LOCAL NEWS. See the Standard dictionary before you buy. FRl’lT GROWERS MEET. is not a season in Oregon when^the wood Newberg. James McCain for plff. Ac­ heartily welcomed back to his old will have time to mature thoroughly be- tion for money. Dismissed without costs stamping ground. An Enthusiastic and Profitable ; fore the rains set in. Trees that have i to either. Melted pebble«. What are they ? Aik A two-year old child of Joe Funk died Why Don’t you Use One of those Meeting at Whitens. Mr. R. P. Bird will turn over the Dr. Lowe. been stimulated to rank growth are more 100. Norwegian Plow Co vs R Reed on the 2d inst. Last Tuesday the Yamhill County management of his establishment to * James McCain was in Portland on le­ The front of the Garrison block is be- Horticultural Society met in Whiteson. susceptible to the attack of fungous dis- and Wm Hall. Irvine A Coshow for plff. his two sons, Guy and Dick, on Oc ­ | eases. It is a main point in proper cul- Confirmation. Sale confirmed. gal business Tuesday. j ing repainted. There was a good attendance of persons tivation to have the wood well matured 102. E V Dickey vs Walter Dickey et tober 1st and will take a long needed Go to Dr. G. 8. Wright for fine dental Rooms to rent. Inquire of Miss E. L.! engaged in the business of fruit growing j the fall. Something was said about al. Irvine & Coshow and C C Linden and richly deserved rest. The young work. tf Woods. and a degree of interest manifest that' curl leaf in the peach. Lownsdale and for plff. Partition. Report of referee gentlemen upon whom the future A ttornev Hower of Dayton was in the J. P. Irvine is now giving his regular was refreshing. Among those present Prof. Coote agreeing that it was a fun- accepted and deed ordered made. I prosperity of the house will rest, City Tuesday. bard times prices for cash. 39-2 were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stout, Carlton > I gons disease. Neither of the gentlemen 120. Thos T Notson vs Easel Mays et have had ample experience in the G. Maurer will open a new meat mark­ G. M. McGee is sick with inflamma­ Mrs. E. C. Robinson and son and Thos. offered any formula for its prevention. i al. J E Magers and Jas McCain for plff. business and we predict for them a * On which to haul your Moore of Wheatland; D. A. Snyder, J. et in the Handley building to-morrow. tory rheumatism. R. Fiulev of Amity read a paper on Confirmation. Confirmed. Lumber from rapid increase in trade and popular ­ ♦ F or R ent —A five-room house, cen­ State vs A S Briggs; embezzlement. W. H. Logan and wife have been in T. Watson, Dayton; Chae. W. Buel, J. J pruning, advocating winter pruning ity. D. Evans, Sheridan; D C. Atkins, Lau­ i when sap was lowest. Mr. Evans of Jury disagreed. Continued. trally located and desirable. 1 Dallas most of this week. * rel ; John Eborall, Geo. Thompson, D. It is said that the soft blue stone State vs A J McCully; indicted for as­ A. H. P ape . Miss Ella Kershaw has been appointed B. Kingerv. Hon. Wm. Galloway, Mc­ Sheridan had pruned several trees in October which had made heavier trunks sault with a dangerous weapon. Plead found in quantities on the river bank IT. F. Bedwell, leading merchant of postmistress at Grand Ronde. Minnville; M. O. Lownsdale, Lafayette; than others near by. not guilty, but plead guilty to simple as­ here is good indication of oil. Rev. North Yambill, was in the county seat Autumn w eather brings up thoughts of R. Finley, Amity. # The seedling question created more sault, and was fined $100. Fine paid. Tuesday. C. C. Poling sent a sample of the doughnuts. Nice fresh ones can be had The meeting was called to order by the interest than all others. M. O. Lowns­ For the House you are going to build ? Hattie Tolson vs C M Tolson; divorce. stone to Hoblitzell, Pa., last week to Money to loan on good real estate by at Kuns’ bakery. secretary, J. C. Cooper, in the absence of dale of Lafayette said that a good keep­ Decree, A. H. Pape. 37w4 ascertain if such is the case. Stone T ake N otice —The store of R. Jacobson the president, and Watson of Dayton ing red apple with all of the good quali­ W P Frazer vs Maggis Frazer; divorce. o coal is found in small quantities on The Lafayette paper has suspended will be closed Wednesday next, Oct. | was called to the chair. ties of the old Baldwin was wanted, and Decree. publication for another while. the river bank near the falls, and Prof. George Coote, state horticultur­ exhibited several very fine specimens of 10th, on account of holiday. W D Wright vs J W Baker; foreclosure. there is no doubt but a good vein of A Mr. Sykes from Lafayette has taken I’rof. A. M. Sanders of this city, has ist, opened the program in an interesting seedling apples that he was cultivating Sheriff to execute deed. And as you pass their Store the position of butcher at Walker’s been engaged to take charge of La Creole talk on the renewal of old orchards. and watching, but as yet had found but Hendricks vs Pickle; confirmation. coal could be opened if time and stop and get your market. “ Old Orchards Made New ” was the way one that would be anything like satis­ Confirmed. academy at Dallas. The school will open money were used in developing it. his topic read on the printed program. factory. There are a few men now In the photo art line, Hogg is away on the 15th inst. It would certainly be a great thing An Cid Soldier IHade Happy. He said many people did not appreciate searching the fence rowsand woodlands ahead. His samples are not imported. for Lafayette if coal oil and coal John Rennie has been kept at home a the importance of this subject. Scattered for a valuable native apple among the “During my term of service in the Wesley Houck goes about with an ap­ few days with a bilious attack. His all over the Willamette valley were or­ thousands growing everywhere. He who army I contracted chronic diarrhoea,” could be found in paying quantities. pearance of severe dignity, caused by a place in Jacobson’s store has been filled chards that people regarded as old. They finds the one sought by Mr. Lownsdale says A. E. Bending, of Halsey, Oregon. Newberg Graphic, crick in the back. by Chas. Nelson were planted thirty or forty years ago, will have a fortune and a monument. “Since then I have used a great amount If careful, painstaking searching Edwin Scott, representing the adver ­ Wm. F. Dielschneider, the leading and were really young orchards. Haller But ninety-nine per cent of the volunteer of medicine, but when I found any that after perfection in the art of evapo­ jeweler, carries only first-class goods and tising department of the daily Oregonian, speaks of an apple tree a thousand years seedlings are valueless. To make sure of would give me relief they would injure sells below Portland prices. Ix>ok at his was in the city yesterday looking after old, and Knight refers to trees two hun­ rating fruit, coupled with grit and the coming seedling Prof. Coote said that my stomach, until Chamberlain’s Colic, stock. the business of that paper. dred years old, grown in a climate simi­ the state agricultural college under his Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was stick-to-a-tiveness will bring the de­ You can have your house completed in time to A severe attack of tonsilitis placed Isaiah Martin is filling his silo this lar to ours The reason that so many of department was trying to propagate a brought to my notice. I used it and will sired results, Wm. Allen bids fair to cut your hay with a Woods Tubular Steel Mower, and then if you use the “Minnie” Binder you Sheriff Henderson on the shelf a couple week, putting up about fifty tons of green the Oregon orchards appear old and di­ native Oregon apple which would be less say it is the only remedy that gave me get there. He has been working on will be happy. Call and examine our Stock. of days this week. feed. We hear of several new silos being lapidated is because of neglect of proper liable to disease than the old and oft- permanent relief and no bad results fol­ a plan for running his fruit through built this season, which shows that the care and cultivation. Lack of manuring Lovers of tea should try “Sample the evaporator on a car and his first grafted exotics now filling the valley low.” For sale by S. Howorth & Co. is one of the most prominent causes of orchards. Room’’ brand, per pound at Millsap system is growing in favor. efforts in this direction have been FROM THE COUNTY PRESS. A Cook’s. The following resolution was adopted: J. P. Irvine says it takes money to buy deterioration. It is necessary to return highly satisfactory. He has con­ something to the soil for what is annual ­ Resolved, That the society ask the William Gunning, one of the success­ groceries and as October 1st is about here, structed a car with shelves, one North Yamhill Record. ful farmers of Bellevue, was a business then all grocer’s accounts are due ly taken away in order to maintain thrifty state board of agriculture to offer such above another, to receive ordinary premiums as will encourage the search Miller Bros, shipped four carloads caller Wednesday. and he expects the cash. Do you cum- growth and obtain fine fruit. Some hor­ for and propagation of seedling apples trays to the number of eight. This ticulturists think that manuring impairs 39-2 and other fruits best adapted to this of hops from this place to Cincinna­ car he loads with eight trays of Money to loan on improved real estate tux? the health of trees by stimulating too climate. ti last week, and will ship four more by W. T. Vinton. 37-4 Prof. Geo. Coote, state horticulturist rapid growth. It might be true of young The association adjourned to meet at cars to the same place the latter prunes and starts it through the A tout a hundred and fifty men are en­ and professor of horticulture at the ag­ orchards, but not so with old ones. He evaporator and the prunes come out McMinnville in annual meeting in Jan­ part of this week. gaged near Sheridan tearing up the rail­ ricultural college, spent a day in Mc­ had experimented with different kinds with scarcely any difference in the uary, at which time it is proposed to hold The public schools of this city will road and putting down new ties and Minnville, after attending a meeting of of fertilizers and obtained best results condition of the fruit. That a two-days session. open on Monday, Oct. 8th, with Prof. iron. the county society at Whiteson. His from barnyard manure. Proper pruning is to say, that every tray During the noon recess the members A good many people both in and out talk before the society was interesting is the next step to the restoration of an S. £. Duncan as principal and Miss INVOICES OF* of the convention visited the cider and is cured so nearly alike and the fruit of town find Will Kuns’ bakery a good and practical, and it is to be regretted old orchard. Pruning means thinning Singne Swanson and Miss E. Wren jelly manufactory of Hutter & Belat. so evenly cured all over each tray place to get a quick lunch during the that all owners of old orchards were not out properly. He did not recommend These parties have put in a complete as instructors in the lower grades. noon hour. Everything is kept fresh, present. A fair synopsis of his address too severe cutting back. He had used A young boy named Claudie Cur­ that one prune can scarcely be told plant, embracing the latest improved is given in the R eporter . neat and clean, and prices are low. no means of removing moss from the machinery. The large press operated tis, who has been over here with his from another. The car, once it is loaded, is easily handled and the The sixth annual convention of the One of the best temperance speeches trees, but found that by opening the tops by hydraulic force is capable of lifting parents from near Tillamook picking Oregon State Secular Union will be held heard for many a day in McMinnville and letting in the sunlight moss disap­ 150 tons, and we saw them grind the hops, drove off with John Gildrid’s evenness with which the fruit i cured is a great gain over the old methods. at Forest Grove on Saturday and Sunday, was given by Mrs. Narcissa White Kin­ peared. Orchards or occasional trees apples and squeeze out a hundred pounds horse and buggy Monday, and was October 5th, ($th and 7th. Mr. Allen is making a careful test of ney, state presidept of the W. C. T. U., that bear inferior fruit should be top­ of jelly in just twenty-five minutes. overtaken up in the mountains. Mr. his invention and it looks very much For a good watch for little money, go at the opera house Wednesday evening. grafted. The best results would be gained For Fall and Winter, Just Received. Gildrid took his team and turned the The Wiud-l p of Court. to Wm. F. Dielschneider, the leading Mrs. Kinney is both fluent and convinc­ by top-grafting one-half of the tree at a like he had brought out something boy loose. jeweler. ing, and the kindly and sympathetic time, taking two years for the job, as too 1. Chas Handley vs Ellen L Jackson. that those who are in the evaporating Rev. Morgan and wife and W. R. severe cutting back is injurious to the Jas McCain for plff, Thos H Tongue for manner in which she presents her sub ­ Mrs. Ada Unruh is lecturing in the business will want. Lewis and family are preparing to eastern part of the state. She is gaining ject shows that her soul is in the work. tree. The next thing in the course of deft Equity. Submitted on testimony treatment no less than manuring and taken and parties to have till Jan. 5th move to Ellensburgh, Wash., about a state reputation as an able speaker, The argument was along the line of gov­ A Specific for Croup- pruning is cultivation of the ground. In to file proofs. the 8th of next month. Rev. Mor­ ernmental interference with the great and is generally heard by large houses. “ I consider Chamberlain’s Cough his experiments he had plowed eight or 9. J A Arment and Paul A Ozanne vs gan and family have lived in North Remedy a specific for croup. It is very Call and inspect the latest styles in drink evil, and also to prove that not all ten inches deep the first year, pruning cloaks and wraps, just arrived at Jacob­ of the existing hardship in the lot of the the roots as well as the tops and causing Yamhill County. Irvine & Coshow for Yamhill about seventeen years, and pleasant to take, which is one of the laboring man is due to the oppression plff, Jas McCain and Ramsey & Fenton have a large circle of friends who re­ most important requisites where a cough son’s. of capital, but that the manufacture of new fibrous growth. Afterward had for deft. Action for money. Judgment gret their anticipated departure. Is one of the Finest ever brought to the City. remedy is intended for use among chil­ Mrs. John Evenden and children will twenty-nine million bushels of grain into cultivated more shallow ; would cultivate for deft. dren. I have known of cases of croup leave for San Diego about the 15th inst., poison has something to do with it. Re­ every two weeks in spring and early Yamhill Independent. 17. AC Woodcock vs Wm A Willi­ where I know the life of a little one was to remain through the winter. Iler cent visits to the east convinced her that summer, but never later than the first of son et al. A C Woodcock for plff. Fore­ One of the busiest places about saved by the use of Chamberlain’« Cough class in music and a great many friends Oregon is ten years behind the rest of August. Three years is sufficient to closure. Continued. town these days is the cannery. Mr. Remedy.” J. J. LaGrange, druggist, deeply regret the necessity of her de­ the country in temperance reform. Al­ transform an old orchard so that the 20. Samuel C Belat vs Elizabeth, Goetzman is receiving large orders Avoca, Neb. 50 cent bottles for sale by parture. fruit will not be recognizable either in though the W. C. T. U. haB the greatest Emma and Margaret Belat. McCain & A children's song service will be held task in the world, Mrs. Kinney is full of appearance or flavor. As fine fruit can Magers for plff, Dufur & Menefee for every week for goods and is encour­ S. Howorth. in the C. P. church Sunday evening, to faith that the work is making good pro­ be grown upon trees thus treated and deft. Partition. Elizabeth Belat ap­ aged over the outlook for disposing of Take Notice. which all are invited. Rev. Melvin gress. The choirs from the Christian and brought out as upon young ones. It pointed guardian of Emma A aud Mar­ output at good prices with very lit­ Having closed my business in Mc­ tle effort. Williams of Albany will preach in the Presbyterian churches gave valuable takes from eight to ten years to bring a garet Belat, and continued. Minnville preparatory to going away, it young orchard into bearing, and in the morning. The pastor will be absent assistance on the program. The receipts of grain at the elevat­ 24. W H Kuns vs Nancy E and Thos light of investment there is money in Nelson. Irvine & Coshow for plff, J J or here this year are fully one-fourth becomes necessary to close up all book assisting in the organization of a church IN accounts at once. Those owing me will rejuvenating the old orchards. Licenses to Marry. in East Portland. • Spencer and McCain & Magers for deft. less than previous years, being only please take notice and govern themselves Valuable points were brought out in Action for money. Continued. Oct. 1st, W. J. Stow, aged 21, of Belle­ Rev. Brownson is for the present regu­ about 30,000 bushels of wheat and accordingly, as settlement will have to the discussion which followed. In re ­ 26. Jane M Aspinwall vs Margaret A 15,000 bushels of oats. This is ac­ lar supply for the Baptist pulpit, and vue , aud Miss Clara Jones, aged 18, of be made without delay. sponse to an inquiry from Secretary E Burton. U S G Marquam for plff, R I Sunday evenings through the months of McMinnville. counted for mainly by a shortage in 38-tf L. B ettman . Cooper whether the maturing of fruit October 2d, Everett B. Ridgeway, aged Eaton for deft. Action for money. De­ October and November will give a series the yield of wheat, which was, in would be influenced by the variety upon cree as per stipulation. 27, and Mrs. Mary M. Livingood aged of sermons on quaint bible texts, such, Notice to Creditors. which the graft is made, Prof. Coote 29. W H Wrenn vs J W Bailey. Ir­ many instances, damaged by the for instance, as “Jeshuran waxed fat and 31, of North Yamhill. All Goods Will be Sold at Prices to C. G. Wallin, the blacksmith, having answered in the negative. He thought vine & Coshow for plff, R E B Williams aphis. kicked,’’ “Ephraim is a' cake not Correspond with the Times.^g^uf^ disposed of his business in this place, life or Death’? he bad observed a tendency to enlarge for deft. Action for money. Settled. turned,” etc. Sheridan Sun. and wishing to close out all his out­ the fruit in grafting a Bartlett onto a It is of vital importance that it should 3J. A Heiney vs Oswald A B Grosser The strip of road just east of town, Mr. Yocum took three premiums standing accounts, has placed the same et al. W Y Masters for plff, Ramsey & from the Dayton bridge to the top of the be understood by persons whose kidneys pound pear. in our hands for collection.. All persons on Oregon goats at the state fair. Mrs. Robinson, a lady who took a Fenton and Irvine & Coshow for deft. hill by Flint Martin’s place, ought to be are inactive, that this condition of Respectfully, knowing themselves to be indebted to lively interest in the discussions, said Oregon has generally been consid ­ Action for money. Dismissed, each par­ planked out. It is always a bad road in things is finally inductive of a state of him will please call at our office, at once, ered a poor corn country, but we the winter and no other less costly meth­ the organs where life hangs in the bal­ that she had an orchard forty years old ty paying his own cost. and settle their accounts, thereby saving 32. Custody of Roma Verdi Martin. have seen fields of it this year that od will remedy it. Fifty to seventy-five ance Bright’s disease, diabetes, albu­ that continued in good thrift and bear­ costs to themselves. 37-3 dollars, worth of lumber would make it minuria are all diseases of a very obsti­ ing. She believed in thorough cultiva­ Jas McCain and J J Spencer. No action appear to be almost as good as the R hodes & R hodes . tion, and fertilized by sowing clover and taken. nate character in their mature stage, and good for the next five years. average crops of Iowa or Illinois. plowingin. Prof. Coote said that next 36. Honeyman, DeHart & Co vs W Au eight day, mantel, striking clock, all have a fatal tendency. They often One day last week Fred Church­ Notice to Creditors. to barnyard manure clover was the best W Gwinn et al. Emmons & Emmons with alarm for $5, without alarm $4.50,at battle the most practiced medical skill, man shot a Chinese pheasant. As Notice is hereby given that we have fertilizer, supplying lime to the soil. for plff. Action for money. Continued. Wm. F. Dielschneider’s, the leading and the most approved remedies of ma­ the wounded bird soared aloft in its employed J. W. Hobbs to settle up our teria medic». But opposed at the outset The question of stock being allowed to 39. P P Gates vs J T Harris and A P jeweler of Yamhill county. agony, a large chicken hawk dove books and accounts. Persons knowing —that is to say, when the kidneys begin run in orchards was raised. General Fletcher. J J Spencer for plff. Action Mrs. John Evenden will depart for down from a neighboring tree and themselves indebted to us will please to discharge their functions inactively— opinion was very much against it. Mr. for money. Administratrix made plfl' California the coming week. Mr. Even­ with Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, the Stout suggested that hogs might be per­ and judgment with order to sell attached fastened its talons in the hapless call on him at his office in Union block den has decided, for the benefit of his dangerous tendency is checked. Very pheasant in midair. It then flew over Jacobson's store and settle. mitted to pick up droppings which are property. wife’s health to remove to that state, useful, also, is this household medicine C albreath & G oucher . generally wormy, thus getting away 48. A C Southmayd vs The City of back to the tree it had left, and pre­ 38w4 after his business affairs here can be for those ailments of common occur­ ------- OF------- with the pests to a certain extent. This Sheridan. J J Spencer for plff. Writ of pared to enjoy a meal of raw pheas­ adjusted. They are not .fully deter­ rence—constipation, biliousness, dyspep­ idea was favored by tlie I’rof. for Exchange. review. Chntinued. ant. Not to be balked of his game, mined whether tilocate in Los Angeles sia and nervousness. It is a safeguard Mr. Robbins raised the question of 54. M A M Ashley vs Leaner Gray. Mr. Churchman approached the A double house and lot nicely situated or San Diego. Their removal will be against malaria and averts chronic rheu­ use of coal tar to prevent insect larvae Guy G Willis for plff. Action for money. haw.k when it flew, leaving the pheas­ in West Portland, for improved farm land regretted by many friends. matism. climbing trees. He had noted its use in Continued. ant in the tree. As it sailed over in Yamhill county. Address owner, J. P. Irvine will sell you a bill of gro an orchard near Amity with apparent ef­ 56. Christenson Bros vs T J Harris W alter J ohnson , Fred it met its fate, but, as the tree COl.lEt.E NOTES. ceries for lees money than any man in fectiveness by putting a band around and W H French. Irvine & Coshow for 571 E. Ash St., Portland, Or. WANTED was a hard one to climb, the China Yamhill county. . 39-2 trunks two or three feet from the ground. plff. Action for plff. Default and judg ­ IN EXCHANCE Another year of school work has begun bird was not secured, and will furnish Judge Galloway is in receipt of a letter There was some diversity of opinion as ment with order to sell. at the college with a fair attendance of cn° — from A. F. Miller, superintendent of the to whether coal tar was injurious to trees, 61. Rose Kalsch vs Frank C Kalsch. a meal for some other carniverous, students, and more arriving daily. Oregon exhibit at the inter-state fair, Ta­ and prevailing sentiment was unfavor­ Irvine & Coshow for plff. Divorce. De­ winged bird. The I’hilergian society met Saturday able to its use. Mr. Stout had used it on cree. coma, in which he says the Yambill ex­ I When Baby was sick, we gave her Castaria, hibit is attracting much attention and night and elected the following officers: young prune trees to keep rabbits from 63. Chas II Carter vs R Finley et al. Amity Blade. President, L. R. Aiderman; vice pres., When she was a Child, she cried tor Cartoria, that Oregon is ahead of everything in gnawing, with loss of several trees. A Ramsey & Fenton for plff. Foreclosure. Dr. Farnsworth was returned from When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, the display of cereals, fruit and vegeta­ Florence Alexander; sec., Edna Scho­ simple method of preventing caterpillars Continued. the hospital Monday. He was When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, field; asst, sec., B. Blood; treas. John bles. He requests the judge to send him ascending trees, as vouched for by 65. Fred Bottner vs W H Wood et al. Root; sargeant-at-arms, Joseph Carr; thought to be much better, but since a pair of sample pumpkins from Yamhill. another person, was to tie a strip of cot­ Ramsey & Fpnton for plff’, J E Magers We Buy all Kinds of Poultry. Cash or Exchange. ass’t. sargeant-at-arms, F. E. Weed. arriving home he has shown forcible ton batting around the trunk. Rubbing for deft. Action for money. Judgment Notwithstanding the low price of hops Lyman Latourette, a former student the trunks with a piece of liver, Mr. for plff for want of answer with order to evidence of mental aberration. We Yours Respectfully, which makes it doubtful if there will be of this college, took his departure Tues­ Watson vouched for as a cheap and ef­ sell attached property. trust he may soon be relieved of his any profit for the growers, the industry day, for Oregon City, at which place he fective means to prevent rabbits and 67. R W Lancefield vs 0 W Olson. afflictions. has aided general prosperity in no email “Dressmaking” signs 25c ready printed will engage with bis brother in the study other varmints from gnawing. He also Ramsey & Fenton for plff. Action for degree. A good many thousand dollars at this office. of law. His presence will be greatly observed that pruning and thorough money. Continued. Dayton, Herald. have been distributed among pickers, missed by all. cultivation were as effective as spraying Miss Mattie Corner left ou the To­ Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, Real 68. The Bank of Newberg vs M Fisk and the effect is felt in all departments 4. SMITH'S Across the Street J. W. Loder visited the Philergian so­ in getting rid of insect pests. He would et al. Ramsey & Fenton for plff. Ac­ ledo Wednesday morning for Colfax, Estate Mortgages, etc., always on sale at All kinds of Fine, of trade and business. It is perhaps not Difficult and from his old never dig up an inferior tree and replant, ciety Saturday night. A warm welcome — NEW — this office. tf tion for money. Decree. Washington. She goes to teach in advisable to plant more hops at this time, old Watches re­ stand. as a young tree seldom does well in the is extended to all former students to 71. Dorothy F Wright vs Edward and but there is no doubt that growers who the public schools of that city. Leave your order for a good, fat chick­ paired and made midst of an orchard. The proper thing Dorothy Rool. Ramsey & Fenton for meet with us whenever possible. AU kinds of Watches, Clocks stick to it will have their day, and a Farmers are employing Chinese to en, dressed for Sunday dinner. D street to run as good and Jewelry for sale at B. C. Cook is absent this week on ac­ is to top-graft. plff. Action for money. Continued by good one. market. as new at pick potatoes at five cents a sack. hard times prices. The subject of evaporators was next consent. Plff to reply by Jan. 1st. count of sickness. IN UNION BLOCK. At the council meeting Tuesday even­ They say that they would prefer to To Printers. taken up and discussed in a rambling 75. Amy Huston vs Wm Huston. J J ing an ordinance was introduced, by Millinery Opening. way, Mrs. Robinson, Messrs. Snyder, Spencer and W T Vinton for plff. Di­ hire white labor, but that it cannot The cylinder press upon which the Councilman Walker which provided for W. G. HENDERSON. be had, and that their experience R eporter is now printed is offered for S. WILSON. Eberall, Cooper and Kingery taking vorce. Decree. Mrs. I. S. Fuller has set Saturday (to ­ the closing of saloons on Sunday, and part. As to the economy of large or heretofore has been that the Chinese 77. State of Oregon vs W McKune. sale. It will be sold at a bargain. fixed the penalty for violation at from morrow) as the time for opening out her small dryers, the preference seemed to Jas McCain for plff, Irvine & Coshow perform their work faithfully. $25 to $5J. It was voted down five to stock of fall millinery. Every one is in­ be in favor of large establishments lo­ and C C Linden for deft. Appeal. De­ Board of Equalization. The little daughter of Mr. and one. There were various excuses for vited to call and Inspect one of the finest cated at convenient shipping points. It fendant fined $25 and costs. Total costs lines yet offered in McMinnville. It will Notice is hereby given that the board voting against the ordinance, the most Mrs. Dr. E. M. Smith, last week re­ (Third Street, between E and F.) plausible being that an ordinance cover­ be found first-class in all departments. was Mr. Snyder’s idea that they could and fines in this case amount, to $149.40. ceived a neatly engraved gold and of equalization of Yamhill county will do the work for fruit growers cheaper 80. Commercial National Bank of meet at the court house on Monday, the ing the same ground, passed in 1883, al­ The large assortment of trimmed hats The than they could do it at home, if they Portland ys Phil Withycombe et al. silver spoon from Portland. 8th day of October, 1894, and continue ready exists. Still the proposed ordi­ will to found especially attractive this spoon was presented her by the in session one week, for the purpose of counted the labor of their families any ­ Ramsey A Fenton for plff. Action for nance, in that it is more specific and season. S. WILSON, manager. Mazamas club of that city, after examining and correcting the assessment thing. Large factory dryers so situated money. Continued. more especially calls the attention of the should be able to do the work for two Probate Court. 82. State of Oregon vs The First Na ­ which she wa,s named. rolls in any errors that may occur there ­ marshal to his duties in the premises, isa Estate of Peter Sax. Oct. 2d, receipts cents a pound In response to an in­ tional Bank of McMinnville. Jas Mc­ on in valuation or description of proper­ better ordinance than the old one and Lafayette Ledger. from the heirs filed and the administra­ quiry whether prune growing was profit­ Cain for plff. Action for money. Dis­ Everything first-claae. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Commercial ty, and for the purpose of transacting there would be less question about the Capt. Habersham and assistants any other business that may lawfully Travelers Conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. Give us a call. able, Mrs. Robinson stated that a calcu­ missed without costs to either. tor discharged and bondsmen exonerated. ability to enforce it. The true reason 83. State of Oregon ys The McMinn­ have fitted up a temporary office in come before the board, and all parties Estate of T. J. Sliadden. Final account lation made by her last season showed the ordinance was defeated is that the that prunes at 5 cents a pound were bet­ ville National Rank. Jas McCain for the Carpenter building. The work interested are requested to appear before approved. Executor discharged. Exec ­ majority of the council is opposed to regu­ ter than 60 cent wheat. W. J. CLARK, D.D.S plff. Action for money. Dismissed with­ of surveying the rapids is progress­ said board at said time and place and I lating the saloons. Mayor Rarasev has utor authorized to turn over to Ammon Mr. Buell of Sheridan led the disous- out costs to either. Shadden, the legatee, the property of Graduata University of Mich. 6how cause, if any, why their assess ­ ing satisfactorily and is being done taken decider! ground in favor of Sunday’ sjon on cultivation in a well prepared 85 State of Oregon V6 The Chehalem in a manner that good results may ments should not remain as placed upon 1 closing, and has addressed an official said estate devised to him. Guardianship of Orville Westfall. Fifth paper. He believed in thorough culti­ Valley Bank. Action for mopey. Dis­ be expected from their report. the roll. Do not neglect to examine your I letter to the city marshal calling his at­ vation. Mr. Lownsdaje agreed with the missed without costs to either. annual account filed and approved. assessment, as the assessor has no power Has opened an office in Union Block, Boom S, tention to his duties under the ordinance The drug store has changed hands, to correct any errors after the meeting of and is prepared to do all work in the dental line. Estate of H. P. Satcfiwelj. Final ac- idea of thorough cultivation to a certain 86, State oi Oregon ys Scroggins & of 1883. The people wi)l stand by the extent only. He would have it done Wortman. James McCain for plff. Ac­ Mr. Duncan having sold the busi­ the board. mayor if he follows out the line of action early in the season, Cultivation stimu­ tion for money. Dismissed without ness and book accounts to Mrs. J. B. Dated this 7th day of September, 1894. he proposes, in seeing that the ordinances 1 m. set to hear same. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORÏ A SPECIALTY. lates rank growth of wood, and if you costs to either. Standard. Mr. Frank Caldwell will Estate of J. H. Walker. Administrator F. M. Y ork . are enforced, or at least making an hon­ On eDoor Went cultivate up to the middle of July there 87. State of Oregon vs the Bank of , ordered to distribute the funds on band. M.MJXNVltLt Oh 36-a County Assessor. have charge of the store, and will be est endeavor in that direction. LATC8T MCTHOS OF PAINLCS* EXTRACTION STUDEBAKER WAGONS JONES & ADAMS’ Sawmill or Lumber Yard H ardware , S ash , D oors , P aints , E tc . JONES & ADAMS, 3<1 St., McMinnville. ESPECIALLY LARGE CLOTHING«DRESS GOODS O ur F all S tock WE LEAD Boots & Shoes Stock Always Complete. R. JACOBSON. 2,000 BUSHELS EACH GOOD APPLES AND POTATOES R GROCERIES C. M. WEED, AT nD0NT. Jeoielry Store C ity S tables , WILSON & HENDERSON, Proprietors. FR ANK ROECA, ^aslpoqable jailor,