The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, February 01, 1895, Image 4

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    6 w, 160 acres.......................
Frank, C G e4 of nw qr and
w hf of e hf of sec 36, t 5 s r
9 w 220.32 acres.................
Gaston, Joseph that part of
the A Matteson d lc in Yam­
y virtue of a warrant issued out
of the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Yamhill county, to me directed, bearing date hill county, con 175 acres in
sec 2 t 2 8 r 4 w and lots 7,
of November 27th. iS94. and issued under the
seal oi said court, commanding me in the name
8, and 9 of sec 2 t 2 8 r 4 w,
of the state of Oregon to levy upon and make
41 acres and also lots 6, 7, 8,
sale of the good» and chattels of such delinquent
Express Trains Ixiave Portland Daily
taxpayers In the delinquent tax-roll of said coun­
9, 10, 11, and nw qr of n e qr
for the year IBs:;, thereto attached, and if none
-- . . „ ty
of sec 12, t 2 s r 4 w 181
be found, then upon the real property as set
Portland.......... P M . an Francisco..**: k< A M
PM Portland..........A M forth aud described in the raid delinquent tax­
Ben Franc!
roil, or so much thereof as shall satisfy the
Above train!» stop at all stations from Portland to amount ot taxes as charged therein, together with Gibbs, Margaret W lots 1 and
AlbanyInöluMive Also Tangent. Rhedds Hal- the costs and expenses of making such sale. I
2 of sec 3 t 3 s r 2 w 40 acres
tey. Harr>.xurg. Junction City, Irving, Eigene have duly levied upon the following described
and all iution« from Eoaeburg to .Uhland inclu­ pieces and parcels of land as set forth in said Gottfield, Robert and Alf Her-
tax list lying and being in Yamhill County and
teg, the se qr of ne qrand ne
State of Oregon, described and assessed as
" fol-
Koieburj ?iaii Daily.
qr of se qr and lots 3 and 4
of sec 29 t 2 6 r 3 w 145.32
.8.56 AM i Roseburg
5 5uPM Allen, O V Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
Roseburg.. ..7:50 ?«.M Portiana
4.20 PM
7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, blk 1, lots
Grant, John com nt s w cor of
10, 11. 12, blk 3 and lots 10,
E G Edson d 1 c run n 29
11, 12, blk 4, Maple Park
chs, s 68 deg e 5.93 chs, s 61
t 15
add to Lafayette..
deg e 9.84 eha, s 234 deg e
Bain, John beg at a point 520
6.73 chs, s 15 deg e 5.05 ebs
ft n’iy from center of w end
s 55| deg w 5.92 chs, s
of 9th at in Dundee; thence
1 and 1-2 deg w 5.44 chs, s
run n’iy from beg point par­
15. deg w 4.82 chs n 72 deg
Attached to all Through Trains.
allel with st running n and s
w 10 49 chs, s 80 and 1-2
.West Side Division.
1080 ft; thence w’ly at right
deg w 2.40 chs to beg cou
angles 605 ft; s’ly 1080 ft;
40.13 acres in sec 5 t 5 s r
Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.)
thence e’ly to beg, 15 acres
4 w.........................................
in 13s, r 3 w ........................
15 Gray, Jennie sw qr of ne qr of
7 k> a Sr Tv
Ar I 5:35 P M
Lv 3:01 P M Brisbine, Samuel P com at se
10:15 A 11 Lv
sec 26, t 4 s r 6 w, 40 acres
Lv 1:00 P M
1215 P M ; Ar
cor of John Brisbine d 1 c
Griffin, Lucy lot 8 of referee’s
run n 213| rds, w 19.57 chs,
At Albany and Corvallis connect with
report as shown in circuit
trains oi Oregon Pacific Railroad,
b 213| rds, e 19.57 chs to beg
court journal vol 5, page
106 acres in sec 28-33, t 2 s,
433, being part of Wm
Express Train Daily, (Except Sunday.)
r 3 w ................................... 19 65
Doughty d 1 c in sec 17, t 2
T ao P" M~L v
Ar |' 8:25 A M
s r 3 w and con 62.25 acres.
7!15 P M Lv
St. Joseph
Lv | 5:ai A M Brower, Byron and R L Stow
7:25 P M Ar
Lv | 55) A 51
lots 5, 6, 7 and s| lots 3 and
Harbough, Henry J lot 1 of
sec 7 t 3 s r 3 w 4.90 acres.
4 blk 10, Johns add to Mc­
Through Tickets toall points in Eastern
Minnville .............................. 62 15 Harker, Alfred lota 7 and 8 blk
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from G. A. Wilcox. Agent, McMinn- Buckingham, T C lot 1 of ex­
2 Everestsadd to Newberg.
hibit C as shown by circuit
Harnish, Clinton S com 120 ft
Asst. G. f. 4PA., Portland, Or.
K. KOEHLER, Manager.
court journal vol 1, page 511
n of se cor of blk 2 Sheridan,
20 acres in sec 10, t 2 s r 5 w
run w 80 ft n 18 ft e 80 ft s
Bufferty, W B and D ,H Grif­
18 ft to beg...........................
fin w| of se^ of sec 14 t 2 s r 4
Harris, Lizzie D and T J blk
3 25
w 80 acres .........................
65 in Lafayette
Bynum, Sarah E lot 4 of sec 3
Harrison, Clara E com at nw
1 05
12 s r 5 w, 23 acres.............
cor of lot 8 sec 3, t 5 s r 5 w
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Carlin, Thos ne| of ne$ of sec
runs 13 48 chs, e 8.16chs
28 t 3 8 r 3 w, 40 acres........ 10 45
n 13.48 chs w 8.16 chs to beg
I Carlsen, R H lot 43 of Hurleys
11 acres. .............................
Fruit land sub of the Hess
Harris, Fred L commence
claim in t 3 s r 2 w, 5 acres.
where the s line of Samuel
| Carpenter, Louisa the w’ly | of
Cozine’s add to McMinnville
s| of B Esterbrook claim in
crosses Cozine creek, run
t 4 s, r 3 w, 53.30 acres, also
thence s 78 deg e 28 rds to
nJ of B Esterbrook d lc (ex­
w line of 0 <fc C R R right
cept 100 acres off e end sold
of way, thence s 10 deg w
to Malcolm Rvmal vol V,
17| rods thence n 78 deg
page 237 in t. 4 s r 3 w, 59.38
w 32 rds thence n 10 deg e
acres....................................... 15 30
10 rds to said Cozine creek
Carter, J D com on s b’dy of J
and thence down same to
B Rogers d lc 11 71 chs e
beg in sec 21, t 4 s r 4 w 3
from sw cor thereof, thence
acres. Tax for 1892 $1 05
n to a w cor of tract bonded
and for 1893 $12 80...........
to Lawson thence e to w line
Lindley M lot 6 and
of tract deeded Chas Barrett
n hf of lot 5 blk 9 Edwards
April 27, 1887, thence s to s
add to Newberg...................
DENVER b’dy of said d 1 c and thence
Hawthorne, J C lots 3 and 4
w to beg con 10 acres in t 3
OMAHA s r2 w..................................... 118 00 of see 17, t 5 s, r 5 w 3112
acres. ......................................
! Chamberlain, Franklin wjof
Hiatt, Lewis com at a point
ST. PAUL KANSAS CY of ntv| of sec 2 t 5 s r 7 w
bounded by the intersection
of the se side of Dayton and
3 95
164 acres...............................
I Chrisman, Camel E com s
Portland co road with w side
16.70 chs and e 17 chs from
of Blain st in Newberg, run
nw cor of Joel Chrisman
e 350 ft to center of 4th st
claim, thence n 74 degw 1
w along same 125 ft n 225 ft
Leave Portland Every 8 Days
ch, s76deg w 1 ch,s 74 deg e
to se line of said Dayton and
• • FOR • •
4 67 chs, n 16 deg e 6 chs to
Portland co road, n 45 deg e
beg, con 2 acres in sec 20, t
along same to beg (except
4 s, r 3 w.................................
125 ft by 154 ft sold in vol 27
! Christenson, Hans com 4 rds
page 3786) in t 3 s r 2 w,
n of se cor of Jos Hess d 1 c
also lot 8 blk 10 in Central
For full details call on
run n 68 J deg w 22 chs, n
add to Newberg...................
C. A. WALLACE, McMinnville, Or.
5 77chs, e20|chs, s 13.75chs
Hickey, Wm ne qr of se qr of
Or Address
to beg, con 2(1 acres in sec 13
sec 20,13 s, r 3 w 40 acres
t 3 s r 3 w
..................... 11 50 Hobson, Samuel lots 12 »nd 13
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Churchill, Richard B net of
blk A lots 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 11, 12,
3 25
sec 10, t 2 s r 5 w, 160 acres.
13, 14,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
Cone, T N com 8 16 chs e of
21, 22, 23, 24 blk B and lota
LOCAL DIRECTORY. ne cor of D B Kingery land
7,8,9,10,11, 12,13, 14,15,
and on sec line on s line of
16, 17, 18, 19, and n 20 ft of
W T Jones d 1 c, run s 61 38
lots 21 and 22 blk C Hob­
B aptist —Services Sunday 11 a. m. and
chs e 8.16 chs n 61.28 chs
sons add to Newberg, also
7:30 p.m ; Sunday school 9:50 a m.; the
com 94 rds e of nw cor of
young people’s society 6:15 p tn
3 and 10 t 5 s r 5 w,50acres
4 55
sec 17 t 3 s r 2 w run s 33|
meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Coveuant
meeting first Sat each month 2:00 p. in.
Connell, Catherine J lots 1, 2
rds e 10 rds n 33| rds w 10
E. B. P ack , Pastor.
blk 4, Bi bees add to Sheri­
rds to beg con 2 20 acres in
M ethodist EriscoraL—Services every
dan .........................................
sec 17t3sr 2 w.................
Sabbath 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. nt. Sunday Conner, Elias and J N Mc-
Hodgson.A com 38 rds e of nw
school 9:30 a m. Prayer meeting 7:00 p
Cane com 16 chs n of most
cor of Jesse Parrish die
tn. Thursday.
L ek T hompson , Pastor.
e’ly secor of Wm H McKune
run s 106j rds s 37 rds n
C umb . P resbyterian —Services every Sab- j
bath 11:00 a m and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
d 1 c, thence n 89 J deg w 40
86| rds e 16 rds n 29 rds and
school 9:30 a. m. Y. P. C. E.. Sunday 6:30
chs, thence n 19.37 chs
10 ft and w 16 rds and 11
p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
thence e 20 chs, thence s
f t s 9 rds and 10 ft and w
E E. T hompson , Pastor.
9.27 chs, thence s 89f deg
37 rds to beg 27j acres in
C hristian —Services every Sabbath 11:00
e 20 chs and thence s 25
sec 22 t 3 s r 2 w.................
a. m and 7:30 p. tu. Sunday school 10
a m. Young people’s meeting al 6:30 p. m.
links to beg con 19 39 acres
Hollister, J H lots 5 and 6 blk
S t . J ames C atholic —First st., between
in sec 5 t 6 s r 5 w.
5 80
3 Lafayette...........................
O and II. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Vts- Dell, Sidney lot 2 of referee's
Horrick,James E se qr of sw qr
pers 7:80. Services once a month.
report as shown by circuit
of sec 4 t 2 s r 4 w 40 acres
W. R. H ooan , Pastor
court journal vol 7, page 300
Investment Co, lots 2, 3,6, blk
containing 55 acres in sec
1 lots 5, 6, blk 2 lots 3, 4, 5,
K mowlis C hai - tee No, 12, O. E. S.—Meets a
35, t 2 s r 5 w.....................
3 25
Masonic hall the first and third Monday evening
6 blk 4 lots 3, 4, 7, 8, blk 5
tn each month. Visiting members cordially in­ Delashmutt, Van B el of ne|
lots 2, 3, 10, blk 6, lots 1, 2
of nei of sec 16,
blk 7 lots 3, 4, 5, 6, blk 8
ai.d nw| of 8wl of sec 14,
lot 5 blk 11, lot 3 blk 14 lots
C vster P ost No. »—Meets the second and fourth
Saturday of each month in Union hall at 7:30
and n| of se^ and ne^ of
3, 4, 7, 8 blk 16 lots I, 2, blk
p. m. on second Saturday and at 10:30 a. m. on
8»| and nw^of sw|of sec 15
sth Saturday. All members of the order are
17 lots 7, 8 blk 18 lots 1,2,5,
oordtally invited to attend our meetings
all in t 5 s r 6 w and con
6 blk 19 lots 3, 4, 7, 9, II, 14,
B. F. C lvbine , Commander.
320 acres............................... 17 GO
J. A. P eckham , Adjt.
16 blk 20 lots 2,3, blk 21
Delashmutt, Van B with H B
lots 5, 6, blk 22, lots I, 2, 6,
W. C T. U.—Meets on every Fri­
Oatmau the sj of EG Ed­
blk 23 lots I, 2, 3, blk 24
day, in Wright's hall at 3 o’clock p ru.
son d 1 c and lot 1 of sec 5
lots I, 4, blk 25 lot 2 blk 26
L. T. L. at 3 p. m.
and lot 4, sec 4 (except 40 12
M bs . A. J. W hitmore , Pres
lots 1,2, blk 29 lot 3 blk 31
acres to John Grunt vol 24
C lara G. E sbon , Sec’y.
lots 3, 4, 5, E, F, G blk 32
page 5636) con 326.08 acres
lots 3, 4 blk 33 lots 6, 8, blk
all in 15 s r 4 w, also com at
35 lot 3 blk 36 lots 1, 4, 5 blk
ne corner of Levi Bennitt’s
37 lots 7, 8 blk 40 lots 3, 4
land deeded vol R, page 188,
"\TOTICE la hereby given that the undersigned
blk 41 lots 3, 4,1, J, blk 42
11 as sherittof Yamhill county, state of Ore­
run e’ly on n line of W J
lots 1, 2, K, blk 43 lots 1, 2,
gon, under and by virtue ot an execution and
order of sale, duly issued out of the circuit court
3, 4, blk 45 lots 5,6, blk 46
of the state of Oregon, for the county of Yam­
river, thence up same to
lots I, 2, 3,4. blk 47, lots 5, 6,
hill, and to me directed as such sheritt, bearing
Bennett’s e line and n’iy
date of December 29th. 1B94. upon and to enforce
blk 48, lot 2 blk 50 lots 1, 2,
that certain decree of foreclosure and order oi
along same to beg, con 20
bik 51 lots 5, 6, 7, 8 blk 53
sale made by said court on the 25th day of Sep­
tember, 1814. in that certain suit therein pending
lotsl. 2, 3, 4, blk 54 lots 3,4,
wherein A. Kloster man was plaintiti and Whee­
4 w......................................... 103 CO
7, 8, blk 55 lots 1,2, 3,4, blk
lock Simmons and Ellen Simmons, bis wife, Dickey, John nw| of sw| and
and The McMinnville National Bank o: j
56, lots 5, 6, 7, 8. blk 59 lots
McMinnville, were défendants,
lot 8, sec 12, t 5 s r 7 w 60.90
1, 2,3,4, blk 60 lots 3, 4, blk
it was ordered, adjudged aud decreed I
by said court that the plaintiff. A. Kloster-1
61 all in Oak Park add to
man, recover of and ftom the defendant, Whee­ Dunzroff, Ferdinand com 20
McMinnville, Or.................
lock Simmons, the sum ot Five Huudred and
chs e and 12.62 chs s of |
Eighty and 12-liiOths Dollars ,$580.12) in United
I Johnson, Samuel W com 10
States gold coin, with interest thereon from the
post bet sec 15 and 22, run s
26th day oi September. 18M. at the rate of ten per
I chs e of nw cor of ne qr of
16.13 chs, w 14.60 chs. n 12|
cent per annum, and the further sum of $50.00
sec 21 run w 20 rds s 114
attorneys' fees herein, and the costs and dis­
deg e 13| chs, n 73 deg w
bursements taxed at 614.35, and it being further
rds e 20 rds and n 114 rds
ordered, adjudged and decreed by said court, that
to beg con 14.25 acres in sec
plaintiff's said mortgage be foreclosed, and that
beg, con 20.24 acres in sec
the real premises hereafterdescribed be sold as by
21 t 3 s r 3 w.......................
22 t 3 s r 2 w.........................
4 60
law provided, and that out of the proceeds of sai3
Jones, Mary E ne qr of nw qr
sale there be first ,-ald the costs and expense of Farm, Trust <i Loan Co lots 14
said sale, next the costs and expense of said suit,
and nw qr of ne qr of sec II
3 60
and 15. blk 2, Whiteson....
next the sum of $5s0.12. with interest thereon
t 2 s r 5 w 80 acres..............
from September 25th. 1894, at the rate of ten per Fenton, W A the w 3 ft of lot
cent per annum due said plaintiff. A- Klosterman,
Jones, Rodney the e hf of se qr
and the sum of 650.00 attorneys'fees herein, and
of sec 23 and the sw qr of
if there be any surplus remaining, said surplus Fisk, M com on e line of co
be applied upon the sum of $440 50, with interest
sec 24 in 13 s r 2 w 240 acres
road leading from Lafayette
thereon from the 25th day of September. 1S94, at
Jones, W W and Matilda com
to Rays landing, 300 ft e
the rale of ten per cent per annum due the de-, the McMinnville National Bank, and
at nw cor of J Hampton d 1
from ne cor of blk 42, La­
ordering the sale of the following described real
c run e 16.25 chs s 18i chs
fayette, run e 486 ft, s 17 deg
property Ito-wlt:
The same being all that certain piece or parcel
e 16.25 chs s 15 deg e 42>
of land in the City of McMinnville and State of
chs s 61 deg e 26J chs to
n 17 deg e 120 ft, con 1.54
Oregon, which is bounded and described as fol- '
lows, to-wit. The said tract of land being hound­
Yamhill river, s 56 deg w
acres in t 4 s r 3 w,
ed on the west by a tract of land deeded bv Sam-,
14 12 chs w 55 chs to s w cor
also commencing at the ne
uel Cosine and wtfeto McMinnville College in |
the year 1881. and by the land now owned bv
of claim, s 80| chs to beg
School District No. 40, as formerly owned bv Mrs. ,
(except 40 acres deeded
vol IV, page 257, run n’iy
E. Snelling; on the north by what is known as !
the W. C. Hembree tract ano on the east and i
Monroe Mulkey vol V page
south by Corine creek, and being the land owned '
320, also vol 26 page 48 ex­
by said Simmons and immediately -ast of the 1
land now owned by said school district No. 40.
cept 84 acres sold J F Spen­
123 rods to w line of Perkins
upon which its new building is situated, and
cer vol 28 page 522 con
■aid tract of land containing 6 75 acres more or
claim, s’ly along said w line
less. Also the roadway leading to and from said
268 57 acres in sec 27 aud
to nw cor of Grazer tract,
premises as described in deed rrom E Russ and
wife to said Simmons as recorded in Book 22. page
34 t 5 s r 5 w .....................
