The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 01, 1897, Image 3

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Engineer and Fireman Bobbed-II
waymen Captured.
Eighteen Puckers Buried Under a Mon­
ster Avulanche.
Portland, Or., Sept. 28.—One of the
Port Townsend,Sept. 27.—The steam­
evening at 9:25 o’clock on the O. R. &
N. track just five miles beyond the
city limits. While the regular East­
ern train, No. 2, was leaving tbe city,
two masked men succeeded in stopping
the engine by some signal, and after
taking the enigneer and tireman into
the brush beside the track, robbed them
of tlieir watches and about $16 in
money. The brakeman went forward
is soon as the train stopped, and taking
in tiie situation, crawled under the
mail car and opened fire on the rob­
bers, who got into the brush with their
two prisoners. Then he mounted the
cab, and. amidst a volley of pistol shots,
succeeded in backing the train out of
danger. No one was injured, and noth­
ing was lost except what was taken
from the engineer and fireman while
their captors had them under guard in
the brush by tbe track.
Conductor Allison was made aware
of tiie trouble by tbe slackened speed of
the train. The brakeman was ahead
of him in going forward, and had en­
gaged in the combat with the highway­
men before lie readied the upper end.
He was approaching the scene of the
shooting, carrying his lantern, when a
shot from one of the robbers broke th«
globe. Realizing that something seri­
ous was in progress, he retired hastily
to the interior of one of the coaches.
As soon as the conductor found that tiie
train was backed far enough to be out
of danger he had it stopped, and him­
self armed, with the brakeman and
some of the passengers who could mus­
ter a firearm, a hostile array was form­
ed to receive the onslaught of the high­
The attack 414 rot come, however,
but instead of me robbers there came
walking down the track the engineer
and fireman. They were received with
joy, and told their story after it became
apparent that the robbers intended no
further demonstration against the pas­
When the train halted, the engineer
and fireman were covered by the revolv­
ers of the highwaymen and ordered to
get out of tbe cab. As the two had tiie
drop on tiie engineer and fireman, they
thought there was no other alternati e,
and obeyed. As soon as they reached
the ground they were ordered in front
of the engine a short distance from
where it stood. Following tbe mandate
of the robbers, they walked in the direc­
tion indicated until ordered to stop.
Both were searched for valuables. From
the engineer a gold watch and chain
were secured, and about $7 in money.
The fireman was also relieved of |8.
This accomplished, the two prisoners
were permitted to return down the
track to where the brakeman had run
the train, while the robbers took their
departure in another direction.
for Skaguav, returned at 1 o’clock this
morning, having made tiie run down
in 96 hours.
The Pioneer brings down a story of a
snow or landslide between Sheep Camp
and Chilkoot pass last Sunday morning
in which 18 men are supposed to have
lost tiiier lives; only one body had been
found, that of a man named Choynski,
cousin of Joe Choynski, the prizefighter.
The 15 or 18 men supposed to be lost
were packers on the Dyea trail, and
they had upwards of $30,000 in their
There are many here who do not be­
lieve tiie story, as it is very early in the
season for snow slides. Officers of the
Pioneer say the story was brought to
Skaguay Sunday evening by three men,
who told it in such a thrilling manner
as to leave no doubt as to its truthful­
ness. They described the avalanche as
consisting of rocks, ice and dirt, the
mass having been loosened by the re­
cent unprecedented hard rain which
lias been fallling continuously for tbe
past month.
All the bridges on the Skaguay river
have been washed out and the river is
a raging torrent.
W. W. Sprague, of Tacoma, who
started eight weeks ago with a three-
years’ outfit, returned from Skaguay on
tiie Pioneer.
The steamer Al-Ki, a week overdue
from Alaska, arrived this morning at
4 o’clock. She carried a large list of
men returning from.Skaguay, who were
unable to cross the pass. The snow is
six inches deep at Lake Bennett, and
three inches fell on the summit of Chil­
koot pass last Saturday.
Dowulng, Hopkin» A Couipany’i Review
of Trade.
An Attempt to Bur» a New
School FruMtrated.
