Yamhill County Reporter. essential to the restoration of the na­ tional finances to a healthy condition. I am also confident that the republican party, when it secures control of all the branches of the national government, will solve the economic and financial problems now before the country in a way that will restore prosperity to all the great industries of the nation. I do not think it necessar.v at this time to outline a specific scheme of financial leg­ islation which I would support. I do not wish to make any expression that would limit my entire freedom of judgment and action upon such measures as may be proposed. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Th ob . F. Oake», Henry C. Payne, Henry C. Rouse, Receiver«. SHERIFF'S SALE. The Only The remains of Frederick Douglass will find resting place at Rochester. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for The drouth in Nebraska was brok-1 Great and thoroughly re­ 1 Yamhill county. The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance 1 liable building-up medicine, Company. Subscription $1.00 Per Year. en bv a heavy rain on the 25th—the <4 corporation) plain I I tiff, nerve tonic, vitalizer and heaviest that has fallen in the state vs. advertising rates . Leviua A Watt. John L Watt. Ar- I for a year. lington Boise Watt. L. K. Watt, | Reading notices tn local columns 10 cent« per his wife, Earl Bryant Watt. Ma­ line fur first weex and 5 cent« per line thereafter. Distress is reported so widespread ! ry Carrie Watt, w L. Boise, as Display advertisements annual rate», one inch administrator. the county of per mouth si. e a it additional inch 50 cents per in England that a loan of five million Yamhill. J. R. Jonah, Mary Jane pnsritb. Jonah. George A Maudox, the Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding pounds will be necessary to tide over : X Town of Amity, Ira L. Martin. 10 lines published free. If furnished in time to Grace I. Martin. Mary E Cook, I be current news. Additional matter 10 cent'per the needs of the unemployed. Before the people today, and E W Rea. MaryC. Rea, P. I ’ , i line. Durant, Emma Durant, John E. I which stands preeminently I i Warner, The president on the 23<1 nomin­ Lltlle C. Warner, his . ] wife, Alonzo Miller, Louatle I above all other medicines, is ated Senator Matt. W. Ransom of | FRIDAY, MAR. 1, 1805. ! Miller and W. L. Elwood, de- , j fendants. North Carolina for minister to Mex-j Y virtue of an execution, judgment, order and ico to succeed the late Isaac P. I decree and order of sale issued out of and A QLESTION OF POLICY. under the seal of the circuit court of the state of • • • cl f • • • T he signs of the times point hope­ Oregon, for the county of Yamhill, to me direct­ Gray. ed and delivered, dated the 24th day of January. fully toward international bimetal- Will the McMinnville R eporter , or 1895. utKin u judgment and decree rendered atid John L. Sullivan's theatrical com­ , entered on the 25th day of September. 1894, in ism. We believe that with the co­ some other goldbug paper, tell us where favor of the plaintiff above named, and against pany is defunct and he has had his operation of Germany, France and the secretary of the treasury gets his the defendants above named, for the sunt of It has won its hold upon the I *18,332.80 wearing apparel seized by the sheriff [ w ith interest thereon at the rate of eight the United States it could be estab­ legal authority for paying the interest in | per cent per anuutii from September 25th. 18'34. hearts of the people by its on attachment for a debt due one of | and the further of *750.00 attorneys’ fees, and gold, to the exclusion of silver, on gov. lished on the old ratio. But there PT. PAUL own absolute intrinsic merit. I the further sum sum of *213.65 with interest thereon the lady members. ernment bonds issued and made payable at the rate of eight per cent per annum from are indications also that England is It is not what we say, but MINNEAPOLIS June 20th, 1834, aud the further sum of *50.10, A vote of the republican members I and disbursements and accruing costs of about ready to take a hand. The in­ in “coin?”