Real Estate Transfers. .■’Ic.vtlnnville Produce Jlarket. Political Speaking. Roswell G. Ilorr. Pres. Brownson of McMinnville college For weekending May 16th. Reported by L. E. Walker. Hon. T. T. Geer of Marion county will More people than could find comfort- left for San Francisco Tuesday. C E Hoskins and wife to B F and address the people on political issues at 39 Good clean wheat.............. 1 able seating or even standing room were Take Simmons Liver Regulator in 1SSUKABCE COMPANY. Mary Halladay, forty-one hund- 30 Oats....................................... youth and you will enjoy a green old age. crowded into Garrison’s opera house the following times and places: Lafay- reths acres part Solomon Heater 30040 Butter.................................... Monday evening to listen to the address atte, Tuesday, May 22d at 1:30 p. m., Duncan Harris, who is serving Uncle 100 Eggs....................................... d 1 c t 3 r 3 ....... ........ . .............. and at McMinnville at 7:30 p. m.; Sheri­ 8@ 9c Sam at Fort Canby, is home on a few of Hon. Roswell G. Horr, associate edi­ RHODES A. RHODES, Agonta, dan, Wednesday. May 23d, at 7:30 p. m. John and E Bradley to Nathan $2 0002 50 Chickens. ............................. tor of the New York Tribune, formerly weeks’ furlough. Bradley, lots 222, 223 and of Turkeys.............. .................. .. 10c a It> member of congress from Michigan. Mr. Geer’s special mission will be to re­ McXINXVlLLE, OR. The Estey, Earbuff and Kimbtll The crowd was so great that some ap­ ply to the fallacies of Gov. Pennoyer, a 220 alsosw Js of lot 219 Dayton 2000 Ducks.................................... .. $3.5004 organs at C. Grissen’s. 20-4 Potatoes ............................... 25 prehension was felt about the sustaining task which be is thoroughly capable of T W Landingham et al to Yambill Co, roadway 30 ft wide part E C Custer Cot)>3 No. 5: The reception 5c capacity of the gallery, but a little thin­ performing to the queen’s taste. Turn Dressed Hogs....................... LOCAL NEWS. i Veal........... ......................... .. 4@4zMc 'Williams die............................. for the department officers will be post- ning out and a word of caution against | out and hear him. J K Wright to Chas K Spaulding, Seven loaves of bread for 25 cents at I poned until Thursday, May 24th. Baled hay, timothy.............. $11 applauding with the feet quieted the! “You Hie old, tuy dear grandma.' the little girl «< n half lot 3 blk 13 Hurley & Knus’ bakery. $9 eheat................ Painting the town red means headache feeling of nervousness. The stage had said << Large’s add to Newberg......... OJ $9 oats.................... Sire. F. £. Rogers is visiting her sister,' in the morning. Simmons Liver Reg i- been beautifully decorated by the wide- | As she lay by the fire with Dolly, awake republican ladies, and a number | ‘‘For as white as the snow are the hairs on your C L aud E M Cox to O & C R R lator prevents it. Mrs. Turner, at Sunnyside. retail market . Co parcel in Whitesou for depot head— of prominent republicans from various - Baled Straw......................... $6 Dr. Brown of Portland, grand medical 1 red Nelson of Corvallis has lieen vis­ Yet you always look rosy and Jolly. Mary A Carman et al to J K $19 Mixed Chop iting at home this week. examiner, and Judge Daley cf Dallas, parts of the county graced the platform.' “Fray tell me, dear grandma, the reason of this Wright n half lot 3 blk 13 Hur­ The McMinnville band and Lincoln club Why you always look healthy and sprightly, $20 Wheat Chop Clair Irvine of Independence visited I will lie the speakers at the A. O. U. W. ley & Large’s add to Newberg . quartet each outdid its former record in Why you never are pale when you give me a kiss. $18 Shorts......... picnic at Amity on the 26th. relatives in the city over Sunday. Why vou take such long walks morn and Ansel and Mary Savage to N N supplying music of high order. $20 Middlings .. You will not hear many brighter Tibido lots 1, 17 and 18, blk 44 Call at the feed store and look at L. nightly!” Sen. P. I’. Gates, chairman of the j Bran........... $15 speakers in this campaign than our on n Edwards’ add to Newberg . ICO L. Walker's bee hives and supplies. county committee, introduced Mr. Horr. “Tbe reason, my darling,” her grandma replied 3c per Oil Meal.... Oregon boy, T. T. Geer, who will talk iu “Is simple, It needs no description. Miss L M Haworth to Ansel Sav­ Many regret to hear of the continued He is a well conditioned gentleman, I’ve always been well, for I keep by my side L. E. Walker will buy all your pro­ the opera house Tuesday evening. age, lot 1 blk 44 Edwards’ add to serious illness of Unde Jeff Nelson. slightly above medium stature and A bottle of Pierce’s Prescription.” duce, paying the highest price in cash Newberg ...................................... the market will justify. He will sell A young brother of T. B. Kay and Mrweight, gray haired and apparently E. H. Woodward, editor of the New­ All ages, and all conditions of woman­ John Moore and wife to Ellen Man- you flour, feed, hay, oats, field and gar­ berg Graphic, whs u caller on conven­ O. P. Coshow died in Salem Monday. J , about sixty years of age. His manner hood will find just the help that woman den seeds as cheap as any other dealer. ock, 26 acres part T L Gwinn d number of the family friends and rela­ was pleasing aud naturally convincing, tion day. D street south of First National Bank. needs, iu Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­ Ict5r4 ....... ......................... 520 tives from here attended the funeral. aud his logic simple, powerful and con- tion. That’s a matter that’s guaran ­ He also carries a full line of Graham in If yon really want fine photos with David F Hollister to Elizabeth Hol­ small sacks, buckwheat, corn meal, George Barnhart, who has been in elusive, while all through his talk ran a teed . If it can ’ t be done, then the proper lighting go to Hogg, he is not wheat! eta, etc. Nursery stock a specialty. lister part lot 4 blk California since last December, is again vein of humor that would have done medicine costs you nothing—it’s makers turning out low grade trash. add to Sheridan . 3t>4 filling his place in the R eporter family, credit to Mark Twain iu his palmiest M eadow L ake .—My team will leave Assessor York expects to complete the Good keeping and generous climate have days. He started in by saying that in don't want your money. John Bain trustee to W Y Me- For all derangements, irregularities McMinnville Mondays, Wednesdays and field work of his assessment in about two apparently agreed with him. Cullom 12.67 acres part Jacob 1892 be visited twenty-two states in i the and weaknesses peculiar to the sex, weeks more. Shuck d 1 c 13 r3.. 700 Saturdays for Meadow Lake. Special “The flowers that bloom in the spring” Union, and in all of them he found the “Favorite Prescription” is the only rem­ trips when ordered. Round trip $2. August aud Ida Larsen to W D Webfoot fertilizer and land plaster for are not more vigorous than are those factories and workshops running on . full edy so certain that it can be guaranteed . Parker 40 acres part sec 36 12 r 4 350 Best fishing grounds in Oregon. Fine gardens at L. E. Walker’s. persons who purify their blood with time, workmen were employed and I re- If it fails to benefit or cure, you have health resort. Hotel accommodations John T Smith to Thos E White Wui. G. Palmer of Portland will soon Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The fabled Elixer ceiving good wages. New factories i were your money back. reasonable. Plenty of boats. Board, $1 lots 3 and 4 s half lots 2 and 5 move back to bis fine ranch in Bellevue Vitae could scarcely impart greater vi­ springing up everywhere to occupy new blk 10 Newberg .......................... 5 per day. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy positively township. vacity to the countenance than this won-, fields opened by the McKinley law. Re- tf R. B. H ibbs . Jesse and Mary E K Edwards to cukes catarrh. I cently he had visited fourteen of the Mr. Snuffer’s school from the Cowls derful medicine. G W Mitchell and Paleu Clark Veleraat will Celebrate. district, two hayrack loads strong, visit­ Don’t fail to see the gold wire artist in same states, and iu ail of them he found In Riconreiied Neasion. lots 1 and 2 blk 43 Edward’s add conditions of life and prosperity exactly All veterans of Yamhill county, in­ ed the city school on Friday afternoon. Snooks’ furniture store. Breastpins The republican convention of Yamhill to Newberg.................................. 65 cluding those who served in the Indian Rev. A. Melvin Williams of Albany with your name on for 25 cents. Brace­ the reverse of what they were in 1892. county met at the court house in this Chas F Moore aud wife to Geo W What has been the cause of so great a and Mexican wars and the war of the will preach in tbe C. P. church next lets 50 cents, made in two minutes. See Mitchell, L interest in blks 1, 2, change in so brief a period? Cleveland city, Monday, May 14th, pursuant to call rebellion, are hereby requested to assem­ Sunday morning and evening at the him at work. Saturday the last day. of the central committee, to nominate a 3 and 4 Deskins ’ 3d add to New ­ and his followers said it was the Sher­ ble in McMinnville on July 4th, to par­ usual hours. candidate for representative in place of Horr made one sure convert from de­ berg ......................................... . 600 man law. He convened congress in ex­ ticipate in the celebration of our nation­ G. W Branson, withdrawn from the mocracy to republicanism while here. While walking on stilts last Sunday U S to Edwin S Saling 302.63 tra session, and after nine weeks of delay al independence. It has been fully and I red Evenden, aged about eight years, The fellow shook hands with him and and show of incapacity to accomplish ticket. There were present full delega­ acres part sec 131 4 r 5............. . Pat definitely determined by the veterans to Son of John Evenden, fell and broke an told him so. Several did the same at . legislation, succeeded in repealing the tions from most precincts, a few places R Jacobson and wife to Malinda celebrate the day in McMinnville this arm below the elbow. Butler lots 5 and 6 blk 10 Row­ Dalia«. | Sherman law. Conditions have not im- being filled by proxies. The organiza­ year, and it is expected that other or­ land’s add to McMinnville.. 1500 The R eporter and Weekly Inter Ocean All Indian war veterans are requested proved, prosperity has not returned—af- tion effected at previous meeting was ganizations of the county and city, and maintained, J. C. Cooper in the chair, I W Case to E S W Case, 320 acres a year for $1.25. Hurry in yoursnbeerip- to meet in McMinnville on Decoration ter all the learned doctors had made a the citizens generally, will join in the E. H. Woodward secretary, and the part Green C Rogers and Mary day, May 30th, instead of June 1st, the mistake and pulled the wrong tooth. tion and tell your neighbors. preparations and the carrying out of a same as to committees, etc. Rogers dlct3r 2...................... 1 It was only a step of logic for Mr. McMinnville got three of the state day for the regular annual meeting. program appropriate to the great occa­ Nominations of favorites being called C apt . C. A. W allace . officers of the Woman’s Relief Corps at By order of Horr to show that the ascension to un­ sion. C. A. W allace . NOTICE. Hon J. W. Cusick, banker, of Albany, restrained power of a party in honor for, A. R. Burbank named J. D. Ladd of ltoseburg. Eesides those reported last Pres. Veterans' Asso. of Yamhill Co. Amity. 8. R. Baxter named J. T. week, Mrs. Emma Galloway was made at one time a lively candidate for treas­ pledged to destroy the system of protec- I will not be responsible for any debt A Popular Kemedy. urer in the republican ranks, was in the ' tion upon which the prosperity of the Gowdy of Dayton precinct, C. B. La- contracted by H. Schartzer. secretary. follett named Thos. M. Graves of Sheri ­ The promptness and certainty of its Those who have left orders with Dr. city this week, and heard the great i country has been based for thirty years, May 18, 1894. M rs . S. J. S bartzer . cure have made Chamberlain’s Cough would naturally result in the immediate dan. Wm. Chrisman named Cyrus f.owe for spectacles should call and get speech by Ex-Congressman Horr. Smith of Amity. K rause ’ s H eadache C ap 8U les —War­ Remedy famous. It is intended espe­ them this week, as he will be absent Fruit growers remember there will be paralysis if not the death of every in­ The first ballot showed Gowdy 77, ranted. For sale by Rogers Bros., sole cially for coughs, colds, croup and from the city all of next week. dustry in the country. Republican a call meeting of the county horticultural Smith 42, Graves 23, Ladd 10, scattering whooping cough, and is the most effec­ If you have to sell your wheat on the society held here Friday, May 25th, at speakers aud newspapers everywhere 2. Five votes in excess of the number agents, McMinnville. tual remedy known for these diseases. 4ii-cent basis, you can make up for some 10 a m., to consider the important foretold th e result; the only surprise was of delegates present caused this ballot to Death of Joliu Bird. Mr. C B. Main of Union City, Pa., says: of your loss by getting your grocery sup­ question of marketing fruit by eo-opera- that it came true so soon. A few facts in be thrown out. A second ballot gave The aged pioneer, John Bird, died in “I have a great sale of Chamberlain’s regard to the operation of tariff laws he tion. C. E. H oskins , Pres. plies of Millsap Cook. Gowdy 88, Smith 37, Ladd 6 and Graves Lafayette on the 13th inst., aged 84. The Cough Remedy. I warrant every bottle If ever a man feels like “a poor worm made clear to the fair and unprejudiced 18. Messrs. Johnson and Rohr, typoa of funeral was held on Monday, conducted and have never heard of one failing to the Oregonian force, visited McMinn­ of the dust," it is when he suffers from mind. Mr. Gowdy was declared the nominee by Rev. J. Hoberg, and was under the give entire satisfaction.” 