Yamhill County Reporter. XEW» OI nil WEEK. Alt Alls s I 1L1.1- < OLLEL-SU'il spent money reckless:;, and ar: now ADVANTAGES !T OFfEltS. howling because they cannot gather Signor Banli, an Italian editor B; President Brownson. more money from bushes and birds’ Sarsaparilla is carefully at Leghorn, was stabbed and killed F.K. BARNHART, tails. readers of ihis paper are Many prepared by exjierieuced bj. an assassin on the 1st for print ­ PUBLISHER AND PROPRI ETOH pliamu' ists from Sarsa- ing articles in bis paper against an­ parents with children to educate, E4»< AL TO THE í TLHtLM Ì . parilla. Dandelion. Mau During the ' next two months some archy . J. £ cent, p»r line theieafur. A printing bouse of San Francisco their education by their own labor Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and curative Im,.lay advert- •"'ciannual rale». oi.e inch in no manner will it be possible for that l-»r ti -. — U adtd.ivual inch iO vents per body to Baddie the responsibility of their filled an order for dance programs by Some of these are discussing eagerly juaey power lb caltar to Itself, not pos- month. Obituary-r. . xvr.-.ge r.ottc--- r.ot exceeding actions off on the shoulder of the demo­ sending a boy 300 miles on a wheel- the question of going away to school ses-ed by ether medicines. Hood’s 1» lines p-.bl: •h.-l It furnished in time to At Sacramento oa the 4t'n one the coming year Still other readers > irre.,: ■ .v,-:t::-..«! r, Cvnt-per crat.—[Tillamook Advocate. line. To tuake our Show Window Displays conform as near We ll guarantee there s no repub- thousand militiamen refused to dis­ will be consulted and advised with as possible to the Seasons. This week it’s muslin and I lican in Oregon so unfeeling as to perse a crowd of strikers at the de­ during the next few months by Cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sores. Boils. FRIDAY, JULY 0, 1894. and other light weight underwear on the one ide, straw desire the democrats to have to pot. and laid down their arms. It friends in reference to the place in Pimples and all other affections caused by and other Summer Goods on the other. shoulder one iota cf responsibility was the center of the strike excite­ which to give their children an edu- impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache. Indigestion, Debility. Catarrh. N ot only exclude the undesirable more than they already have. That ment on that day. l cation. To these classes of readers Rheumatism. K: tney and Liver Com- foreigners, tut regulate those we would kill a mule. Yet it is readily The secretary of the interior is be­ , this article is dedicated. Its pur- j). plaints. It is Not What have. conceded that the republicans had ing interceded with to grant permis­ | pose is to set forth in a straightfor- we Say, but what Hood’s some valuable democratic assistance sion to the sheep men cf San Joaquin i ward, honest, open way some of the Sarsaparilla Does, that T he Wilson bill has passed the at the late elecyon as against the Tells the Story — Hood’s valley to graze stock in the national advantages that this college offers. senate. 39 to 34. and has gone back populists. Democrats who had their parks. If permission is not granted Sarsaparilla I It offers the whole-hearted service of to the house. own and the state's interest at hundreds of thousands of sheep will | teachers of ability. Each and every heart, were not afraid but what the perish during the next few months. member of the faculty is thoroughly T he supreme court has decided republicans would carry the respon­ Senators Dolph and Mitchell have I interested in the students; is ready Hood’s Pi'.ls air genti«-, mita and eftvctlve that pension money cannot be at­ sibility’ all right Democrats of the appeared before the commerce com­ > to render anv reasonable service for tached for debt, even when deposit­ other sori may feel a modicum of Clothing—60c buys $1 worth mittee and secured an increase in j their benefit is ready to give special Itenl Estate Transfers. ed in a savings bank. consolation along with the editor the appropriation for the Siuslaw , service to any student at any time In Ladies’ Taffeta Glove ■- -60c Glove: reduced to •! '.< For weekending July 3d: above quoted. when there is real need for it. in Elizabeth B and J P Powell river of $20,000 to $25,000, and for T here are two years and eight —.