VOL. XXIV. Entered at the PostotfW in McMimmlle, e« Hecoad-class matter. M3ÍINNVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 6, 1894. Congo Oil Cures Bruises, OrtEGIJ.Ï NEWS AND NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE S2.00 PER YEAR. One Dollar if paid in advance, Single numbers five cents. room—people will still persist in eating strawberries with cream, and they will st.11 "Hello" over the wires at the editor, if he fails to "puff' the song, or the sermon, or the party. Well, if people will close their eyes and live right on in spite of doctors, scientists and bacte^a and other deadly things, we suppose it can t te helped. NO. 27. “ As old ae Oregon ha; five Indian reserva- ' the hills” and tions, with a population of four never excell­ thousand. ed. “Tried The Bank of Forest Grove, which and proven" last year closed its doors, has taken is the verdict o f millions. on a growth by increasing its capital LIGHT YEARS. Simmons stock to $50.000. I ii , O regon , iH-cember 4. ’93. Liver Regu­ Forty cents per bushel lias already O. . R. M fo . C o ., Portland, Oregon. lator is the ■ • Sir- 1 wish to state to you been offered for this year's wheat t t 1 h: .• l>een afflicted with iheuma- ■'•only Liver Umatilla county, It is predicted ’£I1€ Opiifeuifet.’c View ot Wheat 11-11 lor the last eight years. I bought and Kidney i tie of Congo Oil from Messrs. Lamb will go higher. Growing. medicine to I'litnani, your agents here, and after An exchange has discovered Mr. C. Wood Davis, of Kaunas. I which you I ■■ applications mv rheumatism was o d out. No other medicine eker young mail with two heads on his enforced and eventful separation of WILIi BILL A SOLID 31.1N. can pin you. has again been heard from on the ' ■ m>-relief .n such a short time as shoulder, but one of them bad long nearly 30 years. faith for a wheal question. A few years ago be I Congo Oil. Yours truly, Xiie Body of til* Famous Gtspeiado hair and bright eyes aud belonged to cure. A LYMAN BROWN. thought that the consumption of Had Turned to Stone« The president of the state agricul­ his best girl. mild laxa - wheat in the United States would tural college at Corvallis has had The climate of Colorado is so ex­ tive, and There are 367 persons in the peni­ his salary increased to $2650 a year ceedingly dry in the greater portion overtake production by 1895, and lientlerrmt: Have been afflicted with purely veg­ b < ‘.ere rheumatic attache for the pa t .-i tentiary now, 130 being employed in presented a very plausible line of | A ten-mile bicycle race occurred of the state that ordinary objects, etable, act­ < ii even years. I took one bottle of Dr. the stove foundry. There is only arguments to back up his opinion. at Salem Friday. It was won by such as potatoes, vegetables of ing directly < ar .Sir Your Congo Oil is the boss nud can eonscienciously Bay It is the Torpid King of all liver medicines, I oonMder it a medicine. I was recently kicked by a neys. My urine was bloody' and terri­ near Independence, is said to be the Miss Nellie Stevens on the populist to his memory. They went out to those who claim th^t there are yet medicine chest in itself.—G eo . W. J ack ? vast areas of land suitable for wheat (,eHtlernen I have been a sulierer horse on the leg, and was hobbling ble pains near the spine. I tried several oldest hopgrower in the state, having son , Tacoma, Washington. ticket. Suit is based on the grounds his grave, which is in the open growing which have not yet been around on crutches. I was induced to remedies, but got no relief. When 1 from l.iver troubles for many years, al­ ir\ i bottle of Congo Oil, and after ap­ 4TEVEBY PACKAGER begun in 1867. Mr. Wells is now that a woman cannot hold the office prairie, and one of the party, an old Hat, the Z Stamp lu red on wrapper. ways feeling dull, stnpid and heavy. It plying freely for one day I threw away was suffering terribly a copy of yotu brought under the plow, as well as scout, was taken along to exactly lo ­ cultivating his pioneer yard of Medical Adviser was received by gome constitutionally. A recount of the would take a long letter to tell just how iny crutches. 1 works like lightning. cate where he was buried. The sand of those who claim that the average one in our household. After reading twenty-five acres. A’ours truly, vote is also prayed for. J did feel; but, thanks to Dr. Grant's had shifted and blown in great yield of wheat is likely to be greatly J. A. HARRISON, part of it I sent for a bottle of Dr. Grant’s Umatilla county populists are talk­ Saisaparilla and Grape Root, my M. J. Kinney's cannery at Astoria City Marshal Fossil, Oregon. heaps, as it does all through that increased¿u the United States. Kidney and Liver Cure, and after five ing of establishing populist stores at troubles are over, as four botth ; made was destroyed by fire Saturday As to Argentina he stoutly main­ doses I felt relieved. I continued taking country, and the scout bad a great me feel as well as ever I was. I hav a different points in the county, a per­ morning. Loss estimated at $70,- until I had taken three bottles, and was tains that the entire wheat produc­ «leal of difficulty in locating the spot. good appetite, no more bad symptomi centage of the profits to be used in 000. This was the largest cannery completely cured. ing section of that country would Finally he struck a mound that he and i feel that I owe it ail to Dr. Grant’s disseminating ‘‘reform’' literature, on the Columbia river, having a Gratefully yours, only make two states the size of Sarsaparilla. J. C. AI.LEN. said Wild Bill was under. Owing to Of course there is no provision for daily capacity of 2000 cases of salmon. Traveling Salesman Curtis & Wheeler, I Kansas, and that the climate is as J. A. ALEXANDER, the uncertainity of the situation and What is it losses. The output the past three years has < Rochester, N. Y. his hesitancy the party decided to capricious as that of Kansas. As to 773 Hoyt street, Portland, Oregon. Supt. Hendricks of the reform averaged about 50,000 cases aunu S old E verywhere . dig down and see whether he was | Australasia he says that there were school is having a newspaper dis- ally. right. Presently the spade ran into j 200,000 acres less in wheat in 1893 per Bottle cussion with certain discharged a rock — a scarce thing in that than in 1887. The whole of South ino.'»! Tur. COVKTT PRESS. officers of that t institution, who For Sale by S. HOWORTH & CO. country. They shoveled all around Africa will not, in his opinion, fur­ charge that the discipline inflicted Sheridan Sun it aud soon revealed the petrified nish as much land suitable for wheat upon the inmates is not such as An altercation took place between image of Wild Bill as perfect as the culture as one of the Dakotas. would be endorsed by a humane Steve Scroggin and Arthur Bogard day he died, with not a degree of de­ In order to explain why wheat is society. last Sunday in front of the M E. composition. Even his clothes and low Mr. Davis goes back to 1880 at BARGAINS! The largest fir tree felled in the church, which resulted in Bogard be­ shoes were turned to stone. Some which time he finds that the world state of Washington was recently ing knocked down. Scroggin was of the party wanted to take the had 9,000.000 acres too much in cut at Williamson's camp in Mason arrested last Tuesday on two body up for purposes of exhibition. wheat and that this surplus acreage, county. The tree was eleven feet charges, viz., disturbing the peace But one of Bill’s old pals, Shorts with the large yields of 1882 and '• ) at the butt,and thirty-six feet in cir­ and assault. lie plead guiltj' before Jake, as lie was called, remarked 1884, caused the accumulation of a GATES*& HENRY, Props. cumference. A special twelve-foot Recorder Campbell and paid fines that the first man who tried to do great surplus of grain—especially as saw was made in Portland, Or., for and costs amounting to $35. I so would find a bed in the hole that there was too much land in wheat F Street, north of Third. Everything N« w and the occasion. First class Conveyance of Comniercm! Travel­ It Is the new shortening The sur­ AT REDUCED PRICES. Arthur Bogard, Wells Fargo’s ex­ Bill filled. So the idea was aban- continuously until 1887. ers a ipe< laity Board and stabling by the day or month We solicit a fair share of the local pat The Tillamook academy, which is press agent on the Southern Pacific |doned. plus accumulated up to 1887, was taking the place of lard runaze. to be built by Mrs. W. J. May, is railroad branch from Portland to sufficient, w ith the annual produc­ or cooking butter, or There is one railroad that the tion, to carry the world to the end of now under course of construction. Sheridan was arrested Wednesday both. Costs less, goes y A Its location is in the east end of evening last by the city marshal, on : present strike does not affect. The the harvest year of 1890-1, at which farther, and is easily [THANK ROECA, town, a block having been purchased a charge of disturbing religious ser­ I Great Northern, which runs its own time consumption had, he says, over­ digested by anyone. from Eli Goodspeed at a reason­ vices at the M E. church. He plead sleeping cars, is running all right. taken production and prices would AT A ll GROCERS. able figure. The size of the building guilty and paid a fine amounting to All roads should control and oper- have become remunertive if it had jailor, l ate their own sleeping aud dining not been for the enormous yields of will be 60x60 feet and three stories $11. ' Refusa Ail Substitutes. ' ears. The