The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, October 01, 1897, Image 1

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.x V..
Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of “PITCHERS CASTORIA,” the same
on every
that has borne and does now
bear the facsimile signature of
This is the original “ PITCHER’S CASTORIA, ’ which has been
used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper-and see that it is
the kind you have always bought
on the
and has the signature of
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex­
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is
JlM**-** .J>.
March 8,1897.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in­
gredients of which even he does not know.
“The Kind You Have Always Bought H
The Kind That Never Failed You.
Have an immense stock of furniture. They
have to keep a big stock, because they have a large
territory to supply. Prices on everything in our
store are surprisingly cheap just now. If you
want proof of this, come in and price the goods.
C a .
Rain Monday.
Frost Tuesday.
Autumn leaves.
Hoppickers nearly all gone home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harris are visiting
in Portland this week.
Mrs. Bullock, nee Stott, has a new
boy at their bouse. Joy.
There is talk of a new' drug store, and
also of a new feed store.
Miss Welch from Portland is visiting
friends in the neighborhood.
Shepherds finished their threshing C*'
22d. They report a big run.
Miss Belle Baird ¡ b slowly recovering
from her horseback accident.
Misses Eva ami Helen Keys have gone
to Salem to attend school there.
Prof. McCann has returned from ll is
Kansas trip and reports a nice visit.
Dr. Fisher has moved into town and
expects to occupy the Laughlin residence.
Miss Kate Chamberlain now helps dis­
tribute the dry goods in Mr. Welch’s new
Farmers are busy sowing their fall
wheat, and some fields are already show­
ing green.
Hope have not yielded as much as
common this season, on account of lice
and mould.
Our town and country is resuming its
wanted quiet appearance since our crops
are all gathered.
Mr. Lee Laughlin expects to move to
vonr city in the near future, to look after
his banking interest there.
Mr. Welch has moved his large stock
of general merchandise into the Haus-
wirth building, as he found his old quar­
ters too small for the business.
Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Swingle, who have
been visiting Mrs. Swingle’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fryer, have left for
their home in Klamath county.
Mr. John Hutchcroft, one of our most
esteemed citizens, passed peacefully
away leaving the inestimable legacy of a
good name to his familj’ and many
Our postmaster, being on the jury, had
to visit your city this week, leaving his
two sisters in charge. They found the
duties arduous, but discharged them
faithfully and satisfactorily till their
brother was excused.
Burglars have been on their rounds
in this neighborhood, and have perhaps
been closer to the muzzle of a gun than
they realized. Have not heard of them
getting anything more than provisions so
far. This is a healthy place for such
gentry to Btay away from.
A Little Cool Occasionally
And likely to get cooler. Do you need
a Heater? We claim an excellent as­
sortment of Stoves at most reasonable
prices. Inspect them.
Plowing and Seeding Season
also here. Plows, Seeders and Culti
vators get old and worn and do poor
work, spoiling your temper and wasting
your time. Our goods in this line are
first-class, and it is a pleasure to use
Boiled Oil and Paints
we have put away down in price, to en­
able our patrons to make a cheerful-
looking home for the winter as well as
preserve their houses from the decay of
rain, wind and sun.
Born, to the wife of William Hobaugh,
Sept. 24, an eight-pound girl.
Miss Belle Booth of Woods will attend
school in Whiteson again this winter.
Mr. Nash has rented the Crawford place
west of McMinnville and is now moving.
Fred Wooley of Portland visited his
parents and friends and picked hops a
few days last week.
If anyone in McMinnville wants
scrap, just come to Whiteson and ask an
average [op if times are improving.
The school is progressing nicely under
the able management of MiBB Edith Per­
Belat's jelly factory is running almost
day and night and can’t keep up with
the fruit.
Henry Wooley and wife will move to
Portland this week. We are sorry to
lose them, but wish them success in
their new home.
Bad blood, bail cider, bad whisky, or
something, caused lots of profanity and
some hair-pulling among the boys at the
dance Saturday night. No serious dam­
age was done.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets move
the trowels gently, relieves the cough,
cures the feverish condition and head­
ache, making it the best and quickest
remedy for coughs, colds and lagrippe.
Cures in one day. “No cure, no pay.”
Price 25 cents. For sale by Rogers Bros.