—[North Y’arahill Record. what Hood’s Sarsaparilla costs DULUTH and upon this writ, and directing the sale of the It is a hopeful sign when the lead­ of the Kansas legislature Saturday 1 hereinafter described real property to pay and terests of silver, however, prospered does that tells the story: — satisfy FARGO_______ said judgment and decree, I did, on the ers of the people, the newspapers, on presidential preference showed; for a good many years without her 22d day of January, 180.5, duly levy upon all the GRAND FORKS right, title and interest which the said defendants seek information. We are all ignor­ McKinley far in the lead, but a con-1 TO favor. The debates in congress over or either of them had oil the 1st day ot January, ant, more or less, as to the great fessed growing admiration of Reed. lt>89, (the date of plaintiff's mortgage) or has CROOKSTON Mr. Cleveland’s new loan and the since hail, as in said decree adjudged, in and to financial question, and should be as WINNIPEG Even when all other prepar­ Situated the following described real property, to-tvit: France’s cabinet has made an other measures proposed for the re­ in the county of Yamhill. In the state of willing to learn as to give instruc­ order in council forbidding the im­ ations and prescriptions fail. Oregon: The donation land claim of John Watt HELLEN'A and lief of the country, seem to have and Mary Watt, both deceased, claim number 73, tion. To answer the Record'» ques­ portation of American cattle into “ Formerly every year I had an erup ­ notification twelve hundred and seventy-three BUTTE awakened keener interest in this [12731. being parts of sections twenty [20], twenty- tion briefly, the secretary does not France on account of the Texas fever tion on my body, and a kind ot biting one ...... rjij antl twenty-nine [29], containing six country than the coinage and na­ pain besides. I have had It now for 1 hundred _____ forty-two ... . ____________________ mid nine hundredths _ [642.09] ____ , need any special legal authority to and pleura-pneumonia, with which tional finance questions have hither­ acres, — .•res, more or less. four years every summer, but since I pay interest in gold on bonds pay ­ Also the donation land claim of Benjamin S. they are alleged to be infected. CHICAGO to enjoyed. began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla I Burch " and Mary Jane Burch, his wife, LL claim ■ ------------------- able in “coin.” Gold is pretty good 172], notification number have had no trace of it. I have taken number seventy-two [72], WASHINGTON >•* An attempt was made to prevent twelve and fiity-six ----- . hundred .. -------------- tty-six [1256], in sections coin. He does not exclude silver seven bottles. ” F red F oster , 3101 twenty [ [20J, PHILADELPHIA j OJ, twenty-one [21], twenty-two [22], F ifty - three senate bills and forty- Robert G Ingersoll from lecturing twenty-seven [27] and twenty-eight [28], contain­ Black St., Denver, Colorado. We Have The NEW YORK ing six hundred and forty-four and 95-100 [W4.95J [044.95] five house bills were passed by both from the payments, if the bondholder in the Hoboken, N. J. theater on acres, more or less. BOSTON AND ALL desires silver. Neither does he in ­ houses and have gone to the govern­ Also the southeast quarter (1-4) of the southeast Sunday. The mayor decreed to that POINTS EAST and SOUTH quarter (14) and the southwest quarter (14) of sist upon paying silver to ths ex ­ or for his signature. Some of the the southeast quarter (1-4) and the southeast effect, but afterwards withdrew it, For information, time cards, maps or Hnnrl’c Dille are tasteless, mild. efiec- quarter (1-4) of the southwest quarter (1-4) and important ones are. Repealing the clusion of gold. The secretary has and the atheist proceeded with his llUOCl » rollio AU druggists. tickets, call on or write southwest quarter (14) of the southwest quarter (1-4) in section sixteen (13). Also thirty-seven (37) jute-mill act. Fixing the age of undoubted legal authority to pay its lecture along tempered lines. acres of lot three (3) of section seventeen (17). C. H. FLEMING. Agent. coin obligations in silver and to re ­ All above described ill sections sixteen (16) aud consent of females at 16. This is M c M innville . Rev. John A. Watterson, Catholic which Wood worth firmly adheres to seventeen (17), containing one hundred ninety­ fuse gold, but the question is not as (197) acres. In all fourteen hundred, Hats, Shoes, Furnishing Goods. better than formerly, but it is still as a good method of reasoning both seven bishop of the Columbus, O., diocese, A.D.CHARLTON, Asst Gen.Pas.Agt. eighty-tour aud 4-100 (1484.04) acres, more