Yamhill County Reporter. U AMS A CHEAPER DOLLAR. OREGON NEWS AND NOTES. CANVASS OF THE TEXT BOOKS Invalid 3 Years, Cured by Hood’s Mr. Bland has prepared a substi­ The late storm was death to Port­ Exhibit« of the Kesults a« Arrived tute for the Carlisle currency bill land's universal exposition, and it at by the Stale Board of Education. which, at the proper time, he will closed up early in the week. introduce in the House. There is no The state board of education, con­ Subscription $1.00 Per Year. Rev. I. D. Driver, a farmer preach prospect of its becoming a law. It sisting of Governor Pennover. Sec­ er of Lane county, is being boomed has value, however, as showing the retary of State George W. McBride ADVERTISING RATES. Reading notice* In local columns 10 cents per real designs of the free silver men for U. S. Senator, on the theory and State School Superintendent E. line for first week and 5 cents per line thereafter. that congress needs more preachers Display advertisements, annual rates, one inch who hold to the 16 to 1 ratio. Mr. B. McElroy Tuesday finished the te­ per month Si; each additional inch 50 cents per to reform it. month dious work of canvassing the votes Bland's first bill provides that “the Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding Judge Denny, receiver of the de­ of the thirtv-two county school su­ LI lines published free, if furnished in time to unit of value in the United States ba current new .■>. Additional matter 10 cent* per funct Portland Savings bank, has perintendents and the nine state ex­ shall be the standard dollar as now line. filed in the circuit court a report of aminers for a series of text-books to coined, consisting of 412J grains its condition. The assets exceed the be used in the public schools of Ore­ FRIDAY, JAN. 11, 1895. standard silver.” He omits the gold liabilities $521,796. gon for a period of six years unit entirely, and it further provides Pendleton had three suicides with­ October next. for the free coinage of all the silver I T he Oregon legislature meets next in ten days. The last one was W. O. The canvass as made by the state Monday. Governor Lord’s inaugu­ bullion presented at the mints. Warren, who shot himself as he was board exhibits the following results: At present we have — and have had ration takes place Tuesday, and the being arrested for embezzling $50 of 1— No text-book has received a vote for U. S. senator a week from ever since 1878—two different dollars, school district money. majority of the votes cast under the whose actual value vary widely. Tuesday. Probably the senatorial The ladies of Salem have accepted following topics. Orthography, spell­ question will be practically settled, We have the gold dollar, composed the Stategman’g offer to issue a chari­ ing blanks, drawing, physical geog­ “C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.: of 25.8 grains of standard gold; and if there is anything to settle, about -Gentlemen:—I am glad to tell you that I the silver dollar, of 412J grains of ty number of the paper, and have raphy, rhetoric and composition and the time the legislature meets and have been given good health by Hood’s set January 22d as the date. Mrs. English literature. standard s : lver. The only reason of Sarsaparilla. For three years I was an in­ organizes. 2— There has been no change in making a coin of precious metal is Judge Bean will be business manager. valid, suffering terribly from Nervousness and Lameness. T hat is good sensible advice from J**1 il contain the actual value- N. P. Briggs, a Corvallis man, the following text-books that are so nervous J could not bear the least an Iowa paper our Oregon exchanges be value *s nnt *n tbe name dollar, received $220 the other day in pay­ now in use, and they have been re­ “I was noise, and I had to walk with crutches for adopted for use in all the public are passing around. It advises John but the value of the metal of which ment of a debt incurred against an six months, as I could not put one of my feet to the floor. Fhysieians did not do me any estate in Corvallis over 30 years ago. schools of this state, towit: and Mary to be married at home, in- 11 ls comP°se by the act of tor who now lives In Massachusetts. I Said There Was No Use. Spencerian System and Copy “However, after thinking tho matter over, I de­ parlor. The marriage of a daughter 1873’ but hadbeea the 8011131 unit Attorney Geo. G. Bingham was cided to give it a trial, and have taken six ought to be held the most sacred “t robbed of a fine overcoat at Albany Books. bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and