The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 24, 1897, Image 3

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Citizen« Determined That Quarantine
Shalt Be Respected.
A Denver Physician I« Wald to
III hco vereil It.
Downing, Hopkins A Company*. Review
or Trail«.
Arnulfo Arrayo, an Italian, Tried to
Stab the Mexican l'reaideut.
Mobile, Ala., Sept. 21.—There has
Denver, Sept. 20. — After many
St. Louis, Sept. 20.—A special to
The renewed export demand has been
One Death From Fever and been an accumulation of cases today. months of effort and repeated experi- Determined Revolt Against the dominating factor in the wheat the Post-Dispatch was made this morn­
the Rule of Barrios.
The president of the board of health mente, a cure for cattle fever has been
market during thq last week. The for­ i ing to assassinate President Diaz by a
Another Case Reported.
states that, had the physicians recog­ found. Dr. V. A. Norgaard, of this
ward movement of the new crop has supposed Italian named Arrayo. Thera
nized and reported promptly the sus­
picious cases, many of these cases
would have lieen announced several
days ago. The numlier announced to­
day is 11, making 18 in all so far an­
nounced, of which number three have
died, two of which were previously re-
]K>rted, and one was today discharged.
Three suspicious rases are under sur-
vei lance.
Frank Donaldson, one of the day’s
new cases, died tonight. C. L. Swayzle,
the Associated Press operator at the
Register office, was taken sick tonight.
There has been a quarantine line
drawn from Chesabogue creek, north of
Mobile, some five miles northwesterly
to the Mississippi, to form an absolute
embargo against Mobilises jienetrating
into the interior of Alabama. This
trocha is guarded continuously.
Some 200 people from this city start­
ed out into the country this morning,
intending to take refuge at farms from
10 to 15 miles out. They encountered
the guards at the trocha and were
stopped there. At 6 o’clock most of
the immigrants were still there in the
open air, fearing to return to the city
and not able to go further.
The people here are still in a panic,
and leaving when they can.
to Stamp Out th» Disease
in That City.
Mobile, Sept. 20.—This has been a
black day in Mobile. One new ease
was announced at the noon meting of
the board of health, and two new sus-
picious cases were reported,
llagam. the first yellow-fever case, died
this afternoon.
The city begins to show the effects of
the moving away of all who can meet
the expense of moving, and now those
not financialiy able are making heroic
exertions to get the means with which
to travel.
Eight Case« In Edwards.
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 20.—Hon. J. I.
Redfield, mayor of Edwards, tele­
graphed the Associated Press at 10 A.
M. as follows:
“There are eight cases of yellow
fever in town and three in the country.
No deaths; all patients are doing well.
Yellow Fever in Kansas City.
Kansas City, Sept. 20.—What is pos­
Two Death« in New Orleans.
sibly a case of yellow fever has devel­
New Orleans, Sept. 21.—A triflng
oped here in the city hospital.
improvement in the fever situation
St. Louis Official« Are Cautious.
marked the close of the day’s woik ftn
St. Louis, Sept. 20.—The health de­ the board of health. There were two
partment has already taken what pre­ deaths today, as against one yesterday,
cautions it can against the invasion of but there Were fewer new’ cases. At 6
the city by yellow fever. Measures are o’clock this evening there were still two
being taken to prevent visitors from re­ cases under investigation by the ex|ierts.
maining in the city who have come in Of the cases investigated today, four
contact with the disease.
The co­ were declared by the experts to be yel­
operation of the Southern railroads has low fever, and, as usual, they were
been secured and the officials are aid­ widely scattered. This is the record:
Deaths—E. Harmon and Santa Graf-
ing as best they can the department in
its endeavor to keep St. Louis free from fato.
New eases—Marie Dubois, Rafael
the pestilence.
Fourtien, C. G. Gormon and — Mel-
Outlook for New Orleans.
New Orleans, Sept. 20.—A brighter
As a general rule, the patients who
outlook for New Orleans is evident to­
are suffering with yellow fever are re­
night, so far as the fever situation is ported tonight to be improving, with
concerned. The reports to the board the exception of Dr. Lovell, whose con­
were of a most encouraging nature. In­ dition is not considered satisfactory.
stead of 20 cases requiring investigation,
There have been a total of 35 cases
there were only 10 to be looked into to­ here, and the death rate has not
day, and of these, only three were pro­ reached 10 per cent, thus showing the
nounced suspicious, and one declared mildness of the type of the fe^er now
yellow fever.
President Oliphant, of the board of
Marion Dowden, a member of the
health, and President Brittain, of the Ouachita guards, who were guarding
council, said tonight, that the chances the city, was accidentally shot this
of crushing out th: disease had in­ morning at Monroe by Henry McCor­
finitely improved.
mick, a fellow member, and it is not
A fatal case of genuine fever devel- thought that he can recover.
,. oped in the very heart of Biloxi today.
There have been altogether 22 cases of
Suspicious Case« In Cairo.
yellow fever in Biloxi, with only only
Springfield, III., Sept. 21.—Secretary
•one death, that of today.
Egan, of the state board of health, tele­
At Ocean Springs, no new cases have graphed the board from the Cairo vel-
been reported.
low-fever quarantine station tonight
Suspicious Death in Boston.
that the marines hospital at Cairo have
Boston, Sept. 20.—The Globe says: been pronounced suspicious by the state
There has been a good deal of anxie y board of health physicians. The sheriff
■during the past few days in this city of Alexander county has quarantined
• because of the death of Franklin Story the grounds.
Conant, a student of a hospital, last
Deaths at. Ocean Springs.
Monday. He was recently in Jamaica
Ocean Springs, Miss., Sept. 21.—
and was suspected of having contracted
yellow fever. Other accounts say that Since last reports, three deaths have
•the death was caused by malarial fever. occurred here, Walter F. Bransford and
Miss Mamie Goodrich, both of yellow
VICTIMS OF WEYLER’S HATRED. fever, and Oscar Elder, formerly from
Michigan, who has been sick about 12
His ailment was not pronounced
The Friends of Mins Cisneros Thrown days.
yellow fever.
Into Prison.
New York, Sept. 20.—A special to
Forty-Seven at Edwards.
the Herald from Havana says: The
Vicksburg, Miss., Sept. 21.—The to­
Spanish authorities do not hesitate to tal cases at Edwards and vicinity of
show their resentment of the interest true yellow fever is 47. The latest re­
displayed by the wives of Americans in port tonight makes the total cases of
the case of Evangelina Cossio Cisneros. the day 15.
They have not only abruptly shut off
Time to Interfere.
the Cuban maid from all communica-
London, Sept. 21.—The Speaker says
tion with her friends, but they have
thrown into the prison for lewd women it regards the capture of Victoria de las
in Santa Clara five women who dared Lunas by the Cuban insurgents as be­
to preñare a most courteous appeal to ing a salutary lesson, taking the ground
General Weyler for the release of that it gives Spain a shock “which it
is hoped will check here in her drift
These women are Señora Rosa Plana, toward bankrupcty and civil war.”
Señoritas Carmen and Nioolasa Guiter- While not expressing sympathy with
rez. Señora Míenla Ruiz and Señorita the motives, the Speaker adds:
“The United States can find excel­
Avila. All these ladies belong to the
best families in Santa Clara. Señora lent reason to intervene whenever she
Plana is 67 years of age. and is the likes.”
The Speaker advises Spain to recall
w idow of the former mayor of that city.
Señorita Carmen Guiterrez is the prin­ Captain-General Weyler and to arrange
cipal of the best and oldest private col­ terms with the Cubans through the in­
lege for young women in the island. termediary of the United States, ex­
She is also principal of a municipal col­ pressing the opinion that otherwise
lege. Her sister Nicolasa teaches with Spain may have greater dangers to face
her. Señora Ruiz and Señorita Avila after the United States congress meets.
are cousins of the Guiterrez family.
An Ice Locomotive.
A Fatal Collision.
Washington, Sept. 21.—Secretary
Alger is now engaged in an attemmpt
to solve the question how to get sup­
plies into the Klondike gold region and
thereby prevent the threatened starva­
tion. The problem has taxed the best
thought of Alger and his brother cabi­
net officers. It is believed by Alger
that by means of a novel character of
transportation, the gold country may
lie jienetrated in the midst of the Alas­
kan winter. He has opened correspond­
ence with a Chicago inventor, who
makes a locomotive specially adapted
for use in log camps, but which may be
readily adapted to navigation of the
Yukon when frozen. With these ma­
chines placed on the river it is hoped a
sufficient amount of food can be carried
to relieve all distress.
