2 Your V J Heart’s Blood ! MACHA. By ROSA MULHOLLAND. ' j ! j of something like genius touched and delighted the best feelings of His na- ture. He was the more disposed to be satisfied with the results of his mar- riage because hi-: wife’s low extraction ness of perfect faith. Every day her yearning grew deeper, and the look of it settled in her eyes. Her husband resolutely appeared to mis­ understand her, refused to meet her He AVa» At The Top. pleading glance, persuaded himself that Major General O. O. Howard says she was ill, out of temper, anything rather than homesick and lonely by his that the most impressive incident cf side. If his conscience smote him with heroism he ever witnessed was afford­ the remembrance of an eager promise ed by a wounded sargeant—not just with delight the procession of glorified before he was wounded, nor at the beings in the heavens. This was the time he was wounded, but afterward, home of her passionate devotion, the strait hard bed from which she could when he was dying. ‘The sargeant,” says General endure to yield up her mortal breath. Only the eagles and whatever super­ Howard, “was struggling to be in natural beings had been lurking near the lead at Missionary Ridge during heard the clamor of wild cries that arose the ascent, under heavy fire from in the isolated cabin at sight of her. “Mother, there is something beautiful the crest. coming that looks like Macha!” cried “The man was shot down, fright­ one of the little sisters. “Macha must fully wounded. His arm shat­ be dead and coming from heaven to see tered and the shock was so great ts’!” And they all stood solemnly in the doorway to watch the approach of that he was unconscious as he fell. “As he was being carried off the the apparition. But when Macha’s liv­ ing lips spoke to them and her out­ field a stranger, a friend of mine, stretched hands touched them then arose met him. The sargeant’s wound was such cries as the rocks gave back. “Turn you away, asthore machrro! was a secret from his associates. It was voluntarily made, he told himself that Macha, are yon mad? Wouldn’t it be believed that she was the daughter of a I foolish vows ought never to be kept, only to see you happy and well? I sup­ noble but impoverished Irish family; i The strangest part of it all to him was pose the man has a good farm and can that she had been neglected iu her early ' that she did not reproach him with hav­ pay his rent And you would bo well years and educated by her husband. A ing broken his word. But she did not warmed and fod, my Macha, though pretty romance had been constructed, think he had broken it—only that he mother’s hearth would be blank. ” liow or by whom Sir Humphrey did not was wcarilv long about beginning to Keep It Pure ▼ your “I don’t want to be well warmed and know. His wife’s gentle grace was the fulfill it. for Infante and Children. lor which purpose nothing can V fed. I am as well off as you and the real foundation for it, and, at all events, A bitter season set in, and Sir Hum­ M equal I It effectually re- dj* grandmother and the girls. Ila would he had not the courage to contradict the phrey, looking at his wife’s thin cheek X moves! M ..■vr.co S S S. i all impurities,^ take me out to England, over tho sea tale. and the darkening trouble about her HIRTY year»’ ob.ervation of Castori« with the p atronado of cleanses the blood thoroughly w —away, away to the other tide of the With all this good luck there was eyes, bethought him of taking her to mIlHon«_ofjor«on»^permit us to «yak of it without gw«a» i »g. m and builds up the general health. M something wanting to their happiness. some gay city, to a genial climate and world!” Our Treatise oa Blood and Skin diseases mailed Macha did not fall into raptures witii the novelty cf strange faces :md places. It i« onqup.tionahly tho boat iwudy for luxant» aud CMMm Free to any address. And the girl sobbed wildly on her tho splendors of her home, not with tiie He had watched her walking to and fro ▼ SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. ▼ mother’s shoulder. tho world hai ever known. It i« harmle««. Children like it. It “Send him off, then, acnshla machreo amusements cf society, nor with the I among his comfortable tenantry, in and give« thorn health. It will »are their live». In it Mother» have Why need you break your heart about Catteries and triumphs that fell to her out of their warm, wholesome dwell­ what nobody is going to bid you do? share. She only half lived in luxury by ings, and ho knew what brought the ■omethlng which i» ab«ol«tely .afe and practically perfect as a Your mother before you never wore u her husband’s side; the other half of hc-r quiver of pain across her eyes. She wa3 ohtld’» medicino. covered from sight by his overcoat. fine gown, and we will bo hungry to­ ' lived on tho mountain among the priva- thinking of that dreary hovel among the To be Continued. 