Yamhill County Reporter '. H. HAKM1AKT. Publisher. FALL CAMPAIGN IN CUBA. Opened by the Landing of Throe I.ui j« Expedition«. CUBA MUST BE FREE Minister Woodford Insists That Eud the War. fl ,Y II T MINERS IN SURLY MOOD. Attempt to Rraiune Work at Latimer Not SucceMaful. Hazleton, Pa., Spet. 23.—The strike New York, Sept. 23.—The Journal Sept. 22.—A dispatch from Miners Are Reaching Lakes San Paris, Sebastian to Le Temps, this city, Evidence of Steady Growth situation again assumed an unclean . . OREGON. I and Advertiser prints the following: phase this morning. . An attempt to The Cuban junta has received advices says that in his interview yesterday by a New Trail. and Enterprise. resume work was made at Pardee’s Lat­ of the safe landing on different parts of with the Duke of Tttuan, Spanish min ­ . _________________ imer mines, but only 300 oirt of 1,300 Cuba of three big expeditions between ister for foreign affairs. United States miners returned to work. These were the 1st and 12th of the present month. Minister Woodford did not present any They were the most important that had TWO THOUSAND HAVE CROSSED claim for indemnity, but confined the ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST mainly Italians, with a few English- been dispatched since last winter, anil speaking men. interview to a statement of the great great joy prevails at the headquarters During the night Hungarians parad­ injuries commerce and industry had Interesting Collection of Current Event. of the junta, where the news arrived Many Will Bench the Yukon With Their suffered in the United States through a rr«n All the Cities »nd Towm ol ed thorugh the settlement, beating tin In Condensed Form From ProvisiouA taten Up—How the that they had eluded the Spanish, who cans and kettles and raising a big the Thriving Sister State* prolongation of the Cuban war. Both Continent.. were believed at one time to have been racket. This was done to notify those New Koad Was Made. —Oregon. General Woodford is said to have of their race that they must not go Commander Booth-Tucker has ar­ ou their track. added that Secretary Sherman had de ­ Six hundred cases of big salmon were back to work. The warning was ob­ Seattle, Sept. 21.—The most con­ The three ships carried a large quan­ rived in Denver to complete the ar­ spicuous figure of the grand confusion sired him to declare to the Spanish gov­ put up at Wist’s cannery, at Nehalem served, and this morning a band of rangements for establishing a Salvation tity of dynamite and other munitions, ernment that it was evidently impos ­ together with an immense supply of at Skaguay and the White pass is with­ sible for Spain to end the rebellion in a last week. Hungarians.led by women, were march­ Army colony in the Arkansas valley. Mr. Stadleman, of The Dalles, has ing and threatening to march on the medicines for the army of patriots. In out doubt Sylvester Scovel, the corre­ reasonable time, and, further, that if In Joseph Hayward’s saw mill, neat spondent of the New York World, who, received news of 8,000 boxes of prunes mines biter on in the day. The 13th Macon, Mo., a large boiler exploded all there were over 40 men on board, recognizing the necessity for tools and the war was continued, Cuba would be and killed three workmen, Charles going either to join the Cuban army for dynamite to put the trail in passable devastated and of no utility to Spain or shipped to New York. The prunes regiment is keeping close watch for further trouble. In conclusion, the were sold at from 40 to 60 cents. Ilea tor, Walter Fergureon and Albert the first time or returning to the ranks. condition, contributed both at an ex- to the Cubans. Helix, in Umatilla county, is hav­ Now? of a disturbance at Eckley Yost. The mill was blown to frag, There were two doctors and two den­ jiense of several thousand dollars, en­ United States minister is reported to tists. ing a bit of a boom. A good many reached brigade headquarters this have insisted courteously but firmly menta. Three of the most important mem­ abling many to get through to the gold The graduates of the deaf, dumb and bers of the expedition were Carlos fields this fall. Mr. Scovel is now in upon the necessity of terminating the sales of town lots have been made re­ morning. The strikers there had fixed today for a decision as to whether or blind asylum at Berkley, Cal., have Dubel, Carlos Duonocose and J. L. the city, having arrived today on the war, declaring if it were not termin­ cently at double last year’s prices. Much wheat is being piled up in tha not to strike. They atempted to return organized a novel sixsiety. its purpose Ahumada, former officers of the Chilean steamer Rosalie, on a flying trip to com­ ated by the end of October the United States would feel justified in taking warehouses in The Dalles, where it is and otfiers gathered about the mine in is to influence wealthy people, and, if army, who hail been in New York for municate with the World. Companies C jxissible, the federal and state govern­ several weeks awaiting an opportunity Mr. Scovel brings the news, which measures to secure the independence of waiting the arrival of some man who a menacing manner. and E, of the Fourth regiment, were ments, in establishing scholarships for to go to Cuba to help in the fight for will come with comforting assurance Cuba. The Duke of Tetuan, according wants to pay 80 cents a bushel for it. the blind in leading educatioanal insti­ independence. Among the leaders were to thousands of iieople who have friends to a dispatch to Le Temps, while pro­ The closed fish season ended last week sent over and gave the would-be work­ testing against the alleged American | and numerous wheels were set in mo­ ers protection. tutions. on the congested pass, that at least Brigadier-General Rafael Cardenas, “pretensions,” said he would reply The men at Drifton and Jeddo, in The United States steamship San Major Coronado, the editor of the 2,000 men, with complete outfits, will officially to the United States minsister tion near The Dalles. Nearly all of the same district, did not go out. them made good catches, and the fish ­ get through to the Yukon river, though Francisco, the flagship of the Eurojtean Havana paper La Discussion, who had when the Spanish court returns to ermen anticipate an extra good ri n The 2,500 miners at Lehigh and squadron, has arrived at Tangier, to flee from Cuba last winter, and Ger- he believes that only a small fraction Madrid. Wilkesbarre, and the McAdoo miners this fall. Morocco, in order to investigate and rado Forrest, of the Porto Rican junta, of this number will reach Dawson City kept their word ami went to work un­ Will Cause a Sensation. obtain redress, if necessary, for the re- all of whom are well-known in this before winter. Scio has a well-developed case cf der heavy military protection. From the best information which he jsirted flogging of American citizens at city, where they havo lived many Madrid, Sept. 22. — In official circles scarlet fever in the family of Fred could obtain, gathered from all sources, ■here the greatest secrecy is maintained Smith, The attack is a light one, and Stands by the Miners. Mogador, and also to enforce the prom­ years. ised settlement of former claims of the Topeka, Sept. 22.—Charles Devlin, The doctors in the party are Juan he believes that 2,500 men have gotten regarding the United States’ ultima­ is not regarded as at all serious. All United States against Morocco. Bruon Zayas and Francisco Vila, and over the Chilkoot pass and have gone tum, which is looked upon as bound to due precaution is being taken to pre­ the big coalmine operator in Illinois, The inexorable discrimnating law of the dentists Frederico Trujillo and Fon- on down to the mines. These men, cause a great sensation in Europe and vent the spread of the disease in town. and one of the largest individual oper­ China, which condemns a paracide to tainillas. The other interesting mem­ however, have, with few exceptions, to have the greatest consequences for Professor P. A. Snyder recently made ators in the United States, stands by death by the slicing process, whether bers of this expedition were a number gone in with little or no supplies, the Spain. a requisition on the United Stites fish the miners who are fighting for living While not intending it, it is be­ commission for 2,000 brook trout, and wages and against the operators wha he be the perpetrator of a wilful crims of Cubans who escaped from the Span­ average amount taken by each man be­ or the victim of an accident, is terribly ish nenal settlement in Africa and re­ ing not over 500 or 600 pounds, not lieve I the action of the United States has received a letter from Commisiion- meet at Springfield today to try to more than enough to get him to the has greatly facilitated the solution of arrived in New York. illustrated by a case now vexing the cently er Brice stating that arrangements had further reduce wages. 4«1 This is the opening of the fall cam- scene of the great gold fields, where pro­ the ministerial crisis, and there will been made to have the fish delivered at In an interview this morning he people of Shanghai. A boy of 11 was be a reorganization of the conserva­ Hood River within 40 days. ■winging some article about his head in paign, ” said Thomas Estrada Palma, visions are not to be had. said: “ Instead of following along the Skag tives under General Azcarraga as pre­ “The miners of Illinois should get a play, when it happened to strike his speaking of the expedition, . “It is an The O. R. &. N. is in the market price equal to the Columbus scale. The mother, who died from the effects of earnest, moreover, of our i intention to uay river bank, where there is an easy mier, and Don Francisco Silvella, for 75,000 railroad ties to be used be­ the blow. He was condemned to be pursue a vigorous policy during th® grade, though of course greatly ob­ leader of the dissident conservatives. price which they were forced to accept structed with boulders, and in places tween Pendleton and Huntington, and last May, and which they refused to sliced to death, and, though efforts have coming winter.” May Go Before the Powers. entirely blocked by precipitous points next year they will contract for 450,- been made to save him from this fear- London, Sept. 22.—A Standard dis­ 000. As the age of the tie is six years, continue work on is not enough to keep which jut out into the river, the have PEACE AT HAZLETON. ful end, so far they have not been HUO- patch from San Sebastian says: The the tie business will be constant source body and soul together. The average gone off to the side in their great rush cessfuL miner with steady work could not aver­ to get through in a hurry. The trail government will take its time to reply of employment as long as the timber age more than <1 per day the year A dispatch iron* Vienna says that Nearly Every Colliery I n Working crosses and recrosses the river and to United States Minister Woodford, lasts in the Blue mountains. A gain. round. Slavery for the miners would the steamer Ika, with a crew of 10, makes long detours which would be un­ and will probably lay the case before The fish commissioners last week be preferable to the wages they are anntaneous combustion. the building and on that there was worst flood tiiat ever happened in the recommendation in his fortcoming an­ tract. immediate action, in behalf of the history of the state. Men, women and Child Fatally Burned. only <150. nual report that at least <500,000 be New York World I provided ample ex­ children were driven from their beds, Spokane, Wash., Sept. 22.—The 6- appropriated for this purpose. It is es Locked hi a Burning House. A petition is being circulated in Seat­ and had to take refuge on the high plosives and tools, being sure that with timated that <3,000.000 will be re New York, Sept. 23.—A special to means in their hands the Americans on year-old daughter of Mrs. Bartemns, of tle, asking that the civil-service sys­ ground with their household effects. Mullan, Idaho, was fatally burned yes ­ quired to equip with modern batteries the Tribune from Columb a. S. C., tem be abolished. The petition must There was not a place to shelter them, the trail would pull out of the mud. terday. While Mrs. Bartemns was the 28 steamers now enrolled in ths says: Andrew Smith and wife, col­ This they did. When the news ar­ away from the home the child under­ be signed by 20 per cent of those who many houses in town tumbling down in government service as auxiliary ored, living near Donalds, Abbeville rived that the World had provided the voted at the last municipal election be­ great heaps, and many more are ex­ cruisers. county, locked in their house six chil­ necessary dynamite and tools, the men took to build a tire. She poured coal fore it can be considered. This means pected to collapse any moment. Unless oil on the Wixxl and spilled some of the Fire was discovered 1675 names must be secured. dren, the youngest of whom was 18 organized and went to work—800 of relief comes soon, women and children oil on her clothing. When she struck slope of mine No. 2, at months old and the eldest 7 years. them. The state has selected 18,758 acres in will be in a sad plight, as it is raining Three |x>ints of rock which a match her clothing ignited. She ran Alxiut 100 men were employed in th® The parents went to church. An hour jutted out into the river, and which into the street, closely followed by her township 24 north, range 11 west, for hard, and another bad night seems in­ mine. At once an alarm was given. later neighbors heard frightful screams charitable educational, penal and re­ evitable. necessitated long and lalmrious de­ A panic followed among the workmen coming from Smith's house, the inter­ tours, were blasted out, saving from older brother, who was ill with measles. form schools. The plat selection was Two Regent« Resign. and hundreds gathered at the main en­ ior of which was in flames. Negroes two and a half to three miles of travel, He tried to smother the Hames but was filed September 3, and the plat of the Pullman, Wash., Sept. 22. — Regents trence of the smoking mine, while made heroic efforts to save the child­ making a passable route for hundreds unsuccessful. The clothing was almost township was filed July 6. All set­ entirely burned from the child’s Ixxly. Wind us and Powell have resigned as rescue parties were nt once formed to ren, but it was impossible to reach of men and horses." To ease her frightful