St. Louis, Sept. 20.—The Wabash
passenger train leaving for the West
last night collided with a freight train
at Keyesville this morning. William
Gaines, a postal clerk, and W. B.
Smith, fireman on the freight, were
killed, Two tramps were severely in-
jured. The freignt train was ordered
to take the switch but was late and
the passenger train ran past the switch
before the freight arrived.
Salt Lake, Sept. 20.—A Butte spe­
cial says Mrs. James Baptist shot and
fatally wounded her husband, a tele­
graph operator, today, at the poolrooms
where he was employed. Baptist re­
cently left his wife and then brought
suit for divorce. The woman was ar-
No Meat in Havana.
Havana, Sept. 20.—During the last
two days the inhabitants of Havana
have been without meat. Milk has
also been scarce. Only the sick in the
hospitals are supplied regularly with
either article.
In accordance with hie
agreement, made when Victoria de las
Lunas was captured. General Calixto
Garcia has delivered up 79 prisoners at
Itolquin, 12 at Canto Embarcado, 76 at
Puerto Principe, and about 100 sick
and wounded near Pnerto Padre.
city, is the discoverer. Solution after
solutiton was tried by him in the effort
to find one that would be effectual and
cheap, as well as immediate in its re­
The plan is to exterminate the insect
known as the tick, which abounds on
fever-stricken cattle, and through the
means of which the disease is com­
municated. To do this the cattle are
forced to swim through a solution in a
vat. What the solution is, is not
known at present, but crude petroleum
is used.
When the successful experiment was
tried 27 head of very “ticky” cattle
were forced to swim through the solu­
tion, and it was noticed that while
standing on the dry board there was al­
most a perfect rain of ticks falling off
the cattle. They were put into a spe­
cial pen, and the next day, just 17
hours after the experiment, a rigid ex­
amination was made and the examiners
failed to find a single tick in the whole
herd. There was no damage done the
eyes of the cattle dipped, and not a
single bad effect resulted.
If the remedy proves to be all that it
is claimed it can do, the cattle market
will experience somewhat of a revolu­
tion, and about 500,000 head of cattle
will be shipped north each year during
the now prohibited season, which ex­
tends from February 15 to November
15. The “fever line,” from beyond
the limits of which no cattle can be
shipped to the North during the pro­
hibited period, as it now stands,
stretches from ocean to ocean and Ari­
zona. New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas,
Mississippi, Alabama, Virgina, part of
West Virginia and Louisiana form the
district affected.
State Veterinarian Goswell is much
pleased with the results of Dr. Nor­
gaard's experiments, amt says without
doubt the long-sought remedy has betn
A convention of men from all states
and territories that handle cattle has
been called to meet at Fort Worth,
September 27, and at this meeting it is
expected the new scheme of dipping
cattle will be shown, and should it
prove a success, many of the states will
be reaily to so modify their laws that
the cattle of the South can enter North­
ern markets.
been disapisiiiiting both in quantity was a general review of troops in the
ARE LED BY INFLUENTIAL MEN and in quality, but has been suffi­ city today. Just before the review
Rebel Force« Numbering About Three
Thousand Attacked the City
of Quezaitenango.
New York, Sept. 20. — A special to
the Herald from Panama, Colombia,
says: Guatemala now faces an upris­
ing far more serious than the one of a
few months ago, telegraphs the Herald
correspondent in the city of Guatemala.
The present rebellion is led by men of
great wealth and influence, and is
slightly gaining in strength each day.
Advices just received from Guate­
mala are to the effect that 3,000 rebels
attacked the city of Quezaitenango on
the morning of September 13. The
garrison there consisted of less than
1,000 soldiers, but they fought valiant­
ly. The attack continued far into the
night, when the rebels, despite their
superior numbers, were repulsed. They
vigorously renewed the attack at half
past 9 o’clock on the morning of the
14th, and the advices state that the
latest report is that the fighting still
The garrison still holds the city
against the rebels, but the fall of the
city is inevitable, unless the reinforce­
ments now hurrying forward arrive
within a few hours.
The present revolution is headed by
General Prospero Morales, who, until
a few months ago was minister of war
in the cabinet, General Flies Barrios, a
brother-in-law of President Barrios, and
Feliciano Guitera.
These three men were candidates for
president to succeed Barrios for the
constitutional term from 1898 to 1901.
Their antagonism to the president
dates from the time he declared himself
dictator of Guatemala and announced
his intention of having a law passed in
defiance of the constitution, permit­
ting a president’s election for a second
term. This meant another term for
Barrios, and met with solid opposition
from the upper classes of Guatemala.
In view of this growing discontent,
the three presidential candidates de­
cided to meet Barrios with bullets in­
stead of ballots. The first movement
in the plot was to get possession of the
barracks at San Marcos, where a large
quantity of arms and ammunition was
stored. This was done by bibery,
nearly all the soldiers at San Marcos
rralns Came Together Near Chippewa
Falls, Wisconsin.
at that time joining the rebel move­
Milwaukee, Sept. 20.—A special to ment.
The rebel force is now 5,000, and is
the Journal from Chippawa Falls,
Wie., says: A disastrous wreck oc­ growing. This is made possible by the
curred on the Wisconsin Central rail­ wealth and standing of General Mo­
road six miles west of this city this rales and his chiefs and the great dis­
morning, resulting in the death of five content in the financial circles of the
[>eople and the serious injury of four country, growing out of the business de­
pression there.
Two free trains, through a mistake
in orders, while going 40 miles an
hour, met on a curve and came together
with terrific force.
tt .ports h . to I lie Condition of Eastern
The dead are: Engineer Warren,
Washington Wheat.
Engineer Smith, Fireman Smiley,
Wash., Sept. 20.—The re­
Brakeman Miller an unknown man
ports that from one-third to one-half of
man riding between the cars.
It is thought others are buried in the wheat crop had lieen ruined by
rains north of the Snake river are in­
the wreck.
The two brakemen were taken from correct. A Tacoma grain buyer, who
the wreck about 7 A. M. and are seri­ has just returned from a tour of the
ously injured. Two passengers in the Palouse towns and country, from Ri-
caboose are slightly injured. Engineers paria, on the south, to Spokane on the
Warren and Smith and Fireman Smiley north, states that, if the damage by
and Brakeman Miller, all killed, were rains exceeds five per cent he is no
Where the rainfall
residents of this city. Their bodies judge of grain.
were terribly mangled.
It is not was greatest, the grain is bleached, bjt
known where the blame lies, but it is Jias thoroughly dried and is being
rumored both trains were given the threshed and will grade high.
The only important damage report­
right of way.
ed is to 80 tons of wheat in sacks
stacked on the Snake river awaiting
Engineer Knew II is Buslnes».
St. Louis, Spet. 20.—A special to the transportation. Much of it was ruined.
The Potlatch country reports that
Republic from Muskogee, I. T., says:
A daring attempt was made last night not five per cent damage has been done.
About Moscow, Idaho., and on tbe
to hold up the south-bound passenger
train on the M., K. & T. at Bond, av Nez l’erces reservation three per cent
flag station south of here.
A short will fully cover all lossees.
In the Big Bend country, the great
time before the train was due, the rob­
bers, about eight in number, took wheat belt of Central Washington, the
charge of the section foreman and com­ prospects are glowing. Not two per
pelled him to signal the train to stop. cent of the crop, which is the largest
The engineer in charge of the locomo­ ever raised, is damaged, or will be lost.
C. P. Chamberlin, general manager
tive was an ohi and trusted employe,
who had been held up several times of the Central Washington railroad,
before lie proceeded to obey the sig- which handles nearly ail the Big Bend
nal, but when his engine was within wheat, says absolutely no loss will oc­
100 yards of the signal, he noticed sev­ cur to standing or stacked grain from
eral men near the track and at once rain.
suspected their business. Opening the
rittahurg Miner« Working.
throttle, he 8|>ed by them as though no
Pittsburg, Sept. 20. — Between 15,-
signal ha*l been given. The robbers
having been foiled in their attempt, 000 and 18.000 coal miners in Pitts­
burg district returned to work today in
fled, and are still at large.
accordance with the action taken Sat­
Cremated in Their Dwelling.
urday at the convention authorizing
Chatham, Ont., Sept. 20.—Three the men to resume work in all mines
daughters of Preston Howard were complying with the provisions of the
burned to death this morning in their scale of 65 cents, made at Columbus.
home, at Port Alma. The rest of the The remainder of the 23,000 miners of
family esca[>e<l from the burning build­ the district will be at work before the
ing. The girls were aged 18, 10 and 8 close of the week. It is estimated that
years. One of them had escaped but the strike cost the people of Pittsburg
met her death in returning to assist her district from 15,000,000 to $7,000,000.
IIf this amount the miners loBt alsiut
$2,250,000 in wages.
Lasters Are Out.
The strike against the DeArmitts
Brockton, Mass., Sept. 20.—One
thousand operators on the Chase lasting will continue indefinitely, arrange­
machines in the shoe factories in ments having lieen made to assess the
Brockton and vicinity, struck tislay. working miners 5 per cent of their
The trouble grew out of a recent strike wages to defray the expenses of keeping
of lasters at the factory of Churchill <S up the fight until the 65-cent rate is
made uniform throughout the district.
A Iden.
Killed by the Portland Freight.
A Hint to Shippers«
Odem* Grain Dealer» Emb*rr»»»ed.
Redding, Cal., Sept. 21.—While try­
ing to board a Portland special freight
train tonight, an unknown man was
run over and fearfully mangled. He
was decapitated and his legs were
picked up 100 yards apart. He wore a
miners' union pin and a copy of the by­
laws of a Colorado union was found in
hie pocket.
Barbara Curran, of Orrington, Me.,
has yeast which came from Ireland in
Washington, Sept. 20. — United
States Consul Hill, at Santos, Brazil,in
a report to the state department, sug­
gests to the shipping interests that in
chartering vessels for that port with
the intention of escaping duties, the
words “free of wharfage and dock
<lues” should be inserted. The author­
ities there recently held that the words
"free of wharfage” alone were not
sufficient to exempt the craft from
charges of the dock company, and this
cost the Virginia $300.
London, Sept. 20.—An Odessa dis­
patch says the rise in the price of grain
has had a disastrous effect there, many
houses being unable to complete their
contracts, and several of them being
unable to meet their paments.
Spanish Htetmer Lost.
Madrid, Sept. 20. — Word has been
received here that the Spanish coasting
steamer Taal has been lost off Manila,
Philippines. Several of the passengers
were drowned.
ciently large to warrant the uxjiecta-
tion of a fair increase in stocks at cen­
ters of accumulation. The market is
lacking in speculative support, the vol­
ume of speculation having fallen to the
minimum. This serves to emphasize
the legitimacy of the present advance.
There has been no change in crop pros-
l>ec.s in America and we still inaiutain
that the present crop will be the second
largest raised in the history of this
From a sjieculative point of
view the market now possess-» two
sides. There is no longer an." b.ubt
that Europe requires all of our avail
able surplus. We cannot meet this in­
creased draft an<l at the same time re­
plenish our at present depleted reserves
in all positions. But it must be re­
membered that Europe has already
bought largely and that her neeeBsi-
tities are not entirely for the immediate
present but for the entire crop year.
The increasing movement of the new
crop promises to more than offset the
demand for the time and result in in­
creasing stocks.
Corn is king. This has lieen and is
a year of prosperity and advancing
values. It is futile to talk of surplus
supplies or the growing crop. The for­
mer is unprecedentedly large.
hitter promises to be much smaller than
anticipated, but neither will have but
a temporary influence on values. We
are emerging form a period of depres­
sion and panic. Every other commod­
ity is advancing in value. Corn is
going to participate in the general ad­
vance. It has been selling too low. It
is going to sell higher. The shortage
in the wheat, rye and potato crops of
the world insures the substitution of
corn as a food product to an extent
never before known. To argue that
corn is going to sell lower is to main­
tain that the panic still exists. Every­
one knows better.
Portland Markets.
Wheat—Walla Walla, 83@84c; Val­
ley and Bluestem. 86®87c per bushel.
Flour—Best grades, $4.40; graham,
$3.85; su|>erfine, $2.50 ;ier barrel.
Oats—Choice white, 37@38c; choice
gray, 36c per bushel.
Barley—Feed barley, $19@20; brew­
ing, $19®20 per ton.
Millstuffs—Bran, $14 per ton;
middlings, $21; shorts, $20®21.
Hay—Timothy, $12@ 12.50; clover,
$10@ll; California
do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9®
10 per ton.
Eggs—17 l«c per dozen.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 50@55c;
fair to good, 40@45c; dairy, 30®35c
per roll.
Cheese — Oregon,
America, 12 'ac; California, 9® 10c per
Poultry—Chiokens, mixed, $2.50®
3.00 per dozen; broilers, $1.75®2.25;
geese, $5® 6.50; ducks, $4® 4.50 |>er
dozen; turkeys, live, 11®12>2 c per
Potatoes.—O.egon Burbanks, 40®
45c per sack; new potatoes, 50c per
sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
Onions—California, new, red, $1.25;
yellow, 80c per cental.
Hops—10c per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 5@6c.
Wool—Valley, 14® 15c [>er pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10® 12c; mohair, 20c
per pound.
Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 2'-4@2J^c; dressed mutton,
5c; spring lambs, 5.1$ per pound.
Hogs—(irons, choice heavy, $4.50;
light and feeders, $3®4; dressed, $5®
5.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef—Gross, top steers, $2.75® 3;
cows $2.25; dressed beef, 4® 5 iac per
Veal—Large, 4<^@5c; small, 6c
per pound.
Seattle Markets.
Butter—Fancy native creamery,
brick, 22c; ranch, 14 ® 16c.
Cheese— Native Washington, 10®
11c; California, 9*sc.
Eggs—Fresh ranch, 20®21c.
Poultry—Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.75
@8; ducks, $2.50@3.75.
Wheat—Feed wheat, $30 per ton.
Gats—Choice, per ton. $22@*28.
Corn—Whole, 4~4; cracked, per ton,
$23; feed meal, $22 per ton.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
$22; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6c; cows, 5z^c; mutton sheep,
5®5J^c; pork, 7c; veal, small, 6.
Fresh Fish—Halibut, 6c; salmon,
3®5c; salmon trout, 7.® 10c; flounders
and sole, 8®4; ling cod, 4®5; rock
ood, 5c; smelt, 2*i®4c.
President Diaz, in company with the
minister of war, was passing through a
public park, when suddenly a foreigner
sprang from behind a bush with a poin-
ard and made a lunge at the president.
The minister of war instantly seized
the assailant, threw him to the ground
and held him. The |>olice came to the
scene and placed the would-be assaseiu
under arrest.
Hie Life the I'enalty.
City of Mexico, Sept. 20.—A most
sensational ending to the attempt on the
life of President Diaz occurred tonight,
when Arnulfo Arrayo was lynched by
a band of common )>eople determined
on revenge. It was an act unprece­
dented in the history of this country.
At 10 o'clock a number of men forced
their way into the municipal palace,
ascended the stairway, overcame tha
guards and made their way to the office
of the inspector-general and killed Ar­
rayo, whom they found there. The
killing was a wild and savage scene,
and was followed by a wild and noisy
The police succeeded in capturing a
number of people. When the police
entered the room they found the body
of the dead man lying in the middle
of the floor. It was literally riddled
with bullets and wounds made by
knives and other steel instruments.
The men who were captured last
night would not say anything. The
body was removed to the fourth ward
police station in the municipal build­
ing, the path to which is marked by a
trail of blood.
Bold Man With a Gun Easily Got Aeroas
the l’ass.
Port Townsned, Wash.. Sept. 20.—
A letter received here this morning
shows that David E. Brown, a former
mailcarrier here, has broken the reconi
in crossing Chilkoot pass. Brown left
here for Juneau on the Queen, August
29. From Juneau he took a small lioat
for Dyea; in nine days after kissing his
wife good-bye he wrote from Lake Ben­
nett that he had crossed the pass anil
ha<l engaged passage with other travel­
ers in a boat from Lake Bennett to
Dawson, paying >450 cash for the pas­
sage down the river. His outfit weighed
only 350 pounds, and he was well pro­
vided with money. The time on the
trail from Dyea to Lake Benntet was
45 hours. Brown was accomjianied by
two Indians, who carried his freight
across the pass for 38 cents a pound.
He made a contract with the Indians
at Dyea, and at Sheep Camp they struck
for 45 cents per pound, but Brown
forced them at the |>oint of a revolver
to fulfill the contract at the original
price, which they did, as Brown drove
them ahead, himself bringing up tho
rear with 100 pounds on his back, and
the revolver in his hand.
Itlch Quart.. District Near International
Boundary Line.
Seattle, Sept. 20.—Sumas, the ter­
minus of the Soattle & International
railroad, at the Canadian Itorder, is in
a condition of wildest excitement over
the reports that are brought in from a
newly diHcovered quartz district eight
miles south of the international bound­
ary line, northeast of Mount Baker,
and 45 miles from Suams. Samples of
free-milling ore brought to this city for
assay run as high as $10,000 in gold to
the ton. The infection is spreading,
and parties in this city ure preparing to
leave tomorrow for the Mount Baker
mines. Mining experts in Seattle say
they believe the reports, and that the
Recoveries are in a district that is sim­
ply a continuation of the Okanogan,
Methow, Slate Creek and Ruby Creek
iistricts, across the northern tier of
counties in the state. Sumas is prac­
tically depopulated, and every man who
.'.an get an outfit and a horse is leaving
for tho mines. If the re|X>rts are con­
firmed there will likely be a great ex-
■ aitement, as the mines can be reached
and worked all tbe year round, good
roads and trails leading to within four
miles of the new mines.
To Offset Klondike Tai»«.
San Francisco, Sept. 20.—George
Maderia, the well-known mining ex­
pert, who has been making a careful ex­
amination of the Coffee creek district,
in Trinity county, has sent a report to
Secretary Durden, of the state mining
bureau. He says that the value of th»
recent finds in that section has been
greatly exaggerateil.
Gold can be
panned from surfaco dirt only in small
quantities, paying from 25 to 80 cents
San Francisco Market«.
a pan. Any large strike that may lie
Wool—Choice foothill, 8® 12c; San made in the furture will accrne to the
Joaquin, 6 months* 7®9c; do year's lienefit of those having plenty of capital
staple, 7®9c; mountain, 10® lie; Ore­ to buy machinery and properly work
gon, 11 @ 14c per pound.
Hops—10® 13c per pound.
France’« Grain Need«.
Millstuffs— Middlings,
Paris, Sept. 11.—The Matin, in an
California bran, $14.50® 15 per ton.
Onions—New red, 70®80c; do new Article on the grain supply, says it will
tie necessary to import 20,000,000 quin­
■ilverskin, 85® 95c per cental.
tals of wheat this season, on account of
Potatoes—New, in lioxes, 80® 85c.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 27® 28c; do the failure of crops. The in>|>orti*tion
seconds, 25®26c; fancy dairy, 24c; of this quantity of wheat will yield
140,000,000 francs duty.
good to choice, 20® 32c ¡ter pound.
Eggs—Store, 18®24c; ranch, 28®
Counterfeit Postal Cants.
30c; Eastern, 16® 22; duck, 16® 17c jier
Denver, Sept. 20.—The [»is toffice in*
Citrus fruit — Oranges, Valencias, Ipector’s officers here believe they have
$l.50®3; Mexican limes, $5; Cali­ unearthed a scheme to defraud the gov­
fornia lemons, fancy, $3; do common, ernment. Postal cards supposed to Im
counterfeited have been found in the
$1 ®2.50 per box.
Fresh fruit—Apples, 50®65c per Denver mails and arrests are likely to
large box; apricots, 20® 40c; Fontain- follow. It is claimed that the cards
bleau grapes, 20®35c; muscats, 15® are sold in large quantities to mer­
30c; black, 20® 80c; tokay, 80c; chants and investment houses, and im­
peaches, 40®60c; pears, 60® 75 per mense profits are being realised. It in
box; plums, 30®40c; crab apples, 30® ■up,steed that at least one of the oper­
ators is located in this city.
I 15c.