OTICE ishercbv given that F W. Redmond,
of McMinnville, Yamhill County, State of
Oregon, haa made a general assignment of
of hla property to the undersigned, for the ben-
edtof allot hlscredltors, in proportion to the
amount of their respective claims. All persons
having claims against said F. W Redmond are
hereby notified and required to present such
claims, under oath, to me at my office in said
city of McMinnville, three months from the
date hereof.
That missing word in Schilling's bak­
Dated thia 16th day of August, A. D. 1897
ing jowder advertisement was “natural.’’
Tkeelgnee of the estate of F. W. Redmond, an
One hundred and fifty four persons who
infolvent debtor.
SPENCER A TALMAGE, t stt’a for Assienee guessed right got »650 each.
Five of
I Att * ,or A,,1<nee-
Croup Quickly Cured.
M ountain G len , Ark.—Otir children
were suffering with croup when we re­
ceived a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It afforded almost instant re­
lief.—F. A. T hornton . This celebrated
remedy is for sale by 8. Howorth 4
The U. S. soldiers at Vancouver
•gain visit the state fair.
there were from the state of Oregon.
For Infants and Children.
The Statesman Is Giving Them
Away tv Its Weekly Renders.
The big 12-page Weekly Statesman, of
Salem, has added 327 new subscribers to
its list during the past five weeks, It
wants the number to reach 1000 before
Nov. 1st. It is Salem’s leading paper
and is only »1.50 per year. In order to
secure these new names the Statesman
will this week receive trial subscriptions
of two months for only 25c—and each
new subscriber will be presented with a
ticket of admission to the state fair. The
new names will be numbered as fast as
received and every fifth one will be pre­
sented with TWO FREE tickets. Ad­
dress all orders to the Statesman, Salem,
Te Cure ■ Cel* In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. 25c. For sale by Rogers Bros.
Wheat 75c per bushel.
Jack Forrest of Wheatland was in town
Grain still continues to pour in at both
the elevators.
William Bethers from Washington has
moved into the Carey house.
Mrs. Dr. Cook of McMinnville was in
town Saturday, visiting friends.
Chas. Holland has moved into town,
and will occupy the Pomeroy property.
F*«4, who has been in southern
» summer, returned home
Mr. Wenkler and daughter of McMinn­
ville were the guests of Mr. Byron Miller
Mrs. Huntosh of Tacoma, Wash., who
has been visiting Mrs. Adams, left Fri­
day for her home.
D. M. Dorsey returned home Tuesday
from eastern Oregon, where he has been
engaged in the sheep industry.
J. Grimes has moved from Newberg to
the Seese farm south of town. Glad to
have you with us again, Johnnie.
Chas. Stuart and Elmer Farr have sold
their meat market at Woodburn, and
will run a fish wagon in this vicinity.
Miss Emily and Bernice Corner left
last Thursday for Pullman, Wash., where
they will attend the state university.
D. Barnholtzer left Thursday for Cali­
fornia. Don will be greatly missed by
many. We hear Major Anderson will
soon follow.
Frank Senn, one of Dayton’s bright
boys who finished the public school last
year, has gone to Portland to attend the
high school.
The Dayton boys and girls are rustlers.
Nearly every boy and girl here has this
year earned from ten to twenty dollars
picking hops.
Miss Carrie Findlay of Carlton, Hul-
dah Abbie of Amity, and Bertie Lowe of
Portland, have come to Dayton to attend
our public Bchool.
By the appearance of things, there is
going to be a wedding in town this wjek.
No doubt the boys have their cans, etc.,
in readiness ere this.
Prof. Northup of McMinnville college
attended the institute here Saturday,
and took advantage of the opportunity to
visit many of his old friends.
E. Spaulding will move to Newberg
this week, where he will assist his son,
C. K. Spaulding, in looking after his ex­
tensive logging apparatus,
Eugene Wooster has sold bis property
in Macy’s addition to Chas. Moore, “Day­
ton’s enterprising blacksmith,” who will
take immediate possession.
The Klondike fever around here has
abated some, as many of our young men
and older ones also, see rich strikes right
at home with good crops and prices.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans expect to move to
Newberg in the near future.
We are
sorry indeed to lose these estimable peo­
ple, but what is one’s loss is another’s
B. Gabriel, Dayton’s enterprising mer­
chant, haB rented the Detmering proper­
ty lately vacated by Mr. Matthies, and
will move his family to town for the
The photo tent is doing a rushing busi­
ness. It seems queer that people will go
past a resident artist to a transient, but
then, people have to be on the move
now days to bo “in it.”