the re­ Fish ’ s Arithmetics, Nos. 1 and 2. of 1878, the name “ dollar ” was con ­ by a tramp, who, after appropriating sult is that I am well as any one could wish event in the family history. It is Brooks ’ Mental Arithmetic. to be, and can do any kind of work. I ad­ the most important event in her life ferred on a coin consisting of 412$ the coat, boarded the“blind baggage.” vise all my friends to take Hood's Sarsapa­ Montieth’s Elementary and Com­ between the cradle and the grave. grains of standard silver. As the The telegraph apprehended him at rilla for I believe it will do them good.” prehensive Geographies. value of any coin of ultimate redemp ­ Miss S usie D odson , Colton, California. Junction City, and the coat was re­ The Iowa paper says: “let the jus­ Smith’s series of Primary Text­ Hood’S Pills cure liver ills, constipation, tice or the preacher, which is the tion depends solely on the worth of covered. books in Physiology and Hygiene. biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. better, go to her home and marry the metal comprising it, Congress There is doubt whether the sale Steele’s Physiology and Hygiene was guilty of the absurdity of at ­ you there, or if you come to town, of the Oregon Pacific railroad will be Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is fam­ tempting by legislation to give the confirmed. Some sharp lawyers are for highschools and advanced schools. be married in a church.” Barnes’ Primary and Brief His­ ous for its cures of bad colds. It opens same value to two coins, differing in claiming they have an offer from the secretions, relieves the lungs and tory of the United States. I», as most people verily believe, I real value. The plea was made dur­ English capitalists of a larger amount aids nature in restoring the svstem to a Loomis’ series of Vocal Music. ing the discussions on the Bland bill, free coinage would precipitate the than Bonner’s offer, or at least $200,- healthy condition. If freely used as Barnes’ General History. silver coin of 412 grains to its bullion that silver was unduly depressed, 000, if the confirmation is postponed soon as the cold has been contracted, Montieth ’ s Popular Science. value, nearly half the purchasing and that the measure would cause it 30 days. The judge took the matter and before it has become settled in the Robinson’s Algebra and Geometry. power of the silver now in circula­ to rise in market value so that the under advisement until January 19th. system, it greatly lessens tiie severity of Bryant and Stratton’s system of the attack and has often cured in a single tion would be destroyed. It would two coins should be equal. This ■ Wm. Davenport was arrested near day what would have been a severe cold. be necessary to coin $625,000,900 of failed, as we all know; and at present Lebanon Friday on a charge of Bookkeeping. Steele’s Chemistry, Botany, Phys­ For sale by S. Howorth& Co., Druggists. additional silver before there would the silver in the silver dollar is really counterfiting $1 silver coins. He be as much actual money in circula­ worth only about half that of the has served a term in the Oregon ics, Astronomy and Geology. 3. —The text-books that have been FROH THE COI STY PRESS. tion as there is now. Silver would gold dollar. penitentiary for the same offense. changed are as follows: Many people are perplexed, in pay debts at its face value only to a Yambill Independent. Ten dollar pieces were made out of Maxwell's first book in Language. very limited extent, for in this state considering these facts, by the fact solid silver, and then plated with F. H. Storey has been awarded the nearly all obligations are written that a silver dollar will buy as much gold, giving the coin a perfect ring Introduction to English Grammar contract for putting the iron cornice payable in gold coin of standard as a gold dollar. The reason is a and making it difficult of detection. and Advanced English Grammar on the Friends church. This is a have been adopted instead of Barnes' value. It would take about two dol­ very simple one. It lies in the re­ A fiendish step-mother in North Language Lessons Sill’s English guarantee that the work will be well demption, on demand, of the green ­ lars of siC •er to pay one dollar of in­ Albina compelled her step-son aged Grammar and Clark’s Normal Gram­ done. debtedness. Bankers and money backs and Treasury notes of 1890 in 8, to sleep in the woodshed with the The caucus Tuesday night to nom­ mar, Peterman’s Civil Government, loaners would be the smallest suffer­ gold by the United States Treasury. dog, without sufficient covering inate a straight water ticket, re­ Oregon edition, has been adopted ers, because they are fortified against Any one can exchange silver dollars from the cold. The authorities took sulted as follows: Mayor, M. Vo- instead of Young’s Class Book. for either of these, take the notes to loss by prudent foresight. taw; recorder, J. G. Hadley; treas­ up the case and compelled the wo ­ 4. —The additional books adopted the Treasury and get gold for them. urer, N. C. Christenson: councilmen. man to take care of the child. The that may be used in all grades in the T his is substantially what Hon. Hence he is not going to take less first ward, O. C. Emery; second father was away from home, and the public schools are as follows; Thos. Tongue said in a speech deliv­ than a gold dollar's value for a silver ward, F. A. Morris, third ward, E. woman said she did not want the National Number Tablets. ered in this city during the last cam­ dollar. It is this fact, and this alone, E. Elwood. child around. Song Wave. paign, or rather, these are the pre­ which gives the silver dollar equal Gow’s Morals and Manners. Mrs. Augusta Melcher of Stafford, purchasing power with the gold Sheridan Sun cise words in which his position on Kid ’ s Elementary and Vocal Cui- on Christmas day buried $1,000, dollar. the silver question was reported in Public school will begin the 1st of Mr. Bland's bill is to make the hard-earned savings, in her garden, ture. these columns: ‘‘The country does of February with the same ¿.teachers Johonnot’s National History and not need more money. The people silver dollar the unit, and to replace for fear some strangers who had formerly employed. Historical series of text-books for called would return and steal it. A the greenbacks, the Treasury notes need work, the opportunity to earn The report of the secretary of ag­ money. Whatever will set the mills of 1892, the gold certificates and sil­ couple of days later she went to take supplementary reading for primary riculture for 1894, gave a colored and factories to humming and set the ver certificates, all with what he calls a look at her money and was aston­ and intermediate schools. plate of the “Hoskins Cherry,” orig­ For advanced schools and high ished to find it had not only sprouted millions of idle mechanics to work “coin notes.” His provision is: inated by Mr. Hoskins of Newberg, earning wages will set in healthy cir­ Any holder of gold or silver bullion but had come up. She was almost schools are the following: Yamhill county. Season in Oregon of the value of $100 or more, of Geographical Reader. culation the idle capital congested in standard fineness, shall be entitled distracted over her loss. —early in July. It is a seedling of Irving’s Sketch Book. The trial of Steeves for complicity the money centers of the country. to have the same struck into any the Napoleon. Irving ’s Tales of a Traveler. Free coinage of silver will not do authorized coins of the United States, in the murder of Sayres came to a We hope that Sheridan real estate Scott’s Ivanhoe. this. The only mission of free coin­ free of charge at the mints of the close in Portland on Saturday, by will not begin to climb the liberty United States, or the owner of the Scott’s Lady of the Lake. age of silver would be to enable one bullion may deposit the same at such the jury finding the lawyer guilty of pole too rashly on the strength of a Scott ’s Abbott. class of citizens to defraud another mints and receive therefor coin notes manslaughter, after being out over prospect for a railroad from Salem to Scott’s Marmion. by paying them in depreciated cur­ equal in amount to the coinage value 15 hours. This trial lasted 18 days, Astoria, via Sheridan. Should we Scott ’s Woodstock. fail ou railroad extensicn, we still rency.” It was thought to be pretty of the bullion deposited, and the and is the longest in the history of McCauley’s Essay on Chatham. bullion thereupon shall become the Oregon. The first ballot taken by have the wagon road to the Clam’ sound doctrine at the time, and the property of the government. That the jury was as to whether Kelly was Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Coast left. vast majority of republicans con­ of the coin notes so issued shall be Twelfth Night, Merchant of Venice, The Sheridan and Portland branch tinue thinning that way. Nothing in denominations not less than $1 nor guilty of the murder. The jury voted and Midsummer’s Night Dream. unanimously that lie was, and then more than $1000, and shall be a legal of the