The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 15, 1897, Image 6

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records until
with the keeper of city
30 days have elapsed.
There is a title of $25 upon the officiat­
ing justice or preacher if the marriage
MILWAUKEE HAS ONE AND BUSI­ is not recorded; If tlie groom is willing
to pay that much for secrecy no record
is made. All through tlie law there are
loopholes for scheming men and wo
Bnt a Collapse la Threatened — One
men to slip through.
Preacher Ilan Married 3,079 Co u pies
Milwaukee probably has double ti»l
in Three Year«—Lax Marriatre Laws number of marriages of auy other city
of W i.coti.ln — Prosperous Justices,
In the Union, in proportion to popula­
I Instant, and if a crime is committed seem to be nothing to prevent farmers
tion. While eloping couples from the
which calls for swift retribution or a from installing telephone systems
neighboring town and cities of this
Profitable for Preacher«.
chase after the offender the instant which would be independent of the
The Milwaukee marriage market Is State come to have the knot tied, most
in danger of a collapse. Not tliat there i of the business comes from Chicago.
wings of electricity will aid in the pur- companies which charge such exor­
In Chicago tlie lawmakers evidently
bitant tariffs.
Private lines among
is a slump in prices or a falling off
(either lu supply or demand) of hy­ regard till' wedded state as a danger­
step toward easily and neighbors or lines to town, with a
meneal material, but because tlv* high­ ous o’ie. for they make It hard to get
cheaply constructing a farm telephone small exchange and switchboard in the
er morality of tlie town lias made a into and easy to get out of. Divorces
Hue Is to get the telephones. Cell bat- (»ostoffice or general store, could be
can be easily obtained, but there are
teries are a prime requisite, and can easily and cheaply Installed, and when
all sorts of difficulties to overcome
be ordered at any hardware store; so once in service the farmers would fight
when you want to get married, particu­
<an tlie transmitter and receiver. It before relinquishing them.
larly If secrecy is desired. It Is neces­
will take some studying to understand
The practical utility of the independ­
sary to procure an expensive license
just what part this equipment plays in ent telephone may be realized by tak­
and the publication iu tlie daily papers
the whole ensemble, yet It Is simple ing the case of an Isolated settlement
of the names of tlie parties mentioned
and practical when projierly compre­ not on any railroad. Everyone must
in the document makes secrecy almost
hended. The barb wire fence should I«' drive to some other town to see any- ;
impossible. That is why Milwaukee Is
utilized where there are no breaks, and l»ody or to find out what is going on. If
popular with elopers. The boats that
The practical utility of having a where wire loops can be employed to they had a telephone line, even a sin­ They use it every day and near neigh­
come up the lake, especially on Sunday,
bring scores of unmarried couples who ' telephone on the farm is fast being connect with other farms, Where this gle instrument in the settlement, the bors come into call up the town. It is
return home as brides and grooms in demonstra tisl In many agricultural dis­ cannot be done, however, wire can be advantage would be enormous. The connected with an exchange, but p< >-
the evening. Cases are known where tricts, and the system is bound to strung from tree to tree, across coun- original cost would be scarcely any­ pie are accommodating iu a small town
boys and girls have got Into a flirtation spread. Outside of tlie business as(>ects try or along tlie highways. No Insula- thing. $10 or $15 perhaps. After that and if anyone wants a message trans­
oil the Ixiat and when they reached of the project, the social side of tlie tion is necessary, the wire being sim­ there is no expense and the conve­ muted to somebody there is no .rouble
shore were married, half in jest. But question has helped on construction. ply fastened to the limb with staples. nience will never be appreciated until about its being delivered at the other
From tlie experiments of a mere boy Sometimes bare spaces may need (Miles. tlie line has been In operation for end. They call up in the morning and
the tie is binding.