Dayton presents a busy appearance
these days. Teams are hauling large
quantities of grain and produce into
town every day. Both steamers go out
heavily loaded each trip.
The present term of circuit court has
not called »way many of our citizens.
Attorney Flower is in daily attendance,
Mr. Crabtree is on the grand jury and
Wm. Palmer on the petit jury.
Rev. Hunsaker was unable to fill hie
appointment at the Baptist church last
Sunday, and the pulpit wae filled by Rev.
Black of McMinnville, a young man of
rare ability and most promising future.
O my, how our street lamps loom up
at night! It takes a detective armed with
a dark lantern and a search warrant to
find one of them after dark. Where, O
where is the committee on streets and
lights? Echo answers, where?
Who said Dayton’s band was dead?
By the fine music the boys gave us last
Sunday, one could not help but think it
was a very lively corpse. Dayton surely
has some musical talent that she should
be prond of. Please repeat the dose often
One of the surest signs of the return­
ing prosperity is easily noticed in the
amount of travel. There is hardly a
morning but what from five to ten pas­
sengers leave this little place either by
boat or train, returning home with bun­
dles and packages of every description.
One Dollar If paid in advance, Singleniiuibersflvccenti.
NO. 41,
Now that the prune season has about'
Royal makes the food pure,
ctosed for this year, both the Dayton
wholesome and delicious.
dryers are again operating on vegetables, j
We learn they have orders for fifty tons
of evaporated potatoes and over six
thousand bushels of onions. This with
other produce will keep them running
all winter.
The first meeting of the Yamhill Coun­
ty Teachers’ Association was held in this
place Saturday, Sept. 27th.
Supt. G. A. Prentiss presided, and after
singing and prayer, the subject of civil
government was introduced by Miss
Findlay of the Dayton school. An in­
teresting discussion followed, but all
seemed to be of the opinion that the sub­
ject should be taught in our schools. Mr.
Hagerty of the Carlton schools gave his
views on teaching current events. His
remarks gave rise to a spirited discussion
and yie daily papers came in for their
share of criticism. After dinner, which
was served in the basement, Prof. Mor­
Darling Smith die..........................
rison of Pacific college gave an interest­
ing talk on “Experimental Science in Porter Smith to A M Perry pt die
D Smith..................... ...................
the Public Schools.” His remarks were
interspersed with several experiments Bird Parrish & wf to S R Baxter,
trustee, lots 123,130& 131 Dayton
which no doubt will be of much benefit
Willis & wf to Frank Ferguson
to the teachers who were present. The Geo
lots 1 & 2 blk 4 Willis’ add to
customary question box was not a prom­
inent feature of the day, but a few min­
utes were spent in a general discussion J
' D Palmer & wf to W P Palmer
15.97 a t 4 r 3..................................
of several questions of more or less im­
portance. Mr. Hagerty proposed the E A & J II Moore to W P Palmer
% a t 4 r 3.......................................
customary vote of thanks for the enter­
tainment given the teachers, and the ,
meeting was adjourned to meet thd last
Saturday in October. The library asso­
ciation met and elected officers for the
ensuing year immediately after the ad­
journment of the institute.
Crnel Kniîe!
Dr. Morris and wife of Dayton, Wash.,
are visiting relatives in town.
Miss Agness Laurence returned to
Th« alarming increase in the number
Portland on Thursday to spend the win­
of deaths which occur as the result of a
surgical operation is attracting general
Mrs. F. Slater of Yreka, Calif., is here attention, and a strong sentiment
on a visit to her sister, Mrs. 8. P. Ken­ against such methods of treatment is
fast developing among the most intelli­
gent classes. It seems that in almost
Chehalem central school will open on every case for which the doctors’ treat­
ment is unsuccessful, the learned physi­
Monday next, with Miss Jessie Palmer cians decide at once that an operation
as teacher.
mnst be performed, and the keen blade
Rev. Bennett of the M. E. church de­ of the snrgeon is recklessly resorted to.
Doctors are human, and of course are
livered two fine sermons on Sunday last. liable to make mistakes, but their mis­
He preaches at Lafayette on next Sun­ takes are too fatal to be indulged in
promiscuously, and as so many lives are
sacrificed in this manner, it is but natural
The concert given by the Baptist so­ for the public to believe that half the
ciety on last Sunday night, was enjoyed operations are unnecessary, besides be­
by all. The readings were of great ing a fearful risk to human life, even if
It is a positive fact, however, that all
The Churchill dryer closed down on operations are not necessary, and that a
Saturday, being the last in these parte to majority of them are absolutely under­
taken without the slightest chance of
close. Most of the prunes in the large snccess. The' doctors nave never been
orchards were saved.
able to cure a blood disease, and a sur­
operation is their only method of
Ivan, youngest son of J. L. Carter, gical
treating deep-seated cases, such as can­
died on the 23d, of diabetes, after an ill­ cer ana scrofulous affections. Aside
ness of more than a year. He was buried from the great danger, an operation
never did and never will cure cancer, as
at Newberg on Friday afternoon.
the disease never fails to return. Can­
cer is in the blood, and common sense
Summary of Aiieument.
teaches anyone that no disease can be
The following figures are obtained from cut from the blood.
County Assessor Wood, who has about be told me I had cancer, I became
completed the footings of this year’s as­ alarmed and hastened to obtain treat­
for I knew how dangerous cancer
sessment. He says they are subject to ment
slight changes, but should any be made
“I received the best medical atten­
they will not be material.
tion, but the cancer continued to
Value grow worse until the physicians
finally said that I would have to
Acres tillable land, 115,548.22 »2,143,176 have an operation performed, as that
Non-tillable land.. .213,102
721,246 was the only hope fcr me. This I re­
Improvements on land.........
379,095 fused to submit to, as I knew cancer was
blood disease, and my common sense
Town lots...................................
223,371 a told
me that it was folly to expect an
Improvements on lots..............
283,850 operation to cure a blood disease.
Improvements on lands not
“Knowing S. S. S. to be a good blood
deeded .....................................
13,860 remedy I decided to try it, and the first
bottle produced an improvement. I
Miles of railroad, 59.21.
175,535 continued the medicine, and in four
Railroad rolling stock ..............
24,867 months the last scab dropped off. Ten
Miles telegraph and telephone
years have elapsed, and not a sign of
the disease has returned.”
lines, 126.................................
The alarming increase in the number
of deaths which occur as the result of a
surgical operation is attracting general
attention, and astrong sentiment against
Steamboats and machinery.
snch methods of treatment is fast de­
Money................................... ,....
veloping among the most intelligent
Notes and accounts ..................
classes. It seems that in almost every
Shares of stock, 1291..................
case where the doctors’ treatment is
unsuccessful, the learned physicians de­
cide at once that an operation must be
Horses and mules, 5566..
performed, and the keen blade o* the
Cattle, 7,928................................
surgeon is recklessly resorted to.
Sheep and goats, 23,951 .......
The many caustic plasters which are
applied to remove cancers aremore pain­
Swine, 6193.................................
ful than death, and the danger of a snr-
ecal operation ia as great as the disease
Gross value
self. No plaster or surgical oper­
397,314 ation can cure cancer, because it is
a blood disease ; the destructive cancer
cells are in the blood, and cannot be
Net taxable property
»4,984,965 cut out, or removed by local treatment.
These figures show an increase over As the disease mnst be forced from the
last year in sheep and goats of 3,685, in blood, it is only reasonable to rely upon
cattle of 906, and in hogs, 1,274. The a real blood remedy for a cure, oae
which goes direct to the cause of the
net taxable property last year was »5,- trouble and removes it.
8. S. S. (Swift's Specific! is the only
known cure for cancer a txt other obsti­
nate and deep-seated blood diseasessueb
Real Estate Transfer«.
as Scrofula, Ecaema, Catarrh, Rheuma­
Week ending Sept. 29th.
tism and Contagious Blood Poison. It is
U 8 to Chas W Hudson 40 a sec 14
t2r 4..............................................
A A Russell & wf to L M Hudson
ia the only blood remedy guaran­
10 a sec 3 t 2 r4.............................
1 and
teed to contain aot a particle of mercusy^
C P Nelson A wf to Jan Madison 3
potash or other mineral, which means
a pt Jno Hess die t 3 r 2
700 so much to all who know the disastroui
effects of these drugs.
P A Smith et al to Porter Smith all
Books on Cancer and Blood Diseases
Darling Smith die t 4 r 3............
1 will be mailed free to all who addresi
Porter Smith to Wm Schmidt pt
Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Purely V egetable,