The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 08, 1897, Image 5

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    Klondike Gold
to till teeth unless necessary to pre­
serve them. Tooth decay is usually
caused by food accumulating be­
tween or about them, aud being al­
lowed to remain there, it decom­
poses and forms au acid, which nur­
tures bacteria. This causes a rapid
breaking down of tooth substance,
after which the only remedy is to till
tlie cavity. This should be done
carefully and thoroughly by a den­
tist who is skilled in the art and un­
derstands the structure of the tooth.
Haviug made such work a specialty,
1 invite your attention to my meth­
Extracting done carefully
and painlessly. Plates made as nat­
ural as possible and assured to fit
All methods used are only the latest.
Cail for examination and prices.
McMinnville, Ore.
and Surgeons.
(Office over Braly's Bank.)
M c M innville
O regon .
H. COOK, n. D.
and Surgeon.
Rooms 9 and 10, Union Block,
O regon .
M c M innville ,
We are located opposite Burns & Daniels and aim
to give all customers good treatment for little
money. Bathrooms in connection. Your pat­
ronage solicited.
Manufactures and Deals in
~ndbrushes, and sells them cheaper than they
can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette
Valley. Our all home made sets of harness are
pronounced unsurpassed by those who buy them.
G. 8. Wright, dentist.
Milleap & Son, Pure Food Grocers.
Mrs. Warren lias a nice assortment of
ready-made skirts and waists.
The free-picture-and-you-buy-the-frame
racket is headed this way. Lookout for
Wm. F. Dielachneider does all kinds
of Jewelry repairing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nelson of New­
berg visited relatives in the city this
The best 25-cent tneal tn the city is ob­
tainable at T. A. White's restaurant.
Win. Lambert has probably raised the
largest apples in thie community. One
of them weighed close to two pounds.
If Wm. F. Dielsehneider repairs your
watch, it's all right.
Subjects at Christian church next
Lord’s day, “Christ On The Croea’’ at 11
a, m., and “Lot’s Wife” at 7:30 p. m.
See Dr. Nelson about seamless gold
crowns and plate work
E. N. Ford and family and W. T.
Booth will leave next Monday for south­
ern Oregon to remain several months in
the hope of benefiting Mr. Ford’s health.
Kay & Todd buy from first-class houses.
Not |1.00 worth of auction or bankrupt
stock in the store.
Linn county took the first prize, $150,
for best exhibit at the state fair. Union
county was a close second.
Are you going to paint your house?
Consult Elsia Wright about paints and
oils. He will give you the best material
at least cost.
Henry Bills and family of Tillamook
are visiting relatives here. Henry is
carrying on a mercantile business over
Ask your grocer for G old L eaf B aking
P owder . Take no other. A trial can
will convince all housewives that it has
no superior.
Rev. E. E. Thompson and family re­
turned on Tuesday from attending a
meeting of synod at Sodaville.
J. P. Irvine & Son will sell you sugar
by the sack at Portland prices with
freight added.
Misses Mattie Fink, Nena Nicklin and
Irene Rummel have taken positions as
assistants at the Racket store.
Kay & Todd have the cheapest line of
underwear ever brought into the city;
$1.50 undersuit for $1.00.
E. C. Apperson has had a neat fence
erected about his premises to restrain the
footsteps of his young son. Spencer Sim­
mons, the architect, is now at work upon
one of original design for F. E. Rogers.
Dealer in and Manufacturer of
Candy, candy, candy! The largest
stock and finest assortment in town at
The ball game last Thursday between
the “Boston Bloomers” and a local nine,
was not much of a game on the part of
All work guaranteed as represented. Repairing the players. The parties who handled
of all kinds promptly done. First door west ot the gate receipts did better.
McMinuvllle National Bank.
Bettman & Warren receive fresh cheese
from Tillamook every few days.
The steamer Grey Eagle will change
its landing place in Portland, on and
after October 15th, to the foot of Oak
Third 8t., between E and F.
Harvest home services will be held in
Wilson & Henderson, Props.
the Bellevue church next Sunday at 11
a. m., and in the evening, conducted by
Everything first-class. Horses boarded by
day, week or month. Commercial travelers Rev. Bast of the United Brethren church.
conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates.
A cordial invitation is extended to people
Give us a call.
within reaeh to be present.
There are two classes of people. One
is going to Klondike, the other to stay at
home. The latter needs clean, pure,
fresh groceries ak lowest living prices to
Successors to Matthies Bros.,
protect his health and pocketbook.
Proprietors of
Millsap & Son can meet his wants better
itan any other firm in town.
The library, gold watch and revolver
Choice, Fresh Meats, All Kinds
owned by Elijah Carpenter, who suicided
Bouth side Third St. between B and C.
near Newberg several months ago, were
sold at auction last Saturday by County
Treasurer Caldwell. The total amount
of the sale was $21. The watch brought
$9 and the revolver with which he killed
himself sold for “two bits.” The pro­
ceeds belong to the county general fund.
The new Cumberland Presbyterian
is to be dedicated on Sunday, the
(foods of all descriptions moved, and careful
handling guaranteed. Collections will be made 24th inst.
Dr. Powell of Seattle will
monthly. Hauling of all kinds done cheap.
preach the dedicatory sermon, and other
distinguished ministers will be present.
Many invitations are to be extended to
churches in other towns, and a
large attendance is expected. The music
for the occasion is being rehearsed, and
promises to be an interesting feature.
will repair vour Buggies and W agons manufac­
F. D. Vincent, a school teacher at
ture Office Furniture, Book cases. Wardrobes,
Brackets, Whatnots and all kinds of wood work. Beaver, writes to parties here that peo­
ple over there are anxious for the com­
Two Doors East of City Stables.
pletion of the Nestucca road connecting
them with McMinnville. He says they
are willing to contribute their shares of
stock, and Io donate labor besides, and
NO. 305?
it is believed there are parties at this end
willing to do as much. The subject will
probably be discussed by the Labor Ex­
change at its meeting to-morrow.
Truck and Dray Co.
^National Bank
The brick and cornice work on the
Jacobson block is complete, and its fine
Paid up Capital, #.5e,OOO outlines are being studied and greatly
admired. It adds greatly to the appear­
Surplus 910,000.
ance of the main street of the city, by
Transacts a General Banking Business.
filling up vacant space and making a con­
tinuous row of handsome business fronts.
Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
The flag-staff placed on the southeast
LEE LAUGHLIN, President.
corner, when it lets "Old Glory” loose
J. L. ROGERS, Vice-President.
to the breeze, will be a becoming adorn­
E. C. APPERSON, Cashier.
W. S. LINK, Assistant Cashier. ment.
—-McMinnville, Oregon.—
G. S. Wright, dentist.
Typewriter supplies at C. Grissen’s.
Kay A Todd have the latest in hats
and shoes.
Freeh Tillamook cheesu at Beltman A
Candies that are pure, freehand whole­
some, at Kuns’.
Just received at the Racket store, new
lot all wool remnants.
You can get perfect satisfaction in pho­
tos at the Excelsior Studio.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Howard of Port­
land were in tho city briefly the first of
the wook.
Kay & Todd are now ready for the fall
trade with a complete line in all de­
Wm. Malone is doing some good work
as street commissioner in replacing
Mrs. Warren, the leading milliner,
carries the best stock of millinery oil the
west side.
Mrs. Nettie Keazey, nee Guild, came
up from Portland Saturday to -pend a few
weeks visiting her parents.
Charley Johnson appears to be making
himself generally useful in the imple­
ment warehouse of Manning Bros.
M. B. Hendrick on Wednesday: “Yes,
wheat is a little better, worth 70 cents.
I think it will get back to 75 anyhoW.”
For Sale—A good horse, phaeton and
harness, cheap. Inquire at this office.
Will take good milch cow in exchange.
The new display window at the Excel­
sior Photo Studio is the finest the city
has ever seen. It is certainly up to date.
Mrs. J. W. Cowls visited friends in
Sheridan the first part of the week and
from there went to Salem to attend the
state fair.
The “Nashville Students” are to sing
in Hillsboro tonight. An effort was
made in McMinnville to make terms
with them, but came to naught.
This is as fine October weather as any­
body could desire. A little warm in the
middle of the day, the mercury running
up to 84, but on the whole it is fine.
The pastor of the Cumberland Presby­
terian church very much desires the at­
tendance of every member of his church
upon the services next Sabbath morning.
It is considered a big record, made by
the Holman cleaner in the McMinnville
warehouse this season, in handling 80,-
000 bushels of wheat. It probably has
not been beaten.
Alfred Smith, having grown tired of
metropolitan life, moved back to his farm
in Moore’s valley this week. A. N. Mar­
tin will reside in the house vacated by
Mr. S.
Justice Arthur McPhillips was among
the applicants for admission to the bar
before the supreme court at Salem this
week. John F. Clark of Oregon City
was also an applicant.
For Sale or Trade—A fine young mare,
well broke double and single, gentle and
kind and a fine traveler. Will trade for
sheeporcattle. Inquire of Hans Peterson,
on Hubbard place, Happy valley. 42-3
The sale of the F. W. Red­
mond stock of merchandise still
continues. There are great bar­
gains to be had there now, as
the Trustee is determined to
close the stock out as soon as
possible. It will pay the general
public to buy their goods now
while the stock is yet complete.
It is an opportunity that seldom
occurs to buy goods at such low
prices. The sale will continue
until further notice.
J. D. KENNEDY, Trustee.
The carpenters will finish their work
on the new Methodist church within the
next two weeks. Tbe building will be
ready for occupancy in about two
The Eugene Guard has been shown a
hybrid pheasant, a cross between tbe
Chinese pheasant and native grouse.
Characteristic markings of both species
were discernible.
Mrs. Mahata Cozine left for The Dalles
Tueeday afternoon to pay a three weeks’
visit to her daughter. On the return she
will visit another daughter residing in
Have you visited the new drugstore of
Chas. F. Miller? He deBires to have
you come in whenever in need of any­
thing in the line of drags and medicines.
He is here to save save you money on
such purchases and to give you an hon­
est article. He sells his goods on the
theory of live and let live,
Do you know, that Elsia Wright carries
a full line of lubricating oils for machin­
ery? Owners of valuable harvesting and
other machinery cannot afford to exper­
iment with poor oils. He carries the best
on the market and they are warranted
not to gum.
As a reward for promptly notifying the
agent at the Hillsboro station that the
Rock creek bridge was on fire, the
Southern Pacific company has presented
to the young lad who came to town and
to Mr. Osmund, who watched the bridge
to warn approaching trains, each a book
of tickets. This is a graceful recognition
of the service performed, though it was
done without expectation of reward.
Mrs. Warren has just received another
shipment of capes and jackets for ladies,
Misses and children. Remember Mrs.
Warren carries these goods for the lead­
ing store in Portland and sells them at
Portland prices.
II. G. Wright and family of Moline,
For Sale.
Illinois, arrived here the first of the week.
One-half interest in a livery stable.
Mr. Wright is the party who proposes
opening a marble working establishment Good location. For terms apply to
J. E. H cbbabd , Lafayette, Or.
here. He already owns a desirable busi­ 41-4
ness site.
City election is only a little way off.
The offices of mayor, recorder, marshal
and three councilmen are to elect. The
councilmen whose terms expire are Ir­
vine, Campbell and Peery. There are
no candidates in the field, and election
is the first Monday in November.
Commencing this week we shall send
out bills for past subscriptions to all per­
sons a year or more in arrears. We hope
everyone will respond promptly as we
need every dollar due. Each individual
account may seem like a trifle, but there
are several hundred of them and in the
aggregate they amount to a snug sum.
Miller, the new druggist, is located
one door west of Millsap’s grocery, with
one of the best appointed drugstores in
the Willamette valley. He is a thorough
pharmacist, and will fill your prescrip­
tions with the utmost care. It pays to
keep posted when competition is sharp.
County Superintendent Prentiss says
that with Monday morning about half of
the schools in Yamhill county were
opened, and that probably every one of
the 80 schools had engaged a teacher.
Forty-seven volumes have just been
added to the library of the teachers’ asso­
ciation, making a total of 71 volumes.
Strange Occurrence.
Something perhaps never witnessed in
McMinnville before, occurred on Saturday
Sept. 25th. On that day the sale of the
F. W. Redmond stock of goods com­
menced. The rush of people to the store
was so great that the doors had to be
locked to enable the clerks to wait on
those fortunate enough to get inside in
tbe first rush. Afterwards people were
admitted in batches of ten or twelve, ac­
cording to epace room. They etill con­
tinue to be very busy in that store. Mr.
Redmond's reputation for carrying good
goods together with the slash made in
prices, we presume is the cauee.
Closing Oat Sale
At the Old Bettman Stand
Corner Third and B Streets
I now have my General Merchandise stock in
position at the above location, and for the next
month will offer some of the rarest bargains in
Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., that it has ever been
your happy privilege to take advantage of in Mc­
I intend to close out entirely, and will replace
nothing, so am in position to give you good bar­
gains. I realize that competition is sharp, but it
is the life of trade, and 1 am here to sell the goods.
Would be pleased to have you call and inspect
stock, believing that we can save you money,
^^Hiitumn Greeting, »897.
We take pleasure iu informing our customers and the people in general
. that our Stock for Fall and Winter is now complete in all departments.
It consists of large shipments of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats; and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, fine line of Mil­
linery, Seal Plush, Fur and Cloth Capes, Jackets, Wrappers and ready
made Skirts, Dress Trimmings, Trunks and Valises, Laxe Curtains and
Laces, Ladies’ and Men’s Mackintoshes, Rubber Goods and Kid Gloves
in all shades.
In View of the Improved Outlook
We have made extraordinary preparations to meet the. wants of our cus­
tomers for the coming season. Our purchases have, been made strictly
for cash, in greatest quantities and direct from easte.m manufacturers of
the newest goods in the markets. We are therefore enabled to sell at low
We Extend our Thanks
for the generous and increasing patronage that has met our efforts in
business, and hoping by fair treatment to receive a merited portion of
your trade in the future, assuring you that our facilities, as in the past,
are such that no one can serve you better, we remain,
Yours Very Respectfully,
& vU/,
Mall and Special Orders will receive prompt attention
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