The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 15, 1897, Image 1

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    ’" vol .
Entered at the Postofiice in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single number» five cent».
NO. 43.
Royal makes the food pare.
Have an immense stock of furniture. They
have to keep a big stock, because they have a large
territory to supply. Prices on everything in our
store are surprisingly cheap just now. If you
want proof of this, come in and price the goods.
Canton Clipper Plows
Superior Drills and Seeders
Right Lap Cultivator and Seed­
Mitchell Wagons
A 16-inch Plow for $14.
Air-Tight Heaters, $3.50 and up.
Have you seen the Newest Thing
in Stove Mats? We have them.
O. O.
— ••eeaewwwe»vaaa—a——aa ••••••••
*1.00 »
.. *1.0
- the
W eekly I nter O cea N
The Greatest Republican Paper of the West.
T is the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub- 5
lished today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest re- 9
ports of all political affairs.
The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News J
LK-B $
and the Best of Current Literature.
fr-gCll 2
It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer.
Its Literary Columns are equal
to those of the best magazines.
Its Youth’s Department is the
finest of its kind.......................
It brings to tbe family tbs News of the Entire World and gives
the best and ablest discussions of all questions of tbe day. The
Inter Ocean gives twelve paces of reading matter each week
and being published in Chicago Is better adapted to the needs of
tbe people west of tbe Alleghany Mountains tban any otber paper.
^ 00
The Dally and Sunday Edi­
tions of The Inter Ocean are
the best of their kind....
Price of Dally by mail..................... >4.00 per year J
Price of Sunday by mall................. »2.00 per year J
Daily and Sunday by mail.............. W 00 per year J
Address TIIE INTER OCEAI, Chicago. 9
The Reporter and Inter Ocean one year for $1.36.
We have special arrangements with
the following leading publications,
whereby we are able to offer them in
connection with our own at exceedingly
low rates, as follows: The R eporter
Weekly luter Ocean............................ -........... fl .35
8t. LouhGlobe-Democrat, remi weekly......... 1.75
New York Weekly Tribune......................... fl 25
•Rural Northwert. Portland, semi monthly... 1.25
•The Rural Northwest is the brightest,
the most practical and useful publication
on th»coast for farmers, dairymen and
frnit growers.
For Infants and Children.
Kay A Todd have the latest in hats
and shoes.
Guild Valley Items.
Mr. Johnson, who has been quite sick,
is improving slowly.
Gny Carter has left the valley and gone
to Dayton to spend the winter.
Arthur Guild has gone to Corvallis to
attend tbe agricultural college.
Farmers, jubilant over the prospect of
better times, are busy sewing fall grain.
Mrs. D. E. Keasey, who has been visit­
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
Guild, returned to her home in Goble
tbe first of the week.
Although seclnded, we can appreciate
a good thing, which we had in the open­
ing of a school in our district last Mon­
day, with Mrs. Mary Watts as teacher.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets move
tbe bowels gently, relieves tbe cough,
cures the feverish condition and head­
ache, making it the best and quickest
remedy for coughs, colds and lagrippe.
Cures in one day. “No cure, no pay.’’
Price 25 cents. For sale by Rogers Bros.
Trespass notices cheap at thia office.
Slight showers.
Wheat 73 cents per bushel, clear.
Hops 10 to 13 cents per lb. No sellers.
Mr. Ben Estes visited your city Tues­
Mrs. Trullinger visited in Portland
this week.
H. F. Bedwell went on a business trip
to Portland this week.
Serai Kuykendall has left for Portland
to fill his old place there.
Tbe county 8. S. convention will be
held here in the near future.
Blue J social for junior endeavorers
this week cleared six dollars.
H, F. Bedwell and family have moved
into the McConnell residence.
Mr. I. Harrison, who used to reside
here, died at his home in Chehalem this
Several families moving to the Tilla­
mook side of the mountains in wagons
this week.
Miss Welch left for her home in Port­
land after a very pleasant visit with
friends here.
Dr. Barton drove to Portland this week
to visit his familj- and had not returned
at this writing.
Mrs. Arnold has gone to California to
see if the change to a dryer climate would
not help her lungs.
Mr. Wirtz has commenced his course
of lectures, and so far the interest and at­
tendance are both good.
Messrs. Bunn & Gist are putting in a
stock of groceries into tbe Bunn store
that Mr. Welch vacated.
George Douglas returned with his
father from the Okanogan country and
does not expect to go back this season.
The new drug store has opened in the
bank building and Dr. Fisher also has
his office there.
Our harness maker has moved one
door north and Mr. Wirtz now occupies
the old barber stand next My. Busbee’s.
Mrs. Runnels went to Monmouth
Thursday to visit her daughter Glennie,
who is attending tbe state normal school
A number of our church people expect
to attend the O. C. M. convention at
Dayton, this county, 14th to 17th, this
Mrs. Burton and son Lenore expect to
leave for California Wednesday. Mr.
Burton goes to accept a position in the
office of the Sutro Street Ry. Co.
Hops touched 14J4 cents once last
week, but holder decided to hold on.
One buyer, at least, predicts more than
20 cents, but we have not seen it yet.
A good many carloads of hops are now
on their way to London, England, from
North Yamhill, as the London market is
now higher than ours and still rising.
Morgan’s wood saw engine was visiting
your Mr. Lindgren for repairs last week.
Mr. Lindgren is a first-class mechanic,
and they are not over plenty in Oregon.
Dr. W. F. Pruden of Portland is now a
resident of this place and is located in
the Morgan property. With three doctors
and two druggists in this place, the peo­
ple have no excuse for good health.
C. V. Kuykendall took a team to the
Grove Tuesday for doors and windows
and shingles for his new wind mill. Look
out, Yamhill merchants, and hold your
trade, to do so you must meet competi­
tion. No protection till you reach our
Mr. and Mrs. Baird and son returned
from the state fair Monday evening and
report a very good fair and a pleasant
visit. Roads good; exhibits good ; at­
tendance good. More campers this year
than ever before, and 20,000 visitors at
fair Wednesday to see the black horse
lower the world’s record for two mile
Harvey Wilson has the Cove Orchard
school. Harvey is all right, and pushing
right along and it would be good for
more of our young men to wake up to a
sense of the situation and consider their
standing in the community and who is
responsible for it. Many a man is won­
dering why he does not get a certain
place, and in most cases it is because he
does not deserve it, and be is too blind to
see it. Work, work intelligently, work
persistently. Labor is honorable and
will be rewarded. Idleness is disgraceful
and will also bring its own reward.
Crtiif Quickly Care».
M ountain G len , Ark.—Our children
were suffering with croup when we re­
ceived a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy. It afforded almost instant re­
lief.—F. A. T hornton . This celebrated
remedy is for sale by 8. Howorth A Co.
James Glover returned from eastern
Oregon Monday, after an absence of two
In the matter of the petition of E C
Ward and others for a public easement
Clarence Booth and neice, Miss Brosia road. Road declared a public easement
Pennington, visited friends in Whiteson road as located by viewers.
In matter of petition of J I Hadley and
last Sunday.
for a county road. Heard upon
Frank Harpole has moved into the
Fuqua house for the winter, so as to be the remonstrance and matter dismissed,
costs to be paid by bondsmen, C E Hos­
close to the school.
kins and C E Newhouse.
Last week Joe Frazier sold his crop of
In matter of road petitioned for by W
hope, about ninety bales, for fifteen cents
W McDonald and others. Heard on re­
a pound. There is money in hops this
monstrance and dismissed, bondsmen to
pay costs.
Our enterprising depot agent is fixed to
ride in style, having arranged a flange at­
Absolutely Pur*
court .. .$ 57.10
tachment to his bicycle so as to use tbe State vs Garner—circuit
railroad track. He made the distance
between this place and McMinnville in Petit jurors
seventeen minutes. Hurrah for Charlie.
W W Levis viewer
Jerome Pratt and family, also Chas.
J R Forrest “
Robbins and family, will return to their
O Obye
old homes in Hamilton county, Nebras­
C E Newhouse chainman..............
2.00 Grand jury witnesses
ka, next week. They have made many
J I Hadley
2.00 Witnesses state vs Robinson........ 18.20
friends during the three years they have
W A Branson marker.....................
2.00 Witnesses state vs Hutchcroft ... 4.00
been here who would be glad to have
C E Branson surveyor...................
8.00 Witnesses state vs Harris.............
them remain.
J E Magers salary........................... 66.70
According to the populist argument Road survey No 390....................... 24.00
used last year Klondike is causing the C W Talmage dept diet atty State
Court Docket.
value of gold to rapidly depreciate. Three
vs Rose..........................................
Judge Hewitt’s court, department No.
months ago eggs could be bought for T J Hayes constable same...........
3.30 2, convenes next Monday. Following is
eight cents per dozen, now they cost fif­ A McPhillips justice “ .............
2.10 the docket :
teen. It is certainly very fortunate that C WTalmage atty state vs Camp­
In re assignment of J. G. Wisecarver;
night has set in in that country and win­
bell................................................... 5.00 C. A. Wallace, assignee.
ter has frozen up the diggings.
T J Hayes constable same.............
In re assignment of Ella and Butler
Tbe dance here last Saturday night A McPhillips justice “ ..............
2.85 Delashmutt; J. S. Martin, assignee.
was one of those disgraceful affairs which Mrs M Newby care of poor............
In re assignment of L. H. and 8. W.
is to lie regretted in any community. The C T Saling rebate on taxes...........
3.20 Baker; W. G. Henderson, assignee.
murderous knife was used with almost John Stoutenberg “ “
8. R. Baxter trustee vs T. T. Richards
deadly effect. Oaths and obscene lan­ F H Barnhart printing................... 13.40 et al ; continued for service on John
guage with occasionally a pistol shot M D L Rhodes notarial work........
2.50 Richards and B. V. Richards.
could be heard for blocks away. A term Wilson A Henderson livery..........
E. J. Avery vs J. W. Martin.
in tbe penitentiary for some one would Wood, Matthis A Co care of poor 10.00
Wm. Moor vs C. S. Tustin et al ; fore­
be the proper thing. Whiteson is not al­ R L Conner notarial work...........
2.50 closure.
together to blame for these affairs, as G W Hendershott care of poor.
Tbe American A General Mortgage A
neighboring towns furnish a large share TJ Hayes constable state vs Jef­
Investment Company Limited vs Thos.
of the disgraceful element.
fries and Belleque.......................
4.50 Anderson et al ; foreclosure.
Tbe Union Savings and Loan Associa­
H F Bedwell fees paid by mistake 3.00
tion, a corporation, vs E. H. Disbrow;’
Jones k Adams lumber and road
material......................................... 488.70 foreclosure.
Plowing is being done to some extent, Elizabeth Cain rebate on taxes...
R. B. Miller vs James A. Denton et al ;
although the ground is quite dry.
Mrs B. A Scott rebate on habeas
Mrs. F. M. Morris entertained Mrs. O.
Rose Hilary vs Mary Hilary; fore­
corpus papers...............................
H. Bernard of Portland last week.
A J Palmer care of poor...............
8.00 closure.
Van B. Sears, executor vs James N.
Last week Mrs. H. Hurley combined Kay A Todd mdse for D Robinson 2.00
McCain and B. W. Coiner; confirmation.
business with visiting relatives and First National Bank McM money
H. Clanfield vs L. C. Wannet al; con­
borrowed......................................... 20.75
7.50 firmation.
G. C. Sears has a full force of men on E J Wood deputy hire...................
Joshua McDaniel vs T. R. Bewley and
his house, and it will soon be ready for D I Pearce salary commissioner . 20.65
A Nelson “
20.00 E. A. Bewley; confirmation.
In reassignment of E. L. Weed.
K Neilson bridge work...................
Mrs. B. A. Millsapand Miss Ungerman
Tbe Alliance Trust Company, limited,
Yamhill Independent printing...
of McMinnville visited Saturday and Sun­
H L Heath balance on tickets.... 10.00 vs John E. Holman et al; confirmation.
day near town.
The Alliance Trust Company, limited,
A T Arthur work on road..............
Quite a number of pupils from outside Ed Close
.............. 32.00 vs Sylvester Grazer et al ; confirmation.
districts are availing themselves of tbe McM G A F Co mdse.......................
Tbe Union Savings and Loan Associa­
excellent public school in this town.
G L Bertram hauling gravel.......... 25.00 tion. a corporation vs Orlando F. Win­
B. G. Magoon is doing the town again 8 L Hayden dist atty....................... 105.00 slow and Mary P. Winslow; foreclosure.
in the interest of Wiley B. Allen Co. of H L Heath printing......................... 19.40
T. J. Scroggin vs Susannah Wright et
Portland. A number have purchased St Vincent’s hospital care of poor 160.00 al ; foreclosure.
pianos and can secure excellent training C E Dukenfield salary and stamps 150.50
James S. Snydam vs Samuel L. Gaines
from Miss H. Rice of the college.
ei. al ; confirmation.
J W Henry salary and prisoners
H. M. Tolson vs Annie E. Tolson ;
board. ...........................................
E J Wood salary and stamps........
Dora Doney vs Joseph Doney ; divorce.
W T Macy “
There are now 85 students on the roll D M Caldwell salary.......................
Amalia Zimmerman vs Mary Gildner
and more are expected soon.
et al ; foreclosure.
F J Steward bridge work.............
TheY. M. C. A. has more earnest U Badley drugs for poor.............
W. E. Burkett vs F. A. Lashier et al ;
Christian young men in its ranks this J P Irvine A Son mdse for poor..
fall than it has had for years. Much good Nichols A Gabriel mdse for poor .
D. A. Walker, Clarissa Walker, May
is expected as tbe result of its labors
bell Anderson and Gus Anderson, plain­
this year.
tiffs vs James W. W. Walker and Geo.
Newberg Milling Co lumber........
H. Walker, defendants; partition.
The Y. W. C. A. expects to hold its
Ida Harris vs W. F. Harris; divorce.
regular meetings in the new library [room J C Porter mdse for poor...............
The London A San Francisco Bank,
in the future. This organization is do­ DR Jackson rebate on tax............
limited vs F. Barnekoff et al; foreclosure.
ing excellent work this year in its var­ J K Wright house rent for poor. .
In reassignment of F. W. Redmond.
ious departments of Christian service. It Sheridan Sun printing.................
Emma Hawley vs Henry Schenk and
has in its membership the great majority Carl Albert bridge work.................
wife; foreclosure.
of the young lady students of the insti­ W V Telephone Co rent................
W. L. Warren vs E. P. Utter et al ;
Ward Lamson printing signboards
Football has again become fashionable Ed Wood road work.......................
Gaa C. Allen vs Damon Sawyer et al ;
among its enthusiastic admirers.
A Frank Clouch bridge work............
strong team has been organized, and ac­
Ahio 8. Watt vs Franklin Fruit Land
tive preparation for “war” is being car­ J F Byers lumber.............................
Co; foreclosure.
ried on as the boys have some old scores WmFrazier serving subpoena........
R. H. Lamson vs E. J. Scott, Joseph
which they are anxious to pay off. This II B Plummer "
F. Scott, as administrator of estate of J.
present rain will be welcome as it will Wallace A Walker mdse for poor.
H. Scott, deceased, and E. G. Fendali,
have a tendency to soften tbe ground in­ Newberg Milling Co lumber..........
Anna Fendali and H. W. Lamson.
North Yamhill Record printing
stead of the ground to soften the boys.
Sarah Flett,administratrix vs Edgar T.
Professor Brumback is now conduct­ Calvin Welch mdse for poor..........
and Nettie Persons; confirmation.
ing a class of young gymnasts evenings F H Barnhart printing...................
Rebecca D. Boise vs Levina A. Watt
after school, preparatory to exhibition Portland hospital care of poor....
et al ; confirmation.
work in the near future. This class is R A Stewart lumber .....................
E. D. Sitton vs H. M. Lambert et al;
partly made up of some of last year’s ath­ R P Ungerman labor and mdse .
letes. No doubt excellent work will be G W McConnell prof, services....
Jeduthan Torrance vs H. Westerman
done and good entertainments given. Glass A Prudhomme printing....
et al; motion for deed.
The young ladies also have a class which E 8 Cole cutting trees. ..................
John Gei bisch vs Geo. W. Bell, his
Calvin Welch mdse for poor..........
meets regularly every week.
wife, Jane E. Bell, and Wm. F. Bell.
What was formerly Mrs. Brownson’s Seibert Bros blacksmithing...........
8 R Baxter, trustee, vs 8 T Richards ;
recitation and general study room is now H S Maloney surveying and mak­
ing plat of Crumb premises ..
5.00 cohfirmation.
being painted and papered preparatory
J H Nelson vs F E and I L Scofield ;
to removal of the library to that part of North Yamhill Record printing . 5.00
7.00 confirmation.
the building. This room is much larger WL Hall care of poor.....................
B F Lewis vs Thos McNish ; trespass.
and better lighted tban tbe old library Wm Malone making sidewalk
room and will offer much better library
facilities. It is expected that the books G A Prentiss salary and etation’ry 104.25
will be moved and rearranged in the new J C Porter mdse for poor............... 30.00 J
Valley Transcript printing ........
room some time next week.
9.00 !
J Stanbrough care of poor..........
Newt Wisecarver completed digging Chas 8mith lumber......................... 22.01 J
four acres of potatoes Tuesday, from B F Lewis witness..........................
2.00 Oars all liver Ills, bilious-
■ ■ ■
which he obtained 830 bushels. If any­ Morris A Miles mdse for poor
100.00 ties», headache, sour stom-
ach. indigestion, constlpa-
body knows a bigger potato story let Mrs Waterscare of poor. ..............
3.50 tion. They Mt SMily. with- ■
■ ■ ■ NW
pain or »ripe. Hold by all dnunrUti. « sente.
them trot it out.
Nichols A Gabriel mdse for poor..
2.25 I out
Mie only Fill» to take with Hood » SampartU*.