402 of the records of deeds for Yamhill county.
in sec 1, t 4 s r 4 w and sec
Jones, W W com 52 68 chs e
Now therefore, by virtue of said execution,
6 14 s, r 3 w......................... 90 40
and 29.08 chs n of sw cor of
judgment and order of sale, and in pursuance of
Samuel Cozine d 1 c run s
the commands of said writ. I will on Saturday, Foster, H Z the n4 of H Z
the 9th day of February, 1895, at the hour of one
Foster d 1 c in sec 1 3 t 5 s r
6 27A chs e 10.35| chs n 6.274
lhe COUrt h°USe doOr
7 w 160 70 acres ajso lots 1, 2
chs w 10 35| chs to beg con
inu4 c.
county, Oregon, sell
hii^ptioul,t Publlc aetlon to the
3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of sec
G j acres in sec 28 t 4 s r 4 w
bidder fur caa* in band, the above de-
scribed real property, to satisfy the sums of ntonev
13, t 5 a r 7 w, 185.45 acres,
Kean, J F the s hf of se qr of
above stated, and costs of such sale
also lots 5, 6, 7, blk 15,
see 16 t 2 s r 6 w 80 acres..
Dated this the 8th day of January’. A . D 1895
Johns add to McMinnville, 35 85 Kean, Alice nw qrof ne qr and
, V Æ HES; 1 >E»SON.
Sheriff of Yamhill County, Oregon.
Foster, Sarah the s hf of H
n w qr of se qr of sec 16, t 2 s
Z Foster die in sec 13, t 5
r 6 w 80 acres.......................
Blank Deed«, Chattel Mortgagee, Real
8 r 7 w, 160 acres.................. 12 35 Kean, A E com n 85 deg w 8
Estate Mortgagee, etc., always on sale at Frame, R A and A W Stowell
chs from a point s 40| deg w
this office.
e hf of 6 hf of sec 14, t 2 s, r
I 1.15 chs from sw cor of blk
The Shasta Route
« X W ■ «
0. R. & N. CO
4 15
1 Willamina run n 104 ft w
104 ft s 104 ft and e 104 ft
to beg ......................... « .
3 90 Kenoyer, John sw qr of sec 8 t
3 s r 5 w 160 acres................
King, R F and D P Leach lot
24 blk A Hobson’s add to
Newberg. ..
Knott, Levi the n| of Daniel
Booth die in sec 27 and 34
12 s r 6 w 157.15 acres
Kruger, W C lots 1, 2, blk 21
54 55
Hurley’ <fc Larges add to
Newberg.. ...........................
1 30 Lafollett, Chas A the nw| of
sw| and nw| of ne^ oi sw qr
and sw qr of nw qr of sec 31
t 2 s r 3 w 98.75 acres .......
6 50 Lafollett, D H se| of ne^ of sec
9 t 5 s r 6 w 40 acres..........
Loban, T E the se qr of sec 30
. 3 « r 5 w 160 acres..........
Martin, J lots 1,2, 3 of sec 34
t 3 s r 3 w 5415 acres.........
Mason, 0 P ne qrof sw qr and
lots 2, 3, 4, 10, 11 and 12 of
Bee 35 t 4 s r 3 w also com
at nw cor of s| of Isaac Vio­
let die run e 22 rds and 4
ft s 36 rds w 22 rds and 4
ft n 36 rds to beg in t 4 s r 3
14 00
w all con 172 acres.............
.1 05 Meyer, Isaac and J V Pope
com at a point 25 chs e and
50 chs s of ne cor of S. Brut-
scher d 1 c run s 13.08 chs ;
e 20 chs ; n 29 64 chs ; s 67
deg and 50 min w 2.25 chs ;
9 «0
sw’ly along Portland and
Dayton Co road 24 33 chs to
beg in sec 15 t 3 s r 2 w 44
1 30 Meyer, Isaac the s 101 a of
John Scales d 1 c being lot
10 of referee’s report as
shown by circuit court jour­
nal vol 5 page 433 in sec 16
2 15
17, 20 and 21 t 2 s r 3 w also
20 80
s | of sw qr and s | of n |
of nw qr and lots 3 and 4 of
sec 3 t 2 s r 4 w 153.20 acres
Meyer, Leonard lot 1 of sec 33
12 s r 3 w 13.18 acres.........
1 30 Michajix, J C com at sw cor of
lot 5 block 7 in Lafayette
run e’ly on s line of said lot
20 ft; thence at right angles
n’iy 50 ft; thence at right
angles w’ly 20 ft, and thence
50 feet to beg, being part of
lot 5 block 7 Lafayette, also
lots 2, 3, 4, 5 block 9 Lafay­
ette .........................................
Miller, John com at sw cor of
Joel Chrisman d 1 c run s 88
deg e 5.06 chs ; n 9.52 chs ;
w 5.06 chs; s 9.50 chs to
13 85
beg int4sr3w5 acres....
Mooney, Ed lot 4 of sec 8 t 5 s
r 4 w 7.26 acres.....................
7 80 Mulcahey, Thomas com at nw
cor of lot 1 sec 10 t 2 s r 4
w run s 28.56 chs; e 11.20
chs ; n 24 chs ; n 72 deg w
2 10
to beg in sec 10 t 2 s r 4 w
30 acres.................................
Morris, Sarah E com s 85| deg
w 101 ft from sw cor Main
and Bridge streets in Sheri­
dan run s 85| deg w 20 ft;
sw’ly on line parallel with
F K Heider to s line of A B
Faulconer die; e’ly 20 ft to
Heider’s sw cor, and n’iy to
Otis, Filancy lots 3, 4, 5 and 6
block 5 Chandler’s 2d add
to McMinnville.....................
1 70 Parker, E B lot 8 block 4 Col­
lege 2d add to McMinnville
3 25 Parker, Ella lots land 2 block
4 College 2d add to McMinn­
ville .. ....................................
Post, J G lots 10, 11 and 12 of
sec 3 t 4 s r 3 w 74 acres
Presnall, Alonzo N com 20 chs
w of se cor of M Hall d 1 c
run n 23.53chs : w 21.99 chs ;
s 26 53 chs ; e 2.29 chs; n 3
chs ; e 20.06 chs to beg. .
Roberts, Geo W lot 9 block 28
and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,16,17
and 18 block 39 Edwards’
22 85
add to Newberg...................
Roberta, B W the nw qr of sec
27 t 2 s r 5 w 160 acres....
Rohr, Francis H lots 3 and 4
blk 3 McMinnville.............
Rowe, Helena O com at se cor
of J Williamson d 1 c run e
17 20 chs ; s 26.53 clis to s
12 40
line of claim.; w 3.20 chs ; n
20 chs ; w 14 chs ; and n to
1 15
beg in sec 23 t 3 s r 3 w 19i
acres .....................................
1 05 Rowland, Herbert E com 24.13
chs w and 18.75 chs n of se
cor ot A T Hembree d 1 c
run n 17.96 chs ; w on divi­
sion of claim 72 chs; s 5.88
chs; s 24 deg e 8.12 chs; s
59 deg e 5.69 chs; e 68.21
chs ; s 18.75 chs; e 40 ft; n
18.75 chs to beg in sec 3 t 4
s r 4 w 128 acics.................
Runnels, A D com 45 ft w of
stone at angle in road near
se cor of block 2 North Yam­
hill run s 150 ft; e 131 ft;
s 15 deg 42 min e 3.70 chs to
creek ; s 80 deg w 1.22 chs ;
s 47 deg w 1.80 chs; s 20 deg
w 6 05 chs; s 12| deg w 6.65
chs ; a 3 69 chs; w 2.14 chs ;
n 19.40 chs; e 2.14 chs; n
1.29 chs ; e 55 ft; n 155 ft;
and e 175 ft to beg, [except
3.76 acres to C A Martine
vol 25 page 608] containing
4.98 acres in see 4 t 3 s r 4 w
also com 6 56 chs w of stone
in angle of North Yamhill
and Lafayette road near so
cor of block 2 North Yam­
hill run s 3.06 chs; west
8-100lhs chs; s 19.40 chs ; w
110 45
2| chs ; n 20 chs ; e 2* chs ;
n 3 02 chs; e 8-100tbs chs
to beg [except that part
platted as Runnels’ add to
North YamhillJ containing
5 acres in sec 4 t 3 s r 4 w,
I 95
also lots 1, 2 and 3 in block
1 Runnels* add to North
3 65
Rymal, Malcolm com 30 ft s
of ne cor of lot 4 block 14
Lafayette, run s’ly 40 ft;
22 20
w’ly 80 ft; n’iy 40 ft; and
e’ly 80 ft to beg, also 100 a
out of ne cor of n hi of B
Easterbrook claim in t 4 s r
3 w bounded on n and e by
line of Easterbrook claim,
on e’ly by Co road and w by
laud of Louisa Carpenter..
Sanders, J R lots 11 and 12
block 3 Bibee’s add to Sher­
idan ........................................
Shriber, Henry and Sophia
nw qr of se qr of sec 10 t 2
s r 4 w [except 10 a sold vol
28 page 526 to M L BurdonJ
50 95
containing 30 acres.............
Seip, Harry F lot 5 block 3
Deskins’ add to Newberg.. .
Shell, Isaiah lot 3 of sec 22 t 2
8 r 5 w 39.68 acres................
Shriber, Sophia nw qr of ee qr
of sec 10 t 2 8 r 4 w (except
9 60
10 acres in nw cor thereof)
containing 30 acres.............
2 10
: Smith, Elizabeth J lots 1 and
2 block 5 Wheatland...........
2 10 Smith, Johnathan lot 6 and 7
of sec 3 t 5 8 r 3 w 22.65 a
Stanley, Thos block 21 Lafay­
ette ........................................
Symons, Charles, the se qr of
see 4 t 5 s r 7 w 160 acres
Thompson, M F block 24 Hur­
ley <fc Large’s add to New­
4 15
berg .......................................
Thornton. J L loti of sec 16
t 5 s r 3 w 3 60 acres ..........
75 Tid, Warrich H, Est. s hf of
nw qr and n hf of sw qr of
sec 25 t 2 8 r 4 w 160 acres.
10 401 Also the s hf of ne qr and
n hf of se qr of sec 26 t 2 s
r 4 w 160 acre«. Also lots 2,
2 10: 3, 4, 5. 6 and 7 of sec 34 and
lots 1 and 2 of sec 35 t 2 s r
4 w (except R R right of way)
containing 208.86 acres, and
10 10 i also the n hf of nw qr and se
qr of nw qr of sec 36 t 2 s r
4 iv 12o acres.................
Tompkins, Rogers D the s hf
of sw qr of^ec 23 and lots 1
6 20
and 2 of sec 26 t 5 s r 3 w
163.99 acres .......................
9 30
Unknown, one-fifth interest in
the se qr of ne qr and lot 1
of sec 14 and the s A of nw
qr and lot 2 of sec 13 in t 3
s r 5 w 160 acres.................
Also com on township line at
a stake 38.88 chs e of ne cor
of sec 1 t 4 8 r 3 iv run
6 50
thence s 33 deg 45 min w 21
chs s 44| deg w 2 60 chs
thence e to Willamette
liver, thence down low water
mark of river to township
line thence w t.0 beg in sec
1 t 4 s r 3 w 2 acres ...........
Watt, Joseph, Est. the John
Briedwell d 1 c in sec 13, 14,
23 and 24 t 5 s r 4 w 326 31
1 95
acres. Also the G W Miller
d 1 c in sec 24 t 5 s r 4 w 320
acres and lot 2 blk 1 and lot
7 blk 7 Watts add to Amity.
Webb, Lizzie lot 5 blk 12
Whiteson .............................
Westerman, Henry com at j
post on range line between
ranges 4 and 5 t 2 and be­
8 25
tween secs 7 and 12 run n on
range line 27.12 chs thence
2 55
following road survey No
294 with meftnderings until
it interseett sec line between
sec 1 and 12 thence W on
sec line 150.08| chs to J
post on line between sec 1
and 12 thence s 40 25| chs
thence e 39.72 chs to beg in
sec 12 t 2 s r 5 w 136.79 acres
White, II T the s hf of lot 2
13 45
blk 24 Edwards add to New­
berg ....................................
Williams, Joseph sw qr of ne
qr of sec 8 t 2 s r 4 w 40
70 Wiltz, Burns the sw [ of sec
33 t 3 s r 5 w 160 acres....
1 80 Wright, O C lots 1, 2, 3, blk E
Hobsons add to Newberg . .
Wright, Elizabeth A com at
secor of D D Deskins <1 1 c
in t 3 s r 2 w run w 13 67
chs n 39 links to center of
1 15
Dayton and Portland co
road n e’ly along said road
to within 6 rds of e line of
said Deskins claim s e’ly to
a point 12 rds n of se cor of
said Deskins claim and s to
beg in t 3 s r 2 w 3f acres
also com 2.66 chs n of secor
of D D Deskins d 1 c in t 3 s
5 00
r 2 w run n 65 deg e 2.50
chs n 3.45 chs s 65 deg w 4
chs se’iy to a point 12 rds n
155 30
of se cor of said DesKins d 1
c and s to beg in t 3 s r 2 w
4 80
1.36 acres...............................
Wyman, L lots 1 and 2 in blk
7 Deskins add to Newberg
13 30 Yamhill Land Co lots 7, 8, 9,
blk 4 Maple Park add to La­
3 25
fayette ..................................
Oregon & California RU Co
se q r of sw qr of sec 7 t 3 s r 5
w’ 40 acres...........................
5 05 se qr of nw qr of sec 21 t 4 s r
5 w 40 acres.........................
se qr of sw qr of sec 15 t 2 s r
6 w 40 acres.........................
qr of sec 11 t3sr
4 95
6 w 40 acres.......................
5 20 ae qr of sw qr of sec 23 t 2 s r
6 w 40 acres.........................
hi of se qr of sec 27 t 4 s r 6
26 40
w 80 acres...............
sw qr of se qr of sec 29 t 4 s r
6 w 40 acres.........................
a hf of se qr of sec 31 t 4 h r 6
w 80 acres......... ............
3 35
20 55
blouse, stripped off his waist belt and
4 15] as dexterously slipped it over the ankles
of he struggling man.
It was all over in a moment. Neither
3 45 hail spoken a word. Only their rapid
panting broke the profound silence.
35 Each probably knew that no outcry
would bo heard.
For the first time the half breed sat
down. But there was no trace of tri­
umph or satisfaction in his face, which I
wore the same lowering look of disgust '
as he gazed upon the prostrate man.
“I want to tell you first, ” he said, I
slowly wiping his face, "that I didn’t
kalkilateupon doiu this in this yer kind i
of way. I expected more of a stand up I
fight from you—more risk in gettin you j
out of that hole—and a different kind
60 55 ! of a man to tackle. I never expected you
to play into my hand like this, and it I
goes against me to hev to take advau- :
tage of if. ’ ’
3 901 “Who are you?” said the major pant- j
“I’m the new sheriff of Siskyon.” I
Ho drew from beneath his begrimed
shirt 3 paper wrapping, from which he
1 95 gingerly extracted with the ends of his
dirty fingers a clean legal looking fold- i
ed paper. “That’s my warrant. I’ve !
kept it fresh for you. I reckon you -
don’t care to read it You’ve seen it '
afore. It’s just the same a3 t’other ,
sheriff had—what you shot. ”
“Then this was a plan of yours and
that whelp’s escort?” said tho major.
“Neither him nor the escort knows
75 any more about it than you,” returned
the sheriff slowly. “I enlisted as Injin
guide or scout ten days ago. I deserted
just as reg’lar aud nat’rallike when
we passed that ridge yesterday. I could
be took tomorrow by tho sojers if they
oaught sight of me and court martialed.
65 20 It’s as reg’lar as that. But I timed to
have my posse under a deputy draw you
15 off by an attack just as the escort reach­
ed the ridge. And here I am. ”
“And you’re no half breed?”
“There’s nothin In jin about me that
water won’t wash off. I kalkilated you
wouldn’t suspect anything so insignifi-
for Infants and Children.
HXRTY year»' observation of_Ca.toria with the j>atronago_of
million« of person«, permit ne to epeak of it withga£ggaa«4gg.
It i. nnqnestionahly the best remedy for Infante and Children
the world has ever known.
It ie harmlos«. Children like it. It
gives them health. It will eave their live..
In it Mother, have
something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect
child’s medicine,
Ca^toria destroy» Worm»,
Castoria allay» Feverielmceeo
Castoria prevent» vomiting Sour Curd«
Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.
Ca»toria relieve» Teething Troubles.
Castoria cures Constipation and Flatnlenoy,
Castoria ncv.tralixes the effects of carboaio acid gas or poisonons air.
Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or^othernarcotic property.
the food, regulate« the stomach and^bow^
giving healthy and natural sleep.
Castoria is put up in one-size bottle« only. It is not sold in bulk,
Don’t allow any one to soil yon anything clse ou tho plee or promise
that it is “just as good ” and “ will answer every purposet
See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
is on every
Tho fae-simiie
signature of •
Children Cry tor Pitcher’s Castoria.
n nows.
8 15
1 05 I
4 15
2 30
/ '
“That's my warrant.”
16 05
3 60
13 95
1 55
1 55
Now, therefore, Oil SATURDAY, THE 2d DAY
OF FEBRUARY, A. 1*. 1895, between the hours of
10 o’clock a. tn. and 4 o'clock p m., of said dav.
at the court house in McMinnville, in said comi­
ty and state. I will sell the above described real
estate at public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, subject to redemption, to satistv
said warrant, costs and accruing.costs.
Dated this 31st dav of December, ls94.
Sheriff of Y’amniil County, Oregon.
The Sheriff of Siskyon.
aud began to asceud the opposite slope,
half hidden by the underbrush and
larohes. Here the major paused again
and faced about. The cabius of the set­
tlement were already behind the bluff.
The little stream which indicated the
“bar,” on which some perfunctory min­
ing wa3 still continued, now and then
rang out quite clearly at their feet, al-
i though the bar itself had disappeared.
I The sounds of occupation and labor had
I nt last died out in tho distance. They
were quite alone. The major sat down
an a bowlder and pointed to another.
The man, however, remained sullenly
I -tanding where he was, as if to accent
as strongly as possible tho enforced
jompauionship. Either the major was
, too self alisorbed to notice it or accepted
it as a satisfactory characteristic of the
i half breed race. He continued confi­
“Now, look here, Tom! I want to
leave this cursed hole and get clear out
of the 6tate. Anywhere—over the Ore­
gon line into British Columbia or to the
25 35 coast, where I can get a coasting vessel
down to Mexico. It will cost money,
but I’ve got it. It will cost a lot of
risks, but I’ll take them. I want some­
body to help me—some ODe to share
risks with me and some one to share my
luck if I succeed. Help to put me on
the other side of the border line by sea
: or land, and I’ll give you $1,000 down
before we start and $1,000 when I’m
28 65 I safe. ”
j The half breed had changed his
slouching attitude. It seemed more in­
17 90 dolent on account of the loosely hang­
ing strap that had once held his haver-
eack, which was still worn in a sloven­
ly fashion over his shoulder, as a kind
of lazy sling for his shiftless hand.
“Well, Tom, is it a go? You can
80 trust me, for you’ll have the thousand
In your pocket before you start. I can
90 trust you, for I’ll kill you quicker than
lightning if you say a word of this to
2 30 any one before I go or play a single
trick on me afterward. ”
Suddenly the two men were rolling
over and over in tho underbrush. The
90 half breed had thrown himself upon the
major, bearing him down to the ground.
60 The haversack strap for an instant whirl­
ed like the loop of a lasso in the air and
55 descended over the major’s shoulders,
pinioning his arms to his side. Then the
85 I ¿alf breeds tearing open his ragged
cant as an Injin when I fixed myself j
up. You see Dawson didn’t hanker aft-
er me much. But I didn’t reckon on
your tumbling to me so quick. That’s
what gets me. You must hev been pret­
ty low dowu for kempany when you
took a man like me inter your confi­
dence. I don’t see it yet. ”
He looked inquiringly at his captive, 1
with the same wondering surliness.
Nor could he understand another thing
which was evident. After the first shock
of resistance the major had exhibited
none of the indignation of a betrayed
man, but actually seemed to accept the
situation with a calmness that his cap-
tor lacked. His voice was quite unemo­
tional as he said:
‘ ‘And how are you going to get me .
away from here?”
“That’s my lookout aud needn’t trou­
ble you, major, but seeing as how con­
fidential you’ve been to me I don’t mind
tellin you. Last night that posse of
mine that Jou ‘skunked, ’ you know,
halted at the crossroads till them sojers
went by. They had only to see them
to know that I had got away. They’ll
hang round the crossroads till they see
my signal on top of the ridge, aud then
they'll make another show agen that
pass. Your men will have their hands
full, I reckon, without huutiu for you
or noticin the three men of mine that
will come along this ridgo where the
60jers come yesterday—to help me get
you down in the same way. You see,
major, your little trap in that gully
ain’t in this fight. We’ro the other
Bide of it. I ain’t much of a soldier, but
I reckon I’ve got you there, and it’s all
owing to you. I ain’t, ” he added gloom­
ily, “takin much pride in it myself.”
“I shouldn’t think you would,” said
the major. “And look here! I’ll double j
that offer I made you just now. Set
me down just as I am on the deck of
some coasting vessel, aud I’ll pay you j
$4,000. You may have ail the glory of
having captured me here and of mak­
ing your word good before your posse.
But you oan arrange afterward on the
way to let me give you the slip some­
where near Sacramento.”
The sheriff’s face actually brighten- .
ed. “Thanks for that, major. I was i
in the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Yamhill county.
Julia L. Snyder, Plaintiff, |
Geo. W. «Snyder, Defendant.)
To Geo. W. Snyder,.the above-named defendant:
N the unme oi’the <tate of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above-entitled suit
on or before the lir-i day of the next regular teim
of the above-named court, to-wit, the 25th dav of
March. 1895, and if you fail to appear and answer
said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to said
court for an order and decree dis«olviug the bond»
of matrimony now existing between plaiutiffand
defendant. Thfe summons is served by publica-
tion in the Yamhill County Reporter by order of
the Hon. H. H. Hewitt, judge of the above-
named court, which said order was duly made and
dated the 17th day of January, 1895.
COSHOW. Att ya for Plaintiff
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
st h nows.
Iu the county court of the State ot Oregon, for
Yambill county.
Jacobson, Plaintiff, |
Rheumatic Pains,
> Summons.
M. C. Hewitt, Defendant.)
Bruises and Strains,
To M C. Hewitt, the above named defendant
IN the name ot the State of Oregon, you are
hereby notitied and required to appear and
Running Sores,
answer the complaint tiled against you in the
above-entitled action in the above-named court
by the first day of the term following the expira
tion of the time prescribed in the order for pub
lication of this summons, to-wit. Monday, the 4’b
Stiff joints,
day of March, A. D. 1895, und if you fail »u to ap­
pear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply
to said
Harness & Saddle Sores, relief
to-wit. A judgment for the sum of 576.55, together
with interest thereon from December sth, 1898, at
the rate of 10 per cent per annum, al! in U. S.
gold coin, ana 91*5.00 special attorney fee and thu
further sum of 917.75, and the costs and disburse­
ments of action.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
J. E. Magers, judge of said court, made at cham­
bers the 17th dav of January, A. D. 1895.
J NO J. SPENCER. Att y for Plaintiff.
Insect Bites,
Ail Cattle Ailments,
is hereby given that the undersigned
All Horse Ailments,
a* sheriff of Yamhill county, state of Ore­
gon, under aud by virtue ot an execution duly
issued out of the circuit court of the btute of Or­
All Sheep Ailments,
egon for the county of Yamhill, on the 24tb daj
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquers
Makes Tian or Beast well
or December. A. D. 1894, upon and to enforce
that certain judgment rendered by said court on
the 17th day oi December, 1888, in favor of Annie
8. Burton, plaintiff, and against C. VV Burton,
defendant, in which it was adjudged by aaid
court that the said plaint ¡if. Annie S. Burton, re
cover of and from the said defendant, €. W. Bilr-
ton, the sum of One Hundred Dollars (9100.00) per
annum, which said judgment was enrolled and
docketed in the clerk's office of said court in said
county on the 17th day of December, 1888,
«Said w rit of execution commanding me in the
nan»? of the state of Oregon, that out of the per­
sonal property of said defendant, or if sufficient
could not be found, then out of the real property
belonging to said defendant in Yamhill county,
Oregon, on or after the 17th day of December,
1888, 1 satisfy the sum of Three Hundred and
Fifty Dollars (8350.00) now dueon said judgment,
with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
from th»-1-t <luy of December, 101, on 9rX)W
thereof, interest at the rate of 8 per cent per an­
num from DecemlMjr 1st, 18J2, on 9100.00 thereof,
interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from
December 1st, 1893, on 9100.00 thereof, and inter­
est at the rate of b per cent per annum from De
cember 1st, 1894, on 3100.00 thereof, aud also tba
costs of and upon this writ.
Whereas. I aid by virtue of said writ of execu­
tion, on the 26th dav of December, A. D. 1894,
duly levy upon the following described real prop­
erty, to-wit:
All of the right, title and interest of said C. W.
Burton in and to the following described real
property in Yamhill county, state of Oregon, and
described as commencing at a point on the south
boundary line of the donation land claim of J.
J. Burton and wife in T. 2 8. R. 4. W. ami T. 3 8.
R. 4 W. of the Willamette meridian in Yamhill
county, Oregon, where the county road known
as road survey No. 113, called county road leading
from McMinnville to north line of said Yamhill
county, intersects said south boundary line, and
east 11.87 chains from lbe southwest corner of
said donation land claim: thence north 27% de­
grees east (variation 20% degrees east) 25 57
chains to stake; thence eau from center of said
road 23 40 chains to stake; thence south 31.63
chains to a stake in road on south line of said
donation land claim; thence west 39.77 chains to
the place of beginning, containing 100 acre®.
Now therefore, by virtue of said execution, aud
in pursuance of the commands of said writ, I
wiii, ou Saturday, the will day of February A. D.
1805, at the hour of one o’clock p. nj. of said day,
at the court house door in McMinnville, Yamhill
county, Oregon, »ell at public auctiou. to the
highest bidder for cash in baud, the above de­
scribed real property, to satisfy said execution
and costs ot such sale.
Dated this the bth day of January. A D. 1895.
Sheriff of Yamhill County. Oregon.
gettin a little sick cf my share in this
job; but, by God, you’ve put some sand
in ma Well, then, there ain’t gold
enough in all Californy to make me let
you go. You hear me? So drop that.
I’ve took you and took yo'll remain un­
til I land you in Sacramento jail. I
This extra­
ordinary We-
don’t want to kill you, though your juveoator
Falling Sen­
life’s forfeit a dozen times over, and I the moat
reckon you don’t care for it either way, diseovery
ous twitching
but if you try any tricks ou me I may the age. It
and other
been en-
have to maim you to make you come lias
dorred by the
tlong comf’able and easy. I ain’t han- leadingsclen-
men of
l.erin arter that either, but come you Europo
end tones the
entire system.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, lu
Hudran cures
Hudjsn is
“Give your signal and have an end purely
Debility, the county of Yamhill.
of this,” said the major curtly.
Ida May. Flaintlfl, ,
The sheriff looked at him again cu­ Hu<iv»n sfops
end develops* A. V. May, Defendant j
riously. “I never had my hands in an­ of tho diB-
To A. V. May, the above-named defendant
and restores
N the name ot the state of Oregon you are here­
weak organs.
other man's pockets before, major, but chsrgo in 20
by required to appear and answer the com­
I reckon I’ll have to take your derrin­ davs. Cures
plaint filed again« you in the above-entitled suit
back, loues
before the i5th day of March. A D. IW\
by day or
gers from yours. ” He slipped his hand
thghtBtoFped that being the fourth Monday in March aud tho
into the major’s waistcoat and secured HàìifiOOD
first dav of the next regular term of sal 1 court
next after the service of this summons by publi­
the weapons. “I’ll have to trouble you
cation thereof as by law provided, aud if you fell
for your sash, too,” he said, unwinding
to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the above-named court for the relief prayed for
the knitted silken girdle from the cap­
in the complaint filed In said court in the above­
tive's waist. “You won’t want it. You quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements.
entitled stilt, to-wit
For a decree dissolving and annulling ths
ain’t walkiu, and it’ll come in handy stage. It is a svmptcm of seminal weakness marriage
contract now existing between the said
t-o me just now. ”
and oarrenne««. It can be stopped in to days plaintiff aud said defendant and for the care and
the use o f Hudyan.
custody of Ethelbert, a male minor child of said
He bent over, and passing it across by The
new discovery was made by the Special­
and defendant aged live years, aud for
the major’s breast with more gentleness ists of the old famous Hudson iteoical Institute. plaintiff
such other and further relief a, the plaintiff may
to iu equity and good conscience
and solicitude than ho ffiad yet shown powerful, bnt harmless. Fold for S1.00 a pack­
summons is published by order of the Hon.
secured him in an easy sitting posture age era packages for iS.00(plain sealed boxes). H. This
H. Hewitt, judge of said court, said order
against the tree. Then after carefully [ Written guarantee given for a cure. Ifyoubuy made at chambers at Albauy, Oregon, and bears
boxes and are rot entirely cured, six mote date the Uth day of Jaauarv, A. D. 1895
trying tho knots and straps that held six
will be sent to you free of all charges.
lfor circular*and testimonials. Address
his prisoner he turned and lighyy bound­
for Plaintiff
ed up the hill.
Juiretiou Stockton, .tlarket A EUl» Sts.
He was absent scarcely ten minutes,
Sau Francisco, Cal.
yet when he returned the major’s eyes AD3I1NISTIIATR1X NOTICE TO
were half closed. But not his lips. “If
you expect to hold me until your posse
monies, you had better take me to some
’OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned I
less exposed position,” he said dryly.
Yamhill county, state of Oregon, administratrix
“There’s a man just crossed tho gully of the
estute of George C. Belt, late of said conn-
coming into the brush below in the tv, deceased, apd has qualided as such adminis­
tratrix. Therefore, all persons having claims
wood. ”
against the estate of said deceased are hereby no-
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
tifled to present them, primer!v verified, to rue a'
“None of your tricks, major. ”
hl I NN de CO.» who have had nearly fifty years*
my resilience near North Yumbill, in said county,
experience in the patent business. Communica­
“Look for yourself. ”
within six months from the rtute of tills notice.
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of lu-
iormatlon concerning Patents and how to ob­
Dated this 25th day of January, 1895.
The sheriff glanced quickly below
tain them sent free. Also a '■atalogue of
SARAH BELT, Administratrix.
him. A man with an ax on his shoulder W. T. VINTON,
‘cal and scientific books sent free.
Att y for said Estate.
4 5 :
Patents taken through Munu & Co. recotva
could be seen plainly making his way 1
special notice tn the Scientific Americas, mid
thus are brought widely bei ore toe public with«
through the underbrush not a hundred I. r. CALBBEATH.
out cost to the inventor. (This splendid paper
issued weekly, e'etrant 1 y i lluntrated, has by fartho
yards away. The sheriff instantly clap- |
Calbreath & Goucher.
largest circulation ot any scientific work in the
ped his hand upon his captive’s mouth,
wond. S3 »year. Sample copies sent free.
Bunding Edition, monthly, ff.50 a year. Slngla
but at a look from his eyes took it away
oqpiea, 2.5 cents. Every number contains beau-
¿^‘SkblEi CWt*
(Office over Braly’s bank.)
To be Continued,