g 1 s I V YV'll Uli. L a A» TS' M’MINNVILLE, ORE., FRIDA y JIUGUST Entered at th» Postoffice In McMinnville, as Second-class matter. 13. 1897. RUBSCRirril'N PRICE S?‘t>a PER YEAR. One Dollar if paid In advance, Mingle nnmberafive centi. NO. 34. „4— MIRTH YATIHIII. I An}’ sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True. So any afe tea is tea. So any Hour is Hour. But grades differ, (fij You want the best. It’s so with sarsaparilla. There are grades. You want the best. If you understood sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and Hour it would be easy to determine. But you don’t. How tfer should you ? zvj When you are going to buy a commodity jSj whose value you don’t know, you pick out an old AYj established house to trade with, and trust their experience and reputation. Do so when buying Aj sarsaparilla. «3 Ayer’s Sarsaparilla has been on the market fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer’s. It is a reputable medicine. There are many sarsaparillas. (w But only one Ayer’s. IT CURES. Jarett Todd and wife of Dayton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kuykendall in this place last Sunday. Dr. E. 0. 8. Barton, our local physician, visited in Portland a few days this week. Rev. Jas. Campbell and wife, and Proi. McCann and wife spent a part of the week at Meadow Lake. Mrs. Mamie Maddox of Fairdale is visiting her mother in this city. Miss Hazel Keethof Portland came up from Portland this week to spend the summer with Mrs. Lum Wilson. Mrs. Judge Bullock of Portland visited at the homo of Mrs. Stott the first of the week. Miss Bessie Campbell is spending a few days in Forest Grove. Hon. Lee Laughlin took Mrs. Laugh­ lin to Tillamook this week where she will remain for several weeks. Mr. Laughlin will enjoy the happy capacity of batching while she is away. Miss Mabel Cameron of Portland is the guest of Mrs. Stott. Alex Fryer’s family, accompanied by Frank Eitelgeorge, left Monday morning for the coast, where they will remain for a few weeks. Mrs. Leaser of Vancouver, who once made her home at Mr. Lee Laughlin's, returned home the first of the week from an extended visit to her old home. Ed SalGskv, who has been working in Portland for the past year, is home on a vacation. William Bender of Wisconsin, an old schoolmate of Mrs. Theo. Johnson, spent a few days of this week in visiting at her I home in this city. Mrs. Woolrich is lying at the point of death at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Phil. Meaner, in this city. The private school in this city closed last Friday, after a very successful term of six weeks. Mrs. E. Rogers of Whatcom, Wash., who has been visiting friends and rela­ tives in this place for several days, de­ I parted Wednesday morning (or heT home. Willie Reed is learning the black­ smith's trade’, and is busily employed at I Theo. Johnson’s blacksmith shop. Mrs. Bedwell has been on the sick list for several days, but is again able to be in the store. M. Reinstein of Portland, formerly a merchant of this city, was in town the first of the week buying hops. Fred Rogers, a commercial man of Portland, came over from Tillamook and visited friends in this city a few days be­ fore returning to Portland. I Miss Nellie Latourette of McMinnville passed through this city this week on her way to Bay City, where she has gone to spend a month’s vacation. Monday afternoon by six of McMinn­ ville's good looking! *> young ladies who took a tramp up the skid road to where the timber ia being felled. They then mounted the log to which the oxen had been hitched and rode down the steep descent to the mill in high glee. It fairly made the oxen laugh to see those girls scramble to keep their equilib­ rium and their screams were so shrill no goading was needed to keep the beasts pulling. A case of measles developed in the Pren­ tiss camp last week, but the patient has about recovered. Some fear an epidemic next week but the idea prevails that no alarm need be felt. We are sorry’ to lose some of our gen­ ial friends this week. If. G. Guild and family and Mrs. Redmond's family re­ turn to the valley the latter part of the week. However the crowd changes weekly, some leaving but their places are immediately taken by others. DAYTON wheat hauling has commenced iu ettrkest. <4 Mias Wallace.of Portland ie visiting with Miss Glen. Martin Miller and wife spent Sunday with August Detmering. t b Miss Corrie Stolt of Portland is visit- ing with Miss Pauline Roesner. f Hal Farris and wife of Portland were ; The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. in Dayton on Tuesday vidlting old time friends. T is the most stalwart anti answer t ing /¿¿publican Weekly pub­ Frank Odell, who fell from a load of lished today and can always be relied upon tor fair and honest re­ ports of all political affairs hay some weeks ago and wawhurt, is im­ proving slowly. The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies AH of the News and the Best of Current Literature. Ask your populist brother hh he sells It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. his wheat, hops, wool or pork, if he can’t see signs of prosperity. If. he can’t his i Its Literary Columns are equal eyes need fixing. to those of the best magazines. ,t. The biggest man in town ie M. S. F Its Youth’s Department is the Adams. He killed a bear, and according ■i finest of its kind. ...................... to reports bruin was neither blind, crip­ ■I pled, a pet, nor dying from old age. It brings to the family tbo News of the Entire World and gives the best and ablest discussiou3 of ail questions of the day. The G. E. Detmering of Eugene is down Inter Ocean gives twelve pares ci reading matter each week on a short visit. and being published in Chicago is better adapted to I he needs of the people west of the Alleghany Mountains than any other paper. Miss Lou Livingston is visiting with $1.00 PJU£E_ONEjjOjjLA«PEJ8JLEAP $1.00 her sister and brother in Sheridan. Miss Eva, the oldest daughter of Elmer Moran of Portland, ie visiting with her 1 . Dailv 5 Pr!ce of g Dal1 ,na11................... M 00 Per par rear grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. patty and UUU Siindav ouuuay Fill- LUI ?prt c, of undjy by JZ.UU year J JJ % Powell. IS of The Inter Ocean are. S Dally and Su.day by mall.................,6.00 par year J best Ot their kind ... . ( AdBrevs 'i ilE 1ATF.H OCEAN, Chicago. £ I R. S. Goodrich is building a new hop a* dryer. The Reporter and Inter Ocean one year for $1.3B. Mrs. L. Bradley who has been visit­ ing with Fred Mallet of Portland has returned home. Prof. A. N. Ix>we, who wus principal of the Dayton school for a number of years, and has since been teaching at Lents, is in town and expects to stay here until October, when he will go to Honolulu c innville OREGON where he will keep the books of a large fs winning deserved recognition as a leading institution of higher learning. First-class facilities and expenses as low ns the lowest. Opens Septem­ grocery firm. Prof. Lowe was a success­ ber 15th, 1897. For the new illustrated catalogue, with full information, ful teacher and we can but predict the Apnul to highest success for him. PRES. H. L. BOARDMAN. Dayton has already felt the influence pf the ruah toClondyke, as D. A. Snyder The census of the camp on Sunday has secured an order far a large quantity last showed a population of 85, at which OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL time it probably reached its zenith. The of dried [»tatoes and is hqsy preparing Monmouth, Oregon. Sunday arrivals were numerous, among them for shipment. Mr. Ed Hall has l>een working early whom were Misses Mayme Payne, Jessie ’ A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. .Manning, Blanch Bailey, Nellie Gardner, and late making bushel cans in which Regular normal course of three years. Senior Lena McCann, Nettie Dickenson and dried murphies are to lie packed. year wholly professional Training department On Tuesday evening, while James Messrs. W. D. Carlin, Ward Sitton, of nine grades with 200 children. Instruction and training in Gymnastics (Swedish Earnest Henderson, W. G. Henderson, Hibliert was crossing the bridge that system) and vocal music for public schools Lynn Fergnson, B.F. Rhodes, John Bean> spans the gu)ch between Dayton and the The formai diploma is recognized by law as a Deli Warren, Frank and Ralph Wort­ old Hash place, the bridge gave away state life cetrificate to teach. and binder, team and driver fell about Light expenses. Tuition, books, board and lodg­ man and Carl Grissen. ing (approximately) ,1.35 per year Students board­ There were several new camps estab­ ten feet, breaking up the binder badly ing themselves, ,110 per year. lished during the week, D. W. Carlin's but not seriously injuring the team or Academic grades accepted from high schools. family are in the Bateman cottage, Mrs. James. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address, Prof. Baker, wife and daughter Mabel, Smith and Miss Derr are in the Baker P L CAMPBELL, W A. WANN, cabin, Misses Daisy Young and Leia of Lebanon, accompanied by Mrs. Baker’s Preside n Sec. Faculty. Baker occupied the Bridgeford cottage a mother, Mrs. McTeer of Chase, were in day or two but disgusted at the non-ap­ Dayton last week. The professor was pearance of certain members of the a leader in educational work in Yamhill SECRET ORDERS. sterner sex, took their departure on for about twenty years, being superin­ LOCAL DIRECTORY K nowles C hapter N o . 12, O. E- 9.— Meets at tendent of the county schools for at least Masome hall the 2d amt 4th Monday evening Tuesday. Z2T- In ea. h month Vi’ltimr members cordially in half of that time. The high standard of A practical joke was played on vited MYRTA APPF.RSON. W. M. R. I.. CONNER, 8«. our schools testify to his ability aud in- I CHURCHES camp Friday night. A stuffed panther A. o. U. W.—Charity I.odge No. 7 meets first and B aptist —Services Sunday 11 a. ra. and third Fridays of each month. 7:30 p. m. Lodge was brought in and plaited on a log, and ; dustry, and the people of Leabon are 7:30p. nt ; Sunday school 9:50 a m.; the room in Union block. was discovered by one of the mill hands fortunate iu getting as their principal one E. F. SUTHERLAND M. W. young people’s sooiety 6:15 p m Prayer J. D BAKER. Becorder. 10 who shot at it three times, but for some ; of the leading educators of the state. meeting Thursday 7 :30 p. m. Covenant Yamhill Lodge No. 10 D. of H meets In Union meeting first Thursday evening before the ball second and fourth Friday evenings of each unaccountable reason missed it every Mies Mabel is teaching in the schools of first 8unday of each month. months time. It was taken across the creek to Portland. R. W. K ing , Pastor, C uster P ost N o . »—Meets the second and fourth frighten the crowd gathered around the Saturday of each month in Union hall at 10:30 M ithodist E piscopal —Services every It is always gratifying to receive testi­ m. on second Saturday and at 10:30 a. m. on Sabbath 11 00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday a. tth Saturday. All members of the order are camp fire, but before tlie joke could be monials for Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera school 9 30 a m. Prayer meeting 7 00 p cordially Invited to attend our meetings. perpetrated the crowd dispersed. How­ and Diarrhoea Remedy, and when the ■u. Thursday. D T S immebville , Pastor. E. F. M annino . Commander. ever a solitary individual was induced endorsement is from a physician .it is B F. CIXBINR, Adjt. C ump . PRiesTTaaiAN-Fervices every Sab­ E lvira A ssembly N o 18, U nited A rtisans — by Bkillful management, to walk onto the especially so. “There ia no more satis­ bath 11 00 a m and 7:30 p. m. Sunday Meet lirst and third Monday nights of each month be^rst. His fright was certainly genuine factory or effective remedy than Cham­ Bchool 9 30 a. in. Y. P. C. Sunday 6 30 at 7 30p. m. in Union block. p m. praver meeting Tliurtd«v. 7:30 p. m. W G. HENDERSON, M. A and tie quickly spread the alarm to ad­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea 1 W. BONES. Sec. 62 E F. T hompson , Pastor. joining camps. Bedlam reigned for a Remedy,” writes Dr. R. £. Robey, phy­ Services in the Christian church Preaclt- short time. One young lady created sician and pharmacist, of Olney, Mo. ; OABTOR ingeverv Lord's day at It a in. and . :30 n«fs5- much amusement by demonstrating her >ynd as he ha» used the Remedy in his p tn Young people’s meeting at 6:30 p. li n MadlB L. «’«T ability to reach the highest part of a own family an I I 1 2Tic21iinnville College^ M M , A MKW 1OHK I.ETTEH. Now York, August tilli, 1897. Editor Reporter: In compliance witR your request I will try anti write a few­ lines, hoping they may be of interest bi «orno of my many friends in McMinn­ ville and vicinity. . It has been nearly two monftis since we arrived here, and during this time we have learned con siderable of the city and city life, Our love for Oregon has not diminished with our experience here, and we will be glad when the time comes for us tn return. We suffered considerably from warm weather during the past few weeks of our residence here. It was so warm that a great many deaths occurred every day from the excessive heat, on ac­ count of the narrow streets ami high buildings which reflect the heat. It is about 10 degrees warmer in the city than the weather bureau reports, as they take the temperature in a tower 300 f >et high, where they get the benefit of any breeze there may be, and the raflection of the sun on the high stone and brick buildings does not affect them. This is the reason why there is so much suffer ing here when the temperature as rei ported throughout the country does not appear to Ite so very warm. It started to rain on July 12th and has been at it nearly ever since. They call Oregon the Webfoot state, but it has rained more here in the past three weeks than in Oregon in the past six months. Some of the time it does not rain, but just pours, ami more water will fall in one hour than at home in a day. More­ over a storm comes.iip very suddenly and if one is caught out he will soon be wet through. While a number of people were in the park a few days ago a thunderstorm came up very sudden. There is a large arch in the park, the floor of which is lower than the surround­ ingground. Into this the people went for protection. The storm was so severe that they dared uot venture out, and the arch soon filled with water until it was waist deep. Some of the people came near drowning before being rescued by the park police. The ono thing which has been im­ pressed on my mind more than any- thing else, is the advantages whiclt tlie working people in the west have over those here. The necessaries of life are double what they are out there, meat being worth 15 to 25 cents |>er pound, apples, |>ears and peaches are worth 2 to 3 cents apiece, and other fruits in pro- portion. The fruit is not good, as it is picked green to ship and lacks that sweet juicy flavor that it has when ripen­ ing on the trees l^orything else is high except clothing and dry goods, and they are no cheaper, as a rule, than in the west. Reasonably good board and lodging costs $7 to $8 per week, and one can live better in Oregon for one half that amount. Rents are high and the laboring people live in tenement houses, whole families living in two or three small rooms in buildings from (0 to 20 stories high. More people live in a single block than there are in McMinn­ ville. With the thermometer at ■ ÌW0 degrees and people crowded so thickly irf these houses, where thè air is foul and with so little to live on, one can im­ agine what they have to endure. A man can keep a family as well on *1 per day in Oregon as here on $2 and have more l OY> o ^JIGPO^ M aking powder Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures th« food against aluui and all forms of adul­ teration common to the cheap bramts ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. freedom and pleasure at that. 1 think if Horace Greeley lived now he would say to the working man, ‘‘Go weat.” There are a great many places of interest where one can go. Among some that we have taken in, is a ride up the Hudson river to West Point, where Uncle Sam trains his soldiers; to Grant’s monument, also on the Hudson; the Statue of Liberty, front the top oi which (itbeing .300 feet high) one can get a bird's eve view of New ¥ Jersey City with their suburbs, also of New York harbor with its thousands of boats of all kinds; to Coney Island, Man­ hattan l>each, the parks, and many other places. We expect Co go to Boston in a few weeks and visit places of interest in the Bay state My wife and boy have been learning to ride a bicycle lately, and they now know why I need to bring arnica and witch-hazel home with mo- after playing football and other such games. My address is No. 43 I.eonard street, so if Yamhillers should get. back here I would be pleased to see them or to re­ ceive a letter from any of our friends who may find time to write. Respectfully yours, T hoh . B. K ay . NKWBKKU. 1------------- The fall grain in tlmse jiarts is all threshed and ia being hauled to the « warehouse. Mrs. Henry lihimb of Portland re- turned home on Thursday after a pleas­ ant visit. with her cousin Mrs. W. H. Wheeler. Mrs. C. F. Belcher and daughter ^ler- tha, visited with her brother W. W. Nelson, from Friday until Monday. Mri^F. Bingham of Portland visited at. the Laurance'e last week. Rev. R. A. Atkins will preach at the M. E. church on Sunday next, the lnat service before the conference. Mr. and Airs, J. C. Porter returned from a month’s visit at Woods, on Sat­ urday last. Mrs. J. Winters of Middleton is visit-, ing with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Davis of the valle/. Mrs. Almira Ottminings of New York is spending the summer with her daugh ter Mrs. J. C. Nelson. • I Who will get it ? Schilling s Best tea is not only pure but it is....... ?....... because it is fresh-roasted. What is the missing word? Get St hilling's Best tea at your grocer’s; take out the Yellow Ticket (there is one tn every package); send it with your guess to address below before August 31st. One word allowed lor every yellow ticket. If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. H several find it, the money will be divided equally among them. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest, Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. , Besides this thuusdiul dollars, we will pay $150each to th« two person» who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15 and the end of the contest—August 31st. Cut thii out. for two weeks. You won’t see it again B2 Address: SCHILLING'S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO»