The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 29, 1897, Image 5

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    Klondike Gold
G. S. Wright, dentist.
Millsap A Son, Pure Food Grocers.
to till teeth unless necessary to pre­
Fresh Tillamook cheese at Bettman <4
serve them. Tooth decay is usually
caused by food accumulating be­
Wm. F. Dielschneider does all kinds
tween or about them, and being al­
lowed to remain there, it decom­
of Jewelry repairing.
poses and forms an acid, which nur­
Go to the new shoe store for winter
tures bacteria. This causes a rapid
breaking down of tooth substance,
after which the only remedy is to till
You can get perfect satisfaction in pho­
the cavity.
This should be done
tos at the Excelsior Studio.
carefully and thoroughly by a den­
tist who is skilled iu the art and un­
The late Jas. L. Steward of Carlton
derstands the structure of the tooth.
un estate of the probable value of
Ilaviug made such work a specialty,
I invite your attention to my meth­
Extracting done carefully
Washington couldn’t tell a lie. Like
and painlessly. Plates made as nat­
Mark Twain, we can but we won’t.
ural as possible and assured to flt.
Don’t (ail to see the new goods arriving
AU methods used are only the latest.
Call for examination and prices.
every few days at the Racket store. 45-2
A bowling club has been formed of
LEROY LEWIS, D. D. S. about forty members, and has head­
quarters in connection with the Holman
McMinnville, Ore.
paint shop.
Big cut in prices at R. Jacobson &
Co.’son account of preparation for re­
moval into new bujjding.
The Veeperian dramatic club will
greet the public with their first appear­
ance this season on Friday night, Nov.
12th, in “The Man from Maine.” The
cast remains about the same as last win­
(Office over Braly's Bank.)
M c M innville
O begon .
Why go to Klondike to make money
when you can make it at home by buy­
ing your groceries of J. P. Irvine & Son?
H. COOK, fl. I).
Something of a flurry has been stirred
up in educational circles over a charge
that gambling was indulged in among
students at the state university. Inves­
Rooms 9 and 10, Union Block,
tigation has led to the expulsion of two
O reoon . students and a third has left rather than
stand trial.
II. B. Reed is the all-round fence man.
He not only makes and sells the combi­
nation picket and wire fence,but has two
or three styles of all wire fencing, aud al­
so common barbed wire. He is in the
fence business, and it will pay you to see
We are located opposite Burns & Daniels and aim
to give all customers goo^ treatment for little him about anything in that line.
money. Bath rooms in connection.
Your pat­
ronage solicited.
Talk about your boys of 70! Joseph
Hoberg was on top of the Jacobson block
all of the stormy afternoon of last Sat­
urday putting in the skylight and
spreading about 75 pounds of putty,
till his hands were so cold he could
Manufactures and Deals in
hardly lift them. It was a big job and
had to be done to protect the building.
Talking about the porcupine as a rare
animal in these parts, Fred Sitton cap­
tured one a few days ago and is holding
it in captivity and making overtures in
uidbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they
ran be bought anywhere else in the Willamette the direction of adoption as a household
Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are pet. Old hunters say the animals are
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them.
not so very rare, nevertheless one is sel­
dom seen. The common evidence of
their presence is the return of a hunting
Dealer in and Manufacturer of
dog from an encounter with one, his
mouth and nose full of quills. The por­
cupine always comes off first best.
George Gammie, who was for several
years superintendent of the Ladd & Reed
stock farm in this county, is at present
All work guaranteed as represented. Repairing managing a 2480-acre tract in Union
of all kinds promptly done. First door west oi
count}’ in the capacity of receiver. In a
McMinnville National Bank.
letter forwarding his subscription, Mr.
Gammie says: “There have been splen­
did crops of wheat all over Union coun­
ty. Some of the finest fields of wheat I
ever saw, some large fields going as high
as 40 and 50 bushels. You must think
Third St., between E and F.
us very slow in harvesting, as there is
Wilson & Henderson, Props.
yet a great quantity of grain to thresh.
On this farm there are about 15,000
Everything first-class. Horses boarded by bushels of wheat, to thresh, and A. B.
day, week or month. Commercial travelers
conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. Conley has 40,000 bushels of barley to
Give us a call.
thresh, but you must excuse us when I
tell you that his one separator has had
_____ 7000 acres of grain to handle, and all
over the valley there ¡8 a great deal re­
maining, but is all headed and stacked.”
and Surgeons.
and Surgeon.
