The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 28, 1894, Image 2

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    int uw X á RCM.
It took 438 pounds of wheat to !
100 pounds of increase, and 453 I
The parade of the Union veterans
The election in Maine closes the
* H. B lin IIA li'I. Editor A. Propr.
of corn to make the same!
preliminary contests for this year, at Pittsburg the other day was prob-
J» G. ECKMAJI, Asociale Editor.
A bushel of wheat i
and no other northern state will ably the last one that will ever take ,
of pork, while a I
place. A point has been reached in
So common at thia season, is a serious
Subscription $1.00 Per Year. vote before the general election in
12.3 pounds. 1
con lit ion, liable to lead to disastrous
November. It is in order, therefor, the lives of these survivors of the
This is in part due to the different
results. It is a sure sign of declining '
to sum up the results of the state greatest of modern armies where feeding value of the wheat and corn,
.health tone, and that the blood is im­
Reading notice* in local columns lu cents per
line for first week arid 5 cent» per line thereafter. elections of 1894, and point out the
poverished and impure. The best and
and in part due to the fact that there
Display advertisements, annual rates, one inch
Five such and excitement of such displays. are 60 pounds of wheat in a bushel
mo.t successful remedy is found in
per month SI; each additional inch 50 cents jx r lesson that they teach.
elections have occurred—in Penn­ Their marching days are over, their and only 56 pounds in a bushel of
Obituary and marriage notices not exceeding
10 lines pubii-hed fret, if furnished in time to sylvania, Rhode Island.
Oregon. time has come to stand and wait. corn. The hogs sold for $5.15 per
be current news. Additional matter 10 cent- per
Vermont and Maine—and it is reas­ Their records show that 7283 of them hundred weight. Putting aside the
onable to claim that they are suffi­ died during last year, and 750 of the question of labor, a l^ushel of wheat'
FRIDAY, SEPT. 28, 1894.
cient to indicate the general drift of number, alas! were buried in pau­ brought us 70.5 cents, and a bushel.
Which makes rich, healthy blood, and ■
public opinion throughout the coun­ pers’ graves. Thus they are passing of corn 63.3.”
thus gives strength to the nerves, elas­
away at a rate which must increase
ticity to tlie muscles, vigor to the brain
T hanks to the democratic party
Will our farmer friends, and all!
aud health to the whole body. In
for not bringing the price of wool considered that they all have the
tiuth. Hood’s Sarsaparilla
the death-ro’l of the period since the
with us about Oregon farmers feed-'
the vote cast in these states in 1890, war exceeds that of the war itself,
wheat to hogs, please paste i
H ill has subjugated the president which corresponds to the present and when one of them now departs the above clipping in their hats, i
and he now patronizes him by eulo­ one, shows that the republicans it means going to join the majority feed wheat to hogs in Ohio. It pays '
gistic references in his campaign have gained 75,000, and the* demo­ of his comrades. The youngest of It pays better in Oregon. Our'
crats have lost 218.000. The aggre­ them are over 50 and the most of
Be sure to get Hood’s and only Hood’s ;
farmers should raise more hogs. ;
gate republican plurality in said them over 60. There is snow in the
Pills are purely vegetable, per­
T he banner of Yamhill still waves. states in 1890 was less than 10,000. hair of all of them, and rust in their cents, and less of it in the markets fectly harmless, always reliable aud beneficial. I
She captured nearly all the Oregon and this year it is over 302,000 A joints and wrinkles in their faces. at so much less per bushel. Oregon |
medals at the Columbian exposition, comparison with the vote of 1892, They belong to the past, they repre­
must raise her own pork, and cure :
and got away with the highest when the republican plurality in sent a superseded generation. There her own bacon and hams—to say: reported killed. The towns damaged
or destroyed were Cylinder. Forest
awards on fruit and nearly every­ these five state;; was 123.7011, shows could be nothing more touching than
nothing of having a surplus to sell. City and Manley Junction, Iowa. Le­
thing she competed for at the state
roy, Spring Valley, Dodge Center,
6500 fewer votes than they did in as compared with what we know of
fair last week. Great is Yamhill.
Lowther and Homes, Minn., and
----- >■».,------
that year, while the democratic vote
Marshfield. Wis.
T here may I m - quite a lively tilt in is 185,000 smaller than it was at resistible in their day, equal to any
the coming senatorial election. It that time. That is to say, 33 per emergency, ready for any test of
The London chamber of commerce | Brazil has abrogated her reciproci­
will not involve the return of Sena cent, or one-third of the democrats courage and endurance, and now they extended a banquet to free trade ty treaty with the United States,
tor Dolph to his seat, so much as who voted their party ticket in these are at the mercy of the encroach­ Wilson on the 27th.
to take effect January 1st, next.
the question of strength and leader­ states at the last presidential elec­ ments of age, and their sons and
is due to the new tariff law’,
General Booth, the head of the I
ship among several persons who may tion either voted some other ticket grandsons have grown to be the em­ Salvation Army, arrived at Halifax, which holds out no inducements to
become contestants for Mitchells this year, or did not vote at all, bodiment of the conntry s vital ener­ N. S., on Saturday.
other countries to grant special
place two years later.
whereas less than 1 per cent of the gy and the controlling force in the
Senator Stewart of Nevada, has rates of duty to products of the
republicans failed to put themselves
been made a co-respondent in a di­ United States. This treaty was ne­
W hen the New York democratic in evidence.
It seems to these men only yester­
vorce suit, Glasscock vs. Glasscock. gotiated by Secretary Blaine and
convention met Tuesday, Senator
Minister Mendonca.
This showing is a truly' remarka­ day that they were young like those
The weatherstation on the summit
David B. Hill was made chairman. ble one, and its significance is not to who have pushed them to the rear
One hundred of the suffrage women
On taking the chair he eulogized be disputed or evaded. It represents and taken charge of the affairs of of Pike s peak is to be abandoned by
of Topeka have adopted dress reform.
President Cleveland and Governor such a change of popular sentiment the nation that they helped to save.
The costume will consist of Turkish
Flower, while the Tammany tiger as has rarely, if ever, been known They are fond of cheating themselves month
trousers, covered bv a skirt reaching
screamed with delight and the Hav-| in the history of American politics. with the fancy that time has stood
The Erie car shops at Erie, Pa.,
the foot, a close or loose waist, as
emeyer sugar trust said amen.
The familiar argument of local con­ still for them since the terrible ex­ were set on fire and destroyed Mon­ the w’earer may’ prefer, and cloth
siderations is not applicable as an periences of the war, and that they day night. It was a five-acre plant, leggings to match the trousers. Re­
F arming is very discouraging busi­ explanation of the matter. In every have not ceased to be boys as they valued at $250,000.
lief squads will be organized so that
ness at the present. But it will con­
General Ezeta and two of his a number may be on the streets all
one of these states the fight was were when they followed the flag
tinue to be carried on, and the men
made on national issues, with the and heard the thunder of the cap­ associate refugees were set free at day long and familiarize the com­
who succeed will-be the ones that
tariff predominant, and purely local tains and the shouting. It does not San Francisco on Saturday, and munity with the reform.
stimulate their land to the highest
questions were practically ignored. appear to them that anything im­ Ezeta at once departed for Mexico.
possible yield, keep the best stock, !
The Orange Judd Farmer, of Chi­
The verdict is not to be otherwise portant has happened in the inter­ The Monitor, a Catholic journal pub­
produce the very best grade of every
has been absorbed by the A mer-
construed, therefore, than as a di­ vening years. They carry in their lished at San Jose. Calif., has a num­
thing they sell, and above all, keep
ican Agriculturist, and now appears
rect and pronounced condemnation
ber of damage suits on hand for pub­
their debts and resources carefully in
in covers and comprises the central
of the democratic party, and an ex­ the things that are taken seriously lishing an alleged list of members of
sight of each other
[of the American Agricultur­
the A. P. A. of that city.
pression of confidence in republican
ist. The Agriculturist now issues
principles aud methods. It means
Mrs. Pierce, of Rock Springs, three editions weekly, designed
D avid B H ill was nominated for
surpassing interest that those
governor by the democrats of New that the people are tired and sick of around feel in such matters as the Wyo., claims to be the eldest daugh­ to cover the entire country. The
Y’ork, on Wednesday, by apparently democratic rule, and anxious to get tariff, the currency, the rise and fall ter of the 'ate Jay Gould, by his first eastern, middle and western edi­
unanimous sentiment. Hill stands rid of it as soon as possible. They of stocks, and the prices of food and wife, and has filed suit to obtain an tions with headquarters at New
for everything that is objectionable are satisfied, in other words, that a clothes. They were at Shiloh and interest in the Gould estate.
York, Chicago and San Francisco re­
The returning board of the Ash­ spectively, are hereafter to appear
in New York politics, but is a strong monstrous mistake was made, when Chickamauga, at Antietam and
and able politician, and his party the policy under which the country- Gettysburg, where the interests at land, Kentucky, district met Satur­ each week.
recognize the fact along with their had prospered unprecedentedly was stake were so much more momentous, day and canvassed the congressional
A San Francisco dispatch Tuesday
need of a leader. It will require exchanged for one that has brought and the sense of duty so much more vote. Owen’s plurality was found
It is stated on what appears
more than a bold, bad man like Hill, on hard times and injured all classes significant. It is well, thej- admit, to to be 255 votes.
authority that the errand
however, to secure the democratic of citizens. The voters of Penn­ live in a time of peace, when the
The gold reserve in the U. S of H. V. Widemann, of Honolulu, to
party from impending defeat in the sylvania, Rhode Island, Oregon, martial impulse is unexercised, and treasury is increasing. It is over I
this country is for the purpose of
Vermont and Maine are not different
Empire state.
eight millions above the lowest poirft |
from those of other states, taking the multiplication table is predomi­ it ever attained, which was $52.000,- commencing a damage suit against
nant; but it is better, they insist, to
the United states on behalf of the ex­
P ortland has suffered a series of them collectively; and so it is not to
lived in a time of enterprise for 000 last July.
queen of Hawaii. The amount of the
misfortunes lately. The June flood be doubted that the same reasons
idle bravery and of patriotic devo­ Gallagher and Buchanan, Ameri­ damages to be asked for is said to be
and the big fire Sunday were stun­ which have led them to render such
tion and sacrnce.
And so they can Railway Union strikers at Los $200,000, and friends of the ex-queen
ning blows But great misfortunes a decision will cause the same action
and fight Angeles have been sentenced to 18 declare that this government has
and obstacles, by the manner in to be taken elsewhere. There is a,
and can months in the county jail and to pay been instrumental in mulcting her to
which they are met, either in the plain and pronounced drift of public
to a fine of $5.000 each for intimidating fully that amount.
case of an individual or a city, fur­ sentiment in favor of the republican
workmen on the Southern Pacific
The land is caving in toward the
nish proof of what the future holds party. It began in the first half
during the strike.
center of the earth in the vicinity of
in store for them It was so with year of the present administration,
ans can hardly be appreciated by
A narrow strip of country 20 the junction of Harvey, Butler and
Chicago, it was so with Seattle, and and has been increasing ever since,
those who have no personal recollec­ miles long in northwestern Iowa was Marion counties, in Kansas. In one
it will be' the same with Portland. and it will not stop short of the com­
tion of the war: and such persons, it laid waste by a devastating cvclone place an area of 40 by 90 feet sank to
Sometimes a good strong shock is plete restoration of that party to
is to be remembered, constitute a Friday' night. From the towns in the depth of 28 feet
Another area
needed to rouse a community to a the power which it exercised so long
large portion of the present popula­ the path of the storm 75 persons are of 75 square feet sank to a depth of
and so well— Globe-Democrat.
realization of its possibilities.
tion of the country. Of the 70.000,-
000 of people in this great land to­
P rof . D avid S wing , the eminent
Direct From Honolulu.
day, probably not 10,000,000 wrere
Chicago preacher, says a great many
Hon. L A. Thurston, Hawaiian living when that awful struggle was
good things. Here is an excerpt
minister to the United States, ar­ in progress. To only a comparative­
from his sermon at Central Music
rived in Portland Tuesday, accom­ ly few. therefore, does the attitude of
Hall on the 16th that we think puts
panied by his wife, who is a sister of the old soldiers appeal with due force
one shoe on the right foot:
Mrs. Pierson of that city. Minister and true meaning. All the rest re­
The fact that the United States army
is direct from the island gard it with a sort of sur
had to hasten hither to save life and
property cannot all be charged upon the republic, arriving at San Francisco prise, or with smiling indulgence,
immigrants in our land. We have of Saturday. To a newspaper reporter and miss the solemn beauty, tender­
late years been producing a group of he said the islands were now’ pros­ ness and pathos of it. The war is to
Americans who care nothing for right or pering under an independent govern­ them simply a part of the general
wrong and who have become the masters ment, and for the present there
story of the universe, known to them
of all the forms of abuse and discontent. would be nothing done toward an­
by heresay and reading. They
It is evident that the influx of anarchists nexation. In reply to a question
ought to cease but we must not forget whether there would be any royalist never heard the roar of battle that
shook the continent, and did not wit­
the crop our nation is growing out of its
interference, he said; ‘ None what­ ness the scenes of desolation and be­
own soil. All the cities seem uniting to
Two royalist newspapers at reavement. It is not their fault, but
make law ridiculous. The alien who ever.
are trying to stir up trouble
will sell his vote for a few shillings is not
their misfortune, that they fail to
so low as the American who will prefer by contending that at the approach­ properly realize what the vanishing
these votes to principles. The immigrant ing legislative elections is a good veterans stand for, and how much of
may act through the absence of patriot­ time to strike down the republican
sadness there is in the thought
ism for hie new land, but the American government, and the headlines con­
of the last march of the sur­
acts through total depravity. The for­ tinually announce that it is time to
eigners are generally manipulated by ‘vote or fight The royalists, how­ viving remnant of the grand army
political confidence men who are home­ ever, find few supporters, and the which saved the Union and vindicat­
ed the right of liberty to endure for­
government is absolutely secure. The ever. We owe the deepest homage
T he committee of one hundred in election of members of the legisla­ to the men who rendered such ser­
the city of Portland has published ture, which is composed of a senate vice. Their presence is an inspira­
the report of its findings in the and house, will take place in October. tion and a benediction. Thej’ are go-
school book investigation. It leaves It is the first general election under I ing from us in annual regiments,
no doubt, if any has recently exist­ I the new constitution. From present brigades, divisions, but they will not
ed in the public mind, that the school indications there will be no opposi- be forgotten. Their fame is secure
book trade of Oregon is in the hands , tion to the government candidates. beyond every chance of disaster; and
of a trust—a concern that depends The registration of voters is now go- out of the pages of history will al­
upon bribery and corruption to con­ , ing on, and will be completed in a ways come a voice saying;
trol the market for inferior books at week or so. Some of the natives
These heroes all are mine—
exorbitant prices.
It is claimed still believe that the queen will be
And I am Glory!
that as high as $5000 has been paid for restored and still refuse to register.
a single vote necessary to fiix the Everything is quiet on the islands.
Among the wonders of the World’s Columbian Fair the
monopoly grasp upon the state, and
Some interesting Experiments and
grandest was the exhibit of American products. The Ex­
it is not a surprising figure, when it alist discontent. The ex-queen is in
What They Teach.
is estimated that the annual profits close seclusion and one does not
hibition was, in this respect, an object lesson of the grandeur
of the concern in this state amount hear a word as to her future inten­ The agricultural department of the
and glory of the Republic. Among the exhibits from the
to 130.000. After the airing the con­ tions. Of course they are keeping a Ohio state university has recently
issued a report of the result in feed­
cern is receiving, the member of the
United States no article of its class stood so high as
selecting board will need to be able opportunity to regain their lost pres­ ing wheat. The bulletin says:
“A number of favorable results
to give a good reason for his vote in tige. but the government is alert,
favor of any of its publications. The and there is no possibility of any up- with the feeding of wheat to hogs
strong argument that will be used in ■ rising in the queen’s favor that can­ have been reported in the agricultur­
The Chief Chemist of the Agricultural Department at
favor of the trust is that its inferior not be quickly dispersed. Before I al press by the practical farmers.
backed by an intelligent jury at the Exposition,
and high priced books are in the left the islands,” concluded Mr. That wheat is good food for hogs there
found it strongest in leavening power, peerless in its purity
hands of the people and an exchange Thurston, “our government had been can be no question. That fifty cent
would compel the purchase of others. officially recognized by the United wheat may be profitably fed to five-
and beyond comparison in uniform excellence.
If this were absolutely true it would States, Mexico, France and Russia. cent hogs has been abundantly dem­
be a poor argument. Quality should The latter government had recog­ onstrated. It has been equally dem­
outweigh other considerations. But nized the provisional government. A onstrated that fifty-cent corn maj’ be
the objection of expense to patrons telegram had also been received from fed to five-cent hogs. The real ques­
can be overcome by providing for an Japan announcing its intention to tion is, which can be most profitably’
fed at the ruling prices, corn or
exchange of books with the company recognize us. ”
The award is a matter of official record.
wheat? Shall a farmer sell corn to
whose works are selected.
------ ----------
T he state fair this year is gener- buy wheat, or sell wheat to buy’ corn
Nothing could settle so decisively the immeasureable
General Lew Wallace is billed to ally pronounced a success. A good to feed to hogs? Or, having both,
superiority of Dr. Price’s over all other powders as the
lecture in Portland the 17th and 19th share of the credit is accorded to which shall he sell or hold for future
great honor bestowed at Chicago.
President Galloway.
Yamhill County Reporter.
Tired Feeling
Makes the
Weak Strong
A World’s Tribute.
America Leads the Nations in
the March of Progress.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder.
Received Highest Award
At the World’s Fair.
359 feet. It is supposed that the
caved-in earth is resting upon a vast
body of water. The supposition is
that there is an old river bed under­
neath the land, which has caved in.
All the cave-ins, great and small, ex­
tend in a crooked streSm-like course
a distance of about 24 miles.
There is more Catarrh in this section of
the country than all other diseases put
together, and until the last few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years the doctors pronounced it a
local disease, and prescribed local reme­
dies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it in­
curable. Science has proven catarrh to
be a constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It is
taken internally in doses from 10 drops
to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys­
tem. They offer one hundred dollars for
any case it fails to cure. Send for circu­
lars and testimonials. Address,
F. J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O.
triF Sold by druggists, 75c.
Horticultural Program.
The following program has been pre­
pared for the Yamhill County Horticultu­
ral Association which meets at White-
son, 10 a. m., Tuesday, October, 2d.
Opening remarks by C. E. Hoskins,
Grafting, J. H. Rees, Newberg.
Old orchards made new, Prof. Geo.
Coote, State Horticulturalist, Corvallis.
Evaporators, Smiley Purvine, Zena.
Cultivation, Chas. W. Buel, Sheridan.
Jelly making, Simon Huffer, White-
Pruning, R. Finley, Amity.
Seedlings, C.E. Hoskins, Springbrook.
This will be a very important meeting
right in the midst of the fruit market.
Prof. Coote will tell how to make old
orchards new. Model evaporators will
be exhibited. The Whiteson jelly press
will be in operation and other valuable
and important matters will be brought
before the association. Bring samples of
fruit for naming, and diseased twigs and
cuttings, and have the greatest of all our
county’s interest, fruit-growing,discussed.
Our county exhibit at the state fair has
created an interest for us and big results
are attainable by well directed and per­
sistent efforts. Everybody go.
J. C. C ooper , Secy.
E. H Burnham, a Corvallis citizen,
was found dead in an alley in Albany
Monday night. His body was still
warm, and he is supposed to have
100 acres in cultivation; good pasture for cattle,
Portland had a million dollar fire two houses, two barns and two orchards. Will
sell all or a part on easy terms, or will rent on
along the Albina water front Sunday condition that renter buys team and farming
The above is a tine farm situated
afternoon. The fire started in the Implements.
four miles .southeast of Davton Boat landing
with cleaners less than one mile
O. R. & N. Co's coal bunkers, con­ distant.
suming them, and spreading over a
half mile of wharves, destroyed the Box 106. McMinnville, Or.
Pacific coast elevator, warehouse
and contents, about 60 freight cars,
the steamer Willamette Chief, part
of the Portland General Electric The Standard Dictionary
company's plant, tracks, platforms,
Charles Anderson, Edward
Defines 75,000 more words and
Murray and Frank Brown, employed
phrases than any other diction­
in the elevator, were burned to death
ary in the English Language.
A Good Thing to Keep at Hand.
The origin of the fire is unknown,
From the Troy (Kansas) Chief.
Some years ago we were very much but is thought to have been a stray The best aud most complete ever issued
to the English-speaking race. The most
subject to severe spells of cholera mor­ spark.
bus ; and now when we feel any of the
symptoms that usuall precede that ail­
ment, such as sickness at the stomach,
diarrhoea, etc., we become scary. We
have found Chamberlain’s Colic, Chole­
ra and and Diarrhoea Remedy the very
thing to straighten one out in such cases,
and always keep it about. We are not
writing this for a pay testimonial, but to
let our readers know what is a good
thing to keep handy in the house. For
sale by S. Howorth & Co.
In Childhood*« floppy Day«.
Among the incidents of childhood that
stand out in bold relief, as our memory
reverts to the days when we were young,
none are more prominent than severe
sickness. The young mother vividly re­
members that it was Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and
in turn administers it to her offspring
end always with the beat results. For
sale by S. Howorth & Co.
learned men of this country and England
have endorsed it, and to their verdict is
added that of leading American colleges
It u just the thing for even one in want ofa
good comprehensive and reliable dlctionarv
thatIs abreast of modern scholarship It is
destined to held prv-oininoni-e fir manv
veare to come. H• nc, 1. .r» a <I.>ur o;d friend-
Weister and Worcester num take a back
seat Sold only by subscription at a price
most satisfactory.
Publishers’ Agent
Newberg, Oregon