or less, two years too low. Providing that to his legal authority, but as to what addressed a big meeting of the for science and for Christianity. save and except Watt’s addition to the town of 265 MORRISON ST., COH 3D. Amity, covering about thirty-ono (31) acres of would most likely happen if he pur ­ debtors may redeem property one PORTLAND. ORECON. John Watt’s aud Mary Watt’s donation land The bill to prevent the manufac ­ Young Men's Christian Association The whole of the above described land year after judgment sale. Creating sued that course either from choice at Columbus on Sunday, being the ture, sale or other distribution of claim. being in township five (5) south, range four (4) of Willamette meridian. 6th and 8th judicial districts. Re­ or necessity. The government would first case of the kind on record. He cigarettes has passed both branches west As well as upon each end all of the several EAST AND SOUTH tracts hereinafter described. quiring executorsand administrators have to abandon its policy of main­ received a generous welcome. of the California legislature and has Now therefore, by virtue of said execu­ VIA taining the two metals at parity, and to report to county court in April tion. judgment, decree and order of sale, been sent to the governor for his and in obedience to the commands of said and October of each year. Taxing every dollar in the hands of the peo­ Prof. Wagner of Vienna promul­ approval. writ, I will on Saturday, the 2d dav of gates a new cure for insanity. He ple, except gold, would depreciate to insurance companies. Lieu land act. March, 1895, at the hour of one o’clock p. We Make The OF THE Postmaster-General Bissell re- injects Koch ’ s tuberculine, causing a ui. of said day, at the court house door in This is the bill of Representative the extent of half its value. The the city of McMinnville, Yamhill county, signed from the cabinet on the 27th. fever, after which the insanity is Daly. Authorizing the governor to reason that a silver dollar passes Oregon, sell, subject to redemption as pro­ His reason for so doing is that his vided by law, at public auction to the lease, by contract, convict labor at current for the full value of a gold diminished. He repeated the treat­ bidder for cash in hand, the real ment a few times, each injection law’ practice at Buffalo demands his highest Express Trains Leave Portland Daily property above described, and all the right not less than 35 cents a day. dollar, while containing less than lessening the insanity until event­ attention. There is but little doubt title and interest which the above named LEAVE? ARRIVE half the value of metal, rests upon Creating liens on horses for shoeing. Portland.......... 6:15 P M | San Francisco.. 10:45 A M or either of them had on the that Representative Wilson of West defendants, ually it vanished. 5tn Francisco. 7:00 P M I Portland............ 8:20 A M the declared policy of the govern ­ first day of January, 1889, or have since The lien follows the horse into the had therein, and in the following order, Above trains stop at all stations from Portland to Oklahoma’s legislature has agreed Virginia will be his successor. hands of the purchasers. It takes ment to keep all our dollars—gold, that is to gay : the whole of the sold lands Albany inclusive. Also Tangent, 3hedds, Hal­ The papal edict advising Catholics silver and paper — equal in purchas ­ last above described, excepting then from to push through a bill providing for sey. Harrisburg, Junction City, Irving. Eugene precedence of mortgages, bills of certain lots and parts of lots and blocks, and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland inclu­ sive. sale, and the animal may be sold as ing power. It can only keep them so calling a constitutional conven­ against affiliation with Odd Fellows, laid off therefrom since the date of plain­ tiffs mortgage as Joseph Watt’s second iloeeburg Hail Daily. with other lien laws. Amending the by making them convertible. It is for tion next summer and the election of Sons of Temperance and Knights of addition to the town of Amity, Yamhill LEAVE: ARRIVE: Pythias under pain of disbarment this purpose -that the* treasury un ­ a full complement of state officers county, Oregon, and certain other Portland......... 8:30 AM | Roseburg 750 PM ballot law by providing that a candi­ Roseburg . 7:00 AM | Portlanu 4.30 PNf tracts' sold therefrom since the date of date’s name may appear in only one dertakes to maintain a gold reserve and congressmen next fall, so as to from the sacraments of the church, plaintiffs mortgage, as specifically set DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. place on the ballot, however many of $100,000,000. If you present be ready for immediate statehood on has been ordered enforced by Arch­ forth in said judgment, decree and order of sale, and in said writ as follows: bishop Corrigan in New York city. silver at the treasury you can ex ­ the assembling of the next congress. PULLMHN * BUFFET^ parties may have endorsed him, and First—Beginning at the northeast corner of John E. Warner's land and running Among the passengers on the SLEEPERS with description of party limited to change it for greenbacks or treasury thence north 1.38 chains; thence west 7.28 T he legislature lacked the sand to chains three words. The voter is to mark notes, and you can present these steamer La Champagne which ar­ to west line of the John Watt dona­ tion land claim, thence along said line 1.38 SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, at the left of the name he wants to latter and get the gold in exchange. rived in New York Sunday were the repeal the railroad commission law chains; thence east 7.28 chains to the or to appoint new commissioners. Now, to go back to the interest on Attached to all Through Trains. place of beginning, containing one acre. father, mother and brother of Count vote for, instead of as now, scratch­ Second—Lots 8 and 9, in block 2, in said So the old members hold over and [West Side Division. coin bonds, if the treasury should Miss de Castalane, who is to wed ing out the others. Protecting fish second addition. BETWEEN’ PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS and game. This is wholly a sports­ pay in silver and the holder desired Anna Gould on March 6th. The will continue to draw salaries for Third—Beginning CO feet west of the northwest corner of block 8 in Joseph Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) being pulled around in special coaches man’s measure, similar to the present gold, all he would have to do would amount of duty said to have been Watt’s second addition to the town of furnished by the railroad companies “ :Jo AM I iX Portland Ar I 5:35 P KI be to exchange his silver for green ­ Amity; thence west 7.28 chains; thence paid upon the presents and other game law, and provides for the ap­ 10:15. A M | Lv McMinnville I.v 3-O1 P M south’4.14 chains; thence east 7.28 chains and doing nothing inimical to the backs or treasury notes and these t?15 P M | Ar < .i I 1 «i p M articles brought by the De Cas- pointment by the governor of a fish and thence north 4.14 chains to the place interests of the latter. of beginning, containing 3 acres for gold. The treasury avoids all At Albany and Corvallis connect with and game protector with 12000 salary talanes was $2,500. Fourth—Lots 6 and 7 of block 3, in said trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad, second addition. and 1500 expenses yearly. The close this bother by paying out gold in the The men employed on the Panama A memorial of the legislature to Fifth—Lot8, of block 3, in said second Express Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) season for elk, moose and mountain first instance. canal are abandoning work. Even congress, asking the immediate set­ addition U‘> P M Lv Pori laud Ár S 25 A M Sixth—Lot 4 of block 5, in said second sheep is put from December 1 to Au­ those in greatest need refuse to ac­ tlement of claims of citizens of the addition. 7:15 P M Lv St. Joseph Lv 58 A M A Foollah Riot. 7:25 P M Ar McMinnville Lv 5 7) A M gust 1. Spotted fawn may be killed Seventh — Lot 1 of block 5, in said cept the low wages offered to re­ northwest for property used or de­ second addition. The city of Savannah, Ga , was the place the strikers. Now it is rum­ at no time; deer at no time unless Through Tickets t > all points in Eastern stroyed in the Indian war of 1855 Eighth—Lots 10 and 11 of block 3, in States. I'anadn and Europe can be obtained at scene of a riot by excited Catholics used or sold for food. Close season ored that it is the purpose of the and 1856, has been approved by the said second addition. lowest rates from G A. W tlcox Agent, McMinn Ninth — Beginning at the northwest corn ­ Tuesday evening The city had vllle. E. P. r.OGERS, for grouse, pheasants, etc., Decem­ company to put wages so low that governor and forwarded to senators er of the John Watt donation iandclaim, Asst. G. F. & P A., Portland, Or. In this country brings cold weather. Cold weather R. KOEHLER. Manager. thence south 20 rods to post; thence east ber 1 to September 1. Denny been liberally placarded with notices men cannot accept, to have a pre­ and representatives in congress. 