BIMMSS REVIVAL. 1889 . . A S t . P a CL dispatch of the 10th 840,880,849 1890 .. 902,645,867 inst. says: “The railway companies S. F. Bulletin: In business any- 1891 979,582,803 F. H. BAB.NUAKT, f.dnur & Propr of Minnesota were given a disagree­ • uing is better than uncertainty. 1892 ... 1,014,894,364 J. G. EtKllAN, Associale Editor« able shock this afternoon by the When the merchant or manufacturer 1893 . . . 1,079 483,172 state railway and warehouse com­ cannot predict to his own satisfac­ These figures carry their own ar­ Subscription $1.GO Per Year. mission. which issued a general or­ tion the course of the market, he gument with them. They sohw an der lowering rates on all grain 15 ADVERTISING KATES. »isely takes the fewest possible increasing tendency toward the use Read 1notice» tn local column» 10 cent, per per cent. The decision was in the line for fir-t week and 5 cent, per Line thereafter. case of Elias Steenerson. who asked -:sks while awaiting developments. of liquors. How far this is to be, ac­ DUplay advertaenieau annua, rate», one meh For nearly two years the business counted for by the heavy foreign per month »1; each additional inch M cents per that the Great Northern railway month. men of the United States have been immigration during that decade, it Obituary and marriage notices not exceed) ng company be compelled to lower rates B F. O. Koke and Daughter ! contracting their operations iu ap­ is impossible to say; probably that 10 line« published free If tarnished in time to be current news. Additional matter 10 cent-per from Polk county to Duluth and- prehension of the course of tariff leg- is a factor of considerable import­ line. Minneapolis 33 per cent. The com- iation. The manufacturer would ance in the result. But how are we i i mission took into consideration the FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, 1894. iot make goods with the prospect of to check this? What are the reme-' Said my friends and neighbors. I had Dj* fact that wheat had fallen largely in | a reduction in duties which would dial measures to be employed? To pepaia 16 years: physicians anil change ot price, and on the other hand that climate did nut help me. But Hood’s Sarsapa» Ora export trade with Cuba railway earnings had largely dimin­ make them unsalable in competition us, the state c,f the case shows the I Hood’s Sarsa- with cheap foreign commodities. crying need of a moral uplifting, of doubled in four years under the rec­ ished and split the difference, giving Merchants would not import goods a crusade of education in the evils, iprocity clause of the McKinley law. the farmer and the railway company JL J b . parilia and the new tariff law will practical­ each half the benefit. ’ Representa­ tnd pay the then current duties lest individual and social, inherent in the rilla did me more good i-z-yf» Hi CS ly destroy it. This is the way in tives of the railways say the cut 1 within a few days or weeks new drink habit, among the masses of our than all the doctoring. ■ I can now eat. sleep and which the democrats enlarge the for­ will bankrupt three of the largest shipments might come under lower heterogeneous population. You can­ and work. My daughter flt R 4S ’ uties aud underbid their stocks, not reform people until they desire eign market for American products. I grain carryii.g roads of the state.’ also had distress and rheumatism. Hood’s Sar­ -he consequence has been that to be reformed. You cannot reform saparilla made her stout, well and healthy. B. The farmers of Minnesota have T he state board of horticulture probably come to the conclusion -cocks of all kinds have run down. them by passing a law. We must F. O. R oke , Fal.-v.eA’, Kansas. has received ashipmentof lady birds that as long as it is their choice Consumers have also held off on ac­ educate them up to a point where Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, paiuor gripe. Sold by all druggists. from California, to eat the wooly which shall go bankrupt, the rail­ count of hard times and the uncer- they will seethe need of reform; and intv regarding the future. Goods when a majority of them have aphis that infests the apple trees. roads or themselves, it is. more in ' ave been imported and piled up in reached this point, they will be will­ congress for a bounty, but that when The lady bird may be a good feeder, I keeping with the spirit of eternal but it will have to get up early in justice that the railroads try it ended warehouses awaiting the turn ing to join in the effort to pulverize t tbe bountj’ law was passed it was re- oi tariff legislation. the rum power. — Toledo Blade. the morning to beat several of the on a while. ■ garded as a pledge for 15 years, and » Now that the tariff bill has been native species in getting away with caused the mortgaging of plantations NEWS Of TÍ1E WEEK. passed, uncertainty has been changed DE »I OC KA lit ECONOMY. the delicious aphis. and the expenditure of immense for certainty. Whether the situation Enoch Davis, who murdered his sums of money, purchasing modern A t a meeting of the state board The democratic claim of economi­ be good or bad, it is at least tempo­ wife at Provo, Utah, in 1892, was ex­ machinery and making" improve­ of prison directors of California they cal administration was briefly alluded rarily definite. The consumers who ecuted by being shot on the 14th. ments for the manufacture of sugar; decided to purchase 2,000 bales of to by Gov. McKinley in his recent have been doing without things that Chauncey M. Depew returned from urge the organization of clubs, com­ they needed will make purchases. jute at 12.92} per 100, and continue speech at Bangor, Me. He said: mittees and conventions throughout the making of bags, although it was The financial condition of the country Those manufacturers that can see Europe on Friday and at once de­ the, state with a view of electing is anything but hopeful and encouraging. clined to run for governor of New shown that with the removal of the | With failing revenues, but no material their way to compete with the pro­ members of congress who will stand York. duty on jute it was not possible to diminution in expenditures, we are rap­ ducts of foreign factories will resume by the national republican party in Senator John H. Mitchell arrived the organization of the house, and make bags at a profit in competition idly running into debt. The receipts of operations to some extent to meet in Portland Saturday night from finally declaring that the causes with importing firms. the government for the fiscal year 1894 the demand for commodities. Goods were nearly $89,900,00<) less than the are being released from bonded ware­ Washington and will remain about which have led to the inauguration two months. B reckenridge was defeated by receipts of the government for the fiscal houses for the same purpose. of this movement are of a financial Democratic speakers and news­ Ex-Vice President Levi P. Morton and industrial nature, and that the Owens in the Kentucky primaries. I year 1893. The expenditures of the The only thing to regret about it is government for the year 1894 were nearly papers are now congratulating their was nominated for governor on the character and standing of its leaders that the bear could not be kepttilive $17,000,000 less than in 1893, while the party and the people on this, which first ballot by the New York conven­ is a sufficient guarantee that that until November, and knocked in the payments for pensions for 1894 were they term “a revival of business tion Tuesday. party will advocate good govern­ head with the republican ax. His $18,180,u00 less than for the fiscal year under the influence of tariff reform.” Robert J., the pacer, accomplished ment for the whole people of this 1893. In the campaign of 1892 a subject Such a claim makes sensible people defeat is a triumph of righteous sen­ the fastest mile ever run by a horse state. A resolution also demands much talked about was the extravagance timent and sound morals, which of the republican fifty-first congress. smile audibly. To talk about a dem­ in harness, at Terra Haute on Fri­ fair elections and honest count at have had a hard battle ground in the The fact is, that the appropriations for ocratic revival of business it would day. His time was 2:011. the hands of Governor Foster, a fair Blue Grass state. | the first session of the present congress, be necessary to compare the situa­ The latest news from the war is representation for planters on all democratic in all its branches, are $27,- tion now with that under the McKin­ that in a naval engagement the boards of registration and election. S enator J ones of Nevada would 269,838.72 greater than at the first ses­ ley law before the election of 1892 Chinese lost two vessels and the Jap­ rather be a live populist than a dead sion of the fifty-second congress, which threw the shadow of democratic su­ T he nomination of Levi P. Morton anese three. No estimates of the republican hero. His state is strong­ was so ably presided over by that illus­ premacy over the country. Then [ for governor by the New York re­ losses. business was booming, wages good, ly populist and the legislature on trious statesman, Thomas B. Reed. publicans practically insures a No­ Mrs. Hartley who shot Senator It is true that the appropriations at the work plenty, and new enterprises joint ballot is populist by more than vember victory of the old-fashioned three to one. If he had remained I regular sessions of the present congress, branching out in every direction. Foley of Nevada, has been found kind. true to the party that has honored just closed, are $28,0u0,000 less than at The present so-called revival is mere­ guilty of murder in the second de­ the last session of the fifty-second him for twenty years h? would prob­ ly the necessary reaction from the gree. She will be sentenced Decem­ In an interview recently in this congress, but it must be remembered ably have lost his seat. He assigned that the democratic party had control of panic and depression of the last two ber 