may enjoin outside parties from ap­ by fire this morning. The loss is $117,- with 20 feet of snow. Wires were
few days. It will represent the com­
A naturaliat atatea that the puffing
propriating this device or counterfeit­ 000, $49,000 on stock destroyed, and down, and for 48 hour* the where­ up of frogs and toads on being disturbed
Longbow strings were of plaited silk
pleted efforts of the conference, and,
with the signing concluded, the confer- and worth tire times their weight ; in ing it This is the first time this point the balance on the building. There ia abouts of tha train due yesterday was is an instinct ire device for terrify
has been passed on in thia state.
about $7,8000 insurance.
enoe will adjourn.
not kzowa.
their foe».
r. H. BAKMIAKT. Fubllzhrr.