The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 03, 1897, Image 3

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The Chicago Market Above
the Dollar Mark.
lii Foreign T o I h I o Crop Kall-
mated at
— Price of Corn Also Rising.
Chicago, Aug. 30.—Today, fpr the
first time since the present bull cam­
paign in wheat was started, the price
■of September wheat sold above the dol­
lar mark in Chicago. Ten minutes af­
ter the opening, $1.03 L. was offered,
an advance over yesterday’s dosing
price of fl3., cents. Even at that tempt­
ing figure, the bull clique refused to let
go of their holdings. Enough wheat
caine on the market to break the price
to 98 7-8 cents by the time the closing
bell sounded, but the brokers who were
engineering the deal stoutly denied
that it came from them.
There was, perhaps, a shade of ma­
liciousness in the way they forced the
shorts to bid up. It was currently re­
ported on Monday, when prices broke
so sharply, that the pool was forced to
put up $400,000 in margins.
certainly had their revenge today. The
rise was plainly due to the clique,
which is now swelled, by rumor, to in­
clude Joseph Leiter, George R. French,
Allen, Grier & Co., and James Keene,
of Wall street.
The only leader,
George French, who appeared distinct­
ly above the surface, makes no secret
that he has a line of 5,000.000 bushels
of September wheat. There was not
much more than 1,100,000 bushels of
contract wheat in Chicago, with hardly
anything coming, and an immense
short line of cash wheat sold for ex­
port. This is the situation as it now
plays into the hands of the bull com­
The sudden rise of September wheat
was not reflected in any other large
market in the country, with the excep­
tion of Minneapolis, where September
bounded from 93 cents to $1. St.
Louis advanced 2 cents at one time,
but relapsed to the opening prices for
Although statistics were not given
much attention, one item of foreign
news had a distinct influence. The
foreign potato crop shortage is estimat­
ed at the total of 1,000,900,000 bush­
els. which was expected to increase the
demand for American wheat. Its influ­
ence was especially felt in December
wheat, which is not supposed to be un­
der the thumb of any clique.
and provisions were both affected by
the excitement in wheat. In corn, the
trading was enomrous. and although an
advance of 1 to 1 *„ cents was recorder!,
Whe feeding was very strong at the close.
The closing for provisions was 15 to
■20 cents higher.
Hawaii Has Not Yet Received Japan's
A liswei*.
San Francisco, Aug. 30. — The
steamer Mariposa arrived this morning
from Sydney, via Honolulu, with the
following Hawaiian advices: •
The Hawaiian government! has not
yet received any answer from Japan
regarding the offer to refer the immi­
gration trouble to arbitration. There
is no change in the situation here.
The China registry case was finally
submitted to Judge Perry for a decision
August 19, and an early decision is
confidently expected, as the matter will
in all probability be appealed to the
supreme court. It is predicted that
the question of the big steamer’s regis­
try will be settled before she reaches
here again in October. The principal
point upon which the Hawaiian govern­
ment rules is the question of McFar­
lane’s citizenship, he having been
born on the island of British parents.
The American ship Commodore left
Honolulu for New York August 19,
with a cargo of sugar, valued at $191,-
To Conciliate With Utt.
London, Aug. 30.—The Standard’s
correspondent at San Sebastian says:
“I learn that Spain has intimated her
willingness to make considerable re­
duction in the contemplated West In­
dian tariffs, in order to develop the
trade of Cuba with the United States.
She was willing to negotiate a reciproc­
ity treaty when the Dingley tariff came
into force, but the United States re­
ceived advances coldly, because it
wanted the Cuban question settled first.
Indeed, Spain is now aware that
American diplomacy will soon raise
other and more important questions be­
fore commercial questions are likely to
be mooted.”
Disease Aids the Insurgent Cause.
Havana, Aug. 30.—There are 4,000
Spanish soldiers in the hospitals of
Havana and other points. About 2,000
are sent back monthly to Spain incapac­
itated. Sickness is increasing.
health of the city is not good. The
official reports show that for the week
ending August 12 the death rate was
90 per 1,000.
Business is at a complete standstill.
The army is not being paid and a feel­
ing of hopelessness prevails among th«
■Spaniards and Cubans alike.
, London. Aug. 30.—A dispatch from
, ifcan Sebastian says the Spanish govern­
ment has learned that at a secret an-
tarchist meeting in London it was re­
solved to avenge the execution of An-
giolillo, the assassin of Canovas del
■Castillo, by an attempt on the life of
the queen regent of Spain. Twenty of
¡the ablest Barcelona detectives have
¡been detailed to protect the queen re­
A New York man was arrested the
oilier day for stealing a stole.
Steamer Portland Arrives
Mt. Miebaels.
Port Angeles. Wash., Aug. 31.—The
steamer Portland arrival from St.
Michaels tonight.
Captain Kidston
reported a pleasant voyage, and ex­
plained the delay of three days in
reaching Port Augeles by stating that
a very serious storm at St. Michaels de­
layed the discharge of his cargo.
He laughed when told of the reports
that the Portbind was carrying over
$2,900,000 in gold. As a matter of
fact, he said, there was only about
$825,000 in gold dust and nuggets on
board his vessel.
Up to the time he left St. Michaels
he had heard of no new gold fields.
Among the Portland’s passengers
from St. Michaels is Timothy Bell,who
lias with him $39,000 in gold which
he dug from a claim that cost $125.
William Ogilvie, Dominion surveyor,
says the 600 claims now staked out
will yield $60,000,000.
FnJm a number of the Portland’s
crew it was learned that Captain Kids­
ton had expected the Weare, one of
the company’s boats, to come down the
Yukon with about $1,900,000 worth of
nuggets and gold dust, but as she did
not arrive in time he decided to bring
down the treasure next trip.
t The United States cutter Bear, it is
said, will guard the Portland on her
next tup from St. Michaels to Seattle.
As most miners will make yieir clean­
up by that time it is expected the
Portland’s cargo will be a very valu­
able one.
The returning miners say the re­
markably rich claims on Eldorado creek
will number 140. Mr. Ogilvie esti­
mates that, at the rate these 140 claims
are now’ producing, and considering
the ground yet to be worked, the
amount in the next three vears w ill ag­
gregate about $70,000,000. To this
must be added the favorable possibil­
ities of jiockets and development of
claims already found, but not opened.
There have been other rich strikes
on Stewart river, Hunker, Henderson
and Indian creeks, but none < f these
are as rich as the claims on Eldorado
and Bonanza creeks.
Until the wonderful discoveries of
Klondike were made, ground worth 10
cents to the pan, with two or three feet
of pay dirt, was considered very good
for the Yukon, and the miners made
their money with rockers ami sluices.
This year the miners are passing en­
tirely over ground of this richness in
their search for sand ami gravel that
will pay like that of the Klondike dis­
coveries. .
Up to date, none of the claims was
showing any signs of exhaustion, and
scarcely a dozen are more than well
opened. Every one has large areas of
ground to be worked.
One returning miner says it is im-
possiblle to make anything like an ac­
curate estimate of the probable yield of
the mines. The ground is not at all
even in tidiness, ami the worth of pay
streaks varies greatly.
The most important news from St.
Michaels is that the river steamers left
there two weeks ago for their last trip
up. It is not certain they will reach
Dawson this fall, and the passengers
who left the Sound as early as July 25
may not reach Circle City before navi­
gation closes. This makes it certain
that hundreds who left the Sound and
California since August 1 for St.
Michaels will winter there. At the
best they can scarcely get started up
the Yukon before it freezes solid.
All vessels touching at St. Michaels
this summer have had difficulty keep­
ing their crews, who have caught the
fever. One schooner from Victoria was
entirely deserted by her crew, from
captain to cobk, who started up the
river for Klondike.
The crew of the J. M. Colman tried
to desert, but the attempt was discov­
ered in time, and, by a display of fire­
arms, the men were compelled to re­
Every vessel from St. Michaels has
come away short-handed. The Port­
land lost several of her crew, but was
able te obtain men by paying high
The Old Man and Kate Were Shot by
a Postte.
Wichita, Kan., Aug^ 31.—Another
chapter is Added to the gruesome story
of the Bender family, whose home in
Montgomery county over 20 years ago
was the scene of upward of 30 murders,
according to the deathbed confession of
Captain Carroll.
The fate of the
Benders has heretofore been veiled in
Captain Carroll confessed that a band
of citizens, sworn to eternal secrecy,
followed the Benders after their flight
from the scene of their crimes and
killed Kate and the old man, but let
Mrs. Bender go, with a warning never
to return on pain of death.
He said that Kate and her mother
stood by and stoically watched the men
riddle the body of William Bender with
bullets, and then when Kate’s turn
came she stepped out like a tragedy
queen and said:
“Blaze away.”
She was shot down like a dog, but
when it came to shooting the mother,
the hearts of the posse failed them and
they allowed her to go.
The bodies
were carefully buried and the graves
Twelve Killed and Several Wounded in
a Riot at Mereda Yucatan-
New York, Aug. 30.—Correspond­
ence of the Herald from Mereda, Yu­
catan, under date of August 27, says:
Twelve (»-rsous were killed and sev­
eral injured in a riot which occurred
on the plaza in front of the municipal
palace last Sunday evening. The cause
of the outbreak seems to have been ,
the prejudice of the police, who at­
tacked the people Ijeeause of their op­
position to the candidacy of Senor Car­
los Peon, the present governor of Yu­
catan, who sought re-eleetion.
The governor instructed the chief ot
police to fire on the crowd in the event
of an outbreak. • The chief ignored his
instructions because of a refusal on the
part of the governor to reduce them to
writing, and as a result the governor
delegated one of his aides as acting '
chief of police.
While the crowd was gathering
around the plaza on Sunday night,
Pastor Remon Rameriz, one of the
governor’s party, threw a giant fire­
cracker in front of the police station.
It exploded, and as though acting on a
signal, the police tired on the crowd,
killing one woman and two men. The ,
crowd immediately scattered.
News reached the headquarters of ’
the national guard, and a detachment
came out and commenced firing on the
crowd. They killed nine persons and
injured many more.
News of the riots was at once sent to
President Diaz, and he ordered the ar- ;
rest of all the officials connected with '
the affair.
Settlement of the Strike
Be 111 Sight.
Pittsburg, Aug. 30.—The miners’
leaders are encouraged over the pros­
pects of the early settlement of the I
strike. Efforts are now being directed
to the Pennsylvania railroad and the |
central field of Pennsylvania.
District President Dolan addreseed a
meeting it Claridge. Westmoreland
county, last night, and the men decid­
ed to quit work. President Dolan says
six mines have been closed in the Cen­
tral district and that work will be sus­
pended in that region within a short
Sheriff Lowry went to Bunola this
by several
deputies, and ordered the strikers off
the public roads. The first attempt at
starting the mines was made at the
Champion mines, near McDonald, this
morning. Two carloads of foreigneis
were sent to the mines about daylight
ami put to work loading slack into the
About 500 women marched against
the miners, attacked them with stones
and clubsand drove them from the cars.
The women then dumped the slack
from the cars. They were met by
1,000 strikers and marched a short dis­
tance from the mine where they arc
now encamped.
Shot Him in the Neck.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 30.—Deputy
Sheriff Brown, of Cheney, this evening
shot and seriously wounded J. C.
Allen, known also by the alias “col­
ored,” wanted in Spokane for robbing
a farmhand named Doyle, last night.
Allen alighted from a freight train,
and Brown placed him under arrest.
Another negro, also wanted, was seen
by Brown coming into town on a bi­
cycle. Brown tried to get both, and
Allen broke away, and ran. Brown
fired two shots to scare him, and then
shot him in the neck.
The bullet
lodged in the mouth, tearing away part
of the jaw. Allen is said to be the
negro who shot Hawkins in Butte,
Mont., a short time ago.
Tried to Starve Miners.
San Francisco, Aug. 30.—The An­
chor Point gold mine, at Cook inlet,
Alaska, was the scene of a miners’'riot
in July, according to news which has
just been received in this city. About
50 men are at work there employed by
a Boston corporation which owns the
mines, and in July the funds for the
payment of the men ran short. The
men quit work, and the company with­
held their food and supplies to force
them into submission. On the third
day of this treatment, the men de­
manded their usual rations, and when
the food was not given, they shot at
the foreman and his assistant, serious­
ly, but not fatally wounding both of
Underground Railroad Conductor.
Chicago, Aug. 30.—William Cratty,
who, before the war, was one of the
most notable conductors of the “under­
ground railroad” for the assistance of
runaway slaves, died near Maryville,
O., last night, of old age. Mr. Cratty,
it is said, helped over 3,000 slaves es­
cape to Canada, and at one time a re­
ward of $3,000 was offered to any one
who would deliver him dead or alive
south of Mason and Dixon’s line. He \
was 92 years of age.
Went Down on the Mexico.
Ashland, Wis., Aug. 30.—The Gold
Lake Mining Company, at the head of
which is ex-Governor Swineford, was
thrown into consternation hv the news
that 2,000 | O'inds of valuable gold ore
belonging to the company went <lown
on the Mexico. It was not known that
the company’s representative had ship­
ped it by that boat until today. Invaded.
Lima, Peru, Aug. 31.—The reports
that Colonel Pando, with a force of
Bolivians, has invaded the Peruvian
province of Sandia, proves upon inves­
tigation to be correct. The number of
Colonel Pando’s followers is consider­
ably exaggerated, however. It is prob­
able that the incident will be diplo­
matically arranged.
Three million, five hundred thousand
steel pens are used throughout the
world every day in the week.
A Boom In the Ilog Market.
Kansas City, Aug. 30.—There is a
boom under way in the local hog mar­
ket. Today’s prices were the highest
reached within nearly two years, going
up 10 to 15 cents a hundred, on top of
a similar advance yesterday. Prices
have advanced 40 cents since last Fri­
day; 70 cents since August 1, and they
are now $1 higher than in the middle
of July. The advance in prices is due
to the increased demand for meat«,
lather than a scarcity of bogs.
Downing, Hopkins A Company's Review
of Trade.
A Elockade Equaling That
at Skaguay.
Rich Strike on Dominion Creek Onuses
a Stampede—Plenty of Room
in Klondike Country.
Tacoma, Aug. 30.—In an interview
today, Joseph Lowe, mayor of Circle
City, Alaska, said:
“There are 2,500 tons of provisions
stored at St. Michaels, awaiting ship­
ment up the river. Half of it will not
get through this year. Last winter
four boats were frozen up for eight
months loaded with supplies for the
camp. There will be more this year.
“The poor fools, or at least 90 per
cent of them, who have gone up to St.
Michaels, hoping to getup the river,
will be disappointed.
They cannot
make it. The fleet of river boats is
too small for the traffic and the result
will be that freight and passengers will
be tied up at St. Michaels or in the
river. While some of the first that
reach St. Michael« can go through easily
on the first trip'or so of the steamers,
the majority cannot.
“Klondike is the greatest gold camp
on earth. I have been a miner for 30
years, and know what I am talking
about. There is room there for 50,-
000 people if they go in right. In the
first place, they should not attempt to
get in before next spring, and then they
should go up with a year or 18 months’
“I will go back in the spring, going
in by the Fort W range!, Stickeen river
and Lake Teslin route.
“It is all nonsense to suppose that
there is any opposition to Americans
that are going in. Those British officers
treat Americans just the same as they
do Englishmen. No duty is collected
except on goods taken in for trade. No
miner has ever been charged duty on
his outfit, and I don’t believe any ever
“Dawson City is a quiet, orderly
camp. Y’ott will see 400 men drunk
there at a time, but not one fight in a
month. Everybody is happy and good-
“There have been a number of new
strikes beyond Klondike. One good
one has been made on Dominion creek,
about 80 or 100 miles from Dawson
don’t know just how rich it was, but
they said it was pretty good and quite
a stampede was beading that way.
“We saw or heard nothing of the
Portland. When we left St. Michaels,
the most dismal jdace I was ever in,
there were only about 20 or 30 people
there waiting for the Portland.”
Dlvld S. Tuthlll Kills Himself In Bed
With a Pistol.
An inquiry into European crop con­
dition« conducted by the Orange Judd
syndicate of agricultural papers, includ­
ing the American Agriculturist, of New
York, the Orange-Judd Farmer, of Chi­
cago, and the New England Homestead,
of Springfield, Mass., indicates that the
food crop situation abroad is very grave.
Estimates of Europe’s (including
England) need of wheat imports range
all the way from 300,000,000 to 409,-
000,090 bushels. Europe’» wheat crop
for 1895, 1894 and 1893 averaged 1,-
500,000,000 bushels. In 1891 the fam­
ine year, it was only 1,200,000. The
impression is gaining ground that Eu­
rope’s wheat this year is even less than
in 1891. But this is not the worst of
it. Europe usually produces as much
rye as she doe« wheat. It is the bread
grain of the masses. The rye crop of
the principal European countries has
averaged above 1,300,000,000 annually
for 1896, 1895, 1894 and 1893. This
season the rye crop of these countries
cannot much exceed 875,000,000 bush­
els. Quite as bad is the potato pros­
pect. Only about 1,850,000,000 bush­
els of potatoes will be harvested in
tltese countries this year. Without re­
gard to the United Kingdom or other
European countries, there is a shortage
of sonm million bushels of potatoes.
The European shortage, compared with
the average, follows:
Wheat, bushels........................................... 300,000,TOO
Kye. bushels ............................................ 3S5.UC0.0tW
Potatoes, bushels.......................................1,000,000,000
Total........................................................ 1,635,000,000
The Hungarian department of vgri-
culture says: “The favored countries
are the United States and Canada.
The latter will soon be one of the most
important of the exporting countries, its
excess over last year’s production being
70,000,009 bushels of wheat, and 20,-
090,000 of corn. Its output of all sorts
of grain was 270,000,000 bushels. The
yield of wheat in Great Britain this
season is 50,000,000 bushels against
63,000,000 last year. The wheat area
of British India is reduced from 23,
000,009 acres to 18,009,000, and the
wheat yield from 234,000,000 bushels
to 202,000,000 bushels.
The United States, which has re­
duced its area sown in oats by 2,000,-
000 acres, that for corn by 1,000,000
acres, while that in other grain re­
mains unchanged, will nevertheless dis­
pose of 534,000,000 bushels of wheat,
against 434,000,000 bushels last year.
Portland Market».
Wheat—Walla Walla, 80@82c; Val­
ley and Bluestem. 84 @ 85c per bushel.
Flour—Beet grades, $4.50; graham,
$3.85; superfine, $2.50 per barrel.
Oats—Choice white, 35@36c; choice
gray, 34c per bushel.
Barley—Feed barley, $18; brew­
ing, $18@ 19 per ton.
Millstuff»—Bran, $14
per ton;
middlings, $21; shorts, $15.50.
Hay—Timothy, $12@ 12.50; clover,
$10@U; California wheat,
$10 (4
11; do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9@
10 per ton.
Eggs—12)ic per dozen.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 45@50o;
fair to good, 35@40c; dairy, 25@30c per
America, 12 <8c; California, 9@ 10c per
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.50@
3.75 per dozen; broilers, $1.50@2.50;
geese, $3(44; ducks, $3@3.50 per dozen;
turkeys, live, 10@llc per pound.
Potatoes.—O.egon Burbanks, 35 @
40c per sack; new potatoes, 50c per
sack; sweets, $1.75 per cental.
Onions—California, new, red. $1.25;
yellow, $1 .50 per cental.
Hops—10@ 1 lj8c per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 4 (4 6c.
Wool—Valley, 140 15c |>er pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10(4 12c; mohair, 20c
per pound.
Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 214@21{c; dressed mutton,
4*fc'c; spring lambs, 5% per pound.
Hogs—Gross, choice heavy, $4.50;
light and feeders, $3@4; dressed, $3(4
4.25 per 100 pounds.
Beef—Gross, top steers, $2.75@3;
cows $2.25; dressed beef, 4@5*8c per
Veal—Large, 8@3*^c; small, 4%
per pound.
Portland, Or.. Aug. 30.—David S.
Tnthill, of this city, is lying dead at
his residence, at Eighteenth and Davis
streets, from a bullet wound in his
temple, inflicted by bis own hand.
When his body was discovered yes­
terday morning it was dressed as if for
sleep.and was reposing in bed as though
his slumbers were for the night; but
in his right hand was firmly grasped a
38-caliber pistol, the muzzle of which
rested on the dead man's cheek, and
the pillow beneath his head was satur­
ated with his blood. No one heard the
report of the revolver or knew of his
self-destruction until an early hour
yesterday morning, when an attempt
was made to call him to breakfast.
His sister and a servant both slept in
the dwelling, the former oh the same
floor and the latter above in the attic.
David 8. Tuthill had been identified
with the business interests of the city
for the past 18 years in various capa­
cities. He had for many years been
the confidential man of the firm of
Allen & Lewis, wholesale grocers, and
hail been connected with various busi­
ness enterprises of bis own. He was a
33d degree Mason, a Knight Templar,
and was popular in society. His vio­
lent death has created a great sensa­
Seattle Markets.
tion, and common rumor that the
Butter—Fancy native creamery,
cause impelling him to take his own
life was defalcations from hie Employ­ brick, 20c; ranch, 10(4 12c.
Cheese— Native Washington, 10(4
ers, is supported by many circum­
stances, although nothing affirmative 11c; California, 9J^c.
Eggs—Fresh ranch, 19(420c.
or contradictory can be obtained from
Poultry—Chickens, live, per pound,
Allen Lewis, manager of the firm.
hens, 10(411c; spring chickens, $2
@3.50; ducks, $2.50(43.75.
Will Sustain Spain.
Wheat—Feet! wheat, $30 per ton.
London, Aug. 30.—The Paris corre­
Oats—Choice, j>er ton, $23.
spondent of the Daily Mail says:
Corn—Whole, $22; cracked, per ton,
United States Minister Woodford, Am­
bassador Porter and Ambassador White $22; feed meal, $22 [>er ton.
Barley—Rolled or ground, per ton,
have failed to arrive at any definite de­
cision at their conference.
General $23; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef,
Woodford'« task is extremely delicate.
He has been instructed to put the screw steers, 6c; cows, 5J^c; mutton Bheep,
upon Spain, but to avoid any step lead­ 6c; j>ork, 7c; veal, small, 6.
Fresh Fish—Halibut, 4J^c; salmon,
ing to an open rupture. Much de­
pends, therefore, ujs>n Spain's attitude, 4@5c; salmon trout, 7@10c; flounders
and upon the amount of support she re­ and sole, 3@4; ling cod, 4@5; rock
ceives in Europe, tin both these isiints cod, 5c; smelt, 2)^@4c.
the reports of Ambassador White and
Ran Francisco Markets.
Abassador Porter were unfavorable to
Wool—Choice foothill, 9@12c; San
the American ease. The Spanish gov­ Joaquin, 6 months’ 8(4 10c; do year’s
ernment is forced by public opinion to staple, 7 (a 9c; mountain, 11 @ 13c; Ore­
continue the policy of Canovas, and the gon, 10@ 13c per pound.
sentiment of laith France and tier-
Hops—5(4 10c jier pound.
many is deeidedly hostile to American
Millstuffs— Middlings,
California bran, $14(414.50 per ton.
Onions—New red, 70(480c; do new
Goes to Cincinnati.
ail verskin, $1 @ 1.10 per cental.
Buffalo, Aug. 30.—Cincinnati’« tri­
Potatoes—New, in Isixea, 40(460c.
umph in securing the national encamp­
Fresh fruit—Apples, 40(465c per
ment for 1898 and Pennsylvania’s vic­ large box; apricots, 20(440c; Fontain-
tory in winning the commander-in- hleau grapes, 20(435c; muscats, 40(<r
chief of the Grand Army of the Repub­ 50c; black, 30(4 50c; tokay, 40(460c;
lic were the features of the encamp­ ;teaches, 25(460c; pears, 40(4 50 per
ment. Both battles were hard fought. box; plums, 20@40c; crabapples, lu<4
Connecticut papers say that the old­
Hay—Wheat,$12(4 15; wheat and oat,
est man in the state is Manuel Oliver $11(414; oat, $10(412; river barley,
Levy, of Stonington, who was born in $7(38; best barley, $9(412; alfalfa,
Portugal 104 year« ago.
$8.60@ 10 clover. $7.50(40.50
Commercial Privilege«
curd*(l in Columbia.
Kansas City, Aug. 30.—A Kansas
City syndicate representing the Pitts­
burg & Gulf railroad interests, lias
secured a concession from the govern­
ment of Colombia giving valuable com­
mercial privileges in the South Amer­
ican republic.
This concession, which was secured
through J. Edward Buckley, United
States vice counsul at Bogota, gives th«
right to navigate the Magdalena river
and to build a railroad across the coun­
try front a point 250 miles from th«
mouth of the river at Bogota, and thenc«
on south through the whole of the
The project also carries with it the
establishment of a line of steamships
from some joint on the Gulf to some of
the (Hu ts of Colombia on the Carib-
ean sea.
It is the aim of the Pittsburg & Gulf
Company to build upa profitable traffh:
between Kansas City and
A Stockton's Man*. E.cape —MUtake ot
a Druggist 8early Fatal.
Sacramento, Aug. 30.—George Ladd,
one of the most prominent wholesale
liquor-dealers in Stockton, left this city
tonight for Portland, Ore., to seek his
health. Before lie left he bad a doc­
tor’s prescription filled at one of the
ieading drug stores,but as fortune would
have it lie received a telegram in time
to keep him from taking the medicine.
Had the telegram failed to reach him he
would have died from the effects of a
deadly dose.
The clerk who filled the prescription
took the wrong bottle and put in ooi-
roaive sublimate instead of the drug that
was written in the prescription.
error was discovered about two hours
after the train had started and a tele­
gram was sent ahead in the almost vain
hope that it would reach him in time.
The telegram said:
“Do not take the medicine; it is
poison and sure death."
A duplicate of the dispatch was sent
to Chief of Police Drew, of this city,
and instructions were given to the offi­
cers, who boarded the train just as Mr.
Ladd was about to take the dose that
would have ended his life, and the tele­
graph triumphed over the bungling of
a druggist’s olerk.
Quart« Mining More Certain.
Washington, Aug. 30.—General W.
W. Duffield, superintendent of the
coast and geodetic survey, in discussing
the gold discoveries in Alaska, gave
this advice to young men:
"If I were a young man,” he said,
"I should get about a 75-ton schooner
at Seattle, take supplies and engage
the services of a first-class prospector.
Then I should cruise along the south­
eastern part of Alaska, in what is'
called Alexander archipelago. There
are a number of islands there and more
gold lodes than at any place with which'
I am acquainted. The mining would
not be ‘placers,’ but the ore can be got­
ten out very cheaply and being directly
on the sea, the transportation amount«
to nothing, except the time spent.”
Gold Dust From Sawdust.
Port Townsend, Aug. 30.—Mr. J.
Metcalf, of Detroit, Mich., who came
down from St. Michaels on the Colman,
states that he saw a man wash $12.50
from one pan of sawdust which he took
from the floor of a barroom in Dawson
City. It is said to lie a common prac­
tice for miners to open gold duBt bags
anil take out a pinch of gold dust in
payment for drinks.
A Costly Hypnotic Tent.
Tallulah Falla, Ga., Aug. 30.—A
suit for $1,550 damages has been filed
in this county which develops a sensa­
tionally unique story. Mrs. Fairbanks
Higgins and tier (laughter, of Atlanta,
have been «pending the Hummer here,
and in the burning of the Grandview
hotel, at which they were stopping,
lost their (loseeasions, »mounting to
$1,550. They sued the proprietor to
Mrs. B. A. Young, proprietress of
the hotel, file« an answer alleging in
substance that at an evening social the
young lady was hypnotized and com­
manded to fire the hotel.
When she
retired to her room it is claimed that
she literally obeyed the injunction and
robbed herself of a right to sue.
The Women Marched.
Pittahug, Aug. 30.—The wives and
daughters of the striking miner« at
DeArmitt’s Oak Hill mine took a
prominent part in today's demonitra­
tion. Early this morning a dosen or
more women gathered at the camp,
and with flags and banners marched
along the road leading toward the tip­
ple. On their way they met a number
of miners going to the pit, anil greeted
them with yells and jeers. They de­
rided the miners who were working
and ridiculed them in a manner which
caused many of them to hang their
heads in shame. The women say they
will make a demonstration every day
Hali.bury'. Clan.
Rome, Aug. 30. — Italy has wired
Morocco, threatening to dispatch a
man-of-war to Tangier, unless the crew
of the Italian brig Fidicura is releaiwd.
Moorish pirates recently attacked and
plundered the Fidicura and detained
the crew.
Faint-Hearted Hold Keeker. Retnra.
Seattle, Aug. 30.—The steamer City
of Topeka arrived from the north thiH
morning, bringing excursionists anil
about 30 men from Skaguay who came
down because they were afraid they
could not get over the passes thia win­
ter. Tiha is the largest number yet to
come back and the men who came aver
that there will be many more in th»
next few weeks. No change in th«
condition of the trail is reported ami
no Yukon miner« direct from the mines
came by thia steamer.