4 T LOCAL NEWS. 1896 Columbia« $50. J. H. Nelson, dentist. Eeq. Springer of Amity was in the metropolis Tuesday. A son was born to the family of Pre­ siding Elder Parsons at Salem on the 4tb inet. Will Logan has decided not to engage in farming, the place in Happy valley not having upon it cultivated land enough to suit him. Prof. E. V. Littlefield came down from Wheatland Tuesday. He is in fine condi­ tion, physically and mentally, and anxious to take up school work again. E. C. Apperson occupied the early part of the week moving into his resi­ dence. The Gilson resilience vacated will be ocoupied by W. J. Strong next Monday. It is announced that Mr. Hilton, who recently came herefrom Minnesota, will open a stock of shoes, using a portion of the room in which W. L. Hembree is located. A free kindergarten lesson will be given next Friday afternoon at three o’clock in free reading room. All are cordially invited, especially mothers and children. Why do Millsap it Son enjoy the best grocery trade in town? Answer—they handle first class, clean, pure goods, sell them low, and always endeavor to treat their customers right. Kev. P. Brown, having bought the ('apt. Stewart place in the northwestern suburb, has employed Simmons, the carpenter, to put a new roof on the house and raise it to a second story. An apple is on exhibition at Rogers Bros' that weighs one and a half pounds. Bettman it Warren have one at their grocery of the King’s Joy variety, raised bv J. P. Howe on college side, which weighs seventeen ounces. Miller Bros, are now paying 75 cents for hop picking, with prospects of still higher prices. Their work will last in October 1st. All intending to w h week. their yard should be on hand Hops are clean and free fry mould. Miss I-etta Fellows have charge of the kindergarten for the year. Mias Fellows has been studying witti me and I am pleased to recommend her to those who have little ones. Mas. J ulia L. R amsky . Recorder Macy and Waiter Hembree ware out slaughtering the birds Monday, or st least they intended to slaughter the birds. Their statements vary slightly as to the number brought in, but agree as to the fact that their guns were of no accouut. The Oregon conference of the M. E. church met at Corvallis Wednesday, to continue in session till the 13th. ¡shop Foes of Philadelphia is presidingX Mr. and Mrs. David Stout and F. 8. Har of thiewity, and |>erhaps others, will up to hear the bishop. A pleasant item of news for McMinn­ ville >>eople is contained in the fact that Adolph Matthies has rented the house where Dr. Nelson lives and will move back to town about the middle of the month. He is closing out hie stock of merchandise in Dayton. The resignation of Prof. Levis of the chair of l^ktin and English in McMinn­ ville college just on the eve of fall open­ ing, is not likely to cause any serious embarrassment, as the lioard of otficers has an available man in view for the place quite to their satisfaction. E. N. Ford, who has been sojourning at Medical lake in Washington since June, for the benefit of his health, is ex­ pected to return home next week con- sideral )ly improved. We understand he bat some intention of s|>ending the com­ ing winter at a Michigan sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. l.augliary and Mayor Chrisman returned from Helm Saturday night. The mayor returned Tuesday alter hie family and Mrs. (¡aunt. Mrs. Laughary is successful in fishing, and brought home for the delectation of friends some trout eighteen inches in length. Ths Oregon Baptist state convention tussle in this city the last week in Sep- teiulwr. From one hundred to one hundred and fifty delegates are expected. The attendant e of the Baptist conven­ tions is generally made up of represen­ tative people of the best class and they will receive a cordial reception. Mr. Geo. Dorsey of Davton was a cheer­ ful financial caller on Tnemlay. He is probably the moHt advanced subscriber now on our books, bin subscription dat­ ing up to January 1st, IK99. ll<> believes in splitting the difference with the edit­ or; having been a few months liehind, he now pave several months ahead. This is wetting a splendid example. Miller Brothers of thia city ar» in (lie hop business about as extensively as any­ body in Oregon, and if lucky enough to | eave the crop and prices continue to mount upward they will l>e strictly “in it.’’ They have 125 acres of their own. | and have a nunilier of yards under con- ‘ tract, so Hurt they control the product of about 3(10 acres. The senior member ol the firm sard to tire writer lire first of this week, that their hops were still clean and free from mould and they are turning out extra weight. He says it is generally conceded that the Yamhill yards are the cleanest in the state. '...... a........................ . » - lhl MTI " > ... , j! ........................................................:------ PATRONIZE HOME MERCHANTS AND HOME INDUSTRIES. By so doing you help build up a prosperous community that furnishes employment for many people and a profitable home market, public-spirited business man who advertises and seeks your trade is the man whose success will benefit the community Studebaker Wagons MOLJLNKILL. BUGGIES & CARTS, JOHN DEERE and CANTON CLIPPER PLOWS, + + + + Bridge-Beach Grand Superior Stoves and Ranges, and General Hardware and Tinware, you find ROCK BOTTOM PRICES -------- AT-------- Manning Bros Pall of 3- P. Irvine anb Son kjear gorqes iq October with its rain will soon be here, and you must do your Building, Painting and Repairing be­ fore that time. Remember we keep Doors, Windows, Mouldings, Glass, Paint, T he L eading and P ioneer G rocers and B akers . LUMBER All Kinds Builders’ Hardware 7//» to ¿Dato ufitA ¿fòest ¿roods a net dourest ¿Prices. Constantly on hand and can fill all orders on short notice................................................ Store Room and Sash and Door Factory at foot of Third St. JONES & ADAMS. ¿»xactly as ¿Represented W hen The past four years of business depression has caused a great amouut of cheap and counter­ feit Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., to be placed upon the market, making it almost impossible for the average man to know when he is get­ ting something good. But you can depend up­ on it, anything that you get at Win. F. Diel- schneider’s is Exactly as Represented. “No goods sold different from quality” is my watch­ word. WS. jh I- l - ing ^T reschiptions We give our Undivided Attention to the matter in hand. That is the only safe way, and we are nothing if not safe. We dispense only drugs of known purity, holding that when human life is hanging in the balance it is a poor time to economize by using “cheap” materials and trusting to luck for results. This is an important Matter, and one Worthy of Serious Thought. Rogers Bros.’ Pharmacy. ieusch N eidb R. Two Doors below Postotfloe Secret of Shoe Success Saturday, Sept. 25, 1897. There is mystery in the making of successes in this life only to those who pursue wrong methods. The “secret” of success is simple. --------------------------------- imported patterns and J^Couelties ir¿ d^illlqery d^uerythlnd the eery latest, at Treasonable prices NO INEXPERIENCED HELP EMPLOYED. JÎW. “gf,« £<>aòi,.