REPLY Sherman V. H. BARNHART, Rubli.her M c M innville OREGON. In te rest i ng Collection of Current Events In Condensed Form Both Continents. Front TO SALISBURY. Nugaest. Separate Conference.. WEYLER Sealing Washington, Oct. 14. — Secretary Sherman has written a reply to the note of Lord Salisbury, expressing Great Britain’s declination to take part in a Behring sea conference in which Russia and Japan will participate. The essential features of Mr. Sherman’s reply have been sent by cable to the British government, and the reply in full is on its way to the British author­ ities. Lord Salisbury’s note of declin­ ation, it can be now stated, bears date of October 6, so that the rttH|smse is made with promptness. The answer states that the United States government views with astonish­ ment the determination of Great Britain not to participate in a confer- snee including Russia ami Japan, and the statement is made that up to the 23d of last month, the United States authorities had fully expected that the conference would proceed with Russia as well as Great Britain present. It is pointed out that, aside from the written conference which Lord Salisbury haa called attention to, there were verbal negotiations between Ambassador Hay and his lordship, in which a special reference was made to the participation of Russia and Japan. At one of these verbal exchanges, it is stated. Lord Sal­ isbury said he would advise with the officials of the foreign office concerning the subjects discussed, which included the participation of Russia and Japan. Subsequently, on July 29, Ambassador Hay wrote to Lord Salisbury saying the president hoped to have Russia and Japan participate in the conference. In view of these circumstances, the United States had confidently expected that Great Britain would take part in the conference, and that Russia and Japan would lie represented, with the approval of Great Britain. Besides the foregoing reply, and in view of the differences which have arisen, the state departrnnt suggests a conference in accordance with the terms of Lord Salisbury’s agreement, as he construes it, namely, between ex­ perts of Great Britain, the United States and Canada. This last feature is now under consideration by the Brit­ ish government, its substance having been transmitted by cable, but it is not expected that an answer will be made until Mr. Sherman’s answer in detail reaches London. In the meantime, preparations for the conference between the United States, Russia and Japan are proceed­ ing. The state department received word that Aliferouck Beyliss been appointed Turkish minister to the United States. Hon. Charles W. Jones, former United States senator from Florida, died at Detroit, after a sickness of sev­ eral weeks. The national council of Switzerland has adopted a bill making insurance against sickness compulsory in case« of r.ll dependent persons. It is reported that an English syndi­ cate has purchased, for $2,000,000, the big plant of the J. I. Case Machine Company, at Milwaukee. Jackson and Williams, the O. R. & N. trainrobbers, were sentenced to the Oregon penitentiary for a term of 30 years and seven months each. Heavy shipments of wheat to Europe continue. Over 60 grain-laden vessels have left San Francisco during the last two months, and six more are ready to sail. The naval armor board will leave Washington soon for the South to look at certain places, with a view of ascer­ taining their adaptibility for sites for the proposed armor plant. The cruiser Baltimore has been put into commission with Lieutenant-Com­ mander Gottfried Blocklinger, her first lieutenant, in command. The Balti­ more will meet the Philadelphia in San Francisco on the latter’s arrival. The monthly treasury statement of the principal articles of domestic ex- ports shows that during September last -the exports of breadstuff's from the United States amounted to $34,629,946, an increase, as compared with Septem- lier, 1896, of over 100 per cent, and au increase of about 300 per cent over Sep­ tember, 1895. General Weyler announce! that he will embark from Cuba on October 20. Benjamin Nelson was found dead on the floor of his cabin near Hendricks, Or. The general grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons is in session at Baltimore. YELLOW JACK RAGING. Delegates are present from all parte of the world. Disease Is Spreading Rapidly in the South. The whalers that wintered in the Arctic last year are having hard luck New Orleans, Oct. 14.