VOL. XXV. Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville, as Second-class matter. M’MINNVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 29, 1895. TH!: Yle’ltNNYlI.I. . OREGON NEWS AND NOTES. National Bank —McMinnville, Oregon.— Paid up Capital, S5O.OGO Transacts a Gen* ral Banking Businetw. Prnidrnt, • - J. H ro ILLS’. Hee P resident, • LEE LA UGH LIN. Cat kier, • E. ( A PPEPSON Amt. (lankier ... Hi S. LINK Board of Directors: J. W. COWL«, LEE LAUGHLIN. A. J APPEKSON, U M < AMPBELL. J. L ROGERS. Mell Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Trans- fers on New York, '. hi Francisco and Portland. •bep^itH received subiect to check. Interest paid on Time Is po>.t-. Loans money on approvi <1 Security. Collections made on all accessible points. E. J. Quaîsy à Go.. QUINCY, MASS., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GRANITE MONUMENTS AND AM. KINDS OF CEMETERY FURNISHINGS All work fully guarantee'! to give perfect satis­ faction. Refers by permission to Win. Me Chris­ man. Mrs. L. E. Bewley, Mrs. E. D. Fellows. Holl’s Old Jewelry Stand, 3d Street. ELSIA WRIGHT, Manufactures and Deals in Eli Perkins is to lecture in Oregon City April 2d. The Albany jail is to have new steel cells, manufactured in that city. Elder Bonnell has been engaged as pastor of the Christian church at Eugene. The opening of the new woolen mill at Waterloo will make the eighth mill of the kind in the state. HIRTY year,' observation of Cast pria with the patronage of The Monmouth normal has just millions of persons, permit us to speak of it withont gnessing. received ill,000 of the appropriation It is unquestionably ihe bost remedy for Infants and Children made by the late legislature. the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children like it. It A Barlow man raised over 600 gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mother» have bushels of potatoes on three acres, and sold them for 25 cents net. something which I» absolutely safe and practjfijJly perfect a» a Bowen, of the Hillsboro Argus re­ child’s medicine^ cently got married and set up the Cas tori a <1 e strop» Worm». cake to Gault of the Independent. Castoria allays Feverishness. C. J. Strong, a resident of McCoy, Castoria prevents vomiting Soar Curd. is a brother of Hon. Wm. L. Strong, Castoria cure» Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. the present mayor of New York Castoria relievosJTeething Troubles. city. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. The state university students are Castoria neutralise, the effects of carbonic acid ga» or poisonous air. collecting the native flower plants of Oregon and putting them out in the Castoria does not contain morpbiue.ojiinm, or other narcotic property. campus. Castoria assimilates ilie food, regulates the_ stomach and bowels, The Dilley school is closed for the giving healthy and natural sleep. construction of an addition. The Castoria is pnt up in nno-sise bottles only. It i» not »old in bulk. teaching force will be increased Don’t nllow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or promise April 1st. thatit i .“Just as good” and “will answer every pnrpo»e1” A cherry tree fifty years old stands See that you get C-A~S-T-O-R-I-A. on a donation land claim near Silver- ton. It is eight feet in circum­ The fac-similé _/ / Ç/> ,~~7T U on •**rT ference. signature of wrapper. It is said parties are now in San Francisco who will take up the en­ Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. terprise of reopening the Dallas woolen mill. The assessor of Polk county has collected more taxes up to date on the last tax roll than in the same length of tiuje in any previous year. The Albany Herald, a right good -------------------------- IS THE-------------------------- little paper, but which has been dis­ figured by narrow columns, is soon Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West to be printed in columns of standard And Has the Largest Circulation. width. DAILY (without Sunday).......................... $6.00 per year A Molalla citizen, grew to be 55 DAILY (with Sunday)..................... $8.00 per year years old without ever hearing a fire alarm or being present at a fire. He will be lucky if he is as fortunate in I PER YEAR..................................................... ) V 4 ----- the next world. S A NEWSPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times In all Au old hen in Washington count)' respects It spares neither pains nor expense in securing ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. makes her nest 50 feet up in an oak tree, thus showing a wild, depraved taste, and making it difficult for anyone but blue jays to get her eggs. AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. Astoria has purchased a chemical — II It has something of Interest to each member of the family NBF lls YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT Is the very best el Its kind. engine. A large fire was completely II I1SLIIERARY FEATURES are unequaled. put out in just five seconds, at an ex­ POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit ot the ablest discussions on all live political topics. It also gives them THE NEW3 OP pense of a few cents. The fire de­ IHE WORLD. partment there thinks it a great IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. success. IHE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO, THE NEWS AND COHriERCIAL CENTER OF ALL WEST OF THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS. AND IS BETTER Woman is being raised from the AD4P1ED TO THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE OF THAT SECTION THAN ANY bonds of oppression in Ferry Canyon PAPER F/tRTHER EAST. It is In accord with tho people of the West both in Politics and Literature. school district, Gilliam county. Mrs. Please remember that the price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is ONLY ONE DDL. Nealy and Mrs. Murch are on the LAR PER YEAR. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. school board, and Mrs. Froman is school clerk. rhe inter’ Ocean and the Reporter one year for $1.36. The Roseburg Review says that the Coos Bay railroad would save the people of Douglas county thousands of dollars annually in freight charges —it would put a bonus of 10 per cent a bushel on wheat. A Heppner girl of 17, who recently eloped and married, took precaution LARGE INVOICES JUST IN ! to paste the number “21” in her We invite the attention shoe, so that if the preacher asked of all persons contem­ questions she might truthfully say she was “over 21.” plating the purchase of W. A. Munly of Portland and R. new goods in our line. G. Smith of Grant’s Pass have formed Come and see them. a partnership for the practice of law at Roseburg and Grant’s Pass. Mr. Munly was the private secretary to ex-Governor Pennoyer. Editor J. T. Hayne of the Portland­ er, the local organ of the A. P. A., was tried and acquitted recently, on a charge of criminal libel, preferred in the criminal court by Father Eu­ gene Bolla, spiritual director of the Magdalen Home. The Mazamas will have their an­ ------- IS ONLY-------- nual meeting this year on Mt. Adams. Every member who desires a vote must be on the summit at an hour to be fixed, on July 10th. The i ASSIGNEE’S NOTICE OF FINAL whole country about this mountain MeMlNNVlLiLiE SETTLEMENT. is a park full of interest for all who visit it. : V OTICE is hereby given that thu undersigned, A young lady student at Albany Lvl as assignee of the estate of the Union Hard­ ware Company, an insolvent corporation, has lost her watch in the river, and tiled in the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Yamhill county, his final account as assignee of although it could be plainly seen ly­ said estate, and that said final account will be B. E. COULTER, Prop. heard and passed on by said court at the usual ing on the bed of the stream, she place of holding said court at the court house in SlcMinnville in said Yamhill county, on Satur­ had to pay $5 to two young men to Goods of all descriptions moved and day, the 30th day of March, 1895, at ten o’clock recover it for her, which would indi­ am. of said day. careful handling guaranteed. Collections Dated March 1st, 1895. 9-5 cate that gallantry is a lost art at S. A. MANNING, Assignee. will be made monthly. Hauling of all RAMSEY A FENTON, Att ys for said Estate. Albany. kinds done cheap. The Oregon City Enterprise says a A bill has been introduced in the new candidate for musical honors is \V. J. CLARK,D.D.S New York legislature for a great Mr. C. Knott of Mulino, who in ad­ waterway that will connect the Hud­ dition to being an expert musician Graduate University of Mich. son river with Lake Champlain, that has developed considerable talent as Has opened an office in Union Block, Room 6, lake with the St. Lawrence river and a composer. One of his productions, and is prepared to do alt work in the dental line. discharge the waters of Lake Ontario Webfoot Waltz, has been published CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY. into the Hudson river. It has the in the east, and is well received bj’ double purpose of making a ship musicians who have played it. L atest M ethod of P ainless E xtraction canal and furnishing pure water to At Barlow recently, two Silverton the towns along the Hudson river, citizens,named Tucker and Osborne, and it is estimated to cost $150,- were beating their way on a freight train. The train stopped on a bridge, 000,000. and fearing detection by the train PROPRIETORS men and not knowing they were on B. H. Bowman, Pub. Enquirer, of the bridge, the men fell to the ground Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our below. Tucker fell head foremost little girl baby, the only one we have, on the rocks and was killed. was taken sick with croup. After two A company in Portland has been FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS. doctors failed to give relief and life was incorporated to buy and kill horses. hanging on a mere thread, we tried One CHOICEST IN THE MARKET. The hides will be tanned and made Minute Cough Cure and Its life was into leather; the hams and best saved. Rogers Bros. South side Third St. between B and C. T HARNESS I THE INTER OCEAN SADDLES, BRIDLES. SPURS, Brurthen mid m-lls them cheaper than they can be bought anywhere else in the Willamette Valley. Our all home made seta of harness ate pronounced unsurpassable by those who liny them JOHN F. DERBY, Proprietor of The McMinnville TILE FACTORY, Situated at the Southwest corner of the Fun Grounds. AH si «tea of tirat-clMs Drain Tile kept constantly t ii band h I lowest living prices. MCMINNVILLE, - - OREGON CITY BATHS — AND— TOXMIIUAL 1*1 It I.OR«, Logan A Kutch. Prop's. For a Clean Shave or Fashionable Hair Cut Uive Us a Call. Bath« are new and first class in every re ■peel. Ladies’ Baiba and shampooing a special ty. Employ none but first-class men. Don’t ithgtft the place. Three doors west of Hotel Yamhill. COMMERCIAL LIVERY STABLE. GATES & HENRY, Props. E Street, north of Third. Everything New and First-cla*> Conveyance of Commercial Travel ers a specialty. Bourd and stabling by the day oi month. We solicit a fair share of the local pal ronage. III MAIL I The Weekly Inter Ocean t Ci .00 A The Weekly Inter Ocean NEW furniture : @ ----------- Q) Novelties. BURNS & DANIELS Upholstered The Reporter CAM I OBTAIN A PATENT ? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to RIINN Ar <’<>.. who have had nearly fifty years’ experience in the patent business. Coniniuniea- stnetIy confidentìaL A llii mlbook ut In­ formation concerning l*nten«s and Low to ob­ tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan­ ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive apecial notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with­ out cost to the inventor. Thia solenoid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrateti. has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, fijua year. Single copies, *¿5 cents. Every number contains beau­ tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN A Co., Naw Y ork . 3b 1 B roadway . J. P. CALBRKATH. E. K. GOrCHKR Calbreath & Goucher. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. M ü M innvili . k .... O b . ooh (Ottica over Braly’a bank.) ARTHUR J. VIAL, AL D. Physician and Surgeon, ROOMS IN UNION BLOCK M c M innville , O regon . ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Truck and Dray Co. Matthies Brothers, CITY MARKET. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY pure SUBSCRIPTION PRICE «2.00 PER YEAR- One Dollar if paid in advance. Single numbers live cents. the Mahdist country north of the equator, and the South African re­ public and the Orange Free state in the south. All the rest is reallj’ English, French, German, Italian or Portuguese territory, or belongs to Turkey. If the plans of the ambi­ tious premier of Cape Colony shall work out as he hopes they will, the free republics in the south may soon become English territory. Some one has said that formally the civil­ ized world stole Africans from Africa, but that now they are stealing Africa from the Africans. It will not be possible for the work of theft to go on much longer, as the terri- tory has been pretty nearly all ab­ sorbed. The next epoch in the history of the Dark Continent will be the develop ment of its resources. That is what the European powers are most anx­ ious to do. There are immense riches in the mountains, the plateaus and the valleys of Africa, and many articles of commerce are produced which the world wants. In order to develop this commerce the means of communication and carriage must be improved, and this w’ork of improve­ ment has already begun. Our readers know that a railroad from the Lower to the Upper Congo, around the rapids, has been partly completed, and trains are running on it back and forth Premier Rhodes, of Cape Colony, is concerned with a railroad line north to Bulu- wayo in British Central Africa. It is stated that his telegraph line north to Uganda may be within hailing distance of the Victoria Ny­ anza the present year. The same ambitious ruler is crowding the Portuguese on lhe east of British Central Africa and proposes to take, if he can get it, a large section of country in the Borotse valley. Prob­ ably within a year or two the con­ tention between the English, the French and the Belgians with refer­ ence to the territory between the Congo and the Upper Nile will be settled. Then when the equilibrium between the various possessions is once fairly established we may ex­ pect that the European powers will devote their energies to the develop­ ment of their great colonial posses­ sions, so that the next quarter of a century promises wonderful results in the opening of Africa.—New York- Independent. NO. 13. “ As old as the hills” and never excell­ ed. “ Tried and proven” verdict : gulator o is f the millions. Simmons Liver Regu­ lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicine t o which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa- tive, and purely veg- etable, act- ing directly on the Liver and Kid­ neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Better THE OPENING OF. AFHICA. parts of the meat will be canned I and shipped to France; the hoofs will ; At the rate at which geographical be made into glue, the bones will be secrets of Africa are being laid bare used for various things, and all that the map of that continent will soon cannot be used for any other pur­ be as perfect as that of Europe. It pose will be con verted into a fertilizer. is all within a generation that Liv­ Ernst Wyss, an insane patient ingstone began those remarkable from Bay City, in charge of deputies explorations from the south and Stillwell and Arthur of Tillamook.en east coasts of Africa which made his route to the asylum, broke away name famous, and which stimulated from his keepers on Sunday while in Stanley and other hardy men to Portland, ran to the Morrison street penetrate into regions which the bridge, and in spite of all Arthur, great Scotch missionary could not who had caught him, could do, enter. Stanley was the first white jumped into the river through the man who crossed Africa near the railing of the bridge and drowned equator and descended the Congo. The King of Liver Medicines. “ I have used your Simmons Liver Regu­ himself. While Arthur held him Now the continent teems, so to lator and can conscienciously say it is the through the railing, Wyss slipped speak, with explorers, who are tra­ king of all liver medicines. I consider It a medicine chest in itself.— G eo . W. J ack - out of his coat and vest and made versing it from north to south and son , Tacoma, Washington. O~EVEBY PACKAGE"« the fatal leap. from east to west, completing and the Z Stamp in red on wrapper« rectifying its map, studying its tem ­ Corvallis has a suit in court that promises to rival the celebrated Iowa peratures and physical conditions, cow case. It is the Jacobs-Oren and even doing the work of botanists plieasant and the English ring necked rent case. Oren rented Jacobs’ house and geologists. pheasant. From time to time healthy Perhaps noyear has been so fruit­ at $15 per month and moved out the young birds will be turned loose in second month tendering $2.50 as the ful in such explorations as the year in the Ohio forests and fields. They amount due. It was refused, Jacobs 1894. Even a summary of the jour­ should also try the Denny bird. claiming rent for an entire month. neys which have been undertaken or The Dale for Eaater. The case was tried and decided twice completed would occupy more space “Thirty days bath September,’’ for Owen, then both parties moved than we can afford to give just now. Every person can remember; for costs, the appellant claiming We can only mention a few of the But to know when Easter's come, Puzzles even scholars some. costs followed judgment, while the more remarkable explorations which attorneys for Oren held that since have been made in the least known When March the twenty-first u past, Just watch the silver moon, judgment was entered for no greater portions of the great continent. A And when you see it full and round, sum than was admitted by the de­ Frenchman, M. Deele, has just fin­ Know Easter’ll be here soon. fendant. he was entitled to have the ished a three years’ tour from Cape After the moon has reached Its full, costs taxed to the plaintiff: The Town north to Uganda with impor­ Then Easter will be here, The very Sunday after. court, however, by some queer sort tant results. Count von Gotzen has In each and every year. of reasoning, allowed plaintiff's mo­ crossed from the east coast to the And ii it hap on Sunday tion, and the costs, amounting to west, south of the Victoria Nyanza, The moon should reach its height, Then Sunday following this event In the about $300, were taxed to Oren. He going down the Congo. Will be the Easter bright. is now appealing from the decision neighborhood of the Victoria Nyanza —From the Boston Transcript. of the lower court, which will entail he discovered a new lake and explored considerable extra expenses, to say the Ufumbiro mountains, finding FKOYl THE COCNTT PRESS. nothing about attorney's fees, which that the most westerly peak is an have accrued on both sides, and active volcano upward of eleven Yamhill Independent. whichever party eventually succeeds thousand feet high. He found that Rev. Martin Cook will act as pas­ will really be out of pocket many' Lake Kivu, which has long been tor of the Friends church at Dundee times the original amount involved. known, is not so insignificant as has for a time, and will move up there in been supposed, but is almost as large a few days. W T. Sanford, station agent of Leep­ as the Albert Edward; that Stanley’s Dunbar Bros., through the medium er, Clarion Co., Pa., writes : I can rec­ lake Ozo, to the west of Lake Kivu, of the Oregon fruit union, shipped a ommend One Minute Cough Cure a9 the is not a lake at all but a river, which l>est I ever used. It gave instant relief was probably temporarily enlarged J. A. Richardson, of Jefferson City, car load of fine spuds to Galveston, and a quick cure. Rogers Bros. when the great traveler saw it. An­ Mo., chief enrolling force 38th general Texas, last week. Mr. Clarence Butt, of Cleone, Ore­ other traveler has made a similar assembly of Missouri, writes: I wish to A .Hatter of General luterete testify to the merits of One Minute gon, was in town last Saturday look­ We are sure there are weary, discovery with reference to Lake Cough Cure. When other so-called cures ing up a location to engage in the waiting souls who would like to keep Alexandra; and United States Consul failed, I obtained almost instant relief practice of law, and before taking Mohun removes from the map the up with the exact changes made and a speed)’ cure by the use of One his departure decided to locate here from time to time in the divorce laws Lake Urenge of Livingstone and Minute Cough Cure Rogers Bros. Mrs. Susanna Scott and Mrs. M. of South Dakota. It may interest I others, in the upper waters of the Congo for the same reason. Mr. E. K Edwards left yesterday morn­ New Forage Plant. these to learn that a new divorce Mohun finds the upper Congo to be ing for California to attend the The island of Saghalien, lying be­ law has been lately passed there. quite narrow and barred with rapids. opening of the Friends yearly meet­ tween Japan and Siberia, has given South Dakota experiences a diffi­ culty in which she has the sympathy The valley is extremely fertile. The to the world a plant that promises ing, which takes place the last of the of all kindly disposed individuals. same explorer has made a complete to be as valuable as alfalfa for graz­ month. She desires on the one hand, to ar­ map of Lake Leopold II and of cer­ ing purposes, and it has the advant­ Coyotes have been killing the range her laws for undying matri­ tain tributaries to the Congo. A age of growing where alfalfa will not sheep of farmers up the valley for monial knots, so that they will not Frenchman has explored the rapids thrive. The new plant is called some months past, and last Tuesday decrease the large revenue accruing of the Ubangi, the largest tribu­ sacaline. It resists drought as no a number of farmers got together a to her railroads, lawyers and hotels tary of that great river. Another other vegetable growth can. It is lot of hounds and started to kill from the divorce business. On the Frenchman has thoroughly traversed also adapted to wet and swampy them off, with what result we have the other hand, she is not willing to the country north of the Congo and places. Its roots are tremendous not learned. scandalize the conservative sentiment between that river and the Nile. and spread all round, and that is Amity Blade. of the community by making facilities Many expeditions, French and Eng­ why it can thrive anywhere. • R. W. Lancefield purchased the Sacaline has been tested as a for­ for the getting apart of married lish, have explored the section of the remaining portion of the J. R. San­ Niger, and two German expeditions age plant in Iowa and in California, couples too easy. To steer between ders farm from Assignee Henderson have traversed the Cameroons. So ­ and in both states it has met un­ these two dangerous rocks has been and shortly after sold it to Mr. mali Land has also been explored by qualified approval. Swampy, ragged the aim of the legislature in the Mitchell, who had previously bought three or more expeditions, while the spots where nothing else will grow enactment of the new law. a portion of the farm. French have been mapping their may be planted with it, and it will Under the new law a divorce can Mr. Mitchell, who bought a por­ be obtained as easily as formerly, country north of the Congo, known quickly cover the ground and afford except that it takes longer than it as the French Congo, and have sent food alike to sheep, horses, cattle tion of the J. R. Sanders farm, had did. One seeking to be free from a number of notable expeditions from and swine. It growes to a height of the great misfortune to lose his an objectionable husband or wife Algeria south through the desert, 14 feet. Another name for it is house and all the contents thereof must now live in South Dakota six with the purpose of findiug the best giant knot weed. Attention was Tuesday morning by fire. The house first drawn to it as a forage plant in was known as the old Sanders home, months instead of three. He or she route to the Sudan. These are only a few of the many France two years ago. A great and though less val uable than at one must live there three months before seeking divorce and three months enterprises which were on foot in drought was on, and pastures were time, it was a fairly comfortable resi­ more after making application for it 1894. Each has added to our knowl­ dried up. Sacaline had been planted dence and its loss is quite heavily before it can be granted. A personal edge of the geography of the least and reared to a considerable extent felt by the loser. summons must be made either in known sections of the tribes which as an ornamental growth. But dur­ Last week Elmus Henderson sold the state or in other ,states on the inhabit them, and of the peculiarities ing the drought it was observed that his farm just west of town to Mr. person from whom the divorce is of the country. Many rectifications domestic animals ate it greedily and John Lady, of near Sheridan for asked. If the personal summons have been made with reference to fattened on it, while the more it was $1400 and for the same consideration cannot be served, then the applicant the position of lakes, the site of browsed at the more it grew. The bought Mr. Lady’s farm near Sheri­ must live in the state a year before towns and the character of rivers. idea was then conceived of cultivat­ dan. The gentlemen will soon take For example, it has been found that ing it as a domestic forage plant, possession of their new homes. This the divorce can be granted. Timbuctu is not situated on a plat­ which was done with great success. important deal was consummated Ilr. IL R. Fish, of Gravois Mills, Mo., eau, as has always been supposed, Sacaline will be especially valuable through the efficient efforts of our a practicing physician of many years ex­ but on a plain. Its position on the at the time the pasture fields of the local dirt seller, Mr. Robinson, and perience, writes : “DeWitt’s Witch Ha­ map will have to be changed. country dry up in August and Sep­ Mr. Daugherty, of the Sheridan zel Salve has no equal for indolent sores, The last map of the whole conti­ tember. It is to be hoped the agri­ Land Co. scalds and burns. It stops pain instant­ nent we happen to have bears the cultural stations in all the states will ly, heals a burn quickly and leaves no date of July, 1894. So rapid is the North Yamhill Record. test it thoroughly for farmers and scar. Rogers Bros. progress of discovery that it is not put them in the way of procuring it The hop growers have been using only necessary to date maps with the if its value is equal to what is claimed the recent good spell of weather to The year 1895 will be a remarkable year in which they were made, but for it. the best advantage, and have their one, both from an astronomial and also the month. Continued discov­ hop lands in excellent condition. religious point of view. On Good eries and occasional annexations In Missouri it is proposed to levy Better prices are expected the com­ Friday next (April 12), the heavenly make constant changes necessary. ing harvest. a tax upon bachelors as follows: bodies which gravitate round the The most impressive fact about Those between the ages of 30 and 35 Messrs. Little & Smith are getting sun will be in exactly the same posi­ tion they occupied in the firmament the latest maps of Africa is that are to be taxed $10; between the their new lumber mill above Pike in the da>' Christ died on the cross. It little of the great continent is ages of 35 and 40, $15; between 40 good shape, and will be ready to set will be the first time such a thing really in the control of Africans. and 45, $30; between 45 and 50, $50; their machinery in motion in a short has occurred since that great day, Even the Congo Free State, occupy­ between 50 and 55, $75. Bachelors time. They have built a good road 1862 years ago. That was the thirty- ing the great heart of the continent, over 60 years of age are required to to the mill, so that hauling will be third year of the Christian era, which until a few months ago properly an pay 25 per cent of their taxable easy. dates from the birth of Jesus Christ. African state, is now a Belgium pos­ wealth. This is a new way of en­ Newberg Graphic. At 4:20 in the morning, Paris time session. There is a considerable couraging matrimony. Dundee has gone wet, two council­ (about 11:20 p. m. on April 11, New section of the country north of the Ohio is going into the pheasant men voting for license and two op­ York time), the moon will pass be­ Congo state which has not been formally annexed. It belongs to breeding business. The state game posed, with the mayor voting in fore Virginis (Spica), and hide that various tribes, but within a short and fish commission has leased some favor of granting a license. If any­ constellation for over an hour time it will be Belgian, English and ground along the famous hunting one can show where a saloon has DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures French territory, if it is not so al­ region at St. Mary’s reservoir and benefited Dundee in the past we scalds, burns, indolent sores and never ready. The only independent states for five years will devote efforts to would be pleased to be enlightened fails to cure piles. Rogers Bros. are those of Morocco, Abyssinia and the rearing of both the New Jersey on the subject. Than Pills