1 tions to which she was born. Under Connaught hills. Where the sun always gether as wo always were.” The stranger asked: Castoria destroy» Worm«. Macha’s weeping subsided a little, < her rich sables she shuddered at the cold shines he thought she would forget how MOCKING BIHUS TO COME. “ ‘ Where were you wounded, sar ­ Caatoria allay» Feveri»hne«a. i n her mother ’ s limbs, and by her own cold and hunger sting. So the Christ­ but only to break out again as fiercely geant? ’ I glowing fireside she kept counting the mas guests were put off, and Sir Hum­ as before. Ca«toria prevent« vomiting Sour Card. A New Importation for Oregon—A “I cannot send him away, mother! I »ods of turf that might have been saved phrey and Lady Gilbert went to winter “ ‘ Almost up, sir. ’ I.ct of Nightingale«. Caatofin cure» Diarrhoea and Wind Celio» E. McNEILL, Receiver. love him as well as you. Oh, why did from the rainy season to keep warmth at Florence. “ ‘No; I mean whereabouts were Uncomplainingly Macha did her hus­ TO THE Castoria relieve» Toothing frontiles. he ever come over the mountain? Better in the aged grandmother’s withered The 50 pairs of mocking-birds, you hit?’ band’s bidding. She said to herself, it had been him that lives down in tho frame. Castoria cure» Con»tipation and Flatulency. She heard the little sisters saying: “When wo come back, early in the says the Oregonian, purchased in “ ‘Almost up, sir—almost to the lake!” “ What is Macha doing? Macha is so Castoria neutralise» the effect* of carbonic acid gaa or poiaonona air. spring, he will take me or let me go. ” Chicago by Mr. C. F. Pfluger, secre­ top. Almost up.’ The mother stood aghast. ‘ ‘Holy Vir­ In the mild air of Italy she did not tary of the association for the impor­ gin!” she cried, “and ’tis only a score happy she has forgotten us!” The heart Castoria doea not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. “Just then the coat was turned of days since we saw him first. Then, if within her was getting every day more realize so keenly tho well remembered tation of song birds, are now on their Caatoria_ as»lmilate»_tho food, regnlate« the «tomach and bawala. chilly, because as yet her husband ’ s down and the mangled arm was rigors of the Connaught winter. Her GIVES THE CHOICE OF you love him like that, my daughter, way here in charge of the Northern exposed to view. promise did not seem likely to be ful­ TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL you are bound to be his wife. You must filled. At last sho had summoned cour­ imagination was caught by the beauties RivinR healthy and natural »loop. that surrounded her, and for a little Pacific Express Company, and will go, even to England over the sea!” Yes,’ said the sargeant, at last Castoria 1» put up in ouo-.iee bottle» only. It is not «old in .bnlk. “You don’t know what you are say­ age and asked him tho question, “When time Sir Humphrey thought his triumph arrive about the middle of next understanding what the stranger was at hand. It was but an accident ing, mother. How could I live without will you let me see my mother?” Don’t allow any one to sell yon anything el»e on the plea or premia« Sir Humphrey was troubled. Ho was that turned the scale against him and week. Part of them will be fed had intended to ask; ‘that’s what seeing your face?” through the winter in the aviary that it is‘‘just as good ” and ** will an»w«r every purpose,” quite resolved never to let Macha return made shipwreck of his plans and of “As many have to live, my Macha. did it. If it hadn’t been for that I Maybe he would bring you back to see to her people, and he had hoped that Macha’s life. Accident or fate led Lady built by Mr. Frank Dekum, late would have been at the top, sir. ’ See that you get C-A-S-T"O-R-I-A. us. And you might be able to send us the desire to go to them would have Gilbert, who rarely looked at anything president of the association, and the “ He continued repeating ‘ Almost faded away from her before now. There printed, to glance into the columns of the potato seed or a piece of the good The fac-aimUo - was something in her face which he an English newspaper, and a paragraph remainder will be taken care of by up—almost up,’ until he died. flannel to keep us warm. ” »ignature of - wvappwr. could not understand, but which made met her eye in which certain rough­ Mr. F. Bickel, who has fitted up a Macha looked piteously in her moth ­ “I regard this as the clearest VIA him feel that he must deal very gently room for their reception. About the statements were mado regarding a fam ­ er’s eyes and then round the familiar Case of heroic patriotic devotion which SPOKANE DENVER cabin. The storm came down again with her. ine of food