The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, March 22, 1895, Image 3

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Picture frames at the Novelty.
Judge Magers made a business trip to
Portland on Saturday.
Call on C. N. Howard at “Red Front”
if you want to buy a home.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Asa
C*te of Ilappy valley on the 18th inst.
Buy, try. Tip Top goat soap. Laundry.
The snag boat Corvallis is booked to
clean up the Yamhill to this place in the
near future.
Send your order for books, blank
books and stationery to C. Grissen. 4tf
Fresh taffy made every day.
W H. K ins .
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Keys of Tillamook
took charge of the Bynutn boarding house
the first of the week.
An epidemic of mump» prevails quite
generally among the people of the hills
and valleys to the west and northwest of
the city.
“Bronze Local,” is the latest in ladies’
fine stationery,. Manufactured to order
and sold by C driven.
I. L. Schofield of Forest Grove, for­
merly with Dr. Nelson, is visiting in the
city this week.
Eight loaves of bread for twenty-five
cents at Kuns’ bakery.
A. K. Mark is quite ill of dropsy, and
the physicians have frequently to resort
to tapping.
For rent or for sale McMinnville
Hotel. Other property taken in part
payment. Enquire of Rhodes & Rhodes.
The secularists have purchased the
old furniture factory, and, it is under­
stood, will use it as a lecture hall.
A horse wanted in exchange for drain
tile. Iuquire at this office.
L. C. Parker of Dallas, the grand mas­
ter of the Odd Fellows, was in the city
Saturday night.
Tallow and grease wanted at soap fac­
W T. Booth lias once more bought
back his blacksmith shop and personally
resumed business at the old forge.
Married, at Hotel Yamhill in this city,
Saturday evening, March, 16th, Mr. Wm.
F. Coulter of this city and Mrs. Almedia
Kitchen, of East Portland. Ceremony
by Rev. Elmer E. Thompson.
Up to Wednesday of this week 33
subpoenas had been issued for witnesses
before the grand jury. There are six
cases awaiting action, four out on bond
and two in jail.
F ob S ale .—An acre lot in Cozine’s
third addition to McMinnville, being lot
1 in block K. House and barn, well,!
fruit trees, etc. For sale at a great
bargain for cash. Apply to C. Mitchell,
9w4 |
The young folks of Eden valley have
been asked to present a part of their
late entertainment to the people of North
25 converts was the result of the
revival at the C. P. church, which closed
Snnday night. The evangelists have
gone to Woodburn.
Easter cards and Brownie pins though
not twins, are nice things to give or
send to your friends just now. Sold at
C. Grissen’s.
Judge Hewitt will be here to open
court in his department next Monday,
but it is understood that adjournment
will be taken at once until about three
weeks later. The object is to avoid the
confusion of holding two courts at the
Mine time.
Sheriff Henderson lias made an ar-
rangeruent whereby Newberg citizens,
from choice or necessity, can pay their
taxes to the Bank of Newberg instead of
coming to the county seat, and be re­
ceipted therefor.
The Workmen and Degree of Honor
have inserted cards in the newspaper
directories, giving dates of their meetings.
ThiB is a sensible movement that others
would do well to imitate.
H. Ballinger, Esq., who left here about
three years ago for Port Townsend, Wash,
returned on Monday, having sold his law
and collection business at that place.
He is yet undecided whether he will
practice his profession here or seek an­
other location.
On Tuesday the roof of Dr. Johnson’s
wood shed caught fire from the chimney
of his residence. An alarm was turned
in, and brought out the companies in
prompter and better style than usual.
But Mr. Austine was there first with a
bucket of water, and had put the fire out.
North Yamhill is talking of a fourth of
J A. Todd has the grip.
Mrs. D. C. Derby is in failing health,
Mrs. Gigray will begin a select school
and is at present with North Yamhill
I in North Yamhill April 1st.
Miss Flora Henderson began a term of
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kay of Salem re­
turned home Tuesday after several days’ , school in Washington county last Mon-
i day.
visit in McMinnville.
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures
Editor E. H. Woodward and J. T.
Smith of Newberg were in the city on I scalds, burns, indolent sores and never
fails to cure piles. Rogers Bros.
business last Monday.