Southern Pacific owns 75 1891 and 1892 in the United States high. ■ per cent of its Pullmans, but the which enabled this country to throw Newberg Graphic. Mede only by »ÍTlX* SW«. MCMINNVILLE. OR. The Sweet Home mystery is ex­ ome eekers ttention plained. Louie Hawkius, who re­ We understand that the Presby­ smaller per cent prevails and the upon the markets of the world 370,- N. K. FA1R3ANK & CO., ST. LOUiS «nd cently died there, and was reported terians have traded their church strike is seriously demoralizing 000.000 bushels more for the CHICAGO. NEW YORK. travel. property on First street to Lewis two years than we could have done over the state as a woman who had POSTON. with average yields. masqueraded in man’s attire for Iloskius, for a half block opposite The little daughter of a Madison PROPRIETORS Within the past ten years Mr. years, upon examination proved to the college campus on Meridian (Fla.) farmer was sent to the barn to street where they propose to build a Davis finds that the bread-eating be what is known in medical science get some eggs a few days ago. She new church this season to cost about population of the world has increased as a hermaphrodite. The body re­ Located at Sheridan, Yamhill County, Oregon, are just now offering $2,000. This is a fine location and thrust her hand into the hay and 60,000,000 while the area in wheat in sembled a woman much more thau a I bargains in real estate that can't be duplicated in the Willamette valley. HITE S- we hope to seethe new building be­ something struck it. She thought it the world has increased but 12,000,- I Lands that have been held in large tracts are now being subdivided into man. was the ten. Seven times her hand gun at once. 000 acres. FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS. I tracts to suit purchaser, and at prices that defy competition. People with Rev. J. C Reed, the Baptist was struck, but she got the eggs and ' small means and desiring homes on the installment plan, will find it to preacher who two years ago sud­ While the conclusion^ drawn by Third St. 1 door W. Dajton Herald. CHOICEST IN THE MARKET. returned to the house and told her their interest to cull upon or address this company. Sheridan is in a fa- Mr. Davis are very pleasing it is oi Burns & Daniels C. W. Wentworth and family have mother that the hen had picked her { vored fruit district of Oregon, out of range of the codlin moth and other denly left East Portland, and for i insect pests. We also have some fine business openings and mill properties whom the Willamette was dragged, taken their departure for southern hand. She was bitten by a highland probable that the future will not be South side Third St. between II and C. AT ALL HOURS 1 for sale or exchange for other property. Trades of all kinds negotiated. in the thought that he had drowned Oregon. They go with a team, and moccasin. The child died in awful so rosy for the wheat grower as he Beht 25c Meal in Oily« Correspondence solicited. Descriptive circular and price list will be for­ himself, has returned to that city. will stop along the road just as they agony. The snake's fangs measured foresees it. On the other hand wheat warded on demand. Nuts and He suffered a temporary aberration incline to. Mr. W. goes to dryer one and one-quarter inches in length. must advance in price for the simple Choice Fruits, Below we give a few farms we are offering for sale : reason that it does not pay to pro­ of mind at that time from overwork, climate for the benefit of his health. NO. 1. 488 acres, 400 in cultivation, large two-story house, largo barn, two —AND— It may interest those who have duce it at present prices and there large bearing orchards, nice stream of water running through the pasture, furnish­ aud went to his brother’s in Moline, Lemonade, Soda Pop, Etc. At a meeting of the school board ing abundance of water at all times of year, situated on county road and railroad, TO X SORI Ab PAKI.ORM, Board by the Dey or Week. Ills. He recovered, and has since last week the following persons were read pension'speeches to know that are a great many wheat growers in ! miles from Amity. This will be sold at a great sacrifice and divided to suit the world who will not continue to been pastor of a large and influential there are about 4.000 persons living employed to teach the Dayton public purchaser. raise it at a loss. In this way the Prop. NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE- NO. 2. 180 acres, 80 acres in crop, balance easy cleared, situated on county church at Streeter, Ills. school for the winter term of six in foreign countries who receive production will surely be reduced road 3miles from Sheridan, lX mile from school, splendid hop, grain or lruit land . months: Prof. R. V. Jackson, prin­ cheeks from Washington quarterly I until the demand outruns the sup­ At the Baptist association in ses ­ For a Clean Shave or Fashionable Hair I price $15 per acre. ’OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, in payment of pensions. There are feherirf of Yamhill county state of Ore­ NO. 3. L’(*0 acres. 50 acres cleared, balance young oak and fir laud, nice sion at Lebanon a few days ago, an cipal, Miss Lora McCann, interme­ ply and prices advance to a paying X gon, as under Cut Give Him a Call. and by virtue o! a writ of execution to 2,000 in Canada, who receive $345,000 diate department, Mrs. Ella Harris, stream water, a splendid stock ranch, situated 3 miles from Sheridan; price ¡7 per amusing incident occurred. Rev. me directed.dateo June 12th, 1*01,issued out ol the basis.— Hural Northwest. My Baths ar«* new and first-class in ever}’ re­ a year, 600 in Germany, circuit court of said county, in that foreclosure acre. receiving primary. Mr. Jenkins of Independence, by spect. Ladies’ Baths and shampooing a special­ auit wherein Mary Schuch was plaintiff aftd I an- NO. 4. 100 acres all in cultivation, adjoining the city limits of Sheridan, fine $98l000 a year and 750 in Great lel Otits, FilancyOtis, H. Rummel and L. II. Ba­ ty. I employ nou** but first-class men. Don’t mistake took a valise belonging to a M. B. Hendrix is having a large ker were defendants, upon and to enforce the de­ forget the place. Three doors west of Hotel hop land ; price $3j per acre. Britain, ' ■whose checks aggregate cree made by said court In »aid suit on the 29tlx lady member. He took it with him warehouse built just below Wheat- XO. 5. 30 acres, 15 acres clear, all lays tine to cultivate when clear, 1'2 Yamhill. day of March, 1894, decreeing the loreclosure and halo of the real premises hereinafter descnl/ed. miles from Sheridan ; price $12.50 per acre. on a visit into the country, and was land. It will be completed and $126,900 a i year. One man in the will, on the 14th day of July, 18W4, »t ten o’clock a. m. of said day, at the court house door in Mc­ ignorant of his mistake until he ready for the storage of grain and Fiji islands draws $24 every three ELS1A WRIGHT, SHERIDAN LAND COMPANY, Sheridan, Oregon. Minnville, in said county, fccllat public auction opened it and beheld the beruffled other products in a very short time. | months, and four times a year for cash in U. 8. gold coin, according to law, the Manufactures and Deals in following described real premises, to-wlt: Situate ISAAC DAUGHERTY, Manager. and bifurcated apparel within, The What machinery and material is checks are sent to men who are liv- in Yamhill county, state of Oregon, and bounded ing in Africa. as follows to-wit; Beginning at a point 67.4* young lady also had his valise, but suitable for use will be taken out oi chaius south and 96 rods and fcfhr feet eart of the northwest corner of the donation land claim of what she found is not stated, Mu- the old warehouse and placed in the E. G. Edson and wife, being known upon tha Recently in Baltimore an interest- I’llE Ilt-JIIM » ILLL plats of the United States a* noilheation N'o. 1260, tual explanations followed, and the new one. ingcase was up in the United States and being parte of and situate in sections 32 and SADDLES, RKIDI.ES, SPURS, S3, in T. 4 b. R. 4 W., and sections 4 and 5 in T. 5 valises were exchanged after much district court. A man named Joseph North Yamhill Record. S. R i. W. of the Willamette meridian, and run­ Bnishew and h «-11 h them cheaper than M anxiety on both sides and profuse ning thence east 37.61 chaint; tbcnce tjoutb 5.97 they cau be bought anywhere else in The contractors who will erect the Foster was on trial for shaving gold chains; thence west3.12’^ chains, tbence south QUINCY, MASS., apologies by the minister.— Polk Co. 3.28 chains; thence west 34.37>< chains; thence the Willamette Valley. Our all home coin. His pretty little wife was also new school house in this city have north 9.25 chains to the place ot beginning, con­ Wholesale aud Retail Dealer» in Observer. taining 33 and X acres, more or lese, aud also lots made sets of harness are pronounced —McMinnville, Oregon.— arrived, and have been engaged in implicated, and it was she defend­ numbered 2, 7 and 8 oi block No. 4 of P. W. unsurpassable by those who buy them James Hardes, who was convicted Chandler's second addition to the town of Mc­ ants ’ counsel were specially trying some of the preliminary work. They Paid up Capital, $50,000 Minnville, Yamhill county, State of Oregon, and in Jackson county in 1893 of killing are erecting a small building to be to save. To show that the woman that said real premises will be so sold to obtain Transacts a General Banking Business. funds with which to satisfy the principal sum of « Ezra Arnold, about 30 years ago, ubed temporarily for lime and tools. was not strong enough to work the £1,046.88 with interest on said sum at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 29th day ot President, - - J. W COWLS, was sentenced to the penitentiary Just when the work on the school shaving machine the lathe was March, 1894, und the sum of 1100 00 as attorneys’ Vice President, - LEE LA UfíHLIN. .*• • *, and coats taxed «t w~- for 15 years and pardoned out re­ building would start they could not brought in and put in operation by Mrs. J. II. H orsnyder , 152 Pacific said sums having been found due the plaintiff Cashier, - L'. C. APPE ESON from baid Daniel and Filaucy Otis by said decree. Asti. Cashier - - - IF. S. LIAK cently, has returned to his home in state, as the material has not yet ar­ a mechanic. What was of general Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal., writes: Dated June 12tb, 1894. This ease is a most rived, but it will not be very long. interest was the machine’s operation. w. l . warren , Jacksonville. “ When a girl at school, in Reading, AND ALL KINDS OF i?hcrifl of sa-.d Yambill County. Board of Directors: interesting one. Hardes married A portion of the lumber arrived yes­ In two minutes the operator took Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain COPYRIGHTS, I. W. COWLES. LEE LAUGHLIN, CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora Arnold’s daughter, or stepdaughter, terday, aud the balance will be seventy-five cents’ worth of gold fever. On mv recovery, I found myself A. .1 APPEKSON, ri M. CAMPBELL. CEMETERY prompt answer and an honest opinion, writo to perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE. J. L ROGERS. M ( SN A CO., who have b id nearly titty yew»’ and, it appears, at the special in­ hauled as rapidly as possible. coin from a ten-dollar piece, and then feared I should be permanently so. experience in the patent business. Comniunica- FURNISHINGS tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of in­ stance of Arnold, and after Hardes rimmed it so it would pass current Friends urged >ne to use Ayer’s Hair formation concerning Patent* and how to ob­ OTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned, Sell Sight Exchange »nd Telegraphie Trans­ tain them »ent tree. Also a catalogue of mechan­ Amity Blade. N ’ gon, as sheriff of Yamhill county, state of Ore­ had been married for some time, fers .-n New York. San Francisco and Portland. Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair ical and scientific books sent free. unless weighed. under and by virtue of writ of execution Pen.wits received subject to chuck. Interest paid Patents taken tlirou^u Munn & Co. receive Sheriff Warren was in town yes- Arnold took his wife away from him tome directed, dated June 11th, 18P' issued out special notice in the scientific American, and u Time Deposits. Loans money on approved tbns are brought widely before the public with­ All work fully guaranteed to give perfect satis­ of the circuit court of said county, in that certain security. Collections made on all accessible out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, faction. Refers by permission to Wm. Me Chris­ and would not let Hardes come to terday serving papers on all who i Several distinguished physicians suit of foreclosure w herein Mary A HUadden wag points. ___________________ issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tho man, Mrs. L. E. Bewley, Mrs. E. D. Fellows. and W. C. Arthur. Emma H. Arthur, F. largest circulation of any scientific work in tho the house to see her. This state of had purchased land formerly of the have reported against the kissing and I now have as fine a head of hair as plaintiff, M. Scroggin and Jacob Wortman, as partners un­ world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Holl ’ s Old Jewelry Stand, 3d Street. S. E- GOUCHER. der the tTrrn name ot Scroggin A Wonman. were I. T. CAEBBKATH. one could wish for, being changed, how ­ Building Edition, monthly, a year. Single affairs existed for some time, and Watt estate. The Mutual Benefit habit as liable to spread microbes defendants, to enforce the decree of foreclosure copies. *¿5 cents. Every number con tains boun­ ever, from blonde to dark brown. ” tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new and sale of the hereinafter descrilied real prem­ Hardes went to the house one day to life insurance company is proceeding and impair the public health. Others Galbreath & Goucher. houses, with plans, enabiinz builders to show tho ises. made by said court In said suit on the 26th " After a fit of sickness, my hair camo latest designs and secure cont nu t < Address get bis wife, or remonstrate with Ar ­ to foreclose a mortgage for $15,000 day of March, 1894, will, on the 14th day of July. have decided that cows have con- MUNN A CO., N ew Y ork , 361 B roadway . PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. out in combfulls. I used two bottles of 1894, al one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court JOHN F. DERBY, nold for keeping her away from him, against the estate. ; sumption aud tuberculosis is spread house door in McMinnville, in said county, sell at public auction for cash in United State* gold MolItNNVIt LB - - ' - - O begoh Uncle Billy Buffum, of Amity, 1 through the use of milk and butter. when trouble ensued between them, coin, according to law. the following described real premise^ ordered to be sold by said "decree (Office over Braly’s bank.) Proprietor of The McMinnville and Hardes shot %nd killed him. celebrated his 90th birthday last Certain wise men affirm that money, aud therelD described, to-wlt; An undivided one- and now my hair is over a yard long (1-7, part ol, in and to the west hall of Hardes left the country and was not Monday. He is doubtless the oldest whether gold, silver or paper, is in­ and very full and heavy. I have recom­ seventh the donation land claim of Ihomas J. Yocom and Elizabeth Yocom, his wife, deceased, claim No. heard of until last spring, when he man in the county and it is nothing fested with bacteria and is danger ­ mended this preparation to others with MejVIlNNVIUUE 52, T.&S. R 5W_, in Yamhill counts, state of Or­ came back to Jackson county, and strange to see him, cane in hand, ous to handle. And telephone trans­ like good effect.”—Mrs. Sidney Carr, egon, containing ;<20 acre together with all the TWO-CENl STAMPS Interest-of the defendants in said weft half of 1460 Regina st., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR we will send you • oUi to Situated at the Southwest corner of the Fair the indictment against him not hav­ walk from his residence to the post­ mitters arc covered with dangerous, •'I have used Ayer ’ s Hair Vigor for obtain lands with which to satisfy ‘311.15. with a Brilliant Gem Srouuds. ing been dismissed from the docket, office, a distance of nearly one-half invisible insects. But in spite of all interest on said sum from the 26th day of March. several years and always obtained satis­ at the rate of ten per cent pe r annum and of unusual color, C““T warnings, people will not be careful. factory results. I know it is the best 1894. All rises of first-class Drain Til. kept constantly he was arrested, tried and convicted , I mile, ’ and return. the sum of as attorneys’ fees, and costs and and a copy oi on hand at lowest litiug pruts. disbursements at SiJ.ij and accruing costs as above stated. His wife for whom People insist on having the monej- preparation for the hair that is made.” found due the taxed COULTER & WRIGHT, Prop's. plaintiff from W. C. and E. H Ar­ “ The Great Divide,” so you can see — C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. • thur, and the sum of 8315.00, with interest on he killed Arnold, married in his ab- E astern money is reported to be due them notwithstanding the warn ­ OREGON MCMINNVILLE, said sum from the date of said decree at the lata what a wonderful journal it is, pro­ sence. and has been left a widow by coming into Portland for investment ing that it is a dangerous thing to of ten per cent pwr annum, owing from W. C. and vided you name the paper you saw this Goods of all descriptions moved and £ H. Arthur to the defendants, Scroggin i Wort­ She is . in county warrants and city bonds touch with tongs—lovers will not man. the amounts owing plaintiff to be first jaid —It’s a real Jewel we’ll send you. careful handlin'.! guaranteed. Collections AIT ANTED—Pushing £anvaeser of good ad- the death of her husband. out of the proceeds of said sale. still there, and it is rumored that the in a plentiful manner. This is en ­ avoid each others company, nor will >> «ires*. Liberal salary and expenses pai l Dated June 12th, 1R94. — ADDRESS — will be made rçonthly. Hauling of all weeklv Permanent position. BROWN BROS. Prepared b7 Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats W L. MAE REN. couple will be married again after an couraging. they keep on opposite sides of the CO., Nurserymen, Portland, Oregon. 19-8 Sheriff of said Yamhill County. tHE CHEAT DIVIDE. Denver, Colo, , kinds done cheap. i Congo Oil Cures Lameness. Highest of all in Leavening Power—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. Bettei Than NEAR DEATH’S DOUR Pills IiiOamiiialioii of llio Mnsys Liver. Congo Oil Kills all Pain. Price 511 ceils, C bellies $2.50. 50 cis. and SI a Louie. GOTTOLENE Price $1 BARGAINS! ioqable H 3 ,A ! Matthies Brothers, W ’ MEALS CITY BATHS Confections, Cigars. ICE CREAM! WILL LOGAN, National Bank E. J. Q’uaîey à Co GRANITE MONUMENTS Began to Grow, Ayer’s Hair Vigor TILE FACTORY, Truck and Dray Go. Ayer’s Hair Vigor