50 cent bottles 1. It creates and builds up home in­ ville on bicycles Monday. They came that tired feeling. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla of the convention, and on motion of G. auspices of the Masonic fraternity. The for sale by S. Iloworth & Co. removes this discouraging physical con­ dustries. by way of Salem. W. Branson the nomination was made funeral was large, fifty carriages follow­ 2. Home industries furnish employ­ Temperance Addrm. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bogue left on dition and imparts the thrill of new life ment for our people and at better wages unanimous. ing deceased to the Henry cemetery. Monday for Nebraska, where they will and energy to every nerve, tissue, muscle Mr. Branson requested the privilege of Mr. Bird was born in Barren county, David Tatum, the Quaker temjierance than they would receive under free trade probably remain for some time. They and fibre of the whole body. saving a few words. He wanted to speak Kentucky, April 13th, 1810. At the age evangelist of Denver, Col., will address in competition with the pauper labor of I prescribe Simmons Liver Regulator,' a few words of encouragement in behalf of 21 he moved to Marshall county, Ills., the people on “Intemperance, Liquor have a daughter residing there. Europe. and it deserves all the praise it receives. I of the republican party and the ticket as and was married to Nancy Bland. Six and License, Our Nation’s Peril, The Mrs. Ungerman, F. E. Kogers and 3. Producing our goods at home en- now completed. “I am with you too'h children were born to them, of whom Home and Saloon and How to Save the Mr. anil Mrs. E. N. Ford are —Dr. D. W. Atkinson, Siloam, Ark, ■ ables us to keep our money at home and and toe-nail,” he said, and he urged Robert P., a merchant of Lafayette, is Boys,” at the Christian church, Tuesday In the habeas corpus proceedings be­ makes us an independent nation. at Pendleton this week as delegates to the grand lodge of Odd Fellows and fore Judge Burnett last Friday, insti-1 4. Protection does not increase the upon every republican the importance of the only one living. Deceased crossed evening, May 22d, at 8 p. m. The Rebekahs. tuted by . E. Martin to obtain custody cost of manufactured goods to the con- doing his duty at the polls this year. the plains with hie family in 1847, and speaker has been twenty years in the Hon. C. E. Wolverton, of Albany, of his little daughter, the mother of the ' sumer. The speaker said that in every Referring briefly to his own reasons for lived two years at Oregon City. In 1850 service and is a very effectual speaker was in the city Monday on his way to child won the case. Ati appeal was ■ j instance where an article had lieen pro­ withdrawing from the ticket, he stated he settled on the donation land claim and worker. All are invited. Portland. He is the republican candi­ taken, however, and pending the final tected by ample tariff duty the price had substantially what has already been one mile below Lafayette. He moved to hio , C itv of T oledo , t date for supreme judge, and a very hearing the girl is in the hands of Sheriff gone downward instead of upward. He published in these columns. He had town in 1864, and engaged in the hard­ S tate or L O ucas C ounty , j “• taken the course out of a sense of duty, ware business. The republicans elected Warren. plensunt gentleman. specified a number of articles, and then Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is him county treasurer in 1872, and he Professor II. Bettman and Mrs. Even-1 defied any free trader to mention an ar­ against the counsel of his friends. He The committee appointed by the fire was reelected for three terms. Political­ the senior partner of the firm of F. J. company to purchase furniture and den assisted by Professor Konrad, vio­ ticle of manufacture protected for four contradicted the report set afloat by ly, he was first a Whig, and afterwards a Cheney & Co., doing business in the city carpets for the city hall have let the loncellist, and Mr. F. Boyer, (of Boyer years on which the price had not gone some of the opposition, by saying that of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, most loyal republican. His wife died in not a single man in McMinnville had contract to Burns & Daniels. The new Glee Club, Portland,) will give a concert downwatd. This portion of his argument and that said firm will pay the sum of 1882. Alter living a number of years in the opera house, Friday evening. was convincing to a great nianv demo­ urged him to resign. supplies will cost about $150. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each with his son he married Mrs. H. D. Ai ­ and every case of Catarrh that cannot The marshal of Lafayette arrested a May 25th. Part of the proceeds for the cratic minds already pretty thoroughly i A Tboughttul Person derman, who died in 1890. Mr. Bird’s man named Oleson the first of the week, benefit of the firemen. Seats 50 and 25 self-converted to the tariff policy by the consults his best interests by having a death occurred just four years to the day be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh cents at Rogers Bros. ’ drugstore as j logic of recent events. F rank J. C beney . thinking he was the murderer wanted in box of Krause’s Headache Capsules at after that of his second wife. He was a Cure. 20 2 The populist doctrine of finance was Sworn to before me and subscribed in Washington county, but Sheriff Ford usual. band; taken as directed will prevent or member of the M. E. church from his Charley McKinney is the republican gone over and the fallacy of flat money stop any kind of a headache, no matter my presence, this 6th day of December, came up and decided he was not the youth, aud was one of the original trus­ nominee lor justice in this district. He idea shown up. Money, ho claimed, was what the cause, in fact if your skull was A. D. 1886. A. W. G leason , man. tees of the church at Lafayette. He had Notary Public. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, Miss is well calculated to fill the office. Much a thing in itself of material value, cracked it would prevent pain. 25 cts. been a Mason since 1359, and was an I SEAL. | Nora Cooper and Charles Nelson left on of his experience, notably his service ns adopted by universal agreement to be per box. For sale by Rogers Bros., sole honest, truthful and upright man. '"’i^alay to attend the assembly of the deputy clerk for a couple of years, has used as a medium of exchange and meas­ agents, McMinnville. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal­ UuuR^tu.nd Presbyterian church, which been in the line of qualifying him for ure of values of other articles. The only BICYCLE HIDE RS, ly and acts directly on the blood and Decoration Day Observance. convened in Eugene yesterday. The the duties of a justice. Both nominees good paper money was a promise of some I mucous surfaces of the system. Send Rtul Dealer« individual or collection of individuals to ' for the office are respectable and it is not The following program has been pre­ Are your eye» open? Are rou keeping tor testimonials, free. Oregon synod of this church will be held sbr ast of the times? Are you aware of pay in something else of value. France pared by the committee of arrangements the going to be any scrub race. at Woodburn on the 26th inst. feet that cemented tires have gone with F. J. CHENEY A CO.,Toledo, 0. the “ordinary” aud the at one time tried the experiment of fiat for decoration day, May 30th, exercises The public school graduation exer­ The reason you have heard no com­ solid aud cushion tires? fW’Sold by druggists, 75c. Are you aware also that plaint from the college students alsjut cises will he held on the last day of May money, by yielding to the ever increas­ to lie held at opera house: the “Rambier” clincher Salutation of the flag, by school Licenses to tlnrrr. I ward this year is because they buy their and first day of June, afternoons ar.d ing demand for more money. The re­ tires are being purchased aud use i by the leading supplies at Weed’s grocery and get tirBt- evenings of lioth days, at the opera sult was a collapse in which the people children. makers of the world? That M. Wacker, aged 27, to Annie Gran- Prayer, by Rev. Hoberg, chaplain. the “Rambler” is the light­ cliiss goods. Give them a call and be house. Two days are required to give all sustained the entire lose. strom, aged 20, on the 14th inst. Both of est, strongest, fastest and I Song, by Columbus school. a chance. The graduating class are all handsomest bicycle made McMinnville. convinced they do fair by all. Adversely Reported. ftwpn earth ? Thut It received Drill, by Cook school. ; five awards at the world's Granville Everest, aged 21, to Minnie T. D Henderson of the road district from the grammar grade, and at least J.air? Examine the teu Flower song, by kindergarten class. twenty in number. The program to be A call meeting of the McMinnville north of town is getting the highways in leading points that are on Groff, aged 19, on the 12th inst. Both of Recitation, by Ina Cooper. chamber of commerce met at city hall on no other machine but the Newberg. his jurisdiction in good condition. He rendered will be very entertaining. "KaniuiSr” and you are Song, by Cook school. May 15th. In the absence of the presi ­ convinced, lias found it necessary to make two as­ Give your pet dogs and cats Simmons “ Cycles ” with clincher tires from $45 to Drill, by Columbus school. sessments besides the day’s work for Liver Regulator, when sick—it will cure dent, Mr. A. J. Appersou was called to $85. “Rambler * roadsters. >85 to $90. Light Address, Pres. T. G. Brownson. the chair; C. Griesen secretary pro tem. roadsters. $ 105. “ Scorchers ” (24, 25 and 27 every $1,WO worth of property owned. them. pounds), $125. (Eastern list n rices: no hl th Song, by college glee club. The chairman stated that the business list with a big discount.) Catalogues aud When Baby was sick, we gave her Cartori*, The legality of a second assessment may The committee that has been at work The schools and all orders joiuiug in circular free for the askiug. We want live When she was a Child, she cried tor Castoria, l>e contested in the courts. The district soliciting subscriptions for a Fourth of of the meeting was consideration of the agents and dealers everywhere in Oregon, report of Major Post to the engineering the parade are requested to be at the Washington and Idaho. Write us at once. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, is a very large one. F bed . T. M ekicill C ycle C o ., July celebration, report good success, department at Washington. The report intersection of Third and D btreets 327 Washington street, Portland, Or. When she bad Children, she gave them Cantoris. A grave question confronts the coun­ something near two hundred dollars Wholesale and retail representatives P«. promptly at 9:30a. m., when the pro ­ being adverse, the expression uf citizens try in the treatment of the so-called “in­ having been raised and the field not en­ Oific Northwest. cession will be formed by the marshals Guarantees made good iu Portland. dustrial” armies, but pending its settle­ tirely gone over. The celebration is do conversant with the river, was, that Ma­ in the following order: Company B, ment you will make no mistake if you longer in question, the size of it being jor Post’s opinions and objections were The Salvation Army opened meetings G. A. R., I. W. V., Sons of Veterans, not based upon facts, but strongly biased buy your bakery and confectionery sup­ the only thing undetermined. That it Lowest prices on stationery aud music I at the old Apperson stand the first of the VV. R. C., Cook school, Columbus school, at C. Griesen's. 19tf plies of Will Kuns. A choice lot of or­ will be of generous proportions, however, against the real interests at stake. week. They are drawing crowded On motion of Mr. Hodson a committee kindergarten, etc. Line of march will anges going very cheap. ‘ •Dressmaking ” signs 2oc ready printed houses, and a number of church people is certain. of five, including the chairman, was ap­ extend from place of forming procession Dr. Minty has left a sample of wool at The effects of the frost the fore part of pointed to investigate the matter, obtain down north side of Third street to A, are working in harmony with them. at this office. this office which measures nineteen last week were not as disastrous to Those who are behind with their taxes full information from Washington and thence across to south side of Third, They make music—or try to—with a inches in length. It is from an imported fruit prospects as many feared. It varies report to the chamber of commerce at an thence east to opera house. Union tenor horn, tambourine and basts drum, had better call and settle before the 20th yearling Cotswold owned by John Red­ according to locality. Prunes appear to of the month, or costs will be added early date. Appointed as committee, O. services will be held at the opera house besides singing. mond. Notwithstanding its great length have suffered most and will be a short after that time. W. L. W arren , O. Hodson, Wyatt Harris, E. Wright, A. Sunday, May 27th. All are cordially in­ A romtcrlor Travelers. the wool is of very fine texture. The crop. Cherry trees in this locality seem J. Apperson and C. Grissen. vited to attend. The I. W. V., G. A. R., Sheriff. While Mr.T.J. Richey, of Altona, Mo., fleece of the sheep weighed 18J£ pounds. to be well laden still. Apples are not Co. B and Sons of Veterans are each re­ When you want anything in the jew­ Adjourned. C. G rissen , was traveling in Kansas he was taken Fruitgrowers who are alive to their perceptibly injured, and some varieties quested to attend iu a body. elry line remember Wm. F. Dielschnei- Sec. pro tem. violently ill with cholera morbus. He interests, will lose no time before de­ of pears are all right while others have called at a drugstore to get some medi­ der. He competes for quality and quan­ Of all the remedies that have ever cine, and the druggist recommended tity. stroying tbe webs of tbe tent caterpillar, suffered more or lees. J. P. Irvine wants to know who it is which are more numerous than usual Prof. W. J. Spillman, late of the state that can sell groceries cheaper than he come under our notice, claiming to cure Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dia­ The Estey, Earhuff and Kimball or­ this spring. A torch applied in the early normal of Monmouth, visited at the can for net cash. Below we give you a headache from whatever cause, we take rrhoea Remedy so highly he concluded to gans at C. Griesen's. 19tf pleasure in saying that we know of none try it. The result was immediate relief, morning when the dew is on or hand home of his sister, Mrs. J. C. Cooper, few of our cash prices: Leave your order for a good, fat chick­ and a few doses cured him completely. picking in a tin pan are approved meth­ this week. As is pretty generally known, Arbuckle’s or Big 4 Coffee per pkg . 25c that in our estimation it is us beneficial It is made for bowel complaint and noth­ en, dressed for Sunday dinner. D street ods. In many cases webs are not yet he has accepted a call to the chair of Best Costa Rica green Coffee 4}^ lb $1 00 for the quick and permanent cure of the ing else. It never faits. For sale by S. market. formed, and the worms may be found by agriculture in the Washington state ag­ 17 lbs Granulated Sugar for----- ... $1 Ou above complaint as Krause’s Headache Iloworth & Co. Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, Real Capsules which are manufactured by the hundreds upon leaves where they have ricultural college at Pullman, with liber­ 18 lbs Extra C Sugar for ....$1 00 Notice to Contractors. Estate Mortgages, etc., always on sale at well-known family chemist, Norman just hatched. Eternal vigilance is fast al salary. His first duty is to visit the 16 lbs best Rice for.................... ....$100 tf Sealed bids will be received until 4 p. this office. becoming the price of fruit in Oregon. agricultural experiment stations of Kan­ Pickles per keg........................... .... 90 Lichty, of Des Moines, Iowa. Krause’s m., May 23d, 1894, by the board of school Horsemen who have their printing Successful applicants at the teacher’s sas, Missouri and Wisconsin, to investi­ Syrup, best jackets.................... ....$2 25 Headache Capsules are guaranteed to directors of district No. 16, North Yam­ done at this office are always assured of cure headache from whatever cause, and public examination for May, 1894, in gate plans of work and methods of study, Syrup in kegs............................. $130 we cheerfully advise those of the retail hill, Oregon, for the erection and com­ satisfaction. Good selection of type and Yamhill county, were: Misses Clara and each year he will devote three months Coal oil per can......................... ....$105 trade who have never kept the above pletion of a new school building. Plans cuts, prompt and accurate work and Irvine, Marian Sully, Hallie Pope. to similar work. He left for the east on Coal oil, fill jacket..................... .... 75 valuable goods in stock, to order a sup­ and specifications may be seen at J. A. prices to suit the timeB. Call in. Claudine Clark, Flora Henderson, L. S. Tuesday. Can corn per can........................ .... 10 ply at once from their wholesale drug­ Brisbine’s drug store, North Yamhill, or D. A. Smith, the watchmaker and Fellows, Carrie Schenk, Mr. Alfred Snuf­ Our extremely virtuous mud-eating Tomatoes per can 10c, 3 for .... .... 25 at the office of Chas. H. Burgraf, arch­ jeweler, carries a good line of clocks, gist, or address the proprietors as above. fer, McMinnville; Misses Jessie Palmer, cotemporary finds scope for its greatest No credit in the above prices. That is itect, Salem. The board reserves the watches, jewelry and silverware, at —[The Druggists Record, Baltimore. Libbie Morris, Anna Shearer, Florence abilities in attacking the musical quartet cash down. 20-2 right to reject any or all bids. For sale by Rogers Bros., sole agents, reasonable figures. He makes a specialty Cook, Newberg; Emma Crumb, Sheri­ of Lincoln republican cluh. It was very McMinnville. of repairing fine watches. dan; Mrs. M. A Halladay, Springbrook; wicked and bad of them to make light of A Dairyman'« Opinion. The bicyclists are constructing a quar- People who are drinking Standard Miss Zellia Harty, Amity; Mr. J. W the democratic and populistic brethren, There is nothing I have ever used for ter-mile track on tbe Martin land on R. L. Harris of Dayton was elected sun-dried tea are enjoying sweet and Pixley, Newberg; Mr. Edwes Cary, La­ who are in no condition to comprehend, muscular rheumatism that gives me as north B Rtreet, and expect to have it grand patriarch at the meeting of the fayette; Mr. R. V. Jackson, L. H. De­ much less appreciate, a little good-natured much relief as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm ready for fourth of July races, when restful sleep, and get up feelingas bright grand lodge of Oddfellows at Pendleton. Ford, Miss Luey DeFord, Dayton; Mr. fun. If they could sing themselves they does. I have been using it for about two fifty wheelmen from Portland are ex- and fresh as a June morning. Irvine 1 M. Wacher and Miss Annie Granstrom pected to visit McMinnville. A ball sells it. W. M. Fryer, North Yamhill. There might retaliate in kind, but the demo­ years—four bottles in all—as occasion re­ There will be a grand 3-day picnic and were two applicants for state diplomas, crats and populists are just now in an quired, and always keep a bottle of it in were married in thia city by Justice ground is also being prepared. viz: A. M. Sanders of McMinnville and interesting attitude, resembling a very my home. I believe I know a good thing Rhodes on the 14th. They will live in I Sunday’s Oregonian contains a dis- Independence celebration at Meadow i Lake, July 3d, 4th and 5th. Program! Miss Joseie Shearer of Newberg. large toad being swallowed by a very when I get holt of it, and Pain Balm is Willamina. patch from The Dalles saying Dan Ma- . tf the best liniment I have ever met with. small snake, both parties to the affair Sam Yick, a rather popular Chinaman lonev and Chas. Snelling had been ar­ will be announced later. When the hair begins to fail out or turn gray, the scalp needs doctoring, and being entitled to the utmost sympathy. W. B. Denny, dairyman, New Lexing­ who left here for his native country two rested for stealing two horses belonging TXT ANTED—Pushing Canvasser of good ad- we know of no better specific than Hall’s • No levity should be tolerated while this ton, Ohio. 50 cent bottles for sale by S. or three years ago, has returned with his I to Mr. Doyle. Maloney claimed he pur- V ’ dress. Liberal salary and expenses paid ' weekly. Permanent position. BROWN BROS. Howorth & Co. I family and is now in Portland. I chased the horses from the Indians. Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. is going on. CO., Nurserymen, Portland, Oregon. 19-s QUARDIANsss------ Why Don't you Use One of those A ssets $24, 000,000. STUDEBAKER WAGONS On which to haul your Lumber from JONES <£• ADAMS’ Sawmill or Lumber Yard * For the House you are going to build ? And as you pass their Store stop and get your H ardware , S ash , D oors , P aints , E tc You can have your house completed in time to cut your hay with a Woods Tubular Steel Mower, and then if you use the “Minnie” Binder you will be happy. Call and examine our Stock. JONES & ADAMS, 3d St., McMinnville 14-incli Plows, $12.50 Lawn Mowers, 4.50 Harrows, 8.00 Everything Else in Proportion A Large, Handsome and Varied Line of BEST PAINTS ON THE MARKET THE P. F». P. NEW GOODS AT WEED’S GROCERY THIS WEEK Cabbage Cauliflower Strawberries e lbs Two-Crown Raisins, 28 Cents. Lion Coffee 28c per Package. Best Green Costa Rica Coffee 28c per lb. We can sell goods cheaper than any house in town for cash We pay highest market price for ail farm produce. iooo Bush. Burbank Potatoes Wanted at Highest market Price. C. M. WEED, AT Our Spring and Summer Stock ----- IS COMPLETE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. In spite of the hard times, we have purchased a Better and Larger Stock than usual, direct from the Manufacturers, at low figures, and we propose giving the benefit to our customers. Our stock consists of Styles in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Millinery, A ll F irst C lass G oods And Prices According to the Times. TAILOR SHOP IN CONNECTION. R. JACOBSON.