Coronor Daniels was called to Newberg
Miss Nettie Olds will lecture in Grange
hall next ¿unday at 11 a. m. on the sub­ yesterday to hold an inquest over a man
ject: “Moral Reform.”
found dead in a barn. No particulars
The oath of allegiance to the Salvation
Aarmy was taken by ten converts at the
A committee of public safety is needed
opera house Wednesday evening. The | in school district No. 8. Complaint is ,
hall was crowded.
made that miscreant persons have been
The Tillamook Advocate, T. B. Hand- bobbing the horses tails and laying rails
ley’B paper, has enlarged. He is writing in the road at night, so that people have
some interesting reminiscent articles on 1 narrowly escaped injury.
the senators of Oregon.
Mrs. J. M. Bunn received three of the
Ottr patrons will find DeWitt’s Little 1 postal cards this week that were placed
Early Risers a safe and reliable remedy in the sacks of flour sent from here to
for couHtipation, dyspepsia and liver aid the Nebraska sufferers last January.
I They were signed by the persons receiv-
complaints. Rogers Bros.
A few of the very modern young ladies 1 ing the aid, and also contain expressions
of McMinnville have made their ap- of gratitude.—[North Yamhill Record.
Dr. H. R. Fish, of Gravois Mills, Mo.,
jtearance in public with bloomer bicycle
a practicing physician of many years ex­
suits. It was after dark, though.
perience, writes: “DeWitt’s Witch Ha­
Handed in by one who had paid:
zel Salve has no equal for indolent sores,
How dear to my heart Is cash on subscription,
When the generous subscriber presents it to view: scalds and burns. It stops pain instant­
But the man who don’t pay we refrain from de­ ly, heals a burn quickly and leaves no
Bear. Rogers Bros.
For perhaps gentle reader that man might be you.
Wm. Geldard remarks that he has
Au Odd Collectiou.
lived a good many years in Oregon, and I A man in Colorado has a quaint collec­
thia is the first time in March
he ■ ever' i tion of bottles. It is divided into two
heard the farmers calling for rain to. sections. Section one is large. Section
lubricate their plowshares.
two is not Section one contains hun­
M. B. Hendrick will pay­ the highest dreds of bottles, the contents of which
price for wheat, oatn, wool, barley, ino- his wife swallowed hoping to find relief
liair and all kinds of produce. Call on from her physical sufferings. Section
Dr. Dukeufield at ElBia Wright’s harness two contains a few bottles that once were
filled with Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­
A. A. Unruh has received papers as­ tion. It was this potent remedy that
suring him that his bicycle crank has gave the suffering wife her health again.
been patented. Papers over the state It cures all irregularities, internal in­
are commenting on the advantages of flammation and ulceration, displace­
ments and kindred troubles. It has done
tbis invention.
Miss Hinchman of Newberg captivated more to relieve the sufferings of women
the late Sunday school convention by than any other medicine known to
her splendid pa)>er, which apjiearson the science.
first page of the R eporter . It is a
Pile tumors, rupture and Cstulae rad­
model essay, worth reading by all.
ically cured by improved methods. Book,
Chas. H. Cook in remitting Iris sub­ 10 cents in stamps. World’s Dispensa­
scription from I’iacenis, Cal , Bays be is ry Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
at work on a big irrigating ditch, and
Kebuttal Evidence.
that crops are very promising in that
M c M innville , March 20,1895.
section. They are not so certain, though,
of good prices.
M r . F. H. B arnhart and J. G. E ckman .
Dear sir:—In your Newspaper from
E. C. Walker says he is about in shape
to apply for admission to the bar. He the eight of march, number ten, you
secured a law library on a debt some­ write that without the city limits are
time ago. It has since been lying about dispensing a mighty hard article of
the store until he has “absorbed” suffi­ cider, that makes young boys drunk, and
it may come before the grand jury. It
cient, he thinks, to admit him.
Being requested by the presiding elder is not right that you write like that. Be­
to hold the third quarterly meeting of fore I sold cider I went to see a lawyer,
the Dayton charge, Saturday and Sunday, and that cider which I sell is a temper­
March 23d and 24th, we have secured ance drink. The sweet cider is made
the services of Mrs. Helen D. Harford, from sweet apples, and the other from
of Newberg, to supply the pulpit in the sour apples, and that is all. It was made
only last fall. It is, and will be a hard
M. E. church on the 24th inst.
thing to prove that there is alcohol
L ee T hompson , Pastor.
or whisk}- in it, and young boys have the
The state fair board has agreed to offer
i right to drink cider. An other thing,
three good premiums the coming fall. | I have 011 the outside of the room where
They will be for first, second and third
I sell cider a notice made on the door,
best county exhibit of the combined pro­
that boys who are not twenty one have
ducts of agriculture and horticulture.
no right to come in. If the writer of
The premiums will be respectively $200,
this note does not want the people to
$100, and $50. Yamhill county needs
get drunk, when they drink cider by me,
but to make the effort to secure the
he will have to take the whisky bottle out
richest plum.
