of one hundred years him seems to be that he has appoint­ ago, which substituted the wor­ ed bis wife to a position where she F.H. BARNHART. Editor A Prepr ship of the goddess of reason draws a princely salary, but per­ in the place of Christianity, made a forms no services. J. G. ECKMAN, Aeeociate Editor. point of prescribing by law one day More of the goods stolen at the Subscription $1.00 Per Year. of rest in the week. Fifteen years time of the robbery of the Dilley ago the free-thinking element in the store were found last Saturday in a i national legislature succeeded in ob­ brush lot belonging to Jack Lousig- ADVERTISING KATES. taining the repeal of all legislation nout, and Jack is again under arrest. Reading notices in local columns 10 cent* per line for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter. in connection with the matter, de­ It will be remembered that this same Display advertisement*, annual rates, one inch per month Si. each additional inch 30 cent* per claring it no longer in keeping with man was indicted at the last term of monte Obituary and msrr^ge notice* not exceeding the enlightened and libera! spirit of court for complicity in this robbery, 10 lines published free, if furnished in time to ,p nreaent aje Yet to-day, as but got clear because of a lack of be current news Additional matter 10 cenfper j present age. line. ’ ’ ’ j shown elsewhere in our columns, evidence. Now he will have a chance ■ 1 -------- : these self-same men figure promi- to try the road again. There are I FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1895. i nently in the ranks of that Sabbath more goods to find, and their discov-1 ___ ______________ 1',. ; League, which has been formed with erv may reveal other facts. C apt . J. T. A pperson of Oregon : the object of securing the re-enact- Dr. Jay Guy Lewis died at his City has been made president of the | ment of the laws providing for the home in Sparta, Union county, Sun­ board of regent.-, of the state agricul- observance of Sunday. The experi- day night from erysipelas, from ence of the last fifteen years has fur­ which he had suffered but a short tural college. nished to them, as well as to the time. While he was not an old "I t is a common remark among ' many eminent statesmen, politicians settler in Oregon, Dr. Lewis was those who have been taken in by and economists of every shade and extensively acquainted throughout ‘Coin’s Financial School,' ” says a re- creed, who belong to the association, the state and was generally popular cent critic, “that the writer of it adequate proof that the removal of with those with whom he came in •makes everything so plain ' The i these statutes from the code was a contact. He was chosen by the Rev. John Jasper had the same ad­ mistake, and that a legal day of rest Oregon World’s fair commission as vantage over the followers of Gal­ in the week is a necessity to every general superintendent of the state’s ileo, when he said ’the sun do move.’ people, be it infidel or Christian.— exhibit at Chicago, and in that posi­ When the Rev. J. J. pointed to the New 1 ork Tribune. tion, he served with honor to himself orb of day in the heavens, everybody and benefit to the state. He was OREGON NEWS AND NOTES. could see that it passed slowly from j conversant with such work, as he east to west.” The Parsons band of Portland has represented the state of Arkansas been engaged to furnish the music at the centennial celebration of 1876 J udge H ewitt has decided the for the state fair this fall. at Philadelphia and at the New railroad commissioner case in favor Mrs. Susannah Woods, matron Orleans exposition in 1883. The of the plaintiff and against the de­ of the Children’s Home, South Port­ doctor spent the past winter in murrer of the secretary of state to Salem and served as clerk of one of land, died suddenly on Tuesday. the writ of mandamus commanding the committees during the legislative Park Place school at Oregon City him to draw a warrant for the salary. session. He was an applicant be­ The judge holds that, all officers, ex­ furnishes the only instance of its fore the board of building commis­ cept member^ of the legislature, kind heard from. Two boy gradu­ sioners for the position of superin­ shall hold office until their successors ates and nogiris. tendent of construction of the East The straw paper mill at Lebanon, Oregon insane asylum. are elected and qualified. The case will probably go to the supreme Linn county, runs night and day the year through, and pays out, it is said, court. NEWS OF THE WEEK. over $100,000 a year for labor and George Gould wants to be United O ur brief reference to the Sheridan materials. States senator from New Jersey. Sun as the champion “straddle-bug” The city of Corvallis will hold its had the expected result of calling annual election on Monday, May 20. Fruit in fifteen middle states was forth one of its characteristic exhi­ There will be elected mayor, police damaged by frost on the night of bitions with the cap and bells. The judge, chief of police, treasurer and the 11th. Sun is not only the chief of straddle­ four councilmen. Frank H. Thomas, chief clerk of bugs, but it is easily the champion Eugene Journal-. If all men could the postoffice department, has re- performer with these harmless im­ see that it was their duty to make signed. plements. It makes a damaging the roads passable along their own The British channel has been accusation, however, when itcharges property, and act upon it, what a crossed in a cycle by John C. Ruck us with having supported its editor blessed improvement it would be. in six days. for office while he was too busy Congressman Ellis has the duty of Du Maurier, the author of “Tril- straddling to do anything for the selecting the next cadet from Oregon by,” is coming to America to settle a party carrying him. That act mer­ for the naval academy at Annapolis. dispute over copyrights and the ited the appellation of “tumble-bug,” Examinations will be held in Port­ right to dramatize his novel. and we suppose that in the choice of On the 10th inst. Ex-President an epithet the Sun had in mind the land on the 23d and 24th insts. The state weather bureau an­ Harrison made his last speech before material a tumble-bug is supposed to , nounces that Portland will not have a jury in the Morrison will case at work with. a baok-water flood this year, owing Richmond, Ind. He will abandon O ur esteemed cotemporaries, the to low temperature not permitting the practice of law Oregonian and Y amhill R eporter . the rapid melting of snow in the A general snow storm was ex­ attempt to explain our statement of mountains. perienced in Wisconsin on 13th last week regarding the redemption Oregon mines are attracting much extending to parts of Indiana and of silver certificates. While both admit that they are redeemable in attention, and are becoming a factor Michigan, with disastrous results silver, only, they seek to mislead the of importance in the wealth and en­ to fruit buds and gardens. public mind by stating that the cer­ terprise of the state. There prom­ May 10th was celebrated as Memo­ tificates may be exchanged for green­ ises to be an accelerated activity in rial day by confederate veterans in backs and the greenbacks exchanged for gold ; hence it is a gold transac­ their development during the pres­ many parts of the south. At Char­ tion. Now, then, let us ask our ent season. lotte, N. C., the Grand Army men neighbors where they are to get the 1 ’ The statS board of agriculture has and confederates met together and greenbacks? Will they go to the just destroyed 40,000 fruit trees at united in decorating 300 graves of treasury department or any sub­ treasury and get them? Not much. Pendleton, claiming them to be in­ confederate soldiers. The exchange might be made in out­ fected with a parasitic fungus. Mr. Two hundred men in the Delaware side business transactions and then McComas had purchased them of the possessor of the greenbacks can nurserymen about Canby, and the iron works were taken by surprise on the 13th, when they found a 10 cash them for gold. But the point that we were making was that as loss will fall heavily upon him. per cent increase of wages in their the silver certificate is exchangeable A Coxeyite orator is perambulat­ envelopes. They were informed only for silver at the treasury of the ing the state to secure signatures to ’ that improvement in the iron trade United States, it is its legal tender quality that keeps it at a parity a petition for Coxev’s road measure, made the improvement in the wages This is the point we sought to make which it is said will again be pre­ possible. This looks better. and we defy a successful contradic­ sented to congress with another dis­ Commissioner-General Stump, of tion in the premises.— Dallas Tran­ play of marching commonwealers, so the immigration board, of Washing­ script. called. ton, received a telegram from Dr. Ii will not do to try to crawl out of Senator Cullom of Illinois was in Renner, commissioner of New York, any such hole as this. The treasurer Portland Monday, and Ex-Congress­ stating that 4000 immigrants arrived makes a business of exchanging man Sibley, of Pennsylvania, and at New York last Saturday, 4000 on greenbacks for silver. Just keep on Gen. Warner, president of the Monday, and that 1500 are expected hammering away, and you will find National Bimetallic League, ar- during the remaining days of this out a few things in course of time. rived in that city Tuesday, The week. These heavy arrivals are latter gentlemen are sounding the almost unprecedented duriDg the I t was an interesting experiment country on silver. last several years. made in the late Colorado legislature Another move is on foot to build a A story is current in women’s and the first of its kind in American boat that will be able to navigate the temperance circles that Miss Frances history. Three women, Mrs. Holly, upper Willamette river between Cor­ Willard, the famous temperance Mrs. Cressingham and Mrs. Klock, vallis and Eugene at all seasons of lecturer, will be led to the altar be­ all wives and all mothers happily the year. Capt. Isaac Gray of Eu­ fore autumn. The gentleman in the married, were elected on the republi­ gene is interested in the project. It case is alluded to without name as can ticket to the legislature, over is intended to construct a boat draw­ "an Englishman of wealth and posi­ 70,000 of the women of Colorado vot­ ing 14 inches of water. tion, and of prominence in reform ing for them at the November elec­ work across the water.” Miss Wil­ An eastern Oregon juryman plead ­ tion. These women did not slip into lard ’s most intimate friends, however, the Colorado legislature, they fought ed in extenuation of an act of con­ point to the fact that she is just en­ their way into it through the usual tempt of court, in neglecting to obey tering upon her 56th year and she strenuous campaign efforts of clubs, a subpoena, that he had to choose has not yet mentioned any pros­ between contempt of court and con ­ speechmaking and parades. Con­ pective change in her domestic he thought tempt of his wife, and cerning the record they made as leg­ islators we learn that while none the court would be the more relations in any of her recent com­ munications to close friends. was an orator of high rank, yet all merciful. Mrs. Mary Lease, the populist made speeches, some of them supe­ The city of Tillamook has passed rior to the man members. At the an ordinance compelling owners of orator, has been dragged into the opening of the session the women public halls to have two exits to the investigation of Populist State Sena­ had the privilege of choosing their hall. And neither of the stairways tor Householder, whose administra­ • desks before the men were allowed to be less than four feet wide in the tion of the affairs of the Kansas state to draw lots for their places. When­ clear, and the doors to be “swinging board of charities is now being ever one of the women rose to speak doors," so hung that they may be inquired into. A voucher signed by the men were all attention, and the opened by a pressure of five pounds. Mrs. Lease, and presented to the investigating committee, shows that women enjoyed a good many privi­ Roseburg has two city marshals. in October, 1894, she drew $34.79 for leges not granted to the other rep­ The regular marshal fell into disre ­ mileage and $15 per diem as a mem­ resentatives. It soon became evi­ pute by killing impounded dogs, and ber of the board, while the records, dent that they had positive opinions upon questions with which women the council declared his office vacant it is alleged, show she did not attend are not ordinarily familiar. Thejr and appointed another. Both men a single meeting of the board during were very successful in getting their are trying to fill the office, and the that month, and was not, therefore, share of the spoils of office by secur­ lawyers are “egging’’ them on. entitled to remuneration. Tom Winder, who is making a ing places for their women friends, When it comes to drawing the salary there'll be fun. trip around the borders of the United one of them securing for women Circuit Judge H. H. Hewitt ren­ States on a bicycle, leaving New three-fourths of the legislative clerkships. They got along well dered a decision at Salem, Saturday, Orleans March 14, reached Portland with each ^ther, were alert, and had in the Silverton mill. case. The on Sunday. He is to make the trip but a few clashes, all of which were plaintiff owners of the wheat are in 300 consecutive days and the own­ with the mean man members. given the decision, and its pro rata ers of the Buffalo Express will pay «-------- - ------- division to them is ordered, the him $1500 on its completion, while To those who clamor so loudly for receiver deducting from each his another $1000 comes from a bicycle the repeal of our Sunday observance share of the costs and expenses to manufacturer should the journey be laws, which they denounce as an an­ date. The defendants, J. W. and J. completed on schedule time. His achronistic survival of old Puritan S. Cochran and Harry S. Starrett, trip is the longest ever undertaken by a cyclist, and if he reaches New days, the report just ¿»sued by the are enjoined from interference. Sabbath League association of Henry Blackman, collector of in­ Orleans on or before January 6,1896, France should serve as a lesson. ternal revenue for Oregon and he will have traveled a distance esti­ From the days of Emperor Charle­ Washington, has been called down mated at 21,600 miles, and will hold magne down to 1880 statutes very hard by the treasury depart­ the world’s record as a long-distance had figured in the French ment and it is understood if he does rider. He expects to average about codes prohibiting, under severe pen­ lot heed the instructions of the 72 miles per day cu the whole trip. alties, labor of every kind cm Sun- department he will lose his official From May 15th till June 30th San day’s; and even the revolutionary head. The principal charge against Francisco will be in total darkness at Yamhill County Reporter. 1 government Heart is Stronger Fainting Spells, Neuralgia and Blood Poison E. F. MANNINO »VCCES8OR TO UNION HARDWARE COMPANY. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cives Health and Comfort. “C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: “Dear Sirs: I saw Hood's Sarsaparilla highly recommended in newspapers. 1 j had neuralgia in my head, back and arms. I also had weak tainting spells and could And nothing to do me any good After reading ths testimonial* about the good Hood’s Sarsapa­ rilla was doing 1 decided to give it a trial. I have Miss Rosa Sheldon taken it regularly La center, w»*b. since early last year and can truthfully say it Keeps on hand a full assortment of Hardware, Tinuiare, Stoves, Studebaker Wagons, Buggies, Carts and Surreys, Jones Chain Drive JVIoLuer, Piano Binders, I do not suffer now with any breaking out on my head, nor have any fainting spells The action of my heart has been strength- Mood ’s Sar8a ‘ ■ fl parilia E. F. HANNING CUreS ened and I am free from all pain. I cheer­ fully recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to whoever wishes to enjoy health and com­ fort.” M iss R osa S heldon , La Center, Washington. N. B. Be to get Hood’s. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co.,Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists, $1; Bix for $5. Hood’s Pills cure Nausea. Sick Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness. 25c. per box. S. WILSON. W. G. HENDERSON. $1 to $3.50 per pair. The best of Coffees, Spices and Groceries are fonnd here. A. J. A PPERSON Hodson Still Leads! © PELLETS cure sick headache, biliousness, constipa­ tion, coated tongue, poor appetite, indiges­ tion, windy belchings and kindred derange­ ments of die liver, stomach and bowels. ONCE USED, ALWAYS IN FAVOR. J CASH WILL BUY AT HODSON’S • Wall Paper. 6 cents. • • • Screen Doors $1.00 Garden Hose per ft. 5 cts. Lime per barrel 50 cents. Boiled Linseed Oil 80cts. White Lead per lb. 7 cts. Axle Grease 10 cts. Clothes Wringers $1.60. Wringers by the dozens direct from the factory, so that I can sup ply you all. Remember that I have a fine line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. You can get more goods for your cash than with any one else in the county. To be convinced call and get my prices HOP TWINE AND SPRAY PUMPS FOR ALL. A complete line of everything is kept by O. O HODSON. >■ »> We have a Genuine Milwaukee Oil Grain To Make a Little Money Creedmore for Go a Long Ways, BUY GROCERIES OF J This shoe is always appreciated by buyers and is a great bargain at this price. Save Money P. IRVINE BOHEMIAN WARE. We have some elegant Bohemian glassware. As pretty a pattern as ever came to McMinnville. If you buy any­ thing in this line you will do well to see our display. FRESH FRUIT. We keep the choicest and freshest to be had in the market. 8 Loaves of Bread for 25 Cents. By buying your shoes of BEST BREAD IN THE WORLD. J. P. IRVINE KAY & TODD • ••••• To take advantage of the low prices at which you can now purchase footwear at Dielschneider’s sale. Are Staple and faney LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE! LOWER THAN THEY WILL BE AGAIN! Come now while the stock is complete. ask is for you to come and get prices. TAVERN OF in 0 Gastie Crags z Opens June 1,1895 H 3 0 SWEET BRIER CAMP. Q) SOFIE OF THE THINGS Think of it PLEASANT Prices. A7 Creedmore Dr. PIERCE’S ♦ Lace Curtains WILSON & HENDERSON, Proprietors. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS and a careful micro­ scopical examina­ tion of the urine, is a valuable aid in determining the nature of many S’ chronic diseases, _ particularly those — of the nervous system, blood,liv­ er, kidneys, and bladder. These aids make it pos­ sible to treat such diseases success- fully at a distance, without personal exami­ nation of the patient. Thus Bright’s Dis­ ease of the Kidneys, Inflammation of the Bladder, Gravel, and other Diseases of the Urinary Organs, “Liver Complaint,” Dys­ pepsia, or Indigestion, Dropsy and many other maladies are successfully treated and cured without personal consultation with the physician. Nervous Debility, whether resulting from over-study, worry, disappointment, or from exhausting drains upon the system caused by prenicious secret habits contracted in youth, through ignorance of their ruinous consequences, is successfully managed, through correspondence, the necessary medicines being sent by mail or express. Write for question blanks, or describe your case, send sample of urine for analysis and enclose io cents for postage on treatise, which contains reproduced photographs and full names and addresses of vast num­ bers of people who have h-en cured in this way. Address, World’s Dispensary Medi­ cal Association, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Wool We call Especial Attention to (Third Street, between E and F.) ------------------- 11*11------- —----- Free House Cleaning is in Order C ity S tables , night, with the exception of what light the moon may afford. The board of supervisors adopted a reso­ S. WlLtSO]4> manager. lution instructing the electric light and gas companies to shut off their lights between the dates mentioned Everything first-class. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Commercial in order to save enough money to Travelers Conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. Give us a call. conduct the prisons, hospitals and fire department until the end of the fiscal year. The board was com­ pelled to take this action from the fact that there are no funds available in the treasury to maintain public institutions and contractors had re­ fused to furnish supplies unless guaranteed their pay. An ugly crisis has been reached in the negotiations between the United States and Great Britain looking to the adoption of uniform regulations for the government of seal fisheries this season. The British government positively refuses to re-enact the regulations of last year, which pro­ hibited the carrying of firearms by sealing vessels through the sea north of the 25th parallel during the closed season. The United States officials look upon this as disastrous to the The only Plow Shoe that is selling now seal fisheries, holding that the result is the Oil Grain Creedmore. We have will be to relieve the pelagic sealers of the only restriction which has got them, and we are leading the pro­ operated to prevent an unlimited cession this year for the Best Goods slaughter of the herds. While kill­ ing by firearms remains illegal, it is and Lowest Prices. realized it will be impossible to en­ force this prohibition if arms can be freely carried. » F K Û J 0 tn Our Stock is now Complete, and our Prices lower than ever. Now that And a full line of Extras for the Plano Binder. Also all kinds of Plumbing done in the Tinner’s Line. \\ hen you get others’ prices come and get mine before buying. Will be pleased to show goods and give Prices. Has Perfectly Cured Me. to Get Hood’s. New Spring Goods All I Geo. Schonewald, Manager. Luxurv. Good Cheer, Hospitality, Delightful and Healthful Pastimes Matchless Mountain Scenery. Established last year in a romantic dell of the Sacramento Canyon, inst below and in full View of erand old Shasta. It was a. great hit. and promises even more en­ couraging results for the present year. T. J. Lorres, at rastalla, is still in charge and will answer all inquiries. A new candidate for public favor this vear is SHASTA VICINO CAMP >• (I) 0 Z F □ 0 The Reporter ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR CAMPING IN THE LEGAL BLANKS. The following general forms are always in stock and for sale at the Reporter office : Warranty Deeds Real Estate Mortgage Quit-claim Deeds During the Camping season will be Chattel Mortgage Bond for Deed made bv the Satisfaction oi Mort. Farm Lease Transfer of Mortgage SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Notes and Receipts. Bill of Sale For full particulars address We carry a large stock of stationery and sre E. P. ROGERS, A'st.Gen. Pass. Agent, prepared to do job printing of every sort in the best style of the art and at low figures Portland, Oregon. REDUCED^ RATES Boots and Shoes. ROEGfl IS KEPT BUSY W. J. CLARK, D.D.S CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. Alma. Wrights. Laurel. Glenwood. Felton, Ben Lomond. Boulder Creek. Sign of the Big Boot. ------- IS ONLY------- Graduate University of Mich. Also in the Shasta region,about a mile and a half from Dunsmuir. It is a genuine paradise for hnnters, Ashers and seekers Has opened an office in Union Block, Room 6, of health and pleasure. Easy to reach and is prepared to do all work in the dental line. (near the railroad), sightly, and all the necessities of camp life easily procurable. AU Inquiries about Shasta VicinoCamp, if addressed to W. C. Grav. box 4. Duns­ L atest M ethod or P ainlcss E xtraction . muir, Cal., will receive prompt attention. SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS F. D1ELSCHNEIDER WHY? PROPRIETORS CITY MARKET. Because he is a first-class tailor—his work giving perfect satisfaction, and because he has reduced the prices on tailor made clothing in McMinnville. GO TO ROECA FOR YOUR SUMMER SUIT. FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS. CHOICEST IN THE MARKET. Located Two Doors West of Hotel Yamhill. F. ROECA. South tide Third St. between B «od C. «