New Orleans, Sept. 27.—Efficient
A low range of values for wiieat has
Report That War Is Inevit­ boldest attempts to hold up a train re­ er Pioneer, which left the Sound Sep­ Mortgage on the Union Pacific
work by tbe fire department in the face
ported here for years occurred Sunday tember 12 with the bark Shirley in tow
able Scouted at Madrid.
to Be Foreclosed.
result of diminished speculation, in­ of the attack of a mob enabled the de­
('¡roumstnncea Seem to Justify the A*«
Sustain I’ m in Interference.
Madrid, Sept. 27.—The Correspon-
dencia de Espana asserts that negotia­
tions are proceeding between the
United States and Spain for a friendly
settlement of affairs in Cuba.
El Epoca, after denouncing as “sen­
sational” the story of an ultimatum,
[mints out tiiat the Cubans have not
been at war with Spain without th«
moral and material co-operation of the
American people.
There is a great deal of comment as
to tiie origin of the ultimatum canard.
It lias been attributed to a foreign am­
bassador, Imt all the ambassadors deny
responsibility for it. The |>eople do
not think that war is inevitable.
It is asserted that the liberals will
soon form a cabinet, and that on the
return of the queen from San Sebastian
to Madrid Captain-General Weylerwill
be recalled from Cuba and autonomy
established in the island, thus leaving
no pretext for tiie intervention of the
United States.
Would Europe Sustain Un.
Washington, Sept. 27.—State depart­
ment officials refuse to discuss the
statement made in the cable disptach
from Madrid, namely, that the coun­
tries of Europe, with the exception of
Austria, justify the interposition of the
United States in favor of a termination
of the Cuban war. Still, it is recalled
that while Mr. Woodford was tarrying
in an apparently purpioseless manner in
London and Paris, instead of proceed­
ing to his post in Spain, it leaked out
that the United States ministers at
various European courts had been in­
structed to sound the governments to
which they were accredited, with a
view to learning how intervention in
favor of Cuba would be regarded.
Although it was generally supposed
at the time that this effort would not
succeed, there is now good reason to ac­
cept the statement in the Madrid cable
as fully warranted by the facts.
No Ultimatum Was Served.
New York, Sept. 27.—A special to
tiie Herald from London says: In
reference to the sensational telegrams
from Madrid about the alleged ulti­
matum and inevitability of war between
the United States and Spain, the
Herald correspondent had a conversa­
tion with a distinguished American
diplomat, who, though not personally
concerned in the American-Sp nish ne­
gotiations, is in a position to know the
exact state of affairs, but who, for ob­
vious reasons would not allow his name
to be mentioned. He said:
“I cannot, of course, pledge in ad­
vance the government of the United
States, but so far as the present is con­
cerned such a step is not in contempla­
tion. The United States has probably
intimated through Mr. Woodford that
the present state of affairs is most de­
plorable and that if we could bo of any
assistanec in bringing this condition
of things to an end we should be glad
to offer our services But you may say
absolutely that no ultimatum has been
sent to Spain by the United States.”
Robber» Captured.
The two highwaymen who held up
the O. R. & N. train were arrested
within 15 hours of the hold-up, and are
securely lodged in the city jail. The
bungling clumsiness with which they
conducted the robbery characterized
their movements from the time they
; laid their first plans.
They were arrested in a lodging house
I on Seventh and Oak streets, where they
took up their quarters on arriving in
the city, and whence they returned
after tlieir crime. They give the pre­
sumably fictitious names of George
Jackson and Charles Williams. No
lives were lost in the capture, nor was
any time wasted. The men when ar­
rested gave every evidence of being des­
Denied by Tetuan.
Madrid, Sept. 27.—The Duke of Te- perate characters, but before use could
tuan, the Spanish minister of foreign be made of their numerous weapons,
affaire, in the course of an interview to­ the two were covered with revolvers,
day with the correspondent of the As­ precluding any attempt at resistance.
Jackson and Williams, the former
sociated Press, denies that the govern­
ment had received an ultimatum from being about 50 years of age and tbe
the United States in regard to Cuba, latter not more than 32, came to this
and said he had received a cablegram city Wednesday, on the California
from Senor de Lome, the Spanish min­ steamer, stopping the first night in a
ister to the United States, to the same hotel, and the next day taking a room
effect, and denying the existence of an in the lodging house at 83 Seventh
street. In tlieir room, when captured,
were found two fine double-barreled
Election in Cuba.
shot-guns, bearing evidence of having
Havana, Sept. 27.—According to ad­ been recently fired, and two large re­
vices from Puerto Principe, Senor Bar- volvers. Some time prior to Saturday
tomoloe Masso has been elected vice- night the housemaid, in cleaning their
president of the Cuban republic, Gen­ room, observed a fair-sized packet,
eral Gomez minister of war, and Cal- marked “Handle with care.” Satur­
ixto Garcia major-general, General day night this disappeared from their
Gomez remaining commander in-chiei room, and found near where tbe train
was held up, containing 15 sticks of a
of the army of liberation.
Armed insurgents continue to sur­ heavy high explosive, designated as
render, among them Captain Ojeda Hercules, No. 1, powder.
The two men also went to a livery
and 10 men in Havana province, and
the local leader. Bias Varela, in the stable Sunday, took a horse and single
province of Pinar del Rio, who.surren- buggy at about 5 o’clock, and did not
return it until 11 o’clock, that night.
dered with nine others.
Three days ago the insurgents dyna­ In this buggy was found next morning
mited a pilot train between Punta a purse that Engineer C. II. Evans
Brava and Las Mangas, Pinar del Rio. identified as lieing tiie one taken from
The engineer, Pedro Milones, son of him by the highwaymen at the time of
the well-known poet, was seriously the hold-up. In the purse was a $5
gold piece, which it also contained at
The beef famine increases. There the time of its departure from Mr.
is no meat in Havana today, and tbe Evans, but he is unable to identify the
importation of American refrigerated piece of money as the one he possessed.
The story of their capture is brief,
beef is urged.
It was officially announced today yet reveals careful and efficient work
that two insurgent officers and 21 by the officers, and a determined effort
armed insurgent cavalrymen, who be­ on the part of the O. R. & N. officials
longed to the insurgent force under to bring the desperadoes to justice.
Trellez. surrendered yesterday to Span­
The great Mohammedan school at
ish authorities at Yagurmas, province
of Santa Clara. Trellez, it is added, Cairo, El Azhar, meaning the "Splen­
was killed the previous night by three did, ” has clear records dating as far
back as 975.
of his followers.
Ammunition Wagon Exploded.
Fatal Runaway Accident.
London, Sept. 27.—A dispatch from
Bucharest says that while a battery of
artillery was passing through the town
of Piliati, Roumania, 65 miles north­
west of Bucharest, an ammunition
wagon exploded.
Four men were
blown to pieces and 11 injured so seri-
ouely that they have since died. Eight
horses were killed.
Warshaw, Ind., Sept. 27.—Fred
Hesse I, a wealthyjcitizen, was fatally
injured by an angry bulb
Hartford, Conn., Sept. 28.—F. W.
Valentine, a well-to-do lawyer, ot
Brooklyn, was instantly killed in a
runaway accident in the town of Pom-
fort today. Henry L. Burt, a promin­
ent druggist of Putnam, who was with
him, was probably fatally hurt. The
wives of both men were severely
The Story Corroborated.
Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 27.-—
Captain Neilson, master of the tug
Pioneer, corroborates the story of the
snowslide, or more appropriately, land­
slide, in the neighborhood of Sheep
Camp. Captain Nelson says:
“Three men came to Skaguay beach
Sunday night with a story that at
Sheep Camp that morning at 3:30
o’clock a peculiar sound from the south­
west side of the mountain was heard,
and before the residents of the camp
could fully dress they found themselves
being rapidly borne down the canyon
on a mass of moving debris from the
mountain side. The majority of the
residents of Sheep Camp escaped, al­
though the entire town was almost
wholly destroyed.
“The slide struck the town in the
northern part, where nearly all the
packers were quartered in tents and
sleeping tiie sleep of hard, overworked
men. The main part of tiie slide from
the mountain missed Sheep Camp
proper, although from the rejmrt very
little of the town remains. Packers’
■amp was wholly carried away, and it
is impossible to learn tiie full names of
the unfortunates, as they were all
known by surnames such as Jack, Jim,
Dick, etc.
“The cause of the slide was reported
to be the action of heavy rains on tiie
hills where a sort of reservoir was
formed, which body of water forced tiie
land down into the basin below. Never
before have such heavy rains been ex­
perienced by old Indians in the neigh­
borhood of Chilkoot pass.”
W. W. Sprague, of Tacoma, return­
ing from Skaguay pass, verifies the
above report.
The Government Will Lone Something
Like Twenty-Five Million in
tiie Transaction.
Chicago, Sept. 27.—A special to the
Tribune from Washington says:
The Union Pacific reorganization
committee proposition for the settle­
ment of the company’s debt to the
United States will be accepted, the
government mortgage will be fore­
closed, the road sold ami the company
reorganized. This statement is made
an the highest authority.
For several days past the president
has had conferences with the represen­
tatives of the company and with the
attorney-general, and before he left
Washington he agreed to the sale of the
road and its reorganization upon the
basis which the reorganization commit­
tee suggested. The announcement of
the decision may be looked for at an
early date. It will come in an order
for foreclosure issued by the president
to the secretary of the treasury.
The agreement to which President
McKinley has agreed to give his sanc­
tion is the same which was submitted
to congress by President Cleveland
last January. Under this agreement
the reorganization committee will bid
for the road under a foreclosure sale,
the sum of $45,000,000.
In order to give an intelligible state­
ment of what thi.'bid will mean to the
United States, it is necessary to entei
briefly into the history of the Union
Pacific obligation to the government.
The principal debt of the Union
Pacific to the United States was $85,-
530,512. A portion of this has not yet
been advanced by the United States.
The interest paid by the government
amounts to $36,954,893. The whole
indebtedness on the 1st day of July,
1897, was $70,494,405. The sinking
fund of the Union Pacific in the hands
of the treasurer of tiie United States on
the same day was $17,738,209. After
deducting the sinking fund, which is
an asset of the company in the hands of
the United States for tiie puprose of
paying the debt of the Union Pacific
Company to the government, the sum
of $28,015,850 remains to lie paid.
That is the only sum which tiie Fitz­
gerald reorganization committee, as it
is known, will be required to pay the
government. x
The loss to the government is the dif-
erence between $53,000,000, which is
the net amount due the government in
round numbers, and tbe $28,000,000,
making a loss of nearly $25,000,000 in
round numbers, according to the figur­
ing of the opponents of the agreement.
The agreement for the foreclosure
sale also contains a provision for the
reorganization of the Union Pacific
Railroad Company and its Kansas Pa­
cific branch. The reorganization com­
mittee consists of Louis Fitzgerald,
Jacob H. Schieff, T. Jefferson Coo­
lidge, jr.. Chauncey M. Depew, Marvin
Hughitt and Oliver Ames. The cap­
italization of the new company undei
the Fitzgerald plan will be $100,900,-
000, 4 jier cent bonds, $75,000,000 <>i
preferred stock and $61.000,000 of com­
mon stock.
Arbitrator of the British-Vene­
zuela 15 on Hilary.
Washington, Sept. 27.—A final de­
cision has been reached bv the arbitra-
tiors who are to determine the British-
Venezuela boundary line as to the fifth
arbitrator, or umpire, who is to act
with him. His name is for the present
It is not Baron Courcel.
whose name has been mentioned in this
connection, nor King Oscar of Sweden,
who was to name the umpire only in
case tiie arbitrators failed to agree. An
agreement was reached without the
necessity of calling on the Swedish sov­
ereign. The umpire is an European,
but this is sail! to be without signifi­
cance, since no question involving the
Monroe doctrine is to be submitted to
the tribunal. The arbitrators on behalf
of Venezuela are Chief Justice Fuller
and Justice Brewer, of the supreme
A Livestock Trust.
Washington, Sept 24.—Assistant At­
torney-General Boyd, of the depart­
ment of justice, in charge of the case
against the South Omaha Livestock
Exchange, says he is satisfied the South
Omaha exchange was organized on
lines similar to those of tbe Kansas
City exchange, which was a few days
ago declared a trust by Judge Foster of
the United States district court
The suits against Wetsern livestock
exchanges begun under Attorney-Gen­
eral Harmon, of the Cleveland admin­
istration, but the present administra­
tion is prosecuting them with all pos­
sible vigor.
Killed by a Landslide.
London, Sept. 27.—A private dis­
patch from Rome says that about 40
persons were killed and many others
injured by an earth slip at the sulphur
mines near Girgentt.
Train Plunged Into a River.
Madras, Sept. 27. — Floods have
washed away a bridge on the Benga-
lore-Mysore railroad near Maddur. An
engine and five cars filled with passen­
gers were precipitated into the river,
causing great loss of life.
Ossolla« Exploded.
Chicago, Sept. 27.—One man was
▲bout forty-five thousand sovereigns fatally burned and six others persons
pass over the Bank of England oountera injured last night by an explosion of a
every day.
igasolia« stovi on West Adams street.
Captain Tuttle*» Report on Conditions
in the North.
Washington, Sept. 27. — Captain
Tuttle, in command of the cutter Bear,
of the Bell ring sea patrol, in a report
to the secretary of the treasury, gives
an official account of the rescue of Cap­
tain Whitesides, hie wife and a nuinbei
of the crew of tbe steamer Nevarch,
which was caught in the ice pack ofl
Icy Cape, July 30, and also reports as
to the condition of affairs at St.
The Bear reached St. Michaels Au­
gust 28, where about 300 miners wen
found camping on the beach. On ar­
rival Captain Tuttle received requests
from the Alaska Commercial Company
and the North American Trading Com­
pany to remain wtih his command at
St. Michaels until some means could be
devised to maintain law and order.
He was informed that among the sud­
den influx of people were many bad
characters, and previous to the arrival
of the Bear, open threats had been
made as to what they would do if the
transportation company failed to get
them up the Yukon. This was iiu|a»s-
sible with the means at hand.
Captain Tuttle says that navigatior
would close in a few days and that 12
vessels were then on tiie way to St.
Michaels, the most of them witli pas­
sengers. and he thought if they did not
return on the vessels which brought
them, much suffering must result.
The captain decided to comply with
the requests which had been made un­
til Captain Hooper, of tbe command of
the Behring sea fleet, could be com­
municated with.
In concluding his report Captain
Tutlte says that in bis opinion the situ­
ation on the Yukon this winter will be
a very serious matter, and in his judg­
ment the limited supply of food will
result in starvation.
Taooma, Sept. 27.—The steamship
Willamette sailed from Tacoma tonight
for Skaguay and way ports. She will
carry to the north all the freight that
can be stored in her hold and piled
upon her deck. The deckload com­
prises 300,000 feet ot lumber. The
cargo will amount to 2,900 tons. The
steamer has 80 head of live stock, oom-
prising cattle, hogs and sheep. Tbe
passenger list from the Sound will
number 100 people, most of whom ar*
traders or speculators.
creased receipts and accumulating
stocks, the market closing weak under
these conditions, with still lower ten­
dency. Clearances continue large.
Ex|s>rt sales have been only moderate,
and there seems to be a pause in the
European demand.
The diminished
volume of speculation is probably the
weakest feature in the market at pres­
ent, as tbe trade generally have accept­
ed as a fact that Europe wants all the
surplus food products that we have to
The presence of a so-called
“bull clique” has been largely respon­
sible for the decreased trade and done
much to check tiie advance. The in­
creasing stocks would not prove suffi­
cient to depress values, but in conjunc­
tion with the lessened ex|>ort demand
and absence of speculation the current
of the market has been turned and un­
til conditions are changed a lower range
of values is to be expected temporarily.
Corn values have suffered a severe
decline, due in part to local speculative
The salient [mints of
weakness in tlie market, however, have
been the large reeeints, enormous stocks
and the insufficiency of the cash de­
mand. The forward movement is now
falling off. Farmers have practically
ceased selling. The cash demand is
also improving and a stronger market is
probable next week. Crop prospects
are unfavorable. Serious damage has
occurred since tiie last government re­
port was compiled, and the next report
will siiow a very large decrease in the
estimated yield. Present values are
below the average for years past and in­
vite speculative buying. The shortage
in the world’s wheat crop would in it­
self warrant better values for corn, but
in connection with tiie serious shortage
in the potato crop, etstimated at
1,000,009,000 bushels, it is apparent
that corn will be in greater export de­
mand than ever before. We regaid
present weakness as but temporary, and
certain to be followed by much higher
Portland Markets.
Wheat—Walla Walla, 79g; Val­
ley and Bluestem. 81 @82c per bushel.
Flour—Best grades, $4.40; graham,
$3.70; superfine, $2.50 per barrel.
Oats—Choice white, 37@38c; choice
gray, 36c per bushel.
Barley—Feed barley, $19@20; brew­
ing, $19@20 per ton.
Millstuffs—Bran, $14 per ton;
middlings, $21; shorts, $15.50.
Hay—Timothy, $12@ 12.50; clover,
$10@ll; California
do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9@
10 per ton.
Eggs—16@17.Sic per dozen.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 45 @ 50c;
fair to good, 35@40c; dairy, 30@35e
per roll.
11 *^o;
America, 12'.2c; California, 9(3 10c per,
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.00@
3.50 per dozen; broilers, $2.OO@2.75;
geese, $6 @7; ducks, $4 @4.50 per
dozen; turkeys,
live, 9@10c per
Potatoes.—O.egon Burbanks. 40@
45c per sack; new potatoes, 50c [>er
sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
Onions—California, new, red. $1.25;
yellow, 80c per cental.
Hops—13@15c per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 6 (3 7c.
Wool—Valley, 14@15c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10@12c; mohair, 20c
per pound.
Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 2t-4@2>^c; dressed mutton,
5c; spring lambs, 5% per pound.
Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $4.50;
light and feeders, $3@4; dressed, $5@
5.50 i>er 100 pounds.
Beef—Gross, lop steers, $2.75@8;
cows $2.25; dressed beef, 4@5%c per
Veal—Large, 4)^@5c; small, 5*g@6c
per pound.
Seattle Market».
partment to save the main portion of
the Beauregard school building, which
was fired last night by rioters, who ob­
jected to having tiie structure convert­
ed into a yellow fever hospital. Only
the annex and one end of tbe structure
were reduced to ashes.
After the mass meeting of citizens
held last night a riotous vrowd gat here. I
around the building and openly threat­
ened at the first opjmrtunity that they
would fire it.
Throughout yesterday evening Sister
Agnes and a number of other Sisters of
Charity, together with help from the
hospital, had been putting the building
in order foi tiie reception of yellow
fever patients.
At nightfall Surgeon Bloom, of the
hospital, the sisters and others had
been warned that they bad better leave
the building. They did so, and made
their wav through a dense crowd of
panic-stricken citizens. Then a small
force of police was ordured to the scene.
While the police were engaged in at-
temptiug to quell the riotous crowd in
front of the building, two incendiaries
with a flve-gallon can of oi) proceeded
to the rear and quickly had the build­
ing in flames.
An alarm was turned in, but the first
neighboring engine bad scarcely arrived
when the hose was cut. When other
engines arrived their hose was also de­
stroyed by tiie mob.
Chief Gaater
finally arrived with a squad of officers,
which beat the mob back.
One Man Killed, Three Fatally and Ste
Severely Injured.
Marion, Ill., Sept. 27.—One man
was killed, three fatally injured, and
six severely burned and bruised by an
explosion of gas in the Williams county
coal mine today. An unknown miner
is still imprisoned in the shaft, and
was undoubtedly killed instantly. The
dead man is Frank Farrar, an Italian
miner, asphyxiated.
The injured are: G. Grieti, burned
by the explosion, will die; Peter Cas­
per, burned internally, will die; Joe
Barlow, driver boy, crushed about the
Lead, will die.
A shift of 45 men went down the
main shaft in the cage at 7 o’clock thia
morning. They had proceeded only a
short distance up the main gangway
when the lamp on the leader’s cap ig­
nited a large body of gas. A terrible
explosion resulted. Farrar and the un­
known miner were knocked down, the
latter being buried under a mass of
broken timbers find rocks. Those who
were able to crawl Back to the foot ot
the shaft signalled for the cage, which
had been blown to the surfaoe by tbe
force of the explosion.
Rescuers descended, and soon all tbe
injured men were brought to the sur­
face. Afterdamp followed the explo­
sion, and put a stop to the search for
the body of the unknown miner.
All Quiet at Hazleton.
Hazleton, Pa., Sept. 27.—The coron­
er’s jury investigating the death of the
Lattimer victims met again and heard
additional testimony. Nothing new
was adduced. After a half dosen wit­
nesses had been examined, Coroner
McKee closed the inquest and the jury-
retired. They will meet tomorrow to
deliberate and decide upon a verdict.
It was the intention of General Gobin
to order the withdrawal of part of the
militia, but tiie rain interfered. Bat­
tery C, of the artillery, broke camp
today and returned to Phoenixville,
where tomorrow, weather permitting,
the 11th and 12th regiments will leava
The governor’s troop toured the re­
gion today. The city troop of Phila­
delphia will return home next week.
AH was quiet in the region today.
Suicide of a Disgraced Seaman.
San Francisco, Sept. 27.—The steam­
er Moana, from Sydney, via Honolulu,
arrived this morning with the folllow-
ing Hawaiian advices, under date of
September 16:
Woolf, a seaman on imard of the
Philadelphia, disrated and confined in
the brig on a serious charge, committed
suicide on the 14th by hanging himself
with the hammock lashings. Woolf
was ashore last Saturday night drink­
ing heavily.
Captain Dyer found
Woolf was guilty of disorderly conduct
and bringing disgrace upon the ship,
and sentenced him to five days’ solitary
confinement oi> bread and water, at the
same time reducing his rating from first
to fourth class. The captain believes
the man was insane.
Butter—Fancy native creamery,
brick, 28 @ 24c; ranch, 14 @ 16a
Cheese— Native Washington, 10@
11c; California, 9J^a
Eggs—Fresh ranch, 20@21a
Poultry—Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.50
@3; ducks, $3.50(33.75.
Wheat—Feed wheat, $30 per ton.
Oats—Choice, per ton, $22@23.
Corn—Whole, $24; cracked, per ton,
$23; feed meal, $22 [>er ton.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
$22; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6c; cows, 5.^c; mutton sheep.
5(35^c; pork, 7c; veal, small, 6.
Street Car Strike Threatened.
Fresh Fish—Halibut, 5@7c; salmon,
Sept. 27.—Developments of
8 (3 5c; salmon trout, 7@ 10c;flounders
and sole, 3(34; ling cod, 4@5; rock the last 12 hours point to a general
strike of all street car conductors, motor­
cod, 5c; smelt, 2'ii(34c.
men and gripmen in the employ of the
San Franciflco Market».
Chicago City Railway Company. From
Wool—Choice foothill, 8@12c; San the present outlook, th« only block to »
Joaquin, 6 months* 7 (3 9c; do year's general walkout would be the surren­
staple, 7 (3 9c; mountain, 10@ 11c; Ore­ der of General Manager Bowen and the
gon, 11 @ 14c per pound.
reinstatement of 29discharged men, to­
Hops—10 (313c per pound.
gether with the recognition of the new
Millstuffs — Middlings, $19.50@20; union by tbe company. A general
California bran, $13.50(314.50 [»er ton. mass meeting of all tiie street car men
Onions—New red, 70@80c; do new of the city has been called to take final
action. This course was decided upon
■ilverskin, 85c@$l per cental.
tonight at a conference attended by 25
Potatoes—New, in boxes, 85@ 85c.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 27 @ 28c; do of the most prominent labor leaders in
seconds, 25<3 26c; fancy dairy, 23 (3 24c; Chicago and the executive committee
of the local street car men’s union.
good to choice, 20@ 22c per pound.
Eggs—Store, 18@25c; ranch, 30@
Cuban« Need Quinine.
32c; Eastern, 20@25; duck, 20c per
Washington, Sept. 27.—Colonel As-
gierra, a Cuban, has received a dispatch
Citrus fruit—Oranges, Valencias, from President Cisneros which states
$1.50(33; Mexican limes, $5; Cali­ that the latter has been ill from the
fornia lemon«, fancy, $3; do common, prevailing malarial fever. He says
$1.50(32.50 per box.
that the army is in need of quinine
Fresh fruit—Apples, 50 @ 65c per and medicine.
large box; apricots, 20@40c; Fontain-
Muskogee, L T., Sept. 27.—Every
blean grapes, 15(425c; muscats, 20(4
85c; black, 20@30c; tokay, 20@30c; business house in the town of Afton,
peaches, 85@60c; pears, 85c@$l per 15 miles from here, was burned this
The loss is stated to be
box; plums, 20 @ 40c; crabapples, 20@ afternoon.
. over $50,000.