and fuel in certain parts of middle of April they will all be turn­ occurred near me in battle. The Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria« “It is out of the question at present, hungry and melancholy Connaught. her heart, and she flung up her ed loose, and will form a very desira­ man’s brave purpose was so strong OMAHA upon Minneapolis love, ” he said, “ but you shall send her Instantly her long suffering patience arms and fell into a swoon. Her lover, ANO «NO gave way, and all the latent fire of her ble addition to the song birds already that even as he died it was the rul­ arriving up tho mountain, found her ly­ any present you please. ’ ’ She shut her eager lips, seeing that nature burst forth. She flew to her hus­ colonized here by the association. ing thought in his mind, and his ing white on tho heather outside the ST. PAUL KANSAS CY door, with her head on her' mother’s her husband would not bear to be urged. band, with burning eyes, and laid her There is no doubt in regard to their last wish was that he might have knees, and was thus led into uttering He went hurriedly out of tho room, and finger on the cruel lines. Sir Hum­ doing well here, as several pairs of LOW RATES TO ALL gone to the top.’’— Exchange. Macha stood silently by tho fire, with a phrey was iu an irritable humor. Cut promises which else he might never EASTERN CITIES. strange gray cloud overshadowing her off from his customary country pursuits, these birds were turned out near have made. A. E. Kilpatrick, of Fillmore, Cal.-, “It’s only the heart that is too strong face. The third summer had gone by, idling in a foreign city, ho had fallen Milwaukie by Mr. Pfluger a few OCEAN STEAMERS ---------------------------- IB THE----------------------------- in her, ” said the poor mother sorrowful­ and now again the winter was passing, into play and had lost heavily the night years since, and they have returned had the misfortune to have his leg caught Leave Portland Every 3 Days ly. “It is ill to love a stranger that and she seemed farther than ever from before this eventful morning. The sight every spring since from their an nual between a cart and a stone and badly attaining the great desire of her heart of his wife’s feverish emotion made him • • POR • • must part you from your own. ” migration. Some of the mocking­ bruised. Ordinarily he would have A minute she stood where he had left angry. Her passionate demand to be “I swear to bring her back, ” said the man eagerly. “She shall come when­ her, with closed eyes, climbing in spirit sent with succor to her people chafed birds to arrive will be exhibited at been laid up for two or three weeks, but ••• ever she pleases and bring as many good the rough ascent to the mountain cabin. and bewildered him. Macha! for whose the Exposition building during the says: “After using one bottle of Cham­ DAILY (without Sunday)......................... $6.oo per year things as she likes. We might even Iu imagination she threw herself at her good he had inconvenienced himself so fair. berlain’s Pain Balm I began to feel bet­ DAILY (with Sunday).............................. $8.oo per year mother ’ s feet, begged her forgiveness, seriously, left his home in winter, low ­ For full details call on build a house in the valley below. ” ter, and in three days was entirely well. Mr. Pfluger is expecting the arriv ­ assured her of herWove, pleaded her in ­ ered himself to sit at tho table with C. A. WALLACE, McMinnvllla, Or At this the color began to return into gamblers! Macha to rise and turn on al of from 30 to 40 pairs of plain and The peculiar soothing qualities which Macha’s cheeks, and the comfortable ability to keep her word. Or Address Then, with a long sigh, sho unclosed him with those flaming eyes! He met black-headed nightiugales, , PER YEAR..................................................... ) = some­ Chamberlain’s Pain Balm possesses I W. H HlHI.Iil HT, promises sank deep into her mind. her eyes, unbent her brows and patient ­ with a flat denial and uttered some her Gen. Pass. Agt. Little by little the struggle between time between now and Christmas. have never noticed in any other lini­ S A NEWSPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast ol the times In all POHTLAW, OK. the new love and the old was softened ly went about her occupations. Sho took bitter reproaches, upbraiding her with They will be housed and fed during ment. I take pleasure in recommend­ respects It spares neither pains nor expense in securing ALL THH NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. ing it.” This liniment is also of great away The will of the stranger pre­ advantage of her husband’s permission her imprudence and persistent folly. EAST AND SOUTH vailed, and the marriago took place in to send a present—a cloak for