—------ Minnie E Turner north half months more of the Cleveland ad­ I ENGLAND AND SL.NATOR LODGE. Tillamook bay from $13,500 to $16 j the most emphatic manner can I ' speak of the willingness of each 4 Chehaletn Orchard Homes 000. _________ ministration. If the present policy Men’s Gloves—Lineof $1 25 and $1.50 reduced to i X There have not been wanting of is continued by that time even bank The Missiouri river has been j member to help the students in any Francis Hauswirth to Martha F In Ladies’ Fine Shoes—$5 and $5.50 lino reduced to $3. Four McKern lot 1 blk 2 Ilauswirth's receivers will bo In the hands of re­ late indications of growing irritation changing its channel at Winthrop, | way within their power. add to North Yamhill. with England for its dog in the opposite Atchison, Kansas. Before years is the shortest term of service ceivers. ■fl and $4.50line reduced tii $2.25. R W and M F Phillips to Lillie manger silver policy. Gold mono­ the cut by the river four railroads j that, any one of the faculty has Cunningham 1 acre part As other lines become broken in uze they will be placed on 1 ir W e notice in some of the W. C. T. metallism is convulsing two conti­ paralleled at this point. Three have spent in McMinnville college. These Stephens d 1 c 15 r 4 years of experience are of the high- U. columns in our exchanges the nents and gravely compromising the gone into the river and the other gain counters. T E Armstrong et al to L B Antrim i est value as preparation for success- 76.91 acres part Noah Saw yer d 1 • tatement that, while other business future of the poorer states in Europe. cannot be saved. i ful work- the coming years. The c t 5 r 3 .................. men experience failures these times, This feeling has been voiced in The funeral of President Carnot of the saloon prospers The women America by Senator Lodge, whose France was held on Sunday, the re­ i simple fact that they have all been Noah and Amelia Heater to Kaj should stick to the truth It is well proposal virtuallj- to shut out Brit­ mains being deposited in the Pan­ i employed for so many year- and are 6. Todd w % lots -I and 5 Wv- known that Portland’s saloons have ish goods from the United States theon at Paris, with remarkable continued Is of itself evidence of noski subdivision Snowden d 1 c decreased euormouslj’ over former until we should assent to a bimetallic civic and military displays. All | their ability the trustees are careful David J and Arnily A Porter to H C Raymond 160 acres sec tit2 r 4 years. Some have closed and others convention, though extreme and ab­ Paris joined in doing honor to the men, they are honestly administer- U S to John Kirkwood 319.94acres j ing a sacred trust. moved away from McMinnville. The surd, indicates the trend of senti­ memory of their beloved chief ruler. ......... The college offers courses of study claim No. 64 t 5 r 3 fame is true of other towns In ment on the other side of the At­ Emperor William, of Germany,, , fully- abreast of the best educational Yamhill Land Co. to R E Deskins fact, this is one of the very few com­ lantic. and M. Herbette, French ambassa­ ■ thought. Special attention has been lots 1 and 2 blk 17 Lafayette pensating features of the hard times. Senator Lodge is not a silver man dor, have held a conference on the given to them. A large number of W M Chrisman and wife to John in the usual sense, being opposed and Dani. Barrett 159.06 acres advisability of establishing regula­ part south half C M Johnson T he great Pullman strike is on out and out to free coinage in the tions for the suppression of anarchy. the catalogues of the best colleges and we were without train» or mail United States under existing con­ Both governments favor such a have been carefully studied, the best d 1 <■ t 5 r 4 . service on the 3d and 4th msts How ditions, and therefore his views, plan, and may cooperate with other educational literature of the da.v has W P and M A Johnson to Ivan Is called to the fact that our Eastern houses are advising us thro’ been read carefully; every available Daniel lot 6 and west half lot 5 long the strike will last is not known though tinged with strong feeling, nations in its establishment. their circulars that the newspaper-: in the East are giving out means has been used to make the blk 11 Lafayette at this writing It is a serious mat­ may attract more attention here Leona M Gilmore to John Moore statements in regard to smallpox having been found in out ide The wife of E. Clarence Haight, of I course of study rich and practical ter when the business of thecountry than those of the pronounced silver- 262 acres part d 1 es T L Gwinn New York city, died February 24 Quite radical changes have been places in the'eity where Clothing, Cloaks, and other goods manu­ can be thus tied up, and every truG ites. Mr. Lodge is very bitter about and G W Phillips t ö r 4 last, just after the birth of a daugh ­ made in the last three years, but factured in the so-called sweat shops, and a fear exists in the minds citizen will hope it may be adjusted the failure of the Brussels conference ter, who arrived some three months only after the most exhaustive re­ %300 REWARD bpeeuiiy and without o.oodshed. of last year, where the attitude of of some that the infection might be carried in goods manufac­ before she was expected. It was not search and full conviction that such For any trace of Antipyrine, Morphine, There are rights on both sides of the the British official delegate was tured in such places. While this may be exaggerated, it would be for a moment thought that the baby changes were wise. So satisfactory Chloral, or any other injurious compound question. Pullman and the railroads •‘scarcely less than discourteous,” to well for our people to avoid peddlers Hnd deal with people they would long survive her mother, but j are these courses that the last cata­ in Krause’s Headache Capsules. 25rts. should not be expected to operate at the United States, and he believes Dr. Carleton had an incubator made For sale by Bogers Bros., sole agents, logue will show only two or three know buy from first-class houses. It is always risky to buy cheap a loss, ana strikers should recognize that nine-tenths of the Americau McMinnville, Oregon. immediately, and the little one, who slight changes. trash coming through auction houses. the wrong in compelling other men people regard it in that light. weighed less than two pounds, was The college offers courses of study A feeling of this kind is not to be Probate Court- to not work because they are unwill­ put in it. She is today as strong that it is able to teach thoroughly. Estate of Erastus Downing. Report of ing to. Arbitration wouid seem to lightly ignored. We have frequent The bane of many a western col­ sale of personal property approved. diplomatic differences with the and healthy as any young babe of be the best way out. lege is its ambition to offer “courses First semi-annual account filed and ap­ United States, but as a rule there is her age. of study essentially the same as those proved. Distribution ordered as prayed T alk of a successor to Senator seldom associated with these any Subject to Pain in tho Stomach. of eastern colleges.” This is doue in for. Dolph is occupying the pens of news­ sense of animus between the people Elder 8. 8. Beaver, of McAllisterville, the face of the fact that the eastern Estate of Benjamin Antrim. First paper men and the tongues of politi­ of the two countries. But now we Juniatta Co., Pa., Bays bis wife is sub­ college has an income twenty times semi-annual accouut tiled and approved cians. Besides Dolph himself, Her­ are encouraging the growth of a ject to cramp in the stomach. Last sum­ as large as that of its western ad­ Distribution of funds ordered as prayed mann, Tongue, Fulton, Hirsh and feeling that on a question which af­ mer she tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol­ mirer. It violates all common sense for. Mallory are slated. We thought it fects the prosperitj’ of millions of era and Diarrhoea Remedy for it, and j to claim that a college with an in- Guardianship of Nora A. Drumeller. was pretty well decided that Her­ individual Americans England is in- j was much pleased with tho speedy re­ j come of $5,000 a year can teach effi- Inventory of N. T. Graves filed and ap­ mann was already filling the proper dined to entertain views unfriendly | lief it afforded. She has since used it cientl.v the same courses of study proved. Petition to sell personal to the United States We know, of whenever necessary and found that it property allowed. Guardian to sell nt niche, and the one that satisfied his never fails. For sale bv S. Howorth & that in another college requires an private sale for cash. course, that the unfriendliness is ac ­ ambition. If Dolph's place is filled income of $50,000 a year. McMinn­ Guardianship of T. J. and Addie Co. by some new man, that person's ser­ cidental, and that our monetary ville does not offer courses of study May Scroggin. Bond of guardian ap­ so constructed as to represent the liberty vices to the state will necessarily be policy is controlled by purely selfish ! An Experience Social. essentially the same as those of east­ proved. Clerk directed to issue letters bell. The goddess was a largo doll standing about three feet high, draped of less value than Dolph’s for a considerations—so purely selfish The most fun for the least money oi ern colleges that have ten times as of guardianship. in cream henrietta, with long train. In 4iumber of years There is a certain that we do not mind seeing India anything of the season. Come to the large a faculty. It could not do suffering from our action much more one band she was holding a ilag, in the Belvidere, III., Dec. 3. 1891. degree of ability and influence in Christian church Wednesday night, thorough work if it made such an other a shield made of rod, white and than America does. The Americans Norman Lichty, Des Moines, Iowa. congressional work that it takes July 11th, and hear the ladies tell how attempt. Its ambition and motto is blue bunting. This display was arranged time to acquire. Of course, politi­ are sufficiently old-fashioned to be­ they earned fifty cents. Tents will be to do thoroughly the work it at­ D ear S ir :—Hacing suffered a great and put in by Beverlj’ Apperson.who has deal from headache for years, and being lieve that it is the part of a friend pitched on the church lawn and de­ cians are entitled to talk, but we be­ tempts, Its courses of study are ad­ unable to get relief until it would wear made window dressing a study tor the lieve Dolph's reelection is as sure as to show himself friendly, and when licious refreshments served therein. The mirable. it will take the ordinary away of itself, I saw Krause’s Headache last two years. He has therefore gained A • this countrj' turns a deaf ear to the ladies may soon visit the busiuess people the republican victory’ last month. a reputation as an artist in his line. * plaint of half the world, including of the city in search of work. If you student five years to master the Capsules advertised I tried them and * now am never without them, finding it School Report. all the new world,, the;’ not un­ have scrubbing, washing,. darning, studies that are offend: these studies ( ROWIX. I l IV LESS* ESS. the only remedy that will give me relief. the college is fitted to teach thor ­ patching, windows to clean, boots to AT School closed in Wapato, district 38, naturally take it unkindly. black, wood to saw, etc., give them a oughly. The college offers superior When I now find a headache coming on June 27th, with a picnic. Those who It is not for us to say whether the Unless socm checked the growing I chance. Begin to get ready now and advantages in music and elocution at me I take a capsule and find the relief were neither absent nor tardy the second instantaneous. Respectfully yours, lawlessness in this country will be­ feeling of irritation is wholly justi I eorne early to get a Beat. * a merely nominal expense. ' The month were Stella Webster, Nannie G. H. W right , Boston, Mass. come so serious that it cannot be fied or not; it exists, and that is the | . ’---------------------- teacher receives a salary that is not Page, Mary Cowles, Mabel Holston, •■asily stopped. Labor is becoming main point. Moreover, it is taking KiiAUbt’ts H eadache C apsules —War­ in anv sense dependent upon the re­ For sale by Rogers Bros., sole agents, Frank Holston, Chester Cowles, Ilariv Come and See Us McMinnville, Oregon. too arrogant and unreasonable, The a shape that may entail very awk­ ranted. For sale by Bogers Bros., sole ceipts from the music department. Persons and Elvin Thomas. For the commouwealers interfered with the ward consequences on us. The re­ agents, McMinnville. third month, Cora Page, Nannie Page. Frliil ¡Heeling. The college believes that musical lunuing of trains, then the coal cent proposal to coin Mexican dollars Dur­ training is an important element in a A meeting of the Yamhill County Hor­ Mary Cowles and Frank Rolston ing the term, Mary Cowles and Frank For Sole. miners took it up. Officers of the in San Francisco was a bid toward ticultural Association will be held in liberal education and its policy is to law were captured at Cripple Creek. giving us an object lesson by ousting I have some pure lard for sale at 12)£ encourage its students in the study Newberg July 18th, 1894. All fruit Rolston. Nunher of pupils enrolled 23, visitors 32. M arian S ully , Teacher. In a town in Illinois the strikers in­ us from our commanding position in cents per pound. Also good bacon, hams of music. Hence the expense is re­ growers requested to be present. S. WILSON. and shoulders. Call at my residence or A. P. M ac ,, terfered with the running of street eastern trade HIIU ’S TH ISO duced to the lowest point possible: Sec. pro tern. There is a plain moral in the re-1 leave orders at Mr. Apperson’s store or cars and electric light plants. There | equal advantages cannot be secured mark that if the United States would i at this office. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward is no doubt that the country is in a j from private teachers without double Nearing the Grave. 25-4 D. B. K ingzry . for any case of catarrh that cannot he I venture to cut herself adrift from , bad way, and that something should j the expense that the;,’ cost at the In old age infirmitives and weakness cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Europe and take outright to silver be done, but that something should : college. Especial attention is given hasten to close the gap between us and F. J. C heney & Co., Props. Toledo, O.' (Third Street, between E and F.) not be rioting, laziness and loafing. she would have all America and Asia Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, Real to vocal music at a merely nominal the grave. Happily scientific research We, the undersigned, have known F : Estate Mortgages, etc., always on sale at No possible benefit can come from at her back, and would command the expense. Twenty-four lessons cost and pharmacal skill have allied them­ J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and this office. tf WILSON & HENDERSON, Propriel or«. the student only one dollar and a selves in furnishing us a reliable means laborers quilting good positions with­ ' markets of both continents. “Thej believe him perfectly honorable in nil i “ Dressmaking ” signs2ocready printed quarter. A large amount of elocu ­ out reasou, as they are forced to do i barrier of gold would be more fatal ' ~ ? tionary training is given without of ameliorating the ailments incident to business transactions and financially able at this office. by labor union compacts, when any than any barrier of a custom house extra charge to the students. It is declining years, and of renewing waning to carry cut any obligation made by their Lovers of good tea should try Standard Everything first-class. IIorseB boarded by day, week or month. Commercial physical energy. Its name is Hostetter’s firm. part of that union sees fit to call a The bond of silver would be stronger Travelers Conveyed to all points at most reasonable rates. Give ns a call. sun-dried, now being introduced on its the policy of the college to increase Stomach Bitters, a widely comprehen­ the efficiency in this most important strike. We cannot all quit work I than any bond of free trade.” West & Truax,Wholesale Druggists,To­ merits by J. P. Irvine. branch each year. sive remedy in disease, and an inestima­ ledo, O. aud claim that we will not work • There can be no doubt about it When you want anything in the jew­ A superior education can be ob ­ ble blessing to the elderly, the feeble and Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole­ agaiu until things suit us better, that if the United States were to NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. elry line remember Wm. F. Dielschnei- tained at McMinnville college at a the convalescent. Rheumatic ailments, sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. ■^UTICE is berebv giv^n. tLat the UDder.*i3, W. Davis, Mrs. J. vV. Dav^. Lis wife, and Evert in the suit wherein Bernhard Grotti Sink were defendants, to enforce the decree made en, dressed for Sunday dinner. D street go far toward preventing striking Of course the states would suffer to the minimum. The necessary ex­ rial complaints, dyspepsia, constipation was plaintiff ___ ____ _______________ and Adolph Diedrich by said court in said suit on the ¿uth dav ot and the Pacilio Real Estate and Investment Com­ March, 1*94, for tLe toiecInjure and F«le ox the penses of a student for the school and biliousness. It is highly promotive workmen from interfering with our a certain extent through having to market. Vlc.ninnVille Produce viarket. pany were defendants, orderice the sale cf the real premises hereinafter described, will, on tho D. A. Smith, the watchmaker and year of 37 weeks need not exceed hereinafter described real Bretol.-»' will, on the 14th dev of July, 1S94, at one o'clock p. w of said of appetite, sleep and the acquisition of pay her obligations abrflad in gold; Reported by L. E Walker. laborers and instituting boycotts. In 14th day of July, lo94 at the hour <4 eleven o'clock day, at rhe court bouse door in McMlnuvilie. in jeweler, carries a good line of clocks, j $127. This will cover tuition, board, a. m of said day, tt the court house door in Mc­ said county, sell at public auction for cash ju Good clean wheat. speaking of the strike aud boycott but the loss on exchange under this watches, jewelry and silverware, at furnished room, fuel, books, light vigor. 39 : Minnville In said county, sell ut public auction United State? gold coin, according to law, the Oats....................... 30 Lr cash, accordinc to nt .-. , the following de­ following described real premises described and on the Atchison road he says: “Em­ head would be a mere drop in the reasonable figures. He makes a specialty , and washing. Table board will be scribed real premi-es with tne buildings and lnt- decreed to be sold in and by sail decree, to-wit; Summer Complaint. Butter 25®30 : - provernents thereon, to-w it Lot numbered three The northwest auarter l-. of section fourteen | furnished the coming year in the col­ ployes can quit the service of the bucket compared with the profits to of repairing fine watches. ■3) of block numbered six fc) oi the town of (14> in town&hipfive south range «even j lege club at ?2.50 a week. Several Last fall I was taken with a kind of Eggs....................... . 10@12c Dundee, company if they desire to do 60, but be reaped from the markets of South in Yamhill county, state of Oregon, with west oi the wiilaiuette meridian in Yamhill members of the faculty will board in summer complaint, accompanied with a Chickens.............. $1 50@250 I the drugstore building thereon, and everything I county, state of Oregon, containing one bundled America and Asia, to say nothing of when they quit they must not inter­ thereto, und that ssi i property will be aud sljtx ai’ii -', and that said lands will be m .M Jones à Adams, Jacobson, Wallace & I this club. Several students renting wonderful diarrhoea. Soon after my Turkeys................ ........ 7c a It I 1 I belonging soEOli to obtain funds with which to attefv and • to obtain funds v.*tb .. hi< h to satisfy the princi- fere in any manner with the proper­ Europe. Walker, Kay & Todd, Weed. Apperson ! a house or rooms and doing their wife’s sister, who lives with us, was tak­ Ducks.................... , pay the sum w.tb lnterc‘t rm raid ; pel sum of v !th .nt- icrt <»n said sum fv ' i 13: : ruin at the rate ot of S114.OT eight perc< nt i - t uunurn from ; the 26th day of March, nt the iate of eight The marvel is that the United and Hodson all had nicely decorated j own cooking can reduce the above en in the same way. We used almost Potatoes................ ty or the operation of the road or 20 I [ the 2Cth day of September, lib. until paid, and per cent per annum, aud JSu Ou attorneys’ fees and . 130.00 uv . wuj ui-t’.- the costs nnd disbursements of urid ault taxed at as miviiii.^r attorney«' icn fees uii un - i costs uj.u ui.d 'iiei dl.l-mw- the men employed to take their States has not long ago seized the show windows on the 4th. Universally expense materially. Each year a everything without benefit. Then I said Dressed Hogs . 5c : meats taxed at i.t.’,50 found due the i laint.il from ' £39.75, and accruing « outs, . aid sums having b< t-n number of students get let us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera places. Anj- such interference will opportunity, and but lor the belief the business houses presented a neat, considerable ......... 4<34^c ! the defendant. Adolph Diedrich, and th» Curt« on i found due the plamtiri by said decree Veal........... work of various sorts on the college thi- writ, and the costs on a prevlou- v. rlt of exe- I Dated June 12th, lb94. . . ue promptly dealt with as contempt that the way of England is necessar­ attractive appearance. w l warren , Ill cution which was returned bv reason of said de­ grounds and elsewhere and earn and Diarrhoea Remedy, which we did, Baled hay, timothy. fendant* having a;mealed said eauw to the «'.■ Sheriff of said Yamhill County. and that cured us right away. I think ily the way to commercial success cheat.................. of court.” $9 preme court, but which appeal was abundeced quite a percentage of their expenses. ■ t Save» the Children. BICYCLE HIDEBS, oats..................... With a college education obtainabie much of it, as it did for me what it was 19 Dated June I. th. i-_ . The presumption is good that If we and prosperity, undoubtedlj’ it would W. I.. V. ARREN. “ My little boy was very bad off for two recommended to do. John Ilertzler, Sheriff of said TamhiU county. RETAIL MARKET. Agent* nnd Dealers. had a president and congress with have been done long ago. Now months with diarrhoea. We used various at so low a figure, the young mau or woman who goes through life un- Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. 25 and 50 cent Baled Straw........................... Are your eyes open? Ar» you keeping $6 any backbone the commerce of the Americans are awkening to the fact medicines, also calledin two doctors, but i educated ought not to complain bottles for sale by 8. Howorth 4 Co. »br>-ast of th* timas? Are you aware cj the fa*JT that cemented tire* have gone with Mixed Chop....................... $19 tion. country, and even the United States that ’ so long as they narrow their nothing did him any good until we used when college graduates are chosen to ,4^ this “ordinary’’ ned the 120 solid and cuihion tires? mails, would not be interrupted and ambition to becoming a larger Eng­ Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarr­ fill the most lucrative and honored Apperson'e show windows was one of Wheat Chop....................... The Eanl: of Trance holds nearly I Are you aware also that Shorts ......... ilfi c35C.000,000 of gold. the “Hamb'er" clincher the principal attractions tor the visitors demoralized as they have been the land” they cannot beat us. It has hoea Remedy, which gave immediate re­ positions. tires are bein< purchased Middlings ........................... ... Such are some of the advantages $20 and use I by the leading past week. The people too readily been a piece of luck for us that it lief and soon cured him. I consider it that the college offers to those who who thronged our streets on the 4th. Bran .. The Eanl: of Germany holds over-1 makers of the world ? That 115 sympathize with these movements has never before occurred to the the best medicine made and can con- seek its halls. Its teacher-- are well They were made up as follows: On the the “Rambler’' is the light* ill5,000,000 of gold. est strongest, fastest aud one side was gents ’ furnishing goods ar on the unreasoning assumption that Americans to scoop us out of the 81 ientiously recommend it to all who prepared for their positions and have The treasury of the United States handsomest bicycle made L. E. Walker wi buy all your pro­ ranged in a very artistic manner with a .¡¡ion earth? That it received peed a diarrhoea or colic medicine. J. had such experience as will make all labor is oppressed. They forget world s markets bv going on a silver duce, paying the hi nest price in cash has a reserve of less than $69.000 0(H) | hl five awards at the world's center piece so constructed as to repre­ w'Jfair? Examine the ten tit'y. .... lie .......... will ........ sell that the employer is the best judge basis, and it might serve us right, if E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 cent their future work of still higher- sent the Firth wheel with the electric the market will justify I««du