1st. city. Mr. Richard Gird, owner of the Colonel Thomas G. Lawler of j great Chino ranch, is reported to as his reason for joining the pops the house then as it controls both years. Every thinking person of that it was his only hope of achiev­ branches of congress now. It is worthy of whatever political opinion, expect­ Rockford, Ill., was chosen command­ have stated that the beet harvest on ing free and unlimited coinage of of note, too, that fllis reduction is found ed it. Compared w’ith the situation er-in-chief of the Grand Army last the Chino ranch will comprise about silver. in one item alone. There was appro­ before November, 1892, it is still a week. He won by eleven votes over 4,000 acres this season, and there are priated at the first session of the congress period of hard times, cheap prices, I. N. Walker, of Indianapolis. about 2,000 acres more in the vicin­ A concern that looks very much $29,099,o04.15 less for pensions than was low wages and scant demand for The claims which have been pend­ ity. He expects the crop to reach like a meat trust has opened busi- appropriated at the last session of the labor. Of course there is nothing to ing before Secretary Carlisle for about 60,000 tons, and it would ness in Portland. Three large mar­ fifty-second congress. Exclusive of pen­ do but to make the best of the situa­ bounty on the production of sugar j probably have been 100,000 tons ex­ kets have been opened and six others sions, President Cleveland expended tion and guard against future follies. have been declined payment on the cept for very dry weather. He al- from June 30, 1893, to June 20, 1894, will soon be started. The retail ground that the sugar was produced ' leges a gross profit from beets on his $1,295,677.50 more money to carry on the THE .NATION’S naiNK BILL. prices of fresh meats have been cut government than was expended in the i ranch of $80 to $90 per acre, and a before the Wilson bill took effect. fifty per cent. People will greatly last fiscal year under President Harri­ ! ’ net profit of $30 to $40 per acre an- The actors of New York City have It is Comparatively easy to obtain relish cheaper meats, but there is no son’s administration. j nually. Mr. Gird believes California formed a protective association. The | the figures as to the number of gal­ guarantee that they will remain could supply the world with sugar if object is to elevate the profession lons of intoxicating liquors of all cheap longer than is necessary to WHAT AVE HAVE LOST. all her available beet land were util­ and stop accessions to the kinds manufactured within and im­ drive out the local butchers. The ized. and states that the consump­ stage of prize-fighters, freaks and ported into the United States, Under the reciprocity clauses of concern is doing business in Seattle, tion on the Pacific coast is 70 pounds the McKinley law, Spain felt con­ through the medium of the official monstrosities generally, such as Cor­ Tacoma and Everett, Wash. per capita.— California Fruit Grower. strained to reduce her high duties records of the treasury department; bett, Sullivan and Madeline Pollard. The Peary north pole exploring What it Costs tlic Beet Farmers. on American imports into Cuba and but it is very difficult to ascertain W eek before last the R eporter Porto Rico. Under the reciprocity what the people who consume these party has returned from Greenland It will be good news to those beet called attention to the wide discrep­ agreement entered into, our trade liquors pay for them. We can esti­ after a year’s absence. The principal farmers of Pajaro and Salinas valleys ancy between Portland and Chicago mate the number of single drinks, of incident of note was the birth of quotations in the pork market, show­ with these two islands rapidly in­ average size, contained in a gallon, Mrs. Peary’s baby during the expe­ in this state who voted in the fall of ing that prices in the latter city creased. Our millers gained com­ and figure on the basis of the retail dition and thefreezing of several dogs. 1892 to “down the robber barons of plete control of their flour trade. protection” to learn that the thing were about two cents a pound hign- American pork, beef, lard, fish and price paid over the bar per drink. The north pole is as much a mystery that they voted for has actually hap­ er than in the former for the same This gives us at best only an esti­ as ever. pened, (to them.) The beet barons class of hogs, as near as one vegetables found a vastly increased mate, but this is the nearest it is The sugar planters of Louisiana who made contracts to receive $5 per market. Machinery, hardware, cot­ could judge by reading market re­ ton goods, and manufactured goods possible to come to an ascertainment held an enthusiastic convention in ton for their beets in case the bounty ports. Supposing the discrepancy New Orleans on the 17th. The con­ law should stand, and 14.50 if it did of all kinds went from this country of the nation s drink bill. was owing to lack of facilities for Let us take the official figures, and vention went over to the national re­ into the Islands on a largely in ­ not, will be overjoyed to know that handling the hog crop of this section, There they will receive only the $4.50 rate creased scale. The British consul make such an estimate for the fiscal publican party in a body. we mentioned the need of a first- general at Havana reported to his year ended June 30, 1893. Within was considerable speechmaking, in instead of the $5 as paid them under class packing establishment in Port­ government that under the reciproc­ that twelvemonth there were con­ which the prominent figures on the the McKinley law. Thus we live and land. Our supposition was evident­ ity agreement the United States had sumes iu the United States, as a floor took part, and the walls of the learn—some of us. The Pajaroian ly in error, for in the Oregonian a few secured the market of the Spanish beverage and in the arts, 99,890,331 hall were freely decorated with pla­ estimates the loss to the beet farm­ days later we saw the picture and West Indies, and that it was hope­ gallons of distilled liquors. We will cards bearing mottoes of republican ers, who supply stock to the Watson­ accompanyiug description of the less for British merchants to try to deduct 12 per cent of this sea of li­ doctrine. A representative body ville factory, at $50,000 this year by Union Meat Company's establish­ quor for the quantity used in the was entrusted with the resolutions, compete. reason of the recent changes in the ment, and afterward read the follow­ But the Gorman tariff bill repealed arts, and add 15 per cent for the which were adopted by an over­ tariff. If these be the first fruits of ing editorial mention: the McKinley law, including the rec­ water used to dilute it down to the whelming vote of the convention. the first democratic victory, may the Since we have a company in Portland average retail strength. This gives The resolutions indorse the platform good Lord protect us from another! —the Union Meat Company—which is iprocity clauses, and thus took from 101,089,015 gallons consumed as a of the recent meeting in this city; —California Fruit Grower. prepared to buy aud pack all hogs of­ the president the power of imposing beverage. The average price of a i express belief in the doctrine of pro- fered, there should no longer be ground duties on West Indian sugar and gallon of whisky, when sold at re- I tection to all American industries; In Portland Sunday afternoon of complaint that the farmer cannot find other products—which power was market for his hogs, nor any real cause the lever which moved Spain to til over the counter, is $4.50. Hence declare that the people never asked John W.Stengele,a well-known young for importing hams, bacon, lard and agree to reciprocity trade regula­ ae people paid $454,900,957 for it. Besides this there were consumed pickled pork into Oregon. Portland tions. The Gorman law also imposes should become the central market of a 40 per cent duty- on all imported »,307,422'gallons of imported spirits, hogs and hog products for the Pacific raw sugars. Hence Spain has can­ which, at $8 per gallon, cost $10,459,- coast. This Portland company’s estab­ celled the reciprocity agreement, and 376; of domestic wines, 26,391,235 lishment is a great one, and has facilities gallons, at $2 per gallon, $52,782,470; for meeting any demand that may be once more American flour and grain, of foreign wines, 5,596,584 gallons, made upon it. No single thing can he meatsand meat products, vegetables, at $4 per gallon, $22,386,336; of do- of more importance to Portland and to machinery and manufactured goods aestic beer, 1,071,183,827 gallons, at our northwest states than development must pay a high duty. English mer­ • of this great industry. chants can now successfully compete 0 cents a gallon, $535,591,914, ot Something must be the matter, with us. Our export trade with •nported beer, 3,362,509 gallons, at since up to this time Oregon farmers Cuba and Porto Rico will be cut I per gallon, $3,362,509. Adding have not produced all the hams, ba­ down fully one-half. This is an ex­ these items, we obtain a grand total ...for... con and lard used at home, while ample of the manner in which we of $1,079,483,172 as the nation’s arink biil for that year. eastern prices with freight added are going to conquer the markets of This is simply astounding—that have governed the local market for the world according to Professor Jie people of the United States will the finished product. Instead of be­ Wilson.— Toledo Blade. ' nus tax themselves for something ing a cent or two lower, it naturally California, empire of the Pacific, salutes the world. 1 ■ hich is in no wise of the slightest China and Japan. looks as though Oregon farmers Her Midwinter Fair closed in a midsummer blaze of glory The troubles between China and aenetit to anyone, but rather an in­ ought to get a cent or two more from jury. Dr. Franklin, in his “ Poor Second only to the Columbian Exposition in extent, variety home packers. A great deal of gra­ Japan bring to mind what Napoleon I Richard ” sayings, told a homely tuitous advice is given to farmers the First said when urged-by some of and splendor, the coast display was a veritable triumph. about what they ought to raise on his generals to conquer China and | truth when he declared that “what Out of her abundance the state poured her treasures—and their acres, and just now they are make it a French province as the maintains a vice will bring up two the nations of the earth came to aid her in her noble children;” and it is certain that what being vociferously counseled to raise British had India. t le vice of intemperance costs many exhibition. “Better let China alone. The Chin­ more hogs. The prudent person be­ a man in this country would carry Memorable were the exhibits—of gold and silver, of fore he acts upon such advice is apt ese do no harm at present. If we to look a little ahead to the prospects conquer them we shall teach them oat the truth of the saying. But wheat and oil, of fruit and wine, of silk and wool—of all of a market for his hogs after he the art of war. They may raise up tais is not the worst of the matter. that man and nature could combine to produce. And nc has raised them. If he finds the and equip armies, buy or bnild navies, The total volume of alcoholic intoxi­ exhibit attracted more attention or excited warmer approval cants consumed yearly is increasing market cornered against him and endanger France and perhaps all Eu­ steadily — and increasing at a much than that of prices held at just about such a mar­ rope.” gin below Chicago and Omaha quo­ Both the Chinese and Japanese greater ratio than is the population. tations as would cover railroad are making rapid progress toward The following figures show the in­ transportation to those cities, he is becoming important factors in the crease in the cost of the liquors con-1 sumed for the past ten years. The Official tests showed it to be highest in leavening power, not greatly encouraged to enter the world’s politics. same method of computing the field as a competitor with Missouri purest in quality, and most efficient in results of all baking and Iowa pork-raisers. If the city I t seems to be rather a pity that amount paid was used as in the com­ powders made. Accordingly, the Highest Award and Gold •of Portland expects to maintain her the planters who raised sugar, and putation for 1893, given above: Cost of liquors. Medal were conferred on Dr. Price’s at the Midwinter Fair. position as the great commercial the multitude of poor who used su­ 1883 ................. .................... $ 708,089,2.63 metropolis of the northwest, her gar, both alike failed to know and 1J84 ................. ................... 717,818,945 The triumph at San Francisco confirms the victory at business men and capitalists must appreciate what the republican par­ 1885................... ................... 678,374,931 Chicago. The Midwinter Fair verdict sustains and vindi­ not permit her avarice to become a ty had done for them, until too late. Ia86 .................. ................... 717,069,816 cates the bestowal of highest honors on Dr. Price’s by the hanaicap <>n the agricultural re- It will take both time and labor to Iaô7................... ................... 762,599,015 jury of awards at the World’s Columbian Exposition. sources of the surrounding country correct the blunder. 818,087,725 1888 .................. ................... Yamhill County Reporter. GRAND OPENING OF NEW GOODS FOR FALL A.AD WIVTER OF l*»4. He Can’t Live Golden Honors Golden Coast Dr. Price’s Baking Powder Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder i .4 Commencing Saturday Sept. 15 It’s our pleasure While and aim Times are Hard and to supply ail Buyers Customers with want and are what they want- entitled to the CONTINUING ONE WEEK. Newest and Best the Market affords ! and best Selected Stock of Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Main Notions, Trimmings These Window Display Furnishing Goods, Cloth- Goods should be Next Week. seen to ing, Hats, Caps. be appreciated Boots & Shoes ever displayed in Yamliill County and At the Lowest Prices A.. 1. A1PPIE RSON civil engineer, shot and killed Mrs. Mabel Colvin, of Worcester, Mass., who had been visiting with relatives, and then placing the deadly revolver to his own head, blew out his brains. The tragedy occurred on the side­ walk on the south side of Yamhill street about 100 feet west of Thir­ teenth street. Three shots were fired in quick succession, and the man and woman fell side bj’ side on the pavement. Stengele died in­ stantly, and his victim gave only one or two gasps after the arrival of several bystanders who witnessed the shooting. Unrequited love prompted the double crime. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years the doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local reme­ dies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in­ curable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney