The Yamhill County reporter. (McMinnville, Or.) 1886-1904, September 28, 1894, Image 1

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Entered at the Postoffice in McMinnville,
as Second-class matter.
Matthies Brothers,
For the next 30 Days I offer the
Earbuff Organs
Estey Organs
Kimball Organs
. 65.00
. 50.00
No. 9 Improved Wheeler & Wilson .
New Home, 6-drawer
Violins, Guitars,
. $36.50
. . 36.00
South side Third St. between B and C.
20 PER CENT Discount on all Alarm and 8-day CLOCKS
A Large Assortment of Sheet Music. Choice, ioc each.
Logan & Kmc It, Prop’s.
For a Clean Shave or Fashionable Hair
Cut Give Us a Call.
Baths are new and first-class in every re­
spect. Ladies’ Baths and shampooing a special­
ty. Employ none but first-class raen. Don’t
forget the place. Three doors west of Hotel
Straight Business. Everything marked in Plain Figures
Remember, for 30 Days only, or Oct. 1st.
McMinnville, Or.
Manufactures and Deals in
Are You
Brushes and sells them cheaper than Considering
they can be bought anywhere else in
the Willamette Valley. Our ail home The Purchase of a
made sets of harness are pronounced
unsurpassable by those who buy them
National Bank
—McMinnville, Oregon.—
Paid up Capital, #.10,000
Transacts a Geueral Banking Business.
- J. H VO WLS.
Free President, - LEE LA POULIN.
E. V. zl PPEKS(>\
Ar.-! Cashitr
If S. LINk
A Large Line of the Best Styles at
Board of Directors:
Sell Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Trans
fers on New York, San Franaisco and Portland.
Deposits received subject to check. Interest paid
on Time Deposits. Loans money on approved
security. Collections made on all accessible
Proprietor of The McMinnville
Situated at the Southwest corner of the Fan
3 rounds.
All sizes of first-class Drain Tile kept constantly
on hand ut lowest living prices.
M c M innville .
Realizing the Closeness
of the Times are mak­
ing Prices on
E. J. Qualey & Co •t
S pecial
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
On Outfits for New
Housekeepers. . . .
All work fiilly guaranteed to give perfect satis­
faction. Refers by permission to Wm. Me Chris­
man. Mrs. L. E. Bewley, Mrs. E. D. Fellows.
Holl’s Old Jowelry Stand, 3d Street.
Calbreath & Goucher.
McMtssvtt i.x
O ekoon
(Office over Braly's bank.)
|-| ome 3 eekers ,
The Sheridan Land Company
Located at Sheridan. Yamhill County. Oregon, are just now offering
bargains in real estate that can't be duplicated in the Willamette valley.
Lands that have been held in large tracts are now being subdivided into
tracts to suit purchaser, and at prices that defy competition. People with
small means and desiring homes on the installment plan, will find it to
their interest to call upon or address this company. Sheridan is in a fa­
vored fruit district of Oregon, out of range of the codlin moth and other
insect pests. We also have some fine business openings and mill properties
for sale or exchange for other property. Trades of all kinds negotiated.
Correspondence solicited. Descriptive circular and price list will be for­
warded on demand.
Below we give a few farms we are offering for sale:
NO. 1. 488 acres, 400 in cultivation, large two-story house, large barn, two
large bearing orchards, nice stream of water running through the pasture, furnisli-
ing abundance of water at all times of year, situated on county road and railroad,
2'.. miles from Amity. This will be sold at a great sacrifice and divided to suit
NO. 2. 180 acres, 80 acres in crop, balance easy cleared, situated on county
road 3 miles from Sheridan, % mile from school, splendid hop, grain or fruit land ;
price $15 per acre.
NO. 3. 200 acres. 50 acres cleared, balance young oak and fir land, nice
Goods of all descriptions moved and stream*water, a splendid stock ranch, situated 3 miles from Sheridan; price $7 per
careful handling guaranteed. Collections acre.
NO. 4. 100 acres all in cultivation, adjoining the city limits of Sheridan, fine
will be made monthly. Hauling of all
; price $35 per acre.
kinds done cheap.
NO. 5. 30 acres, 15 acres clear, all lays fine to cultivate when clear, 1>£
miles from Sheridan; price $12.50 per acre.
Truck and Dray Go
Third St. 1 door W
of Burns & Daniels
Ileal in City.
Choice Fruits. Confectioas. Nuts and Cigars.
Lemonade, Soda Pop, Etc.
Board by the Day or Week.
Sheridan Sun
E Street, north nt Third. Everythin« New and
Firrt-cla** Conveyance of Commercial Travel­
er« a «p« cialty. Board and stabling by the day or
month. We solicit a fair share of the local pat­
The Reporter
IS ONLY-------
One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cent I.
fully matured fruit in the hands of
far-away consumers without material
Otto Benedict has joined his family at
Link Porter is making prepara­
Redding, Calif.
tions to move to Ocean Park. Tilla­ lugalls ou Govemneat Control of
R. W. Lancefield of Forest Grove, was mook county, where he will start a
in the city this week.
The campaign in Kansas is grow­
Our farmer friend, D. O. Durham, is
ing warm. Ex-Senator Ingalls is in
Mrs. Catherine A. Young, widow
again on deck this year as the boss
the harness, and in a speech at
of John Young, deceased, has been
eider maker.
Olathe on the 15th, expressed the
granted a pension at $8 per month
N. E. Kegg is killing time by improv- i
following on the above subject:
ing his residence, adding a new gable from date of his death. Her husband
I am not here to defend railroads;
was a veteran of both the Mexican
and a few ornamental fixtures
I am here to say that I believe rail­
and the civil war.
Misses Florence Alexander and Lettie
road managers will take everything
Mr. A. Gwinn of this city has that they can get, and I have seen a
Masterson of Independence are again
beaten the record of Mr. D. R. Evans great deal of railroad managers in
enrolled as students at the college.
Recorder Wyatt Harris has been de­ on Gross prunes. Mr. Evans brought this state and nation within the last
terred from office duty the past few days, us 13 prunes that weighed two twenty years, that made my blood
by a return of his old army trouble.
pounds. Mr. Gwinn showed us 13 boil with indignation.
They need
Pacific college at Newberg opened last Gross prunes from his garden in restraint. They need control. They
week with an attendance of 80, an in­ Sheridan that lacked but 3 ounces need feel the weight of the law. like
crease over last year’s opening of over 50 of weighing three pounds, The first
everybody else; but when it comes
per cent
named lot came from Polk county, to taking possession of the railroads
Printer J. H. Jordan has moved his the last named from “Old Yamhill.”
by the government of the United
family and household goods up from As it now stands. Mr. Gwinn is en-
I would like to know how’ the
Hillsboro and occupies the Coulter titled to the pennant.
buy them is to be obtained,
dwelling in the southeast part of town.
is to be paid. There are
Newberg Graphic.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will ob­
which the people of the
serve “Membership” day, Friday, Sept.
The school directors have arranged
28th, at 3 p. m., in the M. E. church. with Miss Sargeant, the teacher of United States can take possession of
A cordial invitation is extended to all to vocal music in the college, to give the railroads of the United States.
instructions in vocal music in the They can steal them or they can buy
Mrs. Narcissa White Kinney of As­ public school, the charges to be paid them. They cost about ten billion
dollars in round numbers, with the
toria, president of the Oregon W. C. T. from the school funds.
water squeezed out of it. We have
U., w ill lecture in the Christian church
J. C. McCrea has been hauling been since 1865 paying the half of
Wednesday evening, October 3d. The
gravel from the river during the two billions, and I would like some
public is cordially invited to hear her.
The Fire Relief Association completed week with a four horse team for busi­ arithmetician, some lightning calcu­
its organization at the directors’ meeting ness men along First street, who are lator, among the leaders of the pop­
Saturday, by electing O. H. Irvine pres­ preparing to prevent the accumula­ ulist party, to tell me how long it
ident, Chas. Grissen treasurer and F. J. tion of mud in front of their places
would take to pay for the railroads,
Martin secretary
The association is of business during the rainy season.
them their actual cost. What
now ready for business.