Willie all the preachers and not a there lias grown in one eastern section These iumm I not be the great, tall, well awhile. There are a hundred and one find out what price Is offered for some­
thing off the farm. If it is satisfactory
few justices reap tlie financial benefit a system with sixteen wires, covering
a bargain is made over the wire, per­
of these lax laws, the principal Itenefi- seven townships. The demand has
haps, or decide to drive in with a wag­
ciaries are Rev. Wesley A. Hunsberger, spread, in tills Instance, for telephonic
on. If tlie market is low a trip is saved.
service, until now farmers miles apart
The possibilities are endless. A tele­
Methodist Church, and Justices of the sit in their homes with receivers at
gram arrives hit' at night. The opera­
protest against the business of marry­ Peace McWharter and Hayden. Tlie their ears, and listen to speeches, songs
tor at the town can hasten to the wire,
ing eloping coiqiles. For a number of location close to the boat docks is what and recitations sent whirling over the
years tills trading In marriage cer­ brings them the trade. The latter have | wires, or express with one another,
read the dispatch, and save a long and
tificates lias been flourishing there anil runners at the dock to advertise that with readiness anil convenience, what
tedious trip into the country.
Another thing tliat will be brought
shall be done to kill the weevil and
about some day will be the storage of
keep up tile price of wheat.
the surplus energy developed by wind­
The farm telephone is the outgrowth
mills in storage batteries and its use
of no corporation, and no charge is
to light farms and farmhouses by elec­
made for rates. It should either be a
tricity. Tlie ouly drawback to the
purely personal venture, or conducted
< k '
scheme now is the great weight and
on the lines of tlie Grange, for mutual
considerable cost of storage batteries.
Improvement and benefit. Tlie person
But an immense amount of energy
starting into this enterprise will find
could lie accumulated by a windmill
enthusiastic helpers. Farmers instant­
and converted inio electricity, stored up
ly realize tliat they have an opportu­
.■mil later released to light up a *’arm-
nity to build tlielr own lines at nominal
house. Of course this would be chiefly
cost. As the great bulk of tlie farmer’s
available iu tlie winter when the
business is, after all, with other farm­
evenings are short, because in tlie sum­
ers, and with local dealers in the near­
mer it is light until almost it o'clock,
est town, lie Is practically independent
and then the average farmer goes to
of tlie long-distance companies, and
bed. But that plan will lie developed
serves all his needs by a short line to
by-and-by and indeed 1ms been alreadv
tlie town and to tlie homes of ids near­
in some places, but the expense under
est neighliors.
Tift' experiments al­
eaeb season lias seen nil Increase,
t.iie present sy»t,.n is almost prohibi-
ready made will soon become popular,
waukee lias become the Gretna Green
and the near future will doubtless see
of Chicago, and the entire West is
There is no doubt but that in the city
a farmhouse with a telephone as natu­
pointing the finger or shame at her.
the telephone is a constant necessity
rally a part of Its equipment as is a
Tlie whole blame lies with tlie lax mar­ JUSTICE m ’ whartek ’ s marriage mill windmill or a cistern..
for tlie transaction of business. In the«
riage laws of Wisconsin
country it would seem to lie fully as
they will perform tlie ceremony cheap­
Communication between farmhouses
necessary, where everyone is isolated
ly and speedily, but. while they do a Itt time of peril or trouble has always
and communication is necessarily slow
good business. Dr. Huusberger catches been slow and tedious. Fire, murder, trimmed [>oles of the telephone com­ things that a settlement
the cream, because there is a lingering robbery and other disasters which nat­ pany, but material cut In the woods, would want to get into communication and difficult by ordinary methods. For
sentiment that marriage should be a urally enlist the sympathies of neigh­ and branches lopjied off.
with a town for. If they had a line to every need of tlie farmer lie must drive
religious ceremony. Dr. Hunsberger boring farmers are liable to occur al­
When a line is complete, part or all some near village they cotlid have mes­ to town, no matter how great tlie dis­
undoubtedly holds the marriage record most any time on a farm far away barb wire fence, or current carried sages transmitted over the long dis­ tance or how bad the toads. Often it
of tlie country, having united 2,079 from its nelghlior. If the place Is left, aloft on a home-made line strung to tance wire to large cities, and if a farm­ means merely a trip both ways to order
couples during the past three years. as is often the case, in charge of the trees, roofs and poles, the farmer has er wanted something in a hurry instead something by telegraph or to get some­
His fees have probably averaged $4 women while the men are at work far a decidedly new luxury secured at a of writing for it and waiting for the thing that might as well be sent out
each a total Income for tlie three years away in the fields news of some im­ very low expense. An instrument com­ slow delivery of the mails there lie frolli the town.
