The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 01, 1897, Image 4

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    Yamhill County Reporter
placed within his reach. Of course
they don't understand. The habit
of regarding the delegation as bosses
over the people, with no rights what­
ever reserved to the latter, renders
their understanding obtuse. Right
there is where Mr. Geer’s manly con­
duct rises above the dead level of
machine politics and makes his name
popular throughout the length and
breadth of Oregon. He held the rec­
ommendation and endorsement of the
people, including most of the leading
republicans of the state for that po­
sition, and he regarded that as higher
authority than the triumvirate who
undertook to use him as a pawn, a
mere wooden man, in the game of
politics they were endeavoring to
play. He had the nerve and man­
hood to challenge the rule of the
would-be bosses, and even to lay
down a $300<)-a-year office for the
sake of the principle involved. They
can’t understand it at all, and they
think Geer has made a great mistake.
Circuit Court Pr.r«a«iii||..
Circuit court opened in department No. I
1, ou Monday, Judge Burnett presiding.
F. H. BARNHART, Editor A Propr.
The grand jury was drawn on Tuesday,
J. G. ECKMAN, A.oociate Editor.
composed of W. K. Allen, R. L. Booth,
W. R. Carter, F. M. Crabtree, Creed Medicinal value in a bottle of Hood’« Sarsa­
parilla than In any other preparation,
Henry Scheuk, W. C. Tustin.
Subscription $1.00 Per Year
More skill is required, more care taken, more
Cates were disposed of as follows:
expense incurred in its manufacture.
Spencer & Irvine vs Mann. Continued
It costa the proprietor and the dealer
More but it costs the consumer I m », as he
for service.
geta more doses tor his money,
Reading notice«in local columns 10 cents per
Tongue vs Allen. Same.
line for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter.
More curative power is secured by its peculiar
Dlaplay advertisement« annual rates, one inch
Allen & Lewis vs Southmayd. I*efault
combination, proportion and process,
per month fl; each additional inch fit) cents per
with order to sell attached property.
which make it peculiar vo itself.
Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding
More I»eople are employed and more space oc­
10 lines published free, if furnished in time to
cupied in its Laboratory than any other,
be current news. Additional matter locent«I»er
Clatlin vs Busbee. Default with order
More wonderful cures effected and more tes­
to sell attached property.
timonials received tlian by any other,
sales and more .ncrease year by year
Smith vs Orton. Default and judg­ More are
reported by druggists.
people are taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla
ment. Order to sell attached property.
today than any other, and more are
FRIDAY, OCT. 1, 1897.
taking it today than ever before.
Ogden vs Otis. Same.
More and still moke reasons might be
Olds & King vs Grosser. Settled.
given why you should take
Neesen vs Gregereon. Settled.
T he recent drop in the price of
Thompson vs Johnson. Default and
wheat is easily accounted for, by the
retention of a few popocrats in post­
I.atourette vs Wilber and Linn, De-
office positions that ought to be filled
fault an<l judgment.
by republicans.
Honeyman, DeHart & Co vs Goodrich.
The One True Blood Purifier. »1 per bottle
T he howl of the Telephone-Regis­
McMinnville National Bank vs Fergu­
® »Il Liver Ills and
son. Default and judgment with order llOOd S HlllS cur
ter about “business confidence” be­
Sick Headache. *25cents.
ing violated in connection with the
I t is generally understood that the
Spaulding and Miles vs Dorrance. Set­
Bourne-Gill check episode, causes
managing gentlemen who are trying tled.
A few weeks ago the editor was taken
the public to smile a broad grin.
with a very severe cold that caused him
to fan and keep alive for their own
You never can count the birds in a
to be in a most miserable condition. It
aggrandizement the “union” organi­ for service.
covey until they begin to get up.
Sweet, Orr & Co. vs Oberilorfer. Con­ was undoubtedly a bail case of la grippe
zation that carried the June election
ami recognizing it as dangerous he took
two years ago, are having a hard tinued.