It is very hard to find a man now has been our experience in paving
A team, the property of Mr. Woodell, who said a couple of years ago that
one-half of the national debt since
a veterinary surgeon of Woodburn, took gravel was no good for making roads
1865? The administration of the
a lively spin about town Sunday night in Oregon.
postoffice is frequentlj’ referred to
while the owner was attending church
by our populist friends as a reason
service. The horses fairly mopped the
Lafayette Ledger
earth with the vehicle.
The Hembree hunting party have why government administration of
A Chautauqua circle was organized in returned from a three weeks’ round railroads would be equally efficient.
this city Mondaj’ evening, starting with with big game in the Cascade moun­ What does the government do about
ten members. Prof. Buchanan was tains. They killed twenty-eight deer the postoffice system of this country?
chosen president, Mrs. Matthieu vice- and bro’t home an abundant supply It appoints a large force of highly
president, Miss ’Scofield, secretary, and
of dried venison to chew on this paid officers in Washington and else­
Miss I’agenkopf, treasurer.
where, who gather together the
are to be held weekly.
mails of the country and have them
J. T. Converse arrived last week from
North Yamhill Record.
put in bags for transmission, and
Grundy county, Iowa, and will try his
Rev. W. B. Parker is erecting a I for what? Then they are turned over
fortune farming in Oregon. He says neat cottage on his farm east of I to the very hands of these very agen-
corn is a short crop there, and owing to town.
I cies that our populist friends de­
the high price some farmers have found
Notwithstanding the cry of hard nounce, the railroads, the steam­
it economical to ship wheat from Chicago
times, new buildings are going up in boats, the corporations of the coun­
tor feeding in lieu of corn.
• several parts of town. North Yam­ try. The government transports
Jacob Wortman had a thousand bush­
letters from New York to San Fran­
els of wheat in the Pacific Coast elevat­ hill is all right.
for 2c. If the country would
or, but fortunately had sold it and re­
Austin & Willsey are getting the
ceived returns the day previous. C-. M. lumber on the ground for the pur­ ! turn over the mail system to a pri­
Weed had an invoice of groceries on the pose of putting up a new building vate administration my letter, that
steamer Willamette Chief that was between the postoffice and Miller does not weigh over half an ounce,
burned at the dock, amounting to about
could be carried by private corpora­
Bros.’ for their hardware store.
fifty doliars.
tions from New York to San Fran-
A. Skyles, the genial manager of j cisco for lc instead of 2c.
Newell Macrum of Forest Grove is
If you
practical. He goes fishing along the tel­ our creamery, is having a neat resi­ put your letter into one of your Un­
ephone line and carries a receiver with dence erected on his lots just west of cle Samuel’s letter-bags to-daj-, reg­
him, which he attaches to the line when­ the home of Rube Shuck. Mr. Skyles ister it. if you please, put it into one
ever he wants to communicate with the smiled when asked if it would be for
of those variegated barber-pole en­
people at home. This would be another rent.
velopes, tnat tells the thief where to
good way of establishing the habit of tel-
The merry-go-round that has been look for it; put it in one of those
ing big fish stories.
running at Pike for several days, bags in the custody of one of your
There was a genuine strike in Belt’s passed through here Monday for
hopyard. The waj-one of the strikers Dayton. Rumor has it that its Sun­ Uncle Sam's agents, and that man
j steals it. and is proven to have stol­
tells the story, they were not so greatlj-
day receipts were 8160. Hard times, en it, and has spent all the money
dissatisfied with eighty cents a hundred,
there was in it, and you bring that
as from the galling fact that pickers in an these.
The more means of water trans­ to the attention of the government
adjoining field, right in sight, were get­
ting ninety cents. So they struck ior the portation we can get in Yamhill and ask them to pay you for it and
same figure and got it.
county the better; and we hope the they laugh at you.
Mr. Campbel), who lives on Dayton Yamhill river will be made navigable
There are more than 25,000 cases
prairie, drove to the Lafever crossing and all the year round at McMinnville. of proved depredations in the St.
hitched his team near the railroad Sun­ That city will then be out of the Louis office to-dav, where the off!
day, thinking no train would be along grasp of the Southern Pacific. While cials of the government have been
that day. One came along, though, and the hopes of steamboats reaching up
proven to have stolen money, and
his horse crossed the track just in time
as far as this city is very mild, we the government refuses to make res­
for the rear wheels of his vehicle to be
wish our neighbors well.
titution. If you put that into tile
smashed into splinters by the engine.
