huge but dwarfish frame as he strained at on with the Eoat book, can't you?" A wicket In the gate above them rattled, the weight of the bridge. Presently it waa up, and leaning on the and the voice of the sentry challenged handle of the wheel Otter chuckled aloud. them. “Now we are safe for a time," he said, "A friend, a friend,” answered Leonard in Psrtuguese, "one who is a stranger "and I will dress myself. Let the baas and would pay bis respects to your leader, forgive me for appearing thus before him, By H. RIDER HAGGARD. Dom Antonio Pereira, with a view to busi­ I who am so ugly." ness." “Tell us the tale. Otter.” [Copyright, 1«B. by the Author. J “It is short, baas," the dwarf replied “What is your name?" asked the guard “Well, Otter, I can tell you one thing. 1 suspiciously. as he put on his robe and turban. “When have coiue a long way on thia job, and I "Pierre is my name. Dog is the name I left you, I watched, I who can see in the axn not going to turn my back on It now of the dwarf, my servant, and, as for the dark, and in a little while I saw the guard I have never yet turned my back on a ven­ old woman, you can call her anything you come down the steps and sit by the edge ture, and I will not begin with this, like.” of tho water. He was sleepy, for ho though I dare say that my death lies in “The password, ” said the sentry. “None yawned and lit a roll of paper to smoke it. it Presently it went out, and he had no more comes in here without the word.” “Come, Soa,” be continued, “we have "The word—ah, what did the Dom matches. He looked up to the house here, traveled here to please you. Now give us Xavier say it was tn his letter? Fiend?' l but was too lazy to fetch them. Then I the benefit of your suggestions. How are No; I have it. ‘Devil’ is the word." guessed that he was alone, for else he we going to get your mistress out of that would have called to his companion for “Where do you hall from?" camp?” “From Madagascar, where the goods you file. Now be grew sleepier, and I said to “Loose the slavesand let them kill their have to supply are in some demand just myself: ‘Otter, Otter, bow can you kill masters, " Soa answered laconically now. Come, let us go. We don’t want to this man silently? You must not shoot, because of the noise, and if you throw a “I doubt that there is much fight in sit here all night and miss the fun." The man began to unbar the door and knife or a spear you may miss or wound slaves," said Leonard. him only.’ “There should be 60 ot Mavcom’s men stopped, struck by a frosh doubt. 'And my snake spoke in my heart and "You are not of our people,’’he said. there," she replied, “and they will fight "You speak Portuguese like a cursed Eng­ answered: ‘Otter, Otter, dive, seize h:s well enough if they have arms." feet and drag him down swiftly and stamp Then Leonard looked at Otter, seeking lishman." “No; I should hope not. I am a 'cursed him into the mud, you who are half a fish further ideas. “My shake puts it into my bead," said Englishman'—that is, half—son of an and can swim as no other man can swim. the dwarf, "that fire is a good friend when English lord and a French creole, born in Do it at once, Otter, before the light comes men are few and toes many; also that the the Mauritius, at your service, and let me and men can see tho drawbridge move.' reeds yonder are dry, and the sea wind ask you to be a little more civil, for cross Well, and so I did it, baas. Wow! I trod him deep into the mire! Never will he rises and will blbw hard before midnight. bred dogs are fierce. ” Now at length the 6entry opened one come up again. After that I roso and ran Moreover, all these bouses are thatched, and in a wind fire jumps. But can a regi­ side of the gate, grumbling, and Leonard into the guardhouse, fearing lest there ment have two generals? You are our cap­ swaggered up the steps, followed by the might be another. When I was a slave two tain, baas. Speak, and we vsill do your other two. Already they were through it, bidding. Here one counsel is as good as when suddenly he turned and struck Otter always kept watch there, but there was another. Let fate speak through your in the face. none, so I let the bridge down. Ah, I re­ "Why, dog,” be said angrily, “you have member how it worked! And this is the mouth. *' forgotten to bring up the keg of brandy, tale, baas." “Very well," said Leonard. “This is ‘ A great tale, Otter, but it is not finish­ my plan. It goes a little further than my little present for the dom! Go and fetch it! Quick, now! ” ed yet. Now let us to the slaves. Come, yours, that is all. We must gain entrance “ Pardon, chief, ” answered Otter, “ but take tho light and lead the way. Here we to the nest while it is still dark, before the moon arises. I know the watchword— I am a small man, and the keg is heavy are safe. Is it not so?” for me alone. If you will deign to help “Here, baas, we are safe, for none can ‘Devil.' Disguised as we are, perhaps the reach u3 except by 6torm, and yonder is sentry will let us pass unquestioned. If me, for the old woman is too weak." "Do you take me fora porter that I the big gun which turns upon itself. Let not, we must kill him, and silently." “Good!" said Otter, “but how about the should roll kegs of brandy up steps? Here, us twist tho gun round first, so that if my friend, ” he went on, addressing the need bo we can fire into tho camp.” woman here?" sentry, “if you wish to earn a little pres­ • I don't know much of cannon,” said “We will have her bidden in the bush. ent and a drink, perhaps you will give She could be ot no help in the oamp and this fellow a hand with the keg. There is Leonard doubtfully. “But I know something, white man," might hinder us." a spigot in it, and you can try the quality taid Soa, speaking for tho first time. "No, white man,” broke in Soa afterward. ” ‘Mavoom, my master, had a small one up “Where you go I go also. Moreover, my “Right, senor,” said tho man briskly at tho settlement, and often I bavo helped mistress is yonder, and I would seek her." and led the way down the steps. to fire it for practice und us a signal to “As you like," answered Leonard, then A look of dreadful intelligence passed boats on the river, and so have many of went on: “We must get between the hut between the dwarf and his master. Then —there is only one—and the low wall that Otter followed, his Land upon the hilt of tho men who were carried away, if we can borders the canal separating the nest from the Arab 6aber which he wore, while Leon­ find them yonder. ” “Good,” said Leonard. the slave camp, and if the drawbridge is ard and Soa waited above. They heard A path ran along tho top of the embank­ up and no other means can be found we the man's heavily tooted feet going down swim the dike, dispose of the sentry there the steps, followed by Ottor’s naked foot­ ment to the platform on which tho gun was mounted. It wa3 a six pounder muz­ also and gala the slave camp. There wo fall. zle loading gun. Leonard unhooked the must try to free some of the slaves and “Where is your keg? I don’t see it,” rammer and ran it down tho tuuzzlo. send them round through the garden Into said the sentry presently. “The gun is loaded,” he said. “Now the morass to tile the reeds should the “Lean over, senor, lean over,” answered let us swing her round.” wind blow strong enough. Meanwhile I Otter. “It Is in the stern of the canoe. They did so easily enough, bringing tho propose to walk boldly into the camp, sa­ Let me help you. ” I muzzle down upon the nest camp, and lute Pereira, pass myself off as a slaver, There was a moment’s pause; to the lis­ then they entered the littlo ammunition with a dhow at the mouth of the liver, and teners hours. Then came the hut which stood alongside. Piled up in say that 1 have come to buy slaves, and, sound of it a seemed blow and a heavy splash. They it, in case of emergency, wore half a dozen above all, to bid for the white girl. Luck ily we have a good deal ot gold. This is harkened on, but nothing more was to be rounds of grapnel shot am! powder. “Lots of ammunition, if we should want my plan so far as it goes, and the rest we heard except the beating of their hearts must leave to chance. If I can buy the and the noiso of tho revelry from tho camp. to use it,” said Leonard. “It never oo- Three more seconds, and Otter stood be­ curred to those gentlemen that