the grand­ Having begun to give a little vent to the winter in the greenhouse at the value for rheumatism and lame back. a little rude mountain chapel, where mother and flannel for the mother and his displeasure, he ended by saying Dekum place, and will be turned For sale by 8. Howorth & Co., druggiste. VIA Macha had been baptized, and where, the little sisters. There was much trou­ more than he had ever meant to say. loose in the spring. They are mi­ traveling through hail, rain and storm, ble about addressing the parcel so that He refused to believe in the newspaper’s grating birds, and were caught dur­ W ell Acquainted W ith Them. she had knelt every Sunday since she it might reach that distant and isolated tale of distress and forbade her to men­ ing the fall in the Hartz mountains cabin, but the trouble was taken, and OF THE tion her people again. It has something of interest to each member of the family had been able to walk. At tho church A country minister in a certain ITS YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. Macha stood like one stunned, slowly while on their way to Africa for the doors the husband reiterated the prom­ that the parcel went safely home was ITS LITERARY FEATURES are unequaled. ise that he would bring her back—very known by the arrival of an acknowledg­ taking in what his angry words con­ winter. This state being in the town took permanent leave of his POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit of the soon she would return to the mountain. ment of the gift—a grotesque scrawl in veyed. As she had believed his words latitude of Northern Europe and congregation in the following pa­ ablest discussions on all live political topics. It also gives them THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. pen and ink, scarcely legiblo, but ex ­ before, so she believed them now. They Express Trains Leave Portland Daily He almost tore his bride away, weeping Central America being in the lati­ thetic manner: and half fainting, from tho embraces of pressive of love and gratitude. Sir fell upon her like blows, and when he tude of the winter haunts of the IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. L eave . arrive “Brothers and sisters, I come to Humphrey read the curious document had turned harshly away and left her Portland........... fl-15 P M | San Francisco..10:45 A M her people, from the clinging of their nightingales, it is expected that THE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO, THE NEWS AND COrVlERClAL I don’t think God Ban Franclwo.7:UO P M I Portland. ........... 8:20 A M thin brown haud3 and the kisses of their with a curling lip and threw it in the under sentence of his displeasure one they will migrate from here to Cen­ say goodbye. CENTER OF ALL WEST OF THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS, AND IS BET1ER fire. Allow his wife to go buck among only desire and determination possessed ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE OF THAT SECTION THAN ANY tral America every winter and re­ loves this church, because none of Above trains stop at all stations from Portland to weather beaten faces. And in spite of PAPER FARTHER EAST. these savages! No; it was not likely he her—to get away out of this cruel world turn in the spring. The continuous j’ou ever die. I don’t think you love Albany Inclusive. Also Tangeut, Shedds, Hal- tho promises lio had just repeated he It Is in accord with the people of ths West both in Politics and Literature. •ey, Harrisburg, Junction city, Irving. Eugene could be so foolish. Ono such folly in a of plenty and bring food and comfort to was glad to think that he had probably Please remember that the price of The Weekly Inter Ocean Is ONLY ONE DOL. and all stations front Roseburg to Ashland lnclu- mountain ranges will confine them each other, because I never marry lifetime was surely enough. They must her famishing mother. She did not aive. seen the last of this wild mountain tribe. LAR PER YEAR. Addreas THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. to this coast and they will have a any of you. I don’t think you love learn to forget Macha, and Macha must Koaeburg .Vlall Daily, weigh the consequence of defying her straight route across California and #«#*** LEAVE: ARRIVE: husband. Her agony and longing blot­ Mexico. In the matter of introducing me because you have not paid my Sir Humphrey Gilbert dressed his learn to forget them. The Inter Ocean and the Reporter one year for $1.33. Portland......... 8:30 A M I Roseburg.......... 5 50 P M How was she to be taught to do it, ted out even tk^ memory of hie exist­ Roseburg........ 7:00 AM | Portland........... 4.30 PM wife in a lady’s garb and surrounded game and song birds, Oregon is far though? Why was she eo stupidly, so ence. her with all the appointments that were ahead of any other state in the DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. How she made her way to Connaught Union. suited to her new station. The first jar obstinately blind to tho exigencies of PULLWRN ♦ BUFFET to his happiness was given by his per­ the case? Full of intelligence on every who shall tell? As the lioness finds her ception that, beautiful as was Macha in other subject she could not be brought stolen young, so did Macha scent the SLEEPERS A Curious Bicycle. her silks and laces and trinkets, mu­ to see that between Sir Humphrey’s path to her native hills. Accustomed to AND One of the most curious sights sical as was her speech, graceful as were wife and tho wild tribe of her people rely upon her husband for everything, SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS. her movements, there was yet some­ there could not and must not be any to follow his instructions and mark out that has lately been seen in the streets • --------IS ONLY-------- Attached to all Through Trains. thing wanting in her to make her a further personal Intercourse. How slow nothing for herself, she must have made of New York is what has felicitously West Side Division. bride that could be presented, without she wa3 in taking up his meaning when almost supernatural exertions ta accom­ been called the Eiffel Tower bicj’cle. risk of criticism, to his friends. The he tried to bear it in upon her without plish her end. But accomplish it she did. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS putting the fact before her in uncom ­ This machine is constructed on the When her husband returned that night, Mail Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) enchanting mountain girl, with her fortable words! With her beautiful seri­ half angry and half relenting, revolving principle of an ordinary safety, but picturesquo beauty and wild charming IX À M i Lv Portland Ar 5:35 P M ous face, her outward and inward refine­ plans for reconciliation, taking counsel 10:15 A M 1 Lv McMinnville Lv 3:01 F M ways, was no more. The lovely Lady ment, in her soft white draperies and it has a frame superstructure which salary. Your donations are mouldy with himself as to how he ought to deal 12:15 P M| Ar Lv li» P M Gilbert was a little too unconventional, Corvallis carries the rider at a distance of delicate laces, how could she contem ­ fruit and wormy apples, and ‘by with her, knowing very well that he with her soft brogue, her vivid and fig ­ for At Albany and Corvallis connect with plate a visit to that abode of poverty meant to send a largess to those crea­ some ten feet from terra firma. their fruits we shall know them? urative language, her quick natural ges ­ trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad, NEW l’OKK. Brothers.I am going away to a better tures, her little slips in grammar and which ho remembered only too well? tures on the mountain who were such a This machine is frequently seen on Burns, Express Train Daily, (Except Sunday.) place. I have been called to be chap­ A Ueliglou», Literary »lid Family artless habitual utterance of the truth. Fancy the wild, brown littlo sisters hug­ thorn in his side—when he came back the avenues of the city, and the rider: Caked & Inflamed Udders. lain of a penitentiary. Where I go 4:40 P M Lv Portland Ar I 8-25 A M But Sir Humphrey was very patient ging the elegant Lady Gilbert; the to his home, Macha was gone. Newspaper. easily overtops the ordinarj' lamp i 7:15 P 51 Lv Lv 1 5:58 A M with her and set to work to polish his meager, weather beaten mother weeping St. Joseph you cannot come, but I go to prepare Dismay, anger, terror, all passed Lv j 5 53 A M Piles, 7:25 P M Ar McMinnville Undenominational, unbiaaed and impartial A over her; the mummylike grandmother through and over him. He first swore post along the route of travel. He j a place for you, and may the Lord precious gem in the rough. paper for clergs men, scholars, teacher«, mumbling Irish into her ears! There have mercy on your souls. Goodbye. ” and condemned her, then remembered Through Tickets to all points in Eastern seems to have perfect control over| A long timo passed over, and the hus­ Rheumatic Pains, business men and families. It dis­ ---------- ---------------- States. Canada and Europe can l>e obtained at band felt no desire to revisit the high­ was a grotesqneness in the picture as her sweet face and her former patience the machine, which he can drive at. cusses every topic of the day—re­ lowest rates from O. A. W llcox. Agent. McMinn­ presented to Sir Humphrey ’ s imagina ­ Disappointed the Mediums. and almost forgave her. Uneasily he re­ lands of Connaught. ville. E. P. ROGERS, ligious. theological, political, quite a good rate of speed, taking i Bruises and ¿trains, tion that brought the