80 rods to county road; thence 20 rods means much fuel. A first-class stove is the most pheasants at no time east of the that ex-priest Slattery and his wife, text for not continuing work until a along county road to post; thence These claims as estimated by the north west 80 rods to beginning, containing 10 economical luxury on earth. In fact it will put dollars Cascades; birds may be killed be­ described as an ex-nun, would lec­ fresh supply of funds comes from original board of appraisers, amount­ acres. in the owner's pocket by saving fuel. tween October 15 and November 15. ture on Catholicism. Members of France. Tenth—Lots 9 and 12 in block 3 in said ed to something over $6,000,000, but second addition. Cold storage is prohibited in close the Ancient Order of Hibernians at The North German Lloyd Steam­ have been scaled down one-half since Eleventh—Beginning in the center of seasons. Sink boxes, flashlights, once took steps to prevent their ap­ ship Company has engaged nine Ash swale cn the east line of John Watt’s that time, and now amount to some­ donation E. McNEILL, Receiver. land claim, and running thence blinds, etc., are prohibited. Dams pearance. Petitions were circulated divers to attempt to recover the thing over $3,000,000. due south 48 rods to post; thence west 18 TO THE rods to county road; thence north 36 rods must have fishways. Fines are from asking Mayor Meyers to refuse per­ mails from the foundered steamer to center of Ash swale; thence along creek 125 to 1200, and in case of nonpay­ mission to the ex-priest to hold his Elbe. The vessel lies in water 120 The Dalles has a smallpox scare. 17 rods and 20 links to the place of be­ ment they may be liquidated by lecture. When it was presented to feet deep, and two or three mail bags There is a case in the city, well ginning. Are handsome in design and finish. Are splendid All of said lots, blocks and tracts being imprisonment at the rate of $2aday. the mayor by the committee he from her have been washed ashore I quarantined and carefully watched a [Hirtion of the real property described in heaters. Are great savers of fuel. Are what you want. Half of the net incomes from fines handed them a written opinion from on the English coast. The estimated medically, and yet, in spite of the plaintiffs said mortgage and' being situate GIVES THE CHOICE OF tn Yamhill county,Oregon after costs are deducted go to in­ the corporation, attorney to the value of the mail is $90,000. Be- assurance made at a public meeting That if any deficiency remain of the TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL plaintiffs said claim after the sale of the HODSON sells Shelf and Heavy Hardware. effect that he, as mayor, had no sides wages, the company has al- j by the leading physician of the city formers. real property first herein described, ex He also sells Paints and Builders ’ Supplies. power to abridge the right of speech therefrom the lots, blocks, tracts lotted the sum of $2,500 for the re­ that there was no danger of infec­ cepting He carries a Large Line of the Best Tinware. and parcels herein last described, then, I T he legislature succeeded during guaranteed by the constitution of covery of valuables in the steamer. tion, a resolution was passed re­ will at the time and place and upon and He runs a Tin Shop In Connection with Store. the United States and Georgia. subject to the terms and in the manner the final quarter hour of its session questing the board of health to re ­ hereinbefore set forth,sell thesaidexcepted Influenza has taken a firm hold all in bringing itself to a focus on the In bis opinion, the city attorney move all persons in the quarantined tracts separately to pay and satisfy such question of a United States senator. said, there could be no disorder or over England. Many public men house beyond the city limits. A deficiency, and in the order in which said exceptions are numbered respectively from I George W. McBride of Columbia trouble if those who were offended are down with the complaint. number of the citizens are sprink­ and inclusive of exception first, to and Among the most prominent are the inclusive of exception eleventh, or so much county received the full republican by Slattery’s remarks would stay ling the sidewalks with carbolic acid, thereof as may be necessary to pay and Prince of Wales and Prime Minister vote of 72 on the 60th ballot. The away from his lecture. “I cannot says the Chronicle, and othei- mix­ satisfy said writ with costs and accruing successor is well known to the people stop this man from lecturing,” said Rosebery. Three-fourths of the tures that make a smell the like of costs. SPOKANE DENVER Dated at McMinnville, Oregon, January of Oregon from being secretary of the mayor, who is a Hebrew, “but I house of commons and a large num- which is not smelled every day. 29th, 1895. Minneapolis OMAHA W G HENDERSON, state during the period from 1886 to can prevent disorder and I will do | ber of the members of the house of Sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon. AND AND I lords are suffering. Many are con­ the first of the present year. Pre­ so.” The greatest pandemonium McMinn­ ST. PAUL KANSAS CY fined to their rooms. Actors Irving ville streets have had since the last si.n.riONS vious to that time, 1882, he was Fifteen policemen were stationed and Toole were obliged to cancel circus, occurred Wednesday evening, elected to the legislature and be­ inside the hall and thirty others LOW RATES TO ALL came speaker of the house. He is were massed in front, By 7 o’clock their engagements on account of when the minstrel band and the Salva­ In the circuit court of the State of Oregon for EASTERN CITIES. county. what may be called a popular man, several hundred had collected. By sickness, as also ex-Minister Balfour. tion Army horns clashed on the evening ’ ’ Yamhill Mary J. Duffy, plaintiff', 1 OCEAN STEAMERS vs. being noted for his affability and 8 o’clock a howling mob of over The health reports from Hamburg air, and vied with each other as to which i Walter L. French, Nathan could make the most noise. The cheers Leave Portland Every 8 Days show 930 cases of influenza. il French, Mary E. French. Na­ pleasant address. His special quali­ 15,000 surrounded Masonic hall. In I ¡1 than Schloss, Michael Schloss, of the crowd lent to the din. • • POF? • • I Julius Schloss, Jonas Schloss, fications for the office of senator, be­ the hall were an audience of about Woodruff, the ex-state treasurer Laura J. Schloss aud George SJ yond the fact of bis being a staunch 400, including a number of ladies. i of Arkansas, was convicted on the [ This month is more for preparation than for actual conflict. H. Pistle, defendants. Schloss, ________ Michael To Waller L. French, Nathan L_____ February is the dullest month of the year everywhere, but ‘ | and true republican, were probably The lecturer had hardly begun before 25th of false pretenses in obtaining ■ Schiosa, Julius Schloss, Jonas Schloss, Laura J. what is now a business zephyr will soon blow into a cyclone. air and beautiful | Schloss aud Meo. H Pistle, defendants above the least taken into consideration. brickbats and cobblestones began to the signatures of the state board to i —the woman who keeps | named; N the name of the state of Oregon you and For full details call on But the general opinion is that it rain on the windows. The police an order to sell script. The pun- at a distance the com­ each of you are hereby notified aud required C. A. WALLACE, McMinnville, Or. plexion beautifiers, 1 to appear and answer the complaint tiled against was a happy solution of the question had closed all the heavy shutters | ishment was fixed at one year’s im-! 9 paints and powders, you and the other defendants In the above enti­ Or Address and that he will rise equal to the thus saving the audience from injury, I prisonment. This is the fourth trial | which soon ruin the face. tled court by the first day of the term following W. II Ilt RLBlHT, expiration ofthe time prescribed in the order A healthy glow to the the publication occasion, as he has in other positions only two or three being injured by of the famous case, and has cost the | Gen. Pass. Agt. of this summons, to-wit, Monday, Is prepared for this business revival. Its stock of groceries skin, a face without for ,1 the 25lh day of March, A. D. 1895, aud if you fall l’OltTLA5D, OK. is kept fresh and