Entered at the Postofflre in McMinnville, as Second-class matter. M’MINNVILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAX EK. National Bank —McMinn vllle, Oregon.— Paid up Capital, $50,000 TranwM a General Banking BuhiOr-ss. Prenident, - - H COfFXÄ Vice President, - LEK LA UtíllLIÑ. Cashier, E. f’. A PPEHSON Amt. Ceshirr 11'. S. LINK Board of Directors: J. w. COWLS. LEK LAUGHLIN, A. J. APPERSON. WM. CAMPBELL, J. L ROGER Sell Sieht Exchange and Telegraphie Trans­ fers qu New York, Sun Francisco and Portland. Deposit* received subject to chec interest paid on Time L>ej»o-its. Loans money on appro,cd terunty. Collection« made on all accessible pointy.. E. J. Quaisy & Co 1 QUINCY, MA33., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GRANITE MONUMENTS AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY FURNISHINGS Ail work fiilly guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction. Refers by permission to Win. Me Chris­ man. Mrs. L. E. Bewley, Mrs. E. D. Fellows. Holl’s Oid Jewelry Stand. 3d Street. ELSIA WRIGHT, Manufactures and Deals in A presidential boom is developing for Senator William B. Allison of Iowa. Tne supreme court will take up the income tax question for a re­ hearing on May 6th. Ex-Mayor Grant of New York city was married on Tuesday to Miss Julia Murphy, daughter of Senator for Infants and Children Murphy of Troy, N. Y. Secretary Carlisle has accepted an HIRTY years^-Obaarvation of Caatoria with the patronage of invitation to deliver an address on million» of persona, permit aa to apeak of it without gneaaiag. the financial question at the Mem­ phis convention. May 23d. It ie miqueationably the best remedy for Infanta and Children Claims for damages are being pre­ the world has ever known. It 1» harmless. Children like it. It sented by the Americans who were gives them health. It will save thair lives. In it Mothers hava expelled from the Hawaiian islands some thing which is absolutely safe and perfect na q for complicity in the rebellion. child’» medicine. By the breaking of a dike at Epi­ Castoria rleatroya Worata. nal, France, on the 27th ult., one Cantoria allays Foverishne«». hundred and fifteen lives were lost, Castoria prevent« yosnltlwg Soar Card. and a large territory made desolate with wreckage and loss of homes. Caatoria cares Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieve» Teething Tronblo». It is rumored that Henry Villard has again secured control of the Cantoria euros Conatipation anil Flatnleaey. Northern Pacific and will come to Caatoria nentmlieea tho effects of carbonio acid gaa or polsonoti» air. this country for the purpose of mak­ Castoria doe» not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. ing arrangements to wind up the Ca»toria «»»indiate» the food, regulate» tho »tomach and bowel», receivership and assume direction of giving healthy and natural sie np. the property. Caatoria la pat r.p in bottler only. It is not sold inbuilt» Ex-Representative Sibley of Penn­ Don’t allow any ono to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise sylvania is coming to California to open his campaign as the nominee of thnt it is *'jnst as good” and “ will answer every purpose.” the new silver party for the presi­ Sec that yen tret. C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. dency. He will address meetings at is on every a number of places along the Pacific The fac-simlle T7T3.pper. coast. Senator Stewart is arranging signature cf - his business affairs so he can join Mr. Sibley without delay. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria The Russian government has ex­ pelled Mme. Modjeska, the well- known actress, from Warsaw, owing to a violent speech she made 'against Russia in Chicago. February 27 an order issued by the Russian govern­ ment forebad Mme. Modjeska from -------------------------- IS THE--------------------------- fulfilling an engagement at the "War­ saw theater, in consequence of a Most Popular Republican of the West speech she had delivered before the And Has the Largest Circulation. Chicago art institute on the subject DAILY (without Sunday) $6.00 per year of Polish women. Soon after this DAILY (with Sunday)... $8.oo per year speech Mme. Modjeska was notified she could not appear on the stage within Russian jurisdiction. On the 27th ult. the British occu­ A NEWSPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times in aU pied the port of Corin to, Nicaragua, respects it spares neither painz» nor expense, in securing ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. and raised their flag over the city. All governmental officials as well as the Nicaraguan population vacated the town, and declared the port A PAPER IS EXCELLED BY closed. This is due to the fact that H It has something of interest to each member of the family. the indemnity of 175,000 demanded ITS YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. || ITS LITERARY FEATURES are unequalcd. by Great Britain for the imprison­ POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers tbs bsnefit of the ment and expulsion of her consul. ablest discussions on all live political topics. It also gives them THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. Hatch, by the Nicaraguans was not forthcoming at the stipulated time. IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. THE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO, THE NEWS AND COHiTERCIAL The abandonment of the city to the CENTER OF ALL WEST OF THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS, ANO IS BETTER British leaves them isolated from the ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE OF THAT SECTION THAN ANY PAPER FARTHER EAST. mainland upon an island. The Nic­ It is in accord with the people of the West both In Politics and Literature. araguans have retired to the shore Please remember that the price of The Weekly inter Ocean is ONLY ONE DOL< LAR PER YEAR. Address THg INTER OCEAN, Chicago. end of the bridges and those in­ formed on the situation believe if the The Inter Ocean and the Reporter one year for $1.35. British make any movement to cross the lagoon the bridges will be burned and the little band of Nicaraguan GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS troops will make a stand against FOR OF THE WORLD further encroachments. The move­ ments have seriously complicated LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. this most troublesome question, and even if there is no resort to hostili­ ties at present, it opens a prospect of alarming events in the future, which may and in fact are even regarded as likely to involve the United States directly in the affair in spite of the earnest disposition of the adminis­ tration to avoid an entanglement. a Twenty-page journal, is the leading Republican family SKIS paper of the United States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY The action means that no goods can PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands In a nutshell. Its AG- now be entered at Coriuto, a port KH'VLTURAL department has no superior in the country. Its Market Reports are recognized authority. Separate depart­ which has heretofore received over ments for THE FAMILY CIRCLE. “OUR YOUNG FOLKS,” and “SCIENCE AND MECHANICS.” Its “HOME half of the imports into the country, AND SOCIETY” columns command the admiration of wives without violating the national law of and daughter«. Its general political news, editorials and discussions ar« comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. Nicaragua. The ^British may col­ * lect duties if any goods entered the place, but the latter would be liable to seizure the moment they crossed A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid the British lines into the interior. An effort is being made to compro­ journal and the REPORTER for mise by paying the indemnity and withdrawing the troops. "".ÄRNESSI THE INTER OCEAN ■ SADDLES, BRIDLES, SPURS, Bruslies aud sells them cheaper than they can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette Valley. Our all horn«' made sets of harness are pronounced unsurpassable by those who buy them JOHN F. DERBY, Proprietor of The McMinnville TILE FACTORY, Situated at the Southwest corner of the Fair 9 roundt. AU sizes of flrst-i'lass Drain Tile kept eonstantlj on hand at lowest living prices. McUINNVILLK, OREGON CITY BATHS —AND- TOVSOK2AL PARLORN, Logan <£• Kutch, Prop’s. For a Clean Shave or Fashionable Hail Cut Give Us a Call. Baths are new and find-class in every re­ spect. Ladies' Barbs and shampooiug a special ty. Employ none but first-class men. Don’t h»rget the place. Three doors west of Hotel Yamhill. THE Newspaper The Weekly Inter Ocean AS FAMILY ANY NOT COMMERCIAL THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, LIVERY STABLE. GATES & HENRY, Props. E Street, north of Third. Everything New anô First-cla&L Conveyance of Commercial Travel er» a specialty. Board and stabling by the day 01 month. We solicit a fair share of the local pat rouage. COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT» For« prompt onswer and an honest opinion, write to ,11 X N «.V CO., who have had nearly fifty years’ vxperienoe iu the patent business. Communlia- tlona strictly confidential. A llandboak of In­ formation concernma Patents and bow to ob­ tain them sent tree. Also a catalogue or me-Aua- :cal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the ¡Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with­ out oost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illnstrstou. has by far t be largest circulation of any scient'tic wort In tho »or IO. S3 a year. Sample oopies sent free. Building Buitiou, monthly, a Tear. Singlo copies. Z5 oects. Every number contains beau­ tiful plates, :n colors, and photographs of new mouses, with plana, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address ÍNN .t CO.. N k W V ora . 3ttl B roadway . M unn Leave Doubtful Seeds alone. The best are easy to get, and cost uo more. Ask your dealer for FERRY’S L SEEDS fl Always she best. Known ■ everywhere. Ferry's Seed F Annual for ISOS tells vou 'what, bow, and when to plant, s Saul Free. Get It. Address . / J D. M. FERRY & CO., yriW" Detroit. Mich. J. r. CAL1RIATH. 1. «. GOVCHIR Calbrcath £. Gouchor. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. MoMixNvrti« .... OnxooB ♦ ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.25 CASH IN ADVANCE. The regular subscription for the two papers is $2.00.) Subscriptions may begin at any time. Address all orders So THE REPORTER. am, scnu tu ucu. vv . ncui, ivuuill Write jvut your iictuic name ati and ’i auuiww address vu on a pvaiai postal < card, send n it to Geo. W._Rest, Room 2, Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York Weekly Tribune will lie mailed to you. G rn ^™ er N R ailway The New Way East the short route And O. K. A- N. Co.*« Leased Lines. TO ALL POINTS IK Washington, Idaho, Montana, Dakota, Minnesota and the East. Through Tickets On Sale) CHICAGO To and From i WASHINGTON ST. LOUIS NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BOSTON And All Points in the United States, Canada and Europe. (Office over Braly’a bank.) ■ The GREAT NORTHERN RY. is a new transcontinental line. Runs Buff- et-Lihrary-Observation cars, palace sleeping and dining care, family tourist sleep­ ers and first and second-class coaches. Having a rock ballast track, the GREAT Physieian and Surgeon, NORTHERN RY. is free from dust, one of the chief annoyances of transcontinen­ tal travel. Round trip tickets with stop-over privileges and choice ofjreturn routes. For further information call upon or write ROOMS IN UNION BLOCK A. H. PAPE. Agent, McMinnville, Oregon. M c M innville , O regon . Or C. C. DONAVAN, General Agent,.122 Third St., Portland, Ore. ARTHUR J. MAL. H. D. The Triumph of Japan. The triumph of Japan over China is complete, and the war ends on terms of her own dictation. This result was not anticipated at the be­ ginning of the conflict, but it was in­ evitable, nevertheless, on account of conditions that were misunderstood by the outside world. The numeric­ al strength of China has proved to be a singular disappointment in the matter of effective service. Her people have not rallied to the support of the government as was expected, but have regarded the war with more or less indifference. This lack of popular patriotism is to be noted as one of the principal causes of her de­ feat; and next to this comes the pro­ nounced inefficiency of her army. The soldiersfjwho were sent out to fight her battles did not come to the standard of raw material in other countries. They seemed to have no heart in their cause, and no disposi­ tion to perform brave and worthy deeds. From first to last, they did not win a single victory, There were occasions when they might have done so, undoubtedly, if they had manifested the proper spirit: but they were always ready to surrender on the first pretext, and their officers were unable to keep them in when a decisive test of courage endurance was presented. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report SUBSCRIPTION PRICE R.00 PER YEAR- One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers live cents. Illustrated by Oatmeal. It is time manufacturers in Oregon combine as they have just done iu Portland for the purpose of promot­ ing home industry by encouraging the purchase of Oregon products and manufactures. The necessity of such a step will be seen when the history of the oatmeal industry is ABSOLUTELY PURE told. Twenty or more years ago Mr. John Milne, of this city, made the On the other hand, the Japanese j j rv. He must, besides, report the best oatmeal that was put on the market. He put it up in ten-pound ust now everybody is thinking about troops have conducted themselves I operation of the factory monthly, sacks, and his brand was a guarantee taking something for the blood. with marked fidelity and enthusiasm. ( j and his factory is regularly visited A Spring medicine as we speak oi Their discipline has been equal to by an authorized inspector. After of its purity. In this unadulterated it. And it’s a good thing to do, but you state he could not sell so as to com­ want to get the proper medicine. If you that of the best drilled soldiers of I all these requirements have been ful­ consult your physician he will tell y ou to pete with eastern people. Thej’ Europe or America, and in no emer- filled the certificate is granted. shipped steel cut here. Retail deal­ gencj’ have they been found want­ The school contains still another TalfP a GOOD livep < ers boomed it until Milne’s oatmeal ing. They would have conquered, it department which is devoted to in­ Id E d a HIBOffilRE was off color. Then he got machin- is easy to believe, if the opposition struction in farm dairying. The ob­ ery and made better steel cut than and that, btcause the liver has every­ had been much more formidable. ject of this department is to turn thing to do with the blood If the liver eastern dealers could send. Rolled The existence of such an army vindi out practical dairymen as required is sluggish the system is clogged, the oats became the fad. Milne changed blood becomes impure, and the whole cates the right of Japan to be consid­ for the farm. These students study his machinery and made rolled oats, body suffers- Every medicine recom­ ered a first-class nation, particularly the problems of the feeding and better than anyone else, yet they mended for the blood is supposed to work on the liver. Then get at once the when there is known to be back of it breeding of dairy stock, and general beat him in price. How? Mr. Milne “K ing of L iver medicines , ‘ a strong and progressive govern-1 farm management. bought a package of the eastern ment, a modern and prosperous sys­ Wheat, grade and soon found out. tem of industry, and an admirable ■ W T. Sanford, station agent of Leep­ barley. But be determined to sell er, Clarion Co., Pa., writes: I can rec ­ degree of general intelligence. In ' oatmeal. He can’t do it in his old no other country, perhaps, has there | ommend One Minute Cough Cure as the best I ever used. It gave instant relief style ten-pound sacks, except to his It does its work vili anJ tones up the ever been an equal rate of advance-1 and a quick cure. Rogers Bros. neighbors at home. He now puts it wholesystem. Ilio“ Bnter than Pills,” ment in all that goes to constitute i «id can be had in liquid cr powder. up in ninety-pound bags with his national welfare and influence. For-1 City farming. own brand on the outside In those ty years ago, when Commodore Per-1 The plan for giving to poor per- large packages he meets the eastern NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE OF NAHE. ry opened Japan to the world, it was sons cultivation of unoccupied miller. But the adulterated eastern an oriental feudal despotism, ruled j city lots and of land near the city) product has injured the trade, Peo- ’OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned bv tradition and superstition, with , wffich worked well in Detroit, and pie who, a few years ago, ate oat- has presented to the County Court of Yam N hill County, State of Oregon, her petition in due no appearance of capacity for prog-1 }ias been proposed in New York, is meal are not doing so now. The form praying said court for an order of said court ress. But thirteen years later, the j carried out iu the latter city on adulterated stuff is not what they changing her name to Ellen S. Warren, Instead of what it now is, and that said court has duly or­ present mikado began a crusade a tolerably comprehensive scale. The had been accustomed to. It is heavy, dered that said petition be heard by said court al the usual place of holding said court In Me Minn- against the feudal system, and finally | owners of about 3,500 city and sub­ clammy, doughy. For this, wheat vllle. In said county, on Saturday the 11th day of May, 1893. at the hour of teu o'clock a. m. of said overthrew it. Then, in 1889. a lim- urban lots have offered them to the and barley are responsible. What is day. Therefore, all persons are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and Oder and ited constitutional monarchy, anala- committee for this purpose, and a true of the oatmeal industry is true show cause. If any they have, why the praver of said petition should not be granted, ana said pe­ gous in most respects to that of tract of 300 acres just north of Long of others, and it is high time an or­ titioner's name changed as in said petition Great Britain, was established and . Island city is being plowed and fer­ prayed for. ganization be formed to encourage Dated April 17tb. 18%. since that time there has been a tilized for potato farms for the poor ELLEN 8. W. 0 BRYAN. the use of Oregon manufactured 17-8 Petitioner marvelous development of civiliza­ j of New York. This is to be staked and grown product.— Hilttboro Inde­ tion. Schools, libraries and news­ out into quarter-acre farms. The pendent. papers have been introduced, togeth­ applications for land are already nu­ er with railroads, manufactures, and merous and will probably be far in J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City, all the other appliances of comfort, : excess of the ¿quantity allotted. if Mo., chief enrolling force 38th general ----- OF----- profit and happiness. The country the applicants are unable to pay for assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to that has accomplished these great seed and tools, assistance will be testify to the merits of One Minute Applicants For Teacher*’ Certificate«. county board of examiners for Yam­ results in the comparatively short given. The plan will be in use this Cough Cure. When other so-called cures hill The county, Oregon, will hold the regular failed, I obtained almost instant relief period of forty years certainly de­ year in Detroit, New York, Duluth, quarterly examination of applicants for serves respectful and considerate Omaha, Toledo, Passaic and Syra­ and a speedy cure by the use of One certificates to teach in the public schools of said county, at the court bouse in McMinn­ recognition, and its future will be cuse, and probably in a number of Minute Cough Cure Rogers Bros. ville, commencing at noon on Wednesday, viewed with universal interest. other cities which are looking into May 8tU. and continuing the session The Biggest Salary. the subject. until the 11th. All applicants for certifi­ The highest-salaried employe in cates must be present at the opening ses­ B. H. Bowman, Pub. Enquirer, of the United States is supposed to be sion on Wednesday, the Sth. Applicants Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our DeWitt’s Witch IJazel Salve cures little girl baby, the only one we have, scalds, burns, indolent sores and never the president of the Equitable life for state diplomas and state life diplomas was taken sick with croup. After two fails to cure piles. Rogers Bros. assurance society, Henry B. Hyde. must make application at the rime time. J. B. S tilwbli . doctors failed to give relief and life was He receives annually $100,000. John County Superintendent of Schools and hanging on a mere thread, we tried One A. McCall gets $75,000 to be. presi­ Chairman of the Board of Examiners. Japanese Proverb». Minute Cough Cure and its life was dent of the New York Life. Sam­ The ignorant are never defeated in saved. Rogers Bros. uel Spencer receives $50,000 a year any argument. for telling Pierpont Morgan what he succumb to house nerves, one reason Doubting minds will ever bring a knows about railroads. Mr. Cleve­ being that, forced out of contact with The Wisconsin Dairy School. The Wisconsin dairy school is one swarm of demons. land receives $50,000 a year and a others, they yearn always for the of the most successful institutions A woman with a three-inch tongue house and lot for being president. privilege of mingling in some sort of of its kind in America. The novelty can slay a giant. Mr. Depew’s salary as president of society, embracing every chance of its purpose and its unusual meth­ Everybody has eight eyes for his the New York Central railroad is thrown in their way toward that end. ods and equipment make it very neighbor's business. believed to be $50,000. Cornelius But the woman who stays at home curious and interesting. The insti­ With a mote in the eye one cannot Vanderbilt's cook receives $16,000 a because she might get sick by ven tution offers courses cf study in the see the Himilayas. year. The sheriff of New York used turing out in the cold or because her theory of dairying, besides being to make $100,000 and over every neighbor can entertain better than Patience is the rope of advance­ equipped to give practical instruc­ year, but his wings have been clip­ she can or dress better, or perhaps ment in all lines of life. tion in all kinds of dairy work. The ped. Masini receives $50,000 a sea­ the habit has become fixed bj’ de­ Genius hears one individual and school is sustained at great expense, son for singing his mighty tenor in grees to that extent that it is like then comprehends ten. but it is believed that the outlay is Madrid. Jean de Keszke receives parting with a tooth to get out of Negligence looks at the battlefield, justified by the advantages resulting $5,000 for singing one song—the the routine—this is the woman who then makes its arrows. to the dairy interests of the state. "Sal ut demeure,” from Faust. Pat­ broods and fancies and cries over The school is planned to accommo­ When the sense of shame is lost, ti’s contract called for $5,000 a night mental pictures of catastrophes that date one hundred students, besides advancement ceases. when she was at the height of her never happen and meets troubles those taking courses in farm dairy­ A woman without jealousy’ is like fame, but she had to give $500 of it which never come. Any parent who owns a highly im ing The course of study covers a a ball without elasticity. to her agent. Taral, the jockey, has aginative child owes it to society at term of twelve weeks, and during The fish which escapes from the made $30.000 in a single season. large to throw it in with healthy, this time the student is required to President Felix Faure, of the French hook seems always the largest. pass some ten written examinations republic, receives $250,000 a year merry companions, who always effect ■ -a-— and several oral ones. The main Admiral Greer’s pay is $6,000. An a complete cure, for mirth is infec­ Pneumatic llorse Collar. school building is a structure three English general’s pay is $27.50 a day, tious. But if the unhappy owner is Horses with sore shoulders will be stories in height, with a frontage of and the pay of an English admiral is repressed and kept indoors, ¿some a rarity, it is said, when the pneu ­ 95 feet and a depth of 54 feet, It is $19,000 a year. Ambassador Bayard family in the future will feel the matic horse collar comes into gener ­ provided with an office, a room with receives $17,500 a year. Sir Julian effects. The cure is simple, but few follow lockers where each student’s work al use. It has been invented by a Pauncefote, British ambassador to Londoner, aud is being introduced it Throw away your medicine and clothes are kept, bath rooms, a large this country, receives $30,000 per in the leading European cities. The go visiting. Patronize all the gay- creamery room, a cheese-making annum. Britain's ambassador to patent consists of the usual leather eties that your pocketbook affords. room and a large room for instruc­ France, the best paid diplomatic per­ casing, but instead of beiug packed Take long walks in the sunshine, tion in farm dairying, a lecture room sonage in the world, receives $50,000 with a hard, non-yielding substance, and whenever a morbid thought and a large laboratory. The build­ a year. the pneumatic principle is applied, a comes think up a necessary errand, ing cost with its equipments $40,000. and it will dissolve like mist before House .X er ves—A Bud Ailment. The creamery room will give a good rubber air chamber being substitut­ example of the completeness with ed for the packing, this in turn be­ Energetic, care-free individuals the sun. House nerves can becured, which the various departments are ing covered with leather, and when laugh at the suggestion of such an but by only natural laws. Medicines the collar proper is inflated a flexible fitted up. It contains, for example, ailment as house nerves and say it is dull, but do not cure. and yielding surface is presented to six large separators of the latest only imaginary. But thousands of the horse’s shoulders, It must be women, says the New York Preu, will pattern used for-study and for prac­ The Journal, of Los Angeles, Cal., tice. Besides these are the churns, apparent to the most casual obser- testify otherwise. reports that D. J. Court, a mining ver that the collar in present use butter workers, etc. The cheese People of sedentary habits, who prospector, has returned to Prescott, must cause and give man’s noble room is provided with eight steam- spend all their time indoors, fre­ Ariz., from a three months’ sojourn companion an immense amount of heated cheese vats of three hundred quently become morbid, brooding in “one of the most remote and little pain. Owing to the harsh padding pounds capacity, each of which has and irritable. The failure of any known parts of the territory, and its own complete set of cheese-mak­ it is impossible for the collar to member of the family to reach home says that that section contains more adapt itself to the animal’s should­ ing apparatus. at the usual time brings forth gloomy Aztec ruins than any other portion ers, and, therefore, chafing and sun­ The school day begins at eight forebodings of disaster. The ab­ of America, evidences of human o’clock. The students first attend a dry other ills ensue. With the pneu­ sence of any one at night causes floor habitation being found from the high­ matic collar, as before stated, chafing lecture of fifty minutes in length, walking, and tears, even though est peaks to the lowest valleys. In is impossible, as instead of the horse and afterwards report in snow white such person may be of mature years, In one place he found a road or street working suits and white caps for having to adapt himself to his collar, sound health, aud abundant ability three miles in length, perfectly practical work. One section is in­ the collar adapts itself to the horse to care for himself. A projected smooth and straight, and sixty feet the minute it is put on. structed in milk testing in the labor- journey is overcast by recitals of in width. On either side of the atorj’ and another in the mysteries horrible accidents. Meals are un­ street the entire distance are ruins. It was a thrilling moment in the satisfactory, clothes never fit, no one of the creamery. In all there are The road was evidently built prior eight lecturers and nine teachers. Colorado legislature. A moment of sympathizes or condoles with the to some mighty earthquake, as it Some idea of the work accomplished excitement was instantly hushed. sufferer. ends abruptly at the brink of a may be suggested by the fact that Members held their breath and the The reasons of house nerves are mighty chasm. He dug up and two tons and a quarter of milk are atmosphere cleared. A lady mem­ legion. Introspection is one. Let a found lying about a great number of required daily for the use of the ber arose, shook the folds of her woman sit at home day after day, skeletons, which were in a fair state dress, and calmly surveyed the sub­ week in and week out, and analysis of preservation, the heads of all be school. dued and subjugated ex-tyrants of everything and person within her ing alike—very large over the eyes The student who has passed all the examinations of the dairy school about. “Mr. Speaker,” she exclaimed, ken naturally follows, herself in- and receding, and almost flat toward can become a candidate for a dairy am I in order?” “Madam is the bet­ eluded. A woman who studies her- the back of the head; jaws well de­ certificate. But to secure this he ter judge,’’ replied the gallant pre­ self, her wants and desires, her ail- veloped, but front upper and lower must work in a creamery or cheese siding officer, pointing to a mirror. ments and loneliness, is on a fair teeth small and sharp. The ruins factory for not less than two full ses­ road to an asylum, did she but know show the people to have been work­ sions of seven months each, and dur­ The republicans of Mill City, Gates it. Some women, it is true, are tied ers in stone, some fragments of work ing one of these he must have entire and Niagara have organized a club down by children and household in turquoise being found. Every charge and be responsible for the and named it after Secretary of cares to a ceaseless indoor life, but available foot of land had once been cleanliness and success of the facto- State Kincaid. they are not generally the ones who cultivated.” assess J SIUfclONS LIVER