W ixil has made as great an ad­ road to travel. The principal diffi­ Smith vs Fletcher. Settled and dis­ immediate steps to bring aliout a speedy
cure. From the advertisement of Cham­
vance as wheat. Cattle and sheep culty is that the bulk of the voting missed.
berlain’s Cough Remedy and the many
Smith vs Poo). Same.
are also up. Will it be argued that population that stood in with the
“theshortage in European countries” fusion movement, are about as badly The Home Insurance Co. vs Tati. Con­ good recommendations included therein,
we concluded to make a first trial of the
is responsible for this too? Fifteen disgusted with the “fruits” of the tinued.
medicine. To say that it was satisfac­
hundred hands were given employ­ victory, and as much disappointed,
tory in its results, is putting it very mild­
Sweet vs Redmond. Continued.
ment in the natural gas belt of Indi­ us a Florida chicken that hatched an
Kuh, Nathan & Fisher Co vs Redmond. ly, indeed. It acted like magic and the
ana last week in factories that have alligator’s egg and barely escaped be­ Continued.
result was a H|>eedy and permanent cure.
long been idle. Was it owing to the ing eaten before leaving the nest.
Multnomah Box Co vs Jones & Smith. We have no hesitancy in recommending
shortage of labor in Europe?
this excellent cough remedy to anyone
Most of the people who voted the Continued.
with a cough or cold in any
“union” ticket two years ago were State vs D Robinson ; burglary. Plea
T here has been a slight falling oil’ honest men, who, upon one ground of guilty of petit larceny. Sentenced to form.—The Banner of Liberty, Liberty­
town, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent
in the price of wheat, and some of or another persuaded themselves 30 days in jail and to pay costs.
sizes for sale by 8. Howorth & Co.
the popocratic brethren rush in and that'it would be better to abandon
attribute it to the manipulation of former party affiliations for a season, for deft.
An adjourned meeting of the choral
Van Ostrum vs Churchman; motion
the plutocratic class. If the pluto­ at least in local affairs. Republicans,
union is to be held next Wednesday night
crats can put the price down, it democrats and populists (middle-of for deed. Sheriff ordered to make deed. in the Presbyterian church. All singers
State vs Crumb; assault with intent to
interested in keeping up the organization
stands to reason that they can put it the-road-populists) were among the kill. Plea of not guilty. On trial.
are invited to be present and lend their
up, and it may be true after all that number. They acted upon a theory
State vs John Harris; carrying a con­ assistance toward making the union a
McKinley, Mark Hanna et al are re­ plausible upon its face, that has never cealed weapon. Plead guilty and sen­ success.
sponsible for the big jump last No­ failed to bring disappointment and tenced to 20 days in jail and to pay costs.
Card of Thank«.
disaster in its train. Thousands of State vs Walter Garner; assault with
to express our thanks to our
reasonably intelligent and fairminded
many friends who so kindly assisted ns
T he Reporter has on all proper oc­ men have made the same mistake be­
in the last sickness and care of husband
Dentil of Harlow mill«.
casions advocated free text-books as fore, and the fusion voters of Yam­
and father. Your constant attention and
a necessary adjunct of free public hill county are just arriving at a real­ After a lingering illness of over a year sympathy will always be remembered
appreciated. May your closing days
schools. This brief editorial item izing sense of the fact that the from cancer of the stomach, Harlow and
be blessed with friends as kind.
from the Globe-Democrat is quite to “union” movement was and isacc’.d- Mills, of the firm of H. Mills & Son of
Mas. H. M ii . i . s and F amily .
the point: “The more the free school blooded plot on the part of a few to this city, departed this life on Friday
book question is investigated the get possession of the spoils of office evening, Sept. 24th, aged 68 years, 11
months and 8 days. Deceased was born
more clearly it will appear that free and the opportunities of corrupt pol­ in Gustavos, Trumbull county, Ohio, When an innocent man is condemned for
crime he doesn’t lose hope. His law­
text-books are a necessary part of itics. What else can they conclude Oct. 16th, 1828. On February 14th, 1850, any
yers appeal from one
conducting the schools, and that it is from the evidence before them—the he was married to Elizabeth Arnold. court to another.
They are bound to
a mistake to make them a badge of legislative hold-up of last winter, They moved to Denmark, Lee county, save him, if he can
saved. It is the
effected through the agency of the Iowa, where their family of eight child­ be
same way with a
good doctor when
members elected by this fusion move­
his patient seems
“The spindles are humming, the ment, the farming of the business in removed to Newton, Kansas, where they condemned
to death
wheels are going round, the furnaces some of the county offices to yield the lived until February, 1895, when they by disease.
But doctors make
are red-hot. Is it all caused by the greatest possible amount of fees, and came to Oregon, settling at McMinnville. mistakes some­
they lose
scarcity of wheat in Europe?” queries a suit in court brought to collect
land Presbyterian church of this city, heart too soon.
an exchange. We think not. The money from the county, to which all
After they have
where the funeral services were held tried
scarcity of wheat in Europe would honorable claim was relinquished in Sunday morning, Rev. Thompson preach­ they
know and
have the single effect of advancing order to obtain election? Is it at all ing an earnest and sympathetic sermon. the patient is
better, they
the price of the cereal in this country. strange that the honest element who Deceased was a most social man, and ac­ no
think there is
more to
With the markets for manufactured supported the movement two years quired friends rapidly. During his long
be done. They
goods left open to foreign competi­ ago from motives of bettering the illness he never was heard to complain. don’t always
at the root
tion, the spindles would hum a less public welfare declare their intention There were present at the funeral from get
of the disease.
neighboring points John A. Mills and They frequently
lively tune, the wheels would revolve of standing aloof?
wife of Independence, and four clerks of give a patient
less swift, und hundreds of furnace
firm at that place, and Mr. J. Q. up to die of con
tires would never be kindled at all.
T he California Fruit Grower re­ Barnes of the New York Racket store at sumption,
arc afterwards surprised to
marks that a vast amount of fruit is Salem. The interest of deceased in the strong and well again.
Mrs. W. B. Duncan, of Arlington, Phelps Co.,
T he count of the silver dollars is going to waste in Oregon because firm at this place was left to the widow, Mo., writes "My husband took four bottles of
’s Golden Medical Discovery when he
still going on in the United States the people do not know how to take and the business is continued under the was Pierce
(as he thought) almost into consumption, and
we were very thankful that such a medicine could
treasury, and will require yet six
be found. I wish all persons troubled with cough
would take it. Long may the ‘ Golden Medical
weeks more for its completion. Twen­ cused of stupidity, yet the econom­
Discovery ’ and * Favorite Prescription ' be
Roswell Hewlev ol Sheridan was look­ made. I shall always recommend and praise
ty-one young women experts are en­ ics of the fruit industry had to be
these medicines.”
gaged in the count. In all previous learned by the Californians, We ing on this week nt the district court
All lung and bronchial diseases are cured
Some session.
by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery,
couuts the money has been weighed may hope to learn in time,
because it supplies the system with healthy
in bags, there lieing 1000 silver dol­ idea of what is meant by the Fruit
It puts the vital forces into action
The students of the Lafayette seminary and fills the circulation with the life-giving
lars in each bag. Two tests are ap­ Grower's remark may be gathered
red corpuscles which builds up solid, mus­
plied to the bags, de|>ending on from the general contents of its will get out the first issue of the Psi Phi cular flesh and healthy nerve-force.
As a medical author, Dr. Pierce holds an
whether the dollars are new or have pages. For instance, it is said of
eminent place in his profession. His great
thousand-page illustrated book, “The Peo­
been used. A bag of 1000 new and one apple orchardist in California
ple’s Common Sense Medical Adviser’’ is
unused dollars weighs about fifty­ that he expects to make the expense «S tate of O hio , C ity of T olkdo , )
one of the standard medical works of the
eight pounds and fifteen ounces.
H on . T. T. G eeh is about the best
advertised mun in Oregon. His dec­
lination of the Oregon City land office
has brought him prominently before
the public and he is receiving the
heartiest kind of commendation.
Should the president be in need of a
first-class man for the place of collec
tor of customs at Portland, a man
who is above the methods of small
politics, one to whom the word poli-
ticion applies only in its better sense,
and in whom the people of Oregon
Lave the most implicit confidence
tooth as tohonesty and ability,he will
Got be obliged to consult the Oregon
delegation. He already has a rec
oma.eadation from higher authority.
A nw newspapers that still ini
agine Mitchell's coattail the royal
road to postofliee appointment, are
abusing Hon. T T. Geer for declining
the landoffice appointment tendered
him by the congressional delegation. |
They say that he was willing to ac­ '
cept atlMM) appointment at one time. I
•nd they don t understand why he ■
should decline a >3000 job when 1 I I
of cultivating and gathering his crop
out of the windfalls, which may
mean sun-dried apples, evaporated
apples, apple cider, boiled eider, vin­
egar, apple butter or jelly. From
another item it is gathered that the
surplus pears in another section are
being made into delicious syrup,
which is to be a new and attractive
thing on the market.
And when
reference is made to the large ship­
ments of California brandy, one nat
u rally thinks of the surplus and in
ferior grades of prunes going to
waste in our own orchards. We may
not hope for some time to match our
California neighbors in economy.
They have even got it down to the
point that the women wear overalls
and jumpers in gathering prunes,
but there is plenty of room for ad­
vancement this side of the bifurcated
Cur» xlck hemikebe. bad
u«L m the mouth, coaled
tongue, gc in the «tomacb.
