to become a man again, to pay back, with bler did not lower his social standing i bling over a bowlder. Tex had been tn China as early as B. C. 2100 and in In­ “I think you are plucky—ye», aud dia B. C. 1100. They are represented on That's nothing unusual. It's always been interest, tho money I had robbed the firm by one degree. As a matter of fact, Tex : thrown down, but was too expert a rider recklessly unconventional. " that way since 1 knew it. ” of. The prospect filled yie with energy the Egyptian monuments at a date not “Candid, at any rate! And 1 like l’ullar's voice bad a thick, suffocating aud hope. I went into business. I bought was a great favorite. He was a big, not to find his feet. His revolver had later than B. C. 3000. In Romo and catch in it that made Unde Noah turn lots and built on them and sold at a fair kind hearted boy, with a quiet mannci | been hurled down a bank and was be­ that.” She looked up. “Now for the Athens they were used on state occasions ‘ Who calls me? ” I muttered hoarsely, aud good uatured smile, but, withal, u ' yond reach. His pursuers were upon first indictment ou the list, Mr. Ever- E. McNEILL, Receiver. aud look at him. lie saw what ho called knowing and yet disbelieving, hoping and as luxuries. They wore first made in the other man looking out of Fullar’s profit, and every day I was nearing tho man—a man, too, capable of being him, and the business end of two re­ dene. You accuse me of improbability. goal of my hopes. TO THE France in 1589. During the time of Henry yet with a terrible fear at heart. eyes with imploring terror, and Fullar's “Then this man. my ex-assistant, came aroused at times and iu that condition volvers were ominously directed against I deny it ” ‘‘It is I—Petronilla!” said the same VIII, and even as late as the days of Eliza­ face was ghastly. to the town. He had had money left him, one of the moat dangerous meu iu the his breast. His manner bordered upon preoeoups- voice gently, and the the form rose and beth, the most common carpet in the "Are yo sick, Mr. Fullar? Ye look had come to this country and had been west. glided toward me through the moonlight. rooms of the English middle classes was a sorter yaller about the gills.” Tex made a bounding leap down the tion. In truth, he was thinking wha. advised to look at this place with a view ‘■It is I—Petronilla! Do you not know layer of straw in winter and of mown grass One day Tex sat down in The Gold bank. ‘ ‘ Crack, crack ! ’ ’ spoke two revolv­ wonderful lashes she had and how be­ “I—yes—no—I don’t feel very well— me”’ said my love again and fell upon my in summer. One of the charges made haven’t felt well for some days back. But to starting a mill. The situation pleased Room, a popular resort on Chestnut ers, but the bullets missed. The next coming a flush of excitement could be against Cardinal Wolsey was that in his what about these water lots? I suppose I’d him. There was water, seaboard, the rail­ street, to a little game of poker. The instant Tex had gol possession of his re­ breast. GIVES THE CHOICE OF to a clear, pale skin. way at hand, every advantage. But he state apartments he had fresh supplies of be safe enough to close with Smith?” • • * • • • • “You assert,” she continued warm­ TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL was told that the site he wanted for his stakes were high, aud Tex was steadily volver, but the leap had broken his She had been firmly resolved all the grass or straw every day in the year, re­ Uncle Noah answered iu the affirmative, erections belonged to a Mr. Fullar. In the losing. When he discovered that his wrist, and the sheriff and his man had ly, “that it i» ridiculous to suppose that time not to quit her father, and on the newed at considerable cost These primi­ and the conversation drifted upon munic­ old country I was known by another partner was playing with a double deck the drop ou him. z a man aud a woman could fall in love first opportunity had given the slip to her tive carpets in the dining rooms of the ipal affairs, but whenever Uncle Noah name. When he called on me to negotiate Tex put his hand ou the jack pot and “Tex,” shouted Tueigsr,*“ throw up at first sight, as I make my hero and company, while the horses were being sad­ English soon became very filthy, as the turned his face to the window Fullar’s eyes about the lots—1 leave you to imagine called the other a cur. That party your hands! We’ve got yon" heroine do, and that such proceeding» dled at Watney’s farm. Stealing back bones aDd fragments of food were thrown glanced uneasily out upon the bay. with what sensations wo mutually recog “Shoot, d—u you, shoot I” are limited to boys and girls iu their through the darkness, she bad found the into the straw, which was also used as a That night Unole Noah suddenly awoke nlzed each other. I shall enter into no de­ whipped out a six shooter, but lay dead He tried to level his own gun, but teens aud the pages of penny fiction. I bouse full of uproar and apparently occu­ sleeping place by the family dogs. on the stroke of midnight, and, as was his tails. All I say in defense of what is inde­ in his tracks with a bullet hole through pied by strange troopers. Aghast and not habit, went over to the window aud peered fensible is that the man was absolutely his heart before he could bring his pis­ his wrist was limp, aud before he could should have thought that Mr. Aubrey knowing wbat to do, she bad bethought through the open slats. It was a glorious merciless. AU my explanations, my en­ tol to a leveL Tex was such an expert change it to his left hand there was an Everdene would have shown wider «ym- herself of the church, and there taken night. A late risen moon shed a pensive treaties, my abject prayers to be spared with his gun 1 almost simultaneous report of two pis­ pathies. ” refuge. On my first entrance she was light upon the bay and shewed a dark fig­ exposure were in vain. My wife, my chil- Bret Hai te relates that the gamblers tols, and a pair of bullets had passed VIA VIA horribly alarmed But as I walked up the “Then you really believe, Lady Hil­ ure upon the overlooking height to tha dren, were nothing to him. I was a rogue, in Tuttle’s grocery calmly continued into his heart. Tex fell heavily ou his she recognized—so she has since tuld west. Who could it be? And what was a wolf in shaop’s clothing, and he was de­ yard, that adult, sensible people do con­ SPOKANE DENVER aisle their game the day that French Pete side, and as the sheriff aud his deputy Uncle Noah Pye was old and weather- any one mooning out there for at such au me a thousand times with pride—my foot­ termined to unmask me whenever he left and Kanaka Joe shot each other to death saw that they had done their work well ceive such abrupt attachments?” wise. Luckily for him, he had been in- 1 step, though it bad long been a stranger hour o’ night? Minneapolis OMAHA “I am convinced that it happens fre­ my house. He never left it alive. It was to her ear, and she had no thought at the dustrious in bis youth and bad made his Uncle Noah sat down in bis chair and in tho evening when he called on me. My over the bar in the front room. The they watched him. AND AND quently. ” moment of seeing me or hearing the joy­ pile loDg before the accident happened watched. Before long he saw the figure wife had gone to visit her people on the game in The Gold Room ou this occasion “Take the pot!” gasped Tex, and which bound him, an invalid, to his chair. slowly descend, turn and come eastward “Oh, come, not frequently?” ST. PAUL KANSAS CY ful news I brought. must have been less absorbing iu inter­ died. —Washington Post. farm, taking the children with her. I was “Well—sometimes," she amended, And so my story is told. For what He bad felled bis last tree, and leaviug the toward the house. Nearer and nearer it alone with my Nemesis. est, for the crowd made a rush for Tex, j "I could give you a dozen instances. ” passed then between Petronilla and me farm to the carrot bis 6on had moved into came, the form of a man walking slowly Inconsistent Teeth. LOW HATES TO ALL who calmly turned around at the door “ ‘ For God ’ s sake, ’ I pleaded, ‘ think of lies between my wife and myself. And it the villago of Mapleville, where, as ho re­ and with beut head, a form that every my poor wife and children. ’ He lacked the heart to argue with her. The inconsistent teeth are small and EASTERN CITIES. and quietly advised his pursuers to re­ is an old, old story, and one which our marked, he could “see summat.” His footstep brought nearer and more familiar, “ I shall do justice,’ he answered, with sume their peaceful occupations at the even, often brilliantly white, but wide­ It would have been like breaking a but­ bouse, owned by himself, was situated on children have no need to learn, for they until there burst from the watcher s lips: a face of iron, and then, with a brute in­ OCEAN STEAMERS table if they did not want to fill a com­ ly separated. Each tooth has a well de­ terfly on a wheel, and, after all, there have told it, many of them for themselves, the point of a small, beautifully wooded "Jehosophat! Mr. Fullar!” stinct of self preservation, I leaped at his mon grave over on the other side of fined space between it and its neighbor. might be more sentiment in fin de siecie Leave Portland Every 8 Days and their ohildren are growing up to tell bay, where from his window he could see The moon waued, and the planets slid throat and bore him to the floor with the it. I think in some odd corner of the house skiffs, canoes and other small craft glid­ down over the rim of the horizon, but strength of despair. The next thing I Capitol hilL And very wisely the crowd Usually in men a small, straight nose humanity than he thought. Women have • • FOR • • ing about inshore, and in the distance tho there may still be found a very ancient still over this incident Uncle Noah sat cog found myself standing looking down upon acted on Tex’s advice. And so the mat­ and weak chin are seen with these teeth. wonderful intuition in these matter«. "Well, suppose we let that slide for swallow's nest, which young girls bring more stately ships and propellers crossing itating. Finally, however, he began to a dead man, and again self preservation ter apparently blew over without any The lips may be well formed, but will out and look at tenderly, but for my the limitless lake. feel chilly, and telling himself that he sharpened my wits. I managed to get serious annoyance to the young man, frequently be thin, and the mouth, in the moment and proceed to indictment In the days of his prime and vigor Mr didn’t calculate to stand this sortof thing sword knot I fear it has been worn out him out to the wood shed, where I locked who continued to walk the streets in his smiling, forms an oblique line, showing Na 2. What other phrase of mine do these 30 years. What matter, even though Pye had been a well known and respected any longer he returned to bed. him in till midnight. Then I hitched up leisurely way, obviously none the worse the glittering white teeth. The possess­ you take exception to?" For fall details call on farmer, a man whose word was his bond. it was velvet of Genoa? He that has the Next day the news flashed through the my democrat, lifted the body into it, drove “You said that I had not the remotest C. A. WALLACE. McMinnville, Or. In fact, there had been at one time talk substance lacks not the shadow. village that Uncle Noah had induced Jim It down the beach and got it into the boat in couscienee for having assisted iu the or is by nature treacherous, inconsistent idea of construction, and that ‘Fashion of electing him reeve of the township, in his affections, will turn on a woman premature taking off of a dishonest Or Addreu I never saw my father again, nor learned Trudgeon to go out and dive. He was go­ l and bound a bag of stones to it securely. W. H HLKLBI KT, accurately what passed at Watney’s farm this project being frustrated only by his ing to find out what was at the bottom of Lest these might not be enough, 1 took the gambler. How mauy meu Tex in his or attack a weaker man. He will never and Footlights’ was evidently a »peel- own excessive modesty. Gen. Pass Agt. short but eventful career had killed no­ meet a man of his own size in an en­ men of that objectionable class of fic­ after Petronilla was missed by her two that there thing if there was any bottom “Naw, I’d ruther not. Thank ye all the to it. So, partly from a desire to please liorse weight and wound the strap around POHTL tVD, OH. companions, but one man, whom I could the neck to make sure. Then I tied my body knew, but his bearing on this oc­ counter and will stab in the dark or tion which you regretted to see was ill spare, was also missing on that night, same. Somehow I’ve got to be Uncle Uncle Noah, for whom he had a great re­ horse to a willow up on the bank, aDd In casion indicated that he was uo novice. work through a third party. Henry Irv­ growing so prevalent—the amateur nov­ Noah round hereabouts, an I guess I'll fate is still something of a mys spect, and partly for a consideration, tho the silence and the darkness I rowed out He was greeted respectfully by passers, ing makes his mouth up after this type el, born of vanity and a lack of whole­ EAST AND SOUTH whose tcry. That was Martin Luther. I have jest stay Uncle Noah. 1 like to live in my diver, with a rope under his arms and bls and sank him about a quarter of a mile and he smiled as benevolently and kind­ for his wonderful Mephisto and accen­ some occupation.” own way, ye see, givin a lame dog a hist VIA claspknife in his hand, went down to in­ from the shore. The night was dark and always believed that he fell in a desperate Her voice died away with a tremor. ly upon those he cared to notice as tuates the cruelty of its lines by the encounter with my father, but no traces over a etile now an again, an I like to vestigate. rainy, and no one saw me, no eye but one; though the process of shooting a man wicked arch to his eyebrows. —Kansas He had only stated the truth, but the send a bag o' potatoes here an there where of the struggle or his body were ever When they hauled him up again, he no mortal ear beard my muffled oars. it’s wanted in the winter time, when fact did not prevent the speechless Mi. City Times. threw a heavy iron horse weight into the “When the man was missed, I pretended through the heart was an accepted act OF THE found. Tha track between Watney’s farm work’s scarce an a family growin up Et boat and scrambled in after it, white with Everdene from feeling as if he had com­ of ethical propriety. to be surprised and disappointed that he and Stratford, however, runs for a certain I were to help any poor cuss along as I kin suppressed excitement. mitted a particularly brutal murder aud And nothing more would have come A BIRD CALL. had not come to buy my lots, as he had distance by the river, and at some point do now, ye’d say I was after his vote. Naw, the ghost of the victim had come to ar­ “What’s that, Jim—a pot o’ gold?” in­ proposed to the hotel keeper, and happily of it if people had not begun to twit on this road I think Martin must have I thank ye kindly, but I’d ruther jeat be quired ODe of the men, grinning. Bird of the azure wing, raign him before all the people whoso for me ho had said he intended to call on Town Marshal O’Connor on his failure come up with the refugees, and failing Uncle Noah.” Bird of the silver note, Jim did not seem to hear him as he un­ me the next day. Instead he must have to do his duty. The marshal had no opinion he valued most Express Trains Leave Portland Dally Nevertheless, now that he had lost the Come, for It is the spring, either to find Petronilla with them or to wound tho rope from bis body. changed his mind and oalled that evening. hankering after Tex’s society, no vault­ “I—I cried,” she murmured pathet­ And high the white clouds float. got any satisfactory account of her must use of his legs, he was really of more serv­ “ Hustlo, you fellows! ” ho said huskily. Come, bluebird, come! ically. LI a VI. — ARRIVE I have flung himself on my father and been ice than the reeve. He became the village “We’ll all go up to Uncle Noah Pye.” So meu drift, each to his own destiny. ing ambition to arrest him. Tex had “I had bad a double escape, but once Fortland......... 8:60 P M I San Francisco .10:46 A M foiled and killed. The exact truth, I have oracle, consulted on all matters of general Her lips quivered. Beads of perspira­ Bird of the crimson breast, The men glanced at Jim’s face and rowed. more the old misery returned—the old fear been somewhat informal in his admin­ Boa Francisco » uo 1‘ M 1 Portland........... 8:10 A M said, was never known, though Baldwin and Individual Importance, bis long ex tion rose to the man’s forehead. Robin, we miss you well. istration of justice. He might have Uncle Noah had been watching them cf detection—but it abated when the ice Robin, we love you best. and I talked over it again and again, and perience and shrewd perceptions being of “Good heavens, if I had only guessed Above trains stop at East Portland. Oregon City, there were even some who aaid that a Invaluable benefit to such as were guided anxiously from his window. grew over the bay. I tried to reason my­ waited for his opponent to shoot first, Come, for the cowslips swell. Woodburn, Salem. Turner, Marton. JeBerson, how much I should hurt you ! It was “There! There’s a sooveneer from the self into quietude of spirit. I said to my­ and then allowed the regularly elected Come, rolfin. come! Albany,AlbanyJunctlon.Tangent,9hedds, Halsey, servant much resembling Martin Luther by his counsels, frustration and disaster harsh, monstrous. No doubt 1 was in a Harrisburg. Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Cres- | was seen with my father in the low coun­ invariably following as a result of neglect­ bottom o’ the bay,” said Jim, grimly pro­ self over and over again that 1 was no justice of the peace to try the case aft­ Bird of the circling flight well, Drains and all stations from Roseburg to tries not a month before his death. I put ing to follow his advioe. Even as a weath­ ducing the horse weight as he entered. It murderer; that I was irresponsible, mad, erward, but Tex, in his youthful inex­ bad temper, and your unfortunate book ’ Galust twilight ’ s pearly skies, Ashland Inclusive. was the first thing that afforded me au er prognosticator he could be implicitly was a peculiar one, triangular and with mad with despair. Why could not the perience and very vague acquaintance Soft call the winds of night, ho credence in this, however, having good Itoeeburg .Hall Dally. tho ring sunk deep in the center. man let me live in peace? Why would be ! opportunity to vent my spleen. ” Lonely the water cries reasons to think that the peor fool—who relied on. When Uncle Noah predicted LEAVE: ’ ARRIVE: “Ye dou’t mean to say ye got that not give me a chance to redeem my soul with the proprieties of civilization, had Come, swallow, come! “Then you acknowledge that you Portland........ 8:S0 A M I Roseburg........ .5.20 P M was wiser in bls sane moments than most rain, it rained; when he promised fine there?” cried Uncle Noah in amazement. when I begged him for it upon my knees? not stopped to think of that. A cold —Sara M. Chatfield tn 8t. Nicholas. Roseburg....... 8:00 AM I Portland........ 4.40 PM men—would never have left my service weather, tho sun shoDe out in fulfillment. “Why, there’s only two such weights in were needlessly cruel?” deck aud a suggestive movement toward But all my self expostulating was of no Still there were many long, lonely days, while the breath remuined In his body. Salem Passenger Dally. “I was brutal. ” He would have com­ the seat of war on the part of an adver­ this world, mine an Mr. Fullar’s. Mine I have beard it said that blood washes which, when he was tired of reading, he is out on the farm; left it there for John use. I had done what no hand, not even sary had always been his signal for LEAVE ARRIVE mitted blacker perjury as she wiped that the band of the Omnipotent, could undo, Portland 1:00 P M I Salem........... 6:15 P M out shame. My father was killed in a spent gazing out upon the bay and the when he’d drive into town with that skit­ I tear away.» Salem .............. B OO A M | Portland .10:15 A M skirmish in the Netherlands shortly be­ lake beyond, now familiar and dear as tish mare. Sam Brunt took a freak an and the l en-ory of It abode with me, and prompt action, aud his triggerless six “Aud that I had just cause for indig fore the peaoe of Chateau Cambresis and the face of a friend. He had never been on made ’em one afternoon when he’d noth­ my wife began to look askance, frightened shooter had on such occasions always Aubrey Everdene looked out upon nation?” about three months after the events here the bay, but he knew every dangerous in else to do. I laughed at the shape o’ at what I raved about in my sleep. At first been the arbiter of justice, from which DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. "You were perfectly right. ” related. I have no doubt that he died as deep and shallow in it. He bad given ’em, but bought one, all the same, an she asked me what I was dreaming about. no appeal lay. The merciless twitting Suckville street and yawned. Only an A smile broke like April sunshine a brave man should, for he had that vir­ names of his own to the long green islands Sam told me Mr. Fullar took the other. Then she grew silent, glancing at mo to which O’Connor was subjected had instant before he had written “Finis” across the breakfast table with a horror PULLMAN * BUFFET tue. He held no communioation with me of bulrushes that lay along the opposite But how d’ye s pose the thing cum to be she could not conceal. I have been afraid made it necessary for him to do some­ to au article with a dash of the pen I over her face. or with auy at Coton End later than that shore, like crocodiles basking in the sun. there?” “In that case I suppose I must forgive SLEEPERS I to go to sleep lest she should discover all. thing to maintain the dignity of the across the last eheet, and now the man­ which 1 have here described, butwoud ap- In winter he watched with interest the j you?” Jim did not suggest any reason, but his ‘■What I have suffered since the break­ law. AND uscript lay ready for the post among peur to have entered the service of Car­ sleighs being driven over its frozen sur­ He was ridiculously grateful. He face was indicative of mystery. Ho set ing up of the ice upon the bay, when the When Tex that evening walked into SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, dinal Granvelle, the governor of the Neth­ face. In spring he beheld the ice crack and his lips together, and the meu looked at very waters refused to conceal' my crime; The Gold Room, O’Connor was there. the debris of printer’s proofs, new nov­ heaved a sigh of relief aud hesitated heave and break and float away in great erlands, for after his death word came to Attached to all Through Trains. him mutely, waiting, while Uncle Noah how I have watched that spot accursed by They saw each other at a glance. O ’Con­ els awaiting review, etc., with which with his hand on the button of the elec- the Duchess of Suffolk that Mistress Anne gray islands to be lost in the blue shimmer .West Side Division. sat staring at the horse weight, bis mind sunlight and moonlight, expecting every ! trie belL Cluddo had entered a nunnery at Bruges of the lake. These were punctually recur­ nor leisurely walked toward Tex, aud the writing table was strewn. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS under the cardinal’s auspices. Doubtless ring and ever to be expected phenomena. laboring over Mr. Fullar. The silence moment to seo the dead man, with that the boy fastened his keen eyes upon One of the best known litterateurs in “Lady Hilyard, you know the Arab grew and Intensified. Then out of it Jim Iron face of his, rise to demand justice — a But of late a new and most unusual ap­ Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) she is long since dead. London and a brilliant conversational­ custom of taking salt with one’s friends? him as though he would read his life for a life — God alone knows. I know Trudgeon spoko, first clearing his throat. And so are many others of whom I pearance had caught bls attention aud ist, hi» tongue could be as scathing as As a token of good will permit me to “Uncle Noab an you fellows, it’s my now that I cannot flee from his presence— thoughts. 1:96 A M I Lv Portland Ar I 5:40 P M held it there. 10:15 A M I Lv McMinnville Lv i 8:01 P M have spoken—Sir Anthony, the duchess, painful dooty to lot you know that I cut no, not if I take the wings of the morning “ Tex, ” said the marshal, “ you ’ ve i his pen, and it was said of him with re­ I give you the prosaic English equivalent He had observed, casually at first aud Lv 1:00 P M Master Bertie and Master Lindstrom. ljli P M I Ar Corvallis that there horse weight from a dead man’s and flee to the uttermost parts of the killed Skinner, and you know what I’ve I gard to the latter weapon of warfare of a cup of tea. ” afterward more particularly, that at ono For 40 years have passed since these earth. May he forgive me when I make got to do with you. ’ ’ The offer was tempting, the weather that in half a dozen polished sentences At Albany and Corvallis connect with things happened—years of peaceful, happy spot, about a quarter of a mile from tho neck.” this atonement, for he alone knows what Startled exclamations burst from the trains of Or. Central & Eastern By. “Arrest me?” said Tex quietly. Tho [ he could do more toward damning a was hot, and she had talked a great shore, the water remained strangely tran ­ life, which have gone by more swiftly, as was the provocation, what my tempta ­ assembly. The room was full of hor­ deal. She yielded. When tho refresh­ Expresa Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) it seems to mo In the retrospect, than the quil when all around were white caps driv­ little tion, the sincerity of my purpose of resti­ I conversation was conducted in subdued book than any two of his compeers. A ror stricken »aces. ment came, accompanied by wonderful four years of my wanderings. The Lind- en by the breeze. big, loosely made man, Mr. Everdene, tones. “ Don ’ t try it, ” continued Tex. "I cut that weight from a dead man’s tution. Think as leniently of mo as you F M Lv Portland Ar » 25 A M gtroms sought refuge in England in the This being first noticed, however, im­ sweetmeats from round the corner, sho with shrewd, gray eyes and the pessi ­ “ I like you, aud I haven ’ t got a thing 7.16 P M Lv Lv 5.53 A M St. Joseph neck,” repeated Jim solemnly. “He’s bin can. As for my wife and children, this is Lv 5 59 A M second year of the queen and settled in mediately after tho clearing out of the ice, sunk there with a bag o’ stones about his the last thing I can do for them. I know against you. I don’t want to kill yon, mism of a modern. Studying his face as asked permission to pour it out far him, 7:25 P M Ar McMinnville Undo Noah oonoluded that the cause of Lowestoft under the Duchess of Suffolk’s what the diver will find below there, and O’Connor. Now you go about your busi- ; he lounged by the window, his hands with a winning graciousness which Through Ticket« to all points in Eastern protection and did well and flourished as this must be a cake of ico held by some middle an this tied about his neck.” I forestall the sentence of tho law. “ Boys, ” said Uncle Noah, recovering j uess and leave me alone. When the in the pockets of his smoking jacket, charmed him. It afforded him au odd tangled weeds, huving long roots in the States. Canada and Europe can be obtained at became them, nor indeed did they And, I “A lbert F ullar .” speech, “jest shot that door behind there, lowest rates from G. A. Wilcox. Agent, McMinn­ trust, others ungrateful, though I experi­ mud below. grand jury meets you’ll find me right one could see that he had a lively sense sense of pleasure, too, to see her white ville. E. P. ROGERS. Uncle Noab sat up in his chair and here in The Gold Room, and I’ll go of humor combined with his other char­ fingers moving about the china. He wm But as tho days passed, and the sun will ye? Now look a-here, there’s bin enced some difficulty in inducing Sir An­ Asst. G. F. &P A., Portland, Or. drew a long breath in the silence that en­ with you and stand trial, but I won’t acteristics and understood the interest unaccustomed to the presence of women R. KOEHLER. Manager thony to tre «t the Dutch burgher as on an grew warmer, and navigation opened, and some devil’s work there, that’s plain, an sued. in his home. his personality aroused. | be arrested. ” equality with himself. Lord Willoughby still that particular spot remained calm as it ’pears to me jest as plain that tho finger “Well, now, poor devil, who’» goin to With the Japanese tables between de Eresby, the Peregrine to whom I stood glass when the waters around were in mo­ o’ God has been p’intinthis hero thing out “But, Tex,” said the marshal, “I’ve Presently a servant brought him a ever since the ico went. I ain ’ t agoin to jedge him? Upon my soul, I don ’ t know tion, his curiosity became aroused concern ­ godfather in St. Willibiod’s church at I got to do my duty. ” visiting card on a salver. ‘‘The lady them they chatted for awhile, and then say what I ’ ve seen when I bin lookin out but I ’ ve more respect for him now ha ’ s ing tho why and the wherefore of this Wesel, is now a middle aged man and my “Aud I’ve got to do mine,’’said Tex. would be obliged if you would grant the clock on the mantelpiece struck 0. | here o’ nights, an I ain’t agoin to say squared things than ever I had for blm CHURCHES very good friend, the affection which his phenomenon. She rose with a pretty gesture of dis­ her an interview, sir.” what I think. It ’ s a mighty serious thing, llvln. But I say, curner, did ye ever As yet be had mentioned the matter to B aptisi —Services Sunday 11 a. m. and mother felt for mo having descended to I “I done it this morning when I drilled “Lady Hilyard,” muttered Everdene, may, like a second Cinderella. 7:30p. m ; Sunday school 9:50 a m.; the him in full measure. She was indeed such no one, noteven to his daughter, who kept Is findin a fellow critter weighted down know such a thing to happen before? That a hole through Skinny, and I’ll do it reading the inscription. “I can’t recall “Do yon know, Mr. Everdene, that I young people's sooiety 6:15 p m Prayer a woman as her majesty—large hearted house for him, although for a full month under tho water so he can’t float. Looks water, I mean. ” The coroner here explained that while whenever a man puts a hand on me. I the name. Bother the woman I What have been here a whole hour wasting meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Covenant and free toDgucd, of masculino courage his eyes had haunted the spot by day and as cf the man that put him there meant him to lie there till the res’rection, eb?” meeting first Sat each month 2:00 p. m. he certainly never knew such a thing to ain’t spoiling for a fight, specially with does she want? However—ask her to ; your valuable time?” and a wonderful tenderness. And of her by night. It drew them to it with a sort of E. B, Pact. Pastor. "That’s so, Uncle Noab.” “You bet he have happened In his own experience ho you, O’Connor, and if you see your * ‘I thought it had been ten minutes, ’ ’ busband what can I say, savo that he was fascination. It was the first thing he looked did! come up, Blake. ” ” “Bin a murder sure, ” they respond­ had an old college friend, a scientist, who duty make sure that it is to let me he answered, “and the pleasantest of MrinoDisr E piscopal —Services every a brave Christian and—in peaceful times out upon in the morning. He peered ed all together. When she entered, a fair, elegant was at present visiting him, and he had through the shutter slats and took a last Sabbath 11.00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday —a studious gentleman. alone. Now go away and don’t trouble woman of perhaps five aud twenty, in an ! my life.” “But what’s to be done is this: Ye fel­ furnished him with an explanation of the school 9:30 a in. Prayer meeting 7 ;00 p But it is not only in vacant seats and look of the placo before retiring every “Very pretty 1” she said, blushing irreproachable Parisian toilet, he was lows’ll have to go back an get that poor sluggish stillness of the water immediately yourself any more about me. ’ ’ m. Thursday. J ohn B betts , Pastor. gray hairs that I trace the progress of 40 night, his mental summing up being: Tex turned to go away, but in turn­ still more convinced that he had not the faintly. “Andin return for it let u>e ‘ The queerest thing I ever seen. I can’t dead man, whoever ho is, floated, an the above the body. years. They have done for England al ­ C cmb . P rebbytirian -Services every Sab­ tell you that my address is on my card; It was a fact well known to scientists ing he saw the marshal draw his pistoL privilege of her acquaintance. coroner sent for, an the body put into a bath 11:00a m and 7 ;3C p. m. Sunday most all that men hoped they might do make that blamed thing out nohow.” At last his curiosity developed Into a decent coffin—I’ll fork out my mite—an that the flesh of a human body held under There was a quick, sharp report, a puff “Mr. Aubrey Everdene?” she queried. and that my ‘day’ is Thursday; also 1 school 9:30 a. ru. Y. P. C. E.. Sunday 6.30 in the first dawn of the reign. We have must thank you very heartily for your p. tn. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. seen great foes defeated and strong friends sort of alarmed awe. A storm of unusual buried like a Christian. God knows he water for a time will, under certain con­ i of smoke, and O’Connor lay writhing Mr. Everdene bowed. E E. T hompson , Pastor. kindness and courtesy to au impertinent gained, we have seen the coinago amend­ fierceness, a loosened fury of wind and must ’a’ belonged to somebody. ” “Pray take a seat, madam. ” ditions, become converted Into adipocea, on the floor in his blood. The whole village became agitated when ar pure fat. This had been proved beyond C hristian —Preaching at 11 a. m. and at ed, trade doubled, the exchequer filled, the rain, broke over the lake. The ships were intruder. Very few men would have Again the large gambling room was “ No, ” she said. “ I have come to 7 30 p. tn on the first and third Sundays . roads made good, the poor provided for in scudding close reefed before the wind; the it was known that it was a dead man whe a doubt. This scientist himself bad ex- 1 in a state of commotion. Tables were quarrel with you, and I don’t sit down been so considerate. ” on the second and fourth Sundays at 7:30 a Christian manner, the church grown fleeing waves were white with foam; even lay below that weird, still patch of water, I »mined the body of a man found In a upturned, and loud voices could be dis­ in the houses of my enemies. ” “Please don’t thank me. It is 1 who until further notice At Carlton on sec­ on the bay the spray flew like drift in and the little town hall was crowded when owe you a debt of gratitude. Yon have ond and fourth Sundays at U a. m., and strong—all this in these years. Wo have winter. All day the storm raged, and the poor coffined remains were brought In swamp, where it had lain all winter, and tinguished above the din, shouting: ‘ * To quarrel with me I" His eyebrows Saturday evening before at 7:30. At No. 8 I seen Holland rise and Spain decline, and Uncle Noah sat staring at that one spot, before the coroner. By various tokens i the flesh bad become pure adipocea. In “Kill him!” “Shoot him!” There was went up. The thought came to him that taught me something I never expected at 3 p. m on second and fourth Sundays. well may say in the words of the old text sluggish and unruffled amid tho elomenta! found on the body It was recognized to bo this mysterious case the oily exudations a general rush in the direction where to learn. ’ ’ his visitor was not iu her right mind. which my grandfather set up over the hall J ames C ampbell , V. D. 51.. Pastor commotion. Toward evening the wind that of a stranger who had come to the rising continuously to the surface had “What?" r “Yes. Perhaps I had better explain S t . J ames E piscopal C hurch —Lay-Ser­ door at Coton, ‘‘Frustra, nisi Dominus. ” took off, the waves subsided, and the con­ village nigh a year ago, taken a room in floated upon the surface, rendering it in­ Tex had stood, but the boy had disap­ peared. “That the conduct of your hero aud THE END. myself at once. I am the author of vices every Sunday at 11 o’clock a. m. capable of being ruffled by the wind; trast between this unaccountable calm and the hotel, with a view to purchasing some heroine was not improbable at all ” Then it was that Leadville expe­ ‘Fashion and Footlights. ’ ” S t . J ames C atholic —First st., between ! the watery agitation became less marked. land in tho vicinity, but who bad unac­ hence the atrange appearance which had A Squirrel’s Bold Strategy. Their eyes met, the woman’s drooped, G aud H. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Ves­ led to the detection of an unsuspected rienced a moral revulsion. When men “ ‘Fashion and Footlights,’ " he re­ But all next day Uncle Noah could not countably disappeared one night, leaving pers 7:30. Services once a month. could no longer sit down to a beguiling flected aloud. “ ‘Fashion and Foot­ self conscious, pleased. There is in the rear of an estate in Bos­ dismiss from his memory the picture of his belongings behind him. His valise crime. T. B kiody , Pastor “Well, I swan!” sighed Uncle Noah, his game of stud poker or watch the cards lights. ’ Hal” ton a few trees where eight beautiful gray that still surface, that unnatural peace still lay at the hotel awaiting his return. “You really mean that?” squirrels abide. Our informant does not amid the war of wind and waves. At “On my soul I da” After hearing Jim Trudgeon’s story, eyes instinctively turning to the spot. It as they were silently slipped from the Comprehension stole over his face, SECRET ORDERS. was no longer to be seen. It bad vanished The most delicious softness was in K nowles C hapter No. 12. O. E. 9.—Meet» a dare to give the number and street, lest night he dreamed of it and awoke and corroborated by the men who went with from amid the breezy sparkle of blue and case by the nimble fingers of the faro and with it a slight amusement. He some big boys should be tempted to stone Masonic hall the first and third Monday eveniug could not go to sleep again. He painfully him in the boat, the policeman was dis­ dealer without being disturbed by the fished among a pile of volumes and her voice. in each uioutb. Visiting members cordially in­ or shoot the dear creatures, who now af­ got upon his crutches and moved to the patched for Mr. Fullar to come and ac­ silver, and only dimpling, glinting, foam crack of pistols and the accompanying brought out three bound with an ele­ “It makes me so proud and happy to vited C H MCKINNEY, Sec. | ford great amusement for quito a number lipped ripples careered uninterruptedly window and opened the shutters. There count for tho presence of his horse weight MRS C W. TALMAGE, W. M. of persons on and adjoining the estate. was a light, warm breeze blowing; the in such a place. Mr. Fullar had left his from shore to shore.—Mrs J. K. Lawson acts of violence and bloodshed it was gance destined to win the hearts of sub­ think I ha' e convinced you. ” A. O. U. W —Charity Lodge No. 7 meets first and { time to make a few examples and read­ urban circulating libraries. There «cas a silence. She smoothed a In Chicago Herald. third Fridays of ea< b month. 7 30 p. m Lodge At certain times in the day, when the : full moon stood high overhead; the bay house early in the morning and had not just the moral standard of the commu­ weather is pleasant, the squirrels are out was rippling and sparkling In its light. returned thither since. “Here it is. I reviewed it in The wrinkle in her suede glove, fie twisted room in Union block. H. C. BURNS, M W. in full force and indulge in all manner of But in that weird spot the moon’s face a button on his coat. Then she aroused nity. DREAMLAND. Centurian, didn’t I?” The coroner took notes, the body was J D BAKER, Becorder 10 | sports, all by themselves. The little crea­ was reflected in a broad yellow blur. How much greater was the necessity consigned to the bosom of mother earth, “No," she said, “you hanged and herself, with a little laugh, and extend­ Yamhill Lodge No. 10 D. of H. meets in Union tures are afraid of the boys and seem to Where sighs the whispering linden Uncle Noah sat down in his accustomed and then another ghastly discovery was ed her hand. when, as on this occasion, men made quartered it!” hall second and fourth Friday evenings of each know when school is out. Sometimes they To summer’s lightest breeze, chair aud looked out with growing excite­ announced to the horrified townspeople. uiontb. free with the executive hand of justice “Well, goodby, Mr. Everdene. and “ I am sorry! May I ask how you Where tuneful birds make muiio Cis r er P ost N o . 9—Meets the second and fourth form a procession and follow their leader ment. What on earth meant that sulleu In a copse a little to the west of the once more, thank you!’* in the person of the marshal, whose Unseen ’ mid shady trees — found out that I was the culprit? ” Saturday of each month in Union hall at 7:30 all around and over the trees, at times calm over there amid all that sparkle and town Mr. Fullar had been found lying How sweet awhile to linger He pressed her fingers ever so lightly only offense had been that of trying to p. m. ou second Saturday and at 10:30 a. m. on venturing out to tho very end of the small motion? And—what was that? Why, among the brush, a pistol by bis side and “Oh, by accident 1 It’s a long story Beside some babbling stream, 4th Saturday. All members of the order are branohes and then jumping to another cage a flagrant violator of the peace and and unimportant, since you don’t deny —her proselyte. whose was that dark figure away over on a small powder stained wound in his tem­ And lulled by its soft murmur cordially Invited to attend our meetings. maintain the dignity of the law, even the imputation. Now, Mr. Everdene, I "Not goodby, ” he murmured “Au J. B. S tilwell , Commander. | tree. A few days ago, while they were on the hill gazing intently across the bay? ple. He had been dead for some hours. In To fall asleep and dream I B. F. CLUBINX. Adjt. a grand frolio, one of the eight was run­ Uncle Noah could keep this thing to him­ bis pocket was found a manuscript ad­ what little there was of it. But Tex know it is very impertinent of me, a revoir!"—Black and White Wbat etrange fantastic picture» could nowhere be found. W. C T. U.—Meets on every Fri-' ning along the fence when a large cat, self no longer. He pointed the place out dressed to Noah Pye. stranger, to come to your private ad­ Pass mirrored o’er the brain «lay at 3 p. m. in reading room, Union not far away, cautiously approached him to his visitors, each one of whom explained The coroner himself, with Jim Trud­ Sheriff Tucker began to take the case dress and worry you. I am doing a very- As youth forgets its troubles in true cat fashion and evidently intend­ the phenomenon to his own, but not to geon and some friends, brought the manu­ block C lara G. E sson . Pres. And age grows young again! in hand. He and his deputies scoured unusual thing, I am afraid, and Mrs. J ennie G allentine , Sec’y ed to make a meal of the little fellow. Uncle Noah’s, satisfaction. Then strange The past, no more remembered, the town from one end to the other. Grundy would be horrified. But ‘fools The squirrel faced the cat, and when she whispers began to creep about tho village script to Uncle Noah. He glanced nt it Makes way for wbat shall be, They visited all of Tex’s resorts and rush in, ’ you know, and widows are bad almost reached him he gave a sudden —absurd »peculations, some averring that and requested the coroner to read it aloud. And scenes of future gladness TAVERN OF calling places, but none had seen him privileged 1 You must have a little pa­ Are all the dreamers see. spring and jumped clear over the cat’s hidden treasure luy buried there. The It began: after the shocking. At last Tucker heard head and back and found a safe retreat. eyes of all Maploville were turned to the tience with me, because ” — for the first Ab, would these idle fancies “To Mr. Noah Pye and Whoever Else It The astonishment of the cat as she looked bay. that he had left town on horseback. He time her lips relaxed, and she smiled a Might sometimes prove them true May Concern; around for her intended victim was ex­ "Look here, Mr. Fullar, what do ye Nor fade away to nothing was probably far over the divide by this smile that was sweetness itself—“well, ’ ‘ Before mak ing atonement for my crime tremely amusing. With a sad and deject­ make out this here business to be? Ye And vanish from the view I time, but Tucker was not the sort of just because I’m a woman and you're a I desire to confess what led me on to it. Fond thought! But cease repining. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE ed look, and with a drooping tail, she ought to know summat, ” said Uncle Noah man to be easily discouraged. He and a gentleman! Acknowledge the truth now Opens June i, 1895 Many years ago I was head bookkeeper in Perchance ’tis happier thus slowly walked away, while the little deputy, whose aim was as accurate as on your honor. Don’t you think you Connecting nt Yaquina Bay with the San squirrel, at a safe ¿[stance, looked on and to a man who had called iu one day about a large wholesale commission house in To leave unsolved life's riddle Geo. Schoaewald, Manager. the sale of some lots. his own, and whose courage was some- i were unnecessarily harsh to my poor lit­ Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steam­ Nor ask what waits for us. seemed to say, “Try it again.’’—Boston This man had come to Mapleville some England and had large sums at my mercy. —New Budget ship Company. thing to be banked on in all emergen- | My salary was fairly good, but unfortu Transcript.________________ tle literary effort?” 12 years ago, and being a man of means j cies, started in pursuit. They had bet- I “No,” he said bluntly. “I always had married the daughter of a well to do nately I contracted expensive habits, and Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, A Royal Rebuke. before long found that double the sum STEAMSHIP “FARALLON” ter horses than the animal Tex was rid­ give my true opinion of things, and I farmer and become one of Mapleville’s Delightful and Healthful Pastime», would scarcely cover my yearly liabilities. It appears that on the death of Alexan­ prominent men. He was a delicate, clerkly ing, and they were soon on the boy’» consider your book had many faults. ” Matchless Mountain Scenery. At first I borrowed and paid my debts, Al, and first-class in every respect. der III the CouDteaa Stroganoff wished to looking man, pale of visage, well featured, trail If she had been a man, he would have then borrowed at heavy Interest to. pay the Sails from Yaquina for San Francisco drape her palaoe in crape, etc., but the au­ but with a trick of glancing furtively at They called him Tex in lieu of any Then began one of the hottest pursuits said, “I thought it was excessively about every eight days. Passenger ac­ tocrat of the city, Lieutenant General Von one when supposing himself unobserved. lender. Finally I began to cook the books SWEET BRIER CAMP. commodations unsurpassed. Shortest Wahl, Bent word that nobody was to drape Uncle Noah had never taken to him much. in order to square myself with the world, reliable information as to his proper that was ever known. By daylight they bad, ’ ’ with the brusqueness of convic­ route between the Willamette valley and his or her houso in crape, or anything else, He always declared that when Fullar ’ making it appear that largo sums which patronymic, and he bobbed up in that were in sight of the fugitive, catching a tion, and probably declined to discuss Established last year in a romantic dell had been paid in full had only been paid miscellaneous assortment of humanity faroff glimpse of him as he waved his until he Issued orders. Notwithstanding talked to him he could see another man the matter. But to a lady it was impos­ or the Sacramento Canyon,J um below and California. in fall view ol grand old Shasta. It ws* Fare from Albany or points west to this very clear order, the resolute, zealous looking out of Fullar's eyes from behind. in part or not at all, but fear of discovery that flocked to Leadville in the first sombrero at them just as he slipped over sible to be mde. He regarded her ab­ a great hit, and promises even more en­ now began to lay hold of me. I felt I had and loyal countess ignored the wishes of flush of the silver excitement Tex was the crest of a range of hills. Both par­ surdly unconventional presence with a San Francisco : But he was one of the “big bugs” of couraging results far the present year. but woven a net for my own»feet. I saw the all powerful Von Wahl, and, in fact, Mapleville, a neighbor in a way, and, as T i 111 Castell«, It still iu charge an Apollo of the plains, a mere boy, ties had changed horses several times. Cabin......................................... »12.00 tolerant kindliness. that my assistant bad begun to suspect me. and will answer all Inquiries. calmly sent word to him that she intended Uncle Noah put it, whatever the man was, with long yellow curls, blue eyes and a At one place Tex had traded his broken “ Of course I admit that there are Steerage................................... 8.00 I could read the distrust in bis eyes, in his doing exactly as she pleased In the matter so long as he conducted himself like a A new candidate for public favor thia woman’s complexion and with a frame down broncho for a buggy horse, paying faults, but upon one or two points in Cabin, round trip, good 60 days 18.00 of draping her palace. And she did so. white man ought to, it was none of his actions. He pointed out to me certain year is Enraged at being set at defiance I d this funeral. So, while instinctively detecting omissions—intentional on my part—omis­ that towered six feet in his stockings. the difference that the owner asked your criticism I cannot agree with you. For sailing dates apply to, SHASTA VICINO CAMP way. Von Wahl sent a posse of constables the duality of the man, he always treated sions I could not explain. I lived for He had been a member of an immigrant without haggling about the price. Then I should veiy much like to discuss them H. L. WALDEN. Alto In th« Sbatu region,about a mile aud to the Stroganoff palace to tear down the him civilly, this morning particularly so weeks in a state of misery in dally appre­ train in his tenderer years, which the he had traded the buggy horse for a Ute with you. May I?” a half from Duntmuir It It a genuine Agent, Albany, Or. emblems of mourning. This was exactly as he pointed with his finger to the shim­ hension of exposure. Though I had re­ Indians had attacked and wiped out cf pony that would try to run up a Lili as paraaite for huutert, flthert and teekera “Certainly. ” His mouth was twitch­ trenched closely, I could not retrieve my existence. Tex had been adopted by the fast as he ran down, and v hose spirit EDWIN STONE, Manager, what the lady wanted. She at once let mering inlet. of health and pleasure. Eaty to reach ing under his heavy mustache. “But position. (near the railroad , sightly, and all the Corvallis, Or. tha young czar know wbat was going on tribe and had spent some years in this nothing could conquer but death. Once 1 don’t'you think, pending the verdict, “What business?” asked Fullar, hl» eye necettltiet ofcamp Ufe easily procurable. “One day I had the opportunity toescape savage society, until General McHenry, CHAS. CLARK, Supt.. Corvallis, Or. and painted the outrage in the most glow­ following the indicating finger. they were perceptibly gaining on him that you had better sit down? You will All Inquiries about Shasta Vlctno Camp, ing colors, and the result was that young "Don't you see? Hain’t you heard about before me—the handling of a large sum commanding regular troops, one day and tried a few shots that fell short if addressed to W. C. Gray, box 4, Duns­ be fatigued. If you’ll permit me to of money. The temptation was too much. “It is the best patent medicine in the Nicholas promptly ordered the great gov­ muir, Cal., will receive prompt attention. swooped down on the camp and seized Just as they though: they were going I laid my plans, and in disguise fled to wheel this armchair nearer the fire for world” is what Mr. E. M. Hartman, of ernor of St. Petersburg to remain at his that there »pot that keeps quiet when all CAMPING IN THE round It’s rippin an tearin like mad? Canada with the money In my possession. Tex and restored him to civilization. to close in on him and were putting Marq uatu, Oregon , says of Cham berlai n's residence for three days. One must know Why, the bull town is talking about it.” I did not attempt to find a situation lest And then Tex became a cowboy. That their horses to their best Tex waved his you—so!” SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS St. Petersburg well to understand how Having carefully arranged it so that Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. much Von Wahl is detested there, and, Uncle Noah’s eyes as he »poke were It might lead to inquiries. Instead I drift­ was his history down to the time that sombrero over his head, standing erect . she should face the light, he seated him- Alma, Wrights, Laurel, Glenwood. Felton. Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek. “What leads me to make this assertion moreover, the childlike nature of the Rus­ upon tbo place; otherwise he must have ed down here to Mapleville as a man of he went to Leadville and became a fa­ in the saddle, and gave such an unearth­ •elf opposite to her—the A BC of diplo­ some means and settled here. I married, miliar figure about the gambling houses. ly yell that the poor pony was frighten­ is from the fact dysentery in its worst sians, to form any conception of the In­ noticed how ghastly white Ills visitor had tried macy, but she did not appear to notice to forget and do well, to live a new grown, how terror stricken were the eyes REDUCED RATES Everybody, with the possible excep­ ed into a convulsive effort that carried it. She was drawing arabesques on the form was prevalent around here last tense delight that this episode caused in fixed on the same spot as hia own. life in the new land. So far I succeeded, During the Camping seaton «rill be all classes, from prince to moujik.—New tion of the parson and a few women and him beyond the range of vision of Tuck ­ but my wife and children made me long summer aud it never took over two or York Advertiser. carpet with the point of her ivory han­ made by the "Do ye know,” he continued, “I’ve children in camp, in those days wooed er and his man. Yet on they pressed, half a notion to get Jim Trudgeon to go to be an honest man, to be able to lift up dled umbrella. three doses of that remedy to effect a SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. the fickle goddess of fortune in roulette my face to the sun like other men. This around the shoulder of a hill, and there down an see what’s below that there dev­ “I should very much like to know,” Carpets. complete cure.” For «aie by S. Howorth For full particulars address desire was always strongest on me after or at faro, poker and even keno, and i they saw their man—at their mercy. il’» lookin glass?” E P. ROGERS. Atst Gen Pats Agtnt, •he said, “ what you think of me for Carpets were used in the east from early 4 Co., druggists. "Oh, nonsense! What could there be? talking with you, Mr. Pye. I determined Tex’s occupation as a professional gam­ Portland, Oregon. His broncho had broken his neck Stum- coming here?” {Imes. They are known to have been made 0. R. & N. CO. Storv of Francis Gludde. EAST ROUTES » n. MYSTERY OF MAPLEVILLE BAY SAN + FRANCISCO The Shasta Route SHE WAS RIGHT. LOCAL DIRECTORY. Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. Co. A DEAD SHOT. (/) 0 Castle Crags z k □ (/) 0 z i= □