, of their'pocket before they come in my
Prof. W. H. Greene, an eminent pian­ room, or find out better where they buy
ist graduate of Leipsic, Germany, will the whisky on a Sunday. That what I
give a piano recital on Wednesday even­ write I can pruve. I can’t think who
ing, March 24th, at the C. P. church. enjoys to bring a poor sick family father
Prof. Greene will lie assisted by the best in trouble, when he trys to keep up his
local talent, and uses in his performance family in an honest way by this hard
a grand piano, brought here for the oc­ time. Yours truly,
casion. Admission 25 cents. Music lov­
X aver S ax .
ers are promised a rare treat.
Twenty Years a Teacher.
Mre. I. S. Fuller wishes to announce
C ampbellsville , K y .—“I have been a
to the ladies of the city and vicinity that
her spring stock of new millinery, prin­ teacher for twenty years, and during that
cipally from the east, and thoroughly up time have had repeated attacks of head-
to the times in styles, quality and prices, I ache. Now I am entirely free from them
is arriving, ami she has named the 30th after using Simmons Liver Regulator. It
day of March for her opening day. All was so mild in its action that it never in­
are cordially invited to call on this day, terfered with my school duties.”—E. A.
inspect the stock and select a new hat Cheek.
in time for Easter.
Down goe. Day Hoard.
A meeting of fruit growers was held at
In order to meet the hard times, on
Newlierg, Or., March 8, and a local fruit and after March 1st you can get day
union was organized with the following board at the Hotel Yamhill for $3.50 per
officers: C. E. Hoskins, president; Wm. week, cash in hand. Don’t forget the
Allen, vice president; A. R. Mills, place. The Hotel Yamhill is noted for
secretary and treasurer; Jesse Edwards, giving the best 25 cent meal to be had in
member of finance committee, J. S. Lar- McMinnville. Give it a trial. I make a
' kin, member of board of directors of specialty of giving you a big dinner for
Oregon fruit union. It is the inten­ 25 cents. A look at the bill of fare will
tion of the organization to work through make you hungry.
the Oregon fruit union.
E H B arker , Prop.
McMinnville, Or.
The amendment to McMinnville's
charter granting women the right to
County Convention.
municipal suffrage was killed by the
convention of the Yamhill
late legislature because it was regarded as
unconstitutional It now comes to light county W. C. T. U. will be held in this
that our neighboring town of Dayton got city in the Baptist church, beginning at
through a like provision in an amendment 2 o’clock p. m. April 3d, and closing the
of her charter, because the bill was evening of the 4th. Mrs Narcissa W.
lengthy and this provision was over­ Kinney will be present and will lecture
looked. There is room for a great deal the first evening.
M rs . M ary E. A llen , Pres.
of litigation over the results of elections
Sec., M rs . A nna H enderson .
under tbis charter, so long as there is
doubt as to its constitutionality.
Street Commissioner Ballinger, with
consent of the city council, proposes to
try the river gravel fouud in abundance
on the Brooks place, as a covering for
the newly-worked streets. It is said to
be the same gravel as that placed on the
fine road west of Amity, and if so, is all
we need.
Scott Wright has been figuring on
starting an ice factory at this place. If
started, and reasonable terms can be
secured from the city council, the factory
will get its power from a water motor.
There is some effort making to form a
Every manufactory that produces a use­ stock company to purchase the half
ful product is a benefit to the city, and section of land on which Meadow lake
should be encouraged.
is situated, and to own and control it sb
The Woodmen are to have an O. O. G. a summer resort. It is proposed to place
C. free entertainment at the opera house the shares at $10, and any stockholder
to-night. Whether these mystic initials I taking five shares will be entitled to the
stand for “Old Order of Goat Carriage” gift of a camping lot 60x120 feet. With
or something else, the general public is the capital stock at $3000, it is thought
not permitted to know, but it will be the tract could be purchased and a few
known after the entertainment. C. V. hundred dollars be left with which to
Cooper, bead adviser, will deliver a free improve the premises, and that there-
lecture, after which a ten-cent supper l after the patronage would render it
i self-sustaining. There is probably no
will be served.
The steamer Toledo on her up trip other resort nearer Portland equal to
from Portland to Dayton Monday, was this in its scope and wildness, and it is
impaled on a snag and sunk in shallow believed that if it were fixed up, many
water at the lower end of Ross island. of the city folks would visit it.
She was about to land some freight at
The city council passed two new or­
this point and the snag was thought to ! dinances Tuesday evening. One licens­
have been an old pile left from a former ing barbers to keep open shop on Sunday
wharf The steamers Ramona and Al­ on payment of $50 per month; the other
tona came to the rescue, and the dam­ licensing plumbers at $5 a year, and re­
age was slight.
quiring a bond of $100. The barbers
W. E. Martin of this place and Paul weie unanimous for Sunday closing, and
Kinsey of Portland shot a match of 25 the ordinance was passed to keep out
live birds at Hillsboro on Tuesday- those who might not be like minded.
Martin killed 23 and Kinsey 21. Then For any change in plumbing hereafter,
it was charged that Martin used shells that has to do with the city waterworks,
containing an ounce and a half of shot, application will have to be made in
when the rules permit l’i ounces, and writing to the city superintendent for a
so the stake of $300 was withheld. An permit, and only a licensed plumber may­
overloaded shell was found in Martin’s be employed. If the committee ap­
box, but he declares he can't account for pointed by the mayor on removal or non­
it, and demanded an investigation of the removal of waterworks does not present
shells before the shooting was over. a report by the next council meeting, the
The money may go to the state school council proposes to move on its own
How to Cure Rheumatism,
A ra « o , Coos Co., O regon , Nov. 10,
1893.—I wish to inform you of the great
good Chamberlain’s Pain Balm has done
my wife. She has been troubled with
rheumatism of the arms and hands for
six months, and has tried many remedies
prescribed for that complaint, but found
no relief until she used this Pain Balm;
one bottle of which has completely cured
her. I take pleasure in recommending
it for that trouble. Yours truly, C. A.
Bullord. 5'3 cent and $1.00 bottles for
sale by S. Howorth & Co., druggists.
Laud for Sale.
400 acres of land near Whiteson. 200
acres under plow, balance pasture and
young fir timber, 3 dwellings, 3 barns, 2
orchards and 12 acres in hops. Situated
between 2 R. R. b . Price $20 per acre.
Easy terms. This is a snap. Address
S heridan L and C o .
For Trade.
A good double circular water power
sawmill, with planer, edger and cut-off
saws, and is driven by 2 turbine water
wheels. 1000 acre3 of timber land, 2
dwellings, 2 barns, 3 yoke of oxen and
logging outfit complete, including 800,000
feet of logs in stream and pond at the
mill. Logs can be floated on this stream
for 15 miles. This mill is situated 9 miles
west of Sheridan on a good level road.
Sold over 800,000 feet of lumber last
year. Price $7,500, no incumbrance.
Will trade for land. Address,
S heridan L and C o .
Gwinn eta). Emmons 4 Emmons for
Heal Fatate Transfer«,
For two weeks ending March 20th :
The following 100 cases are docketed
13 Chas II Carter vs R Finley et al. Emil and Linda Frank to A Meier
for the term of circuit court which opens Ramsey & Fenton for plff, McCain, Ma­
and S Frank 321 a pt Louis Le
next Monday, the 25th:
gers and Spencer for deft.
Bontà d 1 c t 4 r 4 also 160 a sec
14 R W Laneefield vs O W Olson et
14, 15 and 23 t 3 r 6 also 5s int
al. Ramsey 4 Fenton for plff.
in 40 a sec 15 t 3 r 6..................
1 M Fisk vs Melotte Bros. Cleland
21 RS Goodrich vs L and N Bradley. M Fisk and wf to Frederick Bar-
We’re not doctors nor phrenologists. Nothing but
& Cleland for plff. Ramsey & Fenton for J H Flower and W T Vinton for piti’.
den lots 7, 8 and 9 Maple Park
plain druggists, but we know something about doctoring
22 R Livingstone vs Riley Smith et
add to Lafayette....... ..............
nevertheless. We are continually receiving calls for a
2 Moore, Ferguson & Co vs M W al. Ramsey & Fenton for plff, J E Ma- j W G Henderson sheriff to Cathe-
good headache cure. These calls have lead us to make a
Tallman. Irvine & Coshow for plff.
• gers and Irvine 4 Coshow for deft.
cure of our own that will do the work. We succeeded
rine Baker blk 6 Johns' add to
very admirablv—the large and continued sales on them
3 R M Wade & Co vs H R Littlefield
23 W R Derby vs Martin Burling-
tell the truth, “they cure.
and C C Ferguson. Ramsey & Fenton ' ame. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
L M Morrison to J C Morrison 26
26 The Oregon Mortgage Co limited
for plff.
. 75 a pt HD Martin d 1 c t 5 r4
Rogers Bros
4 The North Pacific Lumber Co vs G j vs Geo Sappingfield et al. Ramsey iiEC Tarrant and wf to G P Kin­
your eye peeled, you may need them first.
W Gosser. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
Fenton for plff
yon Jj" int in 13.54 a pt David
7 MAM Ashley vs Leaner Gray. G
29 J E Hembree vs M Fisk et al ' Ramage dlct3r3.................. 2,500
Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
G Willis for plff.
R W Laneefield and wf to C F
8 Anna Mary Martin vs Jas W Mar-| 30 Mary J Duffy vs Walter French et
Pfeffer 74.96 a pt Solomon Eads
tin. Ramsey & Fenton for plff, J E Ma­ al. M J MacMahon for plff, Carey, Idle-
dlct6r 6................................ 2,098
gers for deft.
' man, Mays and Webster for deft.
j Chas Ringel and wf to John M
9 Dorothy F Wright vs Edward Pool
31 Jeduthan Torrance vs Henry Wes-1 Lady 9-10ths int in 160 a pt sec
and Dorothy Pool. Ramsey & Fenton tennan et al. Ramsey & Fenton for plff, j 8t5r 6 .................................... 1,000
for plff, Jas McCain and J E Magers for Davis, Gautenbein & Veasie for deft.
Francis E Buckler to T A Gar-
32 E E Goucher, executor, vs Sarah
bade 80 a pt sec 16 t 3 r 6.......
10 Stout 4 Martin vs Yamhill Coun­ A Farnsworth et al. Ramsey & Fenton I w G Henderson sheriff to Thos T
ty. Jno J Spencer for plff, Ramsey & 1 for plff.
i 895<7^
Not son parcel near Sheridan pt
Fenton for deft.
j 33 L C Triplett vs W G Johnson et al. ; Faulconer d 1 c.........................
12 The Commercial National Bank of Ramsey & Fenton for plff, Irvine & Co­ W G Henderson sheriff to Ed­
Portland vs Phil Withycombe and Thos j show for deft.
mund Robinson 20 a pt S D
Withycombe. Ramsey & Fenton for
35 John Bolinskie vs B W Robertson
Snowden d 1c t 3 r 2................
et al. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
plff, Thos H Tongue for daft.
Angie M and A J Edson to Jas
13 The Commercial National Bank of
41 Effie J McDonald vs A J Edson et
and Nettie M Edson 132 a pt
Portland vs Thos W Perry. Ramsey & I | ux and Jas Edson et ux. Ramsey 4
Our new Spring and Summer stock is now
Jas Ramage dlct3r4........... 6,181
; Fenton for plff.
Fenton for plff.
Wm N and Nancy M Parrish to G
with the exception of Ladies’ Wraps and
14 J L Steward vs Bradford Lane. T i 49 The First National Bank of Hills­
A Plieth 30 a pt Jesse Parrish
Ladies’ Shirt Waists, in which we will have them
B Handley and Jas McCain for plff', Jno boro vs Lydia J Campbell et al. Thos
dlct3r 2................................ 1,050
H Tongue for plff.
J Si>encer for deft.
ranging in price from 50 cents up to $8, and Mil­
Sami and Ellen H Longley to L
15 Thos W Perry vs Buckingham & ■ 51 Wallace 4 Walker vs L H Cook et
M Metcalf 24 a pt O J Walker
which will take about ten days to arrive.
Goodrich. Jas McCain and Jno J Spen­ I ux. Irvine & Coshow for plff.
dlct3r 2...............
I 52 H F Bedwell vs Cuttier Thornp- Gabrilla M Berning to Henry A
When complete, we claim to have the Best Selected
cer for plff.
16 Stow & Brower vs The Anita. Ir­ ; son et ux. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
Stock Ever Brought into Yamhill County, without any
vine & Coshow for plff.
283, 284 and 285 Dayton...........
9 Samuel C Belat vs Elizabeth Belat Fred A and Hannah Berning to
17 Isaac Allen vs Sam R Stott. W
et al. McCain & Magers for plff, Dufur
T Vinton for plff, Sam R Stott for deft.
Henry A Bertram same lots
And Prices—we can guarantee to satisfy every­
18 Adam Rossner ys A Lefever. Ram­ & Menefee for deft.
Jacob and E A Wortman to W J
body, as we have purchased our goods for spot cash,
sey & Fenton for plff.
Garrison lot 1 and 9 feet from e
18 Portland Adams vs John T Jolly
19 Bedwell & Co vs H C Morgan.
side lot 2 blk 13 McM................ 2,5'00
and as a matter of course they were bought very
and A M Dettnering. Spencer, McCain C B and Mary E Frissell to E D
Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
and we propose to give our customers the ben­
20 Jones & Smith vs W H Clark et I and Talmage for plff.
Elwood lots 3 and 4 blk 5 Des­
ux. J E Magers for plff.
kins’ add to Newberg .............
19 Vit Davenport vs Lula Davenport. Jonathan and P A Todd to Moffitt
21 Jones & Adams vs The Anita. Jno
Thanking you for past favors and hoping for
Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
J Spencer for plff.
McCaskey 40 a pt sec 24 t 4 r 5 1,000
their continuance,
25 Ida May vs A V May. Vinton Ola and Mary E Martin to Sidney
22 D Walker vs The Anita. Jno J
and Linden for plff.
Spencer for plff.
A Burnett 40 a pt EdwT Wash­
Respectfully yours,
27 J ulia L Snyder vs Geo W Snyder.
24 W S Walker vs J S Coatney. W
burn dlct.2 r5.......................
Irvine & Coshow for plff.
T Vinton for plff.
Beuj M Robinson to R B Conover
Dealer »"
28 Chas T Zosel vs Lucy A Zosel.
25 The Oregon City Mfg Co vs F
lot 139 Dayton...........................
Hauswirth. Ramsey & Fenton for plff. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
Andrew Full to Geo Trunk >5 int
Ladle s’ Jackets and Fine Wraps, Millinery,
28 Feldman & Cole vs Garretson, i 34 Catherine Fletcher vs Jas Fletch­ in Edw R Geary claim t 3 r 3 ..
Shirt Waists, from cotton up to best Silk.
Woodruff Pratt Co. *Ramsey & Fenton er. Irvine & Coshow for plff.
N A and Ida C Harris to E H Dis-
42 C B Mann vs Belle Mann. Jno J
for plff.
brow lots 5 and 6 blk 16 John’s
31 Calbreath & Goucher vs O F Da­ Spencer and C W Talmage for plff.
add to McM .............................. 1,000
48 Bertha Craig vs Jas Craig. Jno J Jacob and Jane Wisecarver to W
vidson. J E Magers for plff, Jno J
Spencer and C W Talmage for plff.
Spencer and C W Talmage for deft.
T Booth and B F Fuller lot 1
32 W W Espey vs Ed F Osborn. Ir­
blk 15 McM .............................
vine & Coshow for plff.
44 _ Frank M Stewart vs R A Stewart, a M Peery to Tas I Webster 16.64
33 John A Simmons vs John Shep­ Jno J Spencer for deft.
a pt Joel Chrisman d 1 c t 4 r 3
herd. Jno J Spencer and C W Talmage
N C and Josephene Christenson
36 Charity C Richardson vs R B
for plff, J E Magers for deft.
to Christenson, Stater & Miller
34 Churchman & Son vs Pat Casey. Hibbs et al. Jno J Spencer for plff.
40 ft off n side lot 2 blk 6 Des-
37 The Bank of Newberg vs M Fisk
C C Linden for plff.
kins add to Newberg................ 1,000
35 E Zeitfuchs vs N A Harris, Ir- et al and Yamhill Land Co. Ramsey & L B Steigleder to N C Christenson
Fenton for plff.
vine & Coshow for plff.
20 a pt s hf d 1 c Jos Hess t 3 r 3 2,500
38 Jane M Aspinwall vs M A E Bur­ Emma B and M T Henderson to
36 Wm Roberts vs John and A C At-
ton. U S G Marquam for plff.
kinson. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
Thos B Henderson % int in pt
37 Nichols & Shepard Co vs J T Fry­
40 A Klosterman vs W Simmons et
blk 11 Amity..............................
er et al. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
al. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
Margaret J and E Carpenter to
38 L Bettman vs G H Hibbs. Ram­
45 The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance
Rilda W Steigleder n hf blk 31
sey & Fenton for plff.
Co vs Levina A Watt et al. Starr, Cham­ Edwards’ add to Newberg
a Twenty-page Journal, is tha leading Republican fEmllv
39 L Bettman vs L M Grames et ux. berlain & Thomas for plff
J C and M E Micbaux to Florence
paper of the United States. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY
Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
46 The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance
PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States.
M Younger pt lot 5 blk 7 La­
It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its AG­
40 The First National Bank of Mc- Co vs Levina A Watt et al. Starr, Thom­
RICULTURAL department has no superior in the country.
fayette .......................................
Its Market Reports are recognized authority. Separate depart­
Minnville vs Kay & Todd, J E Magers as and Chamberlain for plff.
Sarah E Vanoose to Margaret J
for plff.
Carpenter ne K of nw % sec 23
AND SOCIETY" columns command the admiration of wives
! B Handley for plfl’.
41 PH Robinson vs W
and daughters. Ils general political news, editorials and
t 3 r 2.........................................
dUcuaslous are comprehensive, brilllaut and exhaustive.
Palmer. J E Magers for plff.
Margaret J and E Carpenter to
43 W F Ralston vs Mrs E M and J S
50 State of Oregon vs A S Briggs. Jas
Sarah E Vanoose lot 6 blk 9
Coatney. J E Magers for plff.
McCain for state, J E Magers for deft.
Deskins add to Newberg
44 Frost Swank vs Joe and Eliza MOTION FOR LEAVE TO MAKE EXECUTION. Margaret J and E Carpenter to Ida
Perry. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
39 T J Shadden vs Amos Wood. Ram­
B Vanoose lot 3 blk 14 Newberg
A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid
45 ER Poppleton vs John L and A sey & Fenton for plff.
journal and the REPORTER for
B Watt John T Whalley for plff.
In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T. A.
An Eager ar.da dipping Ulna,
46 R W Lancefield ve F A Fletcher.
A continuous down pour of rain, in­ McFarland, a prominent merchant of
Ramsey 4 Fenton for plff.
Live Oak, Sutter Co., Cal., was taken
47 Frank Metcalf vs A J Edson and clement weather, generally in winter
a ver^ heavy cold. The pains in
T J Fryer. Jno J Spencer and C W Tal­
of invalids. But warmth and activity his chest were so severe that he had
mage for plff
, infused into the circulation counteracts spasms and was threatened with pneu­
(The regular subscription for the two papers is $2.00.)
monia. His father gave him several
5 W H Kune vs Nancy E and Thomas these influences and interpose a defense
large doses of Chamberlain’s Cough
Nelson. Irvine 4 Coshow for plff, Jno J against them. Hostetter’s Stomach Bit-
Subscription* may begin at any time.
Remedy which broke up the cough and
Spencer, .Tas McCain and J E Magere
achics and tonics, not only enriches the cured him. Mr. McFarland says when­
for deft.
| blood, but accelerates its circulation. For ever his children have croup he invari­
6 AC Southmayd vs The City of a chill, or premonitory symptoms of rbeu-
i matism and kidney complaint, particu- Remedy and it always cures them. He Write your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, Room 2,
Sheridan. Jno J Spencer for plff
Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of The New York
! larly prevalent at these seasons, it is the considers it the beBt cough remedy in
Weekly Tribune will be mailed to you.
11 B F Goforth vs Monroe Mulkey. beet possible remedy. It is also invalua­
W T Vinton for plff, Jno J Spencer for ble for dyspepsia, liver complaint, con­
stipation and nervousness. Never set
McMinnville Produce Market.
26 Peter Dorland vs Luther Morris. out on a winter or spring journey with­
Reported by L. E. Walker.
Irvine 4 Coshow for plff, Jas McCain out it. Elderly persons and the delicate Oats...
and Jno J Spencer for deft
damages .
Eggs ......................
The piano recital at the Congregational Chickens................
23 Ida LePard vs Donald Frazer.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Mendenhall & Cunningham and Irvine church was one of the finest of the kind Turkeys ..................
6c a»>
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
& Coshow for plff, Jas McCain and J E
Ducks ....................
. $3Ci$3.5ü
Mre. Tiffany and Dr. C. B. Brown was a
Magers for deft.
rare treat and the renditions of the sev­
Dressed Hogs.........
30 T M Stevens & Co vs H J Goetz- eral selections on the piano by W. H. Veal.............. ..........
man. Cake & Cake and B A Robb for Greene were marvelous in their way. Baled hay, timothy
Mr. Greene is signally free from the
plff, Ramsey & Fenton for deft.
usual “machine” performances which
42 The Chehalem Valley Board of generally characterize players of classic
Immigration vs J P Converse. Ramsey music. His touch is something grand,
and bis listeners were held entranced. Baled Straw.........................
& Fenton for plff
Mixed Chop
48 T Goodrich vs M W Tailman. Taken all in all the recital was a rare
treat, and if Mr. Greene again comes Wheat Chop
Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
DEPARTMENT NO. 2—EQCITY.—H. H. HEW­ here he will be assured of a much larger
house than he had last evening.—[Hills­ Middlings
1 Chas Handley vs Ellen L Jackson boro Argus.
L. E. Walker will buy all your pro-
McCain & Magers for plff, Thomas H
duce, paying the highest price in cash
Tongue for deft.
the market will justify. He will sell
43 Margaret W Burton vs F Haus-
you flour, feed, hay, oats, field and gar­
wirth. Jno J Spencer and C W Talmage
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward den seeds as cheap ae any other dealer.
for any ease of catarrh that cannot be D street south of First National Bank.
for plff.
He also carries a full line of Graham in
cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
small sacks, buckwheat, corn meal,
F. J. C heney & Co., Props. Toledo, O. wheatlets.etc.
2 J W Bowers; Fred Keller, assignee.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
3 RS Conner; C W Talmage, as­
J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and
signee. J E Magers and Jas McCain.
4 WH Harrison; Wm McChrisman, believe him perfectly honorable in all
We have special arrangements with
assignee. Jas McCain and J E Magers. business transactions and financially able
5 Union Hardware Co; S A Manning to carry out any obligation made by their the following leading publications,
whereby we are able to offer them in
assignee. Ramsey & Fenton.
West & Truax,Wholesale Druggists,To­ connection with our own at exceedingly
6 J R Sandersand Martin & Sanders;
low rates, as follows: The R eporter
J J Henderson assignee. Ramsey & ledo, O.
First Quality and Full Weights. Prices Always at
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole­ and
A Living Margin Above Cost.
Weekly Inter Ocean........................... ..........
15 Foster & Hollister; C C Linden sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
assignee. Irvine & Coshow.
♦Rural Northwest, Portland, semi-monthly
16 Fuqua & Son; Chas Palmer as­ acting directly upon the blood and mu- New York Tribune, weekly.........................
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c.
signee. Jas McCain and J E Magers.
•The Rural Northwest is the brightest,
17 J B Long; E P Wallace assignee. per bottle Sold by all druggists, Tee- the most practical and useful publication
timonials free.
Irvine & Coshow.
on the coast for farmers, dairymen and
20 J H Townsend; J T Smith as­
fruit growers.
“Dressmaking” signs25c ready printed
signee. Irvine & Coshow.
24 J A and M S Cochran; Cyrus at this office.
Smith assignee. J E Magers.
Leave your order for a good, fat chick­
en, dressed for Sunday dinner. D street
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
7 AC Woodcock vs Wm A Willison market.
et al. AC Woodcock for plff.
J,. E. Walker is paying highest market When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
8 R L Sabin vs M Fisk et al. Thos price for hides, pelts and tallow.
(Third Street, between E and F.)
w hen she h ad Children, she gave them Castcria,
G Green for plff.
Sick headache, constipation and indi­
10 Almira Hurley vs Jesse Hobson et
al. AM Hurley and Jno J Spencer for gestion are quickly cured by DeWitt’s
S. WIUSON, manager.
Little Early Risers, the famous little
plff, Lewis A Ward for deft.
11 Albert Walling vs T Holcomb et pills. Rogers Bros.
Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, Real
al. Ramsey & Fenton for plff.
Rev. Denton is holding a successful Estate Mortgagee, etc., always on sale at
12 Honeyman, DeHart & Co vs W W revival in his new field at Salem,
Horae» boarded by day, week or month. Commercial
this office.
Iravelere Conveyed to all pointe at most reasonable rates. Give us a call.
Great Announcement !
The Cleanest Stock
Alcuays the Freshest
A Choice and Handsome
Assortment of Queensware.
C ity S tables ,
WILSON & HENDERSON, Proprietors,
----------------- H----------------