Southern Pacific railroad has so sudden and bewildering has oc­ Webster’s Bunker Hill Orations. shortened its time 35 minutes. The curred in a long time as the about- tender in like manner and invested an informal vote was taken as to the with the same monetary uses as the guilt or innocence of Steeves, and it DeCoverley Papers. train leaves Sheridan at 6:20 in the face of Messrs. Tongue and Fulton standard gold and silver coins of the Arnold’s Sohab and Rustum. was taken without any discussion of morning and arrives from Portland on the silver question. Its only par­ United States. at 7:40. The time is made up by allel is in a story that comes from the Another section provides for the the case, and by mutual agreement NEWS OF THE W EEK. faster running. wilds of Arkansas, which is as fol­ stoppage of the issue of gold or silver no one told how he voted or made Tuesday night R. L. Owen, a resi­ lows: ‘‘A man went out into the certificates and Treasury notes. It any suggestions to anyone. The vote Stanford university opened on the dent of Roseburg, was knocked down woods to shoot bears, and seeing one provides that these certificates and stood six for murder in the first de­ 7th, with an attendance exceeding by two unknown men on the bridge standing in the path in front of him notes shall be canceled and destroyed gree, five for acquittal and one for 1100. manslaughter. Then a general dis ­ and robbed of $15 and a couple of with open mouth and glaring eyes, as fast as they come into the Treas­ BLANKS. he put his gun to his shoulder and ury, and that coin notes shall take cussion of the case followed and final­ Heavy rainfalls and snowslides milk cans he was carrying. Strange­ ly on the 27th ballot they compro ­ have prevailed in California the The following general forms are alwaya in stock ly enough, however, they allowed blazed away. The ball went into the the place of them. The coin notes mised on the verdict which they past week. and for sale at the Reporter office : him to keep his watch. He was Warranty Deeds bear’s mouth, but so quickly did the outstanding must be neither greater reported to the court. Motion was Real Estate Mortgage Deeds Chattel Mortgage animal turn his tail toward the hunt­ nor less in volume than the coin or made and granted for the customarj’ The total fire losses for the past quite badly beaten with a revolver Quit-claim Bond for Deed Satisfaction of Mort. Transfer of Mortgage er to run that the ball came out at coining value of the bullion in the 30 days for filing motion for a new year, in the United States and and then driven back across the Farm Lease Notes and Receipts. Bill of Sale the other end of the bear and killed Treasury. Coin notes are to be re­ trial, and Steeves was liberated on Canada, are reported to be $128.246,- river and threatened with death if We carry a large stock of stationery and are bond, but for a brief spell only, as to do Job printing of every sort in the he came back. Mr. Owen had been prepared the man.” deemed when presented in sums of the prosecuting attorney convinced 400. best style of the art and at low figures. $10 or more. Discriminations be­ the judge that such action was con­ The morning Call at San Francisco, out l^te attending a social party. COVNTY CO'l.niSSlONEKS. tween gold and silver in the redemp­ trary to the statutes. The order one of the oldest newspapers on the The perpetrators have not been I. r. CAtBBEATH. E. E. GOUCHER. tion is forbidden. This is made one was revoked and Steeves was again coast, was sold at auction Friday for discovered. CLAIMS ALLOWED. placed behind the bars. of the strong features of the substi­ Calbreath &. Goucher. $360,000. J T Briebine, bridgework............. I $ 9 92 Amity Blade. Z J Imus, bridgework................ 14 Ou tute. Another notable feature is LAFAYETTE. An epidemic of influenza prevails The remainder of the old barn at PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. I N Edmiston, corduroy.............. 20 ou the positive prohibition of the issue in New York city, but the physicians the foothills northeast of town fell J N Reed, boardiug poor............. 14 Oo of bonds to get gold so long as there Jeff Harris is sojourning with us M c M innville . . . . O bboo » this T E Conner, brd’g bridge men .. 2 SO say it will be less severe than in down a few days ago killing a cow week. W G Henderson, salary and expn i 333 75 is either gold or silver in the Treas­ (Office over Braly ’ 6 bank.) Hope 15, D. of H. entertained ‘‘right previous years. It for R. O. Jones, a cow for H. Baker A E McKern, 150 00 ury. royally” last Monday night and sent it R L Conner 50 Oo their guests home feeling that it was One hundred and twenty persons C H McKinney This means that the country's fi- good to be here. ARTHUR J. VIAL, Ai. D. 5u 00 were drowned at Rio Janeiro, Brazil, J B Stilwell, salary and fees 162 5) nances shall be put on the silver The population of this place was in­ W T Vinton, district attorney fee > 5 Ou Physieian and Surgeon, creased last Wednesday morning by the on the7th by the explosion of the Jas Minty, salary sheep inspector r 8 33 basis, No man who has studied arrival of a couple of very small young boilers of the steamer Port Nichthe- B F Rhodes, drawing jury........... 3 00 financial questions with any degree ladies at the home of Will Westerfield. ROOMS IN UNION BLOCK A M Peery 2 Ou of thoroughness can fail to see this. Mrs. Verona Nelson of Newberg was roy. E C Walker “ ........... 2 Oo visiting relatives here this week. M c M innville , O regon . Nichols A Gabriel, goods for poor • 8 88 Our money of ultimate redemption The legislatures of California. Miss Edson has been quite sick for C K Cuolt, cash paid poor . . 13 65 will be the silver dollar. What buy­ several days but is some better now. Montana, New Mexico, North and T W Smith, buaiding poor........... 12 au Lafayette Commandery No. 1 8. K. 8. South Dakota and Idaho met on the ing value would that dollar have ■ and a valuable steer for R. W. Morris A Miles, mdse for poor . . 123 00 will give a grand mask ball on Feb. 14th. Jones A Roth, mdse for poor....... 10 oO under the conditions of his bill? i McMinnville Commandery No. 2 will 7th. The Kansas legislature con­ Phillips. A portion of this barn fell Portland hospital, care of poor. 62 Oo With the provisions swept away. partake in the festivities. a year ago and killed several sheep vened on the Sth. Newberg Milling Co., lumber 30 28 The auricular appendages of your for C. A. Post. Miller Bros, uails ........................ 4 50 which now maintain it at the same ever alert road supervisor must burn Advices from Florida say that the Jones A Adams, nails.................... 3 60 value as the gold dollar, it would dreadfully these days as he receives the W C Kruger “ .................... 2 25 have only the market value of the innumerable blessings showered upon orange crop is a complete failure, Susie Talmage has asked by petition T Jeffries A Co “ .................... 24 25 HER ENTRANCE him by our people when compelled to owing to the freeze of the last few Phil Withycombe, tile ................ 8 65 silver in it. the probate court of Lane county to set travel towards your town. — into society, and womanhood as well, is Geo Bangasser, use of boat.......... 2 Ou This would mean that a man get-; McMinnville and Carlton were well days. Oranges have risen in New an extremely critical period in every girl’s aside and hold for naught a will filed by E W Fuller, running drift life. At this time she needs advice, and, 5 00 44 ting a pension of $12 a month would represented at the D. of H. installation York from $1.50 a case to $4.50. what’s more—help of the right sort. If she Mary F. Richardson, Carrie E. Richard­ Al Foster 5 00 exercises here last Monday night. 44 puts her faith in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ son and Edna K. Richardson, and exe­ W W Harvey The supreme court of California 5 00 then get twelve dollars, but each | We noticed the genial’ phiz of “Dusky” scription it can bring only good results. cuted by J. B. Richardson, deceased. I O Coolidge 2 Ou dollar would buy only half as much Wilson on our street last Wednesday. has decided that the Salvation army , It’s a medicine that’s made especially to Chas Benedict 1 50 Fred Stewart was doing business in build up women’s strength ana cure wo­ The petition states that Susie Talmage is as now. Every man with $100 in a may not beat drums indiscriminately, i S J Dunn men’s ailments—an invigorating, restora­ town Wednesday. W J Garrison rent of polling place savings bank would, in the same Sheriff sales are becoming altogether the decision being rendered in the1 tive tonic, soothing cordial, and bracing the daughter of J. B. Richardson, and nervine ; purely vegetable, non-alcoholic, , the only legal heir, and that Mary F., Wilson A Henderson, livery .... way, have its actual value cut in too numerous. It doesn’t look well. case of John H. Flaherty, who came and perfectly harmless. For all the func­ Carrie E. aud Edna K. Richardson are I N Collard, jauitor.................. We have more “ birds ” in our little half. Every insurance policy, life or burg than any other little burg, all sing­ in contact with the authorities of tional derangements, painful disorders, and uo kin to deceased whatever. The court Geo D Barnard A Co, record and chronic weaknesses that afflict womankind, tax receipts................................ 52 50 fire, would suffer the same reduction. ers too. Redlands. i the “Favorite Prescription ” is specific. has cited the parties to appear and show F H Barnhart, printing............. 30 30 Prof. Blough has been tussling with Every man who had money owing Loren G. Thurston, Hawaiian min­ TERRIBLE PAIN AND FAINTING SPELLS. cause why the pretended will should not H G Guild, “ ............... 3 30 the grippe this winter, and looke a little Mechanicsburgh, Cumberland Co., Pa H L Heath, “ ................. 3 Ou him would be repaid only half as tough, but says he is O. K. now. ister to the United States and to | D r . R. V. F ierce , Buffalo. N. Y.: Dear Sir— be set aside, on February 4, 1895. The E H Woodward, “ ............. 2 5o much as the actual value of the loan. When I commenced tak­ petition also asks the court to declare Owing to the failure of the newly Portugal, has landed at New York , ing your medicine I was R A Stow, lumber......................... 10 77 elected mayor, recorder and marshal to very sickly. I had fre­ that Richardson died intestate and that There is not a debt or obligation in John Stalicup, corduroy............... 3 26 qualify last Monday night, this city is from the latter country, where he quent spells of fainting, i C. W. Talmage be appointed administra- P C Thomason, tile........................ terrible pain in n>y head, 6 30 the United States but was contracted running itself and is doing just as well as made arrangements for the shipping and life was a burden to i tor of said estate with sufficient bonds. W A Howe, hard ware ................ 24 97 ever, thank you. me. I was attended by of 900 Portuguese to the Hawaiian j G W McConnell medical aid joor 3d 00 under a gold standard, ahd Bland one of the best physi­ I The property at issue amounts to about B b Coulter, bridge work cians in our town, but 3 Ou proposes to rob every lender of half islands, to work on the sugar plan- [ The next regular meeting of the C. L. with no good results. At $1,000.—[Eugene Guard. tV R Evarts, marshal election .. 2 00 his loan. That is what the Bland tations. S. C. will be at the residence of Prof. last a neighbor advised W K brown, road work 7 25 me to try Dr. Pierce s J C Pennington, salary................ 50 6u substitute means, and it is what the i Buchanan. Favorite Prescription, Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbaum Governor Pennoyer of Oregon has which I did. ana after Ella K Loper, boardiug poor . 12 00 free coinage of silver at 16 to 1 Van Brown, who has filled the posi­ endowed Williams college with a taking one bottle I felt of San Luis Rey, Cal., was troubled with H F Bedwell, hardware greatly benefited. I means.— Toledo Blade. tion of yard foreman with Jones & scholarship of $3,450 in memory of Glass A Prudnomme, printing would advise all ladies a lame back and rheumatism. He used similarly afflicted to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and a prompt Adams the past five years, has been rejected ........................... ...... 61 his son who died there last term. The ___________ Atas. J acobs . " Favorite Prescription.’’ Justice transcript, state vs John Five bids were opened yesterday for offered and has accepted a similar posi­ Yours truly. cure was effected. He says he has since money is to be used for the support Burden....................................... 62 20 Mrs. SAMVEL A. JACOBS. advised many of his friends to try it and tion at Santa Barbara, Cal. He expects Do, state vs Guy F Smith ......... o3 7u the erection of F. E. Rogers’ cottage. of the needy and deserving students, A book of 168 pages, entitled “Woman Isaac Daugherty was appointed justice The lowest, $1647, was by Simmons A to leave next Monday. Van is a number Her Diseases,” sent sealed in plain all who have done so have spoken highly preference being given to Oregon and one young man, and has hosts of friendB O. lUe peace loi district .>u. 1, lu place of Arthur The highest bid was only envelope for io cents in stamps to pay of it. It is for sale by 8. Howorth & Co., •»alter Puller, deceased. postage. Address Dr. Pierce as above. students when such are in college. who will be sorry to see him leave. Druggists, i about fifty dollars above this figure. F. II. B ARN HART, Editor A Propr. J» G. fcCKllA^i, Ab»oci