Successors to Matthies Bros.,
Proprietors of
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds
South side Third St. between B and C.
Truck and Dray Co.
Goods of all descriptions moved, and careful
handling guaranteed. Collections will be made
monthly. Hauling of ail kinds done cheap.
Successor of the Unabridged ”
The One Great Standard Authority,
So write» Hon. I). J. Brewer,
Justice U. S. Supreme Court.
Si andard
of the I’. S. < Jov’t Printing
( »ilice, the I M Supreme
Court, all the State Su
preme (’onrts, an<l of aenr-
ly all the .schoolbooks.
bv State Sunenufemleuf»
of School», < oilege l'resi-
almost without number
in 'he house'tol<l, rn«l tn
til« ten Cher. 8<h<>lnr, pro-
feMionnl man, and self
It 1« eaay to
It Is easy to
It Is easy to
It IS easy to
find tile word wanted
ascertain the pronunciation.
troce the growth ol a word.
learn what a word means
The Chic »<<> Tfmes-HvfflM xnys.—
WMrlar’« Iniamououal fScScnoiy IAII«l>»f«ent
form loalooiuto authority on everrthlnv 1 <H»lntn«
to our iHngiiiiKU hi the " oy or oribovrspliy. onho-
•pv.r’TnvHosy, and definition. From It there »« no
appeal. lirts»neHe. t »«human ttfoilanusetiol I-
snip can make it.—I»ee. it. less
■^Specimen pstjes sent on application to
G. «t C. MF.RRIAM CO., Puhlinhnrn,
Sprintatili, Ma.«*., U.S.A.
Three leaders rKimball pianos and or­
gans, New Home and Wheeler & Wilson
sewing machines; for sale at C. Gris-
Judge Denny was in the city Monday
and favored The Reporter with a call.
The judge feels that he has been placed
in a false light in reference to his attitude
toward the improvement of the Yamhill
river, it having been alleged that he had
filed a protest against the location of the
dam and locks on his place and threaten­
ing to mulct the government for damages.
He says that he has made no protest, but
on the contrary is in favor of the proposed
improvement and that he offered to do­
nate the land necessary for the purpose.
What he did do, be says, was to write a
letter to General Alger apprising the
government of certaiu facte in connection
with the construction of the works. If
located at the point he supposed they
would be, unless care was observed to
prevent it, overflow of his land would
result, and he notified Gen. Alger that
the government would be held responsi­
ble for any damages. Hie object, he ex­
plains, was to prevent such a contin­
gency by having the works properly con­
structed. We are bound to take Judge
Denny at his word, but it is becoming
more and more evident as the dilly-dally­
ing with this business progresses, that
there is a nigger in the woodpile, and
that some powerful agency is at work to
prevent the carrying out of the project
for which appropriations were secured
some months agq. The question is, who
are the people interested, and who are
their agents? Our people are beginning
to have a pretty clear idea about it.
G. S. Wright, dentist.
Typewriter supplies at C. Griesen’s.
If Wm. F. Dielschneider repairs your
watch, it’s all right.
For hunting boots and rubbers go to
the new shoe store.
Just received at the Racket store, new
lot all wool remnants.
A. J. Apperson has the widest variety
of goods to select from.
Choicest and freshest candies in town
can always be found at White’s restau­
Kay A Todd are, now ready for the fall
trade with a couplets line in all de­
Miss N. P. Cooper of Independence
visited the family of her brother J. C.
Cooper this week.
New capes, jacket», mackintoshes,
duck coats, hosiery anti furnishing goods
at A. J. Apperson’s.
Three clerks at the Grange «St Farmers’
store are kept busy selling ladies’ and
gents’ furnishing goods.
Grand Removal Sale!
Big Cut tn prices!
$45,000 WORTH
The best assortment of rubbers, um­
brellas and lioots and shoes, are found at
the Grange <4 Farmers’ store.
For sale—Four first-grade billy-goats
and a few good grade buck lambs. In­
quire of Wm. Merchant, Carlton, Or. 3-4
A football game will be played to­
morrow on the college grounds lietween
McMinnville and Newberg. Admission
15 cents.
Vita Ore has made many cures of best
people in Yamhill county. Ask them.
W. G. Robbins, agent, over Strong’s har­
ness shop.
Mrs. Lucy E. Cowls and her sister
Mrs. Hussey left for Portland yesterday.
On Saturday they will go to Eugene to
visit the divinity school.
At Racket store. A larger line than
ever before of women’s, misses’ and
children’s underwear, also for men and
boys. Be sure and see them.
Consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing,
Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furnishing
Goods, Ladies’ & Children’s Jack­
ets and Capes, Millinery, etc.,
Must be disposed of within 60 Days.
Come early and get tlie first choice,
as goods are moving very fast.
R. Jacobson & Co.
McMinnville, Oct. 22, 1897.
Mrs. B. F. Lucas of Derry is visiting
J. P. Irvine & Son have the largest parents and other friends in the city.
stock of groceries ever carried in the
The best 25-cent meal in the city is ob­
county, and now is the time to lay in tainable at T. A. White’s restaurant.
your winter supply at bed rock prices.
Money to loan on improved farm prop­
The County Christian Endeavor con­ erty. Address Box 72, Lafayette, Or. 3-4
vention will meet at Lafayette Nov. 5th,
There will be a meeting of the Mc­
6th and 7th. A good meeting is antici­
Minnville bowling club at their club
pated and good program lias been pre­
room this, Friday,evening at 8 o’clock.
pared. All societies are expected to
All the regular services of the Cumber­
send delegates.
land Presbyterian church Sunday morn­
The dedication of the new Cumberland
ing and evening. All most cordially
Presbyterian church occurred last Sun­ welcomed.
day. The attendance was estimated be­
Bert Leabo is suffering the inconven­
tween 400 and 500, and nearly all were
of a broken left arm, the result of
comfortably seated. The membership of
the Methodist church joined in the ser­ being kicked by a horse. This is the
vices. Rev. R. F. Powell of Seattle fourth case of broken bones in the family
preached the dedicatory sermon from in two years, which seems rather more
Matt. 16: 18. He divided the subject in­ than a just quota of ill luck. However,
to four parts, viz: Foundation, material, we don’t know of anybody who would
work and destiny of the church. The shoulder it more cheerfully.
foundation should be Christ, the mate­ When we wrote the brief article last
rial redeemed souls, the work recniting week urging organization on party lines
Christ’s army, and the destiny would be on city elections, we bad but one object
that it would stand and the gates of hell in view—the betterment of city govern­
should not prevail against it. Tlie ser­ ment by bringing out the best possible
mon was regarded as an able one, and men as candidates and securing their
was well received by the audience. Rev- election by a free and untrammeled vole
Powell then undertook the raising of $450 at the election polls. There is no such
to leave the church free of all debt. overwhelming odds in favor of either
About an hour was occupied in raising party in the city as to make it certain
the amount, the contributions coming in that either the republican, populist or
lively when the smaller amounts were democratic party would profit by such an
reached. Pledges and money were ob­ arrangement. For our own part we are
tained to the amount of $450.81. The ded­ free to say that we wouldn’t care a fig
icatory prayer was offered by Rev. E. E. so long as the desired object was gained.
Thompson, the pastor, and the services Every person familiar with our city elec­
closed with an hosanna chorus by the tions during the past few years, is aware
choir, whose music throughout is highly that the method at present in vogue, of
spoken of. A cut of the new church holding a siugle caucus, whether called
building will appear in The Reporter in a citizens' caucus or something else, has
a few weeks. Nearly $4000 have been only the effect of stifling a free expression
raised and expended by this church of public sentiment and rendering the
within the past fourteen months.
elections a farce. It is urged against this
A city caucus that had something of method, that factions aud cliques having
the appearance of rivaling greater New objects to gain at the expense of the pub­
York was held in the court house Wed­ lic, organize their forces beforehand,
nesday evening. O. H. Irvine was chosen turn out to the caucus to a man, and carry
chairman and C. H. McKinney and J. through their measures, while a large
G. Eckman secretaries. Mayor Chris­ proportion of voters, either out of disgust
man moved to proceed to ballot, and that at the huggermugger practices sometimes
a majority of votes cast elect, aud that employed when numbers fail, or out of
voters be required to step forward and general apathy, remain away from the
place ballots in hat. C. A. Wallace caucus. After the “citizens” caucus has
amended that ballot be placed in chair­ beeD held and the pins set up, all oppo­
man’s hand aud that he cast the ballot. sition to the triumphant “push” is met
Mr. Chrisman objected on the ground with the withering cry of bolter! kicker!
that no man had the right to handle etc, The caucus, notwithstanding its
another man’s ticket.
Mr. Fenton objectionable features, is necessary in
amended that names of voters be re­ in our political affairs, but it should never
corded by secretaries, and the original be accepted as the court of final appeal
motion as amended carried. On motion and allowed to usurp the place of
of Mr. Vinton the chair appointed F. W. public elections. If there is any other
Fenton and E. V. Littlefield tellers. On way than division on party lines of secur­
motion of E. C. Walker three judges were ing freer and fairer city elections we
appointed to determine qualifications of should be just as ready to accept them.
voters as ballots were cast. Chair ap­
Dig down to the cause of your sickness,
pointed E. C. Walker, O. O. Hodson and
J. J. Spencer. On motion of Judge if you want to get well and stay well.
Magers the election proceeded on the Most likely it’s indigestion. The irritat­
order of first, mayor, second, recorder, ing poisons of fermenting, putrid food,
third, marshal, after the chair had ap­ left in the stomach by indigestion, causes
pointed as outside tellers Messrs. J. A. headache, neuralgia, nervousness, dizsi«
Peckham, A. B. Apperson, J. H. Nelson ness, stomachache, nausea, irritability
and Thoe. Rowland. Votes to the num­ and all the other well-known symptoms
ber of 194 were cast on the first ballot, of of indigestion. They also cause many
which Mayor Chrisman received 12$, Mr. '. pains and disorders which are often laid
J. P. Irvine 18, Mr. Warren 13, scattering to other causes and hence are not easily
38. Mr. Chrisman was declared nomin­ cared. But as soon as the poisons are
ated. No election of recorder resulted on removed, all these symptoms and dis­
first ballot, and on second ballot Mr. orders disappear, because there is nothing
Snyder received 112 votes, snd Mr. Con« left to cause them. Nothing succeeds in
ner 68, scattering 11. Mr. Snyder was this like Shaker Digestive Cordial, be­
declared the nominee. Two ballots were cause it prevents the undigested food
c«st for marshal, Mr. Neal, the present from fermenting in the stomach and
incumbent receiving the nomination, the helps the stomach to digest its food.
vote being Neal 97, Brower 86, scattering Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00
| per bottle.
SHOULD SEE THE__________________
New Deere Sulky and Gang Plows.
They throw out of the ground eight inches with one linger
and throw in with a touch of the heel. For sale at .
------- DEALER IN--------
Heport ofCity School«.
Report of the McMinnvlile public
schools for the first month ending Oct.
15, 1897 :
» <
0 3 o »
© 5'
i o
Reynolds .
Miss Peters
Miss Green
Mrs. Cook
Mrs. Littlefield
Miss Mann
Miss Gray ............ ..
. 45
3 0
1 »S2
3 1 -
47 2
48 4
45 2
25 21
45 l<>
M 38
II 39
95 2 15 6
95 1 18 6
96 1 27 3
M 5 36 3
■D- 3 25 1
1 21
3 17
3 14
Nineteen tardies for the first month is
a pretty large beginning. Report books
will be sent at the close of every month
to the parents; please examine them,
sign them, and if the work indicated is
not satisfactory will you not consult the
teacher or the principal. Our aim is to
do the best possible for your children ;
we cannot do it without your co-opera­
tion, parents. We extend to you a
hearty invitation to visit the school at
any time.
W. I. R eynolds , Prin.
A man may dross as well as his own
good judgment and the assistance of an
artistic tailor may elect. He may take
his “tubs” but if his digestive organs are
out of order, he will have an unwhole­
some appearance. His complexion and
the white of his eyes will havo a yellowish
cast. His tongue will be coated, appetite
poor, his teeth rusty, his breath abom­
inable. He is one, unmistakable sign of
constipation. Tlie quickest, surest,
easiest way to cure this trouble is to take
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They are
made of refined, concentrated vegetable
extracts. Nothing in the least harmful
enters into their composition. They hunt
down all impurities, and “make them
move on.” They are the product of many
years’ study and practice. Dr. Pierce
cannot afford to put forth a worthless
article. Address with 21 cents in one-
cent stam]>s , to cover costof mailing only
World’s Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. Y., and get a free copy of the
"Medical Adviser.”
Do you know, that Elsia Wright carries
a full line of lubricating oils for machin­
ery? Owners of valuable harvesting and
other machinery cannot afford to exper­
iment with poor oils. He carries the best
on the market and they are warranted
not to gum.
for Male.
fer Sale.
One-half interest in a livery stable.
Good location. For terms apply to
20 head of choice goats for sale by T.
J. E. H ubbard , Lafayette, Or.
A. Shelton, Carlton.