The Missing Word Chiuiea Rung by Electricity. Electricity now supplies the power for ringing the chimes in Grace church, New York, and the curfew hymn is played by an automatic arrangement breaking the current to huge magnets connected with ten belli, the largest weighing 3,000 pounds. Keep Milk Cann Clean. In the care of cans, they are to I m * kept clean and free from rust, They should be washed as soon as possible after being used. Rinse first with cold water, then scrub thoroughly with a brush both inside aud outside, using warm water—almost hot, or. better, a good soapsuds, which use often any­ how. Give particular attention to tbe seams, anil don’t forget the outsides. You know the inside is often judged by the outside. Finish with scalding water. Turn your caus upside down long enough to allow them to drain; then leave them right side up. or on their sides, in the fresh air, and you will have clean, sweet cans. It is a very eommou error to leave them over a stake o a board. This is a serious mistake, as invariably the cans will sour thereby, The hot air or steam rises, and having no escape. couse- 1 quently condenses In the caus 1 and sours. Much tuilk otherwise well cared for is often tainted from no other reason. A rusty can should not lx* used, as it imparts a foreign flavor to milk.—Germantown Telegraph. Protecting Tomatoes. By exercising a little extra care, the season for ripe tomatoes may be pro­ longed for two or three weeks beyond the usual period. As soon as there are indications of frost, cover the tomatoes in the evening with some kind of can­ vass er old blanket. Between the rows was NATURAL: Schilling's Best tea is not only f>u>e but it is NA TUR AL, because it is fresh-roasted. The following 154 each got $6.50. Bingo—“I want to exchange this tan­ SAN »'KANCISCO CALIFORNIA ELSEWHERE WASHINGTON dem for two wheels.” Agent—"What's Mrs. Alkiusoti, 39». Merritt Cool Hildnr A.Shelgren,Ix>ngbranch 1314 Harrison Clara Lovejoy, the matter!” Bingo—"I find that 1 am Mrs. Black, Concord J. P Dunn. Mar oes SHI Folsom Fiancli* W. Lewis, W. not strong enough to ride it."—Life. Market Mrs. Rate Manuiug, Downey Frances Dudley. Medical Lake Row Carew, Malarial disease is invariably supplemented Aim. ii. a. Gibbs, Elk Creek Geo Rebel, Ritvvihe by disturbance of the liver, ihe bowels, the Miss A. Carter, 921 Sacramento The Wife—"What a sweet smile there C. beattie stomach and the nerves. To the removal of 23d and Capp Mrs. AnnaS. Dooley, Eureka Mrs. Katie Peterson, Claussen, “ M rs. Jesse Heaverlo. Spangle Brvani st. Alice Thompson, both the cause and its effects Hostetter» Stom­ Is on tbe baby's face. John.” The Hus­ M rs. L. During, O. C. Lewis. Folsom Elizabeth A. Bellis, Spokane Larkin and B'way Mrs. Kilis, L ___________ ach Bitters is fullv adequate. It ‘tills the bill” J. E. Kenning, Fruitvale Mrs Fred H. Carr, Tacouia pense of the milker. The best contriv­ a> no other remedy does, performing its work band—"Yes. he's probably dreaming Mary C. Hsrlity, 1236 Broadway Mm. Ella Dahle, Garberville Rosetta L. button, Spokane Mrs. Ho'ttamt*. 3U71* Filbert Mrs. thoroughly. Its ingredients are pure and that he's keeping me awake." — Town ance we ever saw to rid cows of flies wholesome, and it admirably serves to buildup Mrs Haur»ath, 3»11 Buchanan Miss Matxil Ivey, Grass Valley Mrs. N. Davey, Greenwood UTAH M. McKenzie, 2D Clementina n' at milking time was some boughs of a system broken by ill health and shorn of Topics. Dann, Hydesville J. L. Rhead, Corinna T. 1. Miller. 1826 c Sntter Orey Constipation, liver and kidney com­ Mrs. W. Bu scorn be, Ker.nett "I never stirred from my room on trees tieo above the cow. and coming strength. Nina Mickelson, 706 Tennessee Draper Kate Redine, plaint aud nervousness are conquered by it. Anna A. Lewis, Keswick Mrs. T Peterson, Mrs. T. Salomon, 1636 Eddy Gosheu Sunday until five o’clock in tbe after­ down just far enough to cover her back Ella Kraus, Loa Alamitos Mrs. Maggie Huber, _______ Midway Mrs. Cha*. Stock, 412 Ivy Ave. Mrs. Rosa Price, Madera Anna Fry, and a short distance down her sides. The average taxation in Egpyt is noon.” "Wliat on earth were you do­ Mrs. W. Taylor, Morgan City 1617 Clay Magalia Mrs*. Henry Baumeister, Ogden 222 Filbert Miss Eva McCarthy, ing?” "Oh! I was just glaneiug over Mrs. Thornton. These leaves gently brush against the about $4.50 a head. Maxwell Mr». Emma streaker, 944 Geary Vivian Duncan, Ogden Mrs. A. Vordier, the Sunday papers.”