pain, physicians tlers who have not made their tilings regents of the Washington agricultural relieve the miners. More than 50 wera them, and all |x*risbed. It is supposed administered chloroform. She died a befbre the end of 90 days from July 6 college and school of science, having gotten out from the various entrances that an oil lamp burning was over­ Nugget« From th«* Swank. few hours later. The mother is pros­ will lose their land. This will work a sent their resignation to Governor Rog­ without harm. Others were overcome turned. When the parents returned a hardship for that country, as this is Ellensburg, Wash., Sept. 21. — W. trated. Her husband diet! recently in ers last Saturday. Regent Powell sent by smoke and fell by the wayside. Five pile of bones and ashes was all they perhaps the best vacant township left A. Ford came down from the Swank a hospital. men, who were working about ths found. in the state, and only a small portion in a short decisive letter, merely stat­ today with seven beautiful gobi nug­ slopes beyond where the tire originated, BI r Fir«* at Stockton. of it has lx-en settled upon. No far­ ing that he resigned as a regent, hie re­ gets, each worth <20, the result of one lluntrr Bribery C hum Ended. could not be reaohed, and it has been Stockton, Cal., Sept. 22.—The Stock- ther filings will be allowed after Oc­ signation to take effect at once; but if Frankfort. Ky., Sept. S3.—The jury day’s work on his claim. This makes ton combined harvester works, built by regarded as certain that they are dead. tober 4. So that settlers already there Governor Rogers deemed it injurious to It is thought three or four others may returned verdict of not guilty in ail a total of <420 taken out within a L. U. Sliippee. were burned today. must make their filings by that time the the college to accept the resignation month. the Hunter bribery case». be in the mine. at once, he would continue to act until Loss. 3100,000; insurance, <80,000. in order to hold their claims. October 10, but no later. Arthur Jordan, a Scotch explorer, Deadly Coal Oil Can. Wilbur F. Brock, of Walla Walla, Th® KiTect on th«» Stuck Markets. who claims to be familiar with tlio Washington, Sept. 22.—Acting Sur­ who has returned from a summer out­ Message From Andree. San Francisco, Sept. 21.—Mrs. May Paris, Sept. 23.—On the stock ex­ country between Spokane and the Klon­ geon-General Smith, of the marine hos­ ing. says that the trout of several of Copenhagen, Spet. 22.—A dispatch dike, will leave Spokane with six men, change here today Spanish fours fell, Ann Calvert was frightfully burned pital servie®, has written to the sur­ the Blue mountain streams are living from Hammerferst, the northernmost Octolier 10, for the Yukon country. owing to the belief that the alleged ul­ this afternoon at her borne, 324 Jessie geon-general informing him of the ex­ exterminated by reckless fishermen, town of Europe, in Norway, says the street, and is now dying from her in ­ timatum sent by the United States to J. J. Browne is at the head of the syn­ She poured coal oil in the istence of two cases of leprosy in Walsh who use blasts. It is contrary to the whaliug ship Palk lias brought there dicate which is outfitting the |>srty to Spain on the subject of Cuba will cause juries. county. North Dakota. The victims are statutes of both Washington and Ore­ the third pigeon dispatch from Profes­ prosfiect on Stewart river. Mr. the present cabinet to remain in office. kitchen stove and an explosion fol­ Scandinavians, and the disease is said gon to fish with powder, but in many sor Andree, who left Tromsoe in a bal­ lowed, Mrs. Calvert's hair and dress Browne’s son. Guy, will be a member to be well developed. One of the pa­ places the laws for the protection of loon July 11. The message reads: catching fire. Neighbors attracted by London, Sept. 23. — The Evening of the party. They will go via Ash­ tients is raid to I m * anxious to return to the fish are not being enforced. In “July 13th, 12:30 P. M. —Lattitude croft,taking the Hudson bay trail there Standard attributes the fall in prices on her screams found the woman with her Sweden. Dr. Smith says he is unin­ the Wallowa, Little Salmon and Look­ 52.2 north, longitude 12.5 east. Good to Lake Teslin, down the lake to the the stock exchange to the reported ac­ head in the kitchen sink and her cloth­ formed as to what precuations the local ing Glass the dynamiters are causing royage eastward. All well.” ing in flames. Her body was literally tion of the United States in connection Hootalinqua river, down that stream to ■ nthoritiee have taken to prevent the devastation in almost open defiance of a mass of burm *.oe Yukon, thence to Stewart river i with the Cuban insurrection. "Jeweler and Undertaker" is a shop the law. i spread of the disease. iign in Kansas City. M c M innville