a gun can Shepherdess, I will; if not, I must try to side them, and in the dim light Leonard shoot two ways. And now, Otter, load us get her oft in 6ome other way. ** “Good, baas, and now let us eat, for wo could see that his eye3 stared wide and his to the slaves, quick. " “This way, baas, but first we must get shall need all our strength tonight. Then nostrils twitched. “Quick was tho blow; strong was the the tools. They are in the guard hut, I we will go down to the lauding place and blow; silent Is the man forever," whisper­ ! suppose.” take ote chance." So tboy crept back to the hut, holding As yet the night was intensely dark, and ed Otter. “So the baas commanded, so their headsas low as possible, for tho light the gloom did nut tend to raise their splr it is.” was increasing, although the moon wus Its; also, as Otter had predicted, the wind CHAPTER VI. not yet up, and they feared lest they was getting up and soughed the reeds and “Help me to bar the gate,” said Leon­ should be seen agaiust the sky line. Hero willows in melancholy notes. they found boxes containing nippers, So the time passed till it was 8 o’clock. ard In presently. another minute the great iron bar chisels and other instruments such us are “We must move down to the landing ba be Conti,.tied. and my blessing with her. But there are threat. conditions. Ho whom I approve must be “No, no,” saidLeonard, anxious to find : lawfully married to the girl by the priest Francisco here, ” and turning he pointed an escape from this abominable mockery. to » small, melancholy looking man, with “Let him be. What do the cheat’s prayers j a womanish face and dark blue eyes, who matter? The lady and 1 can do without stood in tbe background clothed in a them.” “ I tell you, stranger, that you shall j priest’s robe. “Then I shall have done my duty by her. One more thiDg, gentlemen. marry this girl, and this sniveler must We are not going to waste timo in little marry you. If you don't, I will keep both bids. The upset price will be 80 ounces. ” her and tbe gold, and as for him bo can , choose. Here, slaves, tlio sjamboch. ” “Silver?” said a voice. Francisco’s delicate face flushed pink, i “Silver? No, of course not. Do you think you are bidding for a nigger girl, “I am no hero that I can suffer thus,” he fool? Gold, man, gold! Thirty ounces of said. “I will do your bidding, Dom An­ gold, and payment to be made on tbo tonia, and may God forgive me the sin! For you, Pierre aud Juanua, I am about nail.” There was a groan of disappointment, to make you man and wife, to join you in for a sacrament that is none the less holy and and one man cried out: Burns, “What are we poor fellows to do? Thir­ indissoluble because of the dreadful cir­ ty ounces for a beginning! Where i3 our cumstances under which it is celebrated. | I say to you, Pierre, abandon your wicked­ Caked & Inflamed Udders. chance!'” “What arc you to do? Why, work hard ness and love and cherish this woman, lest a curse from heaven fall upon you. I Piles, at your profession and grow rich, of course! Do you suppose that these prizes are for , say to you, Juanna, put your trust in . God, the God of tbe fatherless and op- j Rheumatic Pains, the poor? Now, then, the fair is open. Who blds for the white girl Juanna? Thir­ pressed, who will avenge your wrongs— ; and forgive me. Let water be brought that Bruises and Strains, ty ounces is offered. Wbat advance, what I may concecrato it—water and a ring.” advanoe?” “ Here, take this ono, ” said Pereira, lift Running Sores, “Thirty-five!” said a wizened little man, ing Leonard’s signet ring from tho pile of with a hectic cough, who looked fitter for gold. “I give it back for a luck penny.” j Inflammations, a burial than a bridal. And lie tossed tho ring to tho priest. “Forty!” cried another, a pure bred Water was brought in a basin, and the . Stiff joints, Arab of stately appearance and saturnine father consecrated it. expression, who wished to add to his Then be bade Leonard stand by tho girl Harness & Saddle Sores, harem. 3nd motioned to tho crowd to fall back “Forty-five!” »uswered the wizened from them. All this while Leonard bad Sciatica, man. been watching Juanna. She said no word, Then tbe Arab bid 50, and for awhile it and her face was calm, but her eyes told Lumbago, seemed that these two alone were competi­ him the terror and perplexity which tore tors. her heart. Scalds, When the bids had reached 70 ounces, | Once or twice she lifted her clinched the Arab muttered “Allah!” and gave up right hand toward her lips, then dropped Blisters, Ho preferred to wait for the hourls. without touching them. Leonard knew “Knock her down,” said the wizened it but too well what deed sho meditated. Insect Bites, man. “She is mine.” He knew also the deadly nature of the “Wait awhile, my little friend,” said drug carried. If once it touched her Ail Cattle Ailments, the great Portugoe, Xavier, who had pass­ lips! she suspense was terrible. He could ed the water gate before Leonard and his bear it The no longer. Even at the risk ot dis­ Ail Horse Ailments, companions. “I am going to begin now covery he must speak with her In obedi­ Seventy-five!” ence to the priest’s direction lie sauntered All Sheep Ailments, “Eighty!" said the little man. to her side, laughing; then, still laughing, “Eighty-five!" answered Xavier. with his hand he separated the tresses ot “Ninety!” screamed the other. dark hair, as though to look at the beauty Penetrates Muscle, “Ninety-five!” said Xavier. of her side face, and bent down as if to “A hundred!” yelled the small man. her. Idem brane and Tissue “A hundred aud five!” replied Xavier, kiss She stood pale and rigid, but once more triumphantly capping his bid. her hand went toward her mouth. Quickly to the Very Then, with a curse, his antagonist gave “Stop!” he whispered swiftly into her up also, and tho mob shouted, thinking ear, speaking in English. “I have como Seat of Pain and that Xavier had won. to rescue you. Go through this. It means “Knock her down, Pereira,” said nothing. Then, if I bid you, run for tbo Ousts it in a Jiffy. Xavier in his turn as he surveyed bi« drawbridge into the slave camp.” prize with affected unconcern. She heard, tbe light of intelligence Rub in Vigorously. “Wait a moment,” put in Leonard, in her eyes, and her band fell again. speaking for the first time. “I am going shone “Come, stop that, friend Pierre,” said Mustang Liniment conquers to begin now. A hundred and ten!” Pereira suspiciously. “What are you Pain, The multitude shouted again. The con­ whispering about? ” Makes rian or Beast well test was growing exciting. Xavier glared “I was telling the bride how beautiful again. at Leonard and bit his fingers with rage. I think her,” he answered carelessly. He was very near his limit of possible ex­ Juanna turned and flashed on him a penditure. simulated glance of hate and scorn. “Now, then,” cried Pereira, licking his well the ceremony began. lips for joy, since tbo price had already run Thon young priest had a low aud beautl 20 ounces higher than he expected. “Now, ful The and by the light of tbe moon he then, friend Xavier, am I to knock down read voico, Roman Catholic ritual of mar­ this beauty to t he stranger Captain Pierro? riage tho so solemnly that even the villains It sounds a lot, but she ¡3 cheap at the who stood round ceased their jokes and price, dirt cheap. Lcolt at her and bid up sneers and were silent. All things were But mind, it is cash down, no credit—no, done in order, though J uauna made no not for an ounce.” reply to the usual questions. With much “A hundred and fiftteen, ” said Xavier, sham courtesy the loathsome Pereira gave with tho air of a man making his lust the bride away, their hands were joined, throw for fortune. ring was set upon Juanna’s finger, the “A hundred and twenty,’’said Leonard tbe blessing was pronounced, aud it was fin­ quietly. He had bid to the last ounce in his pos- | ished. All this while Leonard stood like a man session, and if Xavier went further he must give in unless indeed he chose to in a dream. He felt as though he were offer Soa’s ruby in payment. This, need- j really being married It even came into less to say, he was not anxious to do. bls mind as he looked upon the loveliness Moreover, no ono would believe a stone of of the mock bride at his side that a worse that size to be genuine. But of