rue OT'TLOOK K>» HOPS. individuals. They arise from condi­ tions of great magnitude and public ! Our hop growers, like our wheat [ The greatest fact that F. M. BIKMHKT, Editor A Propr concern. growers, have not made any money Cannot be permanently cured by the us* confronts the people of this country opiates and sedative compounds. It ia Time to cover Fall and J. fc. ECK M AM, ¿«»ertale Editor. in the past two seasons owing to an of FINAL FIGURES too deeply seated. It is caused by an at present is the prostration of in­ over-production of the article impoverished condition of the blood, dustries and a bankrupt treasury throughout the world, and only by a have al Iasi been reached upon which the nerves depend for suste­ Winter Requirements Subscription $1.00 Per Year. following the elevation to power of a decrease of acreage will prices ever nance. This is the true and only natural party hostile to protection and in­ be restored. While the Pacific coast, explanation for nervousness. Purify, en­ advertising rates . rich and vitalize the blood with Reading notice* In local column* 10 cent» per capable of legislation “for revenue and more especially California, is Hue for fir-t week and 5 cents per line thereafter. CARRA only. ” There is only one logical, j Display advertisements annual rates, one inch famed for the qualitv of its hops, our per month 11: each additional inch 50 cents per safe and sure way of changing this month. farmers, unmindful of the conse­ 4 Obituary an