RAILWAY RATEA. sembly for June 25th, to pass revenue patriotism in the hearts of our peo­ laws to relieve the deficiency * in the' ple. The most valuable thing, probably, F. H. BARNHART, Editor A Fropr in the annual report of the interstate state treasury, and to pass laws re-■ Yamhill Independent. garding sleeping-car charges and re- j Ci. ECKMAN, Associate Editor. commerce commission is the result of Newberg camp Woodmen of the garding justice courts in Chicago. an investigation made by order of World was increased last Monday SUCCESSOR TO UNION HARDWARE COMPANY. The silver debate between Roswell Subscription $1.00 Per Year. Congress, to ascertain the average night by the addition of 21 new charges per ton per mile for moving G. Horr, editor of the New York members, making it one of the freight on the railways of different Tribune, and James Harvey, author j strongest lodges in town. advertising rates . countries. The following table gives of “Coin's Financial School,” is to be Reading notice« in local columns 10 cent» per Keeps on hand a full assortment of A M Porter, who has been teach-1 line for firwt week and 5 cent« per line thereafter held in Chicago July 16th. As each Display advertiaemeuu. annual rates, one Inch the average . ing the Dundee school the past few 1 per month SI. each additional inch 50 cents per The commission also investigated j contestant is to have assistants, the months, saw fit to chastise one of his month. Obituary and marriage notices not exceeolng 1 the average rate per mile for passen­ sound-money committee of the cham- Hardware, Timxiare, Stoves, 10 lines published tree, if furnished In time to i her of commerce of New York city, pupils last week, and was summarily I be current news. Additional matter lucent'per gers, with the following result: dismissed by the board. The school line. Great Britain, first class 4.42 cents at Mr. Horr s request, will send five would have closed in a couple of Studebaker Wagons, The starting up of all manufacturers. second class 3.2, third class 1.94; able men to help him in conjunction days, 30 there will be no one chosen FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1895. with five others to be chosen from The employment of idle capital and labor. France, first 3.86 cent3, second 2.86, Buggies, Carts and Surreys, to take his place. third 2.08; Germany, first 3.1 cents, the west and south. A couple of fellows have been The advance in wheat, oats, wool and other farm Dun & Co.’s weekly review of M. V. R ork who used tn figure so second 2.32, third 1.54: United Jones Chain Drive JVIouier, around town the past day or two products, with other commodities following close trade says: “ It is no longer a ques ­ prominently as a populist in this States, 1893, 2.1(W cents; 1894, 1.976 tion whether business improves. gathering up all the old rubber boots in line. region, is said to have espoused the cents. Plano Binders, and shoes they can find. Our people Not for a long time have our reports republican cause in Kentucky. This is a most interesting showing A general revival of business assured iu the near should be very kind to these fellows to those who believe in government been so uniformly favorable. The and give them all the old rubber future. E x -G overnor C ampbell of Ohio ownership of railways. In France daily average of bank clearings in shoes they have. Next winter they | And a full line of Extras for the Plano Binder. Also is wise. He is willing that Sorg and Germany, the government owns June is 24.8 per cent larger than All croakers like spring and summer goods should be all kinds of Plumbing done in the Tinner’s Line. shall be the gubernatorial nominee a large share of the railways. But last year, though 11.4 per cent less will come back to us bright and new disposed of to make room for the more progressive, this year, and Sorg, who is not so cur rate for moving freight per ton than in 1892. The most potent in­ at six bits a pair. When you get others’ prices come and get mine before The prospect for fruit in this im- HENCE wise, is willing to be sacrificed. per mile is only half that of Germany, fluence has been receipts of more buying. Will be pleased to show goods and give mediate vicinity, based on observa favorable advices regarding growing about one-third that of France, and Prices. T he new auditors of the soldiers’ one-fourth that of Great Britain, crops. Labor troubles are getting tion and inquiry among some of the home have been able to keep expenses while passenger rates show a similar out of the way, wages in many es­ prominent growers, is about as fol- within the limit of legislative appro­ disparity. For the benefit of those tablishments are rising and the iron lows: Bartlett pears promise an priation—SI, 000 per month. This ii who try to take refuge behind the industry is now leading. There is abundant crop, and most other va- gratifying. Among the first places belief that the “French mile” and general improvement in manufac­ rieties a fair yield. Apples gener­ Perhaps a the world looks for frugality and “German mile" are longer than ours, tures. Monetary conditions also ally about half a crop. OF little more in young orchards. honesty, both in public and private we will say that the mile meant is help. The time draws near when busy affairs, is among patriots. the common or English mile, used a crop export will bring gold hither.” Peaches scarce, though in some lo­ calities there will be a few. Cherries universally in the United States and Secretary Carlisle in an interview T he Richmond (Va.) Time» says Great Britain. not more than one-fourth crop. Roy­ on the subject of meeting Bryan, al Anns and Black Republicans, that if the national democratic con­ Running from JUNE 15th toAUGUST 1st, dur­ of Nebraska, in debate said: “What! which are the best shippers, are vention next year adopts a free sil­ ABE WE A SANE PEOPI.E? ing which time all light-weight summer goods will Dignify him by debating with him! ver platform that paper will urge a practically a failure. Some other be sold at reduced prices. No, sir; he is a populist, He is not A few railroad conductors can hire Because he is a first-class tailor—his work giving varieties are quite plentiful, notably second convention “to nominate a a democrat. Did not he say in This is no nickel in the slot game. No racket the Rockport and Kentish. Prunes democrat of the straightest sect up­ cars at 120 apiece and carry ten perfect satisfaction, and because he has reduced Louisiana that if a silver plank was thousand people to Salem on Sunday sale of auction goods. But an honest clearance sale are all right in nearly all orchards. on a sound money platform.” Prob­ the prices on tailor made clothing in McMinnville. not put in the democratic platform Italians heavily loaded, petites a ably four-fifths of the papers of the for SI a head and make several of the goods here advertised. he would be against the party suc­ good crop, and silvers better than an south would support the movement. thousand dollart profit thereby. cess? No; I will not meet him under GOTO ROECÄ FOR YOUR Bimetalism goes at a parity. Gold, silver or If such rates could be given the average. Blackberries and raspber­ T he extraordinary zeal of the ad­ public ten to twenty thousand people any circumstances.” Bryan replied ries never promised a better yield. greenbacks taken at par in exchange. SUMMER S\J1T. ministration in preventing filibuster­ would spend every Sunday at that he would be willing to debate ing expeditions against Cuba is per­ Yaquina bay. As many would once with him, but not with any idea of Some time ago I was taken sick with a Located Two Doors West of Hotel Yamhill. haps ail right. But the natural feel­ a week go to Portland or visit the acquiring dignity, “for I do not think cramp in the stomach, followed by ing of the people of this nation could wonderful scenery of the Columbia. an American who has so little faith diarrhoea. I took a couple of doses F. ROECA. have been better expressed by wait­ The people do not begin to have in his own countrymen as to employ of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and ing as long as it took the Spanish the use of the railroads they should a Icotbschild-Morjan syndicate to Diarrhoea Remedy and was immediately government to frame an apology for have. They could be used twice as protect the treasury of the United relieved. I consider it the best medicine W. G. HENDERSON. S. WILSON. firing upon an American vessel much and be made twice as profit­ States has any dignity to impart to in the market for all such complaints. I have sold the remedy to others and several months ago. able if the rates were not prohib­ others. But a debate might afford every one who uses it speaks highly of itory. Are we a sane people in our Mr. Carlisle opportunity to explain O nly half a crop of hops is pre­ railroad management?— Capital Jour­ some things concerning which he has it. J. W. S trickler , Valley Center, dicted in New York. If true, it nal. been studiously silent. As to the Cal. For sale by S. Howorth & Co., means a shortage of 100,000 bales, charge that I am a populist I would Druggists. (Third Street, between E and F.) more than the annual export of the Judge Galloway on Hard Times. say that I am now a democrat and BUY GROCERIES OF IAFAVETTE. United States. This, with a short­ WILSON & HENDERSON, Proprietors In his annual address before the always have been. I said in Ne age of the prune crop in California, pioneers last week, our fellow towns­ braska that I would not follow the Mr. McCuropgey has resigned his S. WI Li SON, Manager. would augur better prices for these man shows clearly by comparison the democratic party to the gold stan­ position as foreman of Judge Denny’s farm and has moved into town, occupying products in Oregon. The Oregon advantages of the present over the dard, I repeated this at Jackson, Mississippi, in reply to a question, one of J. H. Olds’ houses. farmer is likely to receive a little en­ past: BOHEMIAN WARE. We have some elegant Mr. Henry Newton, while chopping Everything first-class. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Commercial couragement for his work. Bohemian glassware. As pretty a pattern as “The cry of hard times has no ter­ but I have always said that I did not wood last week, was struck on the breast Travelers Conveyed to all points pointe at most reasonable rates. Give us a call. and now say that I do not believe rors for the pioneer men and women ever came to McMinnville. If you buy any­ with a large limb and severely hurt. He O ne of the easiest ways to make who endured the hardships and the democratic party will ever de­ thing in this line you will do well to see our better at this time. people go away from home to trade dangers of a weary trip across the clare for a gold standard. The is Prof. Metzger, of Pennsylvania, has display. is to neglect advertising at home. plains with their ox teams, and left struggle in the democratic party is accepted a position in the Lafayette FRESH FRUIT. We keep the choicest and Merchants who don’t believe that their wagons at The Dalles or to determine whether the goldbugs seminary. freshest to be had in the market. advertising pays should be last to brought them over the Cascades by shall use the organization as a ve­ Henry Boivin has “taken the road,” complain if people attracted by lib­ the Barlow route along the base of hicle for the advancement of plutoc­ and will sell Osborne machinery. 8 Loaves of Bread for 25 Cents eral advertisements of merchants in Mount Hood. Then there was no racy or whether the party will stand Dr. J. L. Hayes is spending a few­ BEST BREAD IN THE WORLD. other cities go abroad to do their circulation of gold and silver, traffic upon democratic principles. The weeks in Washington along the trout trading. Then, too, the best results being carried on prior to 1850 by silver democrats expect to control streams. Dr. and Mrs. Poole, of Moumo'ith, from advertising, it should be re­ beaver skins, pelts, hoop-poles, and the next national convention, and I J. R. IRVINE. spent a few days here this week visiting membered, come through papers of wheat. When scarcely able to lift a have no doubt Cleveland and Car­ accredited standing and circulation. sack of wheat, I have myself hauled lisle will either bolt or vote the re­ relatives. Mrs. Minnie Lindstrom is visiting in Independence this week. it to Portland, with oxen, a distance publican ticket.” M en love to speculate on presiden­ Mr. A. D. Hoskins has bought the lot of about 50 miles, and disposed of it tial probabilities, and nearly every FROM THE COUNTY PRESS. formerly occupied by the Bed Front, and The McMinnville for 1 cent per pound, taking in ex­ one has his choice. While it is all will put up a fine frame building to be change groceries, clothing, etc. Newberg Graphic, idle at this remote period, republi­ used as a harness shop. Would there “While freight and passenger rates G. W. Mitchell found a peculiar were more here like him. cans may deduce from it two sol­ are exceedingly and unreasonably w-orm at work on his Italian prunes Mrs. J. Clark and daughter Etta are acing reflections. The party has high, yet those who enjoy the pres­ a few days ago and he sent some visiting in Middleton this week. plenty of available material willing ent advantages have but slight con­ specimens to the Mr. J. T. Hembree is having his build­ Agricultural to accept, and any one of the numer­ \VM. LAMBERT, PROPRIETOR. ception of the difficulties experienced college at Corvallis for examination. ings on Main street painted up in ous probabilities is a true American by the pioneers. For instance, in Samuel Davis of Dundee spent a good shape. Wliat’s the matter with qualified to take up the administra­ Always up to the times. Recently improved 1850 postage’on a single letter to the couple of days the first of the week the rest of you “fellers?” tion where Harrison left off, placing by introduction of the It is so long since the sound of ham­ states was 40 cents. Steamboat looking through the prune orchards All work Guaranteed. the country again on its feet and re­ most modern machin­ fare from Astoria to Portland was at Vancouver, Washington, and he mer and saw was heard here, that the storing its prestige at home and Prices always reasonable. ery. $25 each way, which was reduced by says they have had the same worm natives are really astonished. abroad. Hasten the day. New planking is being laid on the the steamer Lot Whitcomb in 1851, there for two or three years but it bridge between town and the depot. K ansas and Nebraska have had to $16, or $32 for the round trip; the does no special damage. They call The most important individual in this neck of woods just now, is Guy Bird. Family Work a Specialty. good rains recently, but the wail that same year freight was carried from it a twig worm. He says its “another” boy, and arrived Oregon City to Portland, a distance goes up from the farmer’s_ heart in Mr. Green who lives out west of Wednesday a. m. early. 8 lbs. that section is something terrible. of 12 miles, for $15 per ton, passen­ town and who has been for the past Mrs. M. J. Griffin, of Dufur, Or., was The man so favored as to be an agri­ gers, $5 each; about the same two years driving a well matched visiting a few days here this week. and calf which he had traded to tV. H. NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE- Miss Libby Simmons, of Fairhaven, Lashier. culturist in the Willamette valley, charges were made from Canemah to team of black and white oxen, sold Wash., is visiting with Mrs. W. W. Notice is hereby given that the under­ Chas. Robbins has built him a house though recently passing through Salem and Dayton. the cattle for 1100, and has bought Smith’e family this week. signed, as sheriff of Yamhill county, state “ As late as 1859 as high as $20 per greater depression than he is accus­ Mrs. Wash. Laughlin, of Carlton is in the grove north of his father’s place of Oregon, by virtue of a writ of execution the Lewis Jones bay team of horses ton was charged on freight from and order of’ sale issued out of the circuit tomed to, can take heart when he for $60. He says he will buy a set reported seriously ill. court of the state of Oregon, for the county Horne For Sale. Portland to the Cascades. In fact, Several of our young people have been of Yamhill, bearing date of May 16th, A. reads the following from a personal of harness and still have some money suffering with overdoee of cherries this Seven years old, weight about 1050, D. 1895, upon and to enforce that certain there were very uncertain and lim­ letter to the editor, penned by a left. A few years ago a man who week. gentle and kind and pretty fair and judgment rendered by said court on the ited facilities for transportation on practical observer on the ground: The O. E. S. had a big “blow out” here willing traveler. A good family horse. 15th day of April, A D 1895, in that suit would have predicted that an ox therein pending in which J. E. Hembree “Wheat is 90 cents, corn 60 cents, the Columbia and Willamette rivers team would in the near future ^ell Wednesday night. plaintiff, and M Fisk and Josephine Mrs. Fulton is visiting in the North Also a good, gentle, young ponv, with was prior to the organization of the cart. Either animal will be sold at a Fisk, his wife, George P. Dorris, bis wife potatoes $1.10, oats 37* cents; these for nearly double the price of a team Yamhill country this week. Aliee Dorris and Felix O. Dorris were de­ O. S. N. Co in I860. ’’ bargain. Inquire at this office. we have to buy. Eggs are 7 cents, fendants, wherein it was ordered, adjudged of horses would have been hooted at. John Hendricks bad what came near and decreed b.v said court that said plain­ butter 8 cents; these we have to Oxen are used almost exclusively in being a very serious runaway this week. NEWS OF THE WEEK. The wheat aphis is appearing in pome tiff, J E. Hembree, recover of and from His daughter Florence was holding the sell. Perhaps you Oregonians can the logging camps and the demand team and they started for the pasture on sections, but not near eo numerously as the defendants M Fisk and Josephine Fisk, in U. S gold coin, the sum of >1711- Governor Atkinson of Georgia keeps the price up, while horses have the run, overturning the wagon and last year. figure up the profits in the poultry .23, with interest thereon from April 15th, throwing the voung lady out, bruising 1895. at the rate of ten per cent per annum, business when corn is 60 cents and is dying of appendicitis. fallen in price to an extremely low her quite badly. The wagon was gath­ and the sum of $150 00 attorneys' fees and eggs 7. We have bonded and mort­ the costs and disbursements taxed at The trial of Swartz, the murderer, figure. ered up in sections. HE WOMAN $23.40, and for accruing costs, and ordering Ed Perkins is home from the Portland gaged; we have had our rainmakers is in progress at Salem. —who takes the surest the sale of the following described real Amity Blade. hospital. and now we are subsoiling and irri­ The pension case of Judge Long has way to gain a beautiful property, to-wit: Miss Della Parker and sister Jessie, A part of the donation land claim of Joel Mr. Hendrick reports purchases of color ana a wholesome gating; we have planted trees and been appealed to the supreme court. are visiting in Park Place this week. skin will not take the Perkins and wife in T. 4 8. and in ranges 20,000 lbs. of wool this week at Mc ­ cosmetics, paints and 3 and 4 west of the Willamette meridian, made ponds; we have plowed deep We are pleased to aunounce Mrs. Secretary Lamont is coming west, Coy against Portland and Salem bids. Carrie powders which soon in Yamhill county, state of Oregon, and Dixon and little daughter Ruth and we have plowed shallow; we injure the skin. Sal­ the portion sold and conveyed being de­ probably as far as the Pacific coast. He has taken 5,000 lbs. at Amity very much better. low or wrinkled face, scribed as follows: have mulched and we have cultivat­ Mr. and Mrs. Vickerey are visiting in dull eyes and hollow Beginning at the northeast comer of the Employes of the Joliet, Ill., steel also this week. ed, rolled and packed, and now they Portland this week. cheeks, together with tract of land deeded by J. H. Upton and works will receive a 10 per cent low spirits, follow the derangements, irreg ­ wife to J. T. Hembree on December 3d, Mr. State,slightly known in Amity, tell us all we need to do is to subsoil ularities and weaknesses peculiar to the 1873; thence along the west side of the and who recently canvassed the WH1TESON. sex. All women require a tonic and nervine county road running northerly from La­ so as to make storage for the moist­ raise in wages July 1st. at some period of their lives. Whether suf­ fayette in said county to Chehaieiu Valley ure and then keep stirring the sur­ Hartford, Kans, was visited by a county on a free-subscription news­ fering from nervousness, dizziness, faint­ 89 rods; thence west 123 rods; thence Ullet Houk has just finished a barn ness, displacement of womanly organs, ca­ south along the line between the said do­ cyclone Monday, while Dennison, paper “ racket, ” has hied himself face very shallow to form a mulch to tarrhal inflammation of the lining mem­ nation land claim and the E. Millican land and will soon commence the erection of Iowa, got off with a common tornado. over to Woods. We understand that retain the moisture, and we are all branes, bearing-down sensations, or general claim to the north line of said land sold to a house on bis lots near the cannery. debility, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription said J. T. Hembree; thence east 101 rods right! Kansas agricultural wisdom The power house of the Seattle certain McMinnville citizens as well A. M. Hoffman, W. G. Bobbins and reaches the origin of the trouble and cor­ to the place of beginning, containing 21) is wonderful, or is'nt in it!” Are Consolidated Street Railway Co as some here, mourn his departure. J. Pratt drove to Dayton Sunday even­ rects it. It’s a medicine which was discov­ acres of land more or less, situate in said ered and used by an eminent physician for and state. we not justified in expecting that burned yesterday morning, entailing Forewarned does not seem to be ing, and Monday morning took the boat many years in all cases of ‘'female com­ county Now, therefore, by virtue of said judg­ plaint, ” and those painful disorders that j forearmed in every case, and Bar ­ for Oregon City, to attend the state en­ ment, decree, execution and order of sale, patience will some day cease to be a a loss of $200,000. afflict womankind. If women are over­ I will, on Saturday, the 22d day of June, virtue with these people, the major­ Laidlaw, whom Russell Sage used num's untimely remark is again im­ campment of the G. A. R. worked, run-down, tired or sleepless, if A. I). 1895, at the hour of one o'clock p Two brothers of W. A. Matthews drove they are irritable, morbid and suffer from m. of said day, at the court house door ui ity of whom for business snap and as a shield when Norcross threw the pressed. back-ache, they should turn to the right over from Salem Sunday and visited means for a permanent cure. Dr. Pierce’s McMinnville, in Yamhill county, Oregon, good citizenship are the equal of any bomb, has won a verdict against at public auction to the highest bidder Dayton Herald. Favorite Prescription fits just such cases, sell friends here. for cash in hand, the above described real in the world, and that they will Sage of $40,000 damages. for it regulates and strengthens the special property, to satisfy said execution, costs Jas. McNerney of Omaha, Neb., Bernice Hoffman of Carlton ha3 been functions, builds up and invigorates the en­ transplant their stakes to the great and accruing costs The national republican league will arrive in Dayton Friday even- visiting friends here for several days. tire female system. Dated this 20th dav of May. A. D. 1895. and growing west? Good improved convention is being held at Cleve­ | ing, and will remain during the sum- Miss Jones of Portland visited her W.'G. HENDERSON, DISEASE OF WOMB. Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon. land in this valley can now be had land. It is proving something of a ' mer. Mr. McNerney is Mrs. S. S. sister, Mrs. C. L. Cox last week. She Mrs. C ora 8. WrLSON, of for from $20 to $30 per acre. The disappointment to free silver advo­ returned home Friday morning. Carlisle, Sullivan Co., Ind., Duncan’s father. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. "I cannot say too great danger is that with incoming cates. E. Fox and family start this week for writes: much for Dr. Pierce's Fa­ C. Unruh, the cooper at Webfoot, an outing at the coast. Netarts is tbeir vorite Prescription. 1 feel capital and immigration the price In the County Court of Yambill Countv, State it my duty to say to all wo­ The gold in Oklahoma proves to has just received an order from Frank destination. of Oregon. men who are suffering from will jump 20 per cent higher. Keep In the matter of the estate of Lars A. Newgard be copper, and has been known to Stout, a farmer near Carlton, for a Last Friday morning about 9 o’clock any disease of the uterus deceased. it within reason, and with the com­ that it is the best medicine is hereby given that the under­ on earth for them to use ; signed has been appointed administrator of ing of people will come capital and exist as long as white men have been water tank that will hold 3,000 gal­ the dwelling of James Cruiksbank, one- I cannot praise it too high­ N OTICE tne estate of Lars A. Newgard. deceased, by the visiting the country. It is worth 10 half mile south of VVhiteson on the ly for the good it did me. lons. The tank is to be used as a such prosperity and growth as countv court of Yamhill county, Oregon. All per­ If any one doubts this, give Amity road, was seen to lie on fire. them sons having claims against said estate are re­ ceuts a ton. reservoir for a windmill. my name and ad­ this country has never seen. quested to present them to me at McMinnville dress.'' Oregon, within six months from the date of this Wilberforce university at Wilber­ It has been decided to celebrate Neighbors hastened to the rescue, but A pamphlet, containing a vast number of notice. Dated at McMinnville, Oregon, this 15th too late to save the house, which with its 265 A grasshopper army is damaging force, Ohio, conferred the degree of the birthday of our national inde­ contents was soon in ashes, nothing be­ testimonials with reproduced photographs day ot June, A. D. 1895. R. NELSON, Administrator. those cured and giving full name and crops near Lexington, Or. The LL. D. upon President Cleveland, pendence at the Webfoot camp ing saved. James has commenced the of address of each, will be mailed to any ad­ pests are also raiding sections of but he declined the honor, not being ground. The people of Dayton and work of rebuilding and will soon have a dress free -, or, Dr. Pierce’s large Treatise COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE’ ( 168 pages ) profusely illustrated with wood Nebraska, so that they have to be a college graduate. surrounding country are cordially home again. engravings and colored plates mailed post ------- IS ONLY-------- HERE is money on hand to pav all warrants paid on receipt of 10 cents in stamps. Ad­ swept from railroad tracks with Governor Al’geld has called a invited to join in this effort to keep John Chamberlain of McMinnville dress, prior to April 6th 1895 World’s Dispensary Medical Associ­ T endorsed J. C. PENNINGTON, County Treasurer steel brooms. special session of the general as- alive and strengthen the spirit of came down Friday last bringing a cow ation, Buffalo, N. Y. June 21st, 1895, sivasurvr. Yamhill County Reporter. E. F. MANNING Signs of Prosperity OUR E. F. HANNING HOECR IS KEPT . Mid=Suminer Sale SPRING and SUMMER GOODS WHY? A. J. APPERSON To Make a Little Money Go a Long Ways, C ity S tables , J. P. IRVINE- ------- ---------- -H 11*11"------------------ Steam Laundry The Reporter ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR