LOCAL NEWS. rOVRT PROCEEDINGS. WATER WORKS REMOVAL. Program. A Coshow for plff, Jas McCain and J E Picture frames at the Novelty. Magers for deft. Plaintiff to reply by Yamhill county W. C. T. U. conven­ The Rebekahs are organizing a lodge Advauce Report of Hie Citizen*' The circuit court up to yesterday noon April 7, and cause continued. Born, to the wife of Assessor j. w. at North Yamhill. tion April 3d and 4th. Committee. had made the following disposition of REPLEVIN. Bones, March 21st, 1895, a /son. 1st day 2 p. in. Devotional exercises. Now is the time to use squirrel poison. A can or two J. P. Irvine has a large stock of canned To the Hon. W. M. Ramsey, Chair- cases in department No. 1, Judge Bur­ 30 T M Stevens A Co vs H J Goetz- Reading of the minutes of the confer-' carefully ’ distributed within the next six weeks will do the Call on C. N. Howard at “Red Front” goods he is selling very low. man of the Citizens’ meeting: nett presiding. The judge, acting for man. Cake A Cake and B A Robb for ence held at Dayton last fall and of all j o if you want to buy a home. lltf work of a dozen cans two months later. lie, your committee to whom was j u ,ig e Hewitt adjourned department No. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Root are both appointed to investigate the condition of , plff, Ramsey A Fenton for deft. Contin­ executive sessions since last convention. 1 o North 5 am hill holds her city election ill with the grippe. our water plant, would most respectfully - nnt>l April 15th at 3 p. m. . pecia o ued. Plff to reply by May 1, 1895. Appointment of committees. Reports April 1st. o ders were also made by the court regard- A few good fresh milch cows for sale submit the following, to wit: CRIMIN’AL. of officers. Reports of local presidents. First —We find after careful examina- j n g business between the two depart- o Buy, try, Tip Top goat soap. Laundry. by T. D. Henderson. 13-3 State vs Livengood; burglary of coffee Evening session. Music. Prayer. tion that the water-plant is in bad t transferring all indictments and C. S. Clark and E. J. Wiser of North from a car at Whiteson. On trial. Address, Mrs. N. W. Kinney. Music. Have you tried that gun-powder tea at condition and should, as soon as possible ... . j . , x- We sell and recommend Wakeless poison as the best on the Yamhill were in the city Wednesday. State vs C TWThieleman of Whiteson ; Announcements. J P. Irvine’s? Only 25 cents a pound. be made more permanent and secure, criminal proceedings to department No. especially that slide or trestle leading to 1, and all writs of review, mandamus and j selling liquor to minors. Three counts, market. It will cost you but 50 cents per can, and each can 2d day 9 o’clock a. m. Devotions. Bend yoor order for books, blank Wm. Chrisman is out again after a the river. I habeas corpus proceedings to depart- plead guilty on two and fined $50 on used will save you dollars. Reports of superintendents of depart ­ books and stationery to C. Grissen. 4tf severe illness. Second—The location of the pumps so 1 m 9 each, the other dismissed. ments, discussions of same. Question far away from the power, doublets the * ' T. H. Dupuy and John M. Dixon of J. B. Gardner is down with the pre­ expense for fuel. j actions foe money . State vs John Carns; assaulting Mar­ box, Mrs. N. W. Kinney. Noontide Lafayette were in the county seat Tues­ vailing sickness. ROGERS BROS Third—We find the main pipe is about 1 M Fisk vs Melotte Bros. Cleland shal Neal. Plead not guilty. O H Ir­ prayer. day. replaCed With & Cleland for plff, Ramsey A Fenton for vine appointed to defend. The money in the Martin-Kinzel shoot I No™ °wda‘‘id 8h°Uld Pharmacists, McMinnville. 2p.m. Devotions. Memorial service. I resh taffy made every day. was given to Kinzel. Fourth—We believe, whether removed deft. Nonsuit on motion of deft for want State vs J Sliger; assault with danger­ Election of officers. Reports of com­ W H. K i ns . Ed Johnson has become associated from its present location or not, there of prosecution. ous weapon. Plead not guilty and Judge mittees. Miscellaneous work. JUUL should be a system of wells just as near ■* ” ~ Co vs M W Ramsey appointed to defend. The Epworth League will give an with Carl Fuchs in the cigar business. 2 Moore, Ferguson & Evening session. Old Folks’ Contest; the power as possible. entertainment at the opera nouse April Tallman. Irvine A Coshow for plff. Con ­ State vs Jas Hughes of Lafayette. Sell­ prize, Miss Willard’s book, “A Great Mrs. Dr. Lee of Independence arrived Fifth—We would recommend, before 10th. The program will appear later. ing liquor to minors. To plead this Mother ” Wednesday morning on a visit at J. P. moving, that a thorough and careful test tinued for service. 3 R M Wade & Co vs H R Littlefield morning. I be made for water, especially if a ma­ Eves tested free for glasses all next Irvine’s Convention to be held in the Baptist jority of the tax ravers favor its removal and C C Ferguson. Ramsey & Fenton week by Dr. lxiwe in the office of Dr. No indictments were found against church of this city. County Surveyor Branson has been a I from its present location. for plff. Continued for service. Wright. French, alleged theft of cattle, and Wes­ Sixth—We would further recommend sufferer from the grippe this week at the In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T. A. 4 The North Pacific Lumber Co vs G terman, alleged theft of sheep. from an economical and business stand­ B. F Blood, the Carlton machiniat, Hotel Eureka. McFarland, a prominent merchant of W Gosser. Ramsey & Fenton for plff. 1895^ point, that a good and substantial reser ­ ■^>1895 was in town Monday making preparation Frank W. Spencer has accepted a voir be put up wherever the plant is Live Oak, Sutter Co., Cal., was taken Continued for service. Land for Sale. to boom his spring trade. position at Eugene this week. We are permanently located. 7 MAM Ashley vs Leaner Gray. G 400 acres of land near Whiteson. 200 with a very heavy cold. The pains in Seventh—We would recommend that “Bronze Local,” is the latest in ladies’ sorry to lose him. G Willie for plff. Continued. acres under plow, balance pasture and his chest were so severe that he had all material to be bought and all work to fine stationery. Manufactured to order J. P. Irvine has one of the best bakers be performed, be let to the lowest re­ 8 Anna Mary Martin vs Jas W Mar- young fir timber, 3 dwellings, 3 barns, 2 spasms and was threatened with pneu­ and sold by C. Grissen. 12-3 in the state and everybody that uses our sponsible bidders. tin. Ramsey & Fenton for plff, J E Ma- orchards and 12 acres in hops. Situated monia. His father gave him several Eight—After careful examination and gers for deft. Settled. Mrs. Elsia Wright and Mrs. T. 8. bread is happy. between 2 R. R.s. Price $20 per acre. large doses of Chamberlain’s Cough with the aid of the best information from Patty have been among those afflicted 9 Dorothy F Wright vs Edward Pool Easy terms. This is a snap. Address Remedy which broke up the cough and Our new Spring and Summer stock is now O. H. Adams was 76 years old on Mon­ the other cities and well informed men with the grippe the past week. cured him. Mr. McFarland says when­ day. He can read without spectacles of experience as" regards water plants and Dorothy Pool, Ramsey & Fenton S heridan L and Co. complete with the exception of Ladies’ Wraps and and systems, we have concluded the for plff, Jas McCain and J E Magers for ever his children have croup he invari­ Eight loaves of bread for twenty-five and spades his own garden. best, safest and most economical way for Ladies’ Shirt Waists, in which we will have them ably gives them Chamberlain's Cough cents at Kuns’ bakery. For Trade. The steamer Toledo came up Tuesday the tax payers and the welfare of our deft. Referred to O H Irvine to report Remedy aud it always cures them. He first day of next term as referee. city, is to have a system of wells wher ­ A good double circular water power ranging in price from 50 cents up to $8, aud Mil­ H. W. Gillingham, who lives 10 miles evening and went back the following 10 Stout & Martin vs Yamhill Coun­ saw mill, with planer, edger and cut-off considers it the best cough remedy in ever the plant is located, provided first in the coast mountains, was in town morning loaded with wheat. linery, which will take about ten days to arrive. that a thorough test be made to see if a ty. Jno J Spencer for plff, Ramsey A the market. For sale by 8. Howorth & Saturday and reported two feet of enow Mrs. Jos. Cheney, sister of Mrs. sufficient supply of water can be had for Fenton for deft. Jury trial. Verdict for saws, and is driven by 2 turbine water Co., druggists. When complete, we claim to have the Best Selected at his place. wheels. 1000 acres of timber land, 2 Goucher, is quite ill at Ballston, and the all our demands. Respectfully submitted. Dated this delt. Plff to have 60 days to present bill dwellings, 2 barns, .3 yoke of oxen and For rent or for sale: McMinnville latter lady is attending her. Stock Ever Brought into Yamhill County, without any Real Emtate Iramferi. of exceptions. Costs assessed to plff. 25th day of March, 1895. logging outfit complete, including 800,000 Hotel, Other property taken in part For two weeks ending March 27th : J. P. I rvine , Chairman. exception. J. P. Irvine says if you want flour and 12 The Commercial National Bank of feet of logs in stream and pond at the payment. Enquire of Rhodes & Rhodes. salt no grocer can put out his sign and Portland vs Phil Withycombe and Thos mill. Logs can be floated on this stream W G Henderson, sheriff, to W L A Visit io Norlb Carolina. Aud Prices—we can guarantee to satisfy every­ Warren lot 17 blk 12 Whiteson! 2 A M. Porter, of Gaston, will return to undersell him. Doyoucumtux’ Withycombe. Ramsey & Fenton for C ochranton , P a .—“Some years ago I plff, Thos H Tongue for daft. Continued for 15 miles. This mill is situated 9 miles Daniel and Filancy Otis by W G Dundee, Yamhill county, and on April body, as we have purchased our goods for spot cash, The chief article of display at Apper- west of Sheridan on a good level road. Henderson, sheriff, to Mrs. 8 A 15th will take the principalship of the bou ’ s this week is lace. It is marvelous had occasion to visit North Carolina, and by consent. Sold over 800,000 feet of lumber last and as a matter of course they were bought very' while there had one of my bilious at- Burnett lots 2, 7 and 8 blk 4 public school at that place.—[Forest in extent and astonishing in variety. 13 The Commercial National Bank of year. Price $7,500, no incumbrance. tacks. Hearing, for the first time, of Portland vs Thos W Perry. Ramsey A Grove Times. Chandler’s 2d add to McMinn­ low, and we propose to give our customers the ben­ Will trade for land. Address, A marriage license was issued on the ville.............................................. 50 A horse wanted in exchange for drain 27th toG. A. Abdill, aged 22, and Miss Simmons Liver Regulator, I tried it. Fenton for plff. Continued by consent. efit of it. S heridan L and C o . Nothing before had so effectually re- R A Slewart to Burns &. Daniels tile. Inquire at this office. 14 J L Steward vs Bradford Lane. T Annie Creson, aged 19, both of Dayton. lieved me. I could in no way benefit Thanking you for past favors aud hoping for lot 6 blk 7 Chandler’s 2d add to PI CKERVILLE ITEMS. B Handley and Jas McCain for plff, Jno Ralph Storey, who returned from The Woodmen had a splendid house at others than by putting such a remedy in McMinnville ................................ too their continuance, J Si>encer for deft. Settled. teaching school in eastern Oregon re­ their Friday night entertainment, and their hands.”—N. N. Shepard. The much needed rain is here at last. Lucy Griffin and husband to M E 15 Thos W Perry vs Buckingham A cently, has again enrolled as a student furnished the people a great deal of free Respectfully' yours, Johnson interest in lot 8 part The Salvation Army meetings were Goodrich, Jas McCain and Jno J Spen- at the college. Au Important Decision. amusement. Jno Scales d 1 c t 2 r3................ 1 well attended, but did not result in any Tallow and grease wanted at soap fac­ The next quarterly meeting of the The case of Kuns vs Nel son decided in cer for plff. Continued for service. John Bain, trustee, to Hiram conversions. Ir- 16 Stow A Brower vs The Anita, tory. Gould 5 acres part Jacob Shuck DKY GOODS, CLOTHING. HATS. SHOES. Yamhiil County Horticultural association favor of the defendant is of more than vine A Coshow for plfl’. Settled. Mr. and Mrs. Little of Carlton spent a Ladies’ Jackets and Flue Wraps, Millinery, Next Sunday evening at the M. E. will meet in Laughlin’s hall Noith Yam­ ordinary interest. This was a caBe of d 1 ct3 r3.................................. 650 few’ days in our city last week. They 17 Isaac Allen vs Sain R Stott. AV Shirt Waist«, from cotton up to best Silk. ejectment brought bj’ the holder of a tax church the pastor will speak on the hill, April 2d. A D Reid to Hiram Gould same were looking for a suitable place to build title against the former owner and T Vinton for plff, Sam R Stott for deft. temperance question, the subject will be land ............................................. 300 Without any effort or known cause our Judgment for plfl’ with order to sell at­ their summer residence. “The Drunkard and the American Sa­ subscription list has been having quite a was decided in favor of the latter. There Executors of Jno Sax deceased to tached property. A. B. Kidder of this place, who is at ­ was nothing peculiar to this ease not loon ” Mary C Warren et al 31.25 acres boom in uew names the past two weeks. 18 Adam Rossuer ys A Lefever. Ram­ tending the agricultural college at Cor­ common to all other holders of tax deeds part N B Bean dlct4r4......... 200 Easter cards and Brownie pins though What is more, we rather like it. sey A Fenton for plfl ’ . Settled. vallis, made us a short visit last week. by virtues of sales made for the taxes for Atnos and A M Nelson to Christian not twins, are nice things to give or The bailiffs at court this week are 8. 19 Bedwell & Co vs H C Morgan. He, with several other students, was en­ Hansen 40 acres part lot 1 s half send to your friends just now. Sold at C. Pearson and J. A. Peckham of this 1890, and this decision virtually annuls Ramsey & Fenton for plff. Continued route to the Y M. C. A convention at every tax deed made under and by vir ­ WEEKLY NEWS Dani Booth <11 c 13 r 3................ 700 GREAT VALUE C. Grissen’s. 12-2 city, and W. W. Nelson of West Cheha- tue of those sales; yea more, this decision on motion of plff Forest Grove. G F Newton and wife to Arch ­ There will be a called meeting of the lem. J. H. Hendersou is assisting in the in effect requires the holder of the tax 20 Jones & Smith vs W H Clark et FOR OF THE WORLD Harry Murphy was within the city bishop Gross lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 W. C.T. U. Friday, March 26th, at 3 p. m. sheriff’s office. Continued limits Sunday. title to not only prove the jurisdictional ux. J E Magers for plff. Rnral Home No 2 subdivision 1 LITTLE MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE to complete arrangements for coming The O. R. & N. Co. made effective | fact through all the procedure of the for service. Dorland and McCann are courting this Yamhill Co to John Kiris parcel in county convention. A full attendance on the 25th inst. a steamship rate from assessment, levy and collection of taxes 21 Jones & Adams vs The Anita. Jno week. Lafayette .................................... 5 is desired. Portland to San Francisco of $12 cabin and sale of land for taxes, but also, that J Spencer for plff. Continued on motion W. B. Smith was seen on Main street J M Kelty and wife to John Kirts of plff. M. B. Hendrick will pay the highest passage and $6 steerage, including meals all these facts were done in the exact lots 4, 5 and C blk 23 Lafayette 1200 22 D Walker vs The Anita. Jno J Sunday. price for wheat, oats, wool, barley, mo- and berth. The rates were formerly $16 manner pointed out by the statute. In O 4 C R R Co to Mrs Emma F A new epidemic seems to have taken hair and all kinds of produce. Call on and $8. other words, that any irregularity ap­ Spencer for plff’. Continued on motion Winfield 80 acres sec 19 t 4 r 5 . 200 Puckerville. Some people call it the Dr. Dukentield at Elsia Wright’s harness The citizens committee having under parent of record either of commission or of plff. Barbara and S C Force to A C snuffles. Whatever it is, it ’ s contagious. * 24 W S Walker vs J 8 Coatney. W shop. 12tf consideration the question of removing omission in any of the proceedings in Caldwell 50x249 feet in McMinn 175 Quite a number of subpoenas have The Woman’s Foreign Missionary the water works, make one recommenda­ the assessment, levy and collection of T Vinton for plff. Judgment for plff. I John and Lucy Glenn to H C 25 The Oregon City Mfg Co vs F been served here. society will give a thank offering enter­ tion, the absolute wisdom and common taxes or the sale of land therefor will Eblen 16 ft of lot 219 Dayton 250 a Twentypage journal, is the leading Republican tamllr Luther Morris was in town Monday. tainment next Tuesday evening, April 2d, sense of which cannot be gainsaid. No overcome the presumption in favor of Hauswirth. Ramsey A Fenton for plff. paper of the United State*. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY Geo R Criger to Hez Bailey lots 3, PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United State« Default and judgment. ut the M. E. church. A short program step toward relocation should be taken holder of deed and compel the holder of B ridget . 5 and 6 blk 33 Faulconer’s add It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its AG­ 28 Feldman A Cole vs Garretson, RICULTURAL department has no superior tn the country- will be rendered, after which a ten cent until it is ascertained beyond a doubt the tax deed to affirmatively prove that to Sheridan ............................ 300 Its Market Reports are recognized authority. Separate depart Woodruff Pratt Co. Ramsey A Fenton An Lager and a Nipping Wind, lunch will be served in the parsonage. that sufficient water for all purposes can all such proceedings have been regularly merits for THE FAMILY CIRCLE." "OUR YOUNG Cyrus and Albert M Hoskins and FOLKS, and SCIENCE AND MECHANICS Its "HOME for plff ’ . Continued for service. A continuous down pour of rain, in­ All are cordially invited to attend. be obtained, and that at all seasons. No done. Under this ruling, in the opinion AND SOC IETY" columns command the admiralion of wives wives to J L and Mary L Hos­ 31 Calbreath A Goucher vs O F Da­ clement weather, generally in winter aud daughters Its general political news editorial« and of some good lawyers, there is not a sufficient test can be made except during Our patrons will find DeWitt’s Little kins % interest in 25 acres part discuasions are comprehensive, brilliant ana exhaustive vidson. J E Magers for plff, Jno J and spring, are unfavorable to all classes Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy the late summer months when the drouth valid tax deed in Yamhill county, and sec 17 t 3 r 2.............................. 2500 Spencer and C W Talmage for deft. De­ of invalids. But warmth and activity * for constipation, dyspepsia and liver is greatest. The experiment must be all those holding deeds or certificates of A L Newgard to Annette Newgard thorough and it will necessarily be ex­ sale will lose the money expended by murrer overruled. Judgment with order infused into the circulation counteracts complaints. Rogers Bros. blk 8 John’s add to McMinnville 1 to sell attached property. these influences and interpose a defense E H and Amanda M Woodward to Rev. J. B. Daly, ex-priest and lecturer, pensive. It seems to us that if it is them acquiring such deeds or certificates 33 John A Simmons vs John Shep­ against them. Hostetter’s Stomach Bit­ unless the owners of the land graciously thought necessary or advisable to resort Wm H Gross lots 1,2,3 and 4 A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid will preach in the Presbyterian church to wells for supply, the most sensible refund the amount paid—unless this herd. Jno J Spencer and C W Talmage ters, most thorough and effective of stom­ Rural Home No 2 8.68 acres .. 1200 journal and the REPORTER for next Sunday evening. for plff, J E Magers for deft. Judgment achics and tonicB, not only enriches the Reuben Gant and wife to John and business-like plan would be to sink ruling should be reversed by the supreme Mohair wanted by W. H. Kuns, for them in the immediate vicinity of the court. The above case will probably be for want of answer, and order to sell at­ blood, but accelerates its circulation. For Kingery 52-100tlis acres part 8 which he will pay the highest market a chill, or premonitory symptoms of rheu­ Cozine d 1 c also 98-100th acres power house as it now stands. There taken to the supreme court and the tached property. price in cash. 34 Churchman A Son vs Pat Casey. matism and kidney complaint, particu­ are several things to be said in favor of matter finally adjudicated so as to re­ adjoining.. . ................................. 55u Mrs. Ada U'nriih returned Tuesday this. 1.—The river would still lie avail­ move any and all uncertainties. If the C C Linden for plff. Default and judg­ larly prevalent at these seasons, it is the CASH IN ADVANCE. ment. How to Cure Rheumatism. evening from a lecturing tour through able in case of failure of sufficient supply above ruling by Judge Burnett is correct, best possible remedy. It is also invalua­ 35 E Zeitfuchs vs N A Harris, Ir- ble for dyspepsia, liver complaint, con­ southern Oregon. A rago , Coos Co., O regon , Nov. 10, (The regular subscription for the two papers is *2 00.) in season of unusual drouth or other then the law ought to be so amended as stipation and nervousness. Never set 1893.—I wish to inform you of the great Attorneys Geo. G. Bingham of Salem, emergency. 2.—The expense of a new to make the tax deed prima facie evidence vine & Coshow for plff. Settled. 37 Nichols A Shepard Co vs J T Fry- out on a winter or spring journey with­ good Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has done Subscriptions may begin at any time. Lewie A. Ward of Portland and J. H. site and removal would be avoided. of the recitals therein and conclusive ev­ Flower of Dayton had business with the 3.—The water, if supplied from wells idence of all prior proceedings in the er et al. Ramsey & Fenton for plff. De­ out it. Elderly persons and the delicate my wife. She has been troubled with Address *11 orders to should be taken from a point above, be­ assessment, levy and collection of the fault and judgment as to Fryer and Ed­ and convalescent are greatly aided by it. rheumatism of the arms and bands for circuit court this week. THE REPORTER. son ; continued as to Epperson. six months, and has tried many remedies M. D. L. Rhodes has been assisting in fore flowing under the city or any portion taxes and sales of real property for the 38 L Bettman vs G H Hibbs. Ram­ Citizens of North Yamhill held a cau­ prescribed for that complaint, but found Kay A Todd’s clothing house during the of it and being contaminated by surface purpose of enforcing the payment of sey A Fenton for plff. Settled. Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Room 2, taxes. cus Monday evening and named the no relief until she used this Pain Balm; illness of Mr. Todd, who has barely es­ drainage. This we believe is a matter of Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York 39 L Bettman vs L M Grames et ux. following for city officers: For council­ one bottle of which has completely cured vital importance in considering the pub­ Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you. caped from a siege of fever When Ponce-de-Leon sought to find Ramsey & Fenton for plff. Default and men, P. H. Messner, James Williams, her. I take pleasure in recommending lic welfare. Another point that does not The fountain giving back lost youth, Rev. Lee Thompson held quarterly appear to have been considered by many, judgment. It may be that he had in mind Jeremiah Williams, Ad. Skyles, J. C. it for that trouble. Yours truly, C. A, 40 The First National Bank of Mc- meeting at Unionvale church on Sunday. is the probability that the supply taken That draught which seems to make a truth McKern; for recorder, C. S. Clark; for Bullord. 50 cent and $1.00 bottles for Minnville vs Kay A Todd, J E Magers A great revival has been in progress over from the river could be greatly improved Out of the fable ages old, town treasurer, J. E. Todd; for town sale by S. Howorth &. Co., druggists. For drinking it the old grow young: for plff. Settled. there and there were 19 converts on in quality and purity by some method of marshal, John A. Simmons. On Wed­ It is. indeed, a draught of gold. IHc.ninuville Produce market. 41 PH Robinson vs W H and L B Sunday night. filtration. Considerable benefit to the The draught meant is Dr. Pierce’s Palmer. J E Magers for plff. Default nesday afternoon an independent ticket Reported by L. E. Walker. Lafayette citizens have been poisoning city is apt to accrue from the labors of the Golden Medical Discovery, of course. It was put out as follows: For councilmen, Oats....................................... 20 @22 and judgment with order to sell attached squirrels about their graveyard, where committee, whether removal is decided is a most potent rejuvenafor of the weak­ B. N. Daniel, J. A. Simmons, James Butter.................................... 30@40 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ they are very numerous. One can of upon or not. Their investigations have ened and debilitated system. It drives property. Williams, N. H. Perkins, T. M. Laughlin; Eggs...................................... 8c 44 Frost Swank vs Joe and Eliza ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ poison did up seventeen of them, says undoubtedly shown that by a little out all poison, all impurity, enriches the for town recorder, A. D. Runnels; for Chickens.............................. $200® 2 75 the Times. .change in the system, establishing a blood, and makes the old and worn out Perry. Ramsey & Fenton for plff. Set­ town treasurer, Lee Laughlin; for town ☆ ☆ ☆ Turkeys ................................ 6c a lb tled. marshal, I. C. Simler. Two cases on appeal from Justice closer relation between the pumps and feel young and vigorous. Ponce-de-Leon Ducks .................................... $3.50 45 E R Poppleton vs John L and A Rhodes’ court have been sustained by the power house and erecting a reservoir, didn’t discover it, but Dr. Pierce did, and Potatoes........... .................. 20 B Watt John T Whalley for plff. Con­ an expense of probably two thousand the circuit court this week, This would HOW’S THIS! he rightly named it when he called it a tinued as per stipulation. Dressed Hogs ................ make most justices swell with pride, but dollars a year in the item of fuel can be “Golden Discovery.” Veal..................................... 46 R W Lancefield vs F A Fletcher. B. F. takes it in a very dignified manner. cut off. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward Baled hay, timothy Ramsey A Fenton for plff. Default and Dr Pierce’s Pellets cure permanently a for any case of catarrh that cannot be The mysterious case of death in a barn cheat .............. Prof. Greene’s piano recital Wednesday judgment. constipation, indigestion and headaches. cured by Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure. oats................... evening, though not largely attended, at Newberg last week was found by Cor­ 47 Frank Metcalf vs A J Edson and All dealers. F. J. C heney A Co., Props. Toledo, O. waa very much appreciated by those oner Daniels and his jury to be one of T J Fryer. Jno J Spencer and C W Tal­ RETAIL MARKET We, the undersigned, have known F. Baled Straw......................... present. He is a line performer, and suicide. It was the body of a German mage for plff. Default and judgment. Milliuery Opening. was ably assisted by home talent. The laborer, who carried the burdensome 32 W W Espey vs Ed F Osborn, Ir- J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and Mixed Chop............................. $15.50 A complete line of elegant millinery at vine & Coshow for plff. Continued. believe him perfectly honorable in all Wheat Chop............................ professor used a Kranich A Bach piano. name of Charles Wilhelm August Leiten- prices to suit the times is to be found at 36 Wm Roberts vs John and A C At- business transactions and financially able Shorts....................................... Fleming & Gilson are local agents for heusser, aud who had been in the em­ Mark Sisters’. Ladies are invited to to carry out any obligation made by their Middlings ........................... ploy of Mr. Cooper of the nursery. It is kinson. Ramsey & Fenton for plff. this instrument. firm. thought lie hanged himself on the night call and inspect the same. The spring Default and judgment with order to Bran......................................... A young daughter of Mr. Ballard was West & Truax,Wholesale Druggists,To­ (Wednesday) before. The account given opening will take place Saturday, April sell attached property. L. E. Walker will buy all your run over by a buggy driven by Mrs. 13-2 by the Graphic says: “To all appear­ 6 th. duce, paying the highest price in cash 43 W F Ralston vs Mrs E M and J S ledo, 0. Owens Wednesday evening. The child Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole­ the market will justify. He will sell ances the man went to the barn prepared was not hurt seriously. She was playing Joe Todd, who has been having a two Coatney. J E Magers for plff. Default you flour, feed, hay, oats, field and gar­ with about three feet of rope, of a size weeks seige of pneumonia, is able to sit and judgment with order to sell attached sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. STOCK OF GROCERIES IN TOWN. den seeds as cheap as any other dealer. in the street, aud the lady stopped her Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, commonly used for a clothes line, one up once more. His brother George had property. D street south of First National Bank. horse until the girl got out of the way. acting directly upon the blood and mu­ end of which he placed around his neck also recovered sufficiently to be out of He also carries a full line of Graham in EJECTMENT. Starting up again the child was seized cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. small sacks, buckwheat, corn meal, in an ordinary slip noose, while the doors Wednesday. 5 W H Kuns vs Nancy E and Thomas with an impulse to run between the fore wheatlets.etc. other end he fastened to a pole overhead The glee club of Lafayette has chosen Nelson. Irvine A Coshow for plff, Jno J per bottle Sold by all druggists. Tes­ and hind wheel, and the latter ran over timonials free. and then jumped off, falling a distance Miss Josie Gortner as its pianist, and the Spencer, Jas McCain and J E Magers OCR CLI RUING LIST. her face. of eighteen inches or two feet. If his members are busy rehearsing for a grand . for deft. Jury trial. Verdict for deft. The Lafayette lodge, Degree of Honor neck was not broken by the fall, he ap­ Easter concert to be given in the after­ “Dressmaking” signs25c ready printed We have special arrangements with TRANSCRIPT ON APPEAL. favored the D. of IL of this city with a parently made no effort to save himself noon of Easter day, April 14th. the following leading publications, at this office. E Rogers vs J P Thomas. Motion of visit last Friday evening and initiated after jumping as one foot hung a few Rev. J. B. Daly, an ex-Roman Catho­ I^ave your order for a good, fat chick­ whereby we are able to offer them in two new candidates with their beautiful inches below a timber that he might lic priest, is in the city and will lecture at defts to dismiss appeal sustained and First Quality and Full Weights. Prices Always at en, dressed for Sunday dinner. D street connection with our own at exceedingly opera house Monday evening on 1 appeal dismissed. floor work, which was done in a very have supported himself on if he had so the A Living Margin Above Cost. low rates, us follows: The R eporter “The Priest in Politics.” Tuesday after­ 26 Peter Dorland vs Luther Morris. market. and creditable way. The hall was full of desired. Mr. Cooper gives the informa­ noon at 2:30, Mrs. Daly will speak to I,. E. Walker is paying highest market Weekly Inter Ocean........................................... fi .33 members of the order and after a short tion that the deceased has parents in ladies only on “The Roman Catholic ’ Irvine & Coshow for plff, Jas McCain St. Louis Globe-Democrat, seml-weekly 1.75 program an excellent lunch was served Germany who are wealthy, and that he Confessional,” and in the evening the , and Jno J Spencer for deft. Jury trial. price for hides, pelts and tallow. ♦Rural Northwest, Portland, semi-monthly 1.25 Rev. will talk to men only on the same 1 Verdict for plff for $102.45. to 113 That the affair was a success was educated for the ministry, but rather subject. New York Tribune, weekly.............................. 1.25 Rev. Daly comes here from 11 BF Goforth vs Monroe Mulkey. Sick headache, constipation and indi­ ■was the unanimous expression of all against his will. When he had served Eugene. Yesterday's Register says: »The Rural Northwest is the brightest, who attended. about half the time required of all young “The gentleman is highly educated, and W T Vinton for plff, Jno J Spencer for gestion are quickly cured by DeWitt’s the most practical and useful publication is quite an interesting speaker. He 1 deft. Judgment for plff, lower court Little Early Kisers, the famous little on the coast for farmers, dairymen and A. A. Unruh and A. E. Smith on Tues­ men at military service in Germany, he proved his assertions in nearly every in­ ' sustained. W. G. HENDERSON. pills. Rogera Bros. S. WILSON. fruit growers. day purchased the west half of Meadow deserted, and was smuggled into the stance by statistical facts, and createdan CONFIRMATION. interest in his audience which prevailed United States by his brother who now ­ lake section of land, paying therefor 42 The Chelialem Valley Board of to the end of his lecture. He maintained Ex-President Harrison lias fully $1700. It is their intention to make the lives in New Jersey. On his arrival in that the church and state should in no , Immigration vs J P Converse. Ramsev recovered. premises even more attractive as a sum­ this country he enlisted in the regular way be linked together; that the A. P. A Fenton for plff. Confirmed, When Baby wu ilck, we gave her Caatoria, mer resort. They have control of the army and served three years. He has A. was not a political organization, that Eleven Chinese were refused land­ When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, 48 T Goodrich vs M W Tallman. fishing, boating and hotel privileges of been about Newberg for a couple of years, it did not, as an organization, belong to . Ramsey A Renton for plff. Confirmed. ing at Portland on Wednesday. (Third Street, between E and F.) any party—that it should be inde­ When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, the entire tract, and may conclude to and while lie was industrious, he ap­ pendent in all political affairs. EMBEZZLEMENT. When she had Children, she gave Q't"» CMtoria, The new postmaster-general, WiL buy the east half of the land if not re­ peared to be a poor financier. Mr. He showed himself to be a man 1 50 State of Oregon vs A S Briggs. Jas sou, will take his office April 4th. deemed from mortgage. The principal Cooper says he received letters from his of broad intellect, well read and equal to McCain for state, J E Magers for deft. S. WILtSON, manager. thing of value they see in the purchase is Christian mother which he read to him, the emergencies that daily surround him 1 A naturalized Chinaman is a can­ Dismissed. in his chosen field qf labor, and also the water power and the timber, which but be was of a proud spirit and would demonstrated that he had been, from didate for mayor of Lexington, Net»., Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, Real damages . they intend to use in the manufacture of not ask assistance of his parents. De­ early education and actual experience, and has quite a following. He says Estate Mortgages, etc., always on sale at 23 Ida LePard vs Donald Frazer. spondency was no doubt the cause of thoroughly acquainted with the workings tubs and buckets, Mr. Unruh being a Everything first-claw. Horses hoarded by day, week or month. Commercial of politics in its most corrupt form. he will run everything open,. Mendenhall & Cunningham and Irvine the rash act,’’ this office, tf 1 Travelers Conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. Give us a call. thorough and experienced cooper. Squirrel Poison Great Announcement! _____ R. Jacobson. YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.25 WAUUACE & WAUKER 11 The Largest Stock The Cleanest Stock Aluuays the Freshest ? i I * A Choice and Handsome Assortment of Queensware. C ity S tables , WILSON & HENDERSON, Proprietors. I ------------------11’11------------------