«.U m . .mi iMtltoHon Do ■
■ ■ ■
.11 a
1 I I
■ ■ ■
“o’ w«ak»n. hut b.v. totuc ««ret
» cant«.
The only rtUa W take vMh Mood ■ «arwkparUla.
L ucan C ounty ,
jss *
Frank <1. Cheney makeeoath that he is
the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney Co., doing business in the city
of Toledo, county and state aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh
F rank «1. C heney .
Sworn to liefore me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1886.
A. W. G leason ,
( —Notary Public.
1 SK<I . I
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
Iv and acts directly on tbe blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. «1. CHENEY A CO.,Toledo, O.
ff^^Sold by druggists
Tk. fis­
TV. fit-
English language
Nearly 700,000 copies
were sold at $1.50 each. A paper bound
copy will be sent absolutely free for the cost
of mailing only, 21 one-cent stamps ; or,
cloth-bound for 31 stamps. World’s Dis­
pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y.
XTOTK’E Is hereby given, that the under-
signed as sheriff of Yamhill county, state
of Oregon, under and by virtue of a writ of ex­
ecution, dated August 19th, 1897, issued out of
the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Yam
hill county, upon and to enforce the decree in
favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant
for costs and disbursements amounting to the
sum of 127.99 taxed to the defendant and made
a charge on the hereinafter described lands set
off to him in the suit for partition wherein Sarah
D. Cole was plaintiff and Elijah M. Cole was
defendant isaid execution being directed to the
undersigned for service,) did on the 13th day of
September, 1897, duly levy upon the hereinafter
described real premises belonging to said de
tendant, Elijah M. Cole, and that the under­
signed will, by virtue of said writ of execution
and said levy, at the court house door in Mc­
Minnville, in Yamhill county, state of Oregon,
1897. at one o’clock p. m of said day, sell at
public auction for cash the following described
real premises, to-wit: Beginning at a point on
the south line of the donation land claim of
William Dodson and wife, claim No. 42, notifi­
cation No 2840. in T. J S. R 5 W. in Yamhill
county,state ol Oregon, »here the section line
between sections 26 and 27 crosses said south
line of said claim, and 11.90 chains south of the
post on said line and running thence noTth
r chains: thence east 22.19 chains to the
division line of said claim; thence south on
said line 21
chains to the south line of said
claim; thence west on said line 22 19 chains to
the place of beginning, containing 61.76 acres,
and that said real premises will be so sold to
obtain funds
' * «uni of E27 »9, which 1
nd» to
ll»fr Mid
«a.d < im is made • a chL
charge ___
on ____
«aid _____
real r_____
ses by
said decree rendered in «aid suit on the
day of October, 1896. and to pay the accru-
inf . osts and « barges on said execution.
'«ted September 16th. 1897.
Sheri® of «aid Yamhill County.
Just now the demand is for Campers and Hop Pick­
ers’ Supplies.
25 to 75c a pair—Good Value.
Ten Quarter Domett Blankets
At 60c to $1 a pair.
All Wool Blankets,
From $2.50 to $8, according to quality and size.
From 75c to $3.
All Straw Hats at actual cost to close out.
Light weight Overalls at 35c a pair.
a broken line, and out of some sizes.
Heavy and fledium Shoes
Especially adapted to heavy work at, cut prices.
A good supply of
Fruit Jars,
Bacon, Staple Groceries
Best Coffees, Teas, Spices
We guarantee our goods and prices to be just
such as we recomment them to be. The better the
goods the stronger the guarantee. Cheap goods can­
not be guaranteed by any one.
fl. J. flPPERSON
fl Sure
Is what all are
looking for in GROCERIES
Most people would rather trade where they
know they will get a good article at the lowest
living figure, and one which when delivered at
your door is ready to use, is just what it was
represented to be when sold, is full weight and
full measure, rather than to have a lingering
conviction that you need a house scales, an
analyzing microscope, or a blue room in which
you can retire and swear in order to get even
with your grocer.
if you trade with us. Our idea of the grocery
AT LOWEST FIGURES. Not to secretly
cut weights and measures down, make slight
reduction in price as a bait, and yet skin the
customer on the measure he gets. Such
methods bring sure defeat.
Wallace & Walker
All kinds of Fine,
Difficult and
old Watches re­
paired and made
to run as good
as new at
All kinds of Watches. Clock»
and Jewelry for sale at
hard times prices.
Jeoielry Store