------- -------------------
hands of a private carrier, an ex-
Among the awards of premiums at the
These Democratic Times.
press company, and they agree to
state fair we notice the following Yam­
hill exhibitors: John Redmond on frogs
A California paper gives the fol- transport it from New York to San
and sheep; Wm. Galloway, brood mare; lowing as an antidote to partially Francisco, they would have to do it
J. C. Cooper, grapes; C. E. Hoskins, relieve the feelings engendered by or they would have to pay for it, and
dried fruits; John Hendricks, cattle; N. these democratic times: Don’t think yet there are men that would like to
C Maris, cattle and poultry; J. D. Nairn,
that you are the only one‘this year take the whole business of the coun­
sheep and horses; Jas. and A. J. Edson,
try from the private hands where
sheep,horses and mules; Mrs. E. B. Fel­ who is doing well; don’t think others there is some responsibility, into the
are. not groaning and sweating under
lows and daughter, fancy work.
burdens; don’t think ill luck has j hands of what they call the “gov-
Wm. J. Ortel, R. M. Wade & Co’s
1 ernment,” where there is no respon­
book-keeper of this place, was married singled you out in particular; don't sibility at all. If any private cor­
in Albany Wednesday evening of last fancy that the country has failed, the
poration, any common carrier, treat­
week, to Miss Nina M. Parker, daughter district becomes worthless and your
of the city treasurer of that place. The enterprises of no value because you ed its patrons the way the govern­
wedding was a swell affair, the list of are not making anything.
Keep ment treats its patrons, it would be
guests making nearly a column in the courage, do the best thing possible, in a bankruptcy court six months of
daily Herald. The bride and groom will determine to win in spite of fate, dig I every year, and in jail the other six
make this city their abiding place after your heels in the ground and brace months. Our friends with that vast
the completion of a wedding tour to the
yourself all the firmer. Don’t cry business sagacity are in favor of
quits, don’t curse the locality where transferring a favored system like
Considerable interest in a quiet way is you live and think that another is this from private hands, where there
being shown in the subject of lending en­
better. All places are alike at pres­ is responsibilitj- under the law, and
couragement to the beet sugar factory,
to the law to a system where ther?
and there is promise of a lively interest ent. The tariff question is settled is no responsibility, and no security
in the meeting to be held in this city Oc­
whatever; and I would like to ask
tober 6th. Residents of different parts work in earnest and have faith in
into whose hands—in case this
ot the county are preparing to bring in the ultimate outcome of the projects
to be adopted—into whose
samples of their favorite variety of beets you are engaged in.
hands is the administration of rail­
or give their experience in past years
The California Natural Carbonic roads to be confided. Is it to be
with beet culture. A gardener of this
city tried raising sugar beets a few years Acid Gas Co., of San Jose, has been supposed that a man can go blood­
ago in a small way, as an experiment, experimenting for some time with the raw from the farm or the forge, or
and had them tested. They showed 16 use of that gas as a preservative of from the carpenter's bench and run
per cent sugar. The California average fruit en route to eastern markets. a railroad? Wouldn't you expect to
is about 12 per cent.
The management of the company confide it to exactly the same hands
Dr. Minty, the veterinarian, met with promises to give us full particulars that have charge of it now, and don’t
a somewhat mysterious and painful acci­
of the system when perfected. At you suppose that within six months
dent Monday morning. He had gone
out to milk and his prolonged absence present the scheme appears feasible after this occurred that you would
caused Mrs. Minty to go in search of but the final tests, as we understand, find very much the same condition
him. He was found lying near the barn have not yet been fully made on a that you find to-day?
door in an insensible condition and a large scale. The carbonic acid gas there be one man on the engine, and
severe bruise on the left side of the head. used in the process is drawn from one man on the car, and another man
The Doctor says his last recollection un­ wells 575 feet deep near New Alma­ at the brake, and another man riding
til aroused to consciousness in his own den in the Santa Cruz mountains. in the special, with every appear­
sitting room, was of sitting by the cow­ The fruit is surrouuded by an atmos­ ance of luxury and comfort about
milking. His theory of the matter is phere of this gas in a car made prac­
him. and wouldn't there be walking
that the cow may have kicked without
tically air tight by a metallic lining. along beside the track, with all his
serving previous notice of intention, but
To supply fresh gas when needed, a worldly possessions in a bandana
he has no way of accounting for his own
filled with gas will be trunk with a pin lock, our reforming
actions immediately following, as he was
car. Tt is believed friend looking for a dry culvert for
i several feet away when found and the
will arrest decay his next night's lodging, and over
milk had been poured in the feed-box of
and enable shippers to place their j and above all. wouldn’t you hear the
his mare.
NO. 39.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
voice of the leather-lunged reformer,
whose weapon is the favorite weapon
of Sampson, with which he slew
thousands and thousands of men, de­
claiming the injustices of society
and asking for another division? I
am not here as a republican to deny
that there are a great many things
in modern society that require recti­
fication. 1 believe that labor does
not receive its full share of the re­
wards of society in this system un­
der which we live. I believe it is
one of the great questions modern
society has to deal with, and I be­
lieve that a man has the right to
say that he will not work for any
wages that an employer may choose
to pay. but I believe that his right
stops there; that he has no right to
say to another American citizen, able
and willing to work, that he shall
not accept that place.
Not a few of the men who have be­
come presidents of the United States
have given utterance in one way or
another, to phrases which are indel­
ibly stamped upon the pages of our
literature and have become so per­
manent and familiar as to be house­
hold words.
Comparatively speaking, however,
these utterances or happy expres­
sions as they may be called, aré rare.
There are no striking instances of
these recorded as coming either ftom
Washington, the Adamses, Monrie,
Polk, Tyler, Fillmore, Pierce, B i-
chanan, Johnson, Hayes, Arthur, or
either of the Harrisons. We are not
perfectly sure, but we believe that
Jefferson said: “We are all republic­
ans, we are all federalists.” Consider­
ing Mr. Jefferson’s philosophical
habit and his voluminous writings,
it is somewhat to be wondered at
that he has left no remarkable ex­
pression, political or otherwise.
Andrew Jackson may not be fairly
considered in the list either, although
his favorite oath, “by the eternal,”
is familiar and is more or less used
by latter day stump speakers.
One of the finest phrases uttered
by any American and one which is
always kept in stock by speakers and
writers is Martin Van Buren’s “the
sober second thought.” It has
strength, alliteration and a certain
fine meaning that will ever make it
It has long been received and be­
lieved that General Zachary Taylor
said to Capt. Braxton Bragg—after­
wards the noted confederate general
—at Buena Vista, “A little more
grape. Captain Bragg,” but the cruel
iconoclasts now affirm that Taylor
never gave any such command, and
we must, accept this “higher criti­
cism” in profane as in scriptural af­
fairs, or be regarded as behind the
Lincoln has left a rich legacy of
popular and striking expressions, to
be found in his public addresses,
campaign speeches and messages.
One of the most beautiful and note­
worthy is “With charity toward all;
with malice toward none.”
As a soldier General Grant assist­
ed in immortalizing himself by his
famous saying: “I propose to fight it
out on this line if it takes all sum­
mer;’’ and as a president by giving
utterance to that lofty sentiment:
“Let us have peace.”
President Garfield, who was per­
haps the most scholarly and accomp­
lished man who ever occupied the
White House, uttered a magnificent
phrase on a memorable occasion. In
attempting to quiet a mob in New
York City when Lincoln was assassi­
nated he declared in stentorian tones
which had a magical effect: “God
reigns and the government at Wash­
ington still lives!”
Cleveland has coined many notable
expressions. As a phrase-monger
he stands unequaled by any of his
predecessors. “Tell the truth;” “in­
nocuous desuetude;” and in his recent
letter accompanying the enactment
of the new tariff bill into a law,
“communism of pelf.”
zY man at Corvallis refused to pay
a $1.90 bill. Costs, $6.25.
Blind Tom, the wonderful pianist,
is exhibiting through Oregon.
W. P. Con noway of Independence,
offers 50 acres of land as a starter for
the location of the beet sugar fac­
The fish ladder has been completed
at Oregon City at a cost of less than
$1,000. The state appropriation for
the purpose was $10,000.
W. S. Bair who met with an acci­
dent by a bad bridge in Umatilla
county, has been allowed $450 for
damages. He only claimed $509.50.
A couple of wagonloads of hop-
pic ¿ers were held up near Spring­
field recently, and robbed of their
hard-earned wages. This is carrying
the hold-up business too far.
The true height of the highest peak
of the Three Sisters was taken by a
mercurial barometer last summer by
Prof. McAlister of Eugene, who
found the height to be 10,088 feet.
Lane county has settled with its
ex-sheriff, J. E. Noland, the dispute
in regard to the amount claimed to
be due the county from the sheriff.
The court accepted $1250 as the
county's share of $3051.77, which Mr.
Noland had retained as fees in settling
with the county.
A good crop of fine figs has grown
and matured on a couple of trees on
G. F. Billings’ place near Ashland
this year and Mr. B reports that
the second crop is thriving and
promises to ripen all right. No par­
ticular attention was paid to the
trees.— Ashland Tidings.
A. Tillamoook young man nineteen
years of age had never seen a rail­
road train until he recently boarded
one at Forest Grove and rode to
Portland. He is said to have grasped
the back of the seat very hard when­
ever a fence was approached, think­
ing the train would have to jump
over it.
The jury in the case of the state of
Oregon vs Prof. McFadden, of the
Toledo public schools, after being
out about .»0 hours, returned a ver­
dict of guilty. The defendant was
fined about $10 and costs, amounting
to $50. The case created great ex­
citement in Toledo. Prof. McFadden
had severely punished Coll Van
Cleve’s son, who was a pupil at his
school, and was arrested for assault
and battery.
The Brownlee boy who accidentally
killed the Ross girl in a hopyard
nea~ Harrisburg on the 15th inst.,
by throwing a stick at her and burst­
ing a blood vessel, was discharged by
the justice last week. The evidence
showed that the Ross girl first threw
a stick at the boy as well as having
hit him with a whip, besides whip­
ping a five-year-old boy. The Brown­
lee boy is only 11 years of age and
onlj' did what most any boy would
have done. The sympathy of Harris­
burg people was almost universally
with the defendant, and his discharge
by the justice gave great satisfac­
Al Heminger, foreman of the Lake­
view Water Company, the man who
was on duty as deputy marshal at
the time when Thompson was
lynched, has had his mind unbalanced
by the experiences of that night.
The shock of suddenly having four
cocked revolvers thrust into his face
by masked men at midnight, and the
contemplation of the horrible tragedy
enacted, was too much for him. He
imagines both the lynchers and a
mob of Lakeview citizens are after
him. Last week he fled into the
country, but was found by his
friends, and was taken by them on a
hunting trip to Crater lake, with the
hope that his hallucination will dis­
Some ministers sold $75,000 worth
of Portland lots in Iowa, and now
that the bottom is out of Portland
lots the ministers are getting it right
and left.
The Iowa Register gets
mad as follows: “Preachers are be­
The printers of the United States ing generally utilized to work busi­
have hailed with joy the order of the ngs and political schemes of decep­
government authorities setting Sep­ tion and deceive many of the ‘elect.’
tember 30th as the date when the The $75,000 placed in that Portland
government printing office would plot may be worth $75 or 75 cents,
cease printing envelopes. This is an but there is very little probability
abuse which has been carried on by that those who were duped by the
the government for years, and should sharpers, who preached like arch-
have been abolished long ago.— I angels and in the meantime placed
lots among the brethren, will ever
Northwestern Printer.
seceive 10 cents on the dollar for
There are fifty-one inmates at the their investment. It is well to be
soldiers’ home at Roseburg, and the aware of preachers who come to you
institution is crowded. The board i with honey in their mouth to advo­
of managers will ask for an «appro­ cate business and political schemes.
priation sufficient to build addition The devil always has a strong hold
on that class of preachers.”