Baz Hibbs moved down from the lake ;♦ last week. * Why Don't you Use One of those Go to Dr. G. S. Wright for fine dental Byron Millsap has moved into Shell ■work. tf Hawley’s house. * The rainfall for October at this place Two young men are keeping bache­ was 5.70 inches. lor’s hall in the old pest house. Go to Hogg's Excelsior studio for your A 14-pound son was born to the family photos No etairs to climb. of J. N. Wisecarver on the 1st inst. E. L. Weed will ship a carload of pota­ The treasurer’s call and notice of ‘ toes to-morrow. ■ feathers’ examination appear in this ' * J. P. Irvine has some extra fine syrup 1 issue. On which to haul your Lumber from in the barrel Bring your buckets and There is a boom in marriage licenses * try it I this week. Sixteen were issued during D. O. Durham has had the misfortune I October. * to chop off his thumb while splitting The ground is in splendid condition for wood. seeding, and many farmers are improv­ * I Will Kuns has hot peanuts every hour ing the opportunity. of the day. Subject of Sunday morning discourse AT^ For the House you are going to build ? Both the attendance and the interest at the Christian church : “The Work of are good at the meetings being held the Holy Spirit in Conversion and Salva­ -o- nightly at the M. E. church by the pas­ tion.” tor. An effort is making to organize a foot­ Wm. F. Dielscbneider, the leading ball team. The football has been pur- And as you pass their Store jeweler, carries only first-class goods and chased and the first kicking will be done stop and get your sells below Portland prices. Look at his ' Saturday on the bicycle plaza. stock. The D street market is sparing no At W. T. Vinton’s residence at high pains to please its customers, and has noon Wednesday, Maud E. Bowman of J lately presented a variety of delicacies, The Sale will Commence Newberg and Frank A. Kinney of As­ such as venison, bear and trout. They toria were united in marriage by Rev. mean to keep up with the procession, and may yet secure a buffalo. Watch this Elmer E. Thompson. A good mauy people both in and out stand for good things in meats The marriage of Pratt K. Sitton and of town find Will Kuns’ bakery a good place to get a qnick lunch during the Miss Mabie E Wisecarver was solemn­ and will continue until further notice is given. You can have your house completed in time to noon hour. Everything is kept fresh, ized by Judge Magers last evening at the cut your hay with a 'Woods Tubular Steel Mower, home of the bride’s parents a few miles This will be the greatest sale ever made in the state, as the prices have neat and clean, and prices are low. and then if you use the “Minnie” Binder you will be happy. Call and examine our Stock. Surveyor Branson is engager! this week northwest of the city. These are estim­ already been reduced from IO to 15 per cent on former prices. in subdividing the J. B. Walling place able young people, who take this step near Amity for Ladd & Reed. He is as­ with the best wishes of a host of friends. Mrs. C. W. Talmage received a tele­ sisted by Al. Foster, Thos. Rogers and JONES & ADAMS, 3d St., McMinnville. gram Monday that her father was dying. J. C. Hoover. DISCOUNTS AS FOLLOWS: For a good watch for little money, go The telegram came from Eugene, but did All kinds of Fine, to Wm. F. Dielschueider, the leading not state where her father was. She has D. A. SMITH’S Across the Street DRY GOODS since been unable to learn his where­ Difficult and • from his old jeweler. —NEW— abouts, and hence could not go to him. old Watches re­ stand. CLOTHING AND MACKINTOSHES The ladies of the C. P. Church will He is supposed to be somewhere in the paired and made serve an oyster supper the evening be­ Alsea country. AU kinds of Watches, Clock« to run as good HATS fore Thanksgiving. Oysters will be and Jewelry for sale at as new at hard times price«. served both raw and cooked. COLLEGE notes . OPPOSITE POSTOFFICC. GENTS ’ FURNISHING GOODS È> Go to G. Maurer’s meat market on The entertainment Friday night was Third street for a nice dressed chicken CLOAKS AND WRAPS well attended by an appreciative audi­ for your Sunday dinner. ence. BLANKETS There will be an examination of teach­ The Philergian society held a very ers next Wednesday, the 14th Take interesting meeting Saturday night. The ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ TRUNKS AND VALISES notice and be governed accordingly. address delivered by Mrs. Brownson was ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 1 MILLINERY The time to buy bicycles cheap is excellent. Hon. Wm. Galloway will ad­ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ y when they are out of season. See Un­ dress the society next Saturday night. - . » ruh about prices. He is making a fall The sophomore class is fully abreast clearance sale. with the times, having adopted class Mrs. P. M. Scroggin, wife of the late colors and a class yell. The class meets P. M. Scroggin of Sheridan, died at the every two weeks, at which time a pro­ »• W. L. Douglas Shoes, 10 per cent. Red School House Shoes, 15 per cent. asylum in Salem on Wednesday. Her gram consisting of essays, recitations, » remains were taken to Sheridan for in­ etc., is given. The other college classes C. M. Henderson & Co’s Men’s 1OOO Line, 10 per cent. would do well to follow this example. terment. » Politics have been discussed, some­ Rubber goods, 5 per cent. Buy for cash and sell for cash is J. P. what, by the students; most of them, Irvine’s motto. 44-2 ■ however, agree with the verdict delivered STAPLES—Such as Sheetings, Canton Flannelsand Calicoes,—no discount. » Charles Riggin, an Irishman aged 70 by the majority of voters of the several years, who has lived about North Yamhill - states. for a short period, was taken to the asy­ Probate Court. lum Saturday by Sheriff Henderson. Hie insanity was brought on by his age, early Guardianship of Mack Stewart et al. ¡> habits, and the buffetings of a cold and Annual account approved. ► Sorghum Molasses selfish world. Guardianship of Frank L. Stewart. Call and inspect the latest styles in Annual account approved. ►> cloaks and wraps, just arrived at Jacob­ Guardianship of Frank T Tolson et al. 5th annual account filed and approved. son’s. and Maple too Estate of Alexander McKinley. Final The ladies’ guild of the Episcopal account filed and Dec. 8th set to hear church will give a chrysanthemum tea at the residence of Mrs. E. C. Apperson on same. A Estate of Thos. Roberts. Second an­ ISTice; Sweet 3XIa.clce:re;l Friday, Nov. 16, from 7 to 10 p. m nual account filed and approved. Everyone cordially invited. Estate of Thos. S. Hawley. 26th Mrs. John Redmond has so far re­ semi-annual account filed and approved. HAUNTED! License« to Harry. Association has been duly called by the Are YourChildreu Subject to Croup? covered from diphtheria that she is out Cranberries and Crackers Estate of A. C. Martin. First semi-nn- Oct. 30th, Richard Robins, age 29, and board of directors of said association to If so you should never be without a of bed, but the child is reported to lie no nnal account filed and approved. Peti­ A haunted house in these practical Mrs. Laura Boyer, age 22. meet at Elsia Wright ’ '! hall in McMinn ­ bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. better with not much hope for its re­ tion to sell personal property allowed. and unromantic days is something of a Nov. 2d, F. H. Storey, age 25, and ville, Yamhill county, state of Oregon, It is a certain cure for croup, and has covery. Later—The child, Effie, eight rarity, but an individual haunted with Estate of Henry B. Newby. Final ac­ Adella F. Leavitt, age 22, of Newberg. on the 12th day of November, 1894, at never been known to fail. If given free­ years old, died Wednesday night. count filed and Dec. 8th at 1 p. m. set to the idea that his ailment is incurable is Nov. 2d, N. K. Davidson, age 23, and one o’clock p. m. of said day, for the pur­ ly as soon as the croupy cough appears it a personage frequently met with. Dis­ Lena Baker, age 20, of McMinnville. pose of devising ways and means of Autumn weather brings up thoughts of hear same. will prevent the attack. It is the sole doughnuts. Nice fresh ones can be had Estate of David Moll. Final account belief in the ability of medicine to cure Married last Friday by Justice Rhodes. raising money to pay the debts of said reliance with thousands of mothers who See Our Handsome Line of Semi-Porcelain Ware. at Kuns’ bakery. allowed and executrix discharged and is only a mild form of monomania, al­ Nov. 5th, Nilse Pearson, age 24, and association, and if it be deemed advisa­ have croupy children, and never disap­ though in eome cases repeated failures to Ida Anderson, age 28, of Carlton. The city council held a meeting Tues­ her bondsmen exonerated. ble to so, to authorize the dissolution of points them. There is no danger in giv­ Estate of I. N. McDaniel. Final ac­ obtain relief from many different sources Nov. 6th, F. H. Coffeen, age 34, and said association and the settling of its ing this Remedy in large and frequent day evening, at which all members were We Handle Only First Quality Goods. business and the sale and disposing of doses, as it contains nothing Injurious. present except Councilmen Jones and count allowed, administrator discharged would almost seem to justify the doubt. Lenora Smith, age 19, of Carlton. Hostetter ’ s Stomach Bitters has demon ­ and bondsmen exonerated. Nov. 7tb, O. L. Landingham, age 25, its property and the dividing of its capi­ 50 cent bottles for sale by S. Howorth. Rummel. But little important business Estate of E. M. Adams. Objections to strated its ability to overcome dyspepsia, and Jessie E. Illingsworth,age 16, of Mc­ tal stock in such manner as may be was transacted. Steps are being taken constipation, liver and kidney trouble, deemed proper, and each stockholder of College Entertainment. Minnville. looking to the repair of the road from the semi annual account filed. W. J. CLARK, D.D.S malarial complaints and nervousness,and Estate of Keziah Hastings. Will of Nov. 7th, Alex. Hudson, age 30, of said association, (it being a corporation) depot to the river. The Philergian society of McMinnville Graduate University of Mich. its recorded achievements in the curative J. P. Irvine has bought a car of oil Keziah Hastings, deceased, admitted to line ought at least to warrant its trial by Pendleton, and Emma Miller, age 25, Is hereby notified to be present at eaid college will give an entertainment in the college chapel, Friday evening, Nov. 16, which will arrive this week; then look probate upon proof taken in open court. any one troubled with either of the this county. Married at clerk’s office by meeting and to participate therein. Has opened an office in Union Block, Room 6, Elmer P. Dixon and Wiley G. Hastings Done by order of the board of directors consisting of two dramas, The Ugliest of Judge Magers. out for a bargain if you want any oil. and la prepared to do aU work in the dental line. appointed executors without bonds. Paul above ailments, even although his pre­ Nov. 7th, Frank Kinney, age 23, of of said association. Seven, and the Just Retribution, inter ­ W. A. Willison, an ex-preacher at one Mason, Calvin Stanley and J. T. Smith vious efforts to obtain remedial aid have Astoria, andMaud E. Bowman, age 19, spersed with beautiful red-light tableaux. CROWN AND BB1DGE WildA SPECIALTY. been fruitless. Used with persistence, Acknowledgement. time a resident of Lafayette, has just appointed appraisers. of Newberg. Good mnsic and calisthenic exercises. LaTtar M ethod or P aihle «« E xtraction . been convicted of forgery in Portland The ladies of Custer Relief Corps made a Proceeds to go towards improving society Estate of R. L. Stow. Bond filed and the Bitters will conquer the most obsti­ Nov. 8th, Pratt K. Sitton, age 20, and nate cases. and sentenced to eighteen years. About approved and B. Brower, M. D. L. Mabel E. Wisecarver, age 19, both of special canvass recently for contributions hall. The exercises will open at 7:30 the time of committing the forgeries he Rhodes aud L. Bettman appointed ap­ to the reading room and library of the sharp. Admission 15 cents. Come early McMinnville. Program ot Die C- I.. N. C. married a woman and went east, leaving praisers. soldier’s home, and were successful in and avoid the rush. Following is the program for Nov. 14, an invalid daughter unprovided for. j forwarding a liberal quantity of reading Estate of Benjamin Antrim. Final ac­ The Best Plaster. for 1894. matter. The corps desires to thank the count filed and Dec. 8th at 1 p. m. set to The little steamer Aneita was recently Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, Real Bums, Dampen a piece of flannel with Cham­ •i Character study—Shakspeare’s “King generous citizene of McMinnville for attached at Newberg by Sheriff Hender­ hear same. John’’ with selections from the play, berlain’s Pain Balm and bind it on over their donations. The following letter Estate Mortgages, etc., always on sale at <4 Caked & Inflamed Udders. this office. tf Is busy a& a bee making up clothing from son for eome creditors who held claims the seat of pain. It is better than any new suitings. Try him for a new suit. Revival meetings at the Christian Mrs. F. Wolfenden. from the home is self-explanatory: for the material in the boat, the creditors Leave your order for a good, fat chick­ Piles, plaster. When the lungs are sore such “ Growth of the English Nation, ” Miss R osebubo , Or, Nov. 5th, 1894. PRICES REASONABLE becoming shaky because the machinery church are attracting full houses. There Nellie Ramsey. en, dressed for Sunday dinner. D street an application on the chest and another L ydia D erby , have been three accessions to the mem ­ was being moved to a new and larger Rheumatic Pains, market. on the back, between the shoulder blades The story of Maximillian, Mrs. Julia Sec. Custer W. R. C., vessel. The claims will be satisfied and bership by letter, but no outward mani­ Snyder. will often prevent pneumonia. There is “Dressmaking” signs 25c ready printed Bruises and Strains, McMinnville, Or., festations of conversion. The preaching the new boat will be built. nothing so good for a lame back or a pain at this office. “ Europe in the 19th century, ” Miss Your favor of Oct. 30th came to hand FARM FOR SALE I thus far has been of the doctrinal order, Subject for Sunday evening at the C. appealing to the understanding rather Myrtie Apperson. iu the side. A sore throat can nearly some days since and to-day the box men­ The R eporter job department has Running Sores, P. church: Our public schools, their than the emotional sensibilities of the Paper, “What Irrigation has done for always be cured in one night by apply­ tioned arrived. The books were gladly just added another rapid press to its fa­ Inflammations, 330 ACRES AT $ao PER ACRE. hailed aB we have had few bound books cilities. Its capacity for turning out fine importance, safety and prosperity. the Western States and Territories,’’ ing a flannel bandage dampened with sent listeners, and probably the foundation to us so far, but large quantities of P astor . Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles for sale by magazines and papers. The rug is, in­ work is unexcelled outside of Portland. Stiff joints, is being laid for good results manifest Miss Orilla Peters. 100 acre« In cultivation; good pasture for cattle, “The Legislature of the German Em­ S. Howorth. deed, a beauty. We send you and the Give us a trial and see what neat thiDg two houses, two barns and two orchards Will Full blood Cotswold bucks for sale at later on. The sermons are above the Harness & Saddle Sores, sell all or a part on easy terms, or will rent on post comrades our heartiest thanks for we can do for you. from $3 to $8 per head, by Geo. Owens. average in power to attract and interest. pire,” Miss Etta Palmer. condition that renter buys team and farming your timely gift and thoughtfulness for WEST CHElULEtl. implements. The above is a fine farm situated “ Modern Agriculture in France, ” Mrs. Sciatica, If the young man that took my hat the lonely hours of comrades here. May four miles southeast of Dayton. Boat landing To Printer«» HOWS THIS! ¿fl! E. C. Apperson. and warehouse with cleaners less than one mile you all be remembered by the giver of from the Presbyterian church last Sun­ distant. The Ribbon Ridge hall was sold to the good and perfect gifts and happiness at­ The cylinder press upon which the Lumbago, “Women’s world,” J. A. Buchanan. day evening will return it to Jacobson's L. H. BAKER. highest bidder on last Saturday to satis­ tend you all your days. Yours in F. C. R eporter is now printed is offered for Scalds, We offer One Hundred Dollars reward Table talk — The Career of Andrew G. Box 106, McMinnville. Or. store, I will gladly return him the one for any case of catarrh that cannot be W allace B aldwin , fy a claim of about $80 for material which and L., sale. It will be sold at a bargain. Curtin. Commandant. he left. J ohn R ennie . Blisters, cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Debate—Was France justified in ex­ was against it. John Carter was the FARM FOR SALE. The semi-annual convention of the F. J. C heney & Co., Props. Toledo, O. pelling all the princes of houses that had purchaser. McKinley, of Ohio, characterizes Insect Bites, Yamhill county W. C. T. U. will convene We, the undersigned, have known F. resigned? Affirmative, Arthur Mc- Harry Davis, the eleven-year-old son President Cleveland as a “peace man I have a 148-acre farm on the south Une of Yam When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, hill county for sale. One-half in cultivation " at Dayton, beginning Thursday, Nov. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and Pbillips ; Negative, Mrs. M. C. Mat­ of J. L. Davis, met with a painful acci­ in war, and a war man in peace.” All Cattle Ailments, running water. 5 acres In orchard of pears' When sbo was a Child, she cried tor Castorla, 15th at 7 p m. and closing Friday eve­ believe him perfectly honorable in all thieu. prunes and apples Will sell all or a part. Good dent last Friday. He was sliding on the All Horse Ailments, house and other buildings. For further informa­ ning the 16tb. By order of the president, business transactions and financially able The meeting will be held at the resi­ slippery ground when he fell re-breaking The Russian thistle is now found When «lie became Miss, she clung to Castorla, tion Inquire at this office or call on or address When she had Children, she gave them OMtoria, „ . J. T. COOPER, M rs . A. J. W hitmore . to carry out any obligation made by their dence of Mrs. M. C. Matthieu. his left arm between the wrist and elbow. as far east as Ohio and as far west All Sheep Ailments, 45ml Wheatland, Oregon. as Idaho. It will undoubtedly find A nna H enderson , Secretary. firm. Dr. Littlefield reduced the fracture. The Municipal Election. West 4 Truax,Wholesale Druggists,To­ The literary society is in full blast at its way into eastern Oregon very NOTICE OF SHERIFF’8 SALE. The hotel Yambill bas been closed Penetrates Muscle, soon, if not already there. The election for city officers for the the schoolhouse of district No. 68. temporarily. Sanders, the former lessee, ledo, O. McMinn ville Produce Market. is hereby given that the undersigned Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole­ coming year passed off quietly Monday, Membrane and Tissue VTOTICE having become discouraged at the out­ as sheriff of Yamhill county, state of Ore­ A very enjoyable time was experienced A great deal has been said in the Reported by L. E. Walker. sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. gon, under and by virtue of a writ of execution though the coutest for new councilmen look for making ends meet, throwing up by all at the spelling school at No. 10 last year or two about the preva- Oats......................................... 20@22)¿ issued out of the circuit court of the state of Or­ Quickly to the Very egon, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, was a close one. The final canvass of the for Yambill county, bearing date of Octo­ the sponge and calling quits. So far as school bouse. C. A. Deach was the ance of tuberculosis in the cattle of Butter...................................... 5th, A. D. 1894, upon and to enforce that cer­ 45 @50 Seat of Pain and ber Sanders is concerned, it is fair to say acting directly upon the blood and mu­ vote gives the following figures: tain judgment and order of sale made by said champion speller and Miss Mirlie Wood the United States. The reports from Eggs.......... ................................ 20@22c court on the 26tb day of March, 1894, in that cer­ MAYOR. that he ran a good house, the best the cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. tain action therein pending, wherein John Jone« Chickens.................................$1 50@300 Ousts it in a Jiffy. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tes­ W. M. Ramsey.................................... 260 captured the honors ciphering. the great packing centers show was plaintiff and Joseph Wood and Louisa Wood town has had for several years, but he Ole Mortenson and bis wife are now Turkeys ................................... 8c a B> were defendants, in which it was adjudged that timonials free. that but one-fiftieth of one per J. J. Spencer ...................................... 2 said plaintiff, John Jones, recover from the said lacked something of having the cordial residents of Cbehalem. Ducks......................... k............ $3ft$3.50 Rub in Vigorously. defendants, Joseph Wood and Louisa Wood, lnU. cent of the cattle slaughtered in the COUNCILMEN. support of the business community and 8. gold coin, the principal sum of Eighty-one and OI R CUBBING LIST. Potatoes ........................... 25 ten months ending with March, 1892, Emil Jenson has been furnishing Mustang Liniment conquers 43-tuOths dollars. and interest thereon from Wm. Campbell................................... 131 possessed little of the faculty of winning Pain. Dressed Hogs .......................... 5c March 2otb, 1894, at the rate of ten per cent per were affected with this disease. school district No. 21 with a blackboard, annum, and the sum ot »25.00 attornevs fees, and We have special arrangements with G. W. Jones ....................................... 121 it. High rents and dull times did the Makes flan or Beast well Veal....................................... 4 the costs and disbursement« taxed at ’$27 85, and again. the following leading publications, J. W. Gault.......................................... 147 a much needed improvement. rest. for accruing costs, and ordering tbe sale of th« O ne of the most fearful and ex­ Baled hay, timothy................. $10 Mrs. J. L. Davis is in McMinnville at ­ hereinafter described real property attachwl in F. M. York .......................................... 136 Henry Westerman, living six miles whereby we are able to offer them in cheat .......................... $7 said action on tbe 15th day of December, 189», to tending her sick grandchild, little Ches­ citing races of the year is soon to W. L. Warren ................................... 247 connection with our own at exceedingly obtain funds to pay the several sums of money west of North Yamhill, was tried in oats .............................. $7 take place over the New York above stated, and accruing costs. And whereas, on the 15th day of December that city on Wednesday for the larceny low rates, as follows: The R eporter E. Wright................................... ..... 2 ter Pape. RETAIL MARKET. RECORDER. 1893. W. L. Warren, the duly qualified and acting Owing to the sickness of the teacher, Central track. Engine 909, which of a band of 49 goats. The case was before and sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon, al that time Baled Straw ............................ $6 has made a record of 112 miles an W. T. Vinton. ..................................... 254 Weekly Inter Ocean............................ $1.35 duly levied upon and attached, in said action' Miss Clara Miller, school in 68 is tempo ­ Justice Runnels, W. T. Vinton appearing St. Louie Globe-Democrat, semi-weekly......... L75 the following described real property belonging $16 A. M. Peery........................................ 1 rarily closed. hour, is to try her speed with an Mixed Chop............................ Notice of Final Settlement. to tbe said defendants Joseph Wood and Louisa for the Btate and J. J. Spencer for the New York World, semi-weekly......................... 1.75 Wheat Chop............................ $18 Wood, to-wlt: defendant. The evidence seemed to show »Rural Northwest, Portland, weekly.............. 1.25 Geo. Sauter......................................... 1 A number of the young people cele­ English engine for the championship Shorts...................... ;............. Lots numbered three (3) and four (4) and th« $16 J. D. Baker ......................................... 1 OTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned, north forty feet of lots twenty-five (25) and twen­ *The Rural Northwest is the brightest, that the goats were owned in partner­ brated Halloween with a social gather­ of the rail. The swiftness of about Middlings............................... as executor of the estate of Andrew Shuck, $18 ty-six (26) of block C, Hobson's addition to the MARSHAL. deceased, has filed in the county court of Yamhill two miles a minute, which makes Bran.............................................. town of Newberg, In Yamhill county state of ship between Westerman and Wester­ the most practical and useful publication ing at Mrs. Geo. Vinton’s. $14 county, state of Oregon, his final account of bis Oregon. C. H. Neal .......................................... 253 of the estate of said deceased, man Bros., his cousins. Westerman first on the coast for farmers, dairymen and Now therefore, by virtue of said execution, H. Riels and A. Hertig have returned ! telegraph poles seem to the engineer L. E. Walker will buy all your pro­ administration and that said court has ordered that said account judgment and order of sale, and in pursuance of Wm. Malone...................................... 1 bad the custody of the band, and his fruit growers. no larger than hoe handles, is the and objections thereto be beard by said court at the commiudA of said writ, I will, on Saturday, duce, paying the highest price in cash C hehalis . Doug. Walker...................................... 1 from the coast. the usual place of holding said court In the court the 17th day of November. 1894. at the hour of cousins came and got them. Later the utmost that human nerve rocked by the market will justify. He will sell house in McMinnville, in said countv and state, one ’clock p. m. of said day at the court bouse The total vote cast was 267, being the SEE you flour, feed, hay, oats, field and gar­ on Tuesday, the 4tb day of December. 1894, at the door o in defendant drove the band off the premises McMinnville. Yamhill county, Oregon, Stockholders’ Meeting. eight-foot drive-wheels can endure, den seeds as cheap as anv other dealer. hour of ten o’clock a. m. of said day, at which sell subject same total as that cast at the city election to redemption, at public auction, to Elmer E. Thompson, he wants to trade of his cousins in their absence. The trial time and place any person interested in said es­ the highest bidder for cash in hand, the above D street south of First National Bank. and beyond the desire to gamble on Notice is hereby given to all whom it last year. Messrs. Gault, York and War ­ tate may appear and make or file objections to 5 acres of land at Woodburn, Oregon, for described real property, to satisfy- said judgment, lasted until 11 p. m. and resulted in the He also carries a full line of Graham in said account. — ■ 43-4 costs and accruing costs. ren will qualify as councilmen the first may concern, that a meeting of all the the result, the object of the contest small sacks, buckwheat, corn meal, Oct. 26th, 1894. C. A. WALLACE, defendant being bound over to the grand property in or adjoining McMinnville. Dated this the 16th day of October, 1894 & FENTON, stockholders of the Yamhill County Fair can be of no great importance. Monday in December. Executor. W G HENDERSON. wheatlets, etc. Nursery stock a specialty i RAMSEY 45-tf Att’ys for said Estate. jury ia the sum of |3U6. L0CALJNEWS. r STUDEBAKER WAGONS 20 PER CENT I JONES & ADAMS9 Sawmill or Lumber Yard R. JACOBSON’S M c M innville , ore . Thursday, November 1st, H ardware , S ash , D oors , P aints , E tc . Jeoielry Store 20 Per Cent. BOOTS AND SHOES WALLACE & WALKER. Buckwheat Cakes Parties knowing themselves indebted will please call and settle. We need the money. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Everything for the Breakfast, Lunch or Tea Table Mexican Mustang Liniment Frank Roeca, TTVILOR, N Sheriff of Yamhill County. Oregon.