—Puck. animal and protect her better than she 429 Dour lass Flossie Flanagan, Mendocino Cora W arwtek, Pleasant Grove Mrs S. Watson, AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Q. Bradiev, Middletown Mrs. E C. Henrichsen Provo Miss Katie Wein. 177 Cook could do It herself. Cows used to this We are asserting in the court, our riRht to the Sarah Stanley. M issiou ban Jose Horace Chai iner, bait Lake City’ Ethel—"And when lie said he was CALIFORNIA ELSE WHERE 1 Layoinarriuo,Mokei umneHill Clara will seek such refuge during tbe hot exclusive use of the word ” CASTORIA,” and willing to die for you, wliat did you Mm. L. Deighton, “ “ Oils Bordwell. Alameda Ella Campbell, Monson Mrs. U. J. Trump, ■ FirCHEK'SCAS rOHiA," as our Trade Mark. “ “ •* summer days.—Exchange. Mrs. N. Bishop, National City Mrs. J. Busby, do?” Penelope—"Why. I nearly faint­ Mrs. O. F. Woodrow, •• M Emma T. Donnelly, Los Angeles Mrs. J A. Simmons, Oleander I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, o! Hvannia, Massachusetts, ed! —the idea of the only man at a sum­ Mrs. J no. B. Hansbe, Mm. Minnie Horn, “ OTHER 8TATE8 was the originator of ** PITCH ICR'S CAS TORI A," Incahntinsr t hickens. *• Cecilia Nolan, Mrs. B. E Johnson, The Pa ms mer resort talking of dying!”—Puck. M "I wonder If neighbor K. is baking the same that has borne and docs now bear the Mrs. E. M. Shipman, Frank Perry, Palo Alto Mrs. K. Woodin, Albany Or. Addle Williams, Mrs C-A. rtarlan, Parkfieid Mrs.Katehngberg,Bigelow. “ Senator Rich (inculcating economy) — fac simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on eggs this year, as he did Inst.” said M rs. C. L. Boek, G. W. Robinson, Pa>adena Mrs. A. Wit eit,Bridal Veil. “ Oakland every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S "It isn't what a man makes that makes Mrs. L. Brunje. Miss Rose A. Coxhead, Peralta Mn.W Howell, Oregon City, - one man to another, as they met on CAsTORlA •’ which has been used in the homes K. Oakland Mrs. A. J. Coyle, Peiris Hilda Jonnson, Portland. “ him rich, you know.” His Grandson— Arthur Evans. the public highway one afternoon. "I of Mrs Wia Mr Kay, Oakland Mrs. Kich’dGraham. Feta.inns Mamie Hanning Virginia,Ney. the mothers of America for over thirty years. Maiuie Goyan, Piacervil.e tila M. Smith, suppose you know about Ills incubator Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is "Oli. I know that, grandpa—it’s getting Cha*. A. McDonald, Wnunoe. •* M rs.G.H. Main war ins, Mrs. W. H. Russell, Pomona Mm. W. Funk.Winnemucca, “ experience, lie invested in one that the kind you have always bought, and has the ! a prohibitive tariff put ou it.”—Puck. Rena Marvin, E. Oakland J. J. Rodgeis, Portervtbr Mrs. Godward Atlantic. WytK Little Miss Muffet—"I don’t thup- Mrs. Geo. P. Moore, Oak &nd Mrs. A g Walker. Port Conte. bulina Mass, Burnt Fork, “ held about six hundred eggs, tilled the signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the Mm. Chas B Tenney. “ Mrs. Geo. Ward, Mrs Emily Rice, Cheyenne,•* trays with what he confidently hoped wrapper. No one has authority from me to use pothe 1 ought to go a wound all alone Louise Hagelstein,Sacramento Mrs. C. Hendrickson. Redlands Wo ArnoUI, Evsnston, Adeline Lima. Mias M O’Brien, Redwood Citv Mr». Harlander, Gubads,Monk with a gentleman like yon, Mr. Donkey my name except The Centaur Company of which would prove to be broilers and roasters L. C Ruble dan Dtago Mr». J R. Balkwtu, Reed -ev Mra. G. Merritt,Bolse City, Ida. Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Boy. but 1 gueth it's all right. The W. E. Sharman, of the most delicious description. After Mm. F. J Kalter Rio Viste C W. Rainiortb, Bonners fv. B. Shaw, March 8, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER, M.U H, G. Marling, Rocklin Laura 1 aft, donkey Is as good as most chaperons.” Mrs. watching the thermometer with the ut­ Sallds, Colo, W. F. Cord. E. fian Jose W. J. Meyers. Rohnerviitt M m.C. Carpenter,Flore nee, A ria most care for five or six days he got M. 1. Corey, tiau Jo »e Mrs. J. Graham. ban Raise äugens Rlriika. Pbcenix, • A Parisian is said to have construct­ —Bazar. Frolick, Jonn Sauer, nella Willis. a little tired of it. as he seems