indignant color to Asst. O. F. 4 P. A., Portland, Or. solved to let her go and have her way. “Dear,” said his wife to him one literary, social, artistic and Spiritualistic mediums at Colum­ R. KOEHLER, Manager. I sharp corners with perfect ease and | bis face. Running Sores, He had given her money yesterday, scientilic. Its contrib­ day, ‘ ‘when are we going back to see bus, Ohio, are considerably agitated Macha ’ s obtuseness was aggravating. commanding hor to spend it on her own I apparent safety. uted articles are by This bicycle is Inflammations, my mother?” and scoffers at that belief are in high From time to time she would Bay to the most eminent amusement. For the present she could I mounted from behind in the usual She was standing before him iu a writers of the feather just now because of the un­ flowing robe of soft white stuff, with him imploringly, “When will you allow not want, and this reckless visit would way, but it has to be held by attend-■ Stiff joints, English expected return of a long-lost son, her honey colored hair dressed by a me to go?” and when answerod unsatis­ be sure to tame her. Very soon she Language. CHURCHES French maid, with jewels in her ears factorily would turn away with that would be glad to return to him on any [ ants while mounting. The owner I Harness & Saddle Sores, who had been mourned as dead. B aftiht —Services Sunday 11 a. m. and and flowers at her breast, looking such dull look of patience that was becoming terms. Thus torn by distracting , sometimes places the machine against, 7:30 p. in ; Sunday school 9:50 a m.; the Twenty years ago Johnny Gault, thoughts, Sir Humphrey went back alone a wall and mounts from a standstill, j Sciatica, young people's society 6:15 p m Prayer a picture of beauty and refinement that then 15 years of age, suddenly and It employs specialists and distinguished writ, to his English home. Pride, obstinacy meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Covenant even the peculiar intonation that still era as editors of its Twenty-On« Departments, as meeting first Sat each month 2:00 p. m. and the conviction that his wife was j but, of course, in the city this is not Lumbago, mysteriously disappeared from his follows: clung to her speech could not declare M ethodist E hscopal —Services every. her other than a lady. Macha possessed wrong and required punishment and I always practicable. home on East Mound street. Nothing Literature, Science, Music, Scalds, Sabbath 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday ■ humiliation prevented his following her. There is considerable difficulty in school 9:30 a m. Prayer meeting 7:00 p in a high degree the power of adapting Fine Arts, Sanitary, Missions, was heard of him, and after the lapse The sun was setting behind whitened driving the bicycle up hill, owing Blisters, herself to the ways of those around her. m. Thursday. L ee T hompson , Pastor. Religious Intelligence, of a number of years his parents I peaks when Macha came wearily up the C omb . P kesbytkrias —Services every Sab­ Her husband recognized this power in Biblical Research, ! last ascent of the hills. There were the i partially to the weight, the length Insect Bites, mourned him as dead. Of late his bath 11 AM) a m and 7:3C p. m. Sunday her and relied upon it to carry him school 9:30 a. m. Y. P. C. E.. Sunday 6:30 i through the consequences of his own School and College, j bare seamed levels, the weird rocks, I of the sprocket chain and the balance | sorrowing mother has sought the p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Ah Cattle Ailments, I the scant green patches, tho dark mys- | of the machine. The sprocket chain Personals, rash and extraordinary conduct. He was E E. T hompson , Pastor. consolation of spiritualistic mediums, i terious looking lake. “Oh, God, I have ' extends from the upper sprocket Charities. C hristian —Services every Sabbath 11:00 grateful to his wife for the persistent All Horse Ailments, through whose supernatural powers 5 returned!” broko from her. “There a. m and 7:30 p. tn. Sunday school 10 efforts he saw her make, knowing she Editorial, News of the Week, ! wheel to the rear wheel, and the she said she was enabled to converse Sunday-School, ■ is my mother’s cabin. ” The fierce a. m. Young people’s meeting at 6:30 p. m. was influenced solely by love for him, All Sheep Ailments, 11. A. D enton , Pastor. j ache that had gnawed her heart lateral swing or play of the chaiD is for she took but littlo interest in the with her son, Johnny being supposed Ministerial Register, 8 t . J ames C atholic —First st., between pleasures that surrounded her. He did suddenly left it, and a glow of prevented by a guide roller mounted to be dead, of course. The mediums O and H. Sunday school 2:30 p. m. Ves­ Financial, Insurance, satisfaction went tingling throngh her | just above the back wheel. Penetrates Muscle, apparently did not have any trouble The not know how far she was influenced by pers 7:80. Services once a month. Old and Young, Pebbles, veins. Strange, instinctive, unreasoning W. R. H ogan , Pastor another motive also, the desire to earn Membrane and Tissue in calling up the son’s ghost, and the I lovo of home and kindred that can for­ front wheel measures 27 inches, the Farm and Garden. a reward, in the fulfillment of his prom­ bid a human being to accept ease and rear wheel 36 inches, and the extreme 8ECRET ORDERS. mother ’ s grief at the loss of her son Odd Knots. ise to bring her back to her native hills. Quickly to the Very K nowles C hapter No. 12, O. E. 8.—Meets a pleasure in exchange for the suffering height is said to be 13 feet. The ■ So long ago did it seem, that folly was greatly assuaged by the frequent A paper particularly fitted for lawyers, doctor«, Masonic hall toe first and third Monday evening I of want I Macha, who had been delivered machine was constructed in England tn each mouth. Visiting member» cordlallv in- | that had married him to a peasant wife, Seat of Pain and conversations which she had with clergymen, those engaged in business, young vited. C. H. MCKINNEY, Sec. | that all recollection of the details of the over to abundance and luxury, cast them people of both sexes, men and women who read but the American Dunlop tire was through the instrumentality of and MRS. C W. TALMAGE. W. M. from her like broken fetters and rushed think for themselves. Ousts it in a Jiffy. a him circumstances had almost passed away medium. A few days ago a strang ­ I applied after it arrived in this coun ­ C vstek P ost N o . 9—Meets the second and fourth A paper especially valuable for those Interest«! forward into the embraces of her old Saturday of each month in Union hall at 7:30 from his mind. Ho was a man of quick, er called at the Gault residence, and in Flat Art*, Sd.nct, Mu*k. companion and foster mother, poverty. try. The adventurous spirit who Rub in Vigorously. J>. m. on second Saturday and at 10:30 a. m. on overpowering impulses and memories in a few moments he had been identi­ A paper giving valuable Information upon th Saturday. All members of the order are that faded with ease. Things that wero “ When will you allow me to got” This was the spot where she had has been seen riding this remarkable cordially invited to attend our meetings. Mustang Liniment conquers fied by the family and friends as the Finance, Lire Insurance, Comni.rc full of pathetic interest to him yester­ habitual to her countenance. She lived ; danoed and sung, wept and prayed, wheel is usually accompanied by a B. F. C ll 'B ini , commander. Pain, long lost son. John, now a man of 35, A paper for Sunday-School Worker*, thorn J. A. P eckham , Adjt. day were very likely to be follies to him in a state of painful suspense, of silent where she had been hungry and cold and Makes Ilan or Beast well j number of companions who serve as and browned by bis many years of who have a Farm, Oardeo or liiuu Plant*. expectation, which showed she had not I full of care and had been necessary to again. W. C T. U.—-Meets on everv Fri­ today. Yet he was faithful in his affec­ taken in the idea that he was resolved the existence of those she loved. Here I a sort of bodyguard and prevent ve- exposure on the western plains, in­ A paper for the family, old and young. tion" for Macha, and the sight of her yearly subscription Is $3.00. or at that rata day, in Wright’s hall at 3 o’clock p m. sists that he has never been dead at for Its any part of a year. struggling with her difficulties, labor­ never to grant her request. The memory was where she had watched, half I hiclesand pedestrians from obstruct- £. T. L. at 3 p. tn. | all, the spiritualist mediums to the Clubs of five. $2.00 each. Mas A. J. W hitmore , Pres I ing to make herself all that he could of his promise was still so fresh in her credulous, for the fairies among the I ing the way.— Scientific American. contrary notwithstanding. C lara O. E sbon . Sec’y. Specimen Copies Ftee. 47-3 wish and succeeding by the inspiration thought. Her stupidity was the blind­ socks, and, wholly believing, beheld ▼-- Is the most important part of ▼ ft your organism. Three-fourths of t* i the complaints to which the sys- 1 W tem is subject are due to impuri- W lies in I the blood. You can, there-— — ----- ties fore, , realize how vital it is to FS V 0. R. & N. CO E AST ROUTES W EE IL THE INTER OCEAN SAN Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. FRANCISCO Bi MAIL I The Weekly Inter Ocean i C1.00 A The Weekly Inter Ocean The Shasta Route AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. 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