Entered at the Postnffice in McMinnville, as Second-class matter. M’MINNVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 VESVV1Ï S IS GROWING. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report The Volcauo is 150 Feet Higher Than It Was a Few Mouth» Ago. National Bank stopped by DeWitt’s Colic and Cholera Cura. Kogers Bros. FROM THE COINTY PRESS. Newberg Graphic. Recent dispatches telling of the Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Skinner of Mc­ streams of lava [at* Vesuvius will Paid up Capital, 930,000 Minnville, were visitors at J. G. cause no surprise to anyone who has Transact« a General Banking Business. Hadley s the first of the week. visited the volcano within the last SIMMONS The West Side Narrow Gauge rail­ three months. It has been ¿steadily ABSOLUTELY PURE road is a thing of the past. The puffing and spouting*, during that Prnident, - - J. It COWLS. Vice Preeident, - LEL LAUGHLIN. construction gang finished taking up time, heaving out showers of molten for Infants and Children Cashier, - E. C. A PPERSUN lava and glowing by night until the a fall of fiery grit. One of the guides IMTEII STATES POSTOFFICE. the third rail this week. If any one Aust. Cashier - - - IF. & LINK wants a scrap just let him insinuate clouds of vapor[ above it[took on the will cautiously approach the side of Handles as Much mail Matter as HIRTY ye art’ observation of Castoria with the patronage of that Newberg is on a “Narrow Board of Directors: appearance of rolling flames. Two the cone and wait for an explosion. the hole of Europe. REGULATO R J W. COWES. LEE LAUGHLIN, millions of persons, permit n« to speak of it withont yna««in<. Gauge. ” days before the recent outpour from A J APPERSON, WM. CAMPBELL, As soon as the sizzling pieces fall he The United States has 70,000,600 J. L. ROGERS. a breakjnfthe cone.the shell ofj the will run forward and embed a coin It is unqnestionably_the best remedy for Infants and Children : population. Europe has 380,000,000. Amity Blade. old craterjtrembled from the work­ in some chunk which is still soft ♦lie world has ever known. It is h armles s . C hildre n like it. It Sell Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Trans­ But the United States handles about Reader, did you ever take S immons Amity's onion kings. Wanless A ing of the lava underneath, and the fer» on New York, San Francisco and Portland. enough to be kneeded. When lie as much mail matter as all Europe Hawkins, have disposed L iver R egulator , the “K ing of gives them health. It will aave_their lives.__ In it Mother« have Deposits received subject to check. Loans mon­ of all this L iver M edicines ? ’ ’ Everybody needs peculiar sounds of hissiug and growl­ brings the souvenir on a piece of ey on approved security. Collections made on something which is ab«olntely safe and praot|c^lly perfect aa a put together. In 1895 the United year’s onion crop and are happy. take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or all accessible points. ing which accompanied each small flat stone the coin is so hot that a diseased liver that impairs digestion States railway mail handled 10,777,- child’« medicine. eruption could be heard two miles cigar can be lighted from it. For 875,040 pieces. Mulhall gives the They realized a dollar a sack. Among and causes constipation, when the waste the large specimens was one meas­ that should be carried off remains in ELSI A WRIGHT, Castoria destrQy Worm«. away. this valiant service he expects one number of pieces in all Europe as uring 16 inches in circumference. the body and poisons the whole system. Manufactures and Deals in Ca«toria allays Feverishne««. Vesuvius is 150 feet higher than it franc. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a 9,237,000,000 in 1888. Some increase torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, was six months ago/ ; The constant Castoria prevent« vomiting Sonr Cnrd. The funicular railway up the big has taken place since then, and Rus­ Yamhill Independent. Malaria and Indigestion are all liver showers of porous lava have filled in cone was built many years ago. A sia is omitted from Mulhall’s tables; Castoria cures Diarrhoea and MZind Colin. 1 Congressman W. R. Ellis, wife and diseases. Keep the liver active by an the sides of the old[hollow crater and popular song, “Funiculi! Funiculi!” but the aggregate to-day is not over three children from Heppner, ar­ occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg­ Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, have built up the new cone, which, well known in America, relates to 11,000,000,000, or just about equal rived on the evening train yesterday. ulator and you’ll get rid of these trou­ Brushes and sells them cheaper than bles, and give tone to the whole sys­ Castoria caret Constipation and Flatnlency. from its bold outlines, has greatly this particular enterprise. At the to our railway mail se-vice mail. tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver they can be bought anywhere else in Two of the children, a son and daugh ­ Castoria neutralizes the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. Regulator is better than P ills . It changed the appearance of the sum­ railway station and restaurant in the Willamette Valley. Our ail home The cost of our mail service is far ter, will enter Pacific college. does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly Castoria does not contain morp hine, opi um, or ot her n arcot ic pro pe rty. mit,[and is.still changing it slightly the shadow of the big cone about below the aggregate of all Europe. made sets of harness are pronounced Mr. John Lamont of Portland, who refreshes and strengthens. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowsli, unsurpassable by those who buy them every day. Formerly the volcano as thirty people are employed. The The entire cost of our postal system is interested in the company that is Every package has the Ited Z seen from Naples, had a rounded top, houses are white, clean, and com­ in 1893 was $84.321,489. A return just putting in a telephone line between stamp on the wrapper. J. H. giving healthy and natural sleep. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. but now it comes to a wedge point. fortable, and the view of Naples, the made by the Berne international bu- Portland and Salem, was in town Castoria is put up in one-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. A year ago visitors looked into the bay, and Capri are unsurpassed; but i reau gives the expenses of the eight Thursday and Friday of last week in Don't allow any ono to sell you anything else on the plea or promise hollow of the old and somewhat one could imagine nothing more European nations, which combine company with Mr. Shafford, who has for the work. The children were —AND— that it is “just as good ” and “ will answer every pnrpos^.” cooled-off crater. Of late they have cheerless than living on the reverse post and telegraph expenses, at $185- charge of the construction. Their organized into a miniature republic TO5NOKIAL PARLORS, See that yon get C-A-S-T^O-R-I-A. gone inside the boundaries of the old side of the earth’s shell with onlj' 000,000. The expenses of the nine plan is to give Newberg the central —a microcosm of the great city. crater to get a good look at the new the lifeless shapes of lava for neigh­ nations which have a postoffice alone office, but they want the people here They were associated in political, la on every George Kutch, Prop. The fac-simile cone, from the summit of which at bors. In the season the monotonous were $25,000,000. In all, Europe to take $500 worth of stock in the civil, moral and industrial divisions. wrapper. sanatare of intervals of a few minutes there is a slope of the mountain creeps with handled in 1893 11,000,000,000 pieces enterprise. We have not learned They voted, they maintained a police For a Clean Shave or Fashionable Hair gust of steam laden with red-hot life. There are 200 visitors a day. for $210.000,000, while this country whether the whole amount has been force and tribunals of justice, they ashes which are sent into the air 200 The restaurant takes on the busy air handled about the same number of raised, but understand that a num­ conducted banks, hotels, and various Cut Give Me a Call. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria feet or more. Before the steam has of a city hotel, and the railway cars pieces for $85,000,000. industries, they learned how to earn ber invested. Baths are new and first-class in every re­ drifted away there is another rum­ ply up and down incessantly. spect. Ladles’ Barbs and shampooing a special­ This disproportion is, however, uo Mr. Robert H. Ellis, who was and to save money. The skilled ty. Employ none but first-class men. Don't ble, a sound of watery explosion, and Just after coming down on the credit to the United States. It is working on F. T. Keyes’ new house observer sent by the supporters of forget the place. Three doors west of Hotel another shower of ashes. Thus, funicular a heavy thunder storm en- due to the fact that in almost all on the Red Hills, fell front the the enterprise reported that it was a Yamhill. from a distance in the daytime, there veloped the side of the mountain. A European countries farmers have scaffolding, a distance of about 12 success. seems to be a constant curl of white roar of wind was followed by torrents their mail delivered at their doors. feet last Saturday morning, sustain­ The experiment was really an ob­ THE vapor from the summit, but at night of falling water. After half an hour Here the farmer is required to go ing a compound fracture of both ject lesson in government, a kinder­ each separate eruption throws up a the rain suddenly ceased and the sun for his mail. Abroad rural and city bones of one leg just above the ankle. garten of civilization. It taught the vivid light, which then fades away to came out brightly. The arench of districts are treated alike in free The broken bones forced their way children in two months of actual a dull glow. water had changed the dull ash color | deliveries, save that the deliveries through the flesh and through his “play” more of the genius, the be­ LIVERY STABLE. The natives who live on the slope of the mountain to a deep, muddy are more frequent in the cities than pants into the ground. Drs. Little­ neficence and the methods of republi­ of the mountain said that after the black. The great cone resembled an in the country. field and McConnell were called and can government than they could have J. M. Yocom, Prop. immense heap of prairie loam, and new cone had been built somewhat The United States postoffice de ­ set the fractured limb and think he learned from books and lectures in (Succeasor to GATES 4 HENRY.) higher it would fall in of its own the huge slope eaching away below, partment is not onty the greatest in will get along very well, considering two years. In learning how to gov­ ern themselves they got at the ker­ weight and close its own breathing toward the bay, glistened in places the world—and its expenditure is that it is such a very bad break. E Street, north of Third. Everything New and First-class. Conveyance of Commercial Travel­ with ebony blackness. Beyond the nel of democracy. In gaining re­ hole. Then the mountain would be greater than that of any one country, ers a specialty. Board and stabling by the day or month. We solicit a fair share of the local pal spect for law and order they learned like a corked-up bottle. A new vent ragged edge of lava the trees and Germany coming next with $67.700,- Sheridan Sun ronage. the first lesson of good citizenship. would have to be made, and in the vineyards seemed doubly green and 000—but its growth is more rapid. making of this vent there would be a cheerful by contrast. The bay shone In 1880, according to Dr. von Neu­ Some gentlemen from Salem were In discovering the benefits of indus­ I. I. UOt'CHKR I. ». CALBRKATH. fierce eruption, an overflow of lava, like a mirror, and every high window mann Spedlart, Europe handled 5,- in town last Tuesday looking at the try, economy, cleanliness and co­ and the formation of a new crater. in the distant city seemed a brilliant. 834,000,001) pieces of postal matter. old U. S. Banking Company’s build­ operation they became little mission­ Calbreath & Goucher. Apparently the natives should be There was no fine metallic dust rising The aggregate is now a little over ing and figuring on the cost of buy­ aries of reform. It was an experi­ informed, as'someof the natives had from the wheels. The roadway was twice this. In the same period the ing it. We did not learn their names ment that ought to have many PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. M o M iwnviilk .... O bcoox ancestors at Pompeii, and many re­ hard and smooth and densely black. mail matter in our own postoffice as they pursued a quiet investigation repetitions.— New York World. member distinctly the fierce erup­ The carriage went coasting down department has grown nearly three­ of the town. Baldridge, the presi­ (Office over Braly’a bank.) Stomach and bowel complaints are tion of 1872, by which the present the switchback course to meet all fold. In 1865 the Frankfurter Zei- dent of the U. S. Banking Co., is at the beggars, who had come out re­ tung placed the total number of let­ the head of a big railroad enterprise best relieved by the timely use of De­ crater was formed. Witt’s Colic and Cholera cure. Insist There was, indeed, a general belief vived and hopeful after the shower. ters in the whole world at 2,300,000- in California. His scheme is proba­ on having this preparation. Don’t take MeMINNVlüüE bly wild-cat like his banks in Oregon. that the renewed and growing activ­ —Chicago Record. 000. Down to 1888 this number, During the present year Rev. E. ant' other. Rogers Bros. ity of the volcano would lead to some Diarrhoea should be stopped promptly, wording to Mulhall, had about sort of an eruption, but it was hoped It soon becomes chronic. DeWitt’s I ^fcbled, lisingto 7,762,000,000. In C. Graff of this city has conducted 16 How’« Illi» for High? that it would be nothing more serious Colic and Cholera Cure is effective, safe , the last thirty years in this country funerals; two at Pleasant Hill, 2 at The Roman Catholics of Franca Öfters a choice list, embracing some of the finest than a flow of lava down over the and certain. Hundreds of testimonials [ the number of letters has grown Harmony, 5 at Willamina and 7 at intend to erect a building for tha B. E. COULTER, Prop. Sheridan. The ages of those de­ old and hardened beds. The out­ bear witness to the virtue of this great about fivefold.— Philadelphia Press. Paris exposition of 1900, which, if ceased range from the infant of a break of the last few days and the medicine. It can always be depended 1 their plans are carried out, will ba Goods of all descriptions moved and Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. Poor Farm, day to the one of more than four the largest and highest ever heard flow toward Resina (in the direction upon, its use saves time and money. This is the largest careful handling guaranteed. Collections Winnesheik Co., la., Bays; Last winter score years. of the buried city of Hurculaneum) Rogers Bros. of. It is to be 1200 feet long, 1000 will be made monthly. Hauling of al) death rate ever known in Sheridan Mr. Robert Leach used two boxes of De ­ was, therefore, not unexpected. An Advanced Woman. feet wide, and 1000 feet high. Such kinds done cheap. n the County. Read the following List of Special Bargains: Going to the top of Vesuvius is no An elderly man, most properly at­ Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve and cured a and vicinity. There have been an altitude seems preposterous, and large running sore on bis leg. He had pleasure trip, especially on a warm tired in silk hat and frock coat, been under care of physician for months, about a half dozen other deaths, there may be some mistake in the summer day. The distance from walked up Madison avenue last without obtaining relief. Sure cure for making over twenty in less than a description, but there seems no limit • year. Naples to the funicular railway sta­ night. Near the corner of Fiftieth piles. Rogers Bros. to the extravagance of World's fair A desirable residence. Price 81400. Nol. 7% acres in Fairlawn add to McMinn- depot. < ville; good house and barn; living water: set in architecture. Since the Pharaohs No. 22. 1G0 acres with good house and barn; tion is fifteen miles by the winding street a bloomerite on a wheel ped­ Dayton Herald. fruit and berries; good for garden. 81200—terms easy. i all fenced; 30 acres in cultivation; good springs roadway, which, for a large part of THF. NEW SCHOOL ROOKS. aled up behind him, and, dismount­ i above house; one mile to school; 4 miles west of Louis Aiderman left here for Eu- and the Caesars the church has been PROPRIETORS No. 2. 120 acres, 13 miles west of McMinnville: McMinnville. Price S1800; inquire for terms. the distance, goes through the dis ­ ing, touched him on the shoulder . gene on Saturday last. He will at- the greatest builders in the world, 20 acres in cultivation; good house and barn; There is a new clause in the Oregon No. 23. 46 acres 3 miles north of McMinnville; mal beds of lava. It is hard pulling and asked him if he had a match. | plenty of living water; 1% miles to school; good tend the state university at that and such a structure would be quite stock’farm; 1J4acres in fruit. Price 87.50 per all i in cultivation; good improvements; fruit of acre. Will trade for small tract near McMinn- all i kinds; plenty of good water. Price 82500; fur­ for the horses, and the carriage The elderly man had been deep in | in line with its historic achievements. place during the winter. ville> 1 ther particulars on application. wheels grind slowly on the uphill thought, and he only answered: the school directors of Oregon at this St. Peter's might be set in one cor­ While running a hop baler for No. 24. 2 lots with good house and other im­ No. 3. 2 acres in Cozine s 3d add to McMinn­ time, and if its provisions have not The beggars, and those shortly: ner of it, and the minister of Cologne south of Third street; good location. turns. ville; good hdhse and other out houses; % in provements ] Frank Howard, above Amity, on fruit. Price 81300, half down, balance on time. been complied with action should not officious vagabonds who style them­ FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS. “No, I haven’t got one.” Wednesday of last week, Charley in another, leaving a vacant acreage No. 25. 40 acres 7 miles west of McMinnville; No. 4. 1% acres in McMinnville; 7-room i good improvements; one mile to school. Price selves guides or who have greasy ’ “Oh, well, you needn't be so uglj- L, be delayed. If this law is violated Hadaway had his left hand badly sufficient to accommodate all the house: good barn ; 9 hydrants in house; hot and 81200. ? CHOICEST IN THE MARKET. will be compulsory cold water: good location. Price 81700, half boxes filled with tawdry souvenirs about it,” responded the girl, at its enforcement , mashed. The end of the two middle saints, relics, and other properties No. 26. Good sawmill 11 mile3 from McMinn­ down, balance on time. ville: cutting capacity 10,000 ft per day ; located flock about the carriage and follow it which the elderly gentleman turned on the county superintendent in the fingers had to be amputated. This it has accumulated in two thousand South side Third St. between B and C. No. 5. 320 acres 6 miles north of Sheridan: 120 i in the center of a tine body of hr and cedar tim­ It is 240 acres of timber land goes with mill; will for miles. They are impudent and around and saw that it was a woman distribution of school money. acres in cultivation; 10 acres in hops; 2 good ber; 1 will place Charley on the list of dis­ years. Such a display would be for other property: for price and other in­ leechlike. Their studied policy is to barns and house; running spring water; fruit of trade I overwhelming, and a part of it inter­ W heu In Tillamook the Place to Stop isthe all kinds. Price 816 per acre: half cash, balance formation he had been talking to. The vision | found in section 7 of the Oregon abled for a week or two. inquire of the undersigned. 1 on three years time at 8 per cent. annoy and vex and pester the un­ in bloomers flustered him a bit, but ' school laws, and reads, after pre­ The telephone line being built from esting. Its presentation of Christian No. 27. 145 acres 4 miles from McMinnville; scribing the manner in which text acre in fine state of cultivation; m 11 fenced; happy travelers until they are paid No. 6. One acre in Cozine’s 3d add to McMinn- every i he managed to get out an apology. here to Portland, which has hereto­ art, from the days of Agelico and lays in a square; no waste land. Price 845 per ville; good house. Price 8500. Payments easy. books shall be selected: acre: i payments made easy. to go away. RATES $1 TO $2 PER DAY fore been known as the Anthony Bartolomeo to the present time, “ I really beg your pardon, ” he No. 7. 40 acres 4 miles northwest of McMinn­ “And it is hereby provided that Above the beggar line is the re­ said, “I thought j'ou were a man.” No. 28. 108 acres 6 miles southwest of McMinn­ ville: 12 acres in cultivation; balance good tim­ telephone line, has changed to the would very likely be the mo6t im­ ville: most all in cultivation; good improve­ i said series shall be introduced in all The hirtise is new and first-class. Stage offices ber. Price $750; part cash, balance on time. gion of lava beds. The road zigzags 1 ments; tine young orchard. Price 845 per acre. “Indeed,” replied the young wo-1 the public schools of this state on or Willamette Valley Telephone Electric pressive ever made. As to relics and free sample rooms in connection. No. 8. One lot on Fourth street, McMinnville. and folds upon itself, and after an man, “you don’t say so!” No. 29. 348 acres 7 miles from McMinnville; Price $500. Center of town. Co., and will hereafter be know by which it gathered together, they M. H. Larsen, Prop., 250 acres in cultivation; 1800 fruit trees; strong hour before the 1st day of October next of aimless climbing the Tillamook, Oregon. of water running to house and barn; % No. 9. 160 acres 6 miles west of Carlton: 65 spring i “Really,” insisted the man, “but I j after the canvass of such vote by the that name. Several eastern capital­ would be sure to engage the reverent to school farm in excellent condition. Price smudge of steam around the cone acres in cultivation; all fenced; plenty of running mile : have got a match,” and he handed state board of education, in accord­ ists have been taken into the com­ attention of the faithful, and those to water; 3 acres in bearing trees; good house and 835 ! per acre; payments made easy. barn; % mile to school. Price 812 50; payments seems no nearer than before. The out a silver match-case. pany, and it is on solid financial whom they seemed out of date could No. 30. Two corner lots, unimproved; good made easy. ance with the provisions for chang- location 825»). lava is spread out in misshapen bil­ easily go around them. In such a “Thank you so much,” replied the i ; ing text books; and any district basis. No. 10. One-half block south of Third street, The following general forms are always in stock colossal structure there would be No. 31. 400 acres 8 miles from McMinnville; lows, thrown up in slaggy lumps or girl, smiling sweetly once more. McMinnville; house with ten rooms; hot and and for sale at the Reporter office : I neglecting to provide for the intro­ cold water: good bam. Price 82500. Payments 150 acres in cultivation; good j house and barn; rolled and twisted into fantastic fruit in abundance; living water 1% miles from Real Estate Mortgage to suit purchaser. Warranty Deeds “You see, my lantern went out, and duction of the authorized series of Cholera morbus is a dangerous com­ room for everything illustrating the school house excellent stockxfarm. Price 86OGO. draperies, showing all manner of Chattel Mortgage Quit claim Deeds plaint, and often is fatal in its results. history of the church and its great No. 11. 2 lots with house and barn on Fourth Satisfaction of Mort. I don't care to be arrested for riding Bond for Deed text books shall forfeit its proportion To avoid this you should use DeWitt’s monastic orders from the days of No. 32. 8 unimproved lots in McMinnville; good serpentine lines. It has been twen­ Transfer of Mortgage street, McMinnville. Price 8800. Terms easy. Farm Lease without a light. ” location. Price 5300. Bill of Sale Notes and Receipts. of the school fund for the succeeding Colic & Cholera Cure, as soon as the first Peter and Paul to those of the pres­ No. 12. 3 lots and two houses in Oak Park; ty-three years since the sticky, We carry a large 3tock of stationery and are “You are perfectly welcome,” re­ No. 33. Good house and 2 lots in Oak Park. prepared to do Job printing of every sort in the houses almost new. Price 81700, or one house and Price year and every year thereafter until symptoms appear Rogers Bros. molten mass bubbled out from the 1,000. Payments easy. 2 lots for $1000. Part cash, balance on time. ent pontiff, and such a display would Lest al vie of the art and at low figures plied the man, who had been making be one of the most various and pro­ No. 34. One acre on College side, all cleared crater and spread down the slopes. frantic efforts to light one of the all of said series are introduced: pro­ No. 13. 320 acres 7 miles west of McMinnville: fenced. Price 250. 35 acres in cultivation; 6 room house with cellar; and i NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. A CHILDREN’S REPUBLIC. A few pale flowers now grow from matches on the edge of the case. vided, that when the persons in any digious ever made. International 2 good barns; living water; most all fenced; school No. 35. 100-acre well improved farm, 2% miles house on property. Price 84000. school district between the ages of fairs are really intendedto show some­ from McMinnville. Price 4,500, one-half down, the deeper crevices, and there may Failing in this he made a vicious ’OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, The interesting experiment of a thing else—that is, the productions 4 and 20 years, as shown by the balance on time at 8 per cent. No. 14. House and 2 lots, McMinnville. Price be seen occasionally a discouraged as sheriff of Yamhill county, stale of Ore­ scrape on the sidewalk with it, but gon.underand bv virtue ofa writ of execution and 81000; good location. clerk s last yearly report, shall equal “children s republic” is worth more of contemporary art and industry— No. 36. 2 lots with good house and barn, and tuft of weeds, but these cannot re­ order of sale issued out of the circuit court of the only succeeded in rubbing off all the 1000 or more iu number, the directors than a passing thought. chicken park good well; good location. Price No. 15. 100 acres southwest of McMinnville; < «fate of Oregou. for the county ot Yamhill, bear- well improved. Price 85000. 900. lieve the dullness and deadness of it sulphur. Two more matches were but, if the church elects to celebrate iug date of August 29th. 1895. upon aud to enforce A young man. an officer of the itself in this manner, there is no that certain decree rendered by said court on the No. 37. 80 acres unimproved, 7 miles west of all. The flow of 1872 dripped at the wasted, and the man was about to l of such district shall have the right No. 16 . 320 acres on Trask river, Tillamook 26th day of September. A. D. 1894, In that certain county, on toll road; 70 acres in cultivation; 22 North Yamhill; good spring. 14 acres cleared, 1-4 to select text books for the high Twenty-second regiment, who had doubt that it will make a tremend­ suit therein pending wherein P A. Bates was acres in meadow, good two-story house; good mile to school, short distance to postotiice. Price edges and sent out streams far in begin operations on the fourth when plaintit! and Samuel Brisbine and Mary Brisbine barn , fruit of all kinds; running water; % mile 1250 cash, orJBKO, Letdown, balance 18 months schools only, but no change in the in former years taken charge of ous showing. Its building, if the advance of the main body. At one the girl suddeuly exclaimed: were defendants, in which it was ordered, ad­ to school; 1 \ miles to postotiice. Price 82500. at 8 per cent. judged and decreed by said court that said plain­ Good dairy farm. text books in any district shall be “fresh-air children” from the city promise is kept, will soar high above place a stream parted and left a house, tiff P. A. Bates recover of and from said defend­ “I think I could light it, sir.” No. 38. 60 acres at Scholls, in Washington Co.; ants Samuel Brisbine ami Mary Brisbine the sum ' made at any other time than that who were so unpromising that no­ all others known, including the Pyra­ 17. 4 acres 1 > mile south of McMinnville 14 miles from Portland, 15 acres in cultivation, a cluster of trees, and a patch of oi Six Hundred Sixty-Six and" 66-ltWth« Dollars on No. “Try it, by all means,” said the old I county road. Price $750. Will take good spau balance in pasture, good 7-room bouse, barn and provided in this act; provided fur­ body else wanted them, conceived mid and the tower of Babel, and with interest thereon from tbe'JOtb day of horses other out buildings, all fenced and divided in garden untouched in the midst of the man. for part pay. of September. 1894. at the rale of ten per cent per four fields, blacksmith shop on place, good busi­ ther, that nothing in this act shall the idea of making up a self-govern­ beside it all the existing constructions annum, ami »50 uo attorney’s fees, and the fur­ No. 18. Good livery business for sale in a live ness point, 1-4 mile to P. O. ana store, % mile to desolation. This spot seems like an The young woman took the match ther sum of »15.25 costs and for accruing costs, school, grist and sawmill close by, young orchard prevent the state board of education ing community larger in numbers of Paris will look like toys. But it and ordering the sale of the following described town. Inquire for particulars island or an oasis. and good water. Price $3000, % cash, balance to and lighted it expeditiously, secund­ real property, to-wit: No. 20. 4 acres in Martin’s add to McMinn­ suit purchaser at 8 per cent. orderingthe superintendent of public and for a longer time. He advertised is not done yet, and may be higher The large cone is simply a heap of Beginning at the southeast corner of the dona­ ville; um artem. With a quick movement barr. with good well and windmill; tion land claim of John Brisbine and Mary Bris- 3 acres good The ride instruction to issue special circulars for and secured 300 children—215 and larger in prophecy than it will No. 39. 2 lots with good house and barn, in cinders dignified by size. cleared, all fenced, good for garden. biue. Notification No. 58SV and running thence Price 8750; she threw open the foot of the lamp good location. Price H)0. % cash, balance on one half cash, balance on time. north fifty-three ami 83-lOOth» (5X33) chains; to the foot of the cone consumes five to the county superintendents and boys and 85 girls—from the worst be in fact.— New York Tribune. or two years’ time. thence west nineteen and 57 100ths (19 57) chains; and touched the match to the wick. No. 21.(Good large house and two lots near hours, but it requires only ten min­ state board of examiners to select as quarters of the swarming East Side. thence south fifty-three and 33 lOOths (53.33) Slamming the front to again, she chains; thence east nineteen and 57-100tbs (19.57) For Sale or Trade. utes to reach the top by the funicular in the regular vote any new text They would be classified by the cba to the place of beginning, and beiug in Sec«. jumped on her wheel, with a “Thank 28 and 33. in township two (2) south, range three 400 acres seven miles west of Mc­ railway. Then there is a walk of book or series of books as are sup­ “slumming” social scientists as dis­ (3) west of the Willamette meridian in Yambill you so much, sir,” and was away. Minnville. 160 acres in cultivation. couutv State of Oregon, and containing one reputable and “ tough, ” if not incor ­ ten minutes up the jagged edges of plied at an unreasonably high price, hundred and six (106) acres more or less. The elderly man stood still for a Good improvements of all kinds, fruit Now, therefore, by virtue of said decree, exe­ the huge crater to the bowl, and in or are found to be excelled by more rigible. and berries in abundance, Hying water, cution and order of sale. I will, on Saturday, the moment. Then he shoved his hat Mr. George took them to a farm good stock farm. Will trade for • small 5th day of October. A. D. 1895. at the hour of one this is the little cone thrown up by recent publications in that branch, back on his head, mopped his brow o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court bouse door recent eruptions. It is better to of for any good and sufficient cause.” in Tompkins county and kept them farm unincumbered. Address, in McMinnville, Yamhill county. Oregon, sell at with his handkerchief and muttered: -------IS ONLY-------- public auction to the highest bidder for cash in for two months. He was assisted stand away about 400 feet while W. L. W abmn , hand, the above described real property to satisfy “That’s certainly the most ad­ ■aid execution, costs and accruing costs. by twenty-three young women and Real Estate and Loan Agent, 1 watching its performances, and even Severe griping pains of the stomach vanced woman I ’ ve seen yet. ” — New Dated this the 2d dav of September. 1895 W G HENDERSON, 30tf McMinnville, Or. and bowels instantly and effectually seventeen college men, volunteers then there is no certainty of avoiding York Sun. —McMinnville, Oregon.— iARNESS ! CITY BATHS r A SUBSCRIPTION PRICE »2.00 PER YEAR- One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents. COMMERCIAL YRMHIÜL1 FARMS Healthful Climate Mild Temperature Near to Market Crops Never Fail BEST 1H THE WOHLiD Truck and Dray Co. W. L. WARREN, Real Estate Agent, McHINNVILLE, ORE., Grain, Fruit and Hop Lands Matthies Brothers, CITY MARKET Larsen House LEGAL BLANKS. N The Reporter Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR a