The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 24, 1897, Image 4

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    Yamhill County Reporter
Typewriter supplie» at C. Grissen’s.
For Sale—A good horse, phaeton and
harness, cheap. Inquire at this office.
Will take good milch cow in exchange.
Trespass notices cheap at this office.
A new line of boys’ and gents’ clothing
The public schools opened Monday Is never done, and it is especially wearing
at the Grange store.
to public announcement, with and wearisome to those whose blood is
Just received at the Racket store, new
Subscription $1.00 Per Year.
an attendance somewhat light owing to impure and unfit properly to tone, sus­
lot all wool remnant^.
tain, and renew the wasting of nerve,
so many children being at work. The muscle and tissue. It is more («cause of
Four pounds of Red Seal lye for 35
condition of the blood that women
ceremonies, that were of a semi-public
cents at the Grange store.
are run down,
Rending notice« ill local columns 10 cent, per
character, were pronounced emineutly
line for first week and 6 cent« jht line thereafter.
To save your harvest exjienHe buy your successful.
Tired, Weak, Nervous,
Display advortkeinenta. annual rates, one Inch
Than because of the work itself. Every
per month 11; each additional inch 60 cents jht groceries of Bettman A Warren.
The Condition of Mr. II. Mills has
Miss Bessie Taylor of Independence is undergone no marked change, beyond a physician says so, and that the only rem­
Obituary and marriage notice« not exceeding
edy is in building up by taking a good
10 lines published free, if furnished in time to visiting Mrs. Chas. Harding this week.
gradual weakening of the system in con­ nerve tonic, blood purifier and vitalizer
be current news. Additional matter 10 cent« per
Mrs. Durgin and daughter of Portland sequence of being unable to take nour­ like Hood's Sarsaparilla. For the troubles
are visiting at R. Nelson’s home this ishment.
The naturally strong con­ Peculiar to Women at change of season,
climate or life, or resulting from hard
stitution has asserted itself already to a work, nervousness, and impure blood,
FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 1897.
Chas. Nelson, manager of the Grange remarkable degree in keeping spirit and thousands have found relief and cure in
store, made a business trip to Portland body together.
A sk “honest John Gill” whether on Wednesday.
Congressman Thos. II. Tongue was at
Kay & Todd are now ready for the fall Lafayette Wednesday, conferring with
fusion politics is a good thing or not.
trade with a complete line in all de­ the people there in reference to the
building of the locks. They were joined
The word pojtocrat this year means partments.
a man who explains what he thought The county Christian Endeavor con­ by a number of citizens of this place who
One True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle.
he meant a year ago.—Globe-Demo­ vention will be held about the middle of took a sufficiently lively interest in the The
matter to be present. Mr. Tongue came Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
to McMinnville in the evening and re­ I«
0*11 are the only pills to take
mained until the following morning. In nOOQ S ■ HIS with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
I t is reported that every one of
reference to the building of the locks,
the union party managers either evidently went barefoot as there were no he said to a Rejiorter representative that
F. A. Reasoner of Whatcom, Wash.,
fainted or swore when he heard of
he felt confident the work would be got
Star” shoes there. Try a pair of them.
here briefly visiting old friends.
the Bourne check transaction.
under way without further delay. It
Mrs. Warren invites the ladies to ex­
appears to have been held up partly by He is a son-in-law of O. H. Adams.
Europe wants our beef and pork amine her stock of goods, which will be some slight misapprehension on the part
A Nebraska man has invented a
this year as well as our wheat and ready for inspection Saturday, Sept. 25, of the people of Lafayette and partly by
All that is necessary is for them to call a misunderstanding of their attitude machine which lifts sugar beets out
cotton. The microbe on American
The goods speak, for themselves.
toward the enterprise at government of the ground and tops them leaving
produce is no longer in evidence.
The air has been full of rumors con- quarters. No unfriendliness, or other nothing to be done by hand but to
cerning prices of hops this week, There
“The republican party is responsi­ seems to be a difference between the feeling than that of a desire to conserve pick them up.
ble for the prosperity which we have quotations of buyers who want to buy the best interests of all parties, has
probably existed at any time, and when
I t is reported that Rudolph Spreck-
with us. I make the assertion from and buyers who are not ready to close
it comes to a question of now or never les who owns a poultry ranch in Son­
the standpoint of a business man.”— deals. There are not many changing with the building of the locks, the peo-
oma county, California, on which
Mark Hanna.
ple of Lafayette are as much alive as
are 10,000 fowls has added an X
A. A. Unruh is building a machine of anybody to the public welfare and as
Last year the American crop of bis own invention for spreading prunes ready to make "personal sacrifices to ad­ ray plant to his outfit to determine
cotton alone was worth five times as on the travs in drying. It is said to do vance the measure. So there will be no which hens are laying and which are
much as our silver output. The the work of three or four persons. His further appearance of obstruction from not. All hens which have no eggs
silverite party is nursing a very brother at Dayton has one of them in that quarter, and if there is any future in them are sent to market.
small issue with very poor success. use and another has been built for the delay at headquarters some other pre­
text will have to be set up. Congress­
dryer at Carlton.
Let Canada be for Canadians and
The 600 dead horses scattered
There are two classes of people. One man Tongue is showing commendable let our government study the inter­
along the trail near Skaguay are a is going to Klondike, the other to stay at zeal in this matter, as in all others in­ ests of Canadians and Canadians
lamentable waste of provisions. A home. The latter needs clean, pure, volving his duty to constituents. There only.—Belleville Sun. This is a new
horse steak will be a great luxury in fresh groceries at lowest living prices to was very little “politics” connected with note. Hitherto Canada has been for
his visit. Aside from meeting a number
Alaska before the snow stops Hying protect his health and pocketbook. of personal friends his time was given to a foreign country—England, whose
next spring.
the Knights, who had prepared for his warships rest in Canada’s harbors,
han any other firm in town.
whose soldiers and whose military
Mr. E. G. Heath, from eastern Oregon, reception in the evening.
r. H. BAHNHAKT, Editor A Prepr.
J. U. ECKMAN, Associate Editor.
If anybody ever said that pros-
perity in this country could never
come under the gold standard, he
should be allowed the privilege of
silence. A mistake as big as that
demands humane treatment.
D on ’ t crowd the average populist
too hurd. Let him just grasp the
idea that wheat can go up without
silver, and that prosperity is not
tied to Bryan’s coattails, and he will
be in condition to learn more.
When the banks all over Kansas
are “keeping open until <» p. m.” to
enable farmers to cash their checks
or make their deposits, it doesn’t
look us if the “working millions" and
“the plutocrats” were so far apart
after all.
The postal savings banks of Eng
land have proved a grand success.
The banks of the United Kingdom
received last year 1181,291,750, paid
interest thereon to the amount of
•12,303,223, paid out $142,446,643,
and had a balance of deposits on hand
Dec. 31, of $640,193,204. The figures
speak for themselves.
—---- -----------
H on . T. T. G eer has declined the
appointment of register of the land
office, tendei ed him at the instance
of the congressional delegation. C.
B. Moores of Salem has been recom­
mended in his stead. The latter rec­
ommendation appears to meet with
general favor. The hubbub stirred
up over the recommendation of Geer
had its origin «largely in the belief
that he was turned down from the
collectorship in order to keep the
place warm for one of ex-Senator
Mitchell's chief henchmen, and that
the plainly indicated wish of the peo­
ple was being disregarded. Whether
the belief was correct or not, it
raised a feeling of protest practically
universal in this neck of the woods.
C oniirkssman T onove has in mind
a measure of considerable import­
ance to the people of the Willamette
valley, that he will introduce in the
form of a bill when congress meets
in December. It is not for publica­
tion, he says, but a measure will be
set on foot to condemn the locks at
Oregon City for public use. The
support of Chuinnan Hooker of the
river and harbor committee, who
viewed the site recently, is promised.
The charge for lockage at Oregon
City is 50 cents a ton, which is a
heavy tax on the commerce of the
river. The lockage amounts to as
much as the freight charges to Day­
ton. Mr. Tongue should not im­
agine an easy job in puttiug the
measure through, as he will doubt­
less find a community of monopoly
interests opposing.
has bought the interest of Jesse Edwards
in the McMinnville tile factory. We
understand that he is an experienced
potter, and it will be one of his first
plans to test the merits of the clay
surrounding here for the manufacture of
sewer pi|>e.
Hon. John Gill, joint representative
of Yamhill and Tillamook counties in
the legislature (by grace of the union
party) was in the city Saturday last.
That was all right. Some mischievous
busybody who was nosing around into
other people’s business, somehow got
onto the fact that he went to a local
bank and cashed a hundred dollarcheck.
There was nothing very remarkable
about that either, in view’ of the well
known fact that prosperity is returning
to the country and even popocrats have
more checks and money items about
their clothes than they used to have.
But, say the busybodies, this check was
signed by Jonathan Bourne, who man­
aged the legislative hold-up last winter
in which Hon. John Gill participated,
and it must have been the consummation
of a corrupt transaction. It is not neces­
sarily the case by any means.
It is
probably true that during the legislative
assembly an intimate friendship sprang
up between the statesman from Yam­
hill and the statesman from Multnomah.
It has been remarked that they were
much in each other’s company, and it is
not improbable that some time when the
statesman from the metro|>oli8 ran a
little short in the pocketbook he called
upon his rural friend for the loan of five
twenties. The fact that the said check
was dated June 9th, 1897, and was not
presented for payment until Sept. 18th,
is no evidence of political jobbery. There
is positively no evidence that it was
drawn earlier than indicated on its face
and dated ahead to keep a string on the
Yamhill statesman in the event of a
special legislature. The more probable
theory is that farmer Gill, acting upon
the thrifty idea of having a personal
friend in Portland, consigned his June
rake-off of |wrk to said friend and re­
ceived his check in return.
Fear of
embarrassing the banks by its presen­
tation at a critical time, w hen so many
were in doubt alK>ut the return of pros­
perity, and all were watching with the
sense of cantion that comes from the
knowledge that there is a “hen on,”
would easily account for its being with­
held. Yet none of these theories may
be correct. Even if the base presump­
tion of the busybodies in the case of Mr.
Gill were allowed to stand, it does not
establish the fact that all the populists
and union party members but one, as
charged by one of their members, were
bought with money, notwithstanding
they all performed exactly as Mr'. Gill
did in the legislative holdup.
Are much in little: always
ready, efficient. sa 11 sf ac-
Cory prevent avoid or (ever.
■ ■ ■
a I I
car* all Um Ills, »ieli head ■
■ ■ ■
ache, jaundice, conutlpation, etc. Price » cvnta.
The aaly p|U. to take with Hood • S m ma pari Ha.
roads traverse Canada’s land, and
whose flag floats over all. “Canada
for Canadians” is the breathing of a
The “secret of the pole” will prob­ sentiment that up to now has been
ably be wrested from the Arctic ice- suppressed in Canada—the senti­
king before the end of the century— ment of partiotism.—New York Sun.
which is only three years distant.
No less than three expeditions are
A woman bas
getting ready to move into the eter­
nal snows of the polar zone, and it no right to “go
may reasonably be expected that one
or all of them shall reach the goal of
their ambition, and find the north it blind” in mat­
ters of life and
She has
Arctic exploration is now much no right to shut
her eyes to the
safer than it ever was before. Ex­ plain facts of her
pedition after expedition has pushed physical being
and the conse­
the line of discovery nearer and quences of neg­
lect. She has no
nearer the pole, and the distance yet right
to be wretch­
to be explored is short compared ed and ill when
she might be hap­
with what it was fifty years ago. py and free from
When a given point has once been pain.
Women who drag through life weighed
gained, it is but little trouble for suc­ down by some torturing, dragging weak­
disease of their sex are not doing
ceeding explorers to reach it again, their or
full duty to themselves. They are not
and make it the starting point for a taking the means which enlightened sci­
ence affords them of being well and strong
further forward movement.
and capable.
These special complaints from which so
Aside from the increased knowl­ many
women suffer are not necessary. Dr.
edge of Arctic conditions gained by Pierce’s Favorite Prescription positively
the most severe and obstinate
exploration, with the advantage it cases.
gives, the difficulty of carrying sub­ It is not a haphazard medicine. It is not
•’cure-all.” It is a scientific remedy de­
sistence has been much lessened by a vised
by an educated and experienced spe­
for the one purpose of curing the
the great advances made in the
special diseases of women.
methods of preparing condensed Tens of thousands of women have been
to perfect health by this wonderful
foods. The less weight to be carried; restored
“Prescription.” In many instances they
the farther an expedition can go. were actually given up as hopeless by phy-
and family doctors.
And the distance is now’ so short that aicians
“ I have taken both your ‘ Golden Medical Dis-
covery ’ and ‘ Favorite Prescription ’ for chronic
it will be a wonder if the pole is not inflammation of the uterus and bladder,” writes
Mrs. M. A. Scott, of Park Rapids, Hubbard Co.,
reached by next year's explorers, Minn.
” I also had stomach trouble which was
distressing I have been cured of all. I
even if Andree has failed in his terribly
had suffered untold misery for four years pre­
vious to taking your treatment, but begau to feel
hazardous attempt by balloon.
the good effect at once."
S tats or O hio . C itv or T oledo , 1
I.l'CAS C oi htv ,
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is
the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the city
of Toledo, county and state aforesaid,
and that said firm will pay the sum of
ONE HUNDRED IH >1.1. A RS for each
and every ease of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh
F rank J. C heney .
Sworn to l>efore me and subscribed in
my presence, this litli day of December,
A. D. 188«.
A. W. G leason ,
Notary Public.
II all’s (’atnrrh Cure is taken internal-
ly and acta directly on tlie blool and
mucous aarfaceo of the system. Send
for teBtinioniab, free.
F. J. CHENEY £ CO.,Toledo, O.
£l^Sokl by druggists, 75c.
Th. fit
ti M
Tb» he­
li ail»
Ton. I A.
SEPT 1st
Just now the demand is for Campers and Hop Pick­
ers’ Supplies.
25 to 75c a pair—Good Value.
Ten Quarter Domett Blankets
At 6oc to $i a pair.
All Wool Blankets,
From $2.50 to $8, according to quality and size.
From 75c to $3.
All Straw Hats at actual cost to close out.
Light weight Overalls at 35c a pair,
a broken line, and out of some sizes.
Heavy and fledium Shoes
Especially adapted to heavy work at, cut prices
A good supply of
Fruit Jars,
Bacon, Staple Groceries,
Best Coffees, Teas, Spices
We guarantee our goods and prices to be just
such as we recomment them to be. The better the
goods the stronger the guarantee. Cheap goods can­
not be guaranteed by any one.
A Sure
Is what all are
looking for in GROCERIES
Most people would rather trade where they
know they will get a good article at the lowest
living figure, and one which when delivered at
your door is ready to use, is just what it was
represented to be when sold, is full weight and
full measure, rather than to have a lingering
conviction that you need a house scales, an
analyzing microscope, or a blue room in which
you can retire and swear in order to get even
with your grocer.
VJOTICE is hereby given, that the under*
signed as sheriff of Yamhill county, state
of Oregon, under and by virtue of a wTit of ex­
ecution, dated August 19th, 1897, issued out of
the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Yam­
hill county, upon and to enforce the decree in
favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant
for costs and disbursements amounting to the
sum of $27.99 taxed to the defendant and made
a charge on the hereinafter described lands set
off to him in the suit for partition wherein Sarah
I». Cole was plaintiff and Elijah M. Cole was
defendant isaid execution being directed to the
undersigned for service,) did on the 13th day of
September, 1897,duly levy upon the hereinafter
described real premises belonging to said de­
fendant, Elijah M. Cole, and that the under­
signed will, by virtue of said writ of exeention
and said levy, at the court house door in Mc­
Minnville, in Yamhill county, state of Oregon,
1897. at one o’clock p. in. of said «lay, sell at
public auction forcasti the following described
real premises, to-wit: Beginning at a point on
■■■«■<<>................................................... «Militi««..........>■■■■>
■«■>■■■■ ,
■ ■■■■]
the south line of the donation land claim of
William IMdson and wife, claim No. 42, notifi­
cation No 2840. in T. 2 8. K. .» W in Yamhill
county, state of Oregon, where the section line
between sections 26 and 27 crosses said south
line of said claim, and 11.'.Mi chains south of the
¡wist on eaid line and running thence north
27chains: thence east 22.19 chains to the
division line of said claim; thence south on
said line 21
chains to the south line of said
claim; thence west on said line 22.19 chains to
the ¡dace of l»eginning, containing 61.76 acres, All kinds of Fine,
All kind« of Watches. Clock,
an<i that said real premises will be so sold to
and Jewelry for sale at
Difficult and
obtain funds to satisfy said sum of $27 99, which
— NEW—
bard times prices.
said sum is made a charge on said real premi
old Watches re­
ses by said decree rendered in said suit on the
22d «lay of October, 1896. and to pay the accru­ paired and made
ing costs Mijd charges on said execution.
to run as good
bated September 16th, 1897.
as new at
Sheriff of «aid Yamhill County.
if you trade with us. Our idea of the grocery
AT LOWEST FIGURES. Not to secretly
cut weights and measures down, make slight
reduction in price as a bait, and yet skin the
customer on the measure lie gets. Such
methods bring sure defeat.
Wallace & Walker .
Dr. Pierce’s thousand - page illustrated
book, “The People’s Common Sense Med­
ical Adviser “contains information of price­
less value to women. A paper-bound copy
will be sent absolutely free on receipt of 91
one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing
only Address World's Dispensary Medical
Association. Buffalo, N.Y For a handsome
cloth-bound copy send 31 stamns.
Jeoielry Store * * *