With tlie telephone
of $8,316 from tills branch of his min­ portant hapiM'iiing can be transmitted plete costs but $6 and wire is $2.70 a could ca.. up his dealer in the city, or­ system in operation ills labors will be
isterial work. One Sunday lie married only at the cost of a Jong journey, mile. If the liarb wire fence method is der I, by wire and have it come out by lightened incalculably and his time
eight couples anil a memorandum iu Ids which many times is out of tlie ques­ ustMl the wire costs nothing, for it is al­ express tliat day.
saved immeasureably.
own writing shows tliat his receipts
And. after all, the barbed wire fence
In one of these settlements where a
tion. But if on tlie wall of a farmhouse ready on the ground, strung anil ready
for tills service were $76.50. The
hangs a telephone connected with a for service. With hundreds of miles line Is now in actual operation it is system should commend itself to the
preacher is not ashamed of his work.
neighboring system a dozen or a score of barb wire fence practically continu­ claimed by its users that they abso­ farmer through its simplicity and its
He says:
farmhouses maj’ lie alarmed in an ous all over the country, there would lutely could not get along without it. ease of operation and equipment.
“Men who rail against me for marry­
ing people— merely because they come
In large numbers are like the foxes
who concluded the grapes were sour
when they found they were beyond
t..eir reach. They become very bitter
munity will ere long demand a repeal and full of acid, solely liecat.-ie they do
of these statutes and the substitution of not get a part of tlie fees. It would lie
others mole In accord with the Chris­ vanity for me to suppose tliat I marry
tian sense of propriety.
about 000 collides each year because I
With It u Six-foot Bole Can Be Bored
in One Minute.
All a man needs to get married in
Milwaukee is a girl. He may take lus
first cousin, In case he cannot find a
15-year-old woman outside his own
family who will have him. He will
not have to bring the parents’ consent
If the parents live outside the State,
Dor does It matter if the girl Is under
15. so long as she will mvinr tliat to
be her age. No license Is required and
the preacher Is not obliged to register
am handsome or popular. 1 attribute
tlie unique sltuatlou to the fact that my
church Is the first one on the way up­
town from tin* excursion boats. People
see the church. They conclude the par­
sonage is close by. It is the location,
nothing else, that has caused the won­
derful marriage record for tlie Grand
Avenue Church. No change should be
made in the law which will Increase the
expense of getting married. The mar­
riage ceremony should be made as
cheap as possible. It will be better for
the country anil society when we re­
turn to the habit of our forefathers and
encourage marriage at tlie earliest pos­
sible age that is legal. I would favor
more publicity. I have nothing to re­
pent or regret In my wedding record. I
have been conscientious lu It all.”
Justice McWharter, who has
1.000 knots, declares that he Is In
business because It Is profitable
Justice Hayden, who has a score of 481
for last year, says it pays his office
rent and typewriter's salary.
The economy and practicability of
using electricity in mining coal has
been demonstrated, ami its more gen­
eral Introduction should greatly cheap­
en the price of our winter fuel. Only a
few days ago a Philadelphia operator
said that in the course of a few years
coal will probably Is* selling at tlde-
holes are «irllhsl by electric power ef­
fects a great saving and largely in­
creased output.
The weight of the
drill represented, with post for a six-
foot vein, is only 152 pounds. This can
easily be handled by one man.
drill works so quickly that It takes the
greater part of one man’s time to at­
tend to tlie feed mechanism and augers
together with starting and stopping the
drill, while the other man is arranging
and picking the places for the holes.
By the time he has another place ready
the drill has finished the preceding hole
and is ready to be moved. Two men
can very quickly reset the drill and
then get It startl'd again. This machine
has drilled enough holes in ten hours
to “shoot” or blast down 800 tons of
coal In a seven-loot vein. It consumes
about three-horse-power, and the one
shown In the cut Is a Jeffrey machine.
mark of distinction Merode ever re­
After that, when Leopold
openly paid attentions to her and she
and the gay old King had merry times
in and out of Paris, there was gossip
tliat spread throughout tile world.
Merode Is young—Just past 20. She
is slender and her features are small
Her manner Is quiet and refined.
Cleo de Merode Is the Sensation of the
I>ay in New York.
New York music hall patrons have
been worshiping at the shrine of Cleo
de Merode, the gay Parisian beauty
and ballet girl. Cleo's appearance cre­
ated a sensation among ttie gay New
Yorkers. Her visit to New York is for
the purpose of filling an engagement
in one of the music halls, which will
net her $1.500. At its conclusion she
will return immediately to Paris.
Merode’s fame and money-earning
qualities rest ujion an uuevtable basis.
Tons of Food Wasted.
A weekly newspaper in London gives
some curious facts as the result of re­
cent inquiries throughout the British
metropolis and provinces into the sub­
ject of wasted food in workhouses.
These show how tons of b ’end are wast­
ed every week and consigned to the
swill tut». It is a common custom, also,
it appears, in some workhouses to
throw away plates of untouched meat.
This Is owing to the hard and fast rules
of the local government board. A fixed
quantity of food Is ordered to be served
to each inmate, whether it is wanted or
not. and. as nothing is allowed to l»e
used, a second time, all that is left be­
comes waste.
Geniuses Gain Fame While Young.
According to Professor Halleck over
80 i»er cent, of the greatest musicians,
artists, poets, and scientists became fa­
mous before the age of 30. “In the
case of the vast majority," said the
Professor In a recent lecture in Phila­
delphia, “the brain attains its maxi­
mum weight by the age of 15. Exam­
ination of sections of the spinal cord
have shown that between the time of
birth and the age of 15 there has been
100 per cent, increase In the number
water for the price now (»aid for min­ of developed nerve cells, while an In­ She is not a great singer, not even a
ing It—namely, 45 cents a ton.
crease of only 4.6 per cent, has been great dancer. In Paris she gets $10 a
Enthroning an Archhi.hop.
The picture shows an electric drill shown after 15.
week for kicking up her heels in the
Whenever a new archbishop of Can­
of the Grand Opera and no one
terbury Is appointed he has to pay out
ever discovered that she had talent in
What Was Required.
nearly $4.600 In fees before he can be face of the coal seam. It Is capable of
“So you are the music teacher that any line. But she was beautiful and
“enthroned.” Some of the recipients of drilling a six-foot hole in one minute.
one night when King Leopold, the
this tax are the officials of the board In this connection it is Interesting to answered my advertisement?"
wicked old monarch of Belgium, sat in
“Yea. sir.”
of green cloth, the gentleman usher of note that coal undercut by machinery
"Well, sit down here and play a cou­ the front row her shapely figure and
the black rod and other similarly obeo- does not require as powerful cartridges
handsome face appeared to him and he
; lete and useless functionaries.
I for the blasting as coal undercut by ple of duets, so I can see what you can
applauded her. That was the first
hand, and the rapidity with which the do.”—Answers.
More Territory for England.
The rapid rise of the land about Hud­
son Bay is said to be the most remark­
able gradual upheaval of an extensive
region ever known. Driftwood-covered
t»eaches are now twenty to sixty or sev­
enty feet above the water, new islands
have appeared and many channels and
all the old harbors have become too
shallow for ships. At the present rate
thia shallow bay will disappear in a
few centuriea, aiMing a vast area of
dry land or salt marsh to British terri­
tory in America.
Somehow, when an old maid finally
succeeds in getting married, her baby
never looks Just right