1> A A TON “A little more than a year ago, my huir began turning gray, and falling out, and although I tried ever so many thiugs to prevent a continuance of these conditions, 1 obtained no satisfaction until I tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor. Alter using one bottle, my hair was restored to # i How OM are You? , It makes no difference * whether you answer or J not. It is always true that ,J “a woman is as old as she looks." Nothing sets the seal of age upon a woman's beauty so deeply, as gray hair. The hair loses its color generally from lack of nutrition. If you nourish the hair, the original color will come back. That is the way that the normal color of the hair is restored by # This testimonial will be found iu full in Ayer’s “Curebook” with a bundled others, bree. Address J. C. Ayer Co., I.uwell, Ma-*. < i i i < i i i i i < < i < • • • » • • » • • » » • • • 11 I •••»«••••«••••••••••*»•••••••••••••••••••••••••• I $1.00 THE- $|.C | W eekly I nter O cean s 9 t Th«, Greatest Republican Paper of the West, 0 i I I 1 is the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub- • iisheii today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest re 2 ports of all political affairs • The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News J f5,~[il2 i l>E3 ( and the Best of Current Literature. 2 : 1 It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer- Its Literary Columns are equal to those of the best magazines. ; Its Youth'department Is the ' finest of its kind. ........ I i I f : »« --- it brings ip the family the News of the Entire World and gives the best and ablest discussions of ali questions of the day. The inter Ocean gives twelve pusres of reading matter each week and being published iu Cpicago is better adapted to (he needs of the people west ot the Alieshapy Mountains than any other paper. $1.00 m?EONEJpOIJLAft.JPfJtJf^AP « I I $1.00 » • " and * “ Sunday * “ **r & Price of Daily by mail.................... $4.00 per year • ”” Tbe * Daily - - td|- - - (Price of Sunday by mail................. $2.00 per year Ot The Inter • lions oi inter Ocean are J Daily and Sunday by mail.............. $0.00 per year I tb best oltheir kind.... . { AddreauTIIE INTER OCEAA, CLicutfp. ?••«»•■»•»«■•»•»•«•«•••«••»••«•••«<•••••••*«••«»«»• Harvesting is almost finished in this eommnnity and now- the busy lium of the thresher can be heard. Messrs. Bateman and Thomson are having their thresher repaired prepara- t >rv to threshing out the golden grain. There is music in the air. Tbe "wind­ ing of the mellow horn" may 1« heard in our city at almost any hour of the day. Tbe Carlton band boys gave a free concert last Saturday night at Howe's hall. Of course it was well attended, as the hoys make excellent music. The wheels of Mr, Howe’s warehouse are humming once more. A slipit time ago be replaced bis two old cleaners with a new one, which lias a capacity of about 9000 bushels daily. Two of McMinnville’s esteemed young ladies, Alias Lou Lynch and Miss Etta Cook, were in town last Sunday visiting friends. We are always glad to greet friends from neighlxtring communities. We hoy«» to see others in itie near future. J. F. Byers of Fairdale was a pleasant business caller Wednesday. He reports his sawmill busy, working a full forep of men and ready sale fo'r all the lumber he can make. "Business is double what it was «.year ago,’’ he says, and naturally .Mr. Byers is among the number who believe that prosperous conditions have come about once more. Last Alonday B. F. Blood removed his machine and repair shop to Forest Grove, w here |ie wi|l conduct his business in the future. The locatfon js not a new- one, as he ran a shop there several years ago. He retains many old friends both in city and county. Carlton loses a thorough and efficient workman, one of the best fitted shops in the county, and one of the most enterprising citizens, Mr. Blood will move his family to the Grove in two of three peeks. NORTH VA VI Hill. Miss Kntcfi of Carlton ¡s visiting Miss Josa Hoffstattgr. The wheat market opened at "Octs. The catup is booming these days, lfs The brother of M. G. Tutibrd is up on citizens are.from all parts of Yamhill, a short visit. though pl course McMinnville furnishes Mrs. Mohlenheart of Portland is visit­ the greatest number. Uncle Andy ing with Mrs. E. Sease. Baker is the oldest member of tbe camp The first wheat to be hauled in was on and is making bis home with Henry Eccleston and family. J. B. Gardner's Tuesday by George Foster. Mr. Bird Crabtree and wife of New­ i family occupy their residence and when berg came to Dayton on bicycles last week. Mr. Gardner is present the big camp­ Some of the I'londvke's cohl ns well fire at night is always a success. Mrs. as gold would be appreciated these hot Wayne Carlin, Mrs. E. F. Manning and Mrs. Frank Rhodes are the widows in days. camp. Rev. Thompson puts in about J. B. Riley one-third of the time with his family in that his brother, .1. W. Riley of New camp, the balance of the time on the York, is dead. road between there and McMinnville. Mr. Fred Bertram basso far recovered Rev. Bishop of Portland has been the from his recent illnese as to he up and guest of the Thompsons and pronounced around in the house. camp Jones a good place to he. Several Mrs. G. W. Knapp and daughter, Vin- metnliers of the O. J. Leabo family, the nie, of Eugene are visiting with their John Redmond, Geo. Jones, G. A. many friends in Dayton. Prentiss, H. G. Guild and Andrew- Miss Triphena Wilson, w ho is staying Martin families are comfortably domi­ with Mrs. S.W. Sigler of Portland and ciled there. Chas. < irissen and family has been up visiting home and friends, were among the latest arrivals. Mr. Grisseu was resplendent with cowboy returned home Tuesday. hat and bran new overalls. Toni Mrs. E. Spaulding of Dayton and Mrs. Warren and Francis Dielschneider took Chas. Spaulding of Newlierg, who have care of eaeh other in u small tent for a ' been visiting with relatives in San Fran­ week but finally starved out. Last Sun- | cisco, start home on the (ith inst. | day’s visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Sam j Threshing-machine men should not Manning, Mr. E. F. Manning, Arthur take their engines and separators onto a McPliillips, Robert Henderson, Buck bridge at the same time, as the average 1 Adams and Geo. Snyder. Miss Lillie bridge of the county is not constructed Ball and Miss May Barnhart are spend­ I for such heavy weight. ing a few days in the eamp of Mr. and ■ Jhe steamer Elmore made a couple of Mrs. Geo. A. Barnhart. Many other trips to payfon this week while Capt. people are sojourning there lite names of Short, who is one of the most ahle and ( whom the writer is not acquainted with. popular captains on the river, took the Perhaps there are others who are know n. Steamer Modoc tip ahove Salem to raise ' but w lio were not called to mind. The the Gypsy which was sunk a few days : camp had been unusually quiet up to ago. last Monday night, when the spirit ot C. D. I.atourette, a prominent attorney ‘ mischief took possession of the place. and banker of Oregon City, with family | Tho result was that everyone w ho had and a number of friends, stopped at the I retired for the night was required to get Dayton hotel on tlmir way to Ocean Park I up, submit to having his face blacked on Monday evening. Some of the young with charcoal, and join the procession. ladies of the party made a call on Miss At 11 p. tn. there was not a white face to be Heen in that locality, but there were Faye Swick. Wesley Carey, a resident of Dayton in plenty of luigbty tine looking colored former days, who has been living in the I folks. The same night three of Rev. Alsea country for a number of years, Thompson’s spring chickens disappeared moved bacg last week and thinks Yum from the box in which he was fattening hill is good enough for him. The citizens them. Some of the darkies douo gone of Dayton are glad to welcome this re­ an’ stole ’em. M th . Austin is on the s|ck list, Neu- ralgia is the cause. Eva Keys has gone to Tillamook to spend several weeks. Mamie Clark of Forest Grove visited spected family back again. in this city the first of the week. The whistle of the white warehouse an­ Airs. Simpson of McMinnville, visited nounced the fact that wheat hauling jn tltis city a few days this week. had commenced on the morning of the Is winning deserved recognition us a leading institution of higher learning, Afr, and Mrs, Howard of Portland 2d. The hum of the red warehouse, First-class facilities and expenses as low as the lowest Opens Septem­ which has been recently painted and were in this city the first of the week. ber 15th, 1897. For the new illustrated catalogue, with full information, shingled, will ha heard in a few days. Airs. Scow of Afancliester, England, send to E, W. Exon has charge of the former PRES. H. L. BOARDMAN. visited the Burton family over Sunday, and B. Gabriel the latter. Carl Trullinger visited his grand-pa- Not until the last four or five years rentsin Hillsboro a few days this week. has this section of the country shown any OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Mrs^ T. M. Laughlin has returned special adaptability for grow ing the finest home from Tacoma after a sojourn of six kind of peaches. Why the fact was HQti .Monmouth, Oregon. weeks. discovered before is a problem which A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHFR9 Dean of some answer by saying that the climate F. E. Billington and Miss 1 Regular normal course of three years Senior Lafayette spent Sunday with R. Baird and soil of Oregon is changing. Others year wholly professional Training department and family. (claim, and we think rightly, that not of nine grades with 2(H) children. Hagerty, and Mr. until recently did we discover the right R. L. McCann, Instruction and training tn Gymnastics irjwedUA John A. Simmons, spent most of the variety and locations most suitable for ystem) and vocal music for public schools | peaches. This variety, which is a gpo^ The Normal diploma la recognized by law as n week fishing. state life cetriticate to teach. bearer and is a large red, de'jc(o.u» free­ was E. S. Bullock It is reported that Light expenses. Tuition, books, board and lodg- ng (approximately i $13-'» per year. Students board* hurt in the railroad collision, w hich oc- stone; is the Early C^t^rlo^te and does not get r'pc until the last of August,. By ing themselves, $110 per year. curred Tuesday. Academic grades accepted from high schools. r. survey of the prcharils that are hanging Several young ladies and gentlemen Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. from here went io Cove Grclnird ha’e|- full t(i(s yea! and Rave borne for a num­ Address. ber o( years past, ft would^cem in regard W. A. WANN, P L CAMPBELL nntting on Sunday. io t|ie location first, that Hie land must Sec Faculty. p/eify?nt. Dean Tatrm is again behind the coun­ he either high or well drained with tile; ters at Bgdwell's store, after a week’s ( aecand, to he more secure against frost IN'.1 J- • visit in Monmouth the orchard should be located liehiml a 1 Yamhill Lodge So 10 0 uf H meets in Union hall second and fourth Friday evenings of each The Christian Endeavor society of : grove of trees on the west side of a hill , month. so that ti e sun wont shine iqion the trees I C i ' ster P ost N o . 9—Meets the second and fourth Carlton visited .the society nt this place Saturday of eaeh month iu Union hail at 10:30 last Sunday evening until eight or nine in the morning; third, a. m. on second Saturday and at 10:30 a- m. on CHURCHES ith Saturday. All members of the order are II F. Bedwell has purchased the Alar sandy soil grows better peachee than the B aptist —Services Sunday 11 a. m. and I cordially Invited to attend our meetings. tin property, and will soon move his common black land. A number of year« E. F. M annino , Commander. T :30 p. iu ; Sunday school 9:50 a m.; the ago a man from New York was charmed B F. C lvbink , Adjt. family into their new home. young people’s sooiety 6:15 p tu Pray, r Ei via. A ssembly No 1«, UNITED A btisans — { by some Yamhill peaches, and not know­ meeting Thursday 7:30 p m. Covenant Charles Aforgan Ims returned home meeting first Thursday evening before the Meet first and third Monday nights of each moot ing that a peculiar soil and location were at 7 30p. m. In I nion block first Sunday of each month from Tillamook, «nd he thinks “there’s W <1. HENDERSON. M. A ! essential, lie bought a large tract of Ipw, It. W. K ino , Pastor. .1. IV. BONES, Sec. 52 no place like home,” «fter all. poorly drained land and set, it oiyt tp. M kthodist E piscopal —Services every Airs. D. P. Trullinger and son, Mrs peaches. As a conseqiieiice (1.9 ma• Y P C- E- Sunday 6 :30 his fence: Ivow tn rayer meeting Thursday, 7 :.30 p. rn. Hired girl blonde and genial. Cab­ iug machine, apd »ill reffifiin UfiW after ■ the county raimug peaches visit the or- ruent tl " E K. T hompson Pastor, inet organ music in the evening. hafvest. have dii , *• . ■; . 1 _ , J chards uf Fred L. Poet and Joe Dorsey i_..,t,ices ,n the Ubnsbanchurch Breach- Eugene Sanderson, dean of the Eugene on the Willamette, or that of A. L. in? JverV Lord’s duV at fl a m. and 7:30 Pie three tiroes a qqy. Three spoon- p ’Jn Voting people’s nieeting at 6 30 p. i fuls of sugar with every cup of cof­ divinity school, preached at tho Union Alderman or Wm. Cain near Dayton, in. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Prayer fee. Hammocks, featherbeds or church in this city, Sunday morning and and hie doubts will give place to excla­ meeting Thursday, 7:30p m, mations of praise to Yamhill.' F. A. P owkll . Pastor. l leather divans at your option for evening, N. 8. Allen and family started Tues­ S t . J ambs E piscopal C bubcu —Lay-Ser­ sleeping. Rising hour, 9 o'clock in Two of Dayton'« enterprising men vices every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. in. the Clondyke fever hard, and then I the morning Three hours’ rest at day morning for the coast, where they Caught To their homes they rushed with glee, _____ S t . J ames C atholic First st., between i noon. will spend the summer. Mr. Allen is in Come one, come all." Told how rich they soon would be. O and II. Sunday school 2 30 p. nt. Ves- I very- poor health and he will probably —■«« — —— Nowot the fever they are qtiite <;ur?d» pers 7 30. Services once a month. T. B riody . Pastor t Women at the bottom of it. : a.ssqi»* Senator Tillman refers to Speaker i remain all winter. Wm. Wertz, the phrenologist, has The V. C T. U.—Meets on every Fri | Reed as a baldheaded despot. *Teae oft J I. 5(yera to D R .lackson s l.j of government funds or credit tor the lot 3 Mk T Hurley & Large's add to Newberg....................................... 190 construction of any kind of public works outside of our own borders. M O Lownsdale to Lois Lowns- d.'ile 189.78 a t 4 r 3 w . Mr. Cleveland undertook to give- M O Lowusdale to C R Hillinger the canal project a had name with, 277.20 a t 4 a U % W .............. investors; Mr. McKinley is at work United State« to F W Haverland to restore its reputation, and for 1 lit a sec 27 & 34 t 5 r 9 .......... donated such a task there can be only one- M .1 Crater to Elijah E Hutchens ultimate object. That the situatUMi. n e '4 of s e 'J sec 35 t 2 s r 3 w 1 is understood in Europe as we under M .1 ('rater to D H Hutchens 28.50 stand it here perhaps does not prove a sec 3& t 2 8 r 3. w....................... looo much beyond t he fact, that the general C F Jewett and wi. to M Teicle tendencies of the new president are tracts No 67 and 68 in Dundee Orchard Homos No 2.................. 600 becoming widely known. One indi­ J W Cook to A E Parker 40 a pt of cation of the European belief is seen, sec 2 t 5 s r 5 w . $ 1600 in the eagerness with which foreign HIS Terrell to S 8 Terrell lots newspapers discuss the slender 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,' 14, 15, blk 24 chance o$ inducing the United States 1 Edward's add to Newberg to. join in a European compact to Mary 8 Mark to P J Fay 2.) a pt of 8 Cozine d 1 c in t 4 s r 4............ k build at Panama. They feel that in this is Europe's last chance to get a B Mority to Jno Kneite 120 a, oec finger in the interoceanic pie. H the 15 t 2 s r 3 w............................... . ! plan fails the Nicaraguan enterprise­ Jno Lynch to M A Cobh a,(M a pt S Cozine <1,1 c t kf 4....................... will succeed. We, have reason to lie M|ary J| nn4 Awi Hoberg to Jno ' F i lieve that the next regular message- Adaius 14$ a in McMinnville pt ' of tlx- president to congress will, S Cosine ort. of sale of personal property approved, final economical, or rather, the m.-rely acct, tiled and Tuesday, Sept . 7th .set for penurious protest against so great an, undertaking will not cut much of a hearing. Estate of Jacob. W«»carver. Petition figure. As a rule, nations are gen­ for adn)9a.a'JteiM«Ul ot dower of widow erous to themselves whenever they feel that they cun afford to be.” (¿oDtiuued until next term. (■Blate oi Amanda E. Hagey. Final account allowed and administrator dis charged. Estate of Chas. II. H. Hopkins, Fiuai account allowed and administrate! dis- charged. Estate of John Crown., Same. The McVortnick is, an it always has been, the most durable binder on the market,light running and easily handled F. W. Sraxi eb , Agent. August 31st is the last day of the $1000 missing word contest. Schilling s Best tea is wonderfully fresh and fine. Rules of contest published in 'arge advertisement about the first and middle Adolph Maltbies, the genial Dayton of each month. a »8 merchant, was in the city Wednenday. a • lk X