all this he fate might befall liim. Then of a sudden showed nothing in bis face; but, turning an incident happened that brought hint to coolly, he called to a slave girl to bring a sense of the facts. The priest had no him spirits and busied himself with filling brush with which to sprinkle the conse­ his glass. His hand never trembled, for crated water and looked round for a sub­ This extre- Constipation, or linary iie- ho knew well that his antagonist was stitute. Dizziness, juvouator is “ Here, take this, ” said Pereira, with an watching for a cue, and if he showed un­ Faffing Sen­ tho most certainty all might be lost. But in his ugly laugh, as be snatched a throe thonged wonderful sations, Nerv­ slave whip from the hand of a man who ous twitching discovery of heart Leonard wondered what he should of the eyes stood by and handed it to Francisco. Ho the age. It do if another ounce was bid. and other um been en­ took the scourge which was stained with Meanwhile the spectators were shouting puts. dorsed b7 the blood, dipped it into the basin and scat ­ encouragement, and Pereira was urging lendingscien- etrergtheas, ttfic men of tered the holy drops upon them —drops of i n v i g orates Xavier to increase his offer. For awhile Europe and and tones the blood and water. Juanna saw and shiver ­ the Portugee hesitated, surveying Ju­ America. entiresystem. anna, who stood pale aud silent, her head ed, and Leonard awoke from his dream— Kudy&n is Hudyan cures Debility, bowed upon her breast. At this juncture the farce was played. Now he must try to Nervousness, Leonard turned, the gloss still in his baud. escape. “There, that is finished, Dom Hudyan stops Emissions, Antonio, ” he said, “ and I think I heard “Did you make any advance, senor?” and develop« > Premhirmss this lady whisper that with your permis­ of aud restores he asked. the dir- weak ergons. “No, curse you. Take her. I will not sion we will bid you good night. My charge in 20 Pains in the uays. Cites canoe ” — put down another ounce for her or any back, losses LOST “Nonsense, you will stop here tonight,” woman on the earth.” by day or nightstopped MANHOOD Leonard only smiled and looked at said Pereira. “Thanks, I think not,” said Leonard. Pereira. “Going!” said that worthy. “Thewhlto “Tomorrow I may return to do a little girl, Juanna, is going to the stranger business of another kind. I have a com­ Pierre for 120 ounces of gold. Going! mission for about 50, at a good price for Over 2,000 private c ndorscmetit.*. Come, Xavier, don't lose her. If you lo, the right sort. ” A3 Leonard spoke thus, quickly. Pre-aaturene® means hnootency in the first you will only be sorry once, and that will glancing to the east, be saw dense masses stage. It is a symptom of seminal weakness be always. Now for the last time, ” and he of vapor rising into the air about half a and barrennes«. It can be s.opped in 20 days lifted the glass in hi3 hand and paused. mile away. The damp reeds had been fired by the use of Hudyan. new discovery was mzdo by the Speciai- Xavier made a step forward and opened at last. The settlement men had not failed lst- The ot the old iam .us Hudson Medical Institute. his lips to speak. Leonard’s heart stood in their tasK, and soon the flames would It is the strongest vitalize» made. It is very still, but presently the Portugee changed be discovered. He must be gone and powerful, but barynksR. Ro'd for it 00 a ps-ck- ageord packages for E.i-JLl. i. realed boxes). swiftly. his mind and turned away. Written guarantee give;: Zci a earn I f you buy “Gone!” screamed Pereira, bringing the “Well, If you must, you must," answer six boxes and are pet ci red. six more glass down so heavily on the arm of his ed Pereira. And Leonard observed that will be sent to you five cftulcl atzta. Betid for chculeriand. testimonials Address chair that it flew into fragments. he looked relieved as he said it. He did not Hfb-GN MEDICAL INSTITUTE, know the reason at the time. It was this: I uuctlon Stockton, Market A till, St* CHAPTER VIII. Juanua had told him that the man who San Francisco, Cal. “Gone!” said Perejra agairr_ “And bought her woul4 find his death in it, Hv Mexican Mustang Liniment