up to date. Our’s is no “original package” wrinkles, and sparkling so to appear or answer, for want thereof the of trust and honor. It becomes the falling glass. The rest of the police state nearly $50,000. Woodruff was J [fl eyes, will be yours if you plaintiff will apply to said court tor the relief store. You are as safe in having your purchases weighed and source of some local pride and satis­ force was called out and fifty men tried in 1891 on the charge of em-1 '|| keep the system and the | prayed for In her complaint, to-wit: For a judg- done up by us as to get them in original packages. We have . « special internal organs | ineut and decree against the deteudaut Walter faction to note the fact that the new were soon in front of the hall. The bezzlement, the jury failing to reach LOCAL DIRECTORY. beard of places where you cannot do this. [ L. French for the sum of 85,000.00, with Interest in good condition. The young girl, or wo­ at the rate of 9 per cent per annum from senator was born in Yamhill county, mob made rushes to secure an en­ a verdict. He was next tried in man, often grows pale, wrinkied and thin, thereon 21st day of June, 1894, and for her costsand • • • CHURCHES little, everything wearies her, she com­ the disbursements of suit, and the further sum of again verifying the truth that the trance but were driven back by the 1892 on the same charge, and the eats plains of herself as aching and sore and as *500.00 attorneys’ fees in said suit, aud for the sum B aptist —Services Sunday 11 a. m. and Our aim is to Please and Satisfy. Come and see us. stars which rule the fate of states­ police. Before 9 o’clock the mob had , trial again resulted in a hung jury, sleeping poorly. Often she is troubled with of 822 50, with Interest thereon from February 2d, 7.'30p. m ; Sunday school9:50a in.; the or a tender spine, with a bearing­ 1895. aud for a decree foreclosing the mortgage young people’s society 6:15 p m Prayer men and scholars have their focal grown to between 3,000 and 4,000. standing ten to two for conviction. backache, down weight in the abdomen, or at periods pleaded in the complaint, aud for an order ot sale meeting Thursday 7:30 p. tn. Covenant of the mortgaged real premises, to-wit: she may be irregular, or suffer extreme pain centers within the classic precincts Window after window in the Masonic In 1893 he was tried on the charge of from functional derangements. meeting first Sat each month 2:00 p. tn. Situate in Yamhill cour.ty, State of Oregon, and E. B. P ace , Pastor. the s hf of the 8 hf ot the original donation misappropriating state funds and Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to | being of this famous agricultural region. temple was broken. land claim of Thomas Hibbard aud wife, claim M ethodist E piscopal —Services every the Invalids ’ Hotel and Surgical Institute,of | No. 52, Notification 1425. in township three (3) Senator McBride, a son of Dr. Jame6 Sabbath 11:00 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday At the close of the lecture, when 1 was acquitted. His bondsmen have Buffalo, N. Y., in his long and active experi­ [ south of range three (3) west of the Willamette school 9 :30 a m. Praver meeting 7:00 p more particularly described as follows: McBride, a pioneer resident of this the ex-priest was about to leave the paid into the treasury $100,000 on ence, met many cases of this kind, for which | meridian, tn. Thursday. L ee T hompson , Pastor. he used a prescription which was found to Commencing at the southeast corner of said do­ land claim, thence north on the east line county, was born on what is known hall with his friends, the chief of account of his defalcations. cure such difficulties permanently in ninety- nation C umb . P resbyterian — Services every Sab­ said donation lami claim '23.25 chains, thence eight per cent, of all cases. Having proven of as the Glenbrook farm about seven police stopped them and refused to west parallel the south line of said claim to bath 11:00 a ni and 7:30 p. m. Sunday The expulsion of Professor Charles so successful. Dr. Pierce put his “ Favorite j a point on the with west line of said claim 23.25 chains G REAT • • • • school 9:30 a. tn. Y. P. C. £., Sunday 6 30 miles northwest ot this city in 1854. allow any one to go down the stairs. W. Woodworth and Student Maxwell Prescription ’ ’ on the market, and it is to-day north of the southwest corner ot said claim, p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7 :3O p. ui. more largely than any other medicine thence south 23.25 chains to the southwest corner E E. T hompson , Pastor. In 1867 his parents removed toj St. The military alarm, eleven taps on from the First Baptist church of sold orthern of said claim, thence east on the south line of for the ills of woman. said claim tothe place of beginning, containing C hristian —Services every Sabbath 11:00 Helens in Columbia county. He re­ all the fire bells in the city, was sent Berkeley, Cal., for heresy is creating For all functional derangements, displace, ! I 160 more or less. Also the homestead claim ailway THE SHORT ROUTE ments, ulceration, inflammation, and the No. acres a. xu and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10 728 of Richard 8. Johnson, described as the ceived his education in the Christian in, but when it sounded, the mob de­ much contention in that university | catarrhal drain from the lining membranes • [ west a. m. Young people’s meeting at 6 30 p. tn. half of the northeast quarter and the south­ And O. R. a N. Co.’i Leased Lines. TO ALL POINTS IN of the special internal organs of women, Dr. J ames C ampbell , Pastor college and Willamette university, rided it. “Bring on your military,” town. The charges against Wood­ Pierce’s Favorite Prescription reaches the west quarter of the southeast quarter, and lot- two (2;, three (3) and four (4) of section twentys S t . J ames C atholic —First st., between studied law for three years, but gave some of the leaders shouted. “To worth were that he had stated in origin of the trouble, and‘corrects it nine (29) in township three (3) south of range G and H. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Ves­ Washington, Idaho, Montana, Dakota, three (3) west of the Willamette meridian, con­ up the profession on accou^. of ill hell with them, they can't save Slat­ writing that the bible contained pers 7 30. Services once a month. c^o^Franh/ort, a., taining 173.17 acres, more or less. Also the north T. B kiody . Pastor. west quarter of the northeast quarter of section Minnesota and the East. health, and afterward engaged in tery.” Eleven companies of the many errors of history and geology, twenty-nine (29) in said township and range, con­ Xuedfofemlte taining 40 acres, more or less, and being part of SECRET ORDERS merchandising. He has been an militia were soon on the ground and and that “the trinity are only three tt~Me^ndaffertedmy Through Tickets On Sale I CHICAGO I the homestead claim No 710 of Nicolas Carlin. ST. LOUIS NEW YORK I K nowles C hapter N o . 12, O. E. 8 — Meets a And for a decree barring and foreclosing said To and From.................. Ì WASHINGTON invalid for many years. As to the with fixed bayonets pushed the crowd of the many manifestations of God.” year ago, i took chilis, Mawuic hall the first aud third Monday eveuyig detendants and each of them, and all persons PHILADELPHIA BOSTON I In each month. Visiting members cordially in- . ... , t n • A I had one or two a month; [ claiming by, through or under them or either of position Senator McBride will as­ back. Finally, Slattery was escort­ __ I vited. C. H MCKINNEY'. Sec. WoodWOrtll maintained that Christ in Utt-., . Golden Medical Dis­ Estate Mortgages, etc., always on sale at can platform. 1 believe that a return to the same to be paid for when the nocence.” The latter statement in­ or,...«. L. T. L. at 3 p. m. n r^vAVtv A. H. PAPE, Agent, McMinnville, Oregon. covery." My weight has • increased, and I feel M bs . H. F. A llen , Pre*. Or C. C. DON AVAN, General Agent,.122 Third St., Portland, Ore. volved the question of evolution, | better aud Monter than I liave for years." this office. tf the republican policy of protection is crop is harvested. C lara O. E sson , Sec y. F. il. BIH5HART, Fdilor« Propr. J. G. ECK H AN, Associate Editor. 0RTHER1T PACIFIC R. R. Blood Purifier u AASRIVIZSTG DAILY HOOD’S Sarsaparilla B s Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars KAY & TODD’S. Hood’s Cures THROUGH TICKETS TO Cet HOOD’S LATEST NOVELTIES IN GLOTHING The Shasta Route Priées to Suit the Times. Examine our prices before purchasing elsewhere. KRY & TODD. A NORTH WIND 0. R. & N. CO. HODSON'S STOVES A CS’F E Call in and see O. O. HODSON. ROUTES mT d ni E PASH IT. The hull that Precedes the Storm. SAN + FRANCISCO I THE RED FROHT N The New Way East R