0. R. & N. CO. THE PEOPLE OF THE MIST. ye laid down forever. Glory be to you, Ô 6o, my children, People of the Mist? Will Aca, and to you, O Jal, immortal kings ye not accept my mercy and my love?” forevermore!” The multitude watched the red blooms And the great audience echoed in a as, bruised and broken, through the light shout that rent the skies, “Glory be to and the shadow, they fell slowly to the E. McNEILL, Receiver. you, O Aca, and to you, O Jal, immortal seething surface of the pool. Then it looked kings forevermore!” up like one man and saw the white lily TO THE By H. BIDEB HAGGABD. Then Nam spoke again, saying: “Bring ' set upon Juanna’s whiter breast. They forth the virgin, that lair maid who is des­ saw, and moved by a common impulse [Copyright, 1883, by the Author ] tined to the snake, that he may look upon rose with a sound like the rush of the This statue was fashioned to the shape her and accept her as his wife. Bring her wind and shouted: “Gone is the day of blood and sacrifice. of a huge seated dwarf of hideous coun- forth also who 12 months gone was vowed tenance, with bent arms outstretched in a In marriage to the sha[>e of the stone, that Come is the day of peace! Wo thank you, , mother, and wo take your mercy and your slightly forward direction and palms she may bid her lord farewell.” As he spoke there was a stir behind the love.” turned upward as though to bear the GIVES THE CHOICE OF Then they were silent, and again there weight of the sky. This fearful colossus idol, and presently from cither side of it TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL stood, or rather sat, upon a platform of a woman was led forward by two priests was a sound like that of the wind as all rock, and not more than four paces from on to the little space of rock between its their thousands sank back to the seats of its base, so that the outstretched hands feet and the edge of the gulf and placed stone. Now Nam spoke again in a voice of aud head bent slightly forward, overhung ono to the right of the altar and one to It indeed, was a circular gulf measuring the left. Beth these women were tall and ¡ fury that rang through the still air like a perhaps 30 yards across, in which seething lovely with the dark and somewhat terri- ' clarion. waters raged and boiled. Whence they lyinglieauty of tho People of the Mist, but I “What is this that my ears hear?” he came and whither they went it was impos­ there the resemblance between them ended. ' cried. “Are ye mad, O ye dwellers in the sible to see, but Leonard discovered after­ She to the left was naked except for a gir­ mist, or does the mother speak with a ward that here was the source of the river dle of snakeskin and the covering of her charmed voice? Shall the ancient worship which they had followed for so many days. abundant hair, which was crowned with be changed and in an hour? Nay, not the Escaping from the gulf by underground a wreath of red lilies similar to the flower gods themselves can alter their own wor­ VIA VIA passages that it had hollowed for itself that the priests had given to Juanna. She ship. Slay on, ye priests, slay on, or ye the left, on the contrary, was clothed in yourselves shall die the dreadful death.” SPOKANE DENVER through the solid rock, the two branches a to black robe round which was broidered The priest below heard, and seizing tho of the torrent passed round the walls of Minneapolis OMAHA the town, to unite again in the plain be­ the shape of a blood red snake, whose head struggling king cast him with difficulty low. How the pool itself was supplied rested on her breast. Leonard noticed that down upon the stone. AND AND “Leonard, Leonard,” cried Juanna in Leonard was destined to .learn in after the appearance of this woman was one of terror, for she shrank and trem- j English, addressing him for the first time ST. PAUL KANSAS CY days, so nothing need be said of it here. extreme Between the steep polished sides of this bled, whereas that of the flower crowned i by his Christian name, as even then he rock basin and the feet of the statue was bride was jubihuit and even haughty. For noticed, but looking straight before her LOW RATES TO ALL placed an altar, or sacrificial stone. Here a moment the two women stood while the ' that none might guess to whom she spoke. EASTERN CITIES. on this ledge, which covered an area no people gazed upon them. Then at a signal ¡ “These priests are going to kill you and greater than that of a small room, and in from Nam she who was crowned with ; all of us except Otter and myself. If you OCEAN STEAMERS front of the altar stood a man, bound, in flowers waa led before the altar, and thrice can, when you see me point my hand, shoot Leave Portland Every 8 Days whom Leonard recognized Olfan, the king, she bowed the knee to the idol, or rather | that man who is about to sacrifice the while on either side of him were priests, to Otter, who sat upon it. Now all eyes king. Make no answer. ” • • FOR • • Leonard heard and understood it all. naked to the waist and armed with sacri­ were fixed on the dwarf, who stared at the ficial knives. Behind them again stood girl, but made no sign, which was not Resting his back firmly against the thumb the little band of settlement men, trem­ wonderful, seeing that he had not the , of the statue, he shifted his position a lit bling with terror, nor were their fears faintest idea of the meaning of the cere- | tie so that the group below him camo groundless, for there among them lay one < mouy. As it chanced, he could not have within his line of sight and waited, watch­ of their number dead. This was the man acted more wisely—at least in tho interests ing Juanna, who was now speaking again For full details call on whose nerve had broken down, who had of the bride—for here, as elsewhere, silence in tho language of the People of tho Mist. C. A. WALLACE, McMinnville, Or. “This I promise you, ministers of shrieked aloud in the darkness, and in re­ was held to give consent. Or Addrt^to "Bcliold, the god accepts!” cried Nam. blood,” she said, “if yo obey me not ye ward had been smitten into everlasting V% . H III HI,Bl HT, “The beauty of the bride is pleasing in his shall indeed die the dreadful death, tho silence. Gen. Pass. Agt. All this Leonard saw by degrees, but eyes. Stand aside, Saga, thou blessed, death unknown. Hearken, my servant, POHTLAND, OU. the first thing he saw has not yet been told. that the people may look upon thee and who art named deliverer,” and she looked Long before the brilliant rays of the moon know thee. Hail to thee, wife of the down upon Leonard, “and do my bidding. If ono of these shall dare to lift his hand EAST AND SOUTH lit the amphitheater they struck upon tne snake!” Smiling triumphantly, the girl moved against yonder man, slay him swiftly as huge head of the dwarf idol, and there VIA upon this giddy perch some 70 feet from back to her place by the altar and turned you know how.” “Smite on,” screamed Nam, “smite on the ground and nearly 100 above the level her proud lace to the people. Then the and fear not.” of the seething pool ot water sat Juanita multitude shouted: Most of the priests drew back affrighted, herself, enthroned in an ivory chair. She ! “Hail to thee, bride of tho snake! Hail OF THE had been divested of her black cloak and I to thee, thou blessed, chosen of the god!” but ono ruflian lifted his knife, and as he While the tumult still lasted she who ' did so Juanna pointed with her hand. was clad in the robe of snowy linen cut low upon her breast and fastened round ' was clad in tho black robe waa led for­ Then Leonard, leaning forward, covered ward, and when it had died away she also the priest’s great breast with his rifle as her waist with a girdle. surely as the uncertain light would allow. Express Trains Leave Portland Irai!y Her dark hair flowed about her shoul- 1 made her obeisance before the idol. “Away with her that she may seek lier Unconscious of his fate, tho priest mut­ ders, in either hand she held the lilies, | lord in bls own place,” cried Nam. tered an invocation, and now the knife ~' LËÀVE. ARRIVE' red and white, and upon her forehead “Away with her! Her day is done,” was about to fall upon the throat of O1 Portland......... 6:15 P M | San Francisco.. 1045 A M • glowed the ruby like a blood red star. She 8 g . ii Franctaco. 7:00 P M I Portland........... 8:20 A M sat quite still, her eyes set wide in horror, echoed the multitude. Then, before Juan­ fan, when fire and smoko sprang out far na could interfere, before she could oven above him, tbo rifle rang, and shot through and first the moonlight gleamed upon the Above trains stop at all stations from Portland to Albany iuolusive. Also Tangent, Shedd», Hal- gem bound to her forehead, next it showed speak, for, lie it remembered, she alono I the heart ho leaned high into the air and tey. Harrisburg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene 1 the white and lovely face beneath, then understood all that was said, tho two fell dead. Terror seized the witnesses of and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland inclu- I her snowy arms and breast, the whiteness j priests who guarded the doomed woman this unaccustomed and to them most aw­ live. rent the robe from her, and with a single ful sight. ot her robes and throne and the hideous Roseburg Hail Daily. swing of their strong arms hurled her j “The gods speak with flame and thun­ demon bead whereon it was fixed. No | LEAVE ARRIVE: backward far into the pool of seething wa- i der!” one cried, “and death is in the Portland....... 8:30 A M I Roseburg 5 5u P M ■ spirit could have seemed more beautiful j tors. She fell with a fearful shriek and flame.” Rosebur g .7:00 A M I Portlana 4 30 P M than this woman set thus on her dizzy ' lay floating on their surface just where | “Silence, dogs!” screamed Nam. “Ye throne in that dark place of blood and the moonlight beat most brightly, flung are bewitched. Ho, you who stand on DINING CARS 0N ÜGDEN ROUTE. fear. Indeed In the unearthly light she looked like a spirit, the angel of beauty this way and that by the eddy of the whirl­ high, cast down that wizard who is termed * BUFFET triumphing over the hideousness of hell, I pool. All who could of the multitude bent deliverer and let us see who will deliver SLEEPERS the angel of light trampling the devil and ' forward to seo her end, and overcome by him from death upon tho stone!” Then one of tho priests who stood by his works. It was not wonderful that this I a fearful fascination Leonard flung himself on his face, and craning his head over the made a movement to grasp Leonard SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS. fierce and barbarous people sighed like ! stone of the idol’s hand watched also, for him and cast him down, but tho other was ter- reeds before the wind when her loveliness Attached to all Through Trains. dawned upon them, made ethereal by the her struggling shape was almost immedi­ riflod and could not stir. The first man .Wert Side Division. inoon, or that thenceforth Leonard could ately beneath him. Another minute and i stretched out his arm, but before it so he would have foregone tho hope of win­ much as touched its alm he himself was BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS I never think of her quite as he thought of ning the treasure he came so far to seek dead, for, seeing bis purpose, Leonard had any other woman. Under such conditions | Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) not to have yielded to the impulse. most well favored girls would havo ap- I For as he stared the waters beneath the j lifted the rifle and once more its report rang through the temple. Suddenly the 7.57 a \f Portland Ar 5:35 P M peared beautiful. Juanna did more; she feet of the idol were agitated as a pond is , priest threw his arms wide; then ho fell 10:15 A M 1 Lv I.V 3:01 1‘ M seemed divine. McMinnville Itto P M 1 Ar Corvallis Lv 1:00 P M agitated by the rush of a pike when he backward, and with a mighty rush dived As the light grew downward and the dashes at his prey. Then for an instant : into sheer space to crash lifeless on to the At Albany and Corvallis connect with shadows thinned before it Leonard fol­ the light gleamed upon a dull, enormous stone floor below, where he lay, his head trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad, lowed with his eyes aud presently discov­ shape, and suddenly the head of a croco­ aud bauds hanging over the edge of the Express Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) ered Otter. The dwarf, naked except for dile reared itself out of tho pool, the head pool. bis girdle and the fringe upon his head, of a crocodile, but of such a crocodile as he rt'i P M TU’ Ár b 25 A M was also enthroned, holding the ivory had never heard or dreamed of, for the Portland Now for the first time Otter's emotions St. Joseph 7:15 P M Lv Lv 5:5b A M scepter In his hand, but in a seat of i head alone was broader than the chest of overcame him. He stood up on the knees 7:26 P M Ar McMinnville Lv 5:50 A M ebony placed upon the knees of tho oolos- the biggest man, its dull eyes were the of tho dwarf, and shaking the scepter in Through Tickets to all points In Eastern sus, nearly 40 feet below Juanna. Then j size of a man’s fist, its yellow fangs were his hand pointed with it to the dead priests ¡states, Canada and Europe can be obtained at Leonard turned to consider Francisco’s po like tho teeth of a lion, and from its lower on the paving below, at the same time cry­ lowest rates from G A Wileox. Agent, McMinn- sition aud his own and found it terrible jaw hung tentacles, or lumps of white ing in stentorian tones: Ville. E. P. ROGERS, enough. Indeed the moment that he dis­ flesh, which at that distance gave It the “Well done, baas, well done! Now tum­ Asst. G. F. A P A., Portland, Or. covered it was nigh to being his last, for appearance of being bearded like a goat; 1 ble tho old one yonder off his peroh, for I R KOEHLER, Manager. In company with two priests of the snake also the skin of this huge reptile, which am weary of Lis howlings. ” they were standing on the palm of the [ could not have measured less than 50 feet This speech of Otter’s produced even a right hand of tho idol, that formed a lit- j in length by 4 feet In depth, was here and greater effect on the spectators, if that tie square, which they had won in the \ there corroded into rusty excrescences, as were possible, than the mysterious death of darkness through a tunnel hewn in the though some fungus or lichen had grown the priests. That he whose name was si­ HURCHE8 B aptist —Services Sunday 11 a. m. and arm of stone. There they stood unprotect­ upon it like gray moss on an ancient wall. lence should cry aloud in a straDge tongue, 7:80p.m ; Sunday school 9:50 a m.; the ed by any railing or support, and before Indeed its appearance Beemed to point to of which of course they understood no sin­ gle word, was a dread and ominous thing young people’s society 6:15p in Prayer them and behind them was a sheer drop extreme antiquity. meeting Thursday 7 .30 p. m. Covenant of some 90 feet to the water beneath or to i Hearing the disturbance in tho water, I that showed his aDger to be deep. But meeting first Sat each month 2:00 p. m. the rock ot the platform. the reptile had emerged from the cavo | Leonard took no heed. Ho was too much E. B. P ace , Pastor. Leonard saw and for a moment turned where it dwelt beneath the feet of the engaged in covering tho second priest with the barrel of his repeater This man, how M ethodist E piscopal —Services every faint and dizzy; then, dropping the butt Idol to seek Its accustomed food, which con- ! Sabbath 11 .00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sundaj of his rifle on the stone, he leaned upon eisted of the human victims that were cast ever, had no liking for such a dreadful school 9:30 a in. Praver meeting 7:00 p the barrel till his brain cleared. It was to it at certain intervals. It reared Its death. Swiftly he flung himself on to his well for him that he had not known what hideous head and glared around. Then of knees, Imploring Leonard to spare him in m. Thursday. L ee T hompson , Pastor. humble accents and with gestures that C umb . P resbyterian —Services every Sab­ lay beneath when but now he thrust his a sudden the monster and the victim van spike more plainly than his words. bath 11:00a tn and 7:30 p. in. Sunday foot into vacancy, for then his senses ished together into the depths. Taking advantage of the pause, again school 9:30 a. m. Y. P C. E.. Sunday 6:30 might have failed him. Suddenly he re­ Sick with horror, Leonard drew himself p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. membered Francisco and opened his eyes, back into a sitting posture and glanced Juanna cried aloud: “Yeses, Peopleofthe which he had closed toehut out the yawn­ toward Juanna. She was crouched in her Mist, that I make no idle threats. W here E E T hompson , Pastor. are they now, the disobedient ones? The C hristian —Services every Sabbath 11:00 ing gulf beneath him. It was not too soon. ivory chair overcome, and her eyes were tongue of flame lias licked them, and they a m and 7 30 p. m. Sunday school 10 The priest had seen also, and conscious­ closed, either through faintness or to shut a. m. Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. ness had deserted him. Even as Leonard out the sight of dread. Then he looked j are dead, and as they have perished so turned hie knees gave way, and he sank down at Otter. The dwarf was sitting as shall all perish who dare gainsay my word J ames C ampbell , Pastor S t . J ames C atholic —First st., between forward and downward. Quick as thought still as the stone effigy that supported him I or the word of Ja). Ye know us for gods, O and H. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Ves­ Leonard stretched out his right hand and and staring fixedly at the water. Evi and ye have crowned us kings, aud gods and kings we are indeed. Yet fear not, caught Francisco by the robe he wore; pers 7 30. Services once a month. T. B biody , Pastor then, resting his weight upon the rifle, he dently in all his varied experience he had for on the rebellions only shall our anger fall. Answer, though, Nam. Wilt thou strained at the priest’s falling body with ! Been no such thing as this. SECRET ORDERS. do our bidding, or wilt thou die also us all his force in such a manner that its di ­ “ The snake has accepted tho sacrifice, ” K nowles C hapter No, 12, O. E. S—Meets a thy servants died?” Masonic ball the first and third Monday eveuing rection was turned, and it fell sideways ' cried Nam again. “The snake has taken Nam looked around desperately. He tn each month Visiting members eordiallv in­ upon the platform, not downward into her who was his bride to dwell with him vited. c. h . mckinney , sec. space. Leonard dragged at him again and in his holy house. Let the offerings be looked down on tbo multitude and found MRS. C W. TALMAGE, W. M. thrust him into the mouth of the little j completed, for this is but the first fruit, . no help there. Long had they cowered be­ A. O. U. W —Charity Lodge No. 7 meets first and tunnel through which they had reached Take Olfan, who was king, and offer him j neath him. Now hope was born in their third Fridays of each month, 7:30 p. m. Lodge this dreadful eminence, where he Jay quiet up Cast down the white servants of the breasts, and in the presence of a power room Ln Union block. and safe, lost in a blessed insensibility. H. C. BURNS, M. W mother and offer them up. Seize the slaves greater than his, and if only for awhile J. D. BAKER, Becorder. 10 All this took place in a few seconds. who stood before her In the plain and offer they broke his yoke and tho yoke of their CvsTxa P ost N o . 9—Meets the second and fourth The two priests of the snake, who stood by them up. Lead forth the captives aud of­ red superstitions. Ho looked at the com­ Saturday of each month in Union hall at 7:30 them as calmly as though their feet were fer them up. Let the sacrifico of the crown • pany of priests. Their heart was out of p. m on second Saturday and at 10:30 a. m. on still on the solid earth, saw it, but made ing of kings be accomplished according to them. They were huddled together liko ith Saturday. All members of the order are no movement. Only Leonard thought custom,that the god whose name is Jal may knots of frightened sheep, staring at the cordially invited to attend our meetings. J. B. S tilwell , Commander. that they smiled grimly, and a horrible bo appeased; that ho may listen to the corpses of their two companions. Then B. F. C lubine , Adjt. fear struck his heart like a breath of ice. I pleading of the mother; that fruitfulness he bothought him of Otter. Surely there W. C T. U.—Meets on every Fri­ What if they waited a signal to cast him , may fill the land and peace be within its was refuge in the god of blood and evil, and he cried to him: day, in Wright's hall at 3 o'clock p nt. down? It might well be so. Already he ' gates.” L. T. L. at 3 p. m. had seen enough of their rites to enable Thus he cried, while Leonard felt his ! “The mother has spoken, but the moth­ M rs H. F. A llen , Pres him to guess that theirs was a religion of blood turn cold and his hair rise upon his er is not the son. Say, O Jal, what is thy C lara O. E sson . Sec’y. blood and human sacrifice. He shivered head, for though he could not understand command?” Otter made no answer, because he did and again turned faint, so faint indeed the words ho could guess their purport, Sl’M »IO\S. that he did not dare to keep his feet, but and his instinct told him that a great dan not understand, but Juanna replied swift­ In the circuit court of the State of Oregon fur sank into a sitting posture, resting his ger threatened them. He looked at the : ly: Yamhill county. “I am the mouth of Jal, as Jal is roy back against the stone of the idol’s thumb. two priests who stood by, and they glared Mary J. Duffy, plaintiff, angrily on him in answer. Then bis cour- hand. When I speak, I speak the words of vs. Walter L. French, Nathan ago came back to him. At least he hail his Jal. Do his bidding and mine or die, CHAPTER XIV. French, Mary E French, Na­ thou disobedient servant.” Still the silence endured, and still the rifle and would fight for his life. It would , This was the end of it. Nam was beat­ than Schloss, Michael Schloss, Julius Schloss, Jonas Schloss, moonlight grew, creeping lower till it go hard if hecould not put à bullet through en. For the first time in his life he must Laura J. Schloss and George shone upon the face of the seething waters, one or both of them before they got a hold own a master, and that master the gods H. Pistle, defendants. on him. To Walter L French, Nathan Schloss, Michael and, except in the Immediate shadow of Meanwhile the priests below hud seized whom lie had himself discovered and pro­ Schloss, Julius Schloss, Jonas Schloss, Laura J. the walls, all the amphitheater was full of the king Olfan, whose giant form they I claimed. Schloss aud Geo. H. Pistle, defeudants above It. named “So be it,” be said sullenly. “The old were dragging toward tho stone of sacri­ .x the name of the state of Oregon you and Then the voice of Ji am spoke again from fiée, but of a sudden for the first time Ju- : order passes, and the new order comes. So each of you are hereby noticed aud required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against far away, and Leonard looked to 6ee anna spoke, and a deep silence fell upon i be it. Let your will be done, O mother yon and the other defendants in the above enti­ whence ho spoke. Now he saw. Nam, at the temple and all within it. and O son. I have striven for your glory, tled court by the first day of the term following “Hearken. People of the Mist,” she 6aid, I havo fed your altars, and yo threaten roe the expiration of the time prescribed in the order bended by three priests, was perched like for publication of this summons, to-wit. Monday, an eagle on the left palm of tho colossus, and her voice falling from that great with death and put away my gift. Priests, the 25th day of March, A. D. 1895, and if you fail I and from this dizzy platform he addressed height seemed small and faraway, though set free that man who was king. People, so to appear or answer, for want thereof the have your way, forget your ancient paths, plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief the multitude. Looking across the breast so clear that every word was audible in pluck the white flower of peace and per­ prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a judg­ of the statue, Leonard could just see the the stillness of the night. ment and decree against the defendant Walter outstretched arm and catch the outline of “Hear roe, People of the Mist and ye ish. I have said.” L. French fur the sum of 15.000.00, with interest So ho spoke from on high, shaking his priests of the snake! Aca is come again, i the fierce face of the high priest of the thereon at the rate of 9 per cent per annum from the 21st day of June, 1894, and for her costs aud snake as he glared down upon tho people and Jal Is come again, and ye have given clinched lists above his hoary head, and disbursements of suit, and the further sum of “Hearken, ye dwellers in the mist, chil­ them back their rule after many genera­ was gone. Then the priests unbound the $500 00 attorneys’ fees in said suit, and for the sum tions, and in their hands lie the lives of limbs of the ex-king, and he arose from of S22 50, with interest thereon from February 2d, dren of the snake! Ye have seen your an­ every ono of you. As the old tradition tho stone of death. 1895, aud for a decree foreclosing the mortgage cient gods, your father and your mother, “Olfan,” cried JuaDna from on high, pleaded in the eomplaiut, and for an order of sale come back to rule you and to lead you on told of them, so they are, the mother and of the mortgaged real premises, to-wit: tho child, and the one is clothed with “thou that wast the king, we, who havo through war and peace, to wealth, to pow ­ Situate in Yamhill county, State of Oregon, and being the s hf of the s hf of the original donation er and to glory. You see them now by beauty, tho symbol of life and of the fruit­ taken tliy kingship, give thoe life and lib­ land claim of Thomas Hubbard ami wife, claim that light and in that place wherein only ful earth, and the other is black and hide­ erty and honor. See that in reward thou No. 52, Notification 1425, in township three (3) ous, the symbol of death and the evil that servest us weii, lest again thou shouldst south of range three (3) west of the Willamette it is lawful thatweshould look upon them walks upon the earth, and ye would do lie upon that bed stone. Dost thou swear meridian, more particularly described as follows: Say, do ye believe and do ye accept them? Commencing at the southeast corner of said doe Answer, every one of you, answer with sacrifico to Jal that ho may be appeased fealty to us?” “Forever and forever, O mother and O nation land claim, thence north on the east lin - your voice!” according to tho ancient law and listen to of said donation land claim 23.25 chains, thence Then a mighty roar of sound went up the pleading of tho mother that fruitful­ son. I swear it by your holy heads.” west parallel with the south line of said ciaim to “It is well. Now, under us once more a point on the west line of said claim 23.25 chains from the gathered thousands, a roar that ness may fill the land. Not so shall Jal be north of the southwest corner of seid claim, shaped Itself into the words, “We believe, appeased, and not because of the sacrifice we give thee command of the armies of thence south 23 25 chains to the southwest corner of men shall Aca plead with him that this people, our children. Summon thy ot said claim, thence east on the south line of and we accept!” captains and thy soldiers. Bid those that said claim to the place of beginning, containing “It is well,” said Nam when the tu­ prosperity may reign in the land. “Behold, the old law is done away! We brought us thither lead us back whence 160 acres more or less. Also the homestead claim mult had died away. “Hearken, ye high No. 728 of Richard S. Johnson, described as tne give you a now law. Now Is the hour of we came, and there set guards about us, west half of the northeast quarter and the south­ gods, O Aca, and O Jal, bend down your reconciliation. Now life and death walk so that none troubles us. For you, our peo­ west quarter of the southeast quarter, and lot- ears and deign to hearken to your priest two (2). three (3) and four (4) of section twentys and servant, speaking in the name of hand in hand, and the hearts of Aca and ple, for this time fare you well. Go in nine (29> in township three (3) south of range Jal have grown gentle through the ages, pe ace to dwell in peace beneath the shadow three (3) west of the Willamette meridian, con­ your children, the People of the Mist! Be and they no longer crave the blood of men of our strength. ” taining 173.17 acres, more or less. Also the north ye kings to reign over us! Accept the west quarter of the uortheast quarter of section power and the sacrifice and sit in the as an offering to their majesty. Hence­ CHAPTER XV. .29) in said township and range, con- forth you shall bring them fruits and flow­ ♦irni.n8 ttCres< more or less, and being part of place of kings! We give you rule through ers and not the lives of men. See, in my It was at this juncture that Francisco the homestead claim No 71u of Nicolas Carlin. all the land. The life of every dweller in decree barring and foreclosing said the land is yours. Yours are their cattle hand I hold winter lilies, red and white; recovered his senses. “Oh,” he gasped, eaCu of them, and all persons and their goats, their cities and their blood red they aro and white as snow. opening his eyes and sitting up, “is it under them or either of done, and am I dead?” °f ^^PtloU in OT right to armies. For you the altars shall run red; Now the red flower, token of sacrifice and “No, no, you are alive and safe,” an­ hF ?Uyu^n hereof, and for such the cry of the victim shall be music in slaughter, I crush and cast away, but tho swered Leonard. “Stay where you are and table “ the p^b^.“ ** your ears. You shall look upon him whom white bloom of lore and peace I set upon don t look over the edge, or you will faint This summons is published for 6 weeks bv or long ago ye set to guard the secret awful my breast. It is done. Gone is the old derof Hon H H Hewitt, judge of »id Lurt place, and be shall crawl beneath your law. See, it falls into the place of the again. Here, take my hand. Now, you made February 19th. A D. is»' “W ClU-rt brute,” and he made energetic motions to feet. As ye ruled our fathers, so shall ye snake, its home, but the new law blossoms M. I M ac MAHON, An y for PlainHIT the priest, indicating that he must lead above tny heart and In IK, Jîbalj it _not tjy rule ns, according to the oustema whiop 1 EAST ROUTES » Iï.| SAN ?■ FRANCISCO The Shasta Route LOCAL DIRECTORY. I them back by the path they came and at the same time tapped his rifle signifi­ cantly. The man understood and started down the dark tunnel as though he were glad to go, Leonard bolding his robe with one hand, while with the other he pressed the muzzle of the loaded rifle against the back of his neck. Francisco followed, leaning on Leonard’s shoulder, for he could not walk alone. As they had come, so they returned. Tiicy passed down the steps of stone which were hollowed in the body of tho colossus. They traversed the long underground tunnel, and once more, to their intense relief, they stood upon the solid ground and in tho open air. Now that the moon was up and the mist which had darkened the air was gone they could see their whereabouts. They had emerged upon a platform of rock within a bow shot of the great gates of the palace, from whence the secret subterranean passage used by the priests was gained, its open­ ing being hidden cunningly among the stone work of the temple. “I wonder where the others are?” asked Leonard anxiously of Francisco. As he spoke .luanna, wrapped in her dark cloak, appeared, apparently out of the stones of the wall, and with her Otter, the settlement men bearing their dead com­ panion, and a considerable company of priests, among whom, liowover, Nam was not to be seen. “Oh, is that you, Leonard?” said Juan­ na in English and in a voice broken with fear. “Thank heaven that you are safe!” “Thank lieaven that wo are all safe!” he answered. “Come, let us get on. No; we can walk, thank you,” and he waved away tho priests, who produced the litters from where they had hidden them under the wall. The priests fell back, and they walked on. At the gate of the palace a welcome sight met their eyes, for here stood Olfan, and with him at least a hundred captains and soldiers, who lifted their spears in sa­ lute as they advanced. “Olfan, hear our bidding,” said Juan­ na. "Suffer no priest of the snuke to en­ ter the palace gates. We give you com­ mand over them,even to death. Set guards at every gate and come with us.” The ex-king bowed and issued some or­ ders, in obedience to which the sullen priests fell back murmuring. Then they all passed the gates, crossed the courtyard and presently stood in the torchlit throne­ room, where Juanna had slept on tho pre­ vious night. Here food had been prepared for them by Soa, who looked at them curi­ ously, especially at Leonard and Francisco, as though indeed she Lad never expected to see them again. "Hearken, Olfan,” said Juanna, “we have saved your life tonight, and you have sworn fealty to us. Is it not so?” "It is so, queen,” the warrior answered. “And I will be faithful to my oath. This heart, that but for you had now been cold, beats for you alone. The life that you gave back to me is yours, and for you I live and die.” And he glanced at her with an expres­ sion in which, as it seemed to Juanna, human feeling was mixed with supernat­ ural awe. Was it possible, she wondered with a thrill of fear, that this savage king was forgetting the worship of the goddess for that of the woman. And did he begin to suspect that she was no goddess, after all? Time would show, but at least the look in his eyes alarmed her. “Fear not,” he went on. “A thousand txren shall guard you night and day. Tbe power of Nam is broken for awhile, and how ail this company may sleep in peace. ” “It is well, Olfan. Tomorrow morning, after wo havo eaten, we will talk again, fur wu have much to say. Till then watch!” The great man bowed and went, and at last they were alone. "Let us eat,” said Leonard. “Hello, what Is this? Spirit or a very good imi­ tation of it. Well, 1 never wanted u glass of grog more in my life.” When they had finished their meal, at the request of Leonard, Juanna translated all that had been said in the temple, and among her listeners there was none more interested than Soa. "Say, Soa,” said Leonard when she had finished, “you did not expect to see us come back alive, did you? And that is why you staid away?” “No, deliverer,” she answered. “I thought that you would be killed, every one of you. And so it must have come about had it not been for the Shepherdess; also I staid away because those who have looked upon the snake once do not desire to see him again. Many years ago I was bride to the snake, deliverer, and had I not fled my fate would have been the fate of her who died this night.” “Well, I don’t wonder that you ran,” said Leonard. "Oh, baas,” broke in Otter, “why did you not shoot that old medicine man, as I told you? It would have been easy when you were about it, baas, and now he would have been broken liko an eggshell thrown from a housetop and not alive and full of the meat of malice. He is mad with rage and wickedness, and I say that he will kill us all if he can.” “I rather wish I had,” said Leonard, pulling bis beard. “I thought of it, but I could not do everything, and on future occasions, Otter, will you remember that your name is Silence? Luckily these peo­ ple do not understand you. If they did, you would ruin us all. What is the mat­ ter, Soa?” “Nothing, deliverer,” she answered, “only I was thinking that Nam is my fa­ ther, and 1 am glad that you did not shoot him, as this black dog, w ho is named a god, suggests.” “Of gods I know nothing, you old cow, ” answered Otter angrily. "They areafaroff people, though it seems that I am ono ot them—at any rate among these fools, your kinsman—but of dogs I can tell you some­ thing, and it is that they bite.” “Yes, and cows toss dogs,” said Soa, showing her teeth. “Here is another complication,” thought Leonard to himself. "One fine day this woman will mako it up with her respect­ ed parent and betray us, and then where shall we be? Weil, among so many dan­ gers an extra one does not matter." “I must go to bed,” said Juanna faint­ ly. “My head is swimming. I cannot forget those horrors and that giddy place. When I first saw where I was, I nearly fainted and fell, but after awhile I grew more used to it. Indeed while I was speak­ ing to the people I quite forgot my fear, and the height seemed to exhilarate me. What a sight it was! When all is said and done, it is a grand thing to havo lived through such an experience. I wonder if any one has ever seen its like?” “You are a marvelous woman, Juanna, ” said Leonard, “and I offer you my con­ gratulations. Wo owe our lives to your readiness and courage.” “You see, I was right in insisting on coming with you,” sho answered some­ what aggressively. "For our sakes, yes; for your own, I am not 60 sure. To tell you tbo truth, I think that we should have done better not to have como at all. However, things look a little more promising now, though Nam and his company have still to bo reckoned with, and we don’t seem much nearer the rubies, which are the main object.” "Yes,” said Juanna, "but you have got to find them. Come, Soa, undress me. I feel half dead. Goodnight.” "Francisco,” 6ald Leonard as he rolled himself up in his blanket, "you had a nar­ row escape tonight. If I bad missed my hold!” "Yes, Outram, it was lucky for me that your arm was strong and your mind quick. Ah, I am a dreadtul coward, and I can see it now!” and he shuddered. “Al­ ways from a child I have believed that I shall die from a fall from some high place, and when I saw I thought that my hour had oome. At first I did not understand, for I was watching the senora’sface in the moonlight, and to me she looked like an angel. Then I saw, and my senses left me. It was as though hands were stretch­ ed up from tbe blackness to drag me down —yes, I saw the hand—but you saved me this time, Outram, though that will not help me, for I shall die In some such way at last. So be it. It is best that I should die, who cannot conquer the evil of my heart. ” “Nonsense, my dear fellow!” said Leon­ ard. “Don’t talk like that about dying. We can none of us afford to die just at present—that is, unless we are obliged to do so. Your nerves are upset, and no won­ der! As for’the evil of your heart,’ I wish that most men had as little. The world would be better. Come, go to sleep You will feel very differently tomorrow. ” Francisco smiled sadly and shook his head, then knelt, and began to say his prayers. The last thing that Leonard saw before his eye closed in sleep was the rapt girlish face of the priest, round which the light of the taper fell like an aureole, as he knelt muttering prayer after prayer with his pale lips. It was 9 o'clock before Leonard awoke next morning—for they had not slept till nearly 3—to find Francisco already up, dressed, and, as usual, praying. When Leonard was dressed, they adjourned to Juanna’s room, where breakfast was ready for them. Here they found Otter, looking somewhat disturbed. "Baas, baas,” he said, “they have come and will not go away!” "Who?” asked Leonard. “The woman, baas, she who was given to me to wife, and many other women— her servants—with her. There arc more than 20 of them outside, baas, and all of them very big. Now, what shall I do with her. baas, I, who came to serve you and to seek tho red stones that you desired, and not a woman tall enough to be my grand­ mother?” "I really don’t know and don’t care,” answered Leonard. “If you will be a god, you must take the consequences. Only look here, Otter, lock up your tongue, for this woman will teach you to speak her language, and sho may be a spy.” ‘‘Yes, baas, I will see to that. Is not my name Silence, and shall women make me talk—me, who have always hated them? But—the baas would not liko to marry her? I ain a god, and my heart is large. I will give her to you, baas.' ’ “Certainly not,” answered Leonard de­ cidedly. “See if the breakfast is ready. No, I forgot. You are a god, so climb up into that throne and look the part, if you can.” As he spoko Juanna came from her room, looking a little pale, and they sat down to breakfast. Before they had fin­ ished their meal Soa announced that Olfan was waiting without. Juanna ordered him to be admitted, and presently he en­ tered. “Is all well, Olfan?” asked Juanna. “All is well, queen,” he answered. “Nam and 300 priests held counsel at dawn in the house of the priests yonder. There is much stir and talk in the city, but the hearts of the people are light be­ cause the ancient gods have come back to ns, bringing peace with them.” “Good,” said Juanna. Then she began to question him artful!)’ on many things, and by degTeos they learned more of the People of the Mist. It seemed, as Leonard had already guessed, that they were a very ancient peo­ ple, having existed for countless genera­ tions on the same misty upland plains. They were not, however, altogether iso­ lated, for occasionally they made war with the savage tribes. But they never inter­ married with these tribes, all the captives taken in their wars being offered in sacri­ fice at the religious festivals. The real governing power in the community was the society of the priests of the snake, who held their offioe by hereditary tenure, out­ siders being admitted to their body only under very exceptional circumstances. Tbe council of this society chose the kings, and when they were weary of one of them they sacrificed him and chose another, either from among his issue or elsewhere. This being the custom, as may be im­ agined, the relations between church and state are much strained, but hitherto, as Olfan explained with suppressed rage, the church had by far the best of it. Indeed the king, for the time lieing, was only its mouthpiece or executive officer. He led the armies, but the superstitions of the people, and even of the soldiers them selves, prevented him from wielding any real power, and unless he chanced to die naturally his end was nearly always the same—to be sacrificed when the seasons were bad or Jal was angry. The country was large, but sparsely pop­ ulated, the fighting men numbering not more than 4,OU0, of whom about half lived in the great city, the rest occupying villages here and there on the mountain slopes. As a rule, the people were monog­ amous, except the priests. It was the custom of sacrifice whioh kept down the population to its low level, made the pow­ er of the priests absolute and their wealth greater than that of all the other inhabit­ ants of the country put together, for they chose the victims that had offended against Jal or against the mother goddess and confiscated their possessions to the service of the temple. Thus tbe great herds of half wild cattle which the travelers had met with on tbe plains belonged to the priests, and the priests took a fourth of the produce of ev­ ery man's field and garden—that is, when t hey did not take it all, aud his life with it. Twice iu every year great festivals were held in the Temple of Jal, at the beginning of the spring season and in the autumn after tho ingathering of the crops. At each of these festivals many victims were offered in sacrifice, some upon the stone and some by being hurled into tbe boiling pool beneath the statue, there to be con sumed by the snake or swept down the secret course of the underground river. The feast celebrated in the spring was sacred to Jal, and that in the autumn to the mother goddess, and there was this dif­ ference between them—that at the spring ceremony female victims only were sacri­ ficed to Jal to propitiate him and to avert his evil influence, while at the autumn celebration males alone were offered up to the mother goddess in gratitude for her gifts of plenty; also victims were occa­ sionally thrown to the snake that his hun­ ger might be satisfied, and the priests had other rites that, Olfan added, they would have an opportunity of witnessing if the spring festival which should be celebrated on the second day from that date were held according to custom. “It shall be celebrated,” said Juanna almost fiercely. Then Leonard, who had hitherto listened in silence, asked a question. “How is it,” be said, “that Nam and his fellows, being already in absolute power, were so willing to accept the gods Jal and Aca when they appeared iu person, seeing that henceforth they must obey, not rule?” “For two reasons, lord,” Olfan answer­ ed. “First, because the gods are gods, and their servants know them, and, secondly, becauso Nam has of late stood in danger of losing his authority. Of all the chief priests that have been told of, Nam is the most cruel and tbe most greedy. For three years be has doubled the tale of sacrifices, and, though the pecplo love these sights of death, they murmur, for none knows upon whom the knife shall fall. Therefore he was glad to greet the gods come back, sinoe he thought that they would confirm his power and set him higher than he sat be­ fore. Now he is astonished because they proclaim peace and will have none of the sacrifice of men, and Nam does not love such gentle gods.” "Yet he shall obey them,” said Otter, speaking for the first time by the mouth of Juanna, who, all this while, was act­ ing as Interpreter, “or drink his own medicine, for I myself will sacrifice him to myself.” When Juanna had translated the dwarf’s bloodthirsty threat, Olfan bowed his head meekly and smiled. Clearly tbe prospect of Nam’s sacrifice did not cause him unmixed grief. It was curious to see the stately warrior king humbling his pride before the misshapen, knob nosed Kaffir. “Say, Olfan,” asked Leonard, ‘‘whocut from the ruck the great statue on which we Hat last night, and what is that reptile we saw when the woman was thrown into the pool of troubled waters?” "Ask the water dweller of the water dweller, the snake of the snake and the dwarf of his image,” answered Olfan, nodding toward Otter. “How can I, who am but a man, tell of such things, lord? I only know that the statue was fashioned in the far past, when we, who now are but a remnant, were a great people, and, as for the snake, ho has always lived there A memorial museum built in me, Olfan, what became of the red stones yesterday, and of him who had offended Golden Gate park, San Francisco, in offering the stones to the god yonder?" with funds remaining from the mid­ “The most of them were cast into the pit of waters, lord, there to be hidden for­ winter fair, was dedicated to the ever. There were three hide sacks full.” public on Saturday. “Oh, heavens!" groaned Leonard when Juanna had translated this. "Otter, you Thos. F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C. have something to answer for!” Rouse, Receiver*. “But the choicest,” went on Olfan, "were put in a smaller bag and tied about the neck of the man who had offend«!. There were not many, but among them were the largest stones, that until yester­ day shone in the eyes of the idol, stones blue and red together; also there was that stone, shaped like a human heart, which hitherto has been worn by the high priest on tbe days of sacrifice, and with it the image of the dwarf fashioned from a sin gle gem, and that ot tie water dweller cut from the great blue stone, and other small­ er ones chosen because of their beauty and also because they have been known for long in the land, for, although many of these pebbles are found where the priests dig for them, but few are large and per­ fect, and the art of shaping them is lost.” “And what became of tho man?” Leon­ ard asked, speaking as quietly as he could, for his excitement was great. “Nay, I do not know,” answered Olfan. “I only know that he was let down with ropes into the home of the snake, and that he gained that holy place, for it was told to me that he dragged much rope after him, perhaps as he fled before the snake. ST. PAUI Now, it was promised to tho man that when he had laid the bag of stones In the MINNEAPOU8 place of the snake, for the snake to guard forever, his sins should be purged, and DULUTH should it please the water dweller to spare FARGO him he should be drawn up again by the ropes. Thus Nani swore to him, but he GRAND FORKS TO did not keep his oath, for when the man CBOOK8TOH had entered the cave he hade those who held the ropes to cast them loose, and I know not what happened to him, but doubtless he is food for the snake. None who look upon that holy place may live to BUTTE see the sun again.” "I only hope that the brute did not swallow the rubies as well as the bearer,” said Leonard to Juanna. “Not that there CHICAGO is much chance of our getting them any­ WASHINGTON way.” Then Olfan went, nor did ho return till PHILADELPHIA the afternoon, when he announced that NEW YORK Nam and his two principal priests waited BOSTON AND ALL without to speak with them. Juanna or­ POINTS EAST and SOUTH dered that they should be admitted, and For information, time cards, m«]» or presently they came in. Their air was humble, and their beads were bowed, but I tickets, call on or * rite Leonard saw fury gleaming in their som­ ber eyes and was not deceived by this C. H. FLEMING. Agent. MCMINNVILLE. mask of humility. "We come, O yo gods,” said Nam, ad­ A.D.CHARLTON. Asst.Gen.Pas.Agt. dressing J uanna and Otter, who sat side MS MORRISON ST.. COR. 30. by sideon the thronelike chairs, "we como PORTLAND, ORECON. to ask your will, for ye havo laid down a new law which we do not understand! On the third day from now is the feast of Jal, and 50 women are made ready to be of­ The following general forms are always in stock fered to Jal that his wrath may be ap­ peased with their blood, and that he may and for sale al the Reporter ofiice : Warranty Deeds number their spirits among his servants Real Estate Mortgage Quit-claim Deeds Chattel Mortgage and withhold his anger from tbe People of Satisfaction ot Mort. Bond for Deed tho Mist, giving them a good season. This Transfer of Mortgage Farm Lease has been the custom of the land for many Notes and Receipts. Bill of Sale a generation, and whenever that custom We earn* a large stock of stationery and are has been broken then tlie sun lias not prepared to do jot) printing of every sort iu the best style of the art and at low figures. shone, nor the corn grown, nor have the cattle and the goats multiplied after their kind, but now, O ye gods, ye have pro­ claimed a new law, and I, who am yet your servant, come hither to ask your will! How shall the feast go, and what sacrifice shall be offered unto you?” “Thefeast shall go thus, ” answered Ju­ anna. “Ye shall offerus a sacrifice indeed. To each of us ye shall offer an ox and a goat, and the ox and the goat shall be given to the snake to feed him, but not tlie flesh of men. Moreover, the feast shall be held at noon, and not in tho night­ time." “An ox and a goat—to each an ox and a goat?” said Nam humbly, but in a voice of bitterest sarcasm. "As ye will, so let for it be, O ye gentle hearted gods, and the festival shall bo hold at noon, and not in Burns, the night season, as of old. As ye will, O ye kind gods. Your word is my law, O Caked & Inflamed Udders. Aca aud O Jal!” and bowing to the ground the aged man withdrew himsolf, Piles, followed by his satellites. “That devilish priest makes my flesh Rheumatic Pains, creep,” said Juanna when she bad trans lated the wolds. Bruises and Strains, “Oh, baas, baas,” echoed Otter, "why did you not shoot him while you might? Running Sores, Now he will surely live to throw us to tho snake.” Inflammations, As he spoke Soa advanced from behind the thrones, where she had taken refuge Stiff joints, when Nam entered. “It is not well for a dog who gives him Harness & Saddle Sores, self out as a god to threaten the life of one whom he has tricked, ” she said mean­ Sciatica, ingly. "Perchanoe the hour shall come when the true god will avenge himself