The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, April 05, 1895, Image 1

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Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville,
as Second*« lass matter.
National Bank
—McMinnville, Oregon.—
TrauMct, a General Banking Business.
Vice President, - L h h LA 1 'O //L 1N.
Cashier. -
Ami. Caihier
8. L1*K
Board of Directors:
Sell Sizht Exchange and Telegraphic Trans
fen» on Sew York, -an Francisco and Portland
Deponils received snbiect to cheek. Interest j»ei«i
on Time Deposita. Loans money on approve«!
security. Collections made on all accessible
E. J. Qualey & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
All work fully guaranteed to give p<!rf<'<'t suth
faction. Refers by permimlon to Win MeChris-
man, Mrs. L. E. Bewley, Mrs. E. D. Fellows
Holl'» Old Jewelry Stand, 3d Street.
Manufactures und Drain in
Brushes sad sella them cheaper than
they <au tie bought any where else in
the Willamette Valley. Our ail home
made sets of harness are pronounced
uuHurpassable by those who buy them
Proprietor ot The McMinnville
Situated at the Southwest corner of the Fair
All sizes •>( Ural-class Drain Tile kept constantly
ou band at lowest living prices.
M c M innville ,
O regon
— ANO—
Logan & Kutch, Prop’s.
For a Cleau Shave or Fashionable Haii
Cut Give Us a Call.
Bath» are new and first-class in every re
■peel. Ladies' Baths and shampooing a special
ty. Employ none but first-class men. Don i
forget the place Three doors west of Hole)
K Street, north of Third. Everything New anti
Fint-claM. Conveyance of Commercial Travel-
wt?» a specialty Board and stabling by the day or
month We solicit a fair share of the local pat-
i ruuipt answer and an honest opinion, write to
M ( NN *£- COw Who have bad nearly fifty yews’
experience in the patent business. Communica­
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In­
formation concerning Patente and bow to ob­
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan­
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
special notice in the Scientific American, and
thus are brought widely before the public with­
out coat to the inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition, monthly. 12.50 a year. Single
copies, ¿5 cents. Every number contains beau­
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plane, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
MUNN A Co.. Naw Y ork . 3tìl B huadway .
Doubtful Seeds alone. The best
are easy to get, and cost no
more. Ask your dealer for
Always thv be.t. Known
everywhere. Ferry-» Seed
Annual for ISM veils you
'what, how, and when to plant. .
Sent Free. Get it Address t/J
D. M. FERRY & CO., yj g P
Detroit, Mich.
Calbreath & Goucher.
M ü M immviiis
The Rev. Dr. Talmage preached at
the Academy of Music March 24th
on the subject, “Tongues of Fire,"
the text selected being, Acts xix2:
“Have ye received the Holy Ghost?”
Dr. Talmage said:
The word ghost, which means a
soul, or spirit, has been degraded in
for Infants and Children.
common parlance. We talk of
ghosts as baleful and frightful, and
HIRTY years' observation o^Castoria with tho patronago ef
in a frivolous or superstitious wav.
million. of persons, permit us to speak of it without gne»sing.
But my text speaks of a Ghost who
It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infant» nnd Children
is omnipotent, and divine, and every­
where present; and ninetv-one times
the world has evor known. It is harmless._ Children like it. It
in the new testament called the Holy
gives them health. It will save their lives.__ In it Mother» have
Ghost. The only time I ever heard
■omethint; which is absolutely safe and practically perfect a» a
this text preached from was in the
child’s medicine.
opening days of my ministry, when
Castoria destroys Worm».
a glorious old Scotch minister came
Castoria allays Feverishness.
up to help me in my village church.
On the day of my ordination and in­
Castoria prevent» vomiting Sonr Cnrd.
stallation, he said: “If you get into
Castoria cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colio.
the corner of a Saturday night with­
Castoria relieves Teething Troubles.
out enough sermons for Sunday,
Castoria core» Constipation and Flatulency.
send for me, and I will come and
Castoria neutralizes the effects of carbonic acid gas or polaonon« air.
preach for you.”
Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property.
My aged Scotch friend responded
to my first call, and came and
Castoria assimilates the food, regnlates the stomach and bowels,
preached from the text that I now
giving healthy and natural sleep.
It was the last sermon
Castoria Is pnt up in one-sisc bottles only. It is not sold in.bnlk.
he ever preached. On the following
Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise
Sunday he was called to his heavenly
that it is “ jn--t as s;ood ” and “ will answer every purpose,”
reward. 1 remember just how he
See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
appeared as. leaning over the pulpit,
he looked '.into the face of the
The fac-similo
/'JY J/ C? ,
—— every
audience, and with pathos, and elec­
signature of -
w rapper.
tric force, asked them in the words
of my text, “Have ye received the
Holy Ghost?” The office of this
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
present discourse is to open a door,
■wnw—mm I ■■■ ibiii
to un vail a Personage, to introduce a
Force, not sufficiently recognized.
He is as great as God. He is God.
The second verse of the first chapter
of the bible introduces him: Genesis
i., 2, “The spirit of God moved
-------------------------- IS THB---------------------- -—
upon the face of the waters.”
Another appearance of the Holy
Ghost was at Jerusalem, during a
Has the
great feast. Strangers speaking
DAILY (without Sunday)
seventeen different languages were
DAILY (with Sunday)...
present from many parts of the
world. But in one house they heard
what seemed like the coming of a
cyclone, or hurricane. It made the
A NEWSPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times in all
trees bend, and the houses quake.
respects It spares neither pains nor expense in securing ALL THE
The cry was, “What is that?” And
then a forked flame of fire tipped
each forehead; and what with the
blast of wind and the dropping fire,
a panic took place, until Peter ex­
It has something of interest to each member of the family.
plained that it was neither cyclone
ITS YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind.
nor conflagration, but the brilliance,
POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit of the
and anointing, and the baptismal
ablest discussions on all live political topics. It also gives them THE NEWS OF
power of the Holy Ghost. That
scene was partially repeated in a
forest when the Rev. John Easton
was preaching. There was the
sound of a rushing, mighty wind, and
It is in accord with the people of the West both in Politics and Literature.
the people looked to the sky to see if
Please remember that the price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is ONLY ONE DOL.
the INTER OCEAN, Chicago.
there were any signs of a storm, but
it was a clear sky; yet the sound of
The Inter- Ocean and the Reporter- one year for $1.35.
the wind was so great that horses
frightened, broke loose from their
fastenings, and the whole assembly
felt that the sound was supernatural
and pentecostal. Oh, what an in­
finite, and almighty, and glorious
personage is the Holy Ghost. He
brooded this planet into life, and
now that through sin it has become a
dead world, he will brood it the
We invite the attention second time into life. Perilous at­
of all persons contem- tempt would be a comparison be­
tween the three persons of the God­
plating the purchase of
head. They are equal, but there is
new goods in our line.
some consideration which attaches
itself to the third person of the trin­
Come and see them.
ity, the Holy Ghost, that does not
attach itself to either God the father
or God the son. We may grieve
God the father and grieve God the
son, and be forgiven, but we are di­
rectly told that there is a sin against
the Holy Ghost which shall never be
forgiven, either in this world or in
the world to come. And is it won­
derful that while on the streets you
hear the name of God and Jesus
---- —IS ONLY
Christ used in profanity, you never
hear the words, Holy Ghost as bibi­
cal interpreter, as a human recon­
structor, as a solace for the broken
NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX’ hearted, as a preacher’s re-inforce­
men t.
The bible is a mass of contradic­
OTICE is hereby given that pursuant to an tions, and affirmation of impossibil­
order of the county court of Yamhill coun­
ty, Oregon, duly made and entered of rec ities,
unless the Holy Ghost helps us
ord on the 3d day of April, 1895, the
undersigned, the duly appointed, qualified and to understand it. The bible says of
acting administratrix of the estate of J. S. HlbbB,
deceased, will, from and after the 4th day of May, itself, that the scripture is not for
1895, uroceed to sell at private sale for cash in
hand; the real property belonging to said estate “privateinterpretation, ” but “holy
and described as follows, to-wit
men of God spake as they were
Goods of all descriptions moved and The west half of lot No. 2 and the east 28 feet of
lot No. 3 in block 8, of the City of McMinnville, moved by the Holy Ghost;” that is,
careful handling guaranteed. Collections Oregon.
Blocks Nos 2 and 3 in Johns' addition to the net private interpretation. Pile on
«vill be made monthly. Hauling of all Citv of McMinnville, Oregon.
A lot or parcel of land 30 feet wide running your study table all the commen­
kinds done cheap.
east and west and adjoining the northern tier of
lots on the -curb of block 21, of Johns’ addition taries of the bible—Matthew Henry,
to the City of McMinnville, Oregon.
Commencing at a point on the east boundary and Scott, and Adam Clark, and
W. J. CLARK, D.D.S line of section 9, in township 4 south, of range 4 Albert Barries, and Bush, and Alex­
west of the Willamette meridian, Yamhill coun­
ty Oregon. 38 64 chains south of the northeast ander; and all the archaeologies, and
Graduate University of Mich.
corner of said section, said point being the south­
east corner of land deeded by J. S. H ibbs to J. all the bible dictionaries, and all the
Fred Hibbs, recorded in Vol. 28, page 243, records
Has opened an office in Union Block, Room 6, of deeds of said county, and running thence maps of Palestine, and all the inter­
uid is prepared to do all work in the dental line. south 52.76 chains: thence west 54.42chains to the
east line of J. G. Baker’s donation land claim: national series of Sunday-school les­
thence north 14.88 chains to the northeast comer sons; and if that is all, you will not
said D. L. C ; thence west 17.03 chains; thence
north 11.25 chains to the center of Baker creek; understand the deeper and grander
L atest M ethod of P ainless E xtraction
thence down said creek to a point due west of
the place of beginning, and thence east 61.96 meanings of the bible so well as that
chains to the place of beginning; also commenc­
ing in the center ofthe county road running from Christian mountaineer, who, Sunday
McMinnville to Carlton at southwest comer of a
tract conveyed to G. H. Hibbs in Vol. 24, page morning, after having shaken down
465. records* of deeds for said Yamhill county,
and running thence north 69% deg. east to center the fodder for the cattle, comes into
of Baker creek; thence southwesterly along said
creek to center of said road, and thence norther­ his cabin, takes up his well-worn
ly along said county road to the place of begin­ bible, and with a prayer that stirs
ning. All the above described real property lying
and being in
the heavens, asks for the Holy Ghost
to unfold the book. No one but the
Atty's for Administratrix.________________ Holy Ghost, who inspired the scrip­
Extracting teeth by electricity is tures, can explain the scriptures.
said to be easily and almost pain­ Fully realize that, and you will be as
lessly done in some of the “dental enthusiastic a lover of the old book
as my venerable friend who told me
parlors” of London.
South aids Third St. between B and C.
Most Popular Republican Newspaper of
Largest Circulation.
The Weekly Inter Ocean
The Reporter
Dr. Talmage Preaclses on the Holy
(Office over Bralv’s bank.)
Physician and Surgeon,
M c M innville , O regon .-
Track and Dray Co. N
Matthies Brothers,
NO. 14.
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numberstive cents.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
in Philadelphia last week that he was of one of our churches in Brooklyn,
reading the bible through the fifty­ at the morning service, 328 souls
ninth time, and it became more at­ stood up to profess Christ. They
tractive and thrilling every time he were the converts in the Brooklyn
academy of music, where we had
went through it.
Next consider the Holy Ghost as a been worshipping. The reception of
human reconstructor. We must be so many members, and manj' of them
made over again. Christ and Nico­ baptized by immersion, had made it
demus talked about it. Theologians an arduous service, which continued
call it regeneration. I do not care from 10:30 in the morning until 2:30
what you call it, but we have to be in the afternoon. From that service
reconstructed by the Holy Ghost. we went home exhausted; because
We become new creatures, hating there is nothing so exhausting as
what we once loved, and loving what [ deep emotion. A messenger was
we enee hated. If sin were a luxury, I sent out to obtain a preacher for that
it must be a detestation. If we pre­ I night, but the search was unsuccess­
ferred bad associations, we must ful. as all the ministers were en­
prefer good associations. In most gaged at some other place. With no
cases it is such a complete change preparation at all for the evening
that the world notices the difference, service, except the looking in Ctu-
and begins to ask, “What has come den’s concordance for a text, and
over that man? Whom has he been feeling almost too weary to stand
with? What has affected him? up, I began the service, saying audi­
What has ransacked his entire na­ bly while the opening song was be­
ture? What has turned him square ing sung, although because of the
about?” Take two pictures of Paul: singing no one but God heard it: “Oh,
one on the road to Damascus to kill Lord, thou knowest my insufficiency
the disciples of Christ; the other on for this service. Come down in gra­
the road to Ostia to die for Christ. cious power upon this people.” The
Come nearer home, and look at the place was shaken with the divine
man who found his chief delight in a presence. As far as we could find
low class of club-rooms, hiccoughing out, over 400 persons were convert­
around a card table, and then stum­ ed that night. Hear it, all young
bling down the front steps after mid­ men entering the ministry; hear it,
night, and staggering homeward, all Christian workers, it is the Holy
and that same man, one week after­ Ghost.
ward, with his family on the way to
From the place where I stand on
a prayer meeting. What has done
this platform there are invisible
it? It must be something tremend­
ous. It must be God. It must be wires or lines of influence stretching
to every heart in all the seats on the
the Holy Ghost.
Notice the Holy Ghost as the main floor, and up into the boxes
solacer of broken hearts. Christ and galleries, aud there are other
calls him the comforter. Nothing innumerable wires or lines of influ­
does the world so much want as com­ ence reaching out from this place
fort. The most of people have been into the vast beyond, and across con­
abused, misrepresented, cheated, tinents, and under the seas, for in
lied about, swindled, bereft. What my recent journey around the world
is needed is balsam for the wounds, I did not find a country where I had
lantern for dark roads, rescue from not been preaching this gospel
maligning pursuers, a lift from the through the printing press. So as a
marble slab of tombstones. Life to telegraph operator sits or stands at
most has been a semi-failure. They a given point, and sends messages iu
have not got what they wanted. all directions, and you hear the
They have not reached that which click, click, click of the electric ap­
they started for. Friends betray. paratus, but the telegrams go on
Change of business stand loses old their errand, God help me now to
custom, and does not bring enough touch the right key and send the
custom to make up for the loss. right message along the right wires
Health becomes precarious when one to the right places ! Who shall I
most needs strong muscles, and first call up? To whom shall I send
steady nerve, and clear brain. Out the message? I guess I will send the
of this audience of thousands and first to all the tired, wherever they
thousands, if I should ask all those are, for there are so many tired
who have been unhurt in the strug­ souls. Here goes the Christly mes­
gle of life to stand up, or all standing sage, “Come unto me, all ye who are
to hold up their right hand, not one weary and I will give you rest.” Who
would move. Oh, how much we next shall I call up? I guess the
need the Holy Ghost as comforter. next message will be to the fatherless
He recites the sweet gospel promises and widows, and here it goes, “The
to the hardly bestead- He assures trumpet shall sound and the dead
of mercy mingled with the severities. shall rise.” Who next shall I call up?
He consoles with thoughts of com­ I guess the next message will be to
ing release. He tells of a haven the fatherless and widows, and here
where tear is never wept, and bur­ goes God’s message, “Leave the fa­
den is never carried, and injustice is therless children, I will preserve
them alive, and let thy widows trust
never suffered.
me.” Who next shall I call up?
The Holy Ghost comfort, I think,
my next message will be to
generally comes in the shape of a
have buried members of
soliloquy. You fiud yourself saying
to yourself, “Well, I ought not to go their own families, and here it goes,
on this way about my mother's “The trumpet shall sound and the
death. She had suffered enough. dead shall rise. ” Who next shall I
She had borne other people’s burdens call up? I guess the next message
long enough. I am glad that father will go to those who think themselves
and mother are together in heaven, too bad to be saved. Here it goes,
and they will be waiting to greet us, “Let the wicked forsake his way and
and it will only be a little while, any­ let him return unto the Lord who
how, and God makes no mistakes;” will have mercy and unto our God
or you soliloquize, saying, it is hard who will abundantly pardon.’’ Who
to lose my property. I am sure I next shall I call up? I guess it will
worked hard enough for it. But God be those who may think I have not
will take care of us, and as to the yet touched their case. 1 ‘Whosoever,
children, the money might have whosoever, whosoever will, let him
spoiled them, and we find that those come.” And now may God turn on
who have to struggle for themselves all the electric power into this gos­
generally turn out best, and it will pel battery for the last tremendous
all be well if this upsetting of our message, so that it may thrill through
worldly resources leads us to lay up this assemblage and through all the
treasures in heaven.” Or you solil­ earth. Just six words will compose
oquize, saying, “It was hard to give the message, and I touch the key of
up that boy when the Lord took this gospel battery just six times
him. I expected great things of and the message is gone 1 Away !
him, and oh, how we miss him out of away it flies ! And the message is,
the house, and there are so many “Have ye received the Holy Ghost?”
things I come across that make one That is, do you feel his power? Has
think of him, and he was such a he enabled you to sorrow over a
splendid fellow; but then what an wasted life, and take full pardon
escape he has made from the temp­ from the crucified Christ, and turned
tations and sorrows which come to your face toward the wide open gates
all who grow up, and it is a grand of a welcoming heaven? We appeal
thing to have him safe from all pos­ to thee, oh Holy Ghost, who didst
sible harm, and there are those bible turn the Phillippian jailer, and Saul
promises for those who have lost of Tarsus, and Lydia of Thyatira,
children, and we shall feel a drawing and helped John Bunyan out of dark­
heavenward that we could not have ness when, as he describes it, “Down
otherwise experienced.” And after fell I as a bird shot from the top of a
you have said that you get that re­ tree, into fearful despair, but was
lief which comes from an outburst of relieved by the comfortable word,
tears. I do not say to you, as some ‘ “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth
say to you, do not cry. To God’s from all sin,’ ” and helped John New­
people tears are the dews of the ton when standing at the helm of
night dashed with sunrise. I am so the ship in a midnight hurricane, and
glad you can weep. But you think mightier than the waves that swept
these things yon say to yourself are the decks came over him the memory
only soliloquies. No, no. They are of his blasphemous and licentious
the comforter, who is the Holy life, and he cried out, “My mother’s
God have mercy on me I” and helped
On the Sabbath of the dedication one nearer home, even me, DeWitt
Talmage, at about eighteen years of
age, that Sunday night in the lovely
village of Blawenburgh, New Jersey,
when I could not sleep because the
questions of eternal destiny seized
hold of me, and has helped me ever
since to use as most expressive of my
own feeling:
Amazing grace ! how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
Through many dangers foils and snares,
I have already come;
'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far.
And grace will lead me home.
B. H. Bowman, Pub. Enquirer, of
Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our
little girl baby, the only one we have,
was taken sick with croup. After two
doctors failed to give relief and life was
hanging on a mere th read, we tried One
Minute Cough Cure and its life was
saved. Rogers Bros.
Sheridan Sun
Mr. Winters of Bellevue had a son
of Kirk Conner arrested last Satur­
day for running his wagon down into
a swale one night last week. Young
Conner was assisted in his lark by
two other Bellevue boys who skipped
the vicinity to avoid arrest. Judge
Daugherty imposed a fine of $5 for
the offense. The boys evidently per­
petrated the trick for fun, but fun of
that sort sometimes comes high.
Mr. Merchant of North Yamhill
bought 37 head of three and four-
year-old stall fed steers from Jim
Savage, Ira Yocom and Buford Stone
last Monday. Yocom had eight head
of steers that weighed collectively
10,550 pounds. Buford Stone sold a
steer 2 years old that weighed 1280
pounds—pretty good weight for a
Newberg Graphic.
President Newlin is contemplating
taking a course in Chicago University
during the summer vacation.
A road grader that cost the county
$300 would last longer if it was shel­
tered during the winter. A farmer
who leaves his implements out to
weather the storms is considered to
be a shiftless fellow.
At the present time the fruit trees
of all varieties give promise of one of
the largest fruit crops Oregon has
ever had. Unless something comes
later to injure the crop, it will simply
be piled up this year and prune trees
will require a good thinning out of
the fruit in order to get good sized
N. C. Maris returned from Hepp­
ner, Morrow county, last Saturday,
where he arranged for putting his
boys out on bunch grass, and inci-
dently doing something in the way
of cattle raising. He rented a stock
ranch near Heppner, containing 1040
acres, for a term of two years. As
soon as he can arrange his business
here he will depart for his new loca­
A. P. Oliver has about completed
the deal for territory, comprising the
states of Oregon, Washington, Mon­
tana, Idaho and Wyoming, for the
right to manufacture under a new
patent, fruit boxes and baskets of
various kinds. If everything goes
well Mr. Oliver, with others, intend
to establish a factory here to be
started in a moderate way, with a
view of increasing the capacity as
business improves. Samples of the
work which Mr. Oliver had here on
exhibition some time ago looked like
the goods would sell readily. A
number of small manufacturing en­
terprises of this character would
greatly benefit Newberg and we
shall be glad to see this one estab­
Dayton Herald.
Albert Senn is getting out about
60,000 feet of logs near Weston, for
parties in Portland. He is assisted
by Wm. Mays and others.
W. T. Pillman has rented his resi­
dence property to John Bradley, who,
with his family, will occupy the place.
Mr. Pillman with his family will
move to Seattle next month, where
he owns property.
A great many potatoes have been
sold in this market the past week.
B. Gabriel is the main purchaser.
The prices paid have ranged from 35
to 40 cents. The latter price is only
paid fbr extra fine potatoes.
On Monday last an election was
held in Dayton to vote on issuing
bonds to build a $4000 frame school
house. The vote was: Bonds, yes,
61; bonds, no, 19. The judges of the
election were S. R. Baxter, J. T.
Watson and Henry Bertram. The
bonds are to be sold May 15, 1895,
and are to be paid within twenty
years; payable any time after ten
Amity Blade.
“As old an
the hills” and
never excell­
ed. “ Tried
and proven "
’X/ìv» is the verdicl
-------- --------- a;
Liver Regu-
lator is the
J'l'P V*
JL-JVl'lLf aud Kidney
medicine to
which you
can pin youi
faith for a
cure, A
mild laxa-
tive, a n d
purely veg­
etable, act-
ing directly
on tne Liver
and Kid­
neys. Try it.
Sold by all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of Liver Medicines.
“ I have used your Simmons Liver Regu­
lator and can conscienciously aay it is th«»
king of all liver medicines, I consider it a
medicine chest in itself.— G eo . W. J ack «
son , Tacoma, Washington.
Lia.n the Z Stamp in red on y * rapper.
knee. She had before undergone
much suffering from a disease of the
same member and only recovered to
have a defective limb, and now to
suffer another serious and painful
hurt. June is an exceptionally
bright child and her meek disposition
and winning ways have endeared
her to all her relatives and friends,
who are truly distressed to hear of
her sad misfortune. All join how­
ever, in a wish for her speedy and
permanent recovery.
J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City,
Mo., chief enrolling force 38th general
assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to
testify to the merits of One Minute
Cough Cure. When other so-called cures
failed, I obtained almost instant relief
and a speedy cure by the use of One
Minute Cough Cure Rogers Bros.
Corn in the Willamette Valley.
Prof H. T, French, in Bulletin
No. '35, of the Oregon experiment
station, says that after five years of
trial of corn at that station, during
which time it has not failed to yield
a profitable crop, he is fully pre­
pared to recommend the crop as one
which the farmers can well afford to
It must not be expected that the
Willamette valley will ever become
a special corn country like Iowa,
Kansas and Missouri, but aside from
the use of corn as a forage crop, the
experiment station has been able to
grow several varieties which produce
as hard, well matured corn as ever
grew in the great corn states. This
can only be done, however, with the
earliest varieties, such as the King
Philip, a flint variety, and the Min­
nesota King and Early Mastodon,
both of which are yellow dent varie­
ties. As a variety for making silage,
the Pride of the North ha6 proved
the most satisfactory of thirty va­
rieties tested.
W T. Sanford, station agent of Leep­
er, Clarion Co., Pa., writes: I can rec­
ommend One Minute Cough Cure as the
best I ever used. It gave instant relief
and a quick cure. Rogers Bros.
Many levelheaded men will agree
with the following from Mr. George
T. Angell, president of the American
Humane Education Society: “I
hold that every city and town should
be prepared at all times to furnish
temporary work at low wages to
those who are not able to obtain bet­
ter work elsewhere, because men
must live, and it is better they
should live by earning than by
begging or stealing. Say nothing of
the humanitarian aspects of the case,
it is cheaper to provide even un­
profitable labor than to build and
sustain prisons and almshouses.”
Dr. H. R. Fish, of Gravois Mills, Mo.,
a practicing physician of many years ex­
perience, writes: “DeWitt’s Witch Ha­
zel Salve has no equal for indolent sores,
scalds and burns. It stops pain instant­
ly, heals a burn quickly and leaves no
scar. Rogers Bros.
Like our own President Grant,
President Faure of France, was at
one time connected with the tanning
interest. Unlike Grant, however,
Faure was a regular apprentice and
learned the tanner’s trade, of which
he is still proud. Grant was edu­
cated at West Point, though Faure
had but little schooling of any kind
in his earlier years. President
Faure’s father was a journeyman
carpenter and chair maker.
It is alleged that Rev. Dr. Edward
Everett Hale, the celebrated Boston
clergyman has become interested
with Mr. W’. E. Smythe, editor of
the Irrigation Agr, and others in
founding a colony of-20-acre farmers
in the Payette valley in southwest­
ern Idaho.
J. P. Elston west of this city, has
in his garden an herb, brought from
the east some time ago and which is
a sure cure for felons. Mr. Elston
kindly offers the herb free to any one
needing it.
Last Saturday evening little June,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures
Patty, living southeast of this city, scalds, burns, indolent sores and never
fell and broke her leg just above the fails to cure piles. Rogers Bros.