to tire ed a machine which makes it possible Mrs. Tenspot—“I am so glad that you George Allred Mauuoe. Miss Eva Series, Santa Crn? Mrs.S. C. Marsh. CerrIIioa, N.M. of everything, aud. consoling himself to split a human hair into 36 parts. Arcata Henrietta Miller, ate engaged to Harold Wiloughby. Olive Smith, Tohamn Lillian Hanson, _______ Georjre ( ’ . Akerly, Vacavi. . BRITISH COLUMBIA with the reflection that the incubator Was it a long courtship?” Miss Skid­ Mrs Geo. W Hamilton, Auburn “ Mrs. Cora Beutley. Mrs. John Walter, Lad nan would probably get along all right, he HOME PRODUCTS AND PUKE FOOD. more—“Not very. My cyclometer reg­ Mrs. A. M. Maulennan Haden Mm F H Hscke. ^teila F. McGary. Victoria Mrs Chas. Henry, W. Berkeley Mrs. J. D. Jones. went out driving and stayed away for istered about one hundred miles.”— C MoKllUoan, N. Bloomfield Mrs. J. A. Winans, All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very _____ MEXICO Nett H. Eaton, Bradley Visa Belle McCann. Wheatland several hours. When lie returned the light colored anti of heavy body, is made from J udge. glucose. “Tea Garden l>rip*" is made from Mrs. J. D. Cunningham, Chino Mrs. earner Wiseburn salvador Narelo. ■naanada heat had run up to a cooking point, Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale Pease—“Well, there's the church bell. and most of tlie poor little possibilities by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac­ Castleton will be around in a minute.” The winners of the two $150.00 prizes for sending in the largest num« by the P acific C oaht syiut co . ah gen­ were beautifully cooked and done. Aud i tured uine "tea Garden Drips” have the manufac­ Hubbard—“Wliat, are you going to ber oi tickets were: tlie most astonishing part of tlie en­ turer’s name lithographed on every can. Mr*. J. Buabv. .«*lt Lake City. Utah—1100 ticket» church?” Pease—"Oh. no; but that Mr*. Annie Packer. Safford, Ari».—ISO ticket» tire performance was that he treated SpAin’s finances may be stated in a was to be the signal for our century the accident more like a huge joke than few figures. The nation’s indebtedness run.”—Puck. anything else. Three times last spring is $1,765,000,000, and the annual in­ Some people sent coupons instead ol rickets. Wrong!—we can’t Miss Howler (who sings)—“That gen­ he tilled that incubator, and each time terest to be paid is about $70,000,000. tleman you just introduced me to said count them. The “ticket” is the paper 4x2)^ inches. the heat ran up until almost all of the There is more catarrh ItuFhls section of the he would give anything if he had my eggs wore spoiled. Out of eighteen than all other diseases put together, voice. By the way. what business does hundred eggs there were less than one country You must lollow the rules exactly n the $2000.00 contest or we can’t and until the last few years was supposed to be hundred chickens that grew to broiler I incurable. For a great many years doctors pro­ ' he follow?” Friend—"He’s an auc­ oouni your words. / tioneer "—Judge. nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local age. It is just such management as remedies, and by constantly failing to cure by Professor—"Margaret, please take this that gives so many small industries local treatment’ pronounced it incurable. Address. MONEY-BACK. San Francisco. has proven catarrh to be a constitu­ j the eat out of tlie room. I cannot have a bad reputation. To succeed requires Science tional disease, and therefore requires consti­ vigilance aud care.”—New York Led­ tutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, man­ ' it making such a noise while I am at Successful Half-Minute ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is ! work. Where is it?” Margaret— ger. the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a "Why, sir. you are sitting on it.”—Flle- tlnrvcHtln-- Mnchine*. teaspoonful. Il acts directly on the blood and While plows and other agricultural mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one gende Blatter. hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. “What makes Rumply so down on Implements of American manufacture Send And Gratifying Results on Governor Mount’s Farm. for circulars and testimonials. Address, the long-distance telephone?” “He Under th«« Hupervislon nf l>r. A. VV. to a considerable amount in dollars F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. of Purdti«* University, l»v Order of the Bold by druggists, 75c. called up a man in Toledo who owes Bureau of Animal lud iislrr of the IT. 8. Agricultural l»r partixinut. are exported to many foreign coun­ Hall’s Family Fills are the best. him two dollars and a half. They tries. the value of the American har­ Piso’s Cure for Consumption has been a wrangled till it cost Bumply thirteen vesting machinery exported is greater to me. — Wm. B. McClellan. dollars.”—Detroit Free Press. than that of any of them. American God-send Chester, Florida, Sept. 17,1895. harvesting machines, mow?rs, reaners Sunday school superintendent (se­ The Oregon board of agriculture has verely)—“Bobbie, I didn't see you in and binders, and st on. are used all over the world, and in many countries offered premiums for flax culture. Sunday school yesterday.” Bobble (de­ A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE to farmers, especially extensively. American machines, like fiantly)—“No, sir. I was out ou my those who raise sheep for wool, is the dipping of the animals in the other American products, are copied by How Many Women Havo Qulotly wheel.” Sunday school superintendent spring and fall of the year. The purpose is not only to Kill the Tick which infest sheep, blit to Destroy the Scab, a disease which irritates foreign manufacturers, but the for­ Obtained Advice That Made —"How were the roads?”—Life. the skin, causing intense itdiing. roughness and loss of fleece. In eigners are. of course, a year behind. Them Well. the far West dipping has been performed semi annually for years, Askins—“That Miss Summerflirt but in England and Australia it is required by law, The importance The American machine placed on the seems to be very fond of outdoor of the process may be imagined when it is known that foreign gov­ My sister, if you find that in spite of sports?” May Cutting—"Yes. Indeed! market contemporaneously with the ernments will not receive scabby sheep, and th? inspectors of the government at different stock yards compel the slaughtering ol all copy' is likely to contain Im­ following faithfully your family doc­ All the morning she lies on the beach such afflicted animals, which, in many instances means considerable provements over the machine copied tor's advice, you are not getting well, in her bathing-suit, and all the after­ loss to the owner, as the government offers neither apology nor re­ muneration. from one of a year before, and it is why do you not try another course ? noon she sits on the piazza in her bi­ The Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Agricultural sure to have some touch of superiority Many and many a woman hai quietly Department is making experiments with a view to destroying the dis­ cycle-suit. ” — Puck. ease, and with this object in view an arrangement was made for dip­ written to Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, iu detail or workmanship. American ping at tl e farm of Governor Mount on Thursday Dr. A. W. Bitting, "What’s the matter now?” asked the harvesting machines are the best In the Mass., stating her symptoms plainly of tneExi e ¡mental Station, Purdue University, directed the work. Each lamb or sheep was dipped one-half minute instead of two min­ TRABA MA«« world, the lightest, the strongest and and clearly, and take her advice, which leading actor, as tlie manager tore a utes, as is customary. A tank with a capacity of 100 gallona was pro­ was promptly letter to shreds and stamped his feet, NON-POISONOU3 vided, the best adapted to their uses.—New and into this was run sixty gals, of water, three quarts o< received. The “matter? That performance of yours O’ lorn-NapthoJemn. An emulsion was immediately formed, the < hloro-Naptholeuin '--k Sun. mixing instantly with the waler, leaving a mixture almost the exact color of milk. In the is so infernally bad that this person de ­ following let­ first one hour and twenty minutes sixty-two sheep had been dipped, the extra fifty minutes be- The Cahhaxc Louse. ter is pretty mands that his name be stricken from ing consumed in draining the fluid from the animals, as the wool took up about two gallons, and In a bulletin devoted to injurious this had to be returned to the tank. Examinations of each sheep ah dipped showed that the strong eon firm­ the free list.”—Detroit Free Press. Ticks were all killed, and ticks taken from undipped lambs and placed well under the wool close plant lice. Issued from the Maryland the skin on those previously dipped die I in three minutes’ time. ation of this: He—“Do you believe that money has to The head of each animal was put completely under the water, while the rille is to keep the station, attention is attracted to the old “I had a personality?” She—"I don't know. nose exposed. Careful observation failed to snow any nausea or sickness among any of the Iambs time enemy, the or sheep, a gratifying result, as must dips, especially'tobacco and those of arsenical’compositiou, been sick Why?” He—“Here's a telegram I just I ’ create great distress. cabbage louse. for six got from my wife at tbe seashore, ad- Governor Mount was informed by telephone as to the result. There were 160 lambs and 160 old This pest appears Cfj sheep. months; one dressed to ‘One Hundred Dollars,' in Dr. Bitting will forward his renort to Washington the first of this week, w’hen it will be offi­ early in the sea- ¿2 doctor told me I would have to go to a my care.” She—"What does it say?” cially promulgated for the benefit of farmers and wool growers throughout the country. son, even attack­ AKHi>tn WMut«*«i in every town and county by the WEST DISINFECTING co. to 'sell their hospital before 1 would get well. I had He — “ It says 'come at' " — Life. Disenfecting Machines and Sheep and Cattle Dips. Big money and good territory given live ing young cab­ female troubles in their worst form, suf­ men. For further particulars address Went Disiufeclinir Ou., 1204 Market St., sàn Francisco First tramp — “ Ilaw! haw! I've won a bage grown for cabbage louse . fered untold agonies every month ; my bet I made wid me frieti’, Beery Bill. I California. transplanting. It also attacks turnips womb tipped back to my backbone; had and radishes to a greater or less ex­ headache, hysteria, fainting spells, itch­ He gev me odds of two to one he wouldn’t do ten days' work inside of a tent. The winged viviparous female ing, leucorrhoea. 1 year.” Second trump—"What’s he been is a greenish gray in color and is a sub “ My feet and hands were cold all ject for illustration. Flight usually the time, my limbs were so weak that I doin’?” First tramp—“It says here he's takes place during very warm weather, could hardly walk around the house; been sent tip fer six mont's at hard and it is not an uncommon sight with was troubled with numb spells. I fol­ labor.”—Puck. , srrMR us to see the air filled with them in Au­ lowed Mrs. Pinkham's advice. I have Big Bridges. gust. The complete life history of this taken four bottles of Lydia E. Pink­ The following table gives tbe lengths pest Is still unknown. The same rem­ ham's Vegetable Compound, one bottle edies suggested for the melon plant of her Blood Purifier, one package of of the principal bridges in various J louse can be used for this Insect. They her Sanative Wash, and am entirely countries: Ttiy, Great Britain, 9,(19G I congregate on the underside of tlie cured.”—M rs . L ouisa P lack , 650 Bel­ f«*et; Forth, Great Britain, 5,552 feet; Moerdyck, Holland, 4.820 feet; Volga, leaves in great numbers, where they mont St., Brookton, Mass. Russia. 4,715 feet; Welchsel, Germany, can lie reached to best advantage by a 100 lb,.. 12. 4.340 feet; Theon, Germnny. 4,172 feet: spray directed with the bent brass ex Grandez (Ellie) States, 3.580 feet. The 1 ton, |36. Plow and Seeder Combined. tension. Carloads al greatest single span of the Forth special Thoroughly works the Soil to a depth of 5 to Propagation. prices. bridge is 1,725 feet: and of the East 8 inches. Write for I/caves no Plow Crust. To propagte from puny plants is a» Catalogue. River (Brooklyn) bridge, 1,601 feet be­ Places the seed 3 to4 inehesdown, thoroughly fatal to success as to breed animala tween tbe towers. covered with light, loose soil. B csll pH Every farmer that has used it RECOM­ from scrub stock, A plant never re- L am nesso s' MENDS it. Is your sleep refreshing or do you roll and An Indian Actress. fuses to bear fruit wltliout a cause. toss and fret and worry about your trouble? Portland, An Indian girl Is playing Puck In and that cause is often barrenness that It your nerves are healthy an