Image provided by: Yamhill County Historical Society; McMinnville, OR
About The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1897)
ML. X ■à • M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDAY, VII CAMP JISNEN ST BAYTON HUBSCKJPTION PRICE tJ 00 PER YEAR. One Dollar if paid In advance, Single num bemdve cents. NO. 35 reap its richest rewards. The prophecy that those who drink would drink any way has not been fulfilled, as we are glad to say that there has not been a drunken man in town, that we know of, or an ar rest for assault or disorder, since the sa loon closed, and such was not always the case. As to the drugstore selling liquor, no one that knows our druggist ever be- ! fieved that, he would sell liquor, save for I medical purposes, as his name is above reproach. Our young nteu, with but very few exceptions, have not gone away on carousing and debauching expeditions, but are growing up into sober and thoughtful citizens. Men who drank anti let their families go in want when we had a saloon, are now sober, and econom ical, aud are respected by all. But at no Absolutely. Pure. other point does the abolishing of the i Celebrated for its great leavening saloon show tetter results than in mak -trength and healtbfulnesi!. Assures tbe food against aluin and all forms ot ado I ing a unanimous feeling among our citi teratlon common to the cheap brands. KOYAL BAKING VOWDKK CO , NKW YOKE zens. Never in the history oi the city did good will and neighborly feeling so pervade Dayton as now. In man.v townB where the people are divided as the sheep CURRENT NOTE ANI» COMMENT. from the goats, and in their antagonism to each other all appear like goats, an The dearth of gold is another popu investigation will reveal the liquor ques cratie expression that has been calied tion to be at the bottom of it. So we In. say that we have gained, gladly gained, The latitude of Klondike is not by not having a saloou. Blackberries are all goue, those that 1 Wheat 78 cents, and is still on the rise. j were not picked having dried on the Miss Bertie Jones is up from Portland i vines. A few raspberries are still to be on a short visit, found. J. B. Stilwell is often seen in town in •‘I don’t believe there ever was so L The camp is very quiet, most of the the garb of a farmer. < > good a pill made as Ayer’s Cathartic a { noise having ceased with the departure < > Tills. They will do all you recoup ► A. Coovert and N. Harris started their <» mend them for and even more, t of a certain few, last week. large new dryer on Thursday. < > AV Leu I have a cold and ache from a Our boom is subsiding. In fact our The good pill has a good Walter Kirkwood spent Sunday with < > head to heels, a dose or two of these b numbers are decreasing. By the end of the city druggist, R. L. Harris. jilll* is all the medicine needed to F coat. The pill coat serves «et me right again. For headache,*; a two purposes; it protects j next week the camp will be almost de Charley and Francis Galloway of Ore _______> the pill, and disguises it to serted. September let is considered the <• gon City were in town on Monday. end of the season at this resort. One o the sensitive palate. Some coats are too heavy ; they Dayton will have to he quarantined if <1 won’t dissolve, and the pills they cover pass through new camp was established this week, 1 • the system, harmless as a bread pellet. Other coats consisting of Carrie and Minnie Schenk. the gold fever get“ much stronger. are too light, and permit the speedy deterioration of Charlie Robinson and John Hash are The Prentiss family left us last week, <» the pill. Alter 30 years exposure, Ayer's Sugar Coated now working on the steamer Modoc. i hut returned in a few days, deciding that Pills have been found as effective as if just fresh from Oliver Galbreath, mate of the suag * it was too hot to remain in the valley, o the laboratory. It’s a good pill, with a good coat. j Right here is a good place to state that boat, was in town on Tuesday evening. Ask your druggist for i II we don’t suffer any from heat up here. J. W. Fishburn ran a harness needle 11 True, it gets quite warm just in the mid into his hand so far that Dr. Courtney » dle of the day, but cool places can al b ’. to assist him withdrawing it. £ « This testimonial will be found m full in Ayer’s “Curebook,'' with a < • Ly hundred others. Free Addres»; J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. ways lie found, and the mornings and « Eugene Wooster and A. II. Robinson evenings are cool and exhilerating. «/4k* MT» •«’i are running the dryer which was built i The mill is running a full crew now, last year by Mr. Londenhousen. there being a lively demand for lumber. B. Gabriel, one oi Dayton’s most able John Bean has taken charge of the ox and progressive merchants, made three ; team once more. We didn’t hear the business trips to Portland last week. oxen say whether they were pleased or Rev. G. Wm. Gibboney and family of otherwise. Mr. Jones says he will have «•V a large log chute built on the side of the Spokane have been visiting with Mrs. further north than inhabited dis- mountain this winter, and next summer Gibboney’s sister, Mrs. Dr. Courtney. SLOO - THE- $1.00* tricts of Norway and Sweden. NORTH lAAHlLl. Miss Cora Spangle, who has been vis the log-riding girls of the camp can ex Japan should get rid of the I idea periment with it. He thinks it would iting with her aunt, Mrs. E. E. McVick Dottie Snyder of McMinnville is visit that chasing a Chinaman and flght- be better sport than riding behind the er, of King's valley, returned home last ing in this city. week. oxen. ing an Anglo-Saxon are the same The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. e There were several visitors on Sunday Rev. Ballentyne preached at Pleasant Mrs. Emma Smith is spending tbe thing. T is tbe most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub- • last. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Henderson Dale on Sunday in the morning and at week in Gaston. The Nebraska corn fields were listed today and can always be relied upon for fair and tunnest r. J came in Saturday night, returning home the United Evangelical church in Dayton ports of ail political aftairs • firing beautifully for Bryan a few Mrs. Smith of Portland is visiting Mrs. the following evening. Mr. and Mrs. in the evening. Th. Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies Ail of the News t acm g days ago, but a copious plutocratic Robert Laughlin. G. S. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. ana the best ot Currant Literature. (=a2£du! D. A. Snyder is drying a few cabbage rain came along and spoiled the sit H. Cook drove over from Meadow lake as samples, and says that onions, and in H. C. Gist and wife are rusticating at It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. S uation with a republican trick.— Sunday, starting home the same evening. fact most every kind of fruit and vegeta the coast this week. Globe Democrat. Miss Anna Adams is spending a few ble can be dried to good advantage, ex Mrs. Cameron of Portland spent Sun /U Literary Columns are equal days in camp. Chas. Griesen came up cept cucumbers and watermelons. day with Mrs. Partlow. to those of the best magaiines. When Nansen reached the highest on bis wheel to spend the Sabbath with I. E. Fenton ’ s new hearse, the wood Lena Kuykendall is visiting latitude ever attained by an explorer friends Its Youth’s Department is the his family, but he had so much fun that work of which he made himself and and relatives in Dallas. he could see nothing to the north finest of its kind.......................... he could not persuade himself to return which he sent to Portland to be ironed, U. L. Frazier of McCoy visited friends except rugged masses of ice shifting to town for several days. We don ’ t Il bring, to the ram 115 th. News ot the Entire World and glvas came up on the boat Tnesday evening here Sunday and Monday. with the tides. It is now over a in. beet .nd ablest discussions or ail questions of tbe d»y. Th. blame him for staying, for he certainly and is indeed a fine looking hearse. Inter Ocean gives twelve pages 01 reading matter each week Phil. Withycombe is building month since Andree s balloon disap an ad- was having an enviable time. One after and being published In Chicago la better adapted to the needs ut tne people west ot tbe Allegheny Mountains than any other paper Those who ligul wheat to the red ware d it ion to hi9 tile factory. peared in the direction of that cteso noon he was seen to emerge from his tent arrayed in a red dress skirt belong house this year miss the genial face of Luke Goodrich visit*. friends in late scene. ing to Mrs. Grissen, and a yellow tiannel Don Barnlioltzer, who helped build the Salem a few days this week. Our battle-ship Maine seems to shirt. He started down the creek, and, house about eighteen years ago and has C. V. Kuykendall and wife went to have found the East River at New strange to relate, the women and girls of worked in it ever.v season since. Ill Dayton this week.after peaches. rhp ¡lallv And ‘vlindav Fdl- $ Price of Dally by mail.....................................................M UOperyearJ York hardly large enough for her. llie Udliy dUU auuuay LUI ?prlee of Sunday by mall »Z OO per year? the camp followed him, very much the health prevents him from holding his HODS 01 The Inter Ocean are j Dally and SUu.Uy by mall........... »6 OU per year J Frank Morris of Castle Rock, Wash., A few days ago she collided with an same as did the children when led by position this year. is a guest at J. S. McCarty’s farm. the beet oi their kind... > { tdiirm theiwekocean . dueagoj excursion steamer, doing much the pied piper long years ago. On he Jean Gabriel is now running the deliv Dr. Coffeen and wife of Carlton spent damage to the latter. In trying to strode, the women following, till he came ery wagon of Nichols & Gabriel over the The Reporter and Inter Ocean one year for $1.33. avoid the collision the Maine backed to a deep, dark pool. Into this he flung countrj’ in place of Noah Phelps, who is Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. Misses Sue and Kate Johnson visited into a pier, and in drawing away himself and the women did likewise, but keeping the books at the red warehouse. just here he lost his magnetic influence, The fine condition of the team Jean friends in Salem a few days this week. from that ran into a float carrying j for the water was cold and the women, drives is not dne to either his or Noah’s Eva Young has returned home from a train of ten railway cars, which uttering screams and war whoops, horsemanship, but to the fostering care an extended visit with relatives in Walla was sunk with its cargo. The Maine j scrambled out. It was difficult to get of Robert Dougless, who was a teamster Walla. was fortunate in losing nothing | them into tbe water again, even when in ante helium days. James Campball has been engaged to more than some of the paint on her I assured by Mr. Grissen that he would c innville regon Frank Smith, Rev. Sager and wife, re teach school in district No. 8, near Mc bow. She is our fastest battle-ship, i teach them to swim. Mr. Grissen turned from the coast last week. Mrs. Minnville. la winning deserved recognition as a leading institution of higher learning. with a length of 318 feet and a mean First-class facilities and expenses as low as the lowest. Opens Septem certainly had a good time. Smith and Mrs. ‘ eth, who accompanied Norris Russell, who has teen spending draught of 21| feet. Her record for ber 15th, 1897. For the new illustrated catalogue, witli full information, the party over, remained to breathe the several weeks in Eugene, returned home I.eller from Dyra Bay, Alaaka. eend to speed is. 17.4 knots. Scarcely a ocean breezes a while longer. By the a few days ago. PRES. H. L. BOARDMAN. Under date of August 8th, Samuel month passes without an accident in sunburnt ami hardy looks of Mr. Sager, A valuable colt belonging to John Laughlin writes to his uncle, Hon. Lee the people of the United Evangelical Harris, was severely hurt on barbed port somewhere to one or more of Laughlin, an interesting letter, which we our great armored ships. Several church will get his usual good sermons, wire last Sunday. OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL are kindly permitted to copy have had a number of mishaps more invigorated by a good degree of ocean “We arrived at Dyea yesterday. There Everett Samuel Bullock is again em or less serious in the quiet waters Monmouth, Oregon. are 3,000 people here. Everything is ozone. ployed on the express train between I unreasonably high Wo were offered of a harbor. The Maine cost >2,500, Almost three years have elapse*! since Portland and Corvallis. A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. I $500 lor our mnles this morning. It is 000, and the fact that she has been Dayton had a saloon, and it is now possi Mrs. Will Clark and sou of Portland Kegul.. normal course oi three years. Senior | estimated that about ten per cent of ble to look back and compare conditions what are here is all that will reach Klon year wholly profesmonal Training department are visiting the family of T. Goodrich through a double collision, at bath dike this year. Hundreds of stranded now with then, and to ascertain whether bow and stern, adds to the impres of nine grades with 200 children who resides near this city. Instruction and training In Gymn.sties (Swedish people are here and will he compelled to we have lost or gained bp a temperance sion that these sea monsters, as yet turn back or winter here. We are goiug Hon. Lee Laughlin returned home system) and vocal music for public schools policy. Of course we do not know what The No,mal diploma is recognized by law as • to try to go through, hut it is very doubt Monday from Tillamook, where he has untried in warfare, are largely an ful if we make it The Indians are would have happened if intemperance The English state life cetrific.te to teach. been spending a few day^ ith his wife unknown quantity, Light expenses. Tuition, books, board and lodg charging 30 cents per pound to-day, and had continued, but we do know the con At the reoent record is no better. and nephew. are raising every day. Snow is flying ing (approximately! »135 per year Students board dition of affairs when we had a saloon, some now on Chilcoot. If we had in ing themselves, »110 per year Mr. Abraham, late from Germany, jubilee naval display two of the and we know the condition now. We vested $1,000 in mules and feed when we Academic grades accepted from high schools. came to this city Tuesday, and will visit largest battle ships were unable to also know the evils that were claimed ! left home we wouldn't have needed to go Catalogues cheerfully tent on application. I to Klondike. A man with a team and would result from closing the doors of the with his brother, Mr. Abraham, who take part in the sham battle off the Addrese, wagon made $175 yesterday hauling saloon, and we can see if they have lives in Moore’s Valley. north coast of Ireland. It has just w. a . wann , p l . camphell , Our mules are in Sec. Faculty. Prasld e n i freight four miles been announced that England if come true. It was claimed by those who John A. Simmons and wife and Prof. ! good condition, and we are to make an attempt to go in. If anyone from Yam favored the saloon, first, that those who McCann and family started Monday for building four cruisers larger than hill thinks of starting for Klondike this drink would drink anyway; that the the coast, where thoy will rsmaiu several any that have yet been launched. year, tell them that they can never make drugstore would sell liquor, and we might days hunting and fishing. SECRET ORDERS. Their at mor may be thicker and ar LOCAL DIRECTORY K nowlcs ( HarTEB No, 12, O. E. H —Meets st it. It would be utterly impossible, start just as well have the license, as liquor ball the 2d aud 4th Munday evening ing from there after this date. The little »on of Rev. White haa mament heavier, but there is no We do In each month Vlsitlne members cordlailv In not entertain much hope of reaching would be sold anyway; they said that several hard spasms and was very sick assurance that they will be more for vited MA RTA APPEKSON. W. M. there this year. It is simply horrible. the young man, instead of being able to for a few days, but it is now under the R L. CONNER. Sec. CHURCHES midable as sea going ships. A O U- W — Charity Lodge No. 7 meets first and I A person not herecan’t imagine how wild have a little sport at home, would go to doctor's care and is recovering. Fridays of each month. 7:30 p. ui. Lodge ' people are. You can’t hardly walk on B aftint — Services Sunday 11 a. m. and third room in Union block. some other town, and there, away from 7:3Qp. ni ; Sunday school 9:50 a in.; the the trail it is crowded eo The Indians Judge Caples of Portland passed E. F. SUTHERLAND M W young people s socletv 6 15 p ni Prayer J. D BAKER, Becorder are charging 30 cents per pound for pack the restraining influence of friends, 10 meeting Thursday 7 30 p. m Covenant Yatublll Lodge Ko. 10 D. of H meet, In Union ing, are engaged for two months ahead would be far worse than if the saloon through this city the first of the week on meeting first Thur,day evening before the ; hall second and fourth Friday evenings ot each and are growing very lazy. An Indian his way to Netarts, where he spent a few was at home. In the second place, they days with his daughter, Mrs. Matthien. *. first Sunday of each month ! month Ì , will pack 200 pounds, while we can only R W. K ino . Pastor. CrsTEB P ost N o . »—Meet, tbe second and fourth pack 50 or 75 We have ottr own pack claimed that the saloon brought busi Satuiiay of each month in Union hall at 10 30 The German Methodist church, » i M ithouist EpiJcagAt—Services every m on second Saturday and at 10 30 a m. on animals and will not depend on the sulky ' ness, and if Dayton was to compete with Thcjsooner you bbgin to Sabbath 11 00 a. m and 7 30p m. Sunday a. sth Saturday All members of the order are red man. Such horses as we could buy the other towns in the county, ws must few miles west of this city, was dedicat school 9 -30 a m. Prayer meeting 7 00 p cordia ly invited to attend our meetings at home for |20, sell here readily for ed Sunday by a German minister from use Schilling's Best tea, the E. F. M anning . Commander. m. Thursday. D. T SiXMnviixa, Pastor. have a saloon. Thirdly, they contended »250. TheO. R. AN. Co. charge »11.25 B F. ClUBiNl, Adjt. Milwaukee. Quite a number from C cmb . F bisb ytbbian - Services every Sab ELViBA ASSEMBLY No 1», UNITID ABTISANS— for freight per ton, and bill a horse at that the »400 the saloon paid as license bigger your chances at that bath 11 00 a tn and 7:30 p. m. Sunday Meet r.rsi and third Monday nights of each month 5,000 pounds, so you see that the first was necessary to carry on the expenses Portland were present, and the dedica school 9 30 a . m. Y. P. C. E . Sunday 6 30 at' 35 p m. in Union block. Siooo ottered for the miss cost of an article when you try to take of the town As far as carrying on the I tion was an enjoyable occasion. p tn. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 30 p. m. W fl HENDERSON, M A it to the Yukon is a very small matter. expenses of the town is concerned, the Snyder and Estes, who live five miles J. W. BONES. Sec. 42 E F T hompson . Pastor. ing word—besides the ex Hundreds are here with just about mon ey enough to pay the duty the British three-mill tax is hvdly felt by the tax j north of this city, are building a large Services m lt.e «.hrutian church Preach It is always gratifying to receive teeti government is imposing npon miners, payers, and the town has been improved, fruitdryec near Mt. Novelty. They will tra prizes for the most tick ing every Lords day at 11 a m ajid 7 30 u m Young people’s meeting at G 30 p. ynoni lie for Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera . and can never reach there this year If and not considering tbe hard times, a I be prepared to dry 250 bushel** a day. ets sent in. m. Sunday School at 9 45 a ni. Prayer and Diarrhoea Remedy and when the a person should start lor Klondike this now in as good condition ¡a regard to ¡They are going to dry various kinds of ^meeting Thursday, 7 30 p m late jn the season, it will cost him about Schilling's Best tea is at endorsement is from a physician it is »1,200 to reach there with a year’s provi improvements as ever before We do vegetables and fruits for shipment into F. A PowrtL Pastor. especially so ‘'There is no more satis sions, if he could at all. Those that in pot believe in the theory that you have j the mining region of Alaska your grocer’s. S t . J ambs Ertgcorat CwracH—Lay-Ser- — factory or effective remedy than Cham tend comingjiext spring should »»art by | to curse a part o{ the people to make tbe vicea every Sunday at 11 o clock a. m. February 16th . and will reach there as Rules of contest published in iargs berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea other part respaetable. Their claim that Do van know, that Elsia Wright carries soon a" three-fourths that are here now. Sr. J ambs C atholic — First st., between advertisement about the first and middls G and H. Sunday school 2 30 p. m. \es- Remedy,'’ writes Dr. R. E. Robey, phy 4 we|hbro£en team of dogs is what |h«X the saloon brought business bus not a full line of lubricating oil" for machin sician and pharmacist, of Olney, Mo.; ' want fo bring with th|m^iR they are of proved true, as Dayton has not last in ery’ Owners of valuable harvesting and of each mouth pers 7 30. Serri-es once a mor tb. T B biopy . Pastor and as lie has need the Remedy in his no use now, The wflHHMp act now, quantity and has improved in quality of other machinery cannot afford to exper W C T. U — Meets on ererv Fri own family and sold it in bis drag store and tlie desperate chances they are tak- business, and now that tbe country in iment with p<M>r oils. He carries the beet day at 3 p. m. in reading room. Union lor six years, be should certainly know. , iog undoubtedly many will perish this entering an era of prosperity, the town on the market and they are warranted ■ winter in their attempt to reach the biock A nna B HsNDBteox. Pres. | Klondike," is in a good, sober, healthy condition to not to gum. For sale by 8. Howorth A Co. tf S pa Mtua. dec'y Pili Clothes. :: ^tKlH® POWDER Ayer’s Cathartic Pills I \ : W eekly 1N tei < O cean : I : s i IHc^Hmnüille £ollege«^ M M , O »