—From the thia season. Only one of them succed- reports there is little hope in the yel­ ed in killing a whale this summer, and low fever situation, The board of the fleet that will return this fall will health is daily demonstrating that with bring only a small revenue to their a fair show it is itossible for modern owners. science to restrict and stamp out the Sunday was the sixth anniversary of disease. But the people who must the death of Charles Stewart Parnell. suffer from a strict application of scien­ Five thousand nationalists paraded the tific methods rebel, the result being streets of Dublin to the bleak Glasnev- that the pathway of the taiard is beset -in cemetery, where they heaped high with difficulty. If there was strict the grave of their famous and talented compliance with the health laws, if leader with flowers brought from all prompt rejiort was made of oases, the fever germs would be quickly wiped the counties of Ireland. out. But it begins to look now as if Señorita Evangelina Cisneros, the from 30 to 40 new cases and from four Cuban girl who escajied from Casa de to six deaths would be daily reported Recogías, in Havana, is said to have I until Jack Frost puts in an appearance. arrived in New York city. American Today, as on nearly every day since friends accompanied her by train from the fever first appeared here, about 50 New Orleans. On reaching Jersey City, per cent of the fatalities were traced to Miss Cisneros was taken in a closed car­ neglect and a disposition to hide cases riage to the headquarters of the Cuban until it was too late to save life. sympathizers. ■ I The official bulletin issued by the Cubans of New York celebrated the board of health tonight shows 37 new 29th anniversary of the beginning of oases and four deaths. Galveston was one of the first cities the 10 years’ war by a mass meeting, presided over by Tomas Estrada Palma, to raise the bars. Dr. Guiteras on Sat­ president of the junta. All the apeak- I urday pronounced several cases of yel­ ers emphasized, amid great applause low fever as existing in Galveston, but from the audience, the firm resolution not a line has reached Dr. Oliphant rel­ of the Cuban people to carry on the ative to these from the Texas health atruggle until absolute independence of officials. The only information which Cuba ia accomplished. Dr. Oliphant had received was from A dispatch from Long Valley, Idaho, Surgeon-General Wyman. About 50 Italians reached the city says there has been a battle between this morning, coming, it is said, from settlers and sheepherders, and that three of the farmers were killed. The New York. Orders were given by the trouble is the outgrowth of the strained lioard of health to prevent their locat­ relations that have existed in that sec­ ing themselves in the city limits, and tion between the settlers and sheepmen the health officers were instructed to for some time. It has been no uncom­ have them sent to one of the camps of mon thing for stock to be maimed and detention. At Biloxi there were 13 new cases; haystacks to be burned, and even for at Edwards, five, and two deaths. settlers and sheepmen to exchange shots, but no one has heretofore been W.nti to Retire. killed. New York, Oct. 14.—A Washiongton The United States l>oard of geogra­ dispatch to the Herald says: Associate phical names, which meets at Washing­ Justice Field,of the supreme court, has ton, D. C., at state intervals, haa just made formal application to President rendered decisions determining the McKinley to be retired from the bench spelling of 149 geographical names. under the law allowing members of These include a number in Alaska, sig-! that court to be retired when 70 years ni flea nt at this time in view of the of age. This statement is made on Klondike excitement. Many varia­ high authority, and also that Attorney- tions of nomenclature for the same General McKenna will be nominated place are encountered, and the board's to succeed him on December 16, when action settles the uniform usage. As congress convenes, five days after the to Klondike, the decision is to spell it retirement of Justice Field takes as here given, ami not Ulondyke. The effect. •laicira Tribesmen Surrender. inlet, river and village at the head ol Linn canal, which now ap,>eara in the Simla, Oct. 14.—A dispatch from newapa|>ers almost daily under the Mohmund announces that the Jagira form of Dyea, the starting point for tribesmen has surrendered their Mar­ the overland route, is an Indian word tini breech-loading rifles, and have which has appeared in many forme. solemnly sworn to maintain peace and Admiral Meade, in 1869, wrote it drive out Umroa Khan. The troops Ty-Ya; Krause, in 1882, wrote it forming the Mohmund punitive expe- Dejah; Schwatka, in 1883, Dayi; Dall, edition have destroyed 26 fortified vil­ in 1883, Taiya. The lioard adopts the lages and have killed many of the in­ form Tail«. surgent natives. In his annual report, Myron H. Me A German Spy Arrested. Coni, governor of Arison«, discusses Paris, Oct. 14.—The Gil Blas says a the question of statehood, and says the requirements as to population, educa­ German was arrested yesterday at the camp at Chalons, and on being searched tion and wealth are fully met. More than 1,000 revolutionists and the authorities found upon him notes refugees have fled from Guatemala to regarding the organization ami mobil­ Mex ico, dreading the vengeance of Bar­ isation of the French troopn at the rios. The refugees know their property camp. The prisoner was also said to will be confiscated, ss the government have endeavored to obtain specimens of has issued a decree to that effect. Some the cartridges and shells of the latest people took the precaution to deposit design. their valuable« with the British consul For cramps in the stomach try • few at Qu eaa 1 ten an go. drops of essence of camphor. I OFF FOR MADRID. Hpaulah VI ini.try Order. Hliu to Quit < uba at One«. New York, Oct. 13.—A dispatch to T T : ES COOK'S INLET GOLD. No Bonanza. but HatIstat-tory Return» for Labor. Port Townsend, Wash., Ort. 13.—As Winter Overtakes Prospec­ the World from Madrid says: Evidence of Steady Growtt an evidence that gold is found else­ The minister of war has cabled to where than at Klondike, the steamer tors at the Lakes. and Enterprise. General Weyler to embark for Madrid City of Topeka, which arrived this immediately, handing over his com­ evening from Alaska, brought down ail mand to the Marquis de Ahmuda or aggregate of $200,000 in gold dust, all THE SUFFERING IS INTENSE General Linares. All high civil officers ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST from Cook’s inlet, the result of thia and the principal lieutenants of Wey­ summer’s work. This amount is dis­ ler will be replaced promptly. tributed among 85 men, who are com­ Two Feet of Snow Already—Miners The government telegraphed an order From All the Cities and Town, of ing out to spend the winter in a land to cease instantly all rigorous methods Camped in Flimsy Tents-Ice on the Thriving: Slater State. where climatic conditions are more fa­ of warfare practiced hitnerto. vorable than those of the country they Lakes Blocks Further Travel —Oregon. With the exception of conservatives have just left. On the *22d of Septem­ been started A new shingle mill has 1 Skaguay, Alaska, Oct. 12.—Several and republicans who persist in court­ ber, 116 men left Cook’s inlet on the parties are just in over the Dalton trail ing Weyler, the majority of the press at Coburg. steamer Perry, for Sitka, where they from Klondike, and all bring tb.- same openly applaud the new government A wingless lark is the latest Lane took the Topeka for Puget sound. story—scarcity of provisions and JK)S- for gazetting decrees recalling Weyler county frqak. Thirty-one of the party stopped at sible hunger and starvation as thb and ap|>ointing Marshal Blanco gov­ A sneak thief stole fOO jars of fruit Juneau, where they will spend the portion of many there this winter. ernor-general of Cuba. from a house in Eugene. winter. No rich strikes are reported The latest arrivals, James Clark and So determined was the cabinet to act A golden eagle measuring 7 feet 4 at Cook’s inlet, but the men averaged C. A. Brown, who have been mining vigorously that immediately after the $5 in dust every day they worked. On inches was killed near Astoria. on Birch creek, having left Dawson council of ministers approved the above rare occasions, a man would pan out Three thousand lambs were recently City September 6, poled up the river to decrees, Count Xinquena, minister of $10 per day, and often as low as $3. sold in Grant county at fl. 50 per head. 150 miles above Pelly river, and there public works, carried them to the pal­ Among the pasengers was Robert A band of 3,000 2-year-old wethers bought horses and came in over the ace. The queen got up from dinner to Michaelson, who is making his first was sold in Wallowa county last week. “supiiosed” Dalton trail, making the sign them. The minister of war tele­ visit to the outside world in that time. trip in 26 days to Haines’ mission, get­ graphed the Transatlantic Company to The cannery in Marshfield is receiv­ He brought out several thousand dol­ ting there on Sunday. They parsed postpone the departure of the mail ing on an average of 500 salmon a day lars, how much he would not state. the Thorp party on the summit with steamer to allow General Blanco to A drive of 2,000,000 feet of logs is He owns several rich claims, which he 100 head of cattle. Most of the party embark Tuesday with a numerous staff. being made down the McKenzie river will work next year. Michaelson will were discouraged and wanted to turn Six generals, officers who served under to Coburg. spend the winter at his old home, back, Brown and Clark told them Marshal Campos in the early part of It is reported that a rich placer strike, S. D. they had gone through 100 miles of the present war, and 20,000 men as re­ H. A. Schemser has upwards of $10,- snow where no food could be got for inforcements, will follow in November. has been made on Bear creek, 20 miles 000, after a stay of seven years. He is from Wallowa. their stock, and it would be utterly im­ General Blanco is not expected to be The lumber mill at Rainier, which going to Sail Francisco for the winter, possible to get their cattle through in a position to form a correct estimate and will return in the spring. He alive. Thorp hail already lost 15 pack as to the situation, or to suggest the has been idle for a long time, has re­ owns four of the best claims in the sumed operations. horses on the trail, and part of his or­ best course to follow before the middle group. T. J. Reilly, of New York, who According to the returns of the as­ iginal party had turned back two days of November. went to Cook’s inlet in March, 1896, sessor the total of the taxable property before, but he was stubborn and would Military operations will continue as and stayed there all winter for the rea­ of Jackson county is $4,528,821. not consent to turn back himself. soon as fine weather permits against son that he had not sufficient money to About 25 persons came out over the all insurgents not disposed to submit There have been 13 houses built in pay his way down, was aslo a passenger Dalton trail in the past week, and say on hearing of the contemplated reforms Toledo during the past summer, and on the Topeka today. He is the owner there are a good many foilowing them, and the reversal of the policy of the several more will be built this fall. of two quartz claims on Bear creek, in all bringing the same report, that there last two years. A buck, two does and three fawn, one of which the ledge is two feet wide, is no trail, that it is 417 miles long, General Blanco, new captain-general killed with two shots from a shotgun, and assays $150 per ton. The other ¡ b that summits innumerable have to be of Cuba, announces that he will act is the record made by a Gates Creek eight feet wide, and assays $50 per ton. crossed and streams forded, and that it with great energy against the insurg­ hunter. Reilly has with him $3,000 in dust, is impossible to find your way without ents, and will employ all political which he washed from a placer claim A shipment of 600 fine head of cattle, Indian guides. The largest party to means to restore equality of treatment during the past summer. He will re­ come out together consisted of 11 per- in various sections of the community. making a trainload of 22 cars, was turn in the spring with machinery fora recently made from Baker City to sons. He has the greatest desire to end the stamp mill. An Indian packer who has just ar- war and establish peace by the system Omaha. Provisions are reported as plentiful It is estimated that a pasture near rived from Lake Lindemann reports adopted in 1879. The inhabitants of at reasonable prices at Cook’s inlet. that two feet of snow fell at Lakes Falma, the birthplace of General Wey­ Monroe contains 4,000 bushels of There was little or no sickness there Lindemann and Bennett, anil the dis­ ler, are preparing to give him an ova­ acorns. The nuts will be utilized to during the past season. About 80 of fatten hogs. tress* and suffering there are intense. tion on his return from Cuba. the 500 men who were at Cook’s inlet Most of the people at the lakes live in County warrants in Jacksonville are during the summer will winter there. The government has received unfav­ tents, and many have made provision orable intelligence of the revival of the selling at 2 per cent premium. This is for getting away this season. They insurrection in the Philippine islands. said to be the highest paid for Jackson Some Rich Stories. have not built cabins for themselves, The situation there is serious. Six county warrants in 20 years. Seattle, Oct. 13.—The steamer City and the Indian says that with so much filibustering expeditions from Japan An Ashland paper says that the free- of Topeka arirved tonight from Juneau. snow on the ground, which will in all and China have landed arms and war picture-and-you-buy-the-fratne racket probability remain, there will be in­ stores on various parts of the coast. was worked in Ashland last week, the Among her passengers waB John F. Maloney, of Juneau, who came out tense suffering before the people are Considerable reinforcements will have workers cleaning up about $400. from Dawson with the Galvin party. housed in shacks or cabins. The win­ to be sent to Manila before the fine Since the late rains on Camas prairie, In an interview w’th the correspondent ter snows have begun to fall on the season opens, when the rebels are grass is coming up nicely, Many of pass, and there are yet hundreds of likely to resume offensive operations, the farmers are plowing ami others are of the Associated Press, Mr. Maloney said: men scattered along the trail between because the present, governor, Marshal putting in their fall grain. “Hunker 'creek and Gold Bottom Sheep camp and the lake. This is well Rivera, has sent home half the Euro­ About 22,00 tons of rock has been creek, it is conceded, will equal if not known, traveling over the pass in one pean force, believing the rebellion to dumped on the Coquille jetty this sea­ rival the already famous Bonanza and of those snow storms, which frequently be subdued. Eldorado creeks. More especially is lasts one or two weeks, is impossible, Marshal Campos declined to go to son. and a few thousand more will be this true of Hunker creek. Location and when this fact is considered, it is the Philippines, believing his presence necessary to complete the work for the No. 38 on that creek is among the rich­ easy to imagine the awful condition in Spain more necessary if the eventu­ year. The Western Union Telegraph com­ est in the Klondike district. Many of which confronts the gold-seekers. alities of the colonial wars should make pany is putting in another arm anil the claims on this creek will run $2,000 There are grave fears that many will military dictature necessary. wire on its lines between Portland and to the box. On No. 30 Eldorado, Alex­ perish on the trail before they can Tacoma. It is said the company was ander McDonald’s claim, one man, in a reach Lake Lindemann. EIGHTY MILLIONS OF GOLD. unable to get men in Porltand to do shift and a half (which is about 12 Late reports from the lake are that On ice is rapidly forming, and all indica­ Estimated Output of United States the work and was obliged to bring a hours), shoveled in $20,000. Skookum gulch, which enters Bonanza crew of men from Minneapolis. tions point to an unusually early and Mines for 1897. at No. 2, I saw $30,000 weighed out of severe winter.” Sheriff Kilburn and posse, of Baker Chicago,Oct. 13.—The Times-Herald county, had a hot fight with two cattle two box lengths.” Mr. Maloney saw a 16-quart brass Australian Mine on Fire. today publishes reports from all the thieves on Lower Powder river. Forty Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 12.—The gold-producing sections of the country shots were exchanged. Fred Hull was kettle filled with gold dust in the cabin steamer Miowera, which arrived from showing an enormous increase in the shot through the arm, but escaped to of T. Dinsmore, Harry Spenz, Bill Mc­ No. 13 Bonanza, Australia today, brings an account of output for 1897. On the subject the Baker City. Earl Wheeler was not Fee and others. owned by Oscar Ashley and Billy the fire in the Broken Mill mine on Times-Herald says: captured. Hull called a doctor to his “Gold production in the United lodging-house and was caught there. Leake, will produce $1,000,000. Ten September 13. Between 6 and 7 o’clock on that day, the shift bosses in States has increased with marvelous The thieves had 80 cattle, which they days after the boat left for down the block 13 discovered a portion of the rapidity during the current year, The were driving to Idaho across Snake river, taking the gold, the North underground workings to be aflame,and craze of the Klondike region should river, expecting to exchange them and American Trailing & Trasportation immediately gave the alarm. The un­ not obscure the great facts as they ex­ bring back strange cattle to the butcher. Company had a quarter of a million in derground drives were found to be full ist. Klondike’s total yield for 1897 The gang is suspected of having oper­ its safe at Dawson. This shows how rapidly the gold accumulates. Mr. of smoke, and for a long time the blaze seems roughly to be about $8,000,000. ated for a long time. Maloney says that over $2,000,000 will That is a comfortable sum, but it is a could not be located. Volunteers were come out this fall. W ashington. called for from the surface, and, in mere nothing when compared with the “There are stacks and stacks of charge of mine officers, they went be­ wonderful output of the yellow metal A six-inch refracting telescope has low, spending their energies to get at in the United States.” been received in Tacoma by the Puget gold,” he said, “each with the owner’s name on it. Alexander McDonald will The Times-Herald, estimating the sound university. the seat of the fire. Bags of sand, to­ produce the largest amount. I hesitate gether with canvas and timber, were total output for 1897 of California, Captain L. II. Coon has assumed the to give figures, but the simple truth is sent down several shafts to form block­ Colorado, the Black hills, Arizona, duties of collector of the port at Ever­ that his various interests will yield ades and confine the flames. After a Montana, Idaho and Oregon, places the ett, succeeding W. R. Stockbridge. from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000 this hard struggle the men were driven figures at $71,300,000, and says: Union City is the name of the new winter. These figures are staggering, “Washington, Wyoming, New Mex­ back by the flames, and when the Mion- town just started in the vicinity of the but true.” wera left the fire was still raging. ico and Nevada will also be heavy new gold finds in Whatcom county. The statement is made that Henry Fifty men were overcome by smoke and producers, and their yield will be Kitsap county has sued Snohomish Bratnober, agent for the Rotchilds, heat, three succumbing to the injuries enormously increased. Counting this with the Klondike estimated production county for $600, alleged to have been who has been spending several weeks at received. of $8,000,000, the yield of the United paid improperly by Kitsap on the su­ the diggings, offered over $1,000,000 for 10 claims adjoining one another on States for 1897 will exceed $30,000,000, preme judge’s salary. Captain Whiteside*. Can van Boat. James A. Roberts, a logger and Eldorado, but the offer was declined. San Francisco, (kit­ 13.—The whal- one-third of the world’s estimated out­ woodsman, about 50 years of age, ing schooner Bonanza, which reached put for the year.” Skaguay Schooner Burned. dropped dead in a saloon in Wliatcom, the harbor on Friday night, brought Biot at Rome. Victoria, B. C., Oct. 13.—The steam­ probably of heart disease. from the Arctic the canvas Isiat in Rome, Oct. 13.—A large procession The dead body of a man found near er City oi Topeka, which arrived from which Captain and Mrs. Whiterides of tradesmen, headed by the pro-svndi- the Indian reservation school, near Ta­ Alaska today, brought Captain Hackett and six of the crew of the Nevarch es­ ca of Rome and president of the cham­ coma. with a bullet through his brain, and the crew of the schooner Annie C. caped from the ice jam that wrecked Moore, which was burned in Lynn the vessel, to the shore, and subse­ ber of commerce, marched to the office was identified as that of Charles Le.y. canal. She left here tor Skaguay with quently to the cutter Bear. It has a of the minister of the interior this H. S. Ballou, a well-known real es­ a load of hay ami feed, but both double canvas bottom, and while the morning to protest and confer with the tate dealer, dropped dead in Port An­ schooner and cargo were completely de­ government regarding increased taxa ­ captain and his crew were dragging it Premier Rudini received the geles on the eve of his departure for stroyed. over the ice. a bearskin was stretched tion. committee and promise that everything California, the cause being hemorrhage Killed in a Mine. over the canvas for protection. To the would be done to promote of the lungs Butte, Mont., Oct. 13.—Joe Wallace forethought of Captain Whitesides in possible There is an estimated shortage in the friendly relations and greater equity was instantly killed, and David McEI- having it built is due the safety of him­ between the tax collectors and the tax- oat crop around La Conner of 2,090 voy fatally injured tonight, at the St. self and seven others. sacks or 60,000 bushels. Every farmer payers. Lawrence mine. The men were min­ A large crowd of people collected on the flat re|K>rts his shortage at from ers, and were coming up on the cage. Cuban Exiles May Return. 300 to 1,2000 sacks. Havana, Oct. 12.—General Weyler around the ministry, angry shouts were The engineer failed to stop the engine, Negotiations are well under way to and the cage was carried up into the has issued a decree allowing the return heard and some of those present as­ sumed a threatening attitude. The secure the location of 100 families of to the island of Senor Gonzales Lanuza, sheaves, throwing both men off. Wal­ a judge of the supreme court of Havana police attempted to disperse the violent Hollanders on the Book ranch, in West lace’s neck was broken and a professor in university; Dr. istrtion of the crowd, and in the con­ Aberdeen, where the lKid is said to be Emilio Nunez, a well-known lawyer; flict six policemen were injured and one well loctaed for such a colony. Texas Justice. Governor Rogers has appointed R. Alfredo Zayas. Adolfo Diaz. Ignacio rioter killed. Revolvers were freely Brenham, Tex.. Oct. 13.—